news 1 Spring 2016 events diary Wednesday 20 April Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown Study Day at Ashburnham Place, East Sussex Wednesday 20 April Designation & Historic Landscapes workshop at Nottinghamshire County Hall Friday 22 April ‘Capability’ Brown in Yorkshire, at Wentworth Castle, South Yorkshire Tuesday 26 April Clumps and Concrete: talk by Dr Oliver Cox at RGS, London Thursday 12 May The Significance of Historic Parks & Gardens at Burghley House 14 to 20 May Garden Study tour of south west Scotland 21 May Chelsea Fringe 2016. Exploring Arcadian Thames: discovering ‘Capability’ Brown 3 to 5 June The Suburban Garden: Annual Study Weekend at Rewley House, Oxford Wednesday 8 June Visit to Dropmore and Cliveden, Bucks 11 to 15 July Late 18th century Landscapes of Paris & Isle de France Study Tour 1 to 4 September The New Research Symposium, AGM, and ‘Capability’ Brown Tercentenary Conference, at Robinson College, Cambridge 9 to 11 September ‘Capability’ Brown: perception and response in a global context, with ICOMOS-UK and the University of Bath, at the University of Bath Tuesday 29 November Keeping the memory green: records of small gardens. Conference with the British Records Association at the Linnean Society, London 2018 March Japan Study Tour Details and booking information for all these events can be found at our website: GT news correspondence and items to The Gardens Trust head office, labled GT news or email the editor Charles Boot:
[email protected] GT news deadlines: 1 February & I August, distribution 1 March & 1 September GT micro-news deadlines: 10 May & I0 November, distribution 1 June & 1 December with our journal GT news ISSN 1475-8377 Design and layout by Charles Boot Printed by Lavenham Press, 47 Water Street, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9RN rust T dens r a G Sussex Looking through the riverine landscape at Ashburnham Place, East Sussex.