Economic Research: A QE Q&A: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Quantitative Easing Chief Global Economist and Head of Global Economics & Research: Paul J Sheard, New York (1) 212-438-6262;
[email protected] Table Of Contents How do central banks implement monetary policy in normal times? What is "quantitative easing"? What are central bank reserves, and how do they fit into a central bank's balance sheet? How do bank reserves relate to foreign exchange reserves? How does QE fit into a central bank's monetary policy tool kit? Couldn't a central bank implement negative interest rates rather than do QE? Why do central banks need a tool like QE? Why is it so important that the central bank have, and be seen to have, an unlimited capacity to ease financial conditions? Mechanically, how does QE work? Conceptually, how does QE work? How does QE relate to government debt management? WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT AUGUST 7, 2014 1 1352014 | 301765622 Table Of Contents (cont.) How does QE relate to the "shadow banking system"? What is the difference between "quantitative easing" and "credit easing"? Is QE a powerful monetary easing tool? Is QE "printing money"? How is QE not the same as "helicopter money"? Is QE the same as "financing" or "monetizing fiscal deficits"? Does QE operate through a stock or a flow effect? How can a central bank exit from QE? Will the Fed be able to raise interest rates while continuing to "do QE" (maintain an enlarged balance sheet)? How do overnight reverse repurchase transactions fit in?