1. 29 July 1768

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1. 29 July 1768 1. 29 July 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds May 1768 Friday to Friday July 27th 29 NSW Remarkable Occurences on Board His Majestys Bark Endeavour, River Thames ----------------- Moderate and fair weather, at 11 am hoisted the Pendant, and took charge of the Ship agreeable to my Commission of the 25.th Instant, She Lying in the Bason in Deptford Yard. From this day to the 21st of July we were constantly employed in fitting the Ship, takeing on board stores and Provisions, &ca. the next day when we saild from Deptford and anchor'd in Gallions reach, were we remain'd until the 30th. The transactions of each day both while we lay here and at Deptford, are inserted in the Logg Book and as they contain nothing but common Occurrences it was thought not necessary to insert ^ them here. 2. 7 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds May 1768 July to Augst 30 7th Saturday July 30:thWeigh'd from Gallions ^with the wind at W.and made sail down the River, the same day anchor'd at Gravesend, and the next morning wiegh'd from thence, and at Noon Anchor'd at the Bouy of the Fairway. On Wednesday 3rd of Augt in the Downs in 9 fathom water, Deal Castle NWBW. On Sunday the 7th I Joined the Ship, discharged the Pilot and the next Day sail'd for Plymouth. 3. 8 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Monday 8 WBN NW Monday, 8th Fresh Breeze at NW and Clowdy weather the most part of these 24 hours. At 10 am weigh'd and came to sail. At Noon the south Foreland bore NE1/2 N Distant 6 or 7 Miles. 4. 9 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Tuesday 9 NW to North Gentle breeze Northerly and Clowdy weather. At 7 pm the Tide being against us. Anchor'd in 13 fathom water, Dungeness SWBW At 11 AM weigh'd and made Sail down Channell at Noon, Beachey head,NBE1/2 E Distant 6 Leagues, Latd observed 50° 30' North. 5. 10 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Wednesday 10 WBN NEBE Variable light airs and Clear weather. At 8 pm Beachey Head NEBE Distant 4 Leagues and at 8 am it bore NEBN, 9 Leagues, found the Variation of the Compass to be 23° West. At Noon the Isle of Wight NWBW 6. 11 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Thursday 11 Var'ble Light airs and clear weather. At 8 pm Dunnose NWBW. 5 Leagues, and at 4 am it bore NNE 1/2 5 Distce 5 Leagues. 7. 12 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Friday 12 Easterly Light airs Eastly or and Calms all these 24 hours. At Noon the Bill of Portland bore NW1/2 N Distant 3 Leagues. Latd Obserd 50° 24' North. 1 2 8. 13 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Week Days Month Days Winds Thursday 13 Var'ble D.o Weather. At Noon the Start Point West 7 or Eight Miles, Latd Observ'd 50° 12' N which must be the Latitude of the Start, as it bore West. 9. 14 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Sunday 14 NEerly Fine breeze at NE and clear weather. At 1/2 past 8 pm Anchor'd in the entrance of Plymo Sound in 9 fathom water. At 4 am weigh'd and worked into proper Anchoring ground, and Anchor'd in 6 fathom the Mewstone SE, Mount Batten NNE1/2 E and Draks Island NBW Dispatched an express to London for Mr Banks and Dr Solander to join the ship, their Servants and baggage being already on board. 10. 15 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Monday 15 SW to SE First and latter parts Moderate breeze and fair, Middle squally with heavy showers of rain ^winds from SW toSE. I this day received an order to augment the Ship's Compney to 85 Men which before was but 70. Reced on board fresh beef for the Ships Compney. 11. 16 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Tuesday 16 SSE NE Winds from SSE to NE First part moderate and hazey Middle hard squalls with rain, the latter moderate and fair. Received on board a supply of Bread, Beer, and Water. A Serg:t, Corpl, a Drummer, and Nine Private Marines as part of the Complement. 12. 17 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Wednesday 17 SE to EBS Little wind ^Easterly and hazey weather. Sent some Cordage to the Yard in order to be exchanged for smaller. Several Ship wrights and Joiners from the Yard Employ'd on board refiting the gentlemens Cabbins, and making a Platform over the Tiller, &ca. 13. 18 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Thursday 18 Easterly Little wind and Clowdy. Struck down 4 guns into the hold, received on board 4 more with 12 Barrels of Powder and several other stores. Shipwrights and Joiners Empd on board. 14. 19 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Friday 19 NW to SW ^Winds from NW to SW Former part little wind with rain remainder fair weather; am Read to the Ships Company the articles of War and the Act of Parliament, they likewise were paid two Months Wages in advance. I also told them that they were to expect any additional ^pay for the performance of our intended Voyage, they were well satisfied, and express'd great chearfullness and readyness to prosecute the Voyage. Received on board another supply of Provisions, Rum, &ca. 2 3 15. 20 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Saturday 20 WSW First part little wind with rain, remainder fresh gales ^at WSW and thick rainy weather. Empd making ready for sea. 16. 21 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Sunday 21 SW WSW ^Winds at SWBWFresh gales and Do Weather. The Shipwrights having finished their woork, intended to have sail'd, instead of which was oblig'd to let go another anchor. 17. 22 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Monday 22 SW Fresh Gales, with heavy squalls of Windat SW and rain all this 24 hours. 18. 23 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Tuesday 23 WSW Do wea:r Struck yards and Topmasts. Anchor'd between the Island and the Main His Majesty's Ship Gibraltar. 19. 24 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Wednesday 24 Fresh Gales and hazey weather.AM hove up the Small Bower Anchor and got up yards and Topmasts. 20. 25 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Thursday 25 Winds NBW NWBW Winds from W to NW Moderate & Clowdy weather. AM received on board a Supply of Beer & Water and return'd all our empty Casks. Loosed the Topsails as a Sigl for sailing. 21. 26 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Course Distce Latd in Longd in Bearings at West from Noon Greenwich Friday 26 NBW NW S 21° E. 23 M:l 49° 30 5° 52' W Lizard N 21° WBS W. Dist. 23 miles. First part fresh breeze and Clowdy, remainder little wind and Clear. At 2 pm got under sail and put to Sea, having on board 94 persons including Officers Seamen Gentlemen and their Servants, near 18 months provisions, 10 Carriage guns, 12 Swivels with good store of Ammunition and stores of all kinds. At 8 the Dodman Point WNW, Distt 4 or 5 Leagues; at 6 AM the Lizard bore WNW1/2 W 5 or 6 Leagues Distt. At Noon Sounded and had 50 fathoms Grey sand with small stones and broken shells. 22. 27 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Course Distce Latd in Longd in Bearings at West from Noon Greenwich 3 4 Saturday 27 NW NE SE SW 77 M 48° 42' 6° 42' N. 29° E 80 miles First part Light airs and clear weather, remainder fresh breeze and clowdy. Birthed the Ship's Compney, mustered the chests and stove all that were unnecessary. 23. 28 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Course Distce Latd in Longd in Bearings at West from Noon Greenwich Sunday 28 Easterly S 48° W 130 M 47° 16' 9° 7' W Lizd N 40° 45' E 69 leagues Former part fresh gales and hazey with rain remainder a Moderate breeze and Clowdy. 24. 29 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Course Distce Latd in Miles Longd in Bearings at West from Noon Greenwich Monday 29 NWerly 21° W 41 M 46° 38' 9° 29' W Lizd N 37° 45' E 86 leagues Light Airs and Hazey the most part of these 24 hours with some rain. 25. 30 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Course Distce Latd in Longd in Bearings at West from Noon Greenwich Tuesday 30 Westerly S 27° W 33 M. Lat 46° 9' 9° 52' Lizd N 36° E 96 leagues Fresh gales all these 24 Hours. At ½ past 1 pm spoke with His Majestys Ship Guadeloupe. at 6 am close Reefed the Topsails and got down topgt Top Yards. 26. 31 August 1768 Week Days Month Days Winds Course Distce Latd in Longd in Bearings at West from Noon Greenwich Wednesday 31 West to W S 36° E 82 M. 45° 3' 8° 43' W Lizd NNE Dist. 105 leagues Fore and middle parts Moderate breeze and clear, latter fresh Gales and clowdy. At 6 pm loosed the 2nd reef out of the Topsails and at 8 am took them in again. At Noon Tacked and stood to the NW, having stood before to the southward.
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