329 PIOTR JOZWICKI SF Amituana i F FALETOLU O MAUI TE WAKA ©All Rights Reserved Email:
[email protected] [13 pages] Courtesy Wikipedia. The Buller River, Westport, New Zealand BullerBuller River River - Wikipedia - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buller_Riverhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buller_River CoordinatesCoordinates: 41°43: 41°43′45″S′45171°35″S 171°35′20″E′20″E BullerBuller River River FromFrom Wikipedia, Wikipedia, the the free free encyclopedia encyclopedia TheThe Buller Buller River River is inis inthe the South South Island Island of of New New Zealand.Zealand.[1][1] OneOne Buller (Kawatiri) of theof thecountry's country's longest longest rivers, rivers, it itflows flows for for 170 170 kilometreskilometres Buller (Kawatiri) River (110(110 mi) mi) from from Lake Lake Rotoiti Rotoiti through through the the Buller Buller GorgeGorge and intointo River the Tasmanthe Tasman Sea Sea near near the the town town of of Westport Westport. .As As RotoitiRotoiti itself isis fed by the Travers River it can be claimed that the Buller's fed by the Travers River it can be claimed that the Buller's source is at the headwaters of the Travers, on the northern source is at the headwaters of the Travers, on the northern slopes of Mount Travers in the Saint Arnaud Range. The slopesPaparoa of Mount Range Travers separates in the BullerSaint ArnaudRiver from Range the .Grey The River. PaparoaA number Range of separatesflora and faunathe Buller are found River in fromthe Buller the Grey watershed, River. A numbermany of of these flora extending and fauna onto are the found slopes in ofthe the Buller Paparoa watershed, Range.