Readings – Week 3
Readings – Week 3 Anonymous, Epitome de caesaribus (Epitome of the Caesars), 16.1-20.10 [Epit. Caes. 16.1– 20.10] 16. Marcus Aurelius Antonius ruled eighteen years. 2. He showed himself to possess all virtues and a celestial character, and was thrust before public calamities like a defender. For indeed, if he had not been born to those times, surely, as if with one fall, all of the Roman state would have collapsed. 3. Since there was never rest from arms, and wars were raging through all Oriens, Il- lyricum, Italy, and Gallia, and there were earthquakes not without the destruction of cities, inun- dations of rivers, numerous plagues, species of locusts which infested fields, there is almost nothing by which mortals are accustomed to be vexed with the most serious difficulties that is able to be described which did not rage while he was ruling. 4. I believe that it has been be- stowed by divine providence that, when the law of the universe or nature produces or something else unknown to men, they are appeased by the counsels of honest men as by the remedies of medicine. 5. With a new kind of benevolence, he admitted his own relative, Lucius Annius Verus, to a share of power. This is the Verus who, while journeying between Altinum and Concordia, died, in the eleventh year of power, as a result of a surge of blood, a disorder which the Greeks call apoplexy. 6. He was a poet, mostly of tragedies, studious, of a rugged and lascivious character. 7. After Lucius’ demise, Marcus Antoninus controlled the state alone.
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