~~-:~~~~~~~~~~~·~:~~v~~·~ + ~ :t TIta man who whispers down a well .;- i Alollt tha goods he fias to sell, :t :t WOll't reap the gleamIng. golden dollars + liXe one who eIillllIs a tree alld hollers. :;: *~ ~ ~:"":~Z~"":··!··:-:""~-:-!~·:·:~"9':-:-:-:4~: ••)

VOL II, PUBLISHED BY E. L. PLATZ FLORENCE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1910 SUbscription. $1.00 a Year. No, 21 F ~~~SSuCb~u~rb~~tto~rHtehsteP~N~oOSrtmOht~t~helatT~A~rie~:~ NEWS· Of BASERa~gue::a;:dndBAll R~~:;;~sAT flORENCEH;~: ;~~~PARK I[~'"iiiiiiiiii~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~===-----.. SEASONABLE EVENTS ] DEAI" ROs . WEB ER'. FER RY RESERVEI on I j. M of Interest, - --- j The Rangers defeated the crack I Lobelia Loper of .HjJlsbo~o Writes ~he jRuffner team at Florence Sunday1 Aged Pioneer of Florence Passes Roben Hagenbaek and \Villiam Hin- News of ThiS Mos. Interestmg, anernoon 'by the score of 12 to 4. Lew- Away at Her Home Early Tues, dieksen of Arlington were house dec- Suburb and Incidentally Tells of I is, the crack pitcher for the Rangers, day Morning After a Long Illness orating for Cnris Lundt. the Troubles Her. Esteemed was on the mound and was well sup· Leaving a Family and a Host of "">~ Father Has to Save Money and ported by his team mates, especiallv Warm Personal Friends to Mourn Fan Calhoun feels \'eIT pround of Still Have the Luxuries of Life at the bat..' Her Demise. - She Was Seventy, two of its former residents, :\IilWll During This Erea of Prosperity Tw:o.base hits seemed popular for Eight Years Old and Came to Glann. for several years an orphan and High priceS'jthe Rangers as L~wls got two, Langer Florence in 1856 and Resided school bo~' cal'ing for an aged grand· three, Xystrom one and Hadiey two. I Here Continuously. father here in Fon Calhoun. He has Dear Edditur:-Again 1 takes my IPickett stole six bases. . a big store, and is a 'bank cashier in ;Jen. in ha•..n.d to l:t S.OU ..kn.ow of the Bankmall, the Ruffner's no·hit pitch· ! I 'I ~ A 'I' II' h " "h ld Butler. X. J .. and has just been ele.ct.· !l s f - FIll"1'"...,me Ia e el. one 01 , eo·I d d" . ~ ' ,e" 0 ,.ms pare or OIellce on Y er was landed on for abouI twenty 1 • ~'d t f h'- "; .,. 'd Ie a Irector In a bank With ~101!.liOI.l there aint any news except pap was hits and "'ot worse sHuport. Th~ I Iesc re:sl en SOt 1." \ .c_nll}; pass: paid up canital and surlllus; and the reedin in the papers about both caby· ,I. sco~e.' '" • away Tuesday 'mornmg at 8 0 clock lD Rev W'l!" ". 1;' • • her home on Main street. aaed 78 • . .. I lam .'dCO. a 100:mer pascal' nets as ,being ·better'n medicine and IRangers 032 2 2,120·0-12 years. ?\frs. \Veber came to Florence helrle. IS now a professor III 'BellenJe said ,he was gain' to have one of them [Ruffner;; ,.0 (l 0 (I 0 0 I) 4 0- 4 in 1851;. co ege. there c?n~-aPtio~s and,it .would only I Hits-Rangers 21. Ruffners 6. Bat· I' She and her husband. .Jacob ,Veber, 1 ~""> cost a ~~'i\. measily cents, coo. Iteries-Rangers, Lewis and I\'ystrom; ~ sr.. had been preceded here by two Albert Jones. liYing on the bottoms. He saId Jest becuse we was country Ruffners. Bankman and \Vanck.·T'tt. other Germans, Henr".' Gre·oe. ana seems so far to be the champion foak we don't have to grow up in ig· - ~ .- • watermelon grower. and Urban Cathe· nerance and supperstisbion and with· ======George Haag, both deaci some time. Ian wins on onions and potatoes. out all the latest tools fer enjoyin' was aIhinkin a stream of swet must I;\11'. Weber is stIll lIving and with his <::>~~ life and. good health? Doant you heY gone down his back bone an son Jacob, jr.. Is operating a flour milL Chief Sergeon IValker of the :His. know that in these days of agel' and drapped kerplosh on top of thaI -hot (Copyright. 19111.) . ~~~~::t~:;b:~n:~eE:~~n~:It:r f1~~; souri Pacific railroad autoed to Fort malary and other ailments that a hath lamp chimley. I never heerd a lamp Composite Picture of Several Florence Homes Last Monday, when Cool Calhoun to bring his rriend. Charley cabynet is jest as necessarj' to good chimley creck so loud and pap wus Wave Came Down Warning One of t he Approach of Winter'. mill at IVayne. Sleffen, horne, health as quinine use to be? Ef you that skeert he never stopped to see Two daughters also- survive. Tiley , "">""> ... I h are :Mrs. ?\Iary A. Griffith. who !lyes in uoant be eave it jest read what that w at happened. but glYe a yell and Florence, and Mrs. Emeline Smith, The Presbyterian cburch people Pan.arsavsabout'em:",~ " went.thruthekitcbendoorlikeabat. OVER THE THIS IS WEEK OF WEDnlNGSU whose home is four miles north of the"ha"6 put· 1'n ne'",,'cement s t· e pads . n "Doant take my wnrd fer it but read. He let out a war hoop and at e,'ery walks. whut dockters and sientlsts say. Sure· 'jump l heerd - "Oh save me. I'm city. "">"'0- 1y you doant think you know more burnin uo. alive. Hel]) Water. Good. Miss Myrtle Shipley and Eli Davis.and The funeral of :'Irs. \VebH', who \'''11' G ld ' i was a German wife. mothe, and house· 'l lam '0 wortny and wife of Til· than them whut has made a life ·bye Lobelia your pap is a goner this . Miss Laura Johnson and Henry I den, and brOlher Samuel, of Pres~ott. study' of the human annatummy, do time," TEACU PS Thiessen Are Married. keeper of the old school was held A' h :.\1' h . yotl Lobelia? You kin laff and poo Arter 1 seed that the lamp hadn't Thursday morning from the family h~~~ ';;~: a~~w~."· ~~e~- onw:r:lr ~~~ ,poo at me Lobelia ,hIlL fer goodness exploded 1 blowed out the blaze and In Which I'S ...... old .What the Nel'ghbors This has heen a week of weddings home a.t 1° o'clock to Forest .La,~~. Englishmen, married to sIsters, aunts .. 1 I ~ 1 • I' .• . Fl T'''' . b 'd Amella Rottler was horn m ,'ur· - ,. - . sake uoant go ga avantin' around went to nna pap fee lD sure I woo-d Are Doing and What They Pro- III . orence. ·ne urSI •....as ce!e rate .G J _0 _ ot Mrs. }larrs. One of them rougnt In laffin at dockters and sientists and find bim at the crick coolen off, and pose to Do as Set Down by Our last Saturday, that of :Miss }lyrtle t~mour_g. . erma~y. anuary 2". b3.:!. the ci':i] "·ar. -ho"'I'n er' c t +l. 'd' -'Ire en ff a-~n'n at t'h d f 'h "'hl·ple'· dau"'-nter o~ Jacob r nh' 10' Sne lelL \\ urtemourg and went to r. -,. " u y Igneran e a Llle worl In "',. U un e e ge 0 t e Chroniclers for the Edification of'" J, '" , ,. "" Ip -2' L·d Oh' . '8-4 h h '_--....c.- 'I'neraI doant do I't L~beII'a " u"j'Ier ", u··-s I,~n ml·ght..- nI'",'u ded and "Ir EI' Da"l'~ .both 01' FI nce all on, 10. III < D were s,e met TI F 't C' lh .. 'I dill' . J , .. ~. ~" ..- .i" ,,,,,,-,,,,, All Who Are Interested in the .,. 1 ''''. .ore ., d' . d 'th J b leO! aloun lalroa o . .ce III a~, a~qualllt€. ':l.~_aco. "Pap," sez I. now yon jest stop rhe from. drownin. He was still in his Doings of People of Florence and who were married by Rey. v ..arles \\'., oec,:me d Ithirty years. has sold over 50,000 there, You know I wuzzent makin' fun barl which kept him from slnkin.'but Vicinity. Savidge Saturday afternoon at -l nEDe,' ",nom snebm.~rneh III ~SD". It straight tickets to Omaha. besides of dockters and sientists, e,'en ef the blamed thIng would'nt stay still o'dock. The attendants. Bert Shipley I' wa:.lalmost ahs a .• net. atds Ie cau:e thousands of excursion, half lares and 'f '. • 1 d d . I. d' d . d . . 1 . to l' orence aYln'" arl'lve lere m '. most; 0 em is aurn lOO S an oant ana [cpt mrmn aroun ana afOUil ill A an MISS Ethel ShIp ey were orother l~-' I l!'lO-"~'" "d" 1 . /' returns. and hunareds to Ille street know it. ! WlIZ only axin whut VOll the waner like a top sninin sideways, ID' .son w~s born to :.\Ir. and :llrs. Ed. and sister of the bride. The bride IS''''', n .'" -u·'fo~nu: t~ t J~lr car line aI Florence. wanted of a bath eabynet when ya'u •and Gvel7 time it -t~rned oyer 's~ I ans }Ion ay. ~"~ chose this date. Sept. U, because it i:elatl\-es a?d ~~ny rJ~~. s t ley ee e· "">""> aint got no penickalar ailment TO 1pap's face wus up pap would spone. ~~ '_c' had been the marriage day of both' ,n'ated their go. en ,we mg. Passing :lloore's lake. the wrIteI' speak of. \Vhnt is the use of de"e- warier like a whale and holler for I ;'\ll'. and .\ll's. Carl Fe!dhu5en lea,'e lIer mother and grandmother. 11r. j I saw one lone pelic:an. a reminder of {:mtion the Sabbith by poundin help. \Vhen he saw me he hollered, Ithis week for St. Anthony. Idaho to and 1Irs. DaYis went at once to their ,: PAVEMENT AGAIN IN COURT. Ithe change of season. around on a useless' thing whur cood huny Lobelia. I'm done fer. hur-but, make their residence. :'11'. Feldlm· o'l'\~n n.e\\' home ill ~lorenc~.. . I ~~. _ be made wmorry or when it Is needed jest then he went under agin. and Isen going into business there. ,Veanesday '?,emng at we 110lll\? 01 : H. B. Fleharty, Attorney for J. S. Paui I Colonel Russell. treasurer 01 the liO fur as that concerned)' when he come up he sez. "1',e been "'0>--::::"" ?\lr. Samuel Johnson occurred ,he I and Others Ask to Have Tax i state fair ..,-as born in this coumy. and "Doant need it?" se;.; Pap, his "'oIce 'oriled to a turu and my skjn is a pelin Glenn Marl' was up from K3.nsas wedding of his daughter Laura and I Levy Declared Void. I' says that the fair lhi" year had the '!'isiil loud like it always does w!len [mm my neck down, and I look like a City this week to 'is!t his mother. ::I~r. Henry Thiessen of _Xeola, Iowa.,' Charging fraud against the llJa,j'or largest attendancE' e\-er. he gets riled. "Doant need it. '.Vhy jSinged chickell. Don-r look at me She will Ieaye shDrtly to make her Tne ceremony was perlOrmed at S and. the city council of F']m·pnc". in! -<:::-"'0- darter there goes yer ignerance Idarter the sight will nnner,e you. Re- home tbere with him. o'clock in the presence of about fitlY connection 'with their eStablishment i E. c·:. Ph::",'€' '-,;- C::"'- ',,:-::' .1 .u ope" again. 1\-e need one every day, every member your pap as he wuz not as hG "">""> guests. Rev. George '8. Sloan officiat.' of an imDrDyement -disnict and order.l the graye or an Indian chief here torty hour amI every minit. ,but yon doant ,is. Tell Jack Lu'oold he can hey that .1Ir. Roy Brown and children are ing. '.. , ! illg jlave~ent of ::'Iiain street in that Iy~,.al·'; a~~:~ahn,~_ fO,U~d. a bI~ass ~a:rele~ seem IO realize it. You are jest like Ijug ,0: old. cr?,w which 1 hid in the VIsaing relatives and friends a, Xor· )Ii"s Anna Thiessen, siSler Oi I(JjsIric,. J. S. Paul and others. acting . !,,~tol. 'iHdu•." nu" III the mu.,eum ac every woman. YOU doant want a I oat mn. tell- Ifolk. George. aCled as bridesmaid and lIr. for many affected citizens as well as IX",v" bUl·gh. K Y .. a pip,," and other ,.·ng- t.il'.· -.·.o'lr na'boI- gI't" one. Efl .lest 'hen [gra'hbed .nap 'h\.. ',lle leg, .-...~. "'zar Sarro" a-' ~room·~an LI"tle!' 't'[]ina~ th . ~ ~ • , .. u u...... ~. ,v.'" '" ,,=. L for tbemseiyes. began an action to I" ,,". cUrs. PurkypUe had a bath cabJ'-net an hauled him to shore-v.-ith my Chamberlain's Colic. Choler". and Flnrence Xelsol1was ring girl. The a"oid navmem oJ am' impro\'ement i ",,>.,,:> :rou coodent hold still ner give me 'I eyes shut. Then I ontied the laein Diarrhoea Remedy is tod;!y the uest bride was dressed in creme pongee assess~e~l taxes in' district coun I :'1rs. Linle eame down from Tel\a· any peace until 1 got one too, and around ,his neck and started fer Imow11 medkine in use 1'01- the relief Silk: ,Wit~. net ,~'oke tri~~ed ,:It}l gold Wednesday aiternoon. They filed a In;,a~ and '~'aIched ~es~~E' Ihe /~ick. bed when you got it you woold s~y that i home. Pall s~ed he v;ar~t burnt or Ian.d .cure o.f. bowel complaints. It cures br~l~. ::;~e 'I,.~re., a .. 0.1~d~: '",:,1 and peti,ion for a restrainIng order and a 10.' n,.er. ~o,her .. ~l~~. _:_~ .. T:,}:ll.lel UI:­ you cooldent see how yon lived so II hun mueh. plckc-d up h,S barl and gnpmg, marrhoea. dysentery. and ca; fled a..ounc'l 0' "n~t~ "~~ .". The perl1etual injunction to pre'-em: til . ~lle\ ed b) .ne., "b,er-n.-I"". ~Ir". long without one, fer they are a sure foHewed me home. and sed: ·'Lobe.! should be mken at the first unnatural bndesmaI",,> ;;:ck and miluobes in jinera!. i sage I'll jest naterally disown you lor valuah!e 101' 'children and adults_ It carried a bunch of pink roses. The 1clerk of Douglas count\'. from Dro. I :\liss Bertha Xeale ;" teaching at 'With that he g;rabbed his toois and i life and ef you tell the feller;; ahout always cures. Sold bv Geo. Sier:. rings 1VEre earried in the hean of a Iceedin~ to eolTect the as~essmem5' b" i I-looper. Her sister, Edith. and Clara \yent off around behind the wood (this eus~ed contrapshioTI of luine. rn ~---:::-..- rose. _4..fter the ceremony the gl1E-srs \ saie of~abuttlng prope]'t~c . }Rollv;er g.o ID the stare unh·er:;i!y. shed arguin and talkin to ,hisself <'.'~d ,- Iea\'e you and. mar:y ~irs. SwaI~er. i Henry .Johns and family leit this WE!'e sealed to a sumpwolis supper.! The restraining: ol'der "as refused; I ~--":> i shook my head fer 1 Jillowed ne derned ef 1 don t. 1'\0. 111 marry ner Iweek for Lemon. S. D.. where tbey The abundance furnished by the faued l but a hearing 0; the temnoran- in· I Han'ey Hulse is fJack from South wood make a bath cab~'llet or bust. Iand bring her horne to Iiye with you. will reside 011 a homestead. ealf. ll~~berless ch~cken~ and .lots of Ijunetion was SE" for Ocw'be~' It!. ' I DalwtcL Arter awhile I heerd a noise Oll the and illE', See ef J doant," I ~·~v good Hung" made It a leas, mdeed'i The n!aintiffs. J. S, Paul. L. 8hin. 1 <'O>'<::.~ porch and lookin out [ beheld Pap I LOBELiA LOPER. I Mal'garet Long is anending the The gues.t.s were many 01 them_ 11e:'2 I ley. J. ';'-. Shipley, .J. P. Brown and .~.! \" ..H. Woods is lla\'ing " resting with his new fangled invenshion. He I P. S. Pap has turned his hath caby· state Xormal at Kearney. Irom a G1stance. An aum otme! F. Close. allege that the mayor and; ,;pell lD the care of the doctor. had took all; old. coal oil barre.1 and I net iUI.v a shelter fe, a old. hen. au.·d ."">~. bride came ali tile way trom califor· ! the city co~ncil fl'alldulen tho and' . • . . !I ~il'l"""~ ~-'~-"'''~~1·-·· l~~~~ dk k · b h" f h k db l' ,- T" man~. ena~ l '. lia 'noc eo. out ot enus. ana oyer .Iel· C lC 'ens an 'e sez _Ie IS gom to "Irs..J. S. RIchards and daugme,', D,a. lie ... 01 _,Ie o,.oe I WI1Oih' in violation 01 iaw ordered the II I one end he had nailed an old storm Iquit takin farm papers of every kind lIargaret of Three Lakes. \Vash. who ~~.d ~o~m j,?in_~1l ":i,,hing them a life I' eSIabiishme.nt of the. impro\-emenl I• IDLE CHATTER • ~urtain which we used to use on the: except thE' Florence Tribune. cause aU have been \'isiting f!'iends and reia· iUI! 01 ~apIJ.~e"". distrlel. ordered P3 Yemem of the l •• • • tin~s Ru~or" ~wo ot~er buggy. He had then cut a hole in 101' em but it is printed fer durn fools in Florence left the laue:· part ot 01'. threE' Istreet; awarded a contract for the I this big enuff ieI'h!s neck and had Iin gineral and they puts-i"ool I1oshions Iof the week for their home. ~·edd:n;~ floaI:(! r:r~u.~.!l. :o:....~•.dur:~g 1 \\'ork 10 one Ford without haYing duly ••••••••~~ :iHced it back fer six inches er maar! in a smart man's hed. L. L. • ~>-<::> lne \\ e_k and. ~e.~... el ~ !:::r"l",ent OlIt !considered bids for the eontract. , ._~ ,_ " .. " _, "0 he could ",i.'•. Jl'is head th,.u The ~_·Irs. PI·lan',· v-a'-.· l·,niol·t·u·"at'" as they couTu not ue Yer,ned they a~e 1 . 11 d" d I I . h d' ?lh"" Helell :\;chols \\a" the 2,uesc ..., --' .. ~ t. .t n - ""- ;..1..... - - ~ • - ,- : 'Wfong:lU_ ... \."" an frau u ent y c arge . 1 . ~. _ "--._ ?pe~in a.mi he.. had pU~.his sho? string ~~.'i'.~..~~. ,-,nough }ronday to ..un a n~il in her not given. ! 1 - •• '. -' f b .. -I- .' of Jer aUDIo }Irs...\. O. Niehols at tne JU tne shced Dlac.e so we oyen.m could • J IOOi. The wedding of ?\liss }Iae Dugher ~~\~n::"Il~~ ~~~~ti~a ~;~~~~~·'w~~n c~; Hr,miiwn in Omaha. :'Tonday. lOLl: flHATTER I be drawed un tlte arouna hlS neck. II LUi "">--::::.,.. and }Ir. George :'Ic:,\,amara of I"isner, k te;]]]s of its f;anchise ihe Omaha. ~""> - . s~rtinlY Ihe ~nd Thing was simple enuff and II Tile Rebeckas initiated two new Xeh., will take plac'€' October e. I£: Council Bluffs Street Railway com· I T :'Ifrs..'-\... O. ::lcn::l: dallgnter. wood have worked li.ke a charm ef let ·~~1>-"-""40"""".""> - ilIlt inches outside of each rail; and . .. ,c 10 :s ::;l~_~. content with doin things like other .John Lubold returned Tuesday The cakes aI the Johnson-Thiessen IDLE HT b ' ...... '..7~ h~ I C. AT ER' chal'ged the owners of a uttmg prop- J' 1 - H Ol~t"tOfn.~- f J O_:p~::'" .~-'I foakes. , froill -his trip to Colorado. He spent wedding on ·"\Vednesday were furnish· II •I ! eny for the full contract price of the I. _amje" a d" Oct" \Vell to make a long story short,l some time in Den~-er and was there ed by the ·G€rman bakery.. ~ work ,,;hen the contractor had \\a" t Je "ues 0 DIS palent.", CHI. ~n Pap come in the house, undressed, when HasTings & Heyden opened up "">~ ~".W+H>+~~~~~~+iW+iH4 d ., k' t!l lIrs..J. L, Houston Sunday and :'lIon· I , saye money on H oy rna 'mg e con· Id y and got inside his "barrel bath cabY-l their Denyer office and sold 411i) lots ::\Irs. Viola Pettit is the guesI of crete base but 3~:2 inches thick when a.. net and come out in the kitchen fer as a starter. ''''frs. Judge Good at Wahoo this lIrs. Howell of Sioux City and }Irs.· ·ft· . - •. k ..;:-->~- tne speCl canons reqUlrea a tlllC 'ness j P - F K D" ,. B!<>;' 'l~i' d me to lace up his neck. I done so and "">~- 'i\'eek. Xaile of Omaha spent Tuesday as Ihe of 51!> inches. . .raL .•. .I:,on 0: ~.I i .",le then he had me set our big fancy In honor of her eighth birthday ~~ guest of Mrs. IVaItel' Riemer. Th- t ddT 1 . "lEn Florence Inends ",amrday. hand.painted parlor lamp under the lIUSS Verda HDllingsworth entertain- Hen.y Anderson has rented tbe "">"0 • e unwa.rrlan e. alIi 1 lega ac:t1on ~"'0-' 0.1 the officla s 01 F o!en~e has C?st :lIrs. Dr. Akers. who has been spend- barrel while he set inside stradde of ed about twenty·five of her young Fe!dhusen house on Bluff street and The Ponca 1mp-:-ovement ciu? ~'ilI tne taxpayers abouI $.,001), accordmg . a • ~ C I" . h . a soap box. 'jfriends Sunday. "'Insic and games will move into it the first of the meet :\Iondav e"enma at the Falrnew . 11 . - th I"ff JDo sam time ~n ,a l!orma as Ie· "" la ed after who . ~efre h nI k school' l'lOU"':. ., '" to tne. a ~gat!ons at. e p amtl s'. a turned. Tna t 1amp {)f our".- can sartImy 'ere p y • lcn • s me s. wee'. ~~ nart 0, thIS sum gomg to the city make heat when it tries and I thInk were sen-ed, '"">,,,,> -"0-""> I~ouncil for compensation wrongfully ~•.~, it sorter overdid itself a-Sull1'!~J' i .;::;,..~- Your complexion as well as your R H. Olmsted spent \\'ednesday at f !aken by itS members for siIting as :'Irs. E. T. Enyeart is spending a mornin, Pap sat there with his head DOll't waste your money buying temper is rendered miserable by a \\'ashington on business, members of a board of equalization. few days the guest of :\Irs. O. 'I\'. Xe]- out~r that ,bar! like a young chicken plasters "hen you can get a bottle of disordered Ii,er, By raking Chamber· ",.>-:::;.. • I H. B. Fleharty is their attorney and son. "">~ jest coming outen the shell and in a Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you MI'. Joe R~th ~as be:n laid up tne I the case will come before Judge Day. .. . _, ..._ few minits the sweat begin papin out· five cents, A piece of f1.annel damp- can impr'oiie both. Sold by G€o. past week wlIh tne qmnsy. i Can oe depended upon l:s an ex· en his bead like buck shot and his ened with this liniment is superior to 8iert. "">-<:::>! ~res~ion we all .like [Q hear, .and wh.en face turned tile color of a red flannell any plaster for lame back, pains in'j "">""> 1II's. Will Driscoll of Blair. Xeo.. I NOTICE. If It IS used III connectIOn WIth undershirt. ' - the side and chest, and make cheaper. :.\frs. R. H. Olmsted and :\liss FloI" lIas been Yisiting with her jJarems. The regular monthly meeting of the Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and "Say. 'but this is great. Lobelia:' sez Sold by Geo. Siel·t. ence Olmsted were guests of 11J·s. C. :.\Ir. and 111'5. WiI! Kindred. lhe last Ponca lm~r(}:·ement.club :"il! be held Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it !I.e. "I ne~er had s_uc:h pleasure .mma-,. ,~"0-. B. Coon in Omaha :?IIonday afternoon. few da's. at the Falrne,.; scaool nouse :'ion· never fails to cure diarrhoea. dy· HZ a rl1nnlll om: ot my poores In my I \'(. H. Tnompson expeCts TO leaye "">.c;::,,. • -<:::_~_ day e"ening. Ocwber 3. As matIers sentery or bowel complaints. It is Hfe. I kin- fairly feel it like mllk i the first of the week for western Xe· Mrs. Keaton is paInting and deco· :\11'. Vance Baker was a guest al 'the Iof importance will be discussed all pleasant to take ;Ind equally yaluable gravy outen a 00"1. I kinnear great !Draska on a hunting trip_ rating the interior of the Parkside Hohzman home Sunday. ! members are asl;:ed to be present. for children and adll1ts. Sold by Geo, gobs of malar}' splatterin down I ~""> l:otel. making quite an impro'·ement. -,,~.:,. I .r. F. IVUERTH, Siert. around my feet, jest like bran mash I' ReL :'Iurphy of Presho, S. D.. was "">""> 1Iiss Helen Holt~man celehrated I Secetar~.-. lyan }l.an has left Florence for falli'll from a cow's mouth. the guest of Joe Thornton and family ?\Ir. and 1I11·S. Hugh Suttie and fam· her 18th birthday at Ihe horne of her I Topeka. Kan.. where he wii! spend Well Pap kept up his braggin reI' (Monday. lly attended the Goodlett·Wakeley parents. Mr. and':\lrs. J. A. Holtzman, :'.If. and :'1rs. Thomas Dugher en· the winter months. about ten millits and all at once he! "">~ wedding in Omaha ,,\VednestIay. Miss Sunday evening. Only a few of ;ler iu- :el'tained deHginfully ?\ionday e,en· ~0·~", got rea! quiet, and ! axed. him ef he I :\Ir. and cUrs. Beebe of New York Gomllett is a sister of :\Irs. Suttie. timate friends were present. I iI!~ in hOllor of Father ::\Iurpby of 1 jlrs. Elmer Clure will. soon !Olll h:-r ~Iusical warnt enjoyin hisself and he sed he are the quests c{f ::I.1r3. Beebe's sister, -<::;..<:::0- .'':2. IPresho, S. D.. selections were! husband at Columbus ,mere Iller ''.'Ill wuz, and I.told him not to give up 13-1rs. B. F. Re}·nolds. C1mrles Xoriand. who is no'\' llYing Peter and Edv.-ard C2.rstE'llSOn ofIrendered by Father Barren. tue :'Iiss·'1 residE' this winter. the smp unless the lamp exploded. "">-<::::>- in the we3tern part of Xebraska was Davenport. la., who lived here anum· 1':5 Rllgh",r, Tony Thornton. and .,,::::/~. Now whatever made me think of Word was received Tuesday that vi.siting with Florence friends the bel' of years ago \'isited Florence the' James Dugher after which luncheon :'lr. .Toe Roselno, who formerly reo that lamp explodin. I can't tell, it the supreme coun had oyerruled a fore part of the week and looking first of the week but could not recog· was served. Those present were ::\Ir. sided at Philadelphia, and has been ·must have been a woman's perman· mo'tion for a rehearing filed by the oyer the .city with a Yiew to locating nize many of their old acquaintances. and ?III'S. JOEeph Thornton and fam- spending the summer at Florence de· ishon, 'out it started pap to thinkin of :railroad· and therefore the Missouri here again. He at one time farmed C. L. Netbaw3.v of DeSota. has nul" i1y. Rey. Father :\Iurphy. Rey. Father parted the latter part of the week for what mfght be the consequences ef Pacific will ha';e 'to pay Gus 'Va!1en· the ground where the Foresr Lawn chased the Ritchie farm and will ·set· Barren, Mr. and '}'Irs, Thomas San Francisco where he will join the the lamp shood blow UP. and as he berg $6.00(1, cemetery 1S now located. He on it soon. Dugner and family. I TI. S, Xav)'. ,

fingers on her arm was fine, was del-! if he gave himself' up to the course he gradually, the most dubious thing on 1better use of it than I? Leave ~·ou to icate, as if to say, "I wouldn't harm was following as something he knew earth. ,go on with this business and marry you for the world." . was inevitable. The faintness of de· ."Then -:hat are you doing here Ithis Cressy? ~ven suppose you ga\'e She blushed· a slow, painfUl crim- spair came over her, Only the nar· wIth 'the rmg on you?" he demanded I me the sapphIre, I couldn't let you son. She hadn't meant that. She row table was between them, yet ali solemnly. "yl/hy are you dealing with I do that!" I hadn't even thought of it; but, since at once, ,,-ith the mention of the ring, me? What do you think you'll get I "If I gave you the sapphire," Flora he bad there was nothing for it but he seemed a long way off. out of it? Great God! women are said, "oh. he wouldn't marry me Ito go in. The door: shut behind her "Do you care for it so yery much?" liideous! How can you betray the Ithen!" She couldn't tell how this had , sharply, with a click like a little trap; she asked him, trembling but valiant. man you love?" 1· come to her, but all at once iI: was II and she breathed such an atmosphere, "I care so very much," he repeated "Oh," she cried, with a wail of'hor' clear, like sign of her complete SYNOPSIS. a fiat, faint and stale, the mere ghost slowly, and after a moment of won· ror. She stood up trembling and pale. ! failure; but Kerr only wondered at "You belong to me. His hand At a n.rivate ,-jew of tbe Chatworth 0f some.f u11 er, ~ore fragrant flavor_.' de,r,: "Wh. y, d'ton. Y,.Ou.-?', . "I don't-I don't-I don't! I've kept· her distress. closed on her. "~Iine is tll;;, only honor personal r est~te, to he sold at auction, the I Tnth e1 Ittl e anteroom we.,'h re the' I Oh. ,not for that,' sh e CrIed sh arp- it from- them. I'm standing against: "Well, if you don't want to marry you haye to thinl{ of. Can't you trust Chatworth rmg.. known as the Crew Idol. stood whose faded ceiling all but, ly. "Not for the sapphire!" them all. I shall never give it to him, what do you care?" that I am right? Can't ·.;oa see it mysterlously dISappears. Harry Cressy, .,. . , j .·h "'", h I b t d "Oh I d 't I d'+ l·or th,,+." - who was present, describes the ring to brushed theIr heads, and m the larger He stared, . She had startled hIm t em. n'Llen ave ever e, raye • on , on" care c through my eyes? Can';' you make his fiancee, Flora G:ilseY, and !ler <;hap- little room beyond the Nottingham clean out of his brooding. "In heaven's you?" She sank back 1istlessl~.' in her chair yourself all mine?" His az'm .was eron, Mrs. Clara Bntton, as bemg like a 1 t ., 'I d 'ld h b ." H b f h .• again She cou'dn't e'-plai11 bur ;~ heathen god, with a beautifUl sapphire ace cur ams, prevaI e a Iill sa" name, for what. then? e drew ack, away rom er, as II • . <.' ._, c lu around her now, holding h81' fast. but set in th." head. Flora meets Mr. Ke!'r, biness. a respectable decay. Curtains,1 Ob she could never tell him it was to ward off her meaning, but she her own mind she knew that if she she turned hei' face away. and his an EnglIshman. at the club. In dis- - . d d II! ' fl lo~t the RaDDhire she wo ld 10'" cussi~ the disappcaraI!'ce of t,he ring, the and table·cloths al:ke showe .a .u for him! In her distress and eni- leaned toward him, her hands ung >; '. - ,u so _e In kisses fell only on her cheek and explO1ts of an English tl:!lef, Farrell and tempered whIteness as If the barrassment she looked all wa.ys out, holding herself up to him for all her own esteem; so fai! at every point hair. ir:i'dH:~~'r~Tji:le:ke!:rlrn"o:a~o~el'hi~~ shadow of time ~ad f~llen dim across I. His quick white finger touched her she meant. He got up slowly and the that counted, that she '':Duld neyel' be "Oh." she cried, "if onl:;' I could!" aboUI: the m:;-stery. Kerr Tells Flora that' the whole. Tue llttle restaurant 1 on the wrist "For Cressy?" creeping tide of red, dusky and vio· aol: to se," or be seen in the Viorld "Don't you love mE'~" ~fa~~sh~.t ~{0li0 s~:n;~~er:' :if.~r~~n~g~ seem~d b~hind ard ~-es, I left ir;- the on:v I The abrup't stern note- of his ques. lent. rising over his face, swelling his again as the same creature. Even to "Oh, bnt tha!. ll:akes illE' see, the return of n.,e. rmg. Harry adnnts to , marcu of the CIty, and Its faded, kmdly . Han startled her She held herself featm-es, darkening his eyes, hung be· Kerr--even to him to whom she would all the more, the dreatii\!l l1!fIerenee ~j~~~ i~a~ 1::b!~~~:;~~t.f:~t~~'i~rb';:;k:;;l face was but a- shadow of what had I stiff and still fo~' a moment, then: fore her like a banner. of shame. ha~~/ieldte~h~h:' W~~d ha\~ b:,eom~ between us." engagement rmg. An eXQUlSlte sapphire 'I been of the vigor and flourish of bour,,' "F ' . thO t h db' "I didn't know I dIdn't know," he a I erell I!!",. e rea ,zen no", "You silly child., ther" is no differ- set in a hoop of brass, is selected. Harry . ." T or everyone III IS wre c e USI- ..' , . '_ , she had staked e\'ervthillg- on the urges her not to weal' it until it is reset. ) geois Spam ,,0 years before. here Iness. I have to." repeated III a low VOIce, HI~ eyes v; ere. .'. ~.. enee, really." The possession of the ring seems to cast was no one eating at the little tables, "~h" h . h d . th t' f -. on the ""'ound Then with a sharp premIse she wouldn t ha,e to "Ah, yes. you know it as ,;ell as a spell i:n'er Flora. She becomes uneasy .. ~. b h' d th high cash- -',e Sig e OUt e sa IS actIon! . ""'f' l' 'd' . .~ . yield: and now it began to ap. and appreheusive. Flora meets K"rr at a Ino on.e sItcmg em: . Iof his long uncertainty, "then Cressy motIOn, as L mere y stan mg In I,ant , ,. - _ '.' _. 1. You were afraid ot' it. too. Ail box party. She is startled by. the effect_ desk In the anteroom. Not a stIr of .. .~., - I. of her was unendurable. "Oh, Lord," pea. to her that she v.ould. HIS that long time you wet'" walking on hi~ Whehn he g~~ a glhimpse of the human life in all the place. I' IS m Ic. £; ! he said and turning walked from weakness was appearing now as <>'.'o'u'nd '.''"'U -;-,'e','e ~·ond~.-,r;"2 ',','!' ethel' sapphIre. T· e posslblJity t at the stone I "No I didn't mean that-vou must· ", t ibl - h ~'h ~ ,_, " __~. ig part of t11e Crew Idol causes Flora, "Hello," said Kerr among the tables ,':. ,. '. ,. har toward the window. He went a err. e strengt, a stren",t_ yoa dared to take me:' much an:dety,.. Unseen, Flora, discoyers I looking around him, "we've caught! n t thmk It-I can t dISCUSS hIm WIth I. '"ately a" if he meant to go that seemed on the point of crushing Clara ransac«mg her dreSSIng room. ~ I vou'" She was hot to recanture her precrpiL , ~ her b t .. ld ., ...., He denied her steadily, "::'\eyer!" I<;.lora refuses to giv~ or sell. the stone. to I them asleep.." He rapped on the wall:, : .. _ •. ~ through it, but he only leaned against .' u It; cou n.e,el ;~mlIlce Ler. She loved him for th:>.t g~,Hant de- Kerr. an51 suspec~ 111m of !>emg the thief. I with his cane. Flora peered at him I' fugltn e admIsSIOn.. l't and stood. motionless' and from her That strength of hIS han Drought her ]i'lora's mterest m Kerr mcreases. She '. _ . -' "Don't let that disturb you You " here "\Y 't t h h -e that nial, for she knew he had bee!! at'raid, decides to retum the ring to Harry, but between the curtams, all her rascmat.! ... . side of the table, trembling, breath- . ,a~ I a appen e". horribly afraId, more afraid than she l1e teUs lIer to keep it fora day o~ two. ed apprehension of what was to fol· I haven-t grven hIm away to me. I had less "he watched his stricken sil., strange thmg she had foreseen, the was now', but that strange n."alit'.; of Ella Buller tells Flora that Clara 1S set-. " h 11 ·t b 1 all I'm likelY to get from the man ' ~ end of her? \\'a- it here "he 'ras to - tlng her cap for her father, ,Judge Buller. low plam upon her face. S a. lei. .,.. houette black upon the gray, fading I '. " . ~,. his that gave to a double risk a dou. ;Flora belie...-e-s Harry susp€cts Kerr and a giant or dwarf?" he asked her, j hImself: light ; lose the sapphIre, and hIm? ble zest had set him all the :rotter on lS waitlng to make sure of the reward be-" , • . I • f .' "He-he told you?" she faltered' i Sh 1 k d '~ 1. d th fore unmasking the thief. Clara seems to, There s notnmg won t do 01 yoU,.L .. . The knowledge of how far she had i e 00 e ,a"ue.y aroun e this resolution. b6 intent about something, ! you know." '1 "He told me. nothmg. :;ron't y0.u gone, of how much she had betrayed I room, at the most impassive aspect He sat for some IOIlg moments The door opened and a -little girl know th:,t he mls~oubts me. I got It herself. swelled and swelled before Iof the place, as at a place sh.e nev.er thoughtfully looking slraight before CHAPTER XVIl.-(Continued.) with a long black braid and purple out of hIm, by sleIght of hand-where her mind until it seemed to fill her i expected to leave; the darkenmg WIll- him. She, glancing at l1is ;lrofile,

apron came in. we had met before. Has he never l'f b t h I k d t't h·n d '1 dows. the fast·shut door, the child Beyond the looming roofs as they .. A. dwarf" cried Flora She 11 told. you an:rthing of that morning ji e'b u sd e AlOIa teh ad 1 ~I I! atn leaning on the desk watching them white and faintly glilllillC'1'ing in the ., . h 1 h h?" una ash e , e ecenCIes me.h ..' . t" Hight, thought it looked sharp, ab- descended the hill she saw white sails laUghed. with a quick relaxin'" of her w en we eft your ouse toget ar. ld h ld . k b f h th. ght' WIth sharp mCUrIOUS eyes-thIS would '" ,- ." .. wor s ou SIll e are e ou I.' sorbed and set. Sbe couid see his sink out of sight, All the panorama strained nerves. 11 might almost have ·Never. The admISSIOn cost her her a traitor. She came softly up be- I be her mche forever. She would be great determination growing __ , ~ ~" • ,. ••• ..,,-a._., . ragged ban. ' green gras~ above wlt.h chair a little off the ground as he sat she murmured. tiful of you, but"'-and he turned to m~.et h;m_, e _wa::. ~=ll~n".. . _ sense of dr-o,;Iling in this profound, Wooden staIrways stragglIng ~p theIr her up to the table, as if to show how! "Mv God! how you do champion the window a~ain and spoke to him. ~on t JOU .kno,,_ tha\.~o~ cO~la unfathomable 'clement, of sl:!utt;ng her naked faces; past th:se agam; past easily he could put forth strength.! him!'~ He leaned forward sharply "elf-':it puts"'an awful face on my eaSIly get, rId 01 ?:e., e. e· eyes and opening her ann" to it, 'was lower levels; past little gray and T~here was nothing defiant in him. He Iacross the table. "\Vhat is tbis man busine"s All alon~ you've made me mande? . Cressy WOUla De too glad the highest she had e,'er tOlldled: but Of ""'hat She cluttered houses; past loaped carts of was taking her with him-taking her 't ·o?" . _. d'" • th to do It for you; and there are more all ~"t once the memor"~ tabI ' t hild l'.' -, lOY u. thInk for ....ou. an or you, more an th th I Id _ .. <1 ' • le,,"jn~ _. _. .• - u ..ege es, pas. c ren p 8:YIng upon the wings of his high SpIrIts; I H .g t f H h d " tha I' If r d" ways an one at cou 5ee ..Ie j was belI;nd hE- '["n a ia"t shrillY, bearing down a!viayson theIbut mischievouslv obstinately he I. hPt- wt·asthgom °ti~ ar. "The a noI you deserve, more th?- f canda °t 'f sapphire from you. if 1 could face the ~timp,,::\o~ "''''rY ;wept ;'-~' :'1t" fea~ f th'""' l-·d· ., , . rIg 0 at ques on. e man I The stare she gave IS orce ou o'd f 't b ~ 11 • 11 /; care ", -~ 1 _t>•• - '"" 1. • gl'~D. square a '" p aza W1 e, worn would not show her where the flIght h ' " H h t _ '1 "nn.. d'd 't I ea 0 1 - UL rea .y, lea y \ e ~l,n n1ade a de-'pe"a'A err-'-r -0 "~-cue . . . , . ave promIsed to marry: er 0 hIm a reluctant smi e, HUY, In" ~ e's onl ~.- . ::; . C,= I),. < ,"" and forelgp.. and the Greek church was leadmg nor let her lIsten to any- - I k h ld d fi d h' t I .? D th' k I ld·· too much for e~ch other. lher y lle""e'"' before t·he watpr' :I"'f~ c'a-ed '·a· ed""h bi d· 11 b·' '00- er co manner e e lill 0 you 1.'"110W It 0 you III cou nt f d d th ,-". , ,." ..~"-' .,,, ' om Wit ue an ye ow, ear· thing but the rustling of those wings. I' , d h h v·· \ "h'. -th t fi ~ one way out or you an me an e o"er he- hpad '. d' if "t h d f . 1 d t ' , d . A- comman er ere, - et lor a mo- I have had t e sappmre a rSL h'r I'll t k" b th.. " - . mg oown as 1 a aIr y e elmllle He was determmed to mak holiday, Ii t l' • d ·th h' h d 'f ·t sapp I.e. a e .'ou 0 . She pulled hnr"elf ····0- \Yithont t k'tg tr . ht th h . _. - ~. • men, eallIng IOrwar WI IS I.night I saw It on your an, IIH Inn h h' d' . 11 . ~- - - _" ~~. _ . o. ma e 1 course s aI~ roug w~atever was to follow. .~or t~e! clenched hands on the table, he looked I hadn't been-well, for the way 1 er c_"::uc ed anas open:, a~u re. hIS arms around her 1m' cile nr3t mo- thlS stable center. Then III .the very glImpse of blue through the mm Wlll'j • t' d f h j' h h f ? If' d kn at her "Ides. A great wa, e 01 help· finnt she cou'd h"-d'" -'aal 8,"0 'h d't d id t 1 tt ff . ~ .•. reaay 0 sprmg up an orce er t oug t 0 YOU. anCle you . ew 1 _ fi' . h H . - u , ~<" ro_"'~"', '. s a ow I swerve as. e 0 c a er. 0 Idow mlO"hL be the Bay of :-;aples, and, I db. k h Th xt' 1 t .. H d. tl essne"s 01\ ed mer . er. er c\ es, tool' an unc"r"al'n,~,"-el) ".~,-u" 'hen l' .. ': . . • wor s ac On er. e ne ne e that then:' e ma e a res ess mo;-e·.. .', r' - c·. t. < _ L _U .n. qUIte anotber dIrectIon along a ah' ChIantI Perhans the sort one I· d d d b k' h' h" . f 11 f h h ul her mroat filled up 'i\Jth a .ush of -"1'1'" rush ~he rea"I',aU' ,'n" n""'e cur. • ., 1"- It go an roppe ac - In IS c aIr. ment HIS arm e rom er s 0 - . . . _ ~'l , u - " • L <_ '. • , •• _ WIder street WIth whiter sbops, and, gets down :ltlonte Video way, where I. ' ·Th ' b. 1 t' . blIndmg tears. She put out her hanas, ;-nI'n" ~lhe" fi~~ped br.·lll·.··~ h-" She . .'. ._. I..1 agaIn. I.del'. ,. ere·s een on y one rung. •., ' -" -. .'~!" " "'" u,",. more ghtterIng wmdows wnh glIded France fades mto Italy-perhaps, at, 'Q .. "B I d·d'· t d f ~h fir t" h 'd" d I trymg to turust hIm off, but he tCOil: hE'2rd Kerr lau~li a notw ~l'i~t ca- il h · f . 't' . ,., uIte so," he said. ut I nt 0 0 rom c e s, e sal, an .. .", , .",.,.,"., letters as mg oreIgn names, WI u i least if her fanc"" could get the bet· 'I ••. . • , h ' 't." the WrIsts and held them apart, and: res"'I'ng almos' COT't"n' -"" '''~ fI'O"1 - ' '_1 ' " , belIeve It." He stared at her WIt a don't see my way to 1 • , ~ _ I -", L _ ..,. L,_~~ " more marked and brillIant colors mov tel' of tbe realIty. j' Y - .•' I 0 d ,- t 1- 't' L. ·t'·· h neld her a moment help,e"s befole, The "'loom li1"e ~ ,II·~",.,h,).<;_',"l ".)'N' of ', .' I ", dull prDIound resentment. "et 1, s I "h, on t a ...e I, ·ea,e 1. S e . : c '" ..... ~ - ••<-" ,",,~ - '-- mg In the crowd, WIth a clearer "She wouldn t care If you Jumped'1 '- 'bl" ...... th "ap-I 1 d' "Lea"e I't wI'th me' ,Vhat· hIm. : triumph. Her n:s11 had ,~,,-~~;ed her t n aU of Latin living 'h .• " most POSSI e, SInce It Isn ,c e - pea eu., ." "Oh" h 'hie. ~. , s amp 0 '. ~up and threw ..me ~~t of t e .wmaow: i phire it would be tbat:' He mused., does it matter so much? A jewel~ If ...' no, s e v, .:_pe,ea. i in~o tb.e middle of the ~m,-,.~c;::I. At hy • Then suddenly for them the slid· I he afflrmed. Tha., s .:w thIS hole l~ ! "But. you extraordinary woman. why I only you would lea,e it and go away B:t I lo,~ you. . . ~ i thIS last moment was tnE'r~ ~o hi' no lng panorama ceased. The car had! so harmless. Oh, Isnt that harmless: ! th., h b k ff -'11 l' k' 0"; f ,.. He, head reU back. She looked aL. miracle to sa.... ~ her: Thel-'" ,-;as no ~'f d d h h d 1 ft 't d i W' h 1 th tIt ' on ear - e 1'0 eo, so 00 nn" l rom me. h' h had "poken the 'nc-ed stoPIl~ an t ey a e I, an we:e I 'hats more ~rm ess an 0 e one i at her, looking with a persistent. I He whirled on her. "In hem'en's . ,m an Ie." , , - rescue among these dumb c.'aEs and standmg upon the corner of a S~IU j aI~ne? There s O~y one dangerous i sharp, studying eye. as if she were I name. a fine piece of logic! Lea,e the lb~~. . .,.. ,. _ . ,. "': closed-up windm';s. The lJur-p18 child eet s:r tha.t came down from the hIgh \ thmg here,". he gnnr;-ed and let her l the most puzzlin~ ~ . -1, it came to her! sa.pphire to people who can make no : I 10\ e JOU•• :Ie .•epedeu, t~!~~bh, ga....e her a sharp, bi~d.lik: -5"lauce, as hIlls behmd them and crossed the i take her chOIce of WhICh. ' "1 God knows hov; It nas happenea. . if the most tt:!t tUIS wI:d woman car track and climbed again a little I She came straight at it. The blood rushed to her heart. ,coi.lld want was "chan~,,:' Flora way to curve over into the sky. Dingy I "You 1.'"110W I can't let you alone." i He was drawing her nearer. i looked behind her and sa,: Kerr. who h~uses two blocks above th~m stood I He laughed. "Wen, isn't that W?y l She felt his. breath upon. ~el', j'"ac~; had ~ut' aside.the cur:aii:3 .and was SIlhouetted against the blue, They; we're here at last-that you may dIC'l she saw the Image of hersbf ,n hIS: sr:mdmg 100klIlg at he:-. He was were walking upward toward this ho.! tate your terms?" I eyes. She started to herself on the! bright and triumphant in eba: twilight rizon, leaving color and motion be-I "I have. Didn't you get my letter?" I- edge of danger, and made 11 struggle· room. He was not afraid of losing hind them. With every.step th.e streetI "Oh. indeed I did. Haven't I obeyed to release her wrist~. He let. t~em her now. He knew in that 'JDe mc- grew more empty, lonely and color- it? Haven't I kept away from your go. She sank down mto her enall'. ment he bad imprisoned iler for' ever! less. Many of th" windows that glim-l house? Have I tried to approach I ""\Vhy not? Why won't you go with She saw him approaching, ,mt though mered at them, passing, were the Iyou?" I me?" she heard him say again, stii! all her mind and Epirit 5cr-::tined for ~f ere ~ad }>1an.k "'."indows empty h<:uses. v: I "Hayen't you. though?" she threw 1 close beside her. . . i iii.ght. something hai'pe:lQd to her they taking this way, thIS cunous at bim accusingly, I "I can't, I can t!" She clung to. WIll. It tottered lIke her knees_ roundabout, out-of-the,wol'ld way, of I "Ah," he deprecated, "you came to! the words, but for the moment she: He stooped and picked Ull an ani. dropping over into the shipping which Ime. I was down in the garden." I :bad forgotten her reasons. Sue had. tidal rose., which had faUea from her lay under the hill? For an she knew She looked at bim through bis I forgotten everything bm the wonder·: hat. and put it into hel' r:~.aJ. :\ mo-- t.lllii might rea~y be his notion, for Ipersiflage wistfully, searchingly. "But I ful fact that he loyed her. He »at'. ment, with his head h-etE. ho"' stood .siI).ce they, left tbe garden gate, there were other things in that ]et.! ' there within reach, and she had Duly, looking into her face, b~[ without though tbey had looked together at. ter.": to su:etch out her hand, only to say touching her. the light and color of the pictures i "There were'?"' He regarded her l one y.:ord, and he would cut through "Sit dow!, oyer the,'e," ::." '>aU. and moving past their eyes, they had not I with gra.e surDrise. Ob., how she i the ranks of her perplexities and ter· pointed toward a chair ;lgJb;;: lhe exchanged a word. ! mistrus~ed his gravity! "·Why. to be I rors, and "an-y her away. waIL She went meekly i:ke a pris· But all at once he stopped at the Isure th~re were things-things tbat I ","Vhy not. if you l~"e ~Ie," he in·. on:r. ~ :C' .. spokE'. to t~E', C!:i.:~ i.~. ~b: intersection of two dusty streets, and I you didn't mean-one thing abo.e all. sisted. --Are you a~~ald or thos~ p~o,: pU~?L .. p.on, ."ho "a: _'C~:' ~:.~~": ~e "'J'~'~ bis eyes veered down the four per·j others you couldn't mean, that you I pIe? Are you afralG of Cressy? He' belimd the desL 'puc lllG4'/ spectives like a voyageur taking his I,·want me to drop out when the game shall never come near you:' : on the :ash'de~k m ,rmE l', 'l~r..It soundings. Elegant as ever and. odd, is half done, to slink away and leave 1 Sbe shook her head, "Xo, it isn'[, ":'~,~ gOi~;. ~~ sl.1 me gD:-:;e0'_;~I:;' Ill.. ~:~ enough, yet he wasn't any odder here; it ali like this-abandon you and my, that." flU;1 SUo To ....ndI:,g.2 . and . th" .dllw at the jumping off place of nowhere IIdol to each other! My dear, for II He stooped and looked into face_ P~~~(,2d .~r:on Jt, l~cred;:~~tl:_~i :e~ that he had appeared in the box at! what'do you take me?" "Then what. keeps you'?" luth. Tne>l. he tu,ned, .. ,')~,,_d LlI_ the theater or in the picture galler;)', 1 She burst out. "But can't you see! She looked up slo?:]y. ~00lll.. s~,ml):e;s]y o!1e~:,.~, o:[h; ~~OT: She had the clear impression ali at! the danger?" I "My honor:' ~nd v;en~ OUe ,nto the ',0.,,_ darn: at H once that b e wasn't too odd for anv·!• I e met It.- qUI.&t!y. , '1 ·'Your honor!" For a moment her the strp.e,"'0•. TIE COXTfXr--r::" ) thing, i '.'C:ertainly. I haye been . seemgI answer seemed to have him by ~Ul"- - • .. - ._- , "Here we are!" be said, and indi- nothmg else but the danger-w YOU',' prise. He mused, and again it came eated with bis glittering stick straight Do you think I've been idle all these d,'eamily back to her that he was' One Trip Nearly Paid fcr S::hooner, be.fore them a little house.. It was low. days'! Eve:y line I ~ave fOllowed,!; louking at her ueross Po vast differ· Deniers 2t T wbarf were giyen a as if it crouched against the wind, has ended In that. It s brought ~e enee no will of hers eould eyer bridge. surprise when Capt. Horae£! Hillman faded and beaten'by the sun to the finally to this:' The gesture of hIS! "Don't you ~ee wh2.t I am T' shE: ol' the H·ton schooner Eiiza Benner drab of the rock itself, and made so hand included their predica.ment and I murmured. "Can't you imagine where of Edga,town offered 20.000 pounds of secret with tight-drawn curtains that the dingy little ro~m, "Y,o,u'li really I i stand in this hirleous husine::s? It's fish to buyers at the exchange. ?\o it seemed to have shut itself up have to h eIP m,e, a.Tt:r. all'" • ,!! TUr~ Tru~t_ ". I'm on theI'r. ~~I'a'e',""~nQ' aI">, 0".'.1" 1l"'~Hcved_ th;at a s~hooner toe- ~.lze ~ \\~ouid :-':luudi!l~ against the "\\'or1~ forever. She wa· ..-·Oh. haven L,I Uleu to . Tnat- IS'l l'n spI"eL of• e'·e,.vthiTlgT.. ~.a • I can't' m"ke-,a· the BEnner attempt - _ "O'~ ('OUT~ dj"~.Dl.v vered, She wasn't afraid of "uerseU' w h~. Ti wrote.' Don t ..~ au see ~ ul o='n." 1 m"self.' 'o,-II'e"e",. l'n o-;'''l'U''~., ",.;t to• "0"'1. u.'" Ca'l',e - at this season so c. out "here, out-or-doors under the sky, danger at all,".., ~ ! He pondered !hi~ "ery gravely. loaded. But the eapt:<.in lJad r'?,~ently but she was afraid that those fOllr "Xo, but rd lIke to. He leaned cO- I "Yes. I can see no·", you might feel Il1lrch:l.sed the \ESE'.'1 and t.!1oc; s l:t i[ waUs might shut out her new un- ward her, brows lifted to a qUiZzical/' that way. But is the feEling Teally he cou:d ri2uch Bos~c:J. :H a time of reasoning JOY, might steal a",ay his peak. I .'Vours? _-\re you sure the:r ha\e~·I high prices he II1§gbr b; ~bl~ tu u.e3.r}y new tendel'D.€ss, and bring her back "01I, I can't tell you," she despaired,l put it on you? slight not my 1:01101' p3y her purchast: Fice. ~'cll fo~ ml'''e?'~ .vou:n~ ~J--:"~o~:a-fn£!' face to faee with the sa!::!e ugly fact "But somehow r sua... II ...uave L<0 mak'e! d0 as .. y ,~"OU,.if "OU~ . ,"e-e,T < ,-. \Yl·th five ~ 1l1Cn _ _ en that bad confronted -her in her draw- you go:'!, I t BLrne.;:• , her s"ne h~d...,ne"er conncc'ed" • .'.·.iart'ha's~ Vine.vard Ctint.- I-E~~nlan tOOK I·ng· ~om. "TE.,at v.-ill be easy:' he said. I..ean- ;,' him with honor. and he read her the schooner cut all tbe oee:3.ll side of .1."-'" ~ ht ·th of Ip--'-'''o''' "E~i Xantucket and in a ::::i:i)r~ :!r;J~ fiBet; ··Ob n.o·· she said, and put her ing back. nnrsing his chin in his hand, I tllougu WI a n".c:n"'-' U,-",.. . , • I ,.~ t~ ~ ~ri1€ < ,. , .. • h .. 1 ill ED 01:" [ d€!itly it hasn't occurred to you !.hat' the craft to the hatches. venture hands behind her with a determine.· he ·watched yer ";l ..... a g ~o; ~t '"'. rc_. ': r have an honor'." proved so successful that the crew ·U·on t-bat she \,,{asn·t eoing to:-m.oYe~ hrood:ng..... au n:no?; "'-...1.!t", 1 IS,. 1 ,ill i, ,. 'd" .... .~ e~rned a"o.ut ...~.;tl "-..~,Pl·'" !::i't ....; ll'lP.: n:pn, - I She luoked at mm sa 'yo 'in spIce - - 'i'-, _. ~~u -~- ' "Ob yes,'" fit. said, tiut. fl,e didn~t \"'~"aiting for.. Y.,ou lmo;v \von t. ,go ",i -y .... -d "e'.' "I'~OS' paid for h,t=>rs;:"lt.-po~'L"_n ~ S1' ~ ~ ~ smile ' He looked at. her quitegra,·e· withQut it." I',1£ word s C~1ll2 .3.1U1y, ( of e .... erything m on t!!e oUJ.er e. H- -ld _. - _. . b ~ ,. ~ ·a,. - - . ". Y Af'd f C ." I ·oeIon..~ to them." era , 17, reproachfully, and the touch of hi$ ut 'l.cggCG!:. 'Ylc.J.<' '"' gnm. ,',Lu',.", , .[0, j J-I.re ou ral 0 re5SY· A STUNNER. ------~----.r_------~ ~ --~ e-e•• - •...... -.- ~.._.._$ .,. Do You Feel This VVay( Do 'YOn feel ill! tired out? Do you sometioc3 i What to Do Burns f think you just can't work away at your pro::'cs-­ I I sion or trade any longer? Do you h:lve u poot" ape· t Before the t tite, und lay awake at ni;U1ts unabie to sleep? A~:!! iDe By DR. W. -H. R'\ILEY i your Den'as all gone, IIDd your stomach too? He:] :ll::::· ! of the Kansas Unn.'ersity Medical ! bition to forge ahead in the world left you? If SO, yo:! ! octor omes School at Rosedale ! might as well put a stop to your misery. You ean do it if L-• __ ~. ._ _.._,,_.__ _...... - -.-.... , -_ - _._•..•~ you will. Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery wiIl , make you a different individual. It will set your lazy livcr to work, It will set things right in your stomach, fU::d your appetite will come back. It will purify your blooc_ There are .few people who at one llopse pieces of cotton or tinsel, as ia H there is Clly tendeney in your fumily toward consumptio!=, time or another in their lives have often done at Christmas and other en­ it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after cor:­ not been present when some person tertainments, and go near burning sumpnon has almost gained Q foothold in the form of a was injured, or when some emergency candles or unprotected :flames of any lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a ease a.rose. It is unfortunate how few kind. cure in 98 per cent. of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, !maw- what to do to aid the unlucky Home Remedies. of Buffalo, N, Y., whose aarJice is given free to all who wish to write him. Ha great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice. person until a. physician can arrive. In slight burns the pain may be Don't be wheedled by R penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi­ A great amount of good can be done lessened considerably by applying a ~v) tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to he "just as good." Dr. by the proper emergency treatment cloth wet in a satura-ted solution of Pierce's medicines are OF KNOWN COMPosmON. Their every ingredient printed In saving the strength Qf the patient, ordinary baking soda. Oil of any ~!t en their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit-, lessening the -duration and degree of kind. as linseed oil, may be used in a II forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. his suffering and, in eases where the similar manner to protect the pa.rts ~~.~~;; ~~Ir~.~~~~~.~~.~.~~ ~ ~~~~~ BkIn has been broken, in preventing from the air. Any simple ointment ninggecke-Mrs.woman, isn'tSwellingtonshe? is a stun· 1 •• the injured part from becoming more may be used, as petroleum (vaseline), -viTeeks--I should think so. She hit •• •• infected than it was at the time of cold cream, boric ointment, etc. me with her automobile the other daY'1 the accident. Weak solutions of carbolic acid· and it was two hours before I woke Although it is very necessary to (phenol), one part of carbolic to fifty 1."nOW what to do in case of emer- Parts of water, or phenol sodique, one: up. . I gancy, it is quite as important to part to eight parts .of water, or a sat-! ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? 1. know what not to do. It- h.as often. OC-I' urated solution .of boric acill are good,: curred that because of some ill-ad- not only to relIeve the pam, but are' The ki1iney secretions teU if disease vised emergency treatment the inju- . also antiseptic, and so tend to lessen; is lurking in the sYstem. Too fre­ ries of the unfertunate person. which the infection usually present. . quent or scanty urination, discolored b~sters .th~y: Your. for uni­ wer-e serious enough at first, have I If any have formed, urine, lack of control at night, indio formity. been made more severe. I should not De broken, but the lIqmd: cate that the kidneys Yours for great- IS' C S d f th D· t I, in them should be let out by punctur-: n erlous ases en . or e oc Of'. ing them nem' the junction of the; are disordered. tost leavening Doan's Kidney Pills power. Two points, Which, alt:h0ugh .not a raised portion ",ith the leYel skin by: I cure sick kidneys. part perswea.. ot1twithi.U States. The stamps are to be desig- OurWrl four montu.s we agree t-o f'o.lrI!ish a. new pa.Ir I -whose clothes may have caught firo. close contact with the body. as often: • I of shoes entirely free of charge. If either the &Oles or uppers wear out during the nfth Local Enterprise. I No persons, especially little children, severe burn~ have been caused by toa nated as "Red Cross Seals" this year i month weagree to refundS2.001n ca.sh. I!either the soles or uppers wear om during the and are to be placed on the back of I sixth month we .agree to refund $1.00 in cash. In other words, if these shoes should not Tour1st-¥lllY do you call this a vol- 1should be allowed under any circum- [close application of artificial heat by give full six months:I wear we refund more than the proportIon they fa.ll short. letter instead of on the front. cano? I don't believe it has had a:-t I stances to cover their garments with these means. i Your deo.ler will make any redemption """ordinc to our I[UIlrantee. Yau don't have tosend to the factory .,.. deal with .tr8U2<'..... eruption for a thonsand )-ears! ! , Guide-Well. the hotel managers in I $100 Reward, $100. , Send for Dealer's Name and Style Book-;.",,:u~..:-~ :h~~~ I this regio~ cl.ub together and .keep a I ~ resders o[ thl3 I>a1>€1" mU he to Jesm I shoe.. business shoeorwork shoe~ you will:find the best styles a.nd best"values1n.a Df:snoy" Frost Bites le:k>~ p_ er.s' .....Si.:r Monthsfl Shoe. Send postal for style book: and nameofourdealerinyour town_ ths.t there :Is a.t one dreaded di.sease that sctence I fire going m It every year dunng the ! I 11M been able to cure in ~U its stages. 3nd that 15 I season.-Meggendorfer Blaetter. I The results .01' -eold depend more Iilar course to its errect upon a single I~tar,;~ ~~ ~~hm~~ ~~;'l~~ ~~ i Desnoyers Shoe Company, 2234 Pine Sf. r louis, upon the emergency treatment than part. There is first pain and uneasl· Sfl 101" Not That Meaning. do those of burns. Sudden chilling of ness, then drowsiness and numbness. tionat tre:\tment. H2l!'s catarrh eu..~ 1! taken tn- " I bel~'terllA11y, ACtl!lg d!rec-tly upon the blood and mucous I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a constitutiOnal d1sease. reqUires So constItu- ! "The doctor said that Bill was the body, especially when overheated, and finally unconsciousness. whleh ...urt""", 01 the system. thereby destroyjDg the I I foundation ot the disec.se. .Illld gf\i.ng the paUent j drunk whe~ we took. the poor fellow 'I' may cause sudden death from a rapid continnes until death if the condition. st..'"ength b7 bufiding up the constItution and ass'.st- ! to have hIS head attended to last, lessening of the amount .of blood in is permitted to progress. ing Il3ture in dobg it9: v>ork. The proprietors ha-nt l j so mUch fait.h 1n Its curntlve powers thst they o:IIe:' l night after he fell" the brain. Death mav also be caused -- Treatment of the effect of cold upon One Hundred Do~ for any ca....ote" th.s.t tt t&ll8 toe 1 Name Signs for Villages I eure~ t£~tlmO-ntals "D~?tor send tor list of I _. never said anything of the by the slow effect 'Of 'cold as in cases the whole body should follow the same _lJStlpatJon. I The omee window suggestion is marked. If I remember ,lgh;;ly, for _ Dldn.t I ...near 11im? Said 'It was.a of cold is to lower the resistance of Ismall part is affected. The tempera., (writes a correspondent) that villages instance, some at lea::;t of the villages eut~ I Jagged the part and so favor inf!ammation Iture

Great Writer's Remains Ue In the Pantheon, the Terrestrial Valhalla AFTER of the French.

Paris.-Years of effort made Emile ZoIa a great writer and earned for him the prospective honor of a grave DOCTORS in the Pantheon, the Westminster ab­ bey of France. One little letter took " him that privilege, Then a court de­ Ol\TE thousand Zurich wo- cision made it possible ten years after ',' ,", ' " men have declared for uni', the letter was written for his body to i FAILED ' , , versal suffrage, It is a re- rest with France's immortal ones un· I L illS E. , , , cent movement there, , del' the legend on the Pantheon's I' ~Wa .Pinkham sVegeta:ll. , though other Swiss cities dome: "To Great Men, the Grateful, hie Comnound Cured Her I ehave been interested for some time Fatherland:' I jl;I in :the much mooted question. Alto­ Zola died in 1902 from accidental I ¥J1oxville, Io~.- ..J; sufl'6!~d 'lVith gether the little conntl-Y has 17,000 ad­ suffocation by coal gas escaping from I pams low down ill my TIght SlUe for a voCates for" giving women the ballot. a patent heater. Literary glory came : }'ea,r ormore and was so wea:~ and,~r. Recently the women o,f zurich canton , g:h his great works "La I· 'Vous that I could not d,D m,) worli. 1 to Z~o1a throu_ >, wrote to Mrs.Pink- petitioned the state for the right to Seba~le," "La Fonune de Rougon," hamandtook Lydia act as jurors on a case in which awoo E. Pinkham's Vega. man was, the defendant. Their re·, I i II table Compound quest was refused. Later. with char­ ! ~ and LiverPills, and acteristic Swiss bravery, they sent in' 1 am glad to say that another petition to the legislature ask­ your medicines and kind letters of di. Ing the right to sit in judgIP-ent on :rections have done special courts, such as 'are held in I :aore for me than France for adjusting differences be­ anythin~else and I tween mistress and maid, and other had the oest physi- cases where difference'! arise between . dans here. 1 can a woman employer' and a woman em­ " - l \ do myworkandrest ployee. 'While this, too, was denied, . well at night. I believe there is noth. ~ ing like the Pinkham remedies."- Parliament admitted the sex's eligibil- Mrs. CLARA. FR.tu."'XS, E.F. D., No, 3, ity to such an office. , Knoxville, Iowa. "We are not talking much about ft:· The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's said the vice president of the Zurich .. .'IVegetableCompound,madefromroots '\Toman's Suffrage society, Fraulein , Pantnean, ParIs. " I and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be ! .. .- ,. "D P ~ 1" "P i used with perfect ~onfidenceby ~omen Honneger, "lest publicity rrighten the , LAssommOlr, r. ~ a~ca. ar s,,,1 who sufferfromdisnlacements. inilam. state into retarding the concession. It 1'''Lourdes,'' "Rome," and "Fecundity:' 1mati01i, ulceration:fibroid tumors, IT- is not much of a gain, but," she added ,The "J'accuse!" letter on the Drey· 'I re~rities. periom 9 our having the ballot was to be laugh­ I mnngo p_ace •. e gul 0 .reason - Vegetable Compound has been the ed at as a dreamer, our petition would I ! I ble correspondence on Captam Dr~y. standard remedy for female ills, and .II~ i fus. The government had Zela tned suffering WDmen owe it to themselves 1\ I( J I, and sentenced on defamation c~arges ! to at l,!ast 151''',e tIlis me~zine a trial ,; 'to serve one year in nrison. Zola was IProof IS abundant that 10 has cured \ Ilj ;' ! assaulted in the str~ets of Paris ~y thousanr~:.o,f.~thers, and W,hYshould it ~~< ~~ ! his countrymen. Four years after hIS not..,curl! J ou .~_ • 1,., -'I _ "" • ~ ~" I death, the highest court of France de- j. ~':.YO,!!~~TI"SIiec, i.a_,;~Vl~~wnpe - 'd d ·h t D- • . '1'-' d :M::r~.Plllkham.~.Jynn,~.~aslS.,forlt. -, I C1 e • a reytus -:as no. gm lj' a~ Itis free andalways helpfuL. , ZoIas "J'accuse!" letter, when read In i the courtroom by Dreyfus's la,,:yer. i ------was applauded and cheered. So ZoIa; i dead, has received honors which ZoIa, ; ' ESend:posf'..sl for living, was refused. . Free Paekage The Pantheon is the terrestrial Val· i FRE of Paxtine. preserved an unb,oken line from thE: prince­ hana of the J;rench. It is a great' Better and more economical with the national edu­ abbot, Eberhard, Duke of Franconia, to the pres· cross-shaped basiiica, "ith a dome I filan liquid antiseptics cational exhibit and ent head, Abbe Colomban 1. It is the only Cath­ nearIv 300 feet high. It stands on a ' FOB JU.L T@~ IDSlES. the Pestalozzi cabinet. olic church in the world not dedicated by human hill ~n the Latin quarter side or the I The modern Catholic hands; the legendis that Christ himself perform­ Seine on the site of a Christian church 1 Cllurch of Our Lady is ed the act. built 1,300 years ago, As most Iiv· i a maguifrcent basilica. Einsiedeln amI viduity were l;nown as the Som­ 1ng Frenchn~e!l crave the Cross of the { The Church of St. Pe­ bre Forest away back in the eighth century, when Legion of Honor or admission to the 1 ter holds the tomb at a holy hermit, J'lIeinrad, the !Oaf' .,f Prince Be,thold French aCadtillV so most Frenchmen II • • '. . • La.-ator, who was its of Hohenzol!ern. built for himlism is spreading in SwitzI.."rland; though As the quiet. weH-behaved little place has but .one ! ~~ Pope, Saint Gregory the Great, hEld the 'Vestments patience aed c&.re Gre required ip. at- how a country governed by the referendum syS'­ policeman, the fire brigade turned out to give a i of the heaYenly poimiff, and Saint Stephen and ! ".>------tem can be possibly more democratic passeth nu­ semblance of civic authority, also to serve as a Saint Lawrence, who were the first deacons of I' - _.- dorstanding. :Made up of three races, German, guard of honor. And while the marchers were the church to be martyred, acted as deacon aud IW. La DOUCLAS French and.Italian, socialists or these kindred massing around the conductor's box a cannon sub-deacon. An ang-2lic choir, conducted by the HA~~~~~EO nations have entered Switzerland and scattered was kept firing a vigorous welcome. The bright archangel Saint :\1ichael, sang glorious mnslc i SHOES broadcast seeds of discontent in the brave, beauti­ Swiss decorations on the quaint, gabled houses, and before the aical" knelt the beautiful virgin MEWS $2,00. $2.50, $3.00, S3..1iO, $4.00, $5.000 ful little republic. the gay Sunday ,dress of the women, the encir­ W01\l:EN'S $2.50,$3,$3.50,S4 mother of the Son of ('rOd. .A still earlier legend :BOYS' $2,00, $2.50 & $3,00 Zurich has led in every movement of its history. cling mountains-the nearby ones dark green, the has, it that when Conrad hegan the office of dedI­ THE STANDARD It was the storm center or the Protestant Refor­ distant peaks snow-tipped, edelweiss-decked­ cation he was stopped by a yoice that cried out FOR 30 YEARS mation period in swItzerland. Zwingli's home is made a splendid, old world pictures. three times distinctly~ "Cease! brother, this They are absalntely the mastpopularandbestshoes he,re. In the Grossmuenster, v!hose tall towers And the definite note was the ancient abbey chapel has been consecrated by God himself." for the price in America. havel'dominated the town for eight centuries, he of Einsiedeln, which caned the town into being, The journey from Zurich to Einsiedeln is charm­ Theyare theleadersevery­ urea-ched the Protestant crusade and was the and which is one of the celebrated shrines of ing. First comes a sail on a lake which is the where because they hold ~hurch's a.n.d Europe. The abbey church, known as Notre their shape, fit better, last Catholic pastor its first Protes­ loveliest piece of water in S'I':itzerland, then a look betterand wear lon­ tant one. HIgh uP. in one of the towers is a Dame des Ermites, is a grand b'isiIica, the edifice railroad ride through pine woods, among mOUll­ ger than other makes. quaint, seated figure of Charlemagne, the legendary flanked on either side with monastery buildings. tains, over gorges and past vall",ys that now are They a..-e positively the of Since the year 9:14 the abbe)' Of Einsiedeln has most economical shoes for ycu to buy. W. L. founder Grossmuenster chapter. Back of the covered with fragrant, new-mown hay. Doogklsname =dtheretail price arestamped cathedral are the cloisters which now form part of on the bottom-valoe goa.-.mteed. a girls' seminary. TAKE NO SUBSTiTUTEl If your dealer I c:amlot supply yon write for Mail Onl.er catalog. Ix: an old chapel across the road is an interest· W. 1.. DOUGl..AS, &ocktan,. Ma- ing collection of articles relatmg to the Reforma­ . ployer'"s digestion. The ccok·s chief business is I: tion, including letters written b:,' Calvin, Luther Housekeeping m going to mark~t and presenting his accounr for and Zwingli",each remarkably distinct. There is his p!!Tchas>i!s. aiso one by Lady Jane Grey; her penmanship is Among our many wanderings our housekeep­ It is a strange- eo!1ection orten in that market !Saltsand Castor legible as print and she wrote the letter in Latin. ing in Han1::oW" was an experience I never had ba.s~et "hiah a wise housekeeper- a!n;zys sees. I stuff-never ~ Back of this little chipel, called the Water church, before-nor after, writes '9'lorence Gilbert in the car n Qj-bad 0 fesh, perhaps, liOHee::> caned Elutton' or i only makes bowels move be­ is a splendid bronze statne of Zwingli. Ne'V Idea \\Toman's Mag~ine. \Ve have five or ~eef th~t has been exposed in a fl:.·-fiHed sho~; a Drum Signaling in Africa. u 1 Zurich is the capital of the canton of Zurich and sb. servants, That sounds fine, but before pass­ lIve chicken or tW'Oy gume of various SOT~ts­ i cause it irritates and srreats the!!4 is 'sItuated at the northerid of Lake Zurich. It is ing judgment l'ou should haye exnerienee with pheasant, teal, snipe and perhaps a fish ;"01''' ,taining ~hat pe!:'iection n~cessary to I like pokingfingerinyoureye. The best the largest city in Switzerland. The old, tradi­ them! The peaca of mind of the" mistress de­ appetizing than ene would e;,:pect uho h;s -;ee~ succeES In the completed mstnlment. I" ... tional town. with its narrow, steep streets and its pends largely on her "number one boy," the head and smelled the Yang-tse ,,,-atel'. The least check or split ill the wooden I Bowel Medu:zne lS Cascarets. high, .lark of waHs ?f t~is. in~t'u.ment ;;vou1d st'.l'i' Every Salts and Castor user should houses, lies on both banks the Lim­ sPITant, who, if efficient, is likely to ha.e come The ,egetalJI,~s are all of tue sort that need I on mal:.. The rest of the city has spacions thorough· :OUS~Y, !nIpa"r If It djd nOL destI'oy Hs ). get a box of c..-\SCA...1UtlS and try fl";lm Ningpo. He is a tall, impressive personage C?okin.g, for no intelligent pHson ".-!1l run the fares and splendid buildings. The lake quays in l"'ho wears a blue cotton coat. fastening on the ,use.u.ness. • y >I1' S8A rIsks InvolYed in €"ating: ra,,· Chinese vegetables The stid;,s used in lJeatlng this i them JUSt once. OU II &ee. tho Kliene Stadt are very attractive. Near their sIde and reaching to his ankles, withont which he and fmils. northern end is the fine Tonhalle, a popul2l' mod­ mu.st never appear in h.ls employer's presence. r-eculiar drum have at tbeir ends a) Cas=rets-lOc boX'--wecl::'g treatment. In addition to the supplies which can be k,ocb of Tuhber. To send a m€SS:l."'e i ,All drni:"!'lsts. Bigge"t ".1leI' in tho concert building and pleasure palace. In the To do this is only second as a ma4ik of disrespect ~ ern - 4 .."'... • "florld--million boxes a mcnili. purchased in the Chjnese market eYer~" da¥ one·s ~sce,"(l j ,vicinity of thclr southern end is the beautIful to having the cue in any 'other, positiou than the heater '\1':,1 a h1ll m tb.e , from A~straiia and Belvoir park. Neal' ilia Tonhz.l1e. the stately hanging decorously down the back. diet may include fresh Dutter evening when the air is still and of I------cf a11 sorts of cann€u goods shipped from the t:nited fers least resistaTIce to the outward ' P RKER'S ~ main street the ciiy-tlle ,Bah.,1hofstrasse­ Tle house coolie at 1Vork may sometimes ~"e States, Great BritaLn, France and Germanv~ T"ll~ speeding sound waves from his drum HAIR BALSAM leads ,from the lake north to'the railway station. twist his cue around his head, but the bay never. :: ." _ ...... ~ ~~r;;:;"'~J:.bm. The bridges are striking. Adjaeent to the fine are soh In shops in the concessions kept b" The sound created is yery rough when Through the boy the orders are usually issued Europeans, Japanese, Parsees-those l>:een me;­ :NI¥~ ~apti ~o~6..~l~O~ Munster bridge is the Wasserkirehe, on the right near by.. Three distinct sounds or to the rest of the household staff, translated from chan!s from India-nr even Chinese. ""hile ex­ notes can be produced from each side Cme!~~dJ~~~Ur;. bank. containing the city lihrary' 'with UO,GOO vol­ the pidgin English of the mistress. There are umes and over 5,000 manuscripts. It preser\'es pens1ve, they are not quite such prohibi.tive lux. of this drum, according to where it is too "No. 2 boy," the house coolie, who is the only Etlg~i.sh ,more Yaluable objects, including the Codex Vail­ uries as to inspire the remark of the beaten. These are used to form s one with enough work to do to keep him moder­ missionary's little girl in central India, who s:tid: ;:yllabic alphabet., whieh permits the The GrossIDuenster is Romanesque with canus. atel)' bUSY,; the cook and the second cook, who "Mother, I suppose the king bas tinned things to J1~tives to transmit messages, no mE-to ki'lcN::"C:f.ij~ Grecian features. Further nerth is the Ruden, ELECTROTYPES Is learning Iris trade at the expense of his em, eat every day," t"r haw complicated they may be In ;,rnnt'Variety for mIt:' at. the lowestpr ::~s by W£S1'ERS":!rZWSl'll'ER U:!iIo!:. S'2!W.A.da.ru Bt.", nde,. qoo Jokes

VACATION. PLATED OR OTHERWISE. Ma.kl!S the skin. soft; as velvet. Improves anV eornplexion. Best shampoO'ma.de. Cures mosi skin erupllons. He whtspered and he told her, clOSl> There 'was a small crowd at the l1:unyon's Hair Intigorator cures da:ntlrutl,. ~LtOpS Besld.. the summer sea, soda counter when the tall man hair from falling out. makes h.n.ir- grow.. yearn1ng 'wish to hold he.. clOSe If you ha"C"e Dyspepsia.. or aDS Eyer trouble, ms rushed in and pushed an empty bottle USe Munyon'S Pa.w-Paw Pills. They cure Bil­ Through aU eternity iousness, C('nstipation anti drIve all impurities twbil.. in hIs heart he counted up over the drug scales. t:'om the blood. - MUNYO~: S HOMEOPATHIC The hInts she had let drop "Acid!" he whispered, excitedly, HOME REr.~EOY CO., i'niiade1v!lia, Pa, .or how tho ducats mounted up Each week 1n papa's shop), "Ten cents' worth of acid, a.nd quick!" He told her of X. A. Z.• The soda-water crowd began to sit STOCKERS & FEEO£KS His rallroad, with such pride, up and take notice. Choice qualit~·; Ted~ and roans, ;rbe maid in wonderlna: ecstasy "'What's he going to do with that Vo-hite faees Or' angus bought orr Quick nestled at hIs sIde. orders_ TEns of Thousa.nds to ~.(.. , ,(We .all ,converse so sloppily acid?" demanded one. select from. Satisfaction Guar­ ~ ! "It's a secret," answered the drug anteed. Correspond-e:nce Invited. I Ana let our thoughts get quirked: Come and see for yonrself. The Private Citizen-A general has She meant when talking shoppily clerk. an easy time after the war j<: ove'r H!,he shop where papa. worked. "Nothing unusual, I hopeT National Live Stock Com. Co. T " - . IS railroad, too, meant nothing rasher At either The General-Not ror very long, Than that he was its baggage smasher). "Wen, rather," Kansas City,Mo,. St.Joseph,Mo.. S.Om202, Neb. though. You soon have applications -Lippincott's. "What! You mean to say he Is g0.­ for your' autograph and invitatiollil to ing to take that acid?" Just Guessed It. "Ob, no. Listen. There Is a silver ~!R~¥~l~w~S~!~!s~y 'ban

Heights, N. Y.,Ap,r. 30 and Mav•. 4. '0"." i,' to you about today when vou were in KNEW A STORM WAS BREWING. ' may ne WIth wars and Tumors or wars Dams on a river lend a sugO'e ;-' j'l ••". I. 'h 'd ~t- ' h y S~1:1.,'.artl~C1a1Jty._. . '" s.lOn 0 "The Wish !s Father to the Thouoht." ; your automobile? i ill .t e, WOl'j men, ,tue < a;e A teaill on the nlough·l Dr. Roben L. \vaggoner. the p~esi. Greene-Oh, he was a book agent. ! called to the daIly exerCise 0< me hIgil lanus, a shepherd foldin'" hi" "h' 0 i I, ! • • . ~ H- h fi " •. '" ~ - "eD, a , Ce.nt of Ba1dwin university, said~ in 1'\0 eyii dooms us hopelessly except iI. "Did his talk have any effect on I I courage h'ot tilelrt'race, .01' llley ave ",e,uh or naymakers or reaper".' -, on.)1-, lD.. 1' the course of an address on peda­ ,he eyil we love and desire to keep in, you?" ! eyer at. t eu' ga es a roe never 'weary tusse do we lind the life th-t .~ ; l gogy at Berea, 0.: a,nd mak:. no effort to escape from.­ I "Oh, no', didn't '.'OU notice I had the !of attack, and they~.know 'well that the exact accord with the scene "~nad th" _.n , "And one of the most remarkable tTeorg:e Ellot. , 1 l' 'II b ' , "se I "~ Wind shield up?"-Yonkers States, I east re.axatlon~. at "a,mess~.W1 e~nng, we can only find at interval I ' I changes in the last 30 years of teach­ 'd·~structlon.'. rl1~ 'I ~J.. at H"~Ol.J,and s. lJ I )Ilan. j . 4 ,perl tile s ". . 011 the other hand. in placeS" i ing is the abolition of comaral nUL<­ ,. I ...E,::t!':-' Single Binder strai!Zht 5e cigar i alt seasons 15 a thmg WhIch no nation the most remote from cities ad'h j ge~eratioiJ. smoker~ ishment. A boy of this is 1£, made to satisfy the Making Her Useful. I knows as wen as Holland knows it.. sound of markets and comme n tel I Th h ld 'h' I d db' -, rce, w. I never whipped. But a boy of the last "He loves me, he loves me not," ! ' ese men 0 t ,elI' an an nng nna always the feeling of se I' . generation-well!., 'The more worthy' any soul is, the r .," 'h . 1+'" • .' f, ~ - C USlOlJ j 'larger its "ompassion.-.Tohn Bright. murmured the romantic summer I 1; It.' to r.c C'l...."anon In ..'.Ille Lace Oc and restrulne""-- 'npI'ghte'- neu ana. I Dr, Waggoner smiled. hoarder. I I the ~reat natu~al forces or me world: toucned to a sense of vitality by the' "The boys of the last generation," "You must have picked a thousand I Their country lIes belo'\'; sea·l,"'.el, ann canals and their full,sailed b " he said, '"must haye believed that I ! . d " 'b T arg",s. I Irom dalsies to pieces today," remarked 'I' ! ~s ~eseITe h rilln y. grthea~ em~ .. These canals triumphantly redeem I their instructors all had for motto: the old farmer. I' oaDlunents t rown up rouna. " e eoast; tlle -'obys;cal charac'e- "nstlcs. .. of the I "'The s\Yish is father to the "Possibly I have." I and a Tast system 01 CallaIS which country from the cha e I. d II ' taught.' " ~oing ~ ~ APPETITE CONE­ "Couldn't ye play that game just as lI'[rs_ . Wise--If. yon a:re e to thg make a veritable network of the land. Holland4 in its gene-alrgfea°turesu is.ness.un.. II dell1~Dly A Business Transaction. well with potato bngs?" j lodge tornght you had better take ycmr I Herein lies the secret of the Dutch, quaint, but quaintness has a I "So :Ill'. Penniwise married his typo overcoat.. I man's greatness of character. He has charm which is not enduring. After Iist!" said :Miss Cayenne. BEWARE He Hoped So. ; Mr. W1se--Are you going to sIt Ull j had no opportunity of becoming en· a v,'hile we begin to tire of the sq a . • .,. ~ t'I I hillre-l "Yes." ,. mo er 0 a great many sma11 ! ann ,:aI' ,,:01' me Ull,: come OlDer 'feebled by security. The unceasing Iless and orderliness, and to look upon It isa sure sig~ ofsome A th f 'Ylse--Certa~IY. "I wonder whether she gains aI:- '11­ I:chlldren'e~t b~bY insisted on showing the new- I }';ir",. ! coniEet with the sea has becomet~e nauon~lknit ~rstwhat appearedecc~:tr~city.to be individualit, at lowance or he mereiy saves a salary?" inward weakness when I to everyone who called and I ill:r. Wlse--Then I h talte my stonn·l up into tha very ii,bers of as We grow a little I-'Xashington Star. 1 r"alIJ' made a bore of hersell. coat. : spirit, and has glyen to It a. Siram uncomfortaOJe III the land of Lillipu+ ! the appetite commences Da"'~:-' lOne day her pastor called and as I i of silent self·reliance chat could have and fret for change and some I Misdirected Energy. to lag and you have that j usual she said: "Oh, Doctor Blank, When Meat Is High. 1, beeu born of no other cause. Silent- of wildness. But of the canal c"n I "How did the street car company H '~at eary "don't care sort of feel~ [ c:-upu· ~e:. M:~ S pIcture or Delft In tne gaI·1 feared by some theorists that the es· ~",:!i',.~:i,,'.,:,·'~ summer dinner is cream of almonds, I ;'L.,'\:,','i'.1!,;",.'ji"'I.;l,',,. ,\1 quarreJlug with you! Ilous udmess that pre"ai!s e"eryw!!ere, .e.;j: a. The Hague could not. weH he I tablishment of the .dnania 1 b for which this is the method: i , , "~. I ! all combine to mal,e up the im~~es, ~u;pa~sed. In, the great Dutch paint· ' has acted as an early frost' ~o \~~ , Simmer a cup of almonds whicn I I 1 A Diagnosis.. f SlOn of a toy country where e,er:rUllng lll",S 'We do noc fiild the tranquillity at crOD. have be0n blanched aIid chopped fine I /l (;,',;,' ~fF\~1 II You sa',' ,·ou (\o,,:t 1, fs well ordered and mello,".:. ~OlX!lere the open places and luxuriant haunt,. - in a quart of rich milk or thin cream. I y; ttif l~n i Fee; lik; " ""It:' 1 is the trayeler- brcughc up in sudden ~:f nature, but the deep calm of strong By the new rules any foa'ba'l la ~ ~ sobe~ 9 iJ ~yer Thicken with om:ter and flour blend- 1\ (L"';!::..,....,.; l;.--,;'• , .!'"""c,J,. I\ Perhaps )'0"'. Eve.. i·"and Dreatlihless ,,,'onuer-' ".V2rOl'e- ,any pfe•, +,'.and not'._.h'1 .•n. .unagtnative,. must have at least one foot• •on p the 'tr.~ >~~. . I (_~,:-~~ \,~l~~;""·!'J·.:.I;1. ; gorgeous spectacle. nowhere aweu by nare y saustymg In Its degree. ground when tackling an opoon ' ed in the usual wa-' and strain while Keeds a. ;jolt. ~ n,~ but e I - pouring it into cups cr plates. :;,• lit- I From Pittsbur . Too. I any sense. Oc< le....el'lSl1'.. acU.'.....'ty. .vcso- 'l'h'- e rIse an.d faII ot nations is I IThis barring of human cata,oulT.s- en... tle whipped cream may be a (jen to ~. _ I I Ki'U" Fl;es 'uu' tg, t p'_ ,j mUon ana grandeur ~.re a_l'e1 k a bsent. -Dhenomenen sti11 unaccounted ior and proves tha ad..anee of civilization d h each portion if desired though this is '_ ~ ,-.",- ~a lusburg , '... " I' I' . !lot essential tr its excellence. ! mmionaire has bean snendina money i A beggar 1S nard,y foVEr seen, a l'um ~ollsU1_nt y recurrmg. \\·e know that SOlliE: day as a CIlhn!"'e from sweet ! like a Midas. The old-lObste~!' i n;:,,£r. Th~ ~bsence of these ::ntl ~f j . OllIe step by s~:p r~se to a splendor The Turkish government has been. ~_ ' j ; an 'p 0"' "'l'"h€~ ma"e~ one 'o'-"'e' ,the glO"'Y' of Wlll"h IS ., potatoes baked or broiled, now that C:> 1 .Belle '.Vings-He's not a lobster.!,'I P~n:h '.··'.:':tv : "h'~ ~ •• ~ .~ l':e f" • ot - - ... Immortal, bu' according to report, notoriously '" h t hI .' J KIt. He's a full'fledged go'" ~_,,! In OI L e lneQ.uau j 0, t ing",. ....nu, h _ann grasp!.ue secret of this cheated in buyin~ two old'" ttl hi [-".is toot some ,"ege a e IS one.e more I L.ttlIe Tommy (ageli'five, ,n the arl 1I that's what he is. .... n"... "," teen m..,Lue m.IUs~..•.01 a11·"l1llS :pcet ty II' ".'~D'e"'a'or's~ decay or 0ftne . decline of from Germany for'" .,~. ~{JO 0"""athes -DS. 'I"Uh.Bollus,sometry sweetratherpotatoeslarge onesgn11thirty.e.d I gallery pointing to statue of Venus}- ! : unconcern !s the everlasting sYDbol! the other great civilizations of th. £e15 being. ready for... the,u ~cr;pu" hevesit five mmures in slightly'salted water. I' O~. mamma! There's a woman with· ! No Jeweler. ! of the Dutch.rnan·:; st:oengch-thc E::uls, i world, ~We can but accept the fact Turkey had not obligingly taken ~~~m. Oil the inside of a in'oiler "ieh 01iv5 om:: any arms. • I Johnsen-That g{rl is a jewel. i There is nothing smail about t:::ese. I and wonder at the ruined and yet In the lofty diplomacy of Europe graft ('il,arrange the potato slices on it and I.Mamma-Yes. near; she was an an'j! Morrison-\nIY don't you ma.'i'Y i Thes are libel'a! and workmaulike,! nob!e t:nolluments of their greatness is not necessarily confined to indi- broil fo!' five mimites on each side'l Clent, goddess. her! I full of digEitj", Greedy for E:yerv I ilia.. s ••ll stand as at. OIlce a memor:. \'iduaIs. Ron in a t.-aspoonfal of melted butter, .~~tle. TommY-Vi.n~. mamma. I!. John~on-I can't furnish the set, Ibreath of wind, they.bear the hEavil~ Iand an inspi:-ation. When ilie tim~ terro't'lr:g from the fire, and serve. I d:~n t. know that the;)' had automo- I tmg.-::;man Set. faden barges, beautiful from water·line l comes that "he peoples of westerr 1'\ewport will soon be an old port, I bIles In those da)-'S. i Ito masthead, down the gre::.t canals; ~urope. h~ve also ~aS'Sed into thl and sadly behind the times in the mat· Brownie. t I Tha Man. from sea to sea. They mo,e \Yith a i ",uadow or dead glones, we too shat tel' of sensations, Ii she does not wake Thre€.~fourths cupful granulated su-! Now's Your Chance. I Make the job fit the man!-Colleg\. I measured dignity v;hich deepens the ~ le~.-e something of our works to bear up. Look at that young fris1.-y resort gar. on8-.. iliird cupful butter; cream II Let us all r"joIce, President Finley in his bacca1aure:Ite. t sense of,calm which is oyer the whole i,: \\'l.tness to a gI':.atness th,at has gone. in Rhode Island "pulling off" a splrit- WbHe we may: But Holland I b b together, as for cake. Two eggs beat. People g",t th" ax ' All right. Dr. Finley; you fetch a job landscape, and adds to it strength and: .', Wli e ut a recorded ed gambling raid and filling the land ,m light, one-half cupful flour, two Eyer:; Jay: I' and get your scissors ont, The Man's nobility of character. Everything that i ~lS[~ry to the new: nations of f~-oir with the details of fashion in the toils squares bitter chocolate melted, one down at Oyster Day.-Life. the Hollander does under the spen of 1~ge". The sea wlll have prevailed, of the law. What are your monkey eat cuJ:;fu! c.hopped nut, meats-English Far Enough. " the waters i~ :nformed by a large and and the :r canals, ~~ich are a~ dinners, your min~trel shows In walnuts preferred, Bake in a square "Eetter put that hammock up a Ut. I A Master of Language. generous spirIt o~ power and fitness, t.~Y the _ssenti.al expreS:;lon of a reS'· Ip:i~ate parlors, you: .ng~t pictures ex- tin one-half hour in a slow oven. Mark ,tIe higher" said the woman. I "That new walter of yours describe If he has to build a house, he at· alute~alace8and ve~ceherOIC people A~ropolisas are the. hibIted"s~en before splketaIl coats and :n squares when cooL These are a . "No;' ;eplied the man; "it's high Ithe bill of fare in a way to n:ak: tempts to achie,e beauty, and 'be·. 0: or the oJ: panso~ g?wns," and all that in com­ lalidous accompaniment to a lunch. "nough. If I want to fall any further i anybody hungn'." comes ornate and wholly undisting· I the Greeks, Will. have penshed and I W;th that episode at Narragan- '~n or tea, and may be served with t'll get in an aeroplane,"-¥onkers I "He wasn't always a waiter. He uished; but when he turns his !.and Iwill bear no testimony. sett Pler.; Has the glory of Newport "-hipped cream for a deSS6l,'t also. Statesman. ~ 1used to b:....P::~,ag:ll~,~racIrcus." to the great windmills which girt the! JOHN DRINKWATER. departed, TheFlo:renceTclbune :!;~~~. i:::~~~~:~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:~ee~;~~~~r:-B-k-f-FI-~' on son FilSON Established in 1909. J. C. Kindred.•...... Tr~asurer 0 K K L 11 vi~i~:~s e:e:ico~~~ay an orence Office at ! :it Pascale's hall._ [The Old Bank] I· Dentist B'ANK OF FLORENCE ~ 1 Edito,,'s Telephone: Florence 315. \ The Doad to Wealth I Just South of Bank of Florence . I ROSE REBEKAH LODGE NO. 139..l"", I Good Work-Reasonable Prices E. L PLATZ. Editor and PUblisher'l :Heets the 2nd and 4th 110nday has its foundation in small savings. Telephone Florence 178 . Telephone 315. Inights of each month, interest paid on time deposits. ' ...... """...... __...... : '------:----:---1 N. G" ...... •..Isabelle Shipley Do your banking at home. 1======Published every Frida;)-' afternoon atI IV. Goo , Cynthia Brewer We write Insurance, II ORRIE S. HULSE C Florenc;" Neb. Secretary •...... Clara Pilaut Re... D. SS7S Re~'R~," , I Treasurer Hulda Peterson Phone 3 10 I Telephone.: OFFICIAL - PAPER OF THE CITY OF I , FLORENCE. Violet Camp Royal Neighbors of ~J'~B~'~B~ris~b~~~.~:~~r.~e~~·r~is~~~f:r~:S~C~;~~h~~~ri~ce~,~v~ic~e~ ~ I" Entered second-class matter Ju.ne 4, America. ui'S-i","Rifn N 1909' at' the postoffice at Florence, Ne­ braska,' under Act of March 3, 1879. Past Oracle..•..•.Mrs. Emma Powell UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER. Oracle Mrs. J. Taylor CITY OFFICIAL. DIRECTORY, Frank McCoy R. H. Olmsted Vice Oracle :l\Irs. George Foster Successor to Mayor •.• , F. S. Tucker City Clerk , John Bondesson Chancellor 1I1I"s. J. J. Cole McCOY &. OLMSTED HARRY B. DAVIa City Treasurer ., , .....•.George Siert.' Inside SentineL , Rose Simpson City Attorney ...•...... R. H. Olmsted 70t South 16th Street. City Engineer J. W. Green Outsids SentineL Mary Leach Attorneys and Counsellors=at=Law Receiver Mrs. Newell Burton City Marsehal Johll M<:Gi",-or MR. AND MRS. J. C, JA<;KMAN d S N' h 1 652 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. D 16. Councilmen. Recor er...... usan Ie O-IS .:-r:-:-:-:·..·:-:-:-:...~r:-:-:+H~'-~:-:+.~ CraI~. Physician.... > •••••·:Dr. A. B. Adams ;,. .<, Robert f J. H, Price. Burlesque Musicians who appear at the Evening of Jgy Charles Allen. Board of Managers: ~Irs. Mary Myron M. Metzinger 5: Youn~ Women :.r.... C. J. J;{ierle Wednesday, at Eagle Hall Green, Mrs., Margaret Adams, James • Police .Judge . , J. K. Lowry Johnson. Florence, Nebr. .:..:- coming to Omaha as strangers .;. ======Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at Grower and Hybridizer of :t are invited to visit the Young .;- Fire Department. .~ HOSE COMPA..."IT" NO.1, . FIRE DE" commodations of their home andI CHURCH DIRECTORY. Pascale's Hall. STRAWBERRY PLANTS IT.", Women's Christian Associa- ••.'. PARTMENT-Meets in the City Hall .the cared for them as long as they ~e- set-I~: . b 'ld' SM' A second 1feets the first Tuesday evening in the month at the school building. thus showed more of the true spmt Preachmg-ll.OO a. m. You will please take notice that on PATRONIZE OUR !+ Traveler's Aid at the Union :~ R. A. Golding...•.•...,...... •.Chairman of Christ than would have been pos- C. E. Meeting-7:00 p. m. August 29, 1910, the :\1ayor and Conn- Station. :;: W. H. Thomas_ •...... _ Secretary ADVER TISERS I::: RI'ble fOI' S0111e 01' ilie member'" to Preaching-8:00' m. cil of the City of Florence. sitting as .', ; W. B. Parks ,.. , Treasurer ;how, for the si111ple reason that they Mid-Week Service. a board of equalization, did levy ':-:":-:":":":-:-:-:-:-:-:-:+:";"";'';'-1'':-:-:-:,,:,::= don't possess it-at least not when it Thursday-8:00 p. m. special taxes and assessments against costs a little extra effDrt or outlay of 1 The public is ~ordiallY invited to all the lots, parts of lots and lands I'-¥"~~~;C<.«"~~~"'~'4"~~~~~~."'ft: ~, money to do these things. Iattend these serVlCes. lying within theexpens~CitV' of Florence to I The Record doesn't want to make it George S. Sloan, :r:'astor. defray the of paving and' Believe in the goods we are selling. and in our ability to get results. i: Florence, Neb., Friday; Sept. 16, 1910. th .. "1 . f W"E ~ g ------.1appear that all of the me111bers of the 10 e~wjse lmp!OVm ~,a~n stree~ rom \Ve believe that honest goods can be sold to honeSt men by honest 4- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• churches are so affiicted with this IChurch Services Swedish Lutheran Ja~k"on s~;e~ to Br:1gg" street, that ~ methods. We believe in working, not waiting: in laughing, nol crying: .. · norrible disease of narrowmindedness Ebenezer Church. saId specla. taXes and assessments i .b ti t k ki d' h I f d' b' W 4' and stingyness. No. indeed. There Services next sunday. haV€ beefinftdhuefsiUhce tAugulst 29, 1910, believe> that ~nm:o;e;:~~at h:o;~e:g~ft:~ t~a: :n~ :~~:et:_da~U:wo~:~:: ord~~ BRAIN STORM'S i d t I are some splendid supporters of tne Sermon-4: 00 p. 111. an one- 0 t e ota amount as- d h d d I I sessed against each lot, part of lot :9 to,:,orr~w, an t at ~o ~an is o~'lIl an 0:n u~ti h, e has.lostfaith in himself. We l...... churches in Herman, but their num, Sunday school-3:00 u. 111. b I ~n co~rt~sy, ki d fri d h ~n.d h .' , bel' is so small that the ministers Our services are conducted in the and parcel of land will become delin- e leve 10. n ness, 10 generosIty, to en s lp onest competlllon. i The police force of Florence Vias Imeet many difficulties in their labors. Swedish language. Ail are 1110St cor- quent in 50 days from August 29. We belle\--e In mcreasmg our trade and that Ihe way to do It 15 to reach for it. We . somewhat marred this week. db' t th 1910, one-fifth in one "ear', one-fifth are reaching for yours. ' Even those who 0 not elong 0 e dially welco111e. F. J. ELLMA..~. oJ ••• church and who make no' profession in two years; one-fifth in three years, t The melancholy days have come, of religion are amazed at the actions and one-fifth in four years. Each of I (\, when we can neither em: grass nor of some of those who affiliate with the LODGE DIRECTORY. said installments except the first Florenc~, ", shovel snow. church. One chm'ch man-one of the shall draw interest at the rate of 7 I. Th FI T ·b j r 1Jhe ••• best supporters of the church in Her- Fontanelle Aerie 1542 Fraternal dPea._ ' cO:Lnt.; "l~_eu~t' ,anln~umlCI, 'ul,'nrot"::Ul t.he s-a"g.mthe ;" Nebraska :, v e orence n une Better street car service cannot man-re111arked the other day that '" ::: co • of eome any 't00 qUlC. k t 0 SUi't most0 f not even among saloon men was it Order Eagles. shaIl become de1mquent, and after ~~~~~,.,JI·:>JN8M!}·.>.6: the residents of Florence. possible to fiad such small souls as Past Worthy President...... the sa111e becomes delinquent interest I '. ••• . I are found in some churches. . James Stribling at the rate of 1 per CEnt. per month. Wit~ two good banks in .. ~lorenee 1 w"'e realize that a good many things \Vorthy President" .. """"" E .. L. Platz Th~t all of said in'sta11ments may be ~!-:.....:-:...~+:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:....:-:-:-:.u.:-:-:-:-i-.:-:-:....:-:-:-:-:+·:-:-:-:-:-:-I~-: ..t-r-:-:+:-:-:-:-:+..:-:·..·:-:. ~s r~o Worthy Vice-President B. F. Taylor na'I'd at one u"me on an',' 10f., part' Of .~;; Th I' f II . BUILDING ..... there no n f0 r our CI tIzens to which have been said in the article of ...' < • • do theIr bankmg elsewhere. Ilast week and in this one sounds Worthy Secretary M. B. Thompson lot or land aforesaid within 50 davs .;. e rea SIgn 0 exce ence In . ::: ••• Iharsh and mav wound the feelings of ",:o~th): Treasu:er Henry _~nde.:~on ~~om August 39. 1910. '\Yithout int~r- i: MATERIALS is our name-if you consider that :~: Just. ~eme.mbertha! the mer{;h~ts some. It is n~t our purpose to injure \\o.thy Chaplam..'..•...Damel Kelly est, wherebv any lot, nart of lot or;' nif I' I. d hI' .:. adyert1smg III the T1'1bune are asking anvone permanently, but we do want Insid.e Guard R. H. Olm.st~d land shall be ex-empt from any lien ::: U orm qua Ity, refu. reputation an reasona e pnces :;: for your trade. If your trade is worili I th~ burn to smart until you become ~~~:I'~~anGUard,.•..i);' WH~h~~tleIor c~arge for co~t of said. p.ayement. :~: constitute .. excellence" from the buyer's standooint :t anything it is worth asking for. Ithoroughly awak~ned to your obliga- ::>1 ••••••••••• •• on SaId taxes WIll be payable umil .:- f . .. .:. ••• tion as a church member. Until you Conductor Joseph Thornton I'November I, 1910, at ilie office of the t 0 VIeW. .:. Do :rou remember the parable in, are wmin~ to do ,our part, it will be . Trus,tees: W. B. Parks, Robert (}>Jld- ~ty Treasurer of]"lorence, an~ there· I:f As this is the opening month of S rin buildin :} t~e bible of the ,,?is: and ~ooliSh.Vir., impOSSible'" for th~ ministers and the mg, "'Ie. P. Thomas. arter. at the office of the CIty and I .t· . P g . .g 'f gIns. Nowadays It IS applled to nay- few faithful ones to gi,e to Herman Meets every Wednesday in Cole·s· co.unty T.reasurer at Omaha. Nehras-I';' operatIons allow us to Impress upon you that It WIll ::: ing coal in the bins before the winterIand. communit.y that true rin.g in the halL ka ';" pay you to place y r rd r h th 'II b':':~: storms,come on. moral life that all good citizens strive ::Qated August 30. 1910. i: . ou 0 e f were. ey 'VI l' e .. __ •• ,for. '. Court of Honor. (Seal) JOHN BONDESSO~. ::: promptly @led "\lIth-the best money WIll buy-wmch 5: THE CHURCH AND I • • • Past Chancellor...... I (8-2-9-16-23) City Clerk. 5: is the ,;. THE PREACHER'I~~ «; , 1Irs. Elizabeth Hollett -:. •••r••__.::::,::. There is a great deal of diSCUSSiOll'l IChancellor John Langenback .:. FI L . going on in the press these days as I• IDLE CHATTER. Vice Chancellor , Mrs. Ennis' 9~:~~'y~'~~S~I~:', ~::'~. :~:orence umber" Goal Go- to why more young men do not enter, I. •• Recorder Mrs. Gus Nelson PDOB 'T~ ""OTlGE :'.': '" the ministry. Of course the notori'l' Chaplain Mrs. Harriet Taylor n :>. ~ .,~. .;, :~: ously poor pay that the majority of Iuide Clyde Miller de~~;~".!~atteroftheestate of inna San,i"ri, ::: R. A. GOLDING. Mgr. .;. the preac.hers receive ha.s a gr.eat deal",. .... L , < - ••••• of said deceased "ill meet L'le Administrator of :' orence. eb. Phone 102 .:. t~ d 0 WIth"the ~atter, out even th~t 1Sar-Ben initiation ceremonies last )utside Sentinel...•...... :III'S. Plant S;iid estate. before me, County Judg-e of Douglas ';" .;. ~ ~<\.dam.s C-onn[,"'i"'~ "Wor,Id be 0 erlooKed bv manv were It t ~'D€-nn Jlhyslcian Dr.. ~"1id Count~Nebraska at the COUIlt,Y Coun Room. ;-...... •• , ...... - -" _ _ t l\londay evenin-o- at the in in .. on the :rith da¥ of Decemher.. .. - ••-.-.- -.-- ..-.-.- :- -.+1.-:-:-:_:e+:_:_:_:_:_:_: :_: : : :_:_:_: :_:_: :_:_:__:••:-: ; :-: :... ~Iiss not for such cases as that reported by 10 h '" Trustees: ::\Iae Peats, 1\.Irs. Pe- 1910, tlnd on tlie 27th day of :I:Iar.:h. I'ill. at 0 the Herman Recor~. Last week it 'f rna a...;:::"...;:::". terson, Mrs. E. Hollett. o'clock a. m. each day. for the l'urpose or pre· :_:_:~.:_: ~:_: In .;_:_:_:_:_:_:H:••:_:".:_:.":_:_:••:.':_:_:••:.:_:_:•• ••:_:_:_:_:••:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:+:....:.. ...:_:_;+..:_:.. -ummed p a case Herman a- fol ~ ~, ~I 1"1eets Tuesdavs in Pase-'e's Hall. Isenting their claims for e.."amination, 2.djust- "U " "I ...1\-'11. F " B.•N'r'lCh 0"1- ",nLL ., r. and .,'Ir "Ll_. J "" - ment. and allowance.. Six months tlrc allowed 1ows: . A 0 N" I d d h+ H I Ifor the cred,tors to present their claims. from an~ g ~ se!'tem"ceH'.~~i;ES ~~~ JUst before Rey. McKibbin stepped ,. .. . h' 'lcno s 'H au 'per, az:· Robin Hood Camp No. 30 W. O. \"1. the 2,>th dtly of LESLIE, We Are Now Closing Out Our 1910 Spring Patterns J "th t·,.· th nl·'" h left' for t"l\ere t e guests 0' .....1'. o•. ;spaul{l- 'S ," .- J . Ou e _am e mOl' llg e· .,. P tl dOt h HI coun,cn Commander M. B. potte~ I ept,.-"-I"-",,, Count, udg... ;.'~.~~,: ~~.~ ;;;~c~~ic:e c~:~~:~d u~ ~t::~in:~t P:; I~o~'a~L la~r S~~tt;da/:~a:ing~ue 0[9 Banker F. A. AyeI''' -----.----'------of Wall Paper at 25 per cent. Discount ";:::"'-'0- Clerk •...... , F. 11. King McCOY & OLMSTED. ATTY'S I Now is the time 10 pick up a bargain. \Ve still have some of the best palterns the amount he had received on his., . '__ ~.'. E 'Il P 1 salarY during the year he was bere. 3-.u". R. H. Olm"Led entertamed her scort WI epper,;:orn 638 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. :~: left.. Come in; '"e are alv..aays glad to 5bo,\\<' '\vhat v;e have; don'1 forget we aisa :~ • f:::unda~ SChOOl cla~" Saturda" ~"'e- Watchman ...... • . .Harry Swanson PROBATE NOTICE. ~L .:. carry the best line of PAINT, VARNISHES, LIQUID and PASTE FILLERS. .:. The exact amount paid to him by the ,-,' <.' .., ,,- .t L- ~ 'hllrch-l'ncludl'ng ~'h"t ='a" pal'd by noon. BeS.Ide.s. tne games .the class Sentry ...•...•.... , ....C," O. Larson In the matter of the e>tate of Joha M.::Elroy. y pain~ ~e C '. - .. ~ :i\Ianagers, John Paul, William Tuttle, decea>ed. . ::••: Come in and talk oyer the of your new house, ' .. probably can help you :;•.: those v.:'ho are termed ~·outsiders/' took an auto rHle over Omana and re- Ed.. Dayis. . Of~~~~c~~~e;~~db':i~iY~:~t ~~a~~~in~~~~;~~f~ in doing the work yourself. was $299.05, As he was hired to turn. R~fresh111ents were served and Robinhood Camo No. 30, \V. O. \\.. of said estate. b~fore me, C"unty Jud~e of ~ nreached here for a year and pr0111ised a good lime was had by those pres- . - , IDoaglas COlloty. ::>:el1raska. at theCountYL-oun A~e, + i' meets CIty hall. , Room. in said Coa nty on the 27th day of Decem- ::: M. L. ENDRES, 2410 Ames ..- a salary of $600, a little applied arith- ent. ber. Imo. :>nd on the 27th day of ::II:>rch.Iull. at ~ ~ j ! .:. Phones: Ball, I'/ab. 2138. Iml.8-2138 T melic will soon show how much the,' ~-'0- I0 o'clock a. m. each day. for the pnrpose of pre- 'n "pa'.''''ng UI'."~ The The Florence Athletics will play F.. lorence. Camp~ No. 4105 M. W. ~pA. seating their claims tor examinatkn, adjust- ~::-: :~ c.httrch. lacked I T.I. W .,...th Ad M I J ment. and all(H\""ance. SL"'( months are allowed ....:-:••:-:-:••:-:-:-:••:-:••:-:-:-:-:-:••:...:-:-:...... :·..:-:-:-:..·:-:-:-:·:..·:-:-:··:-:-:-:..·:+·1-:-:-:-:-!'- ...:... ;..;;. Record stated last week that a large the Reserves at the Florence baH OL y TIser ;samue en,,_n Ifor the cre.ditors to pre,;ent their claims. from "t t q ,\Tenerable Consul "C.. J. Larson the.3i;thdaY(lfSeptcmber~lQl0. d S d amount of his salary was still due groun s un ay aI erooon a "" ~ach CHARLES LESLIEJUd·~e.. _.IIUIJDII·.···UI.IIDB1D1i1_IIIUUU1UflUlln~IlU.1Di him. 'but when we wrote the item o·clock. The battery for the Florencll Banker F. D. ! Q,nnty NEW POPULAR SONGS we had no idea that it amounted to.lIAt-hletks will be Swanson and Gross- Clerk , Gus Nelson I S 2. 9, 16. 23. . '. II ' d b man Escort. James JGhnson as much as it does. We na een! . I-======- :I• HAYDEN BROS•• Om.aha told that there was a deficiency of' -'0--'0- Sentry, - :\1. :\1. Crum I (;:,======1! • "Wait for the Summertime," Summer waltz song: "No One about $129. Howeyer, we learned af-l Frank Tietz marketed hogs at Physician Dr. A. B, Adams I • Knows," home ballad; "Lou Spells Trouble to Me,''' "Just Someone," terward that this amount was what Somh Omaha Tuesday. Board of 1fanagers: W. R. ""all, YOUR DOLLAR I "Sail'S of the East," Sacred song; "I Love My Wife, But Oh YOLl Kid!" I • "Sunbonnet Sue," "If You Won't Be Good to Me," child song; "To the would be left if Rev, Mr. Mc:Kibbin -'0--'0- Charles Johnson and A. P. Johnson. Will come bad< to you if you spEnd it at would deduct the amount which he I Frank Parker and Walter Oaks left Meets e,ery 2nd and 4th Thursday nome. It is gor:e forever if you semi it to' • End of the \"Iorld With You," "'Love Me and the World Is Mine," the Mail-Order House. A glance through: :I "Cheer Up! Cherries Wil[ Soon Be Ripe," "Whistle if You "'iant :Vle I earned by doing carpenter work. We! Tuesday evening for Connorsville, of each month in Pascale's Hall. our advertising columns win give yeu an • Dear," "Rainbow, " "I V/ish I Had a Girl." most~ have been a member of various Meth-! Ind., where Mr, Parler will visit the JONATHAN NO. 225 I. O. O. F. idea where it will buy the == 23e each or 5 for $1.00. Ie extra per copy by mail ;I cdist churches for more 'than se,en,! factory of the Lexington automobile Charles G. Carlson... , ..:Noble Grand mmn...U ..IIDlllUDflDalJUWBEIU•••••••••auDlJa••__n teen years, ani!. this is the first time Iand secure his new .W·horse power that we ever knew of a church to de-I tGrpedo. They will then drive. ~he duct what their pastor earned aside 'I car overland to Florence arrlnng from his salary from what they here about the first of the week. agreed to pay him. Of course, the I -'0-~ ~129 deficiency might be made smaller ?fIr. Charles Cottrell and son, yet if the "smaH potatoes" in the Charles, will leave today for Ward, church were' allowed to deduct the Colo., where they will reside-·in the wedding. aud'funeral fees which had future. ::\11'5. Cottrell and Amos will been rceived by their minister. They leave later to join them. surely oyerlooked these two items, or ~~ a proposition would have been made The Hemping Drug company has to have done so. If some people would .1 packed up its stock preparator:!" to be measured in stature by the size of 'remo,ing it to Tekamah. their souls, they would be able to take ' ~~ passage to .the next world in theI John McGregor this week sold his throat ota knat. blacksmith shop to L. T, Amis. "fr. DISTINGIDSHED ARTISTS Just another instance of the neg-I:YIcGregor has been apPointed 'mar­ .","RO HAVE 1!s:EDAND ENDORSED ; lectIul way the church has of deaHng IslIal and street commissioner. with their nastors: When Mr. and I -'0-"0- )1rs. McKibbin were packing and R. H. Olmsted. C. J, Riede. Fran!: I THE mo.-ing their go.ods into a car prepara-l GleasGnand 11. B. Thompson attend-! tory to leaving Herman, not a soul Ied the automobile races in Omaha I KNABE;?\. ~ PIANO, ~ .:.,."" _ 1'- offered their services, and, althougn I Saturday and Sunday. ON TIIEIR At'1ERICAN~TOUR , - - ,-- /...... -.-- he had received such a small a1110unt I -'0--'0- " of his salary during his stay here. he l :Mrs..J. H. Price bas been visiJng 'I\~as c0ID:pelied to .get the dray tD do Iller mother in :ll1s50t:ri Valle:-·. 130., hIs haulIng fot- hIm. EYery~ne who 'I the past week. ..,.. ! knew Mr, McKibbin a1: an shQuld ~~ I have known that he was not strangI JorrI! McKenna of Omaha ' ....35 r& I physically, and t:rere is always a jllewing old 2cquaint:m::es in Floren::€' I ~.,.rea.. t .. d.~a.. l of he.avy lifting .to b. e (l'one.l wedrreSdUY., :.\Ir. ~,!cKenn~. has jus" I' :u mo""mg. AltEr_the gooas were aU I!'Et<:rI!ed imm u::t exfensH'e eaSi:eru ~n the car an:d It was knovtn Ihat j .t:·in that Gf'C"ap~ed o\-er two years. .they had no r,lace to stay unless Ihey ~ , -'0--;::::" went to the botel, ::\11'. and ;\!I"i:. Leo r E\'ervb;;uv will be there 0:1 Wedl1e~.. ! Hugelmav., Sr., offered them the ac-l dnj-. S~llte';!Jej" :l1. I Mrs. Briggs' Speech. A Kansas wo ,Han wants a divorce If brevity is the soul Wit, one of because her husband throws bricks at ~...... 1II .. 11 •• -.-.- .- ..- w_G~.o...t1 -. ~ .,."«: 0: i : :he -wittiest speeches on record was ~er. No man has a right" to _throw nade by a woman. r,lrs. Briggs lived anything at his wife but bouquets ml(). i What to Do Fractures i DER n the northern part of Indiana, long hot air. listance from any village. Hearing !Before the (Broken Bones) i .hat the Rev. Mr: Goodwin was to - ! By DR. W. H. BAILEY )reach in a township some twenty t niles distant, she resolved to "e pres- THE KEYSTONE t Do··ctor Comes of the Kansas-Universif}' Mediwl +f PIIYSI N •, ScJrool dt Rosedale t mt. and as no other way offered, she L.... _ _ _ _.__ •._._ - ...... : valked the twenty mi,es. TO HEALTH The pastor heard of this, and was IS ;0 pleased that at the close of the ser· There is no difference between sign as serious harm may be done to APPROV__ non he mentioned the fact to the con­ HOSTETTER'S a bone that has been frac.tured and one the surrounding vessels and tissues, I;regation, and called upon Mrs. Briggs STOMACH that has been broken, although the but it is sometimes felt while one is TakiJilg E. Pinkham's :0 tell them how she came. term fracture is sometimes used when applying a bandage or splint. Lydia Rising slowly, she looked over the BITTERS Ithe bone has been only cracked or Make the Patient as Comfortable as Vegetable Compound mdience with great solemnity, and split and not broken entirely apart. Possible. laid: I Fractures are usually caused by All fractures should be seen by a Sabat-ms, Maine.-«You told me to; "I hoofed it." some external force as a blow with a physician as soon as possible and the take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl~ Then she sat down again.-Youth's Compound and '::ompanion. club or a fall, but sometimes, espe-! person giving first aid should not at· iyer Pills before cially in elderly people, a sudden mus- : tempt to set the broken bone (rednce child-birth, and wEi cular movement may cause the bone Ithe fracture). The emergency treat- are all surprised t~ DISTEMPER to break. ment consists sImply in placing the see how much good In all its forms among all ages of horses, physi~ ,s well as dogs, cured and others in same A bone may be broken anywhere patient in a comfortable position until it did. My !table pre-,;-ented from having the disease ,throughout its length or it may have the doctor arrives, or, if he has to be clan said' Without ...-lth SPOHN'S DISTElI-IPER ctJRE. just a little corner broken off one of moved, in applying splints and band- doubt it was thE! Every bottle guaranteed. Over 600,000 its bOll~s of g~l~Edu;odu)ha~ ?ottles sold last year $.50 and $1.00. Any There is no use trying ends. The longer the ex- ages so that the tra1lS])ortation gives ,Dod druggist, or send to manufacturers, tremities are of course more often as little pain as possible to the pa- thank you for l omi ,\gents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. to keep well with imperfect fractured than the shorter and irregu- tient and does not add injury to the . dness in adnsing Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. digestion, dogged bowels lar bones. wounded part. It sometimes has hap- meand~veyou f~ and sluggish liver. Take Fractures often accompany sprains pened tha:t through the unskillful han- '. 'PermisSIon to use He Carne by It Honestly. and dislocations and it is important dling of a sImple fracture, the ends of my name in your testimonials."-Mrs.' Lend me_ your pencil, Johnny." The a short course of the Bit­ that such injuries should be seen by the hones have been pushed through tL W.MITCliELL, Eox3, Sabattus, Me. Another Woman Helped. ;mall boy handed it over and teacher ters. It always corrects la physician so as to learn whether or the skin thus converting it into a com· Graniteville, Vi, _ "I was passing continued to correct the exercises of such ills and greatly im­ Inot.a fracture also exists, as the prop- pound and therefore a much more se- tlli:oughtheChangeofLife andsuffered the class. VV"ilen she finished she suf­ g~neral I er treatment of the case depends upon irious fracture. rrom ne.rronsness and other annoying fered a sudden lapse of memory and I proves your health. this knowledge.: I Compound Fractures. !lymPt.oms. Lydia E. Pinkham'sVege, laid the pencil away in her desk. As -:::;::;::;::;;::;::;::;:::::::::====:; I Dangers. In compound fractures, never touch tableCompoundrestoredmyhealt~3:ni! 5he stood up to excuse the class she II I Some of the dangers of fractured the wound in the skin with dirty hands strength, and proved worth mountams encountered the scornful gaze of John­ A man is judged by his 'bones are the injuries to the surround- or put dirtv cloths over it. Treat it of gol!! t.o me. For the sak.e ~f oth61! ny's eyes. Rising in his seat he fixed . -. suffermg women I am willing yo~ appearance I mg struct~es, as rupture.of blood ves- the same as a laceratlon or a c~t or should publish my letter." _ Mrs. her with an- accusing forefinger and sels, tearmg of nerves, and puncture puncture wound. The person glving CH.A.RLES BXRCLAY, R.F.D., Granit-e. uttered the single word "Graft!" of organs, as of the lung in frac- first aid must wash his own hands for ville, Vt. .Johnny's father writes for a current tures 9f the ribs. In fractures of the at least five minutes with soap and Women who are passing through magazine. skull the bleeding, although often Iwarm water that has been boiled. ~his critical period or w!Jo are. s~er-: KNQWNTIIE WORLD OVER slight, may be within the skull and Then clean up the wound in a careful mg from any of those distressmg ~ There are L'Ilitations, don't be fooled. cause death by pressing upon some manner with water that has -been P;lculiar to their sex should. not lose A.sk for Lewis' Single Binder cigar for 5c. vital part of the b,.ain The infection boiled and with clean sterile cloths BIght of the fact that for thirty years PARKEWS .: . '. . . Lydia:E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- HAIR BALSAM followmg compound fractures may re- (The methods of making a cloth stel.- pound, which is made from roots and But the pure food laws do not make CIeam.. ed beaatlfiol tke hclr. Promotei' . 1; --growth. sult in a general blood poisoning and ile has been given under wounds of herbs has been the standard remedy any provision for love that is adul­ Never F Grq death.: the skin). Avoid wiping directly across for fe'male ills. In almost evexy com­ terated with filthy lucre. Hair to its 0 Color. C=~e&l.J:li~~ UJli:l&. As a bone that has been fractured II the wound but rather wash from its munity yon will find women w~o .. ,1s weaker tRan normal for a number margin outward in all directions. have, been r~storedto health by Lydia One genius is about all the average of months, even after the six to eight I Splints. E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. family can afford. W. N. U., OMAHA/NO. 42-1910. ~eeks usually considered necessary In treating fractures of the extreml- I ior its healing, the part should be used ties, splints may be made of any stiff Trouble in the Troupe. l carefully in order to prevent a second material as cardboard, pieces of "They've had a frightful time in the fracture. boards, limbs of trees, canes, um- No.5 Tom Company. Hear about it?" j The Diagnosis. brellas. etc. ·,These can be bound to "Napa." i . The diagnosis of a fracture is some- the injured limb by handkerchiefs, "Busted an' walkin' back. That's - ,tImes very easy, as when a long bone fpieces of rope, grape vines or roots of right. Went to smash on the 'lin- j~!i!!!!!!!!~!!ii!!!!!!!!!!~~!iiii Iis broken near its middle and the limb i some plants. Some padding should be cennes circuit. Utility feller they 'I i bends at that point. When a long placed between the limb and the picked up at SawviIle got mad 'cause bone is broken near its end or when a splint, the hollow places being filled he was doubled as Marks an' a blOOd-! c J offuis paperde­ small irregular bone 15 broken, it is up so that the splint will put equal hound, an' sawed the legs off the lad­ ForInfants and Children. eaUePs sirin~to buy R anythmg adver­ sometimes very dimcult without the pressure on all parts of the limb when der, an Eya fell out 0' heaven an' tised in its columnz should i~ upon Iassistance of an X-ray photograph to tied to it. This packing may he made I landed on Papa St. Clair, an' Simon having what they :ask for, refusing all I tell whether or not the bone is frac- from rags, handkerchiefs, caps, hay, 'I· Legree landed on Unc' Tom, an' the The Kind You Have ~ or imitations. I tured. Some of the otner symptoms I straw, moss, etc.' real dog bit a hole in Aunt Ophelia, ! which help to diagnose a i;1roken bone i In yases of fracture of the arm, it I an' there was merry hades to pay un- ~~~=~;;;;~~=~;;~~!! Always Bought I. are p""nn; wh'lCh :s,- raLllerR acute and be- Ican be bound to t11 e side 0 f teoh b dy Itil the local manager called the patrol ~ I comes very sharp on any attempt at I to help keep it steady. A broken leg wagon and had the whole bunch 'movement. This pain is a little differ- i can be strapped to the other leg "hich dragged up the pike and dumped in I t a I eSo.l'eeureE(;!l:rozUcUlcers,l$o,",e ! ent from the more dull ache of a diS- acts as a splint. ! ~;:r:'~::'a ;;o;~eh:::: :;t~t n"7n: Bears the Ul..-ers,ScroroIoU5Ulcers.Var!{'()"eUl""l'S,In- I'. location. When the ends of a broken. Methods of improv':sing stretchers 'I '.een good a'ollar" l'n the box." I, dolentUl..ers."r....cnrlaIm..ers.WhiteSwelI- 1• ._ l 1n2".Milk Le:.r.E'everSores,sllold••,""- PosltlY,lynD ! bone rub against each other there Is a I on which to carry patients with bro- i l'aioo.. B1",l;JIWc. J.P.ALLE5,Del.'!:Ae,st.P...alJ;ilnn. i peculiar grating sensation that can be {ken legs will be taken up under the She Has Changed Hel' Opinion. I Signature • li I P' " ~elt and sometimes heard. This is 1general discussion of transportation "I hear your maiden aunt is visiting! TypewrlterSm~kes-4 rice I called bony crepitus. The broken frag- '\ of the sick and injured.-WilIiam H. IOU." ! E. L..Bootll & Co•• 43 LaSaUaSt., Chicago • ______! ments should not be moved back and Bailey, A. B., ?if. D., Kansas University "Yes. Came yesterday. \ of a'TEUTswatRenE.Coleman,WSSll- I forth in attempting to bring out this 1 School of Medicine, Rosedale. "How long does she expect to stay?" ! A .n ·~~k~~~ II. "Oh: I don't know-probably for. i P lome time.'" ;. t fft.':=s.Tf~:~ Thompson's Eye Water ,I Poisoning-.Preventive "I feel sorry for your wife. I be- I ieve I heard her say not long ago ! . ... -- .' I and Remedial Measures :hat she despised the old lady," I Improving .Table ~ann~.rs... . I _. _.. ._ , I "She used to, but she has changed I How- delicate hlUtS on Lile enqueUe I In the prev.entive treatment of and keep It ill your meCllCIDe chest.. h .. _i f t ha" great ~! . .'. ~ .I - in b k- POI-lll'- tid t i .. - I er OplJllOn ,n ac, ~ r~ . of eatmg ca~ be gl:eu "llh~OU" caus-, ! :;o~ g we must remem .er to, eep:: =.u m: ._0 e.. s a sUbs~ce WhICh elth-, , spect for her now. Aunt HeUy brought I ing offense IS told In the New York._ I pOisons in :n-e househola lock:"d up In ~r ullite", Wlth the pOlson and renders. ! three trunks, two of them filled with I Sun among the happenings about. I pome closet or drawer, so as to guard It less harmful or one that counteracts: Ifhings she smuggled in from Euro~e." I town: "Culture has claimed the pro- Iagainst children getting hold of the effect of the poison on the sys-' - , prietor of a downtown restaurant as them. They should be kept in a sepa- tem. In all cases of poisoning be sure Editorial Favor. Ii one of her chief apostl~s. .Just in-I rate place from other medicines in the t? :;;ave an! of the substance taken, If I "A month ago you rejected a stor,- side the restaurant door 15 a heap of house, as it has often happened that it can be round, or the bottle or box IJf mine," , I leaflets, to which attention is drawn. : !'lome person has been taken sick in in ,,-hich it was contained, or any of "I remember. Thought it was rot, by the sign, 'Take one: Most cnstom- I the night and going to the medicine the vomited material ()r excretions of ten." I ers do take one and sit do"n to digest I chest: by mis~ke has taken some poi- the ~OdY, ~o that the! may aid the I "I had offered it for $7, and you I a meal and remarks on table manners. ! son illstead oJ. the remedy intended. phYSIcian m discovermg "hat has_ ;urned it down." at the same time. All the points on, I It Is a dangerous practice to put poi- been taken. And lastly, if the pa- I "So I did." I dinlng,room etiquette that most folks I son fly paper, rat poison, etc., around tient shows much depression or ex- I "Well, I sold that story for $40: I know but many neglect are empha- ! where there is possibility of ,::hildren haustion 'or "eak heart action, he I dere's another stOry. May I ask the I sized in capital letters, and the per- ! reaching them. Many cough reme- must be stimulated by whish-y or aro- I favor of one more rejection? It seems' I son who eats with his knife or takes ! dies, most soothing sirups and head-I matie spirits 01' ammonia or some- I to help." , soup from the "roilg part of his spoon I ache powders contain large amounts thing similar. If yery drowsy, he must! sins maliciously "ith a guide like I of poison and should never be taken be aroused every few minutes and not I Uncalled Fot'. , h~ar bri~~; o~ tha.·t. in hand. 'It took a goo.d deal of I. unless prescribed,by a physician. They Iallo"ed to sleep. If excited 0: in a "I 1 the old outside I courage to offer the pamphlet to the ! usually only relieve the symptoms! convulsion, he must be kept qUlet and PlunA"Vllle has collapsea. . boo' said the proprietor. 'There! and do not counteract the cause of the i away from all external stimulations, '"Yes; and the town counCIl can't un- ~~s,. d~nger that eus.tomeI'S might be, !,trouble. . I' as noises, bright lights, drafts or cold de~stand it. We ~ad just gi~en t~at I '" ddt 'he Ibndge a coat of pamt. Vi-"ily, It looked I Temporary Heat QuiCkly, o..en e a L , . . ! l'k "L· 'II C 'J al did. not kuow what was what. but' 1 have two ways of producing their bad .' . 1 -e new. - ·OUlSVl e ourler- ourn • I all: th h' t . ., ff t 1 ChI' ti h th Americans vs. Englishmen. most people haye ten.. e ill ill e ee .5: . - "OlliC a~ on, were e Throw an American out of the win- I Did you ever stop to think of the many ways in which a good part, and I am gl~a to say th~t I results c-ame from ta~g small doses dow and he "in land upon his feet. I Xew York plans to spend o,er $4,­ perfect oilheater is of value? If you want to sleep with your win­ the general tone of tab.emaIlner~mlo~thesubstanced~nng.alon?pe-hishandsdoingsomething.ThrowIG()\}.OOOforitshealthnextyear.Asdow open in winter, you can get-sufficient heat from an oil heaeer this place ~::s gORe up a notc~" smee ! 'rIod. 2. Acute acuo~, wnere. me re- an Englishman out of the window and! tha1: is less than $1 for each Xew while you undress at night, and then turn it off. Apply a match the dlstributlon of the leafiets. I sults are seen prom?tly an_~ rellow a he will land on his hands, his mouth j Yorker, it would seem to be worth the in the morning, when you get out of , large. dose taken at oD,e. ume. .~e affirmiug things. Put both into 11 I money. bed.and you haveheatwhiIeyoudress. . . ! chrome results are often Jllst as lllJU- .. . ! The Modern Falling. ' .. d • tal th -h d howlmg WIlderness, and the Amencan ! I Those who have to eat an early • - '1' rIOUS an more ra ", an t ose cause . h ._. k d + ·h·l th j. .• I It Was Mrs. Forrester In .hat chamI- "-T' th t ' - b t 't- i- nl Wlll ave a cny sta e oUo" 1 eel It nas been esumated that the aver- I breakfast before the stove is radiating • U.t e aell e p01sonrng, u. 1 l:i 0 YE ,. hID . 1 . g th d ff I - I lng, quaint "Cranford," who acknowl- l- the acute poisoning that one "ould be ~ng'ls an IS c eanrn. e mn a ! age i ..merican eats <:>2 ,1Jou~ds of sugar heat can get immediate warmth from dg·ad thatsh.e always c.onfused "horf- j'll d t tr t :fir t .-d .1 hiS boots~ Put both mto .a complex 1every year. ~ow wed hke to know , an oil heater, and then turn it off. e , ca e upon a ea as Sal. "1 d a. B~'t iI' b ., " - t qontal" and "perpendicular" beeause th d . -" ars, we .1 on w' 1 e runnIng 1how manv pounus he na-,;-s lor 1:0 ge I ~ .. ." I There are some me· a s or pnnci-, _= -hil th ' . I _ ' . - • The girl who practices on the piano 'in -her day the only use people made ~ ~. 1 toe ncw cosmos Vi e e =mencan ! that quantIty. + t h; pIes of treatment which shomd be re- is looking for the wire to introduce his 'I I in a cold room in the morning can of four-syl1abled words was.o esc ,. b d f n' 0" -hi hi· \ - I _. . d b it" I mem ere or a pOIsons_ n. w -c 'telenhone. The American's passion is I - _ _.i ~ t , have warmth from an oil heater while how they shoul e E:pe. . , ! hardly needs to be mentioned but IT - .. ,_~ + . ~. '« I The astronomer", "ho a,e try,no 0, she plays, and then turn korr. The present generationhas reversed I which is very imnortant is to stop the "or .mnustry, the E:-",lisr:man s 10: j work up another comet scare are I The member of the family who the process; nowadays words are,! _' _ ..- Thi i dommance; the Amenc~n IS an engl' herebv politelv but firmly advised I • . n 1I d d 1 taking or Lhe pOlson at once. s s I neer the Englishman a conductor !- : . .,. . has to walk the floor on a cold win­ more eaSIly defined than s..e e ,an ! best illustrated by impressing upon ':. _. .. t> comes aptly to "pomt the moral and; th·.·~ h . h h d ra. er t an O,D" em, o"c es every , , temporary heat with an oil neater, and to e l"es alr a person w 0 a p"rt o~ ·he Englishman's life It i. I I then turn it off. The adorn,. the. tale,". . ..Ibeen found unconscious from gas in a U ~ .L - :.. The hobble sh"irt, according to one ""~ss UTorthlev was .t.. ITln , to wrIte letters.... 1:1-. I to remove as much or- th·e pOlson as' next, ._dlllerenu"tes••.him from thE nat u, . deat-h". HaYin""l:> s"en- It'll'-' the rather noisy hubbub of a hous . i 'bl' h '. h b AreeNcan. V\ e are orLhoaox In a neg.! t'on -we are afraid some of its , . ! PO"SI e In case were 1<. as een l' -bl t' b • h - Iac, " . part.y. At last she glanced up "ith a f I k- . ' th t h ~ 19l e s~r or "ay; UL we are etero- wearers will not be so fortunate. _. i I ta en mto e s omac , so as .0 pre- do;x: in a negligible sort of -way also, worned aIr. : I vent its absorption into the system. _...... ' ------n.. IS "Oh.• girls,...-nlea"e~ to be quiet.,:just.a' I Th'. IS isanedb'Y causmg llle Dati''ent t 0 WIth us an OPlill.• '-hon no.EthingIi hto make "The grassll-;;.pper serves no useful ,lit<-'e minute!" she begg.ed. "You've!. "'_ t hi - - h a fuss oyer, WIt an ng s man aD Absolutely smokeless and odorless U IvomIt, or·by waSlll.Ug ou s stomac. .. . I th·" ak purpose," declares a scientist. Indeed: I nearly made me ruin my le~er. .J~: Vomiting may be caused in several O];Jllll~n IS a wa:-s s?me mg LO m e Did the scientist eyer go out after s.. Be.· rye ac.tual'v written ·di.. reet' WIth· .. ..' ki fin ~ b k a fus::; oyer. A", yet we are. really an Is invaluable In Its capacity of quickly giving beat. Apply a match and it is Im­ . ," .... '. . . ways. I. Stic ng a ger J.ar ac - I ". d I -C 1 GH small,mouth bass in August "hen the mediately ~t work. It will burn for nine hours without refilling. It is safe, one r!"-Youth's Compamon. ~ '> G';" t ,- I unopmlOna,e peap e.ar . ausen into the threat.. ~. -'''-LUg eacupru in !'lm.art Set bass wouldn't bite on green frogs? I smokeless and odorless. It.has a damper top and a cool handle. An indicato!' Of warm "ater with a teaspoonful of I ~ ~ __. _ always shows tbe amount of oil in the font. Inertia and Momentum. powdered mustard stirred into it. 3, I An Escape. The aviating joy ride has been in­ It has an antomatic-lockIng name spreader which prevt=:nts th... wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove -arid drop "Charley, deal'," said YOiUlg -};frs.iTeaspoonful doses of wine or sirup of "The poet who discoyered that there :!l.ugurated. This should be nipped in back so that the wick can be cleaned in an instant. 'TOl'kins, "I have been informing my-' I i~eca.c. ~ 4.. ~r_g.e amounts of luke- are books in the running brooks was a the bud. With aviation going on in a The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be q!Xickl,. ,self on eurrent affairs." warm s..lt WllL€,. . wonderful man." scientific and respectable manner it unscrewed for rewicking. Finishea. in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well­ . "Have you, indeed'?" , The third point to think of is to "Yes. And he was also l'.lc1.-y in not will upset aerial trave,l at the st~rt I made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. "Yes, I know the difference between give the antidote if the substance' being suspected of having designs on to haye reckless anators darting Dealus El.'eTjociLere. !f r.ct at Ya.rs....:TIre fiT d.!scriptiPe circu!ay a f¢andpatter and a progressive:' tak-en Is bown. It Is not to be e~-I! the country's natUI.ral resources:' aiong through space, ready to collide I to t};~ 1:El!rest agency cJ lne "1' should Uke to havey-our idea ot pected that the list of antidotes can with an.yother old aeroplane which It." be remembered except by phl'-sicians First Formed Societies. !!lay happen along, or to drop on un­ Standard -Oil Company "A, standpatter is a person :w~o and druggists or those familiar with I Great Britain has the honor of hav­ ::;:ti.Ug pedestrians without warn-I -<;> attend these services. IS ----...",------j - 11 h' all Ch . t b I . uld Mr. A. J. McClung will the OFFfCIAL'PAPER OF THE CITY OF j' Ie ow w a IS c 'on. 1'15 a e wo George S. Sloan, Pastor. . FLORENCE. go away and let us get the house shut choir commencing Sunday. He is a _ I · .. . I up. It's past midnight!" young man of talent and has refused Church Services Swedish Lutheran Kid Jensen, The Battling Dane Entered as seeGnd-class" matter· June 01, At that moment there entered the offers to sing in Omaha churclles to Ebenezer Church. Champion Lightweight of Nebraska 1~()9 at tile' postoffic.e 3,t Florence, Ne- small boy of the household Ihelp the choir out. Services next sunday. bra:oka, under Act of March 3, 1879. . "It isn~t his fault, pa," s~id the heir -<:::>..;;,:y Sermon-4: 00 p. m. Owing to an accident to Fitzgerald the fight was postponed from ADVERTISING RATES. 1 of the Smiths. "He can't go; Christa· The usual services will be held Sun· Sunday school-3:00 P. m. last week to Tuesday, Oct. 18. Dr.sPlaY'. ads' 25(' nn inch bel's sitting on hIm!" Ida.y morning and evening. Our services are conducted in the I ~ Want arls•••...... •.•...1 cent a ,,:?rd Swedish language. All are most cor- Re"ding notices ; 10c :l. nne ______, 1 A True Story. I Prayer meeting will be held at the diany welcome. F. J. ELLMA.N. CITY OFFICtAL DIR.,ECTORV. J- , l' th· '1'1 church Thursday evening. F~ I I ~~ Eagles Hall, Tues. Oct. 18 Mayor ...... •.•....•...... S. Tucker ane s mamma be Ieves at Ii t e LODGE DIRECTORY. Citr Clerk _ John Bon-aes.son I girls should have a good, healthy and I . . .• C!IY Treasurer ', George SH=rt untrammeled nlavtime so she has ai. All the chlldren are mVhed to come C,tv Attorney •...... _.•.R. H. Olmsted ..., a • t S' d y school The school i~ Fontanelle Aerie 1542 Fraternal CitY Engineer J. W. Green ways dressed Jane in "rompers" in the He ~ a ., .. . ~ Good Preliminaries Good Music u? Order of Eagles. Cit)' Marshal J0I111 McGregor morning. growmg, out tuere IS room for more. Councilmen. Yesterday Jane came in from her ~ Past Worthy President. . A4mission $11100 Ringside $1.50 Rollert Craig. play with a serious face. "Mamma," The Annual State Convention of ...... : James Stribling J. H. Price. . d Charles Allen. she said, "don't you think I'm getting the Jl\ebraska Christian En eavor 'Worthy President E. L. Platz c. J. Xier!e big enough for long pants?" Union convenes at Aurora, Friday, '\'I'm·thy Vice-President R F. Taylor Police Judge ...... •.T. K. Lowr;' Saturday and Sunday, October 21, 22, \Vorthy Secretary M. B. '1'hompson ·rrr}~~~~~~~~~{-r~~~~{~_}V++M4~~~-}~-~~~~~~{~-}~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ FIre Department. 23, 1910. Among the most noted speak· Worthy Treasurer H;enry Ander'wn ~ ~ HOSE COMPA...... "Y NO.1, FIRE DE- Speaking of Isms. ers on the program are Francis E. Worthy Chaplain Daniel Kelly ? ft PARTMENT-Meets !n tl~e City. Hall the "The worst of aU isms" said the lee. Clark, D. D., founder of Christian En­ Inside Guard R. B. Olmsted ifeE second 1\1onday evenIng lD eacn month... u" • ~ , T Ludwig Imm, President; C. B. Kelly. iurer, IS pUgJ.l1sm.' deavor and president of the World's Outside Guard Hugh Suttie _ Dr. ONE MINUTE.-'_*!II!!!!l!iliiII Secretary; W. B. Parks, Treasurer; R. A' "Pardon me my friend" rejoined a Physician W. H. Horton Goldin~ Chief. '. . , C. E. Union; Karl Lehmann, of Bos­ "" man who had Just entered .the hall on ton, Mass.. interstate field secretary; Conductor Joseph Thornton SCHOOL BOARD. crntches, "but I know a .worse one Dr. F. F. Tucker, of Pangkiachwang, Trustees: '\'IT. B. ParI,s, Robert Gold­ Your lumber---thoroughly seasoned selected kind l\reets the first Tuesday evening in theIthan that." , China; Guy Martin 'Withers, of Kan­ ing, \V. P. Thomas. month at t.1'';,. school building. .' ''What Is' it, sir?" queried the leo- is the best possible investment for you if you're gomg R_ A. Goldm"' CPRlrman sas City, and Prof. H. T. Sutton, the 1\1eet8 every Wednesday in Cole's W. H. Thomas Secretary turer. Bible-reader, of Chicago,. Illinois. halL to build or make some repairs. T~easurer :IV. B. Parks "Rheumatism," answered the other. More than 300- delegates have already .:. To buy cheap, poorly seasoned stock will mean .:_ registered, insuring an attendance of Court of Honor. over 750 out-of-tmvn Endeavorers. Past Chancellor . :~ nothing but continual expense replacing and repairing. ~: Another Viewpoint. + ~ ...... :Mrs. Elizabeth Hollett ~: ~: Singleton-Single blessedness beats ' Meets Tuesdays in Pascale's Hall. .•••. .. "It's only a few generations from · O~e forward look, IS worth tortYI shirt sleeves to short sleeves," saId Mrs. Wingender and daughter, 2\Iar- Robin Hood Camp No. 30 W. O. W. backward glances. the unoriginal person. garet spent Sunday at Stull's. Council Commander l\L B. Potter .~. ••• I "Yes," replied MIss Cayenne. -'0--<;> Banker F. Ayers Gather pumpkins and squas~ before! "Young men whose grandfathers There were several of Brigg's peo- Clerk F. M. King When You Buy a hard fros~, and store away In a dry to.Hed for wealth are now seen every pIe who spent the biggest part of last Escort Will Pepperkorn I Darry W. Vickers I BUY AT HOME place (not III a damp cellar), I day with their coats off, on the golf week at the carnivaL All had a good \Vatchman Harry Swanson ••• , course." time, so they say. Sentry C. O. Larson I The Home Merchants merit your Hov; some folks do enjoy. rolling ~-'0- Managers, John Paul, WlHiam Tuttle, I support, they are the mainstays up their sleeves, and then-bossing-, :\1r. Earnest Shipley was a pleasant •.Civil Engineer•• I Ed. Davis. of the community. And when the job ,that somebody else does. I SONG OF THE FOOLKILLER. caller at Stull's Sunday evening. Robinhood Camp Xo. 30, W. O. Vi'., '-'0-~ you buy of Home Merchants, buy ••• meets city hall. Successor to Thomas Shaw I of those who advertise. There is only two more issues ofI The fc.;lkiller saId. said he I Rose Rebekah Lodge ::\0. 139 initiat· f F'~ 410~ the Tribune before election and can- r 'Whenride <:InthetherIsksauto arefree.rash ed .our cand'd'lares .,'1onday mg. h't. h- Florence CNamp o. ::> I.MWA•• dictates desiring to advertise them-ll And they scorch and smash ty-five members of Ivy Lodge. includ- \Vorth~' Adviser Samuel Jensen PHOXES: Doug. ,U5, Ind. A-44I5 I splves will have to hurrv I Right there on the job I'll be!" ing the degree staff came out from Venerable ConsuL C. J. Larson 520-521 Paxton Block Omaha Subscr.ihe for '15he Tri...... -.I I Omaha. ]\Irs. A. E. Hankins of Ceres, Banker., F. D. Leach Bring in the corn horse after you The1';;olkiIler"I swim in thesaid,'lakesaidor see:he: ICd',aL an MISS ECmma . L:Vl..' yers el. erk- " Gus •Xe1son ------:lbune. $1.00 Per Year are thro11gh with it. E-mn a woode.n. When the wight unseared . were also guests of the lodge. At the Escort. James Johnson hOl".se Wii.. l shaw the effects. i.f stabled I Beyond his depth has fared close' of the session a sumptuous sup· Sehtry , }L M. Crum .l. 'd"m~ out tn the field a few months. ",' •• 1 follow upon his lee." per was servea• by th'e memners. P'.llyslcw,n.. Dr. _.. B ..'0. ~ ~

••• ; The .foolkiller said, said he: ~.-'0- I,' Board of :Managers: W. R. WaH, Every merchant in Fl(irenCe should I "r bend to the oar with glee; . _. Report of Fain-iew schoo! for the Charles Johnson =d A. P. Johnson. I auend the meeting: a.t the city hall i When the boat is rocked i month of September: Xumber en- Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday, And the world Is shocked H 11 :.. Tuesday evening when- the Ponca Im-.I I listen to no one's plea.... Irolled, 41; cases of tardiness, 6; aver- of each month in Pascale's' a. I o. provement club will meet 'I'Fith the j , age'· dally attendance. 35. Those who I Flo ence people ' The foolkiUer said, said he: Iwere neither absent nor tardy are: JON.ATHAN NO. 225 1, .. 0. O. F. · r '. •• J, "Some fly without sight of me; n: '11 A F C'I ,. bl Gr~nd · - - l Clara Beyer. Cilarley Lonergan, "'I - ."I.. '. . ose 0 e " I Drat the pesky things- .,. G d I R. H. Olmsted, of the law firm of1 I'm afraid Qf wings, Iiam Beyer, Charley Pedersen, Walter D. ';. Shipley \ Ice- ran I '.McCo'.. & Olmsted, certainly has calU;e i And that's the truth, b'gee!" Beyer, Doris Snyder, Blansche SoU. W. E. Rogers , Secretary I for f~eling proud these days. He not I I Mary E. Skow, teacher. J. C. Kindred.. : Tre.asurer [I anI,. secured a verdict for $10 000 forI 0 0 M' t I I I Meet every Fnday at Pascale shall. . , ur wn inS re s. '';i-i'or' welcome I Frank Phelps in the Phelps-Bergen I "Wot am de diff'unce l\Hstah wal-j Her- Hot Oven. I' ".L .,. I ~ien.at~on :a~e, ~ut in ~he s:preme J kah, 'tween colledin' ~ft f'm a dive- Mrs. ReceD.tm~lTie (passing ~ake to ROSE REBEKAH LODGE NO. 139. '. c~ur~ ¥ion a ,e~dlct of $<>,0.00 .or. Gus1keeper an' detachin' de kewpons fm' husband}-\\'on t you ,Jave a pIece of ~leets the 2nd and 4th }londay , "allenberg agamst the MlSS0un Pa-l a guv'ment bond?" I the chocolate cake, sweetheart? ; ht - h t'h 'fi '1 f th d th f h' 't' R n.g s or eac mon . C1 C ral way or e ea 0 IS W1 e. I, "I don't know, Sam; what IS the I .. 1'. e?centmarrie (iI! surprise)-:- X. G _ Isabene Shipley. H; has .won almos~ e\-:ry case he haslditferenCe between collecting graft Chocolate..Why, darling, I thought V. G Cynthia Brewer I tned thIS ~ear, WhICh IS an extremely from a divekeeper and detaching the you were gmng LO. make white cake? Secretary Clara PlIant good showmg. ~oupons from a government bond?" Mrs. Rece.ntmarne-And 1 thought I Treasur~r ., Hulda Peterson' ••• '''D' one am a tariff .fur pertection. had made It, dearest; but after the The last dry leaf comes sifting down an' de udd