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LESSER LONG-NOSED BAT SURVEY OF THE ROSEMONT HOLDINGS AND VICINITY Prepared for: Rosemont Copper Company Prepared by: WestLand Resources, Inc. Date: March 11, 2009 Project No.: 1049.10 330 330A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Lesser Long-nosed Bat Status ........................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Taxonomic History ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.3. Habitat Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.4. Geographic Distribution .................................................................................................................... 6 1.5. Relevance of Rosemont Property ...................................................................................................... 6 2. Survey Methods ........................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1. Acoustic Sampling ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 Infrared Sampling .............................................................................................................................. 9 2.3. Potential Roost Surveys ..................................................................................................................... 9 3. Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1. Acoustic and Infrared Surveys ........................................................................................................ 11 3.2. Rosemont Impact Area Roost Surveys ............................................................................................ 15 3.3. Regional Roost Surveys................................................................................................................... 17 4. Discussion ............................................................................................................................................... 19 4.1. Analysis of Acoustic and Infrared Surveys ..................................................................................... 19 4.2. Analysis of Roost Site Surveys ....................................................................................................... 19 4.3. Required Elements for Lesser Long-nosed Bats in Southern Arizona ............................................ 21 5. Summary and Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 23 6. References ............................................................................................................................................... 24 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Major Roost Sites of Lesser Long-nosed Bat in Arizona ........................................................... 5 Figure 3. Arizona Range of the Lesser Long-nosed Bat ............................................................................ 7 Figure 4. Acoustic Sampling Locations ................................................................................................... 12 Figure 5. Sonogram of Lesser Long-nosed Bat........................................................................................ 14 Figure 6. Sonogram of Mexican Long-tongued Bat ................................................................................ 14 Figure 7. Potential Bat Roosts, Rosemont Vicinity ................................................................................. 16 Figure 8. Potential Bat Roosts, Santa Rita and Empire Mountains .......................................................... 18 Figure 9. Adits and Shafts Closed for Safety Reasons ............................................................................. 22 Q:\Jobs\1000's\1049.10\Bat Survey\March 2009\Bat Survey tech memo 031109a.doc WestLand Resources, Inc. Engineering and Environmental Consultants 012009 Date: March 26, 2009 WestLand File No.: 1049.10 WestLand Resources, inc. Pickup Deliver X Mail Engineering and Environmental Consultants 4001 E. Paradise Falls Drive By: The Runner Tucson, Arizona 85712 (Client to Pickup, Name of Courier or In-house Ph: (520) 206-9585 Fx: (520) 206-9518 Delivery; FedEx with Type, USPS Regular, USPS Priority, or USPS Certified Mail; etc.) RECEIVED P14.1 2 5 TRANSMITTAL TO: Ms. Bev Everson FROM: Brian Lindenlaub United States Dept of Agriculture Forest Service 300 W. Congress, 6th Floor RE: Rosemont Holdings and Vicinity Tucson, Arizona 85701 ATTACHMENTS: Copies Originals 1 Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey FOR YOUR: 1 Lesser Long-Nosed Bat Survey Information 1 Agave Survey Use X 1 CD with all reports in PDF format Signature Stamp Approval File Other Comments: 3'13 tid naikkie; cc: Kathy Arnold, Rosemont If Delivered or Picked Up: Tom Fergason, SWCA (CD only) Received by (Signature/Print Name) Date Q:Vobs \ 1000's \ 1049.10 \ Transmittal B Everson 032609.doc Revised 10-9-03 Lesser Long-nosed Bat Survey March 11, 2009 of the Rosemont Holdings and Vicinity Page 2 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of Lesser Long-nosed Bat Survey Activities ............................................................ 10 Table 2. Results of Acoustic Sampling ................................................................................................... 13 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Photos Appendix B. Potential Bat Roost Sites Surveyed on or near the Proposed Rosemont Impact Area Appendix C. Potential Bat Roost Sites Surveyed within the Santa Rita and Empire Mountains Region 1. INTRODUCTION The lesser long-nosed bat (LLNB, Leptonycteris yerbabuenae; Appendix A, Photo 1) is a migratory, endangered species that is known to be present in southern Arizona during the late spring to early fall. The proposed open-pit copper mine at the Rosemont Property (the Property), which encompasses patented and unpatented claims and fee lands within privately owned, USDA Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management lands on the northeast side of the Santa Rita Mountains (Figure 1 and Appendix A, Photo 2) is within the known geographic and elevational range of this species and provides suitable habitat characteristics for the bats. A detailed study of LLNBs and their use, or potential use, of the Property was undertaken with initial site visits in 2006, ultrasonic acoustic surveys in 2007 and 2008, and wide-ranging surveys for potential roost sites and foraging resources in 2008. This report summarizes the results of these surveys and is presented in six sections: Section 1 (Introduction) describes the LLNB’s listing status, taxonomic history, habitat requirements, geographic distribution, and relevance of the Property to this species. Section 2 (Survey Methods) describes the survey methods that were used for acoustic sampling, infrared sampling, and potential roost surveys conducted as part of this effort. Section 3 (Results) describes the results of the LLNB surveys conducted as part of this effort. Section 4 (Discussion) provides a discussion of the survey results including an analysis of the acoustic and infrared survey results and roost site survey results. Section 5 (Summary and Conclusions) summarizes WestLand’s findings and discusses the conclusions that were formed during analysis of the survey results. Section 6 (References) provides a list of references that were used for this work. Q:\Jobs\1000's\1049.10\Bat Survey\March 2009\Bat Survey tech memo 031109a.doc WestLand Resources, Inc. Engineering and Environmental Consultants Lesser Long-nosed Bat Survey March 11, 2009 of the Rosemont Holdings and Vicinity Page 4 1.1. LESSER LONG-NOSED BAT STATUS The LLNB was proposed for listing as endangered by the USFWS in 1987 (52 FR 25171) under the name Leptonycteris sanborni. The final ruling was published in 1988 (53 FR 38456), without a designation of critical habitat. This same publication also listed the Mexican long-nosed bat (L. nivalis) as endangered. A recovery plan was prepared for the LLNB (using the name Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) in the mid-1990s (USFWS 1995) and was approved and finalized in 1997. A recent five-year review of the LLNB (USFWS 2005) concluded that the population of this species is increasing, and that it would be appropriate to revise the listing status from endangered to threatened. However, because this bat has maternal roost colonies in relatively few locations, an impact at any maternity site could have a significant effect on the population. 1.2. TAXONOMIC HISTORY This species has a complicated taxonomic history. It was originally described as Leptonycteris yerbabuenae by Martinez and Villa (1940), cited by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS 2008) as the original publication, but no details of the reference are provided. ITIS also credits Martinez and Villa (1940) for the names Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae and Leptonycteris nivalis yerbabuenae. They apparently recognized the significance of this taxon