No 11, 21 February 1922

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No 11, 21 February 1922 'liumb. 11. 495 SUPPLEMENT TO :THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922. 1Jublisgtb b~ :lutgori:ty. WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1922. The New Electaral Districts for Ike Nprt1,, Island. Mangakahia Survey District ; thence by the north-eastern Iboundary of the Manngaru Block to the forest reserves [L.!1.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. lying to the eouth-west of the road forming the south-western A PROCLAMATION. boundaries of flections 11, 2, and 1, Block XV, Mangakahia Survey District ; thence by the south-western bounda,ry of "\ XTHEREAS the North Island Representa,tion Commis• the reserve lying to the south-west of the road forming the V \ si.on, appointed undr.r the provisions of the .Legis­ south-western boundaries of Sections 11 and 10, Block X, la.tnro Act, 1908, have made their report to me under th,tlr of the 11aid Mangakahia Survey District ; thence by the · hands and seals, setting forth the names and boundaries of north-eastern boundary of the forest reserve lying to the t 1•e el~P-toral rlistrkw for the North Island, fixed by them in south-west and south of Sections 9 and 8A of the said Block X accordance with the LegisJ,.tur, Act, 1908: of the said Mangakahia Survey District to the north:eastern Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and boundary of Section"l3, Te Karaka Block; thence along the authority vested in me hy the twenty-second section of the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 13, the north­ Legislature Act, 1908, I, John :Rushworth, Viscount Jdllicoe, eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 12, the north­ Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 10, the north. proclaim the names and boundaries of the electoral districts eastern boundaries of Sections 25 and 24, all of the said Te for the North Island, s·, fixi,d by the said Commission, to be Karaka Block, to the north-western boundary of the afore­ those resp~ctively mentioned and set nut in the Schedule said Te Karaka Block ; thence in a south-westerly direction hereto. by the said north-western boundary to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 10, Block XII, Tutamoe SCHEDULE. Survey District ; thence by a right line to and along the 1. BAY OF ISLANDS. said northern boundary of the said Section 10, the northern boundary of Section 14, the northern and western boundaries THIS district is bounded towards the north-east generally by of Section 9, all of Block XII, Tutamoe Survey District ; · the sea from North Cape to the Ngunguru River; thence thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 9, 10, towards the south generally by the said Ngunguru River and a 11, 12, 13, and 14, Block XI, Tutamoe Survey District, to public road intersecting tl).e Kopipi, Tutataenui, and Te Toiroa the eastern bounda.ry of Block X of the said survey district ; Blocks of Blocks IV and III, Whangarei Survey District, to thence in a southerly direction by the eastern boundary of the northern boundary of the said Block IV ; thence by the the said Block :X: to the south-eastern corner of same ; thence northern boundaries of the aforesaid Block IV, Blocks III, in a north-westerly direction by a right line t.o the source of II, and I of the said Whangarei Survey District to the norths the Te Wai-o-whata Stream; thence by the said stream to eastern boundary of the south-eastern portion of Section 50, the Te W ai-o-Kumarau River ; thence in a westerly direction Hikurangi Parish ; thence in a south-easterly direction by by the said Te Wai-o-Kumarau River t.o the north-eastern the said north-eastern boundary of the south-eastern portion corner of Section 7, Block V, Tutamoe Survey District of the said Section 50 and the north-eastern boundary of the (Marlborough Small-farm Association) ; thence by the north­ north-eastern portion of Section 67 of the said Hikurangi eastern boundaries of the said Section 7, Sections 6 and 5, Parish to the Maihorahia Stream ; thence by that stream of the said Block V, Tutamoe Survey District, the northern to its confluence with the Mangahahuru River at the north­ boundary of Section 10, Block I, Tutamoe Survey District, eastern boundary of Section 38 of the said Block V, Purua to the road on the western boundary of the said Section 10 ; Survey District ; thence by the said Mangahahuru River to thence by that road and the northern boundaries of Sec­ its confluence with the Wairua River on the north-eastern tions 19, 20, 21, and 22, Block VIII, Waipoua Survey District, boundary of Kopuniaho Block, in Block IV of the. said Purua the northern and western boundaries of the said Block VIII Survey District; thence in a south-westerly direction by of the said Waipoua Survey District, to the Waipoua River; the said Wairua River to its conliuence with the Mangakahia thence by that river to the sea ; and bounded towards the River ; thence towards the west generally by the said Manga­ south-west and north by the sea to the place of commence­ kahia River to the south-eastern corner of Section 8, Block XV, ment : including all adjacent islands. 496 TH.E NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 11 2. MARSDEN. IWaimu Parish to and along the eastern boundary of Mareretu This district is bounded towards the north-west and north Pa~sh, to and along the south-western boundary of Ra.ranga generally by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore Parish, ~o and along the south-'!l'estern and north,we~ern described, from the confluence of the Mangakahia. and Wairua · boundanes of Ma.ungaka.ramea Pa;1sh, to.the Waotama River; Rivers to the sea at the mouth of the Ngunguru River; and t!'ence by that ,:iver t~ the Tangihua River; .thence ~y that bounded towards the north-east generally by the sea to the nver to t~e Wairoa. River;, thi:nce by that nver to its con­ mouth of the Weiti River; bounded towards the south fluence ~th t~e Manga~ahia River, the place of commence­ generally by the said Weiti River to the south-ea.stern corner ment: mcluding M~k?~~ou, Ka~au, ~otuketekete, Moture­ of Section 253, Pukeatua Parish; thence by t,he north-eastern, kareka, Motuhora, Tintm, and ad1acent islands. boundary of the said Section 253 to and along the road formins 3. KAIPARA. the north-western boundary of the alti~aid Section 253, the northern boundaries of Sections 252 and 251, the northern This district is bounded towards the north-east generally and north-western boundaries of Seotion'250, the north-western by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbeforo de­ boundary of Section 249, to the junction of roads on the north-· scribed, from the sea at the mouth of the Waipoua River to western boundary of the said Section 249 ; thence by the road the confluence of the Mangakahia and W airua Rivers, and by forming the northern boundary of Section 94; the north­ the Marsden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from eastern boundaries of Sections 93 and 92, the-.northern and the said confluence to the sea at the mouth of the Weiti north-western boundary of Section 91, to the junction of. River; thence by the sea from the mouth of the aaid Weiti roads on the north-we,tern boundary of the said Section 91 ; River to the mouth of the Wairau Stream, at the south­ thence by the road forming the northern bo',!nd1u;y: ot Sec­ eastern corner of Allotment 23 of Section 5, Takapuna. tion 89, the north-western boundaries of. Sections 88, 3~A, Parish ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the 87, the northern boundaries of Sections 86 and 86, the northern south-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 23, the southern boundary generally of Section 84, to the north-western corner boundaries of Allotments 24 and 25, to Sea View Road ; of the said Section 84, thence by the north-western bound,ary j;hence by that road to Beaconsfield Road ; thence by that of the aforesaid Section 84, all of the said Pukeatua Parish, to road to Gordon Avenue; thence by Gordon Avenue and the the Kaukapakapa River; thence by tha.t river to the south­ north-western boundary of Section 3 to and along the road eastern corner of Section 64, Kaukapakapa Parish-J"tlience forming the southern boundary of Section 12 to and a.long bounded towards the south-west generally by the north-eastern the road forming part of the eastern boundary of Section 105 boundary of the said Section 64, the S()\(th:Castel'l\ \boundary and intersecting the north-eastern portion of the said of Section 62, to the road forming tije ~outh-west:,<,rn. and. Section 105 to and along the north-western boundaries of western boundaries of Sections 63, 58, 57, and 52, the road Sections 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, and 110 to the road forming forming the northern boundary of the said Section 52 and the the eastern boundary of Section 220 ; thence by that road north-western boundary of Section 29, all of the said Kau­ to and along the south-ea.stern boundary of the said Sec­ kapakapa. Parish, to the Waitoki Stream; thence by that tion 220 to and along the north-western boundaries of Sec­ etrea.m to the road at the easternmost corner of Sectjon 170 tiOI\S 124 and 126, all of Takapuna Parish, to the road on of Makara.u Parish ; thence by that road to the junction of• the; eastern side of Kaipatiki Creek ; thence by that road roads on the northern boundary of the said Section 170, and to the head of the said Kaipa.tiki Creek ; thence by the by the road forming the northern boundary of the.qjoresaid.
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