Catalogue of New, Original & Cheap Editions of Imported and Domestic
OF f • • • • 1J5W, ORIGINAL, AND CHEAP EDITIONS 01\ - --............. --- MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCHIPTION. Imported Strings, Etc., of all IHnds. 0-- ___• ~ ........ _~__ Ntw York: . JOB & ENKE, 15 BIBLE HOUSE (ASTOR PLACE), OPPOSITE COOPER INSTITUTE, BET. 3D AND 4TH A YEs. 1S74. --~~----- - L .JOHN Ross 01; eoMPANY, PRINTERS, 27 ROSE ST., NEW YORK.. ~- I~DEX:_ -.- llIUSIO. PA.GE Songs for One Voice, with accompaniment of Piano, . 3 Songs for more than One Voice, with accompaniment of Piano, . 9 Choruses, 1., II., . 10 Songs for ORe Voice, with accompaniment of Piano and Cello' (or Violin), 10 Songs with accompaniment of Orchestra, 11 Vocal Methods and Exercises, 11 ~-- I. PIANO SOLOS. a) Symphonies, Concertos, Sonatas,' Fantasi:1s, Varia tions, Transcriptions, etc., . 11 b) Overtures, . 3() c) Dances and Marches, 37 d) Potpourris, 41 e) Etudes,. .. ... 43 f) OpeNS, Oratorios, Cantatas, etc., in complete Piano Score, without words, 44 g) Do., with words, . .. 4.~ h) I.-}'lethods. n.-Studies and Exercises, 47 II. PIANO, 4 HANDS. a) Symphonies, Sonatas, etc., 48 b) Overtures, . 53 c) Dances and Marches, 54 d) Potpourris, . 55 e) Operas, Oratorios, Cantatas, etc., in complete Piano Score,. .'58 f) Studies and Exercises, 58 III. 2 Pianos, 4 Hands, . 58 IV. 2 Pianos, 6 Hands, . 59 V. 2 Pianos, 8 Hands,. 60 VI. Duos for Piano and Violin, 60 VII. Duos for Piano and Oello, 64 VIII. Duos for Piano and Flute, . 67 IX. Trios for Piano, Violin, and Cello, 69 X. Trios for Piano and 2 Violins, . .. 70 XI. Quartets for Piano, 4 Hands, Violin and Cello, 70 XII.
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