List of Bank Branches by Area 31/10/2020

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List of Bank Branches by Area 31/10/2020 LIST OF BANK BRANCHES BY AREA 31/10/2020 PIRAEUS BANK S.A. AREA / LOCATIONHEBIC BRANCH NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER / FAX NUMBER AEGINA / Aegina 0172124 AEGINA BRANCH Dimokratias Coastal Ave. & Leonardou Lada str., 180 10 AEGINA tel.: 2297029890, fax: 2297028882 AG. I. RENTIS / Agios Ioannis Renti Sq. 0172136 AG. IOANNI RENTI SQ. 4, Konstantinou Palaiologou str., Ag. I. Renti sq., 182 33 AG. I. RENTIS BRANCH tel.: 2104838120, fax: 2104832389 AG. THEODORI / Korithos Refineries 0172517 KORINTHOS REFINERIES 71st klm, Athens - Korinthos Old National Rd., 200 03 AG. THEODORI tel.: 2741049296, fax: 2741049079, 2741048256 AGIA / Agia 0171249 AGIAS 33, 25th Martiou str., 400 03 AGIA tel.: 2494024530, fax: 2494023988 AGIA MARINA / Agia Marina, Platanias 0171635 AG. MARINA CHANIA BRANCH 9th klm, Chania-Kissamos National Rd., 730 14 AGIA MARINA Chania tel.: 2821036650, fax: 2821068079 AGIA PARASKEVI / Ag. Paraskevi 0171561 AG. PARASKEVI 507, Mesogion Ave., 153 43 AGIA PARASKEVI tel.: 2168008300, fax: 2106006426 AGIA PARASKEVI / Agia Paraskevi Square 0172009 AG. PARASKEVIS 406, Mesogion Ave. & 2 Iroon Politexniou, 153 42 AGIA PARASKEVI tel.: 2106085820, fax: 2106009558 AGIA PARASKEVI / Agiou Ioannou 0172010 AG. IOANNOU, AG. PARASKEVI 40, Ag. Ioannou str., 153 42 AGIA PARASKEVI tel.: 2106085800, fax: 2106011128 AGIA VARVARA / Agia Varvara 0171446 AGIAS BARBARAS 116, El. Venizelou & Mpoumpoulinas str., 123 51 AGIA VARVARA tel.: 2166008940, fax: 2105447283 AGIOI ANARGYROI / Agioi Anargyroi 0172143 AGIOI ANARGYRI BRANCH 31, Agion Anargyron & Kefallinias str., 135 61 AGIOI ANARGYROI tel.: 2102694060, fax: 2102696096 AGIOS DIMITRIOS / Ag. Dimitrios 0171555 AG. DIMITRIOS 266, Vouliagmenis Ave., 173 43 AGIOS DIMITRIOS tel.: 2160005020, fax: 2109765714 AGIOS DIMITRIOS / Agios Dimitrios 0171038 AGIOS DIMITRIOS 1-3, Theodorou Kolokotroni str., 173 43 AGIOS DIMITRIOS tel.: 2164002150, fax: 2167007112 AGIOS DIMITRIOS / Agios Dimitrios 0172193 L. VOULIAGMENIS 380 380, Vouliagmenis Ave. & 2, Spirou Miliou & Dodekanisou str., 173 42 BRANCH AGIOS DIMITRIOS tel.: 2109903000, fax: 2109902075, 2109902745 AGIOS DIMITRIOS / Brachami 0172085 AG. DIMITRIOU 173, Ag. Dimitriou Ave., 173 43 AGIOS DIMITRIOS tel.: 2109758170, fax: 2109764036 AGIOS KIRYKOS / Agios Kirykos 0171150 AGIOS KIRIKOS IKARIAS Agios Kirykos, 833 00 AGIOS KIRYKOS tel.: 2275025040, fax: 2275023193 AGIOS NIKOLAOS / Agios Nikolaos 0172756 AG. NIKOLAOU, CRETE 18, Mich. Sfakianaki str., 721 00 AGIOS NIKOLAOS tel.: 2841086000, fax: 2841025609 AGIOS STEFANOS / Agios Stefanos 0172083 AG. STEFANOU 27, Helmou str., 145 65 AGIOS STEFANOS tel.: 2108004460, fax: 2106218929 AGRINIO / Agrinio 0171264 AGRINIO 21, Papaioanou & Palama str., 301 31 AGRINIO tel.: 2641306040, fax: 2641022522, 2641053918 Under HEBIC index publication regulation, each bank sees both to the accuracy of data that concern it and to the uniformity of their appearance. Page 1 from 92 PIRAEUS BANK S.A. AREA / LOCATIONHEBIC BRANCH NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER / FAX NUMBER AGRINIO / Agrinio 0172150 AGRINIOU 14, Ioannou Staikou & 68, Kyprou str., 301 32 AGRINIO tel.: 2641037000, fax: 2641049641 AHARNES / Aharnes 0172149 KARAMANLI, AHARNES 94, Kon. Karamanli str., Lathea area, 136 78 AHARNES BRANCH tel.: 2102447000, fax: 2102477652 AHARNES / Dekelias Av. 0172074 MENIDIOU 15, Dekelias Ave. , 136 71 AHARNES tel.: 2166009040, fax: 2167001759 AIGALEO / Egaleo 0171389 EGALEO 1, Dimarcheiou str., 122 42 AIGALEO tel.: 2166004800, fax: 2105310332 AIGALEO / Iera Odos 0172047 EGALEO 245, Iera Odos Ave. & Kapodistriou str., 122 41 AIGALEO tel.: 2105319000, fax: 2105317423 AIGINIO / Aiginio 0171230 EGINIO 115, Dimokratias Ave., 603 00 AIGINIO tel.: 2353306000 , fax: 2353022503 AIGIO / Aigio 0172513 AIGIOU 28, Mitropoleos str., 251 00 AIGIO tel.: 2691062580, fax: 2691060022 AKRATA / Krathion, Akrata 0172529 AKRATA BRANCH Korinthos - Patra Old National Rd., Krathion, 250 06 AKRATA tel.: 2696036000, fax: 2696032314 ALEXANDREIA / Alexandreia 0172208 ALEXANDRIAS 30, D. Vetsopoulou str., 593 00 ALEXANDREIA tel.: 2333053460, fax: 2333028335 ALEXANDROUPOLI / Alexandroupoli 0171183 ALEXANDROUPOLIS 38, El. Venizelou str., 681 00 ALEXANDROUPOLI tel.: 2551306100, fax: 2551037511 ALEXANDROUPOLI / Dimokratias Ave. 0171913 ALEXANDROUPOLI BRANCH 325, Dimokratias Ave., 681 00 ALEXANDROUPOLI tel.: 2551306030, fax: 2551023173 ALIARTOS / Aliartos 0171106 ALIARTOS 56, Athinon str., 320 01 ALIARTOS tel.: 2268306000, fax: 2268022437 ALIMOS / Alimos 0171755 ALIMOS 18, Kalamakiou Ave., 174 55 ALIMOS tel.: 2160002280, fax: 2109802271 ALIMOS / Alimos 0172028 KALAMAKIOU 26, Possidonos Ave. & Riga Fereou str., 174 55 ALIMOS tel.: 2109859180, fax: 2109886488 ALIVERI / Aliveri 0171109 ALIVERI 26, Konstantinou Bakola str., 345 00 ALIVERI tel.: 2223027040, fax: 2223029599 ALMYROS / Almyros 0172616 ALMYROS 9, Iasonos & V. Georgiou str., 371 00 ALMYROS tel.: 2422029360, fax: 2422029077 AMALIADA / Amaliada 0172516 AMALIADAS Othonos-Amalias Ave. & 25th Martiou str., 272 00 AMALIADA tel.: 2622020020, fax: 2622029931 AMFIKLEIA / Amfikleia 0171288 AMFIKLIA 27, Athan. Eftaxia str., 350 02 AMFIKLEIA tel.: 2234029700, fax: 2234023296 AMFILOCHIA / Amfilochia 0171266 AMFILOCHIA Vas. Konstantinou str., 305 00 AMFILOCHIA tel.: 2642306000, fax: 2642024006 Under HEBIC index publication regulation, each bank sees both to the accuracy of data that concern it and to the uniformity of their appearance. Page 2 from 92 PIRAEUS BANK S.A. AREA / LOCATIONHEBIC BRANCH NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER / FAX NUMBER AMFISSA / Isaia Square 0172158 AMFISSAS 20, Karaiskaki & Salonon str., 331 00 AMFISSA tel.: 2265079460, fax: 2265072717 AMORGOS / Amorgos 0171153 AMORGOS Katapola Amorgou, 840 08 AMORGOS tel.: 2285028200, fax: 2285071872 AMPELOKIPOI / Eptalofos 0172213 EPTALOFOU SQ, 73, El. Venizelou str., 561 21 AMPELOKIPOI THESSALONIKI tel.: 2310712400, fax: 2310749887 AMPELONAS / Ampelonas 0171393 ABELONAS 1, Goltsiou & 5, Thermopylon str., 404 00 AMPELONAS tel.: 2492306000, fax: 2492031402 AMYNTAIO / Amyntaio 0171242 AMINTEO 8, Ag. Konstantinou & Elenis sq., 532 00 AMYNTAIO tel.: 2386020240, fax: 2386022550 ANAVYSSOS / Anavyssos 0172167 ANAVYSSOS BRANCH 19, Konstantinou Karamanli Ave. & Vasileos Konstantinou str., 190 13 ANAVYSSOS tel.: 2291078320, fax: 2291078267 ANDRITSAINA / Andritsaina 0171323 ANDRITSENA Epikouriou Apollona str., 270 61 ANDRITSAINA tel.: 2626023510, fax: 2626022101 ANDROS / Andros 0171365 ANDROS G. Empeirikou str., 845 00 ANDROS tel.: 2282027020, fax: 2282022071 ANO LIOSSIA / Ano Liosia 0172097 ANO LIOSSIA BRANCH 87, Fylis Ave., 133 41 ANO LIOSSIA tel.: 2102487000, fax: 2102486269 ANO VIANNOS / Ano Viannos 0171159 ANO VIANOU Ano Viannos, 700 04 ANO VIANNOS tel.: 2895023010, fax: 2895022626 ANOGEIA / Anogeia 0171163 ANOGIA MILIPOTAMOU 13rd Avgoustou Ave., 740 51 ANOGEIA tel.: 2834032570, fax: 2834031398 ARCHAGGELOS / Archaggelos 0171405 ARCHAGELOS RODOU Central sq., 851 02 ARCHAGGELOS tel.: 2244027000, fax: 2244022191 ARCHAIA OLYMPIA / Archaia Olympia 0171137 ARCHAIAS OLYMPIAS 12, Douma str., 270 65 ARCHAIA OLYMPIA tel.: 2624026120, fax: 2624023061 ARGOS / Argos 0171611 ARGOS Ag. Petrou Sq., 212 00 ARGOS tel.: 2751306100, fax: 2751028089 ARGOS / Argos 0172500 ARGOUS 17, Vas. Sofias str., 212 00 ARGOS tel.: 2751027000, fax: 2751061167 ARGOS ORESTIKO / Argos Orestiko 0172282 ARGOS ORESTIKO BRANCH 2-4, V. Santalidi str., 522 00 ARGOS ORESTIKO tel.: 2467044640, fax: 2467044051 ARGOSTOLI / Argostoli 0172453 ARGOSTOLIOU Romanou sq., 281 00 ARGOSTOLI tel.: 2671027850, fax: 2671027610 ARGYROUPOLI / Argiroupoli 0172075 ARGIROUPOLIS 48, Alexioupoleos str., 164 52 ARGYROUPOLI tel.: 2109948750, fax: 2109918365 ARGYROUPOLI / Argyroupoli 0171039 ARGYROUPOLI 54, Kyprou Ave. & 45, Ilektroupoleos str., 164 52 ARGYROUPOLI tel.: 2161009600, fax: 2109937177 Under HEBIC index publication regulation, each bank sees both to the accuracy of data that concern it and to the uniformity of their appearance. Page 3 from 92 PIRAEUS BANK S.A. AREA / LOCATIONHEBIC BRANCH NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER / FAX NUMBER ARIDAIA / Aridaia 0171224 ARIDEA 12, Kyprou str., 584 00 ARIDAIA tel.: 2384028930, fax: 2384021716 ARKALOHORI / Arkalohori Herakliou 0172772 ARKALOHORI BRANCH 4, Ethnikis Antistasis Ave., 703 00 ARKALOHORI tel.: 2891025050, fax: 2891024507 ARNAIA / Arnaia 0171231 ARNEA 49, Aristotelous str., 630 74 ARNAIA tel.: 2372021243, fax: 2372022596 ARTA / Arta 0171296 ARTAS 15, Vas. Pirou str., 471 00 ARTA tel.: 2681306260, fax: 2681072930 ARTA / Arta 0172400 ARTAS El. Venizelou & Vas. Pirou str., Kilkis sq., 471 00 ARTA tel.: 2681021600, fax: 2681077984 ARTEMIDA / Artemida 0172118 ARTEMIDOS 3, Artemidos Ave., 190 16 ARTEMIDA tel.: 2294040820, fax: 2294085473 ASIMI / Asimi Monofatsiou 0171162 ASIMI MONOFATSIOU Asimi Monofatsiou, 700 16 ASIMI tel.: 2893033010, fax: 2893031053 ASPROPYRGOS / Aspropoyrgos 0172115 ASPROPIRGOU 76, Democratias Ave., 193 00 ASPROPYRGOS tel.: 2161008450, fax: 2105574490 ASTAKOS / Astakos 0171265 ASTAKOS Ethn. Antistasis & Ellis str., 300 06 ASTAKOS tel.: 2646042600, fax: 2646041433 ASTROS / Astros 0172525 ASTROS BRANCH Astros Central sq., 220 01 ASTROS tel.: 2755027000, fax: 2755022545 ATALANTI / Atalanti 0172162 ATALANTI BRANCH Oileos & Avraam str., 352 00 ATALANTI tel.: 2233081120, fax: 2233089039 ATHENS / 3rd Septemvriou, Omonia 0172039 3RD SEPTEMVRIOU, OMONIA 28, 3rd Septemvriou & Kapodistriou str., 104 32 ATHENS BRANCH tel.: 2105205100, fax: 2105235138 ATHENS / Akadimia Platonos 0172069 L. ATHINON 80 80, Athinon Ave. & 2-4, Mirionou str., Akadimia Platonos, 104 41 ATHENS tel.: 2105159000, fax:
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