A Survey on Graph Drawing Beyond Planarity Walter Didimo1, Giuseppe Liotta1, Fabrizio Montecchiani1 1Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universit`adegli Studi di Perugia, Italy fwalter.didimo,giuseppe.liotta,
[email protected] Abstract Graph Drawing Beyond Planarity is a rapidly growing research area that classifies and studies geometric representations of non-planar graphs in terms of forbidden crossing configurations. Aim of this survey is to describe the main research directions in this area, the most prominent known results, and some of the most challenging open problems. 1 Introduction In the mid 1980s, the early pioneers of graph drawing had the intuition that a drawing with too many edge crossings is harder to read than a drawing of the same graph with fewer edge crossings (see, e.g., [35, 36, 72, 190]). This intuition was later confirmed by a series of cognitive experimental studies (see, e.g., [180, 181, 203]). As a result, a large part of the existing literature on graph drawing showcases elegant algorithms and sophisticated data structures under the assumption that the input graph is planar, i.e., it admits a drawing without edge crossings. When the input graph is non-planar, crossing minimization heuristics are used to insert a small number of dummy vertices in correspondence of the edge crossings, so to obtain a planarization of the input graph. A crossing-free drawing of the planarization can be computed by using one of the algorithms for planar graphs and then the crossings are reinserted by removing the dummy vertices. This approach is commonly adopted and works well for graphs of relatively small size, up to a few hundred vertices and edges (see, e.g., [87, 152]).