No 11, 21 February 1922
'liumb. 11. 495 SUPPLEMENT TO :THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922. 1Jublisgtb b~ :lutgori:ty. WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1922. The New Electaral Districts for Ike Nprt1,, Island. Mangakahia Survey District ; thence by the north-eastern Iboundary of the Manngaru Block to the forest reserves [L.!1.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. lying to the eouth-west of the road forming the south-western A PROCLAMATION. boundaries of flections 11, 2, and 1, Block XV, Mangakahia Survey District ; thence by the south-western bounda,ry of "\ XTHEREAS the North Island Representa,tion Commis• the reserve lying to the south-west of the road forming the V \ si.on, appointed undr.r the provisions of the .Legis south-western boundaries of Sections 11 and 10, Block X, la.tnro Act, 1908, have made their report to me under th,tlr of the 11aid Mangakahia Survey District ; thence by the · hands and seals, setting forth the names and boundaries of north-eastern boundary of the forest reserve lying to the t 1•e el~P-toral rlistrkw for the North Island, fixed by them in south-west and south of Sections 9 and 8A of the said Block X accordance with the LegisJ,.tur, Act, 1908: of the said Mangakahia Survey District to the north:eastern Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and boundary of Section"l3, Te Karaka Block; thence along the authority vested in me hy the twenty-second section of the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 13, the north Legislature Act, 1908, I, John :Rushworth, Viscount Jdllicoe, eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 12, the north Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 10, the north.
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