PRODUCTION COMPANIES ABD PRODUCTIONS LTD. (902) 471-0504 Halifax, NS C. (902) 866-3490 CONTACT Bud Delaney E.
[email protected] CREDITS In Real Life/Apt 11 Productions, Montreal (2011); Broken Soldiers (Doc.)/Clerisy Entertainment, Dartmouth, NS (2011); Fallen Soldiers (Doc.)/Clerisy Entertainment, Dartmouth NS (2011); Nova Scotia Revealed (13 1/2 hrs Series)/Clerisy Entertainment, Dartmouth NS (2011); The Marilyn Dennis Show/CTV, segments (2010 ‘11) DESCRIPTION Sony PMW350 Camera, full HD Broadcast quality, light kits, wireless mic’s, 10” camera boom, Steadicam. I have worked with the Sony EX1, Panasonic P2 camera the HDX900 and the Canon DSLR 7D. ARCADIA ENTERTAINMENT INC. (902) 446-3414 6454 Quinpool Road, Suite 301 F. (902) 446-3416 Halifax, NS B3L 1A9 E.
[email protected] CONTACT John Wesley Chisholm, David Glover W. CREDITS National Geographic International, History Television, National Geographic US, VisionTV, CBC, Shaw Media DESCRIPTION Gemini Nomination - TV with TV’s Jonathan Torrens; Best Direction - International Documentary - New York International Film and Video Festival - Chasing Wild Horses; Yorkton Film Festival - Best Environmental Documentary - Buried at Sea. BALLISTIC FILM PRODUCTIONS INC. (902) 488-8258 MEMBER 36 - 3045 Robie Street E.
[email protected] CMPA, Halifax, NS B3K 4P6 W. NSMPIA CONTACT Chris Turner CREDITS Clean Sweep, Like Father, Window’s Cove, Tokyo TV, Whirligig (Multiplatform) DESCRIPTION Ballistic Film Productions Inc. develops, creates and distributes popular appeal feature films, television programming, and internet content for the world market. VISIT US AT WWW.FILMNOVASCOTIA.COM 101 PRODUCTION COMPANIES BIG MOTION PICTURES LIMITED (902) 275-1350 MEMBER 5 Pleasant Street, 2nd Floor, P.O.