Arts, Culture & Heritage
Harbour-front Enhancement Review – Wan Chai, Causeway Bay & Adjoining Areas Realization Stage Public Engagement Report – Annex Volume Annex IIa – Workshop 1 – Arts, Culture & Heritage (21.10.06) Harbour-front Enhancement Review – Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas (HER) Realization Stage Notes of Community Workshop 1 Focus Theme: Arts, Culture & Heritage Date: 21 October 2006 Time: 2:00pm – 5:30pm Venue: YMCA College of Careers (HK Centre), Rm 202 & 204, 2/F, 4 Harbour Road, Wan Chai Introduction 1. Ms. Betty Ho (何小芳女士), MC of the Community Workshop 1, briefed the meeting agenda Welcoming remarks by Mr. K Y Leung (梁剛銳先生), Chairman of Harbour-front Enhancement Committee (HEC) sub-committee on Wan Chai Development Phase II Review (WDII) Presentation on the Proposed Concept Plan by Mr. Eric Ma (馬紹祥先生), Maunsell Presentation on the Sustainable Development (“SD”) assessment framework by Dr. Winnie Law ( 羅惠儀博士), Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM) Floor discussion about the Proposed Concept Plan Presentation on Wan Chai Waterfront Heritage by Dr. Wai-kwan Chan (陳 偉群博士), The Conservancy Association (CA) (長春社): Break-out session Group Presentation Closing remarks by Mr. K Y Leung (梁剛銳先生), HEC 2. Welcoming remarks by Mr. K Y Leung (梁剛銳先生), HEC Mr. K Y Leung (梁剛銳先生) briefed the current progress of Harbour-front Enhancement Review – Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Adjoining Areas (HER); and the objectives of the realization stage: a) There will be 3 stages in the study of HER. b) Stage I, Envisioning Stage, was carried out to engage the public for their opinions and visions on harbour-front enhancement and completed by 1 November of 2005 c) Various comments were received on the need for the construction of Central - Wan Chai Bypass (CWB).
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