Bladsy nrs begin by 631 736 Loerbroer en biegbank: Die uitwysing van ras sisme deur die postapartheid SuidAfrikaanse media Spyfly and confessional: The fight against racism in the post-apartheid South African media GAWIE BOTMA Departement Joernalistiek Universiteit van Stellenbosch Stellenbosch E-pos:
[email protected] Gawie Botma GAWIE BOTMA is senior lektor in Mediastudies GAWIE BOTMA teaches Media Studies and Mass en Massakommunikasie-teorie aan die Depar- Communication Theory in the Journalism tement Joernalistiek van die Universiteit van Department at Stellenbosch University. In 2011 Stellenbosch (US). Hy is die skrywer van twee he obtained a PhD degree with the dissertation boeke, Brothers in armchairs: Cultural struggles Manufacturing cultural capital: Arts journalism at Die Burger (2014, Sun Press) en Polemieke: at Die Burger (1990–1999). The dissertation was Bekgevegte in Afrikaans (2018, Zebra Press). Hy subsequently published as the book Brothers in het in 2011 die graad PhD aan die US verwerf armchairs: Cultural struggles at Die Burger met die proefskrif Manufacturing cultural (2014, Sun Press). He has also published the book capital: Arts journalism at Die Burger (1990– Polemieke: Bekgevegte in Afrikaans in 2018 at 1999). Botma het die graad M.Phil (cum laude) Zebra Press. Research articles he authored were in 2006 aan die US behaal met ʼn studie wat op published in prominent journals such as African media-transformasie by Naspers en Die Burger Journalism Studies, Critical Arts, Communicatio sedert 1994 fokus. Hy het navorsingsartikels in and Journalism and Mass Communication vooraanstaande vaktydskrifte, soos Journalism Educator in the fields of political economy, cultu and Mass Communication Educator, African ral studies and journalism education.