P/Y?Fdl/Dzze É; É ” Ova/612612,) 11' 1-1' 11' 1-1 {11 in 151 E1 11 121W
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United States Patent 1191 [11] Patent Number: 4,690,025 Hines et al. [45] Date of Patent: Sep. 1, 1987 [54] MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT BOARD 4,463,649 8/1984 Tokusl'iima ......................... .. 84/118 GAME OTHER PUBLICATIONS [75] Inventors: gi’bm Hkfllgneg; Mlc'llla?l R‘ 11 f Donald P. Pederson et al ii, Introduction to Electronic T a?s?oc ’ ruce 0 nson’ a 0 Systems, Circuits, an Devices, McGraw-Hill Book Com “ a Oma’ em‘ pany, copyright 1966, Library of Congress catalog card [73] Assignee: Quantime, Inc., Tullahoma, Tenn. number: 66~24466, pp. 394-409. [21] Appl. No.: 771,024 Primary Examiner—Stanley J. Witkowski [22] Filed. Aug 30 1985 Attorney, Agent, or Firm——-Cushman, Darby & Cushman [51] Int. Cl.“ ....................... .. G10H 3/06; GlOI-I 5/00 [57] ABSTRACT [52] US. 01. .................................... .. 84/118; 84/128; An apparatus for playing a portion of a melody so that 34/478 users of the apparatus can competitively attempt to [58] Field of Search .................... .. 84/1.01, 1.18, 1.28, identify the melody includes a device for encoding the 34/478, DIG 19 portion of the melody to be played and a device for _ reproducing the portion of the melody by decoding the [56] References Clted encoding device. The reproducing device includes a US. PATENT DOCUMENTS decoder for generating electrical signals corresponding 3 424 851 1/1969 Weitzner .......... .. 84/128 ‘0 the Portion of the melody and a converter for Con‘ 4:037:511 7/1977 Del castil'lg": ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " verting the generated electrical signals to musical notes. 4,228,716 10/1980 Linford ...... .. 4,261,241 4/1981 Gould et a1. ....................... .. 84/ 1.18 4 Claims, 11 Drawing Figures in D1321 1&9 50) M, zicozme ‘gm/10a”: ?f/t/[E?/ZZ, da?fzrmre/wziE w 1 1 1 16 _L__%Z556 dazi/wi/rmzy ' {Aft/{£177 {a ‘— — 21526 4y lap/aw J L 10 1 C 1 B 14 U/VM/‘tA/ED‘ [El/£7 l'?/w??i?fazé' 3o P/Y?fdl/dZZE é; é ” ova/612612,) 11' 1-1' 11' 1-1 {11 in 151 E1 11 121w U. S. Patent Sep. 1,1987 Sheet2 of6 4,690,025 FIG.2 aR Yl/‘ A wa?# l#p. @115M4 )5a4 .5p. TM/ a mw‘/. Kaw, Zyr p3 / wM 5wan(I 00 uP5pv Hm wa w5 FIG.5~ We580089nn“n My;WCDMELGAMBCDE "58880ME": w;6?6960u5u 99".9n66ooncA F& AwM U. S. Patent Sep. 1,1987 Sheet3 of6 4,690,025 n01 _ U. s. Patent sep. 1,1987 ‘' Sheet4 of6 4,690,025 DD DC BB BA DE SONG #I SONG .4‘ 3 SONG #4 solve #2 U.‘ S. Patent Sep. 1,1987 1 Sheet5 of6 4,690,025 / __ . _‘___at?___6________e 4 +2 ~_________:21: , .ém '_ H*___ j [Ill-Tl Ill 17O)‘ H1247//// 1/ t/////F LLJ-LJ ? //'////////// / //// ///j // U. S. Patent Sep. 1,1987 Sheet6 of6 4,690,025 Wa / l L52? FIG.7c ///nvv.ll. // /// / /// ///// /__VV ///// / 4,690,025 1 2 FIG. 5 is a table which shows one scheme for encod MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT BOARD GAME ing musical notes; FIGS. 60-6c show various views of one example of a FIELD OF THE INVENTION device used in decoding the melody encoding device of FIG. 4; and The present invention is directed to an entertainment FIGS. 7a-7c show various views of another example board game in which individuals or groups attempt to of a device used in decoding the melody encoding de identify the melody or song of a portion of a piece of vice of FIG. 4. music after listening to several musical notes of the music. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 shows a schematic block diagram of a ?rst Entertainment board games for home use are quite embodiment of the invention. As noted above, the musi popular in that they provide for family or friendly en cal notes of a portion of a melody to be reproduced can tertainment in the convenience of one’s home. Accord be encoded onto a card. The card can contain the notes ingly, a number of board games have gained wide popu of four distinct melodies positioned at the quadrants of larity, such as Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, etc. How the card, as shown in FIG. 4. The card is inserted into ever, heretofore there has not been available an enter the device 100 of FIG. 1 between the sets of light emit tainment board game for home use which involved the ting diodes 10 and photodiodes 20. identi?cation of a melody or song after the players More speci?cally, the device 100 employs ?ve light listened to a portion of the melody. Although, this type emitting diode/photodiode pairs A—E. Four of the of game has been quite popular on syndicated television pairs, A-D, are used to decode a standard ABCD for shows and mass audience participation type shows, the mat which represents a musical note of a full octave inability to develop an inexpensive means for playing a including flats and sharps according to the table shown portion of the music to be identi?ed, while at the same 25 in FIG. 5. Thus, a card having holes punched in posi time reproducing the music with suf?cient precision to tions A and C, as shown by position b on the card in allow its identi?cation by players has prevented the FIG. 4, when inserted into the device, would allow playing of this type of game in the home. activation of photodiodes A and C and such photodiode SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION activation would represent the musical note F, as shown by the table in FIG. 5. The ?fth pair of light emitting The present invention has been developed in order to diode/photodiode E is used as a synchronization guide solve the de?ciencies noted above. More speci?cally, for latching the encoded note to be reproduced and the present invention provides an apparatus for playing entering the musical note into memory 60 of device 100, a portion of a melody so that users of the apparatus can, as will be described in greater detail below. in the context of a competitive board game, attempt to Therefore,- in the invention as shown in FIG. 1, the identify the melody. photodiodes A, B, C and D, each go high when a hole The apparatus of the present invention includes a in the card passes between the corresponding photodi device for encoding the portion of the melody to be ode/light emitting diode pair. Comparator 30, which reproduced and a device for reproducing the portion of for example can be National Semiconductor level com the melody by decoding the encoding device. The re parator LM339, compares the output from each photo producing device includes a decoder for generating diode to its level set input to determine which photodi electric signals corresponding to the portion of the ode outputs are high. Since the tolerances of each pair melody to be reproduced and a converter for convert may vary, there may be some delay between the sepa ing the generated electric signals to musical notes with rate photodiodes going high for a particular code, i.e. suf?cient precision that the melody can be identi?ed by 45 when two or more photodiodes should be high simulta those familiar with it. neously, as for example in the case described above for In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the musical note F. The synchronization photodiode E the encoding device comprises a card having a prede is slightly offset behind the other photodiodes to allow termined pattern of holes punched through its surface. all of the photodiodes A, B, C and/or D that are sup The predetermined pattern of holes in the card, repre posed to be high for a particular code (i.e., a particular sent the speci?c musical notes of the portion of the musical note) to reach that high state before the photo melody which is to be reproduced. diode E goes high. When the photodiode E goes high, In one version of the entertainment board game ac a pulse signal is generated from pulse generator 50, cording to the present invention, each player is pro which for example can be RCA pulse generator 4098, vided with a switch for interrupting the music when a 55 that allows comparator outputs A, B, C and/ or D to be player can identify the melody’s title (or when a partic latched in latch 40, which for example can be RCA ular player believes that the melody’s title can be identi latch 4076. The latched signals represent the code for a ?ed). particular musical note in accordance with the table in FIG. 5. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The pulse signal from pulse generator 50 is also used FIG. 1 represents a schematic block diagram of a ?rst to enter the new musical note code into memory 60, as embodiment of the invention; mentioned above. More speci?cally, the outputs of the FIG. 2 represents a schematic block diagram of a photodiodes are level compared in comparator 30 to control option for the invention; determine which photodiodes are in the high state. FIG. 3 represents a schematic block diagram of a 65 Subsequently, when photodiode E goes to the high state second embodiment of the invention; a pulse signal is generated from pulse generator 50 FIG. 4 represents one example of a melody encoding which is applied to latch 40 in order to latch the com device for use in the invention; parator outputs A, B, C and/ or D representing the code 4,690,025 3 4 for a particular musical note.