South Africa's Top Twits 25 July 2011 Prepared by Justin Williams (http://j-j.co.za) Name and handle Location Followers Following Tweets Listed Updated Source Verified Pastor Chris (PastorChrisLive) Africa 1033857 0 1056 1508 Y 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/pastorchrislive Bruce Attridge (@Brat13) Durban, South Africa 236513 227650 7382 2678 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/brat13 Y Gareth Cliff (GarethCliff) South Africa 145251 45 8849 1397 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/garethcliff Y Graeme Smith (GraemeSmith49) South Africa 124477 70 753 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/graemesmith49 Y Thato Fresh Sikwane ÜT: -26.097024,27.951438 (@DJFreshSA) 98829 4001 28310 1122 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/djfreshsa Y Humor Negro (HumorNegroo) Africa 71598 476 1540 1312 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/humornegroo Y Cliff-that's all. (PigSpotter) Johannesburg 61092 16 19892 813 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/pigspotter Y Tina Cook (@Tinacook) South Africa 59573 59286 9455 1446 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/tinacook Y Johannesburg, South 5FM (@5FM) 57 888 1 794 7 324 621 http://twitter.com/#!/5fm Africa 2011/07/25 Y Julius Sello Malema Johannesburg, South 56 528 67 1 640 438 (@Julius_S_Malema) Africa 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/Julius_S_Malema Y Nico Baird (@nicobaird) South Africa 50109 48871 15721 930 Y 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/nicobaird Euphonik (@euphonik) ÜT: -26.146292,28.037067 47 666 53 11 698 349 http://twitter.com/#!/euphonik Y 2011/07/25 Bryan Habana® (@BryanHabana) Cape Town 46 358 198 2 807 832 http://twitter.com/#!/bryanhabana Y 2011/07/25 Emmanuel & Abbie (@LifeCanBeDffrnt) Centurion, South Africa 42673 43572 47120 1132 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/LifeCanBeDffrnt Y Social Cancer Cure (@Erica__B) TwiTTerVerSe 40 296 40 938 32 351 1 048 Y ** unsure if this is SA ** 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/Erica__B Sizwe Dhlomo (@SizweDhlomo) (not listed) 40 049 69 11 566 207 http://twitter.com/#!/SizweDhlomo Y 2011/07/25 Page 1 of 47 South Africa's Top Twits 25 July 2011 Prepared by Justin Williams (http://j-j.co.za) Name and handle Location Followers Following Tweets Listed Updated Source Verified David Graham (@DavidGrahamSA) 36 382 38 689 6 635 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/DavidGrahamSA Y NINJA (DieAntwoord) Cape Town 35698 23 581 999 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/dieantwoord Y Business Report (@busrep) 33849 32621 18076 596 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/busrep Y Bob Skinstad (@BobSkinstad) Cape Town 32 238 1 122 5 317 730 http://twitter.com/#!/bobskinstad 2011/07/25 Y Eran Eyal (EranEyal) Cape Town 28633 26136 10234 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Online Beauty (online_beauty) South Africa 25922 28931 7810 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Lira (@Miss_LIRA) 25 241 131 3 562 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare sasha martinengo (@F1sasha) 25 199 1 095 32 115 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare News24 (News24) South Africa 23479 3987 44157 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Christian Republic (@BibleThoughts) Cape Town, South Africa 22613 9148 3222 738 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/biblethoughts Y Club808 (@Club808) 22 317 144 697 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Adesoji Oseni (Adesoji) Africa 21990 21377 3992 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Francois Du Plessis (@faf1307) Pretoria 19 839 118 1 452 330 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/faf1307 Y Edwin Lange (@big_edlange) Kempton Park, South Africa 18404 20310 2881 110 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/big_edlange Y MTVbaseAfrica - REAL 17 540 2 995 4 595 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@MTVbaseAfrica) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Big Brother Africa (BigBroAfrica) Africa 16769 537 0 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Page 2 of 47 South Africa's Top Twits 25 July 2011 Prepared by Justin Williams (http://j-j.co.za) Name and handle Location Followers Following Tweets Listed Updated Source Verified Neels De Lange (@NeelsDL) South Africa 16540 17087 8 60 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/neelsdl Y Quinton Carroll (BigProfit) South Africa 16129 17516 7160 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Nora Shalaby (@norashalaby) 16 128 391 6 148 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare geoffrey gordon South Africa 15960 14991 7218 (geoffreygordon) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Vodacom (Vodacom) South Africa 15819 3385 5813 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Justin Harrison (justinharrison) South Africa 15721 17 462 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Guerrilla Warfare™ 15 658 17 162 19 449 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@Guerrillawar) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare geoffrey gordon (@geoffreygordon) South Africa 15555 14784 7600 106 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/geoffreygordon Y Ory Okolloh (@kenyanpundit) 15 322 675 11 626 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Trevor Madondo 15 073 2 397 21 700 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@TrevorMadondo) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare SA Child (kidsdirect) South Africa 15036 16280 10203 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Jodene (@jodenecoza) Jozi, Sunny SA 14670 9475 11845 190 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/jodenecoza Y Wayne G Turner 14 517 14 261 838 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@waynegturner) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Donnette Davis _ (donnette) South Africa 14286 7990 81063 ಠ ಠ 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Idols South Africa (@IdolsSA) 13 941 329 2 324 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare 94.7 Highveld Stereo Johannesburg 13612 210 901 (947Highveld) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Page 3 of 47 South Africa's Top Twits 25 July 2011 Prepared by Justin Williams (http://j-j.co.za) Name and handle Location Followers Following Tweets Listed Updated Source Verified Follow Formula 1 -F1 (followf1) South Africa 13429 13595 505 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com GCE (@globaleducation) 13 251 100 169 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Slapman (Slapman4u) South Africa 13009 14273 1814 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com HowDo.us (@howdous) Johannesburg - South Africa 12956 12439 222971 76 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/howdous Y Springleap (Springleap) Cape Town 12763 12037 2483 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Mandy Wiener (@MandyWiener) 12541 549 4767 244 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/mandywiener Y Grant Nash (GrantNash) Johannesburg 11789 1164 5732 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Mpumelelo Mbangwa 11 677 128 5 669 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@mmbangwa) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Lee Pavett (@fatloss_help) Johannesburg, South Africa 11564 12183 3043 20 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/fatloss_help Y iol.co.za (IOL) Cape Town 11391 9452 65919 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Hulisani Ravele (@Hulisani_R) 11 031 331 14 176 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Liezel vd Westhuizen (@liezelv) 10 744 558 14 205 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare MarketSuccessor South Africa 10644 11739 690 (MarketSuccessor) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com springleap specials South Africa 10356 9812 561 (springleaping) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Eran Eyal (TeeDeluxe) Cape Town 10074 9519 828 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Blue Crane Soc Media South Africa 10012 10635 5941 (BlueCraneSocMed) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Page 4 of 47 South Africa's Top Twits 25 July 2011 Prepared by Justin Williams (http://j-j.co.za) Name and handle Location Followers Following Tweets Listed Updated Source Verified Rob Anderson (@RobAndersonsays) City of Gold. Johannesburg 9677 10683 1431 15 2011/07/25 http://twitter.com/#!/RobAndersonsays Y Lead SA (@lead_sa) 9 564 435 922 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Bob Skinstad (BobSkinstad) Cape Town 9269 831 2446 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Lira (miss_lira) Johannesburg SOUTH 9235 56 1823 AFRICA 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com SteveBuchalter 8 912 9 457 38 786 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@SteveBuchalter) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Phillip T. Terry (@golfman90) 8 882 8 357 60 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Steve Hofmeyr (steve_hofmeyr) South Africa 8712 37 1293 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com SteveBuchalter (SteveBuchalter) South Africa 8655 9115 37715 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Nicholas Dawes (@NicDawes) 8 615 436 4 442 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare howard vd westhuizen 8 438 8 719 188 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@abc2mp3) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Derrick Markotter (lxcoza) South Africa 8321 9178 311 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com FHM South Africa South Africa 8262 476 908 (FHMSouthAfrica) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com SuperSport.com South Africa 8175 603 11127 (SuperSportcom) 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com DerekD (uncomman) South Africa 7802 7697 3023 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Daryl Impey (@darylimpey) 7 621 156 1 360 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare SocialMedGuru 7 588 7 644 28 230 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time (@SocialMedGuru) 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare Page 5 of 47 South Africa's Top Twits 25 July 2011 Prepared by Justin Williams (http://j-j.co.za) Name and handle Location Followers Following Tweets Listed Updated Source Verified Huisgenoot (@Huisgenoot) 7 207 285 5 777 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country?time 2011/07/25 _zone=Harare SocialMedGuru (SocialMedGuru) South Africa 7193 7154 23166 2011/07/25 http://twitaholic.com Arthur C. VanWyk South Africa 7003 7287 11329 (arthur2point0)
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