EURASIA Kalashnikov and Youth Patriotism OE Watch Commentary: In September 2017, Kremlin authorities unveiled a statue in downtown Moscow dedicated to the designer of the AK-47, Mikhail Kalashnikov. At the time, some observers suggested that this new statue reflected not only an appreciation for Kalashnikov’s weapon design, but the Kremlin’s increased focus on defense and military readiness. This emphasis of defense preparedness continues today. As the brief excerpt from the pro-government news agency points out, in November, the “Ministry of Education suggested that Russian schools conduct a 10 November lesson on the centenary of the birth of designer Mikhail Kalashnikov.”

The excerpt stresses that “the nation-wide lesson with machine guns will help to form a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren ‘as a spiritual and moral category,’ lay ‘the foundations of national self-awareness’ and raise in children ‘a sense of responsibility and duty towards the Motherland, the formation of readiness to protect it.’” More importantly, the article points out that this “focus on Kalashnikov’s centenary should “help to increase the interest of schoolchildren in military service in the Russian Armed Forces, in military specialties and studies in the country’s military universities, in their physical and psychological preparation for service in the Armed Forces.”

A key portion of the lesson will allow a contest where “children will compete to assemble and disassemble the AK-47 and AK-74.” Providing an international aspect to the lesson, the excerpt also points out that “schoolchildren will also be offered to compare domestic Kalashnikov assault rifles with an American-made M-16 .” The article concludes by describing the “Parade of Preschool Troops” which was held earlier this year and where over 500 children “marched across the area at the Eternal Flame in the Russian weapon designer, Mikhail Kalashnikov. form of foot soldiers, tankmen, pilots, sailors, artillerymen and nurses. The children were Source: CCA 4.0 Intl also wearing modern camouflage and held toy weapons in their hands.” The article quotes a local education expert who claims that “the sooner patriotic education begins, the healthier the society is.” End OE Watch Commentary (Finch)

“It is expected that the nation-wide lesson with machine guns will help to form a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren “as a spiritual and moral category”

Source: “Российским школьникам предложили отпраздновать столетие Калашникова с автоматами,” [Russian students were invited to celebrate the centenary of Kalashnikov with machine guns], 29 October 2019.

The Ministry of Education suggested that Russian schools conduct a November 10 lesson on the centenary of the birth of designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, in which children will compete to assemble and disassemble the AK-47 and AK-74…. It is expected that the nation-wide lesson with machine guns will help to form a sense of patriotism among schoolchildren “as a spiritual and moral category”, lay “the foundations of national self-awareness” and raise in children “a sense of responsibility and duty towards the Motherland, the formation of readiness to protect it.” In addition, the focus on Kalashnikov’s centenary should “help to increase the interest of schoolchildren in military service in the Russian Armed Forces, in military specialties and studies in the country’s military universities, in their physical and psychological preparation for service in the Armed Forces,” according to the recommendations for conducting the lesson. In addition to assembling and disassembling the AK-47 and AK-74, schoolchildren will also be offered to compare domestic Kalashnikov assault rifles with an American-made M-16 assault rifle. Students of all ages are invited to participate in the lesson. Russian designer of small arms Mikhail Kalashnikov was born on November 10, 1919. The AK-47 he invented is considered one of the most sought-after automatic weapons in the world. On May 7, a “Parade of Preschool Troops” was held in the center of Pyatigorsk, in which more than 500 children took part. They marched across the area at the Eternal Flame in the form of foot soldiers, tankmen, pilots, sailors, artillerymen and nurses. The children were also wearing modern camouflage, they held toy weapons in their hands, saluted and laid flowers at the memorial. According to Natalya Vasyutina, the head of the education department of the Pyatigorsk administration, this parade was supposed to help teach children how to behave properly. In her opinion, “the sooner patriotic education begins, the healthier the society is.”

OE Watch | December 2019 13