No 33, 12 April 1923, 1021

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No 33, 12 April 1923, 1021 jnmb. 33.] 1021 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1923. Opening Lands in the Marlborough Land Diatrict for Sale or slopes of from 300 ft. to 2,700 ft. above sea-level; the flat Selection. and easy parts will be found well suitable for dairying, and the hilly parts good healthy sheep-country. JELLICOE, Governor-Genera.I. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Govemor­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Genera.l, this 9th da.y of March, 1923. I conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. Dominion of New, having received the report of the Under-Secretary in this behalf, as provided by section Notice of Clurnge of the Purpose of Portion of a Reserve in one hundred and fifty-four of the said Act, do hereby th p: .1 w d ·z•- H k • B L d D · t · declare that the lands described in the Schedule hereto shall e own °1 00 vi "'• aw e 8 ay an is rict. be open for sale or selection on Wednesday, the ninth JELLICOE, Governor-General. day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty- . three · and also that the lands mentioned in the said WHEREAS by section six of the Pu bhc Reserves · and Sched~e may, at the option of the applicant, be pur- . ~omains Act, 1908 (herei'.1after referred ~o as "the chased for cash or be selected for occupation with right of said Act ), the Governor-General 1s empowered, m the case purchase, or or{ renewable lease; and I do hereby a.Iso fix of any public reserve vested in His Ma~esty. or the Governor­ the prices at which the said lands shall be sold, occupied, or I General for any of the purposes compnsed m Class II of the leased as mentioned in the said Schedule hereto and do Second Schedule to the said Act, to change the purpvse for decla~ that the said lands shall be sold, occupied, 'or leased I which such reserve was set a~rt ~ any other purpose: under and subject to the provisions of the Land Act, 1908. II And whereas the land descnbed m the Schedule hereto forms portion of a reserve duly set apart for polioe purposes, SCHEDULE. being a purpose within Class II of the Second Schedule to the said Act, and it is expedient to change, as hereinafter MARLBOROUGH LAND DISTRIOT,-8ECOND·CLASS LAND. provided, the purpose of such portion: Marlbor1YU9h County.-Tennyson Survey District. Now, therefore, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, SEOTJON 3, Block II : Area, 433 acres 3 roods. Capital value, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do £1,735. Occupation with right of purchase: Half-yearly rent, hereby, in pursuance of the powers conferred on me by £43 7s. 6d. Renewable lease : Half-yearly rent, £34 14s. section six of the said Act as aforesaid, declare that the Section 4, Block II : Area, 298 acres 2 roods. Capital portion of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto is value, £918. Occupation with right of purchase : Half­ hereby chan~ed from a reserve for polioe purpeses to a reserve yearly rent, £22 19s. Renewable lease : Half-yearly rent, for post and telegraph purposes. And I do hereby further £18 7s. 3d. declare that this notice is issued subject to the provisions of section seven of the said Act, and shall take effect according Section 9, Block II : Area, 376 acres 2 roods. Capital va.lne, to the provisions of that section. £1,252. Occupation with right of purchase : Half-yearly rent, £31 6s. Renewable lease :. Half-yearly rent, £25 Os. 10d. Situated in the Upper Opouri Valley, Tennyson Survey SCHEDULE. District, and distant about seven miles from the main Bien- ALL that area in the Hawke's Bay Land District, oontaining heim-Nelson Road, and from a dairy factory, access to which by admeasurement l rood 14·2 perches, more or less, being is by a formed 12 ft. road to the southern end of the block. I Lot l of Section 43, Town of Woodville. As the same is The river-flats and sidelings were originally covered with 1· more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. heavy bush, from which the milling-timber has now been 6/7/116, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands removed. The standing bush is of mixed nature, but the and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. greater part is birch. Portions of the flats have been burnt, I . and sown with English grasses, and all sections will be found As witness t~e hand of His Excellency the Governor- to be well watered, "ith good building-sites and boundaries General, this 14th day of March, 1923. on good fencing-lines. The country rises from easy to steep I W. FRASER, for Minister of Lands. A 1022 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. rNo. 3p lianger8 nnder the Animalc Protection a,nd.Game Act, Jf/21-?2, I Registrars of Marriage,, <f:c., appointed, fl,Ppoint,,d. Office of Public Service Commissioner, Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 9th April, 1923, We1lington, (ith April, 1!)23. HE Acting Public Service Commissioner has made the T is hereby notified that, in pursuance and exercise of the T following appointments in the Public Service:- I powf\r and authority conferred by section 35 of the DAvrn POLLOCK PoRTEous, Esq., Animalq Protection and Game Act, Hl21- 22, the undermen· tioned persons have l,een appointcrl. Rangers under and for to be Registrar of Marriages and Registrar of Births and the purposes of that Act for the Auckland Acclimatization Deaths for the district of Inglewood, as from the 27th M&rcb, District, viz. :- 1923. WILLIAM ASKEW ScoTT, Esq,, Vl'ILLIAM SUTHERLAND, of Oparau. HUGH GRACE GILLARD, of Paeroa. to be Registrar of Marriages and Registrar of Births and Deaths for the district of Catlin's, as from the 2nd April, WM. DOWNIE STEWART, 1923. Minister of Internal Affairs. A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. Appointment and Resignation of Officer., of the New Zealand J)i11ision of the Royal Navy, Deputy R,r1istrar-< of Jiarriage;:, &,c,, appointed. Navy Office, Registrar-General's Office, Wellington, 9th April, 1923, Wellington, 11th April, 192:1. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased T is hereby notified that the undermentioned persons have H to approve of the appointment and resignation of the I hcen appointed to be the Deputies of the Registrars of undermentioned officers :- Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the districts set Mr, WILLIAM THOMAS ADAIR LoNGHUJts·r to H.M.S, respectively opposite their names, viz. :- " Philomel " as Probationary Schoolmaster, as from William Gunn Te Awamutu (at Ohaupo).* the 10th March,' 1923, vice Randell, resigned. Leslie Gavin Campbell Bartrum )Ir, WILLIAM RANDELL, Probationary Schoolmaster, Packard Petone.• resigned. Dated 19th March, 1923. Thomas Cullen Hampden. R .. HEATON RHODES, Minister of Defence. John Thomas Norman James Nightcaps.* John Hayman Lynch Morrinsville. Ernest Charles John Foot Palmerston North, Appointment of European Member of the Rarotongan J.,land Henry Edgar Moore Rotorua. Council. Arthur \Vansey vVellsted Kurow. Cook Islands Department, * Births and deaths only. Wellington, 9th April, 192:J. W. W. COOK, Registrar-General. .T is hereby notified that, in pursuance of the Regulations I , for the Election of a European Member of the Raro­ tonga Island Council, Mr. WALTER GEORGE 'l'AYLOR, of Titikaveka, Planter, lle8ult~ of Polls for Proposed Loa.ns, was duly returned as the European Member of the Island Council of Rarotonga on the 28th !\larch, 192:l, Wellington, ~th April, 1923. HE following notices, received from the Chairman of the l\L POxlAR~:. Minister for the Cook Islands, T Board of the Mangawara River District, are puhlished in accordance with the provisior.1s of the L<.~eal Bodies' I..,oans Olerl~ of the -~[aqistrate's Oowt oppointr:,z. Act, Hll:I, "', l•', MAS8EY. Minister of Finance. Office of P:iblic Service Commissioner, Wellington, 29th March, 1923. ll1ANGAWABA RIVEB DISTRICT. HE Acting Public Service Commissioner ha~ made the Re8'lill8 of Polls on Proposals io raise Loans. T following appointment i11 t,he Pu hlic Servi<::e : -·-- PURSUANT to section 12 of the Loco.I Bodies' Loa,ns Act, HuoH :r.rcNRO, Esq., 1913, I hereby give notice that a poll of the :catepayers of to be Clerk of the Magistrate's Court at. Papakura, for the the Central and Eastern Subdivision of the Mangawara River purposes of the Magistrates' c,rnrts Aot, HlOR, as from t,he Distrrnt was taken on the 23rd l\'farch, 1923, on the proposal 13t day of April, 19?3. of the Mangawara River Board to borrow the sum of £12,000 A. C. TURNBrLL, ·'lecretary, sterling for the carrying-out of certain river-works, and the payment of necessary expenses arising therefrom. The num her of votes recorded for the proposal was 34, and Superintendent of Mercantile Jfarine appointed, thP number of votes recorded against the proposal was 22. I therefore declare the proposal was carried, Office of Public Service Commissioner, Wellington, 3rd April, 1923. PuRSu ANT to section 12 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, HE Acting Public Service Commissioner ha.s made the 1913, I hereby give notice that a poll of the ratepayers of T following appointment in the Public Service :- the Mangawara River Dist,rict was taken on the 23rd l\Iarch, GEORGE FREDERICK CHURCH, Esq,, 1923, on the proposal of the Mangawara River Board to borrow the sum of £2,000 sterling for the carrying-01tt of to be Superintendent of Mercantile Marine &t Awa.uni, for certain river-works, and the i,ayment of necessary expenses the purposes of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, as from arising therefrom.

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