Old Brooklyn News Serving our Community Since 1978 Summer 2016 Volume 38 Issue 7 Bearded Buch finds home on broadview and tells us what kombucha is! p23 Cleveland Summer Cinema Back and Bigger than Ever p10 Playground Crawl OBR Families search for the best swings p7 We speak Spanish “Se Habla Español” Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation 2 Dear Reader, Whether this is the first time you’ve read the Old Brooklyn News (OBN) or you’ve been an ongoing subscriber, welcome to this exciting edition of your community paper. Old Brooklyn is home to beautiful residences, small businesses passed down for generations, the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and hundreds of acres of greenspace. For 38 years the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation (OBCDC) has published the OBN bringing resi- dents, businesses and guests news and stories about our corner of Cleveland. Our new format allows us to bring content right to your doorstep with free home delivery to all Old Brooklyn addresses. After this special edition, issues will be delivered in September, December, March, and June. Ongoing and time sensitive updates will always be shared on OldBrooklyn.com, as well as through OBCDC’s bi-weekly eNewsletter and social me- dia. Sign up for the e-news at OldBrooklyn.com and follow OBCDC on facebook, twitter (@obcdc) and Instagram (old. brooklyn). This issue celebrates some of the best of summer in Old Brooklyn. For future editions we invite our readers to submit ideas about what makes Old Brooklyn a great place to grow. Please send those ideas to
[email protected].