annual dinner in Anaheim. It is an opportunity respecting and utilizing the talent, skills, and As more and more library education programs to spend an evening visiting with colleagues abilities of everyone within your business. turn to distance learning environments, this and meet new people, over an enjoyable din- You will learn how to enhance teamwork by program offers three perspectives on dealing ner. We will honor the ASCLA/KLAS/NOD developing common goals, defining a clear with this kind of educational tool; those of a Award recipient. Tickets are $35 and are avail- vision, establishing defined roles, engaging program director, an educator, and a student. able on the Conference Registration form. in shared concerns, understanding the inter- By attending this program, participants will dependency of each team member, ensuring learn: How program coordinators, educators, continuous communications, and communi- and students experience a distance education Sunday, 6:30 pm-9:00 pm cation skills. If you work with other people or program; Considerations for developing dis- need the people in your organization to be tance education programs; Considerations for LSSIRT Night Out $ able to work together, this program will help developing online course; Considerations for ALA LSSIRT to foster a culture of understanding, respect, engaging and evaluating distance students. Track: Non-Track and mutual cooperation. Speakers: Allison G. Kaplan, Associate Fac- Come join LSSIRT for dinner and lively con- Speakers: Robert P. Kane, Senior Partner, ulty Associate, University of Wisconsin SLIS; versation with your colleagues. Tickets are Training Unlimited, LLC; Mark Kremen, Train- Daniel Fuller; Susan Evans; Jennifer Maede $37.50 and are available on the Conference ing Unlimited, LLC Registration form. Good Enough for Prime Research Fuels the Time 2008: How to Win Author’s Fire an AASL Award Sunday, 8:00 pm-10:00 pm AASL AASL Track: Authors, Literature & Cultural Pro- Track: Non-Track gramming; Literature Learn from winners how to get your program Feminists Night at the Movies Discover how traveling to Tibet, standing in recognized, get a scholarship, send a new ALA SRRT the shoes of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, fish- library media specialist to a conference, or Track: Non-Track ing in Trinidad, and exploring storm sewers honor a great administrator. Here’s the inside For some fun, relaxation and a bit of informa- lead to great books. Four authors/illustrators scoop on how to win an AASL award. Listen tion come enjoy Sunday night at the movies. of books for young readers will present a to previous winners, ask questions, and get Two movies will be shown. “I Was a Teenage brief summary of the research that fuels the ready to be honored next year. Feminist” by Therese Shechter is a funny, characters, plot, and events in their books — moving and very personal journey into the both fiction and non-fiction. Noted writers/ ARLIS/NA - Putting Our heart of feminism, this film begins as quest to illustrators will share information that will help Expertise to Work: find out whether feminism can still be a source to create and foster excitement for reading Contributions of Specialized of personal and political power, and ultimately and a curiosity about new topics. Sharron Library Associations and redefines the F-word for a new generation, McElmeel, a children’s and young adult lit- Their Members and “The Noble Struggle of Amina Wadud” by erature specialist will contribute connections AFL Elli Safari is a fascinating and powerful portrait and myriad of implications for classroom/li- Track: User Services of an African-American Muslim woman who brary collaboration, and will moderate a Q&A Members from ALA Affiliate organizations the first led a mixed-gender prayer congregation. session with the authors/illustrators. Medical Library Association, the American Both movies are being provided by Women Speakers: Jacqueline Briggs Martin, Author, Association of Law Libraries, Beta Phi Mu, Make Movies ( Sponsored 1999 Caldecott Award-winning Snowflake and the Art Libraries Society of America [AR- by the Social Responisibilites Round Table’s Bentley; Carol Gorman, Instructor and Author, LIS/NA] speak on areas where the expertise Feminist Task Force. Coe College; Tanya Lee Stone, Author, Eliza- of association members is making a differ- beth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton ence. Online authentication of legal resourc- and the Right to Vote; Colin Bootman, Author es, and information aimed at patients are just Monday, 8:00 am-10:00 am and Illustrator, A Fish for a Grand Lady; Shar- two examples. ron McElmeel, M.A., YA Literature Specialist Speakers: Carla Funk, Medical Library Assn.; and Author, University of Wisconsin – Stout Mary A. Baish, American Assn. of Law Librar- Team Building for Success ies; Christie Koontz, Beta Phi Mu; Jeanne AASL On-Line and On-Target: Brown, ARLIS/NA Track: Administration & Leadership; Using Distance Education in Leadership & Management School Library Media Jean E. Coleman Library Learn how to develop powerful teams within Education Programs Outreach Lecture your organization. See how to build a work- AASL ALA OLOS place culture that celebrates teamwork by Track: Issues & Updates Track: Non-Track


periences in prison literacy programs includ- such as gaming and Web 2.0 with the whim- Mon., 8:00 am - 10:00 am Continued ing inmates, teachers, correctional librarians, sical viewpoint of those who are actually cre- and program creators. Expect to hear about ating and applying the “Next Media.” the successes and the problems with pro- Speakers: Chelsea Dinsmore, International The unique perspective of a career library grams designed to help the incarcerated im- Documents Librarian, University of Florida outreach professional shares impact of li- prove their lives through reading and writing. Libraries; Valrie Davis, Outreach Librarian for brary outreach on the community as large. Speakers invited include Jimmy Santiago Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida Baca and Carol Muske-Dukes. Other speak- ALSC Charlemae Rollins ers will include former inmates who have Feminist Publishing: President’s Program: experienced literacy programs first hand, as The Evolution of a Revolution Touchpoints: Strengthening well as, correctional librarians and teachers/ ACRL WSS; ALA SRRT Families, Building Communities creators of literacy programs. Track: Issues & Updates featuring keynote Speakers: Jimmy Santiago Baca; Carol Mus- From pamphlets and flyers to blogs and we- Dr. T. Berry Brazelton ke-Dukes bzines, feminist publishing has always existed ALSC at the margins of scholarly communication, Track: Children & Young Adults; even as it simultaneously enters and influences Early Literacy Reference Services to Teens the mainstream. In honor of the 25th anniver- Based on T.B. Brazelton’s pioneering infant YALSA sary of the Women’s Studies Section, we will research, and more than 60 years of listen- Track: Children & Young Adults explore the dynamic nature of feminist publish- ing to parents and children, Touchpoints is Librarians and teens will discuss the unique ing with panelists representing book, maga- a way of understanding and participating in issues and challenges of providing reference zine, blog, and web publishing. This program family development. Libraries are well posi- service to teens using the 2007 Guidelines is co-sponsored by ALA SRRT’s Feminist Task tioned to establish partnerships with com- for Reference Service to Teens as a frame- Force (FTF) and ALA’s Committee on the Sta- munity agencies serving young children and work. Discover what kind of reference ser- tus of Women in Librarianship (COSWL). families, bringing together child and family vice teens want and what they actually get. Speakers: Kristin Bender, Reporter/Writer, development expertise and resources, with (Beginners) Women’s eNews and The Oakland Tribune; space, program and resource materials so Kimberly Guinta, Acquisitions Editor, History, that families can be together in a safe and YALSA’s Technology Poster Routledge; Jennifer Nace, Assistant Librarian/ welcoming environment, where awareness Session Reference & Instruction Librarian, Penn State for the importance of early learning can be YALSA Worthington Scranton; Lisa Pierce, Editorial increased, access for families to services Track: Non-Track Database Manager, Greenwood Publishing and resources can be expanded, and par- Take this opportunity to learn about success- Group; Florence Howe, Emerita Publisher/ ent/caregiver abilities to meet the needs of ful and innovative library services and pro- Director, The Feminist Press at CUNY their very young children can be enhanced. grams for teens that integrate technology in Speakers: T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., Brazel- a way that is both effective and replicable at Bull’s Eye! Targeting the Right ton Touchpoints Center your library. Consumer with Market Research Monday Morning with ASCLA RUSA BRASS ASCLA Monday, 8:00 am-12:00 pm Track: User Services; Reference Track: Non-Track A four-person panel will discuss and answer Monday morning with ASCLA, and insider’s questions about niche marketing. The dis- look at a dynamic, diverse association of One Part Inspiration: cussion will include a background on niche members who work at cooperatives and Creative Trends that marketing; a snapshot of the US manga mar- consortiums, state and national governmen- Further Science Learning ket and grassroots efforts for reaching that tal agencies, academic and public libraries ACRL STS target demographic; and information on mar- providing services to people with disabilities, Track: Transformation & Innovations keting reference sources. and who are consultants or run their own Social and cultural changes resulting from Speakers: Wendy Diamond, Business Librar- businesses. new technology continue to have an excit- ian and Head of Reference, State ing impact on libraries as well as the scien- University - Chico; Jack Kyser, Director, Los Inside Stories: tific community. Why do some ventures into Angeles Economic Development Corpora- Prison Literacy Programs cyberspace find an immediate and extensive tion; Marco Pavia, Director of Marketing, ASCLA LSSPS audience, and how can we apply their playful Tokyo Pop; Jeremy Ross, Director of New Track: User Services; Literacy and Learning aspects to encourage learning? This program Product Development, Tokyo Pop The personal stories of those who have ex- will combine a theoretical look at phenomena


ine some signs and symbols, and see how of showing movies to supplement book Monday, 8:30 am-10:00 am point of view is created by interaction of the discussions and enhance summer reading reader, audience, and medium. We’ll con- programs continues to grow, it’s important to sider some emerging issues and teaching understand and be compliant with copyright EPA Libraries Forum strategies for various types of images. laws in regards to public performance. Join ALA SRRT Speakers: Debbie Abilock, Consultant/Co- us for candid discussion on the laws sur- Track: Non-Track Founder, NoodleTools, Inc. rounding these issues and discover exciting The U.S. EPA’s National Library Network has programming ideas for your library. faced many challenges since February 10, Cooperative Strategies for 2006, when word of a $2 million cut in the European Libraries: Stonewall Book Awards Brunch EPA Library budget put into motion a series of Access and Preservation ALA GLBTRT events resulting in the closing of five libraries ACRL WESS Track: Non-Track in the network and an effort from the library Track: Administration & Leadership; Please join us for the 2008 Stonewall Book community to prevent further closures and New Models for Collaboration Award Brunch. GLBT Librarians and their reductions. The U.S. Government Account- This program will highlight cooperative efforts supporters. ability Office (GAO) has worked for more than among European libraries to enhance ac- a year on a report to Congress, released in cess to library resources through a coopera- Going Local: Statistical February 2008. Late in 2007 the U.S. Con- tive catalog and preservation. Speakers from Resources for Business gress restored funding to the EPA Libraries. The European Library, OCLC PICA, and a ALA GODORT Representatives from the GAO will discuss European academic library will offer different Track: Research the ramifications of their report on the EPA’s perspectives of service and user interactions. This program will demonstrate how to find National Library Network. Sponsored by The EL is a cooperative cataloging effort from business and demographic information at SRRT/TFOE, GODORT, FAFLRT, WO, COL, 23 European national libraries within a con- county and municipal levels. Participants will Federal Libraries subcommittee COL. sortium of 47 libraries. OCLC PICA seeks learn where to find and how to harvest lo- to enhance global access and preservation cal government data sources for local com- through innovation and collaboration. petitive intelligence and market forecasting. Monday, 10:30 am-12:00 pm Speakers: Janifer Gatenby, Research In- Representatives from a Federal/State data tegration and Standards, OCLC; Kurt De partnership agency, a local government as- Belder, University Librarian & Director Univer- sociation, and an active Public Library small Using and Writing Readers sity Library, Leiden University; Olaf Janssen, business outreach program will share their Theatre for Beginning Readers Project & Account Manager, National Library expertise. By the end of this program, par- AASL of the Netherlands ticipants will be able to find and apply gov- Track: Children & Young Adults; ernment statistical information to solve spe- Best Practices and Programming Toot Your Horn: cialized business problems. In this program, participants will: understand Improving Your Image Speakers: Huasha Liu, Manager of the Data the benefits of readers theatre; learn how to ALA APA and Monitoring Division, Southern California prepare, manage, and implement a read- Track: Administration & Leadership Association of Governments; Ann Marshall, ers theatre program; learn how to develop Donna Cardillo, RN ( is a Labor Market ConsultantState of California La- scripts through modeling, samples, and a nurse, career development “guru”, profession- bor Market Information System; Jeff Lambert, highly effective and active collaborative ex- al keynote speaker, author, consultant, and Business Services, Riverside Public Library ercise in script writing. coach. She knows that librarians, like nurses, Speakers: Suzanne I. Barchers, Ed.D, Week- don’t get the status and credibility they de- This is Your Brain on DOPA: ly Reader Corp serve, so she’ll tell us how to change that! Grassroots Organizing and Speakers: Donna Cardillo, President, Donna Social Networking Visual Literacy Ain’t Just Cardillo & Associates ALA IFC Watching Ads Track: Non-Track AASL ISS Licensing Movies for Public ALA is concerned about the Deleting Online Track: Children & Young Adults; Performance @ Your Library Predators Act (DOPA) and similar legislation, Best Practices and Programming ALA ERT especially its state-level progeny forcing li- Decoders, fluent readers and finally expres- Track: Children & Young Adults; braries to censor access to Interactive Web sive readers and writers—these stages ap- Best Practices and Programming Applications, including social networking ply to visual literacy as well as to reading Movies are an exciting way to capture the sites, blogs, wikis, and more. Unsurprisingly, print. In an image-drenched world, we’ll look attention of patrons of all ages and keep a number of grassroots activists also have at the rhetorical situation of an image, exam- them returning to your library. As the trend taken up the cause. Hear them talk about


Let’s Talk About It: handicapped in serving patrons with disabili- Mon., 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Continued Love & Forgiveness ties. A panel discussion will include successful ALA PUB PROGS partnership projects, tips on communication, Track: Authors, Literature & Cultural Pro- and suggestions for partnership ideas. their organizing efforts and learn how to help gramming; Literature defeat this type of legislation. The ALA Public Programs Office and the Fetzer Sharing the Wealth: Fundraising Tactics that Won’t Break your Connecting with a Project Institute present Let’s Talk About It: Love & For- giveness, a theme-based, scholar-led reading Budget (LAMA Fund Fare) ALA IRO and discussion series. Attendees will gain valu- LAMA FRFDS Track: Non-Track able insight from the national project scholar. Track: Administration & Leadership; This program will present ways that librar- Advocacy, Marketing, & Fundraising ians can connect with international projects. ALCTS President’s Program: This program will show you how to use part- Speakers will be from Ethiopia Reads, Guyana From Here to Eternity: nerships, sponsorships and collaborative ef- Library project and the Mortenson Center. the challenges of managing forts successfully. Get new ideas that will Oscar’s very special collections help ease the burden of fundraising while Libraries & Government: ALCTS cultivating community relationships. Issues, Services and Strategies Speakers: Candice Y. Gwin, Kirkwood Pub- ALA LRRT Track: Non-Track The ALCTS President’s Program will feature lic Library, MO; Donna Bero, Friends of the Track: Research the of the Acad- San Francisco Public Library; Elizabeth Titus, This session presents research and practice emy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. Its New Mexico State University into how libraries provide and engage in a collections include relevant working books range of government services. The session and periodicals plus numerous special col- You’ve Been Shopped! Mystery also presents strategies for libraries to facili- lections containing 10 million photographs, Shopping for Better Service tate and cope with the provision of e-govern- 30,000 posters, and huge numbers of movie LAMA SASS ment services. scripts, scores, and production and costume Track: User Services Mystery shoppers have been used in banking, The American Dream Starts @ designs. These internationally obtained ma- retail, restaurant and hotel establishments for Your Library terials exist in a variety of formats. Issues years. We have two libraries that have success- ALA OLOS revolving around collection development, acquisitions, preservation, technology, legal fully implemented mystery shopping in different Track: Non-Track rights, and metadata will be explored. ways with positive results in both cases. Other Libraries have a long tradition of offering lit- Speakers: Dr. Linda Harris Mehr, Director, libraries need to pay attention to this technique eracy services and programs for adult English Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion to improve service. Participants will learn how language learners. In the 21st century, times Picture Arts & Sciences mystery shopping is useful as a tool for improv- have changed, immigration patterns have ing assessment, accountability and continuous changed, and libraries have changed! Discov- ALSC Awards Presentation & improvement; and will learn how to overcome er easy to use, up-to-date, online resources Membership Meeting obstacles to implementing this technique. in the American Dream Starts @ your library ALSC Speakers: Kelly Pepo, Orange County Li- toolkit; join experts and practitioners as they Track: Children & Young Adults brary System, CA; Marcus Kilman, University identify the issues, discuss service options, Join your colleagues for the annual presenta- of Central Florida; Florence King, University and showcase the kinds of best practices that tion of the Batchelder, Carnegie, Geisel, and of Georgia can be easily implemented @ your library. Sibert Awards. The ALSC Membership Meet- Legal Issues in Developing Open Booklist/Reference Books ing will immediately follow where Jane B. Ma- Source Systems for Libraries Bulletin: The Future of rino, ALSC president, will recognize the 2008 LITA Electronic Reference professional award winners and share the past Track: Non-Track Publishing, A View From the Top year’s accomplishments and new initiatives. This session will introduce the legal issues and ALA PUBLISHING Two Branches of One Tree: implications of open source projects for librar- Track: Collection Management & Techni- Partnering with Your ies, including the copyright and intellectual cal Services; Collection Development Talking Book Library property concerns involved in doing an open Top managers from reference publishing ASCLA LSSPS source project as part of a larger organization. share their views about planning for tomor- Track: User Services; Outreach Speaker from the Software Freedom Law Cen- row in a digital age and the challenges and This program emphasizes the important part- ter, a non-profit organization which provides le- opportunities that lie ahead. nership between the public or school library and gal aid and counsel for open source projects, the regional library for the blind and physically including the General Public License.


Read Between the Lions: Public reviews. Training issues for staff and the Memorial Library, IL; Caleb Tucker-Raymond, Television and Public Libraries public will also be discussed. Oregon Statewide Digital Reference Project Join Forces to Improve Literacy Speakers: Jesse Haro, Burton Barr Central Li- Coordinator, Multnomah County Library, OR PLA brary, Phoenix, Ariz.; Mary Catherine Little, Di- Track: Children & Young Adults; rector of Technical Services, Queens Borough Best Practices and Programming (N.Y.) Library; Grace Lillevig, eBranch Librarian, Monday, 10:30 am-12:30 pm Hear how three public libraries in different Harris County Public Library, Houston, Tex.; communities utilized entertaining, research- Ross McLachlan, Library Services Administra- based episodes of the award-winning educa- tor, Burton Barr Central Library, Phoenix, Ariz.; Ergonomics in Libraries: tional program, Between the Lions, to create Eli Neiburger, Manager, Information Access & Human-Centered Design engaging, hands-on, library-based Reading Systems, Ann Arbor (Mich.) District Library for Library Facilities Dens to increase and improve the literacy LAMA BES practices and skills of kindergarteners and Dude, Where Is My Retirement? Track: Administration & Leadership; their parents. Research is presented from RUSA Buildings preliminary results of a federal NICHD grant. Track: Issues & Updates The Library environment presents unique Speakers: Christopher Cerf, President, Sirius Retirement income (in)security is a subject that physical and cognitive challenges for staff Thinking, LTD; Kathleen Deerr, Family Place regularly occupies the aging public. Only half of and patrons. Application of ergonomic prin- Libraries Coordinator, Middle Country Public all workers participate in any workplace retire- ciples in library facility design reduces inju- Library, Centereach, NY; Sandra Feinberg, ment plan. In 1983, the majority (88%) of these ries and improves productivity, efficiency and Director, Middle Country Public Library, Cen- workers were covered by defined-benefit pen- well-being. Judy Village, a certified profes- tereach, NY; Daniel Shanahan, Professor, sions. By 2004, only 37% had traditional pen- sional ergonomist with 26 years of experi- New York University sions. This leaves social security as the only ence in applied ergonomics research, de- guaranteed source of retirement income for sign and consulting, has worked extensively Reach Out and Touch Someone: most workers. The need for reform of our health on ergonomics in library design projects and Public and School Libraries Col- care system and the connection between in- will present on incorporation of ergonom- laborate for Student Success come and health will also be discussed. ics in the design of new library facilities and PLA Speakers: Tom Mackell, J.D., M.A., Ph.D., renovations of existing libraries. Track: Children & Young Adults; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Federal Speakers: Judy Village, Certified Profession- Best Practices and Programming Reserve Bank of Richmond; Steven Wallace, al Ergonomist, Adjunct Faculty, University of Are you interested in collaborating with your Ph.D., Associate Director, UCLA Center for British Columbia School of Environmental local school to contribute to student success? Health Policy Research Health Please join librarians from State and find out about some of the best practices Please Talk to Strangers Online: Excellence in Library Services to use in your community and the tremendous Spreading Trust in Virtual to Young Adults: Winners benefits of working collaboratively between Reference Services from the Fifth Edition libraries—all for little to NO money! RUSA RSS YALSA Speakers: Rhona Klein, Project Director, Wash- Track: User Services; Reference Track: Children & Young Adults; ington State Library, Olympia; Betty Marcoux, Will another library or vendor staff make my Best Practices and Programming Assistant Professor, ; customer happy? Will they come back after Winners from the Excellence in Library Ser- Christopher Wolfe, NBCT Teacher/Librarian, their experience? Does it make a difference vices to Young Adults program will speak Griffin School District, Olympia, Wash if an academic or public librarian responds? and highlight their initiatives in an interactive Our customers trust Wikipedia and Google. round table format. Pacs in the Library 2.0 World What can we do to make them trust us? Ca- PLA LD leb Tucker-Raymond will facilitate a lively panel Track: Digital Information & Technologies of virtual reference leaders including Karen Monday, 10:30 am-1:00 pm The Pac is one way people find the infor- Docherty, Vince Mariner & Bill Pardue. They mation they need in their local library, in the will explore the issues, present their experi- region or via the Web. New technologies are ences, and recommend strategies relevant to 37th Annual GLBTRT Stonewall being used throughout the country to make all types of libraries. Book Award Celebration $ the search more accurate, user friendly and Speakers: Karen Docherty, Ask a Librarian ALA GLBTRT community based. This program will explore Coordinator, Maricopa Community Colleges, Track: Non-Track various enhancements including federated AZ; Vince Mariner, AccessPA Virtual Refer- Join the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans- searching, Delicious, Aquabrowser, and in- ence Coordinator, Ask Here PA; Bill Pardue, gendered Round Table (GLBTRT) for its an- teractive tools such as user submitted book Virtual Services Librarian, Arlington Heights nual event celebrating outstanding GLBTQ


stories and manipulating the props. An illus- Becoming a Better Public Library Mon., 10:30 am - 1:00 pm Continued trated handout is provided. Joseph Had an Manager: Certification Works! Overcoat is a clever cut-and-tell. The Stub- ALA APA born Turnip is an innovative string story that Track: Administration & Leadership; Lead- writing. 2008 winning authors Ellis Avery and makes audiences gasp. The Ugly Duckling ership & Management Mark Doty are the invited speakers. Ellis Avery is adapted using bath towels. Bandana Man Welcome library workers who are interested is the author of The Tea House Fire, (Penguin), is a show-stopping rendition of Gingerbread in becoming certified, institutions and con- and Mark Doty is the author of Dog Years: A Man. The stories are also filled with playful sultants that want to be providers, and divi- Memoir, (HarperCollins). Advance ticket pur- audience participation. The aural and visual sion representatives who want to launch a chase is required. This popular event “sells aspects of Handmade Tales make it a great program! Hear from CPLA candidates and out” quickly. Tickets are $55 and are available program for students of all learning abilities. providers. on the Conference Registration form. Speakers: Dianne de Las Casas, Storyteller Speakers: Darla Wegener, Director of Li- Speakers: Authors Ellis Avery; Mark Doty (in- and Author brary Services, Lincoln Public Library (CA); vited) Nanette Donohue, Technical Services Man- ACRL President’s Program: ager, Champaign Public Library (IL); Roberta Predictably Irrational: Thomas, Administrative Librarian, Grayslake Monday, 12:00 pm-2:00 pm The Hidden Forces That Area Public Library District (IL); Karen Jes- Shape Our Decisions see, Senior Librarian, Jacksonville Public ACRL Awards Luncheon $ Library (FL); Denise Zielinski, Director of In- Track: Administration & Leadership; formation Services, DuPage Library System AASL Leadership & Management (IL); Arlita Harris, Senior Marketing Specialist, Track: Non-Track The 2008 ACRL presidential initiative has fo- University of North Texas Celebrate the accomplishments of your cused on the recruitment and retention of the colleagues and enjoy lunch at the presen- new generation of librarians and thinkers in the Valuing Staff: tation of the 2008 AASL Awards, including profession. Exploring strategies to enhance Employee Relations and the prestigious National School Library Me- creative thinking, innovation, and vibrancy Recognition Programs dia Program of the Year Award. Don’t miss in the library workplace, the president’s pro- ALA APA guest speaker Wendy Mass. Her 2003 nov- gram will highlight the research findings of Dr. Track: Non-Track el, A Mango-Shaped Space, won the first Dan Ariely, author Predictably Irrational: The How do you show your staff that they are the ALA Schneider Family Book Award and she Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. A most valuable assets in the library? Staff at hasn’t looked back since. Her most recent panel of new generation librarians will explore all levels will want to find out innovative ways novel for teens is Heaven Looks a Lot Like with Dr. Ariely how to enhance logical thinking to improve employee relations, and how to the Mall. Her next book, Every Soul a Star to create workplace vibrancy. budget and change policies if necessary. will be published in Fall 2008. Immediately Also sponsored by LAMA. following the Awards Luncheon is the AASL Partnering to Help Reduce Speakers: Maureen Sullivan, , Maureen Sul- President’s Reception providing the opportu- Health Disparities in livan Associates; Amy Paulus, Head of Ac- nity to meet and greet the AASL President, our Communities cess Services, University of Iowa Libraries; Board Members and other member leaders. AFL REFORMA Brian Keith, Human Resources Officer, Uni- Tickets are $49 and are available on the Track: User Services; Outreach versity of Florida Libraries Conference Registration form. A panel of academic and public librarians will discuss their roles in partnering with the Planned Giving: National Library of Medicine, other National, What Everyone Planning Their Monday, 1:30 pm-3:30 pm Regional and Local health organizations to Estate Needs to Know advance strategies to address health dis- ALA DEV.OFFICE parities. Learn how large and small libraries Handmade Tales: Track: Non-Track bridge the gap between underserved popula- Stories to Make and Take Some feel that planned giving is only for the tions, health information and medical servic- AASL wealthy, but anyone can enhance their ca- es. At then end of the program librarians will pacity to give by careful consideration and Track: Children & Young Adults; Best know about outreach strategies and real-life consultation. Please join experts in the ar- Practices and Programming successful partnership examples to connect eas of wills, trusts, estate planning, insur- Participants will learn innovative ways to jazz libraries with health institutions. Participants ance, and end-of-life issues to learn how up their storytelling sessions. Using tow- will be able to identify healthcare partners to careful estate planning can benefit you and els, bandanas, napkins, paper and string, combine with outreach to better deliver health your heirs. ALA’s Legacy Society members participants will follow along, learning the information, screenings and much more. and individuals interested in giving a planned


gift to ALA or ALA’s units are welcome to at- Map Cataloging/GIS ALCTS AS tend. Refreshments served. Metadata Cross Walk Track: Digital Information & Technologies ALA MAGERT Content types and sources are expanding GLBT Graphic Novels Track: Collection Management & Techni- faster than ever. As the Advent of electronic and Comics cal Services; Cataloging & Metadata resources drove radical change in acquisi- ALA GLBTRT Speakers: Mary Larsgaard, Librarian, UC - tions, so too is the ingestion of digital con- Track: Children & Young Adults; Literature Santa Barbara; Angela Lee, Libraries and tent changing the work of acquisitions staff. & Collection Development Museums ManagerESRI; Aleta Vienneau, Learn about the next new frontier for acquisi- Learn about the popular and growing world GIS Metadata Specialist, ESRI tions. Speakers will provide brief overviews of GLBT Graphic Novels and Comics. All li- and context, then discuss the technology, brary staff; YA Libriarians. The Computer Training workflow and policies of acquiring content Bridge Program for institutional repositories; and define soem What Are We Gonna Call It ALA OLOS new staff roles, such as copyright negotia- Now?: Childrens Books, Track: Non-Track tions and rights management. Body Parts, and Censorship David Fergusson presents his unique com- Speakers: Maureen P. Walsh, Ohio State Uni- ALA IFC puter training tool: the Training Bridge. The versity; Terry Owen, University of Maryland Track: Non-Track goal of this proactive initiative focuses on We know all kinds of slang for body parts. expanding and multiplying learning opportu- Celebrating Children’s Book Wouldn’t you think works using slang for nities for those in our community who need Week: A How-To for Creating our private parts, uh, down there, would be basic, high-quality computer literacy training, Innovative Youth Programs challenged for not using scientific names in- specifically those who have been under- ALSC setad? Not true! Recent challenges to the served by current accessible services, so Track: Children & Young Adults; use of scrotum in The Higher Power of Lucky they have an improved, productive quality of Best Practices and Programming and vagina in The Vagina Monologues prove life as they adjust to living in an electronic, Looking for ideas to make your spring Chil- otherwise. Join us to learn from authors and networked, computer-based society. dren’s Book Week a success? Come hear librarians how to deal effetively with challeng- Speakers: David Fergusson, Forsyth County a school librarian, a public librarian, and a es to perfectly fine words, slang or not. Public Library, Winston-Salem, NC bookseller discuss their activities with an em- phasis on partnerships with local businesses Professional Development Copyright 101 Poster Session: and attractions. Adrian Fogelin, author of Around the World: Meeting the Everything You Ever Wanted to The Sorta Sisters, will discuss how to pre- challenge of rapid change Know, But Were Afraid To Ask pare kids for great author visit experiences. in the digital environment ALA OITP CBC will discuss changes in Children’s Book ALA IRRT Track: Issues & Updates Week, the successes of May 2008, and Track: Non-Track Several copyright topics will be covered in plans for May 2009. Q&A to follow. Mod- An international panel will address challeng- an open house session. Attendees can drop erated by: Angelica Carpenter, Arne Nixon es and successes in providing professional by anytime during this event. Knowledge- Center for the Study of Children’s Literature, development to librarians as they transition able copyright librarians will be available to CSU Fresno (CA) and Laura Mancuso, mar- through the profession from the beginning to answer questions and provide advice. Top- keting and publicity manager, Tricycle Press, the middle and later in their careers, with an ics will include: inter-library loan, electronic Berkeley, CA emphasis on technology. reserves (print and media), replacement and Speakers: Wendy Rosenfeld, outreach ser- Speakers: Nancy Bolt, President, Nancy Bolt preservation copies, fair use, international vices manager, Palm Beach County Library & Associates, Golden CO; Dr. Gilliam Hal- copyright, the public domain, and pending System, Lake Worth, FL; Michelle F. Bayuk, lam, Associate Professor, Faculty of Informa- legislation. marketing director, The Children’s Book tion Technology, Queensland University of Council, Inc. (NY); Adrian Fogelin, author, Technology, Australia; Dr. Antonia Neubauer, Hot Topics in Copyright Peachtree Publishers; Walter M. Mayes, li- President, Myths and Mountains, Inc., Incline ALA OITP brary media specialist, Girls’ Middle School, Village, NV; Jane Kinney Meyers, President, Track: Issues & Updates Mountain View, CA; Andrea Vuleta, Mrs. Nel- Lubuto Library Project, Inc., Washington, This program will highlight current copyright son’s Toy and Book Shop, La Verne, CA DC; Jane Mirandette, President, The Hester issues of the day including pending legisla- J. Hodgdon Libraries for All Program, Love- tion, court rulings and the outcome of the Top Building Trends land, CO. Moderator: Dr. Sharon Bostick, Section 108 Study. LAMA BES Dean of Libraries, University of Missouri, Track: Administration & Leadership; Kansas City, MO. Institutional Repositories: Buildings New Roles for Acquisitions This program will feature a panel of librar-


President’s Program: Quality digital libraries, collaborating on projects Mon., 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Continued Service in an Impersonal World can be a powerful way for them to combine RUSA strengths to enrich these collections even Track: User Services further. In this program, several different col- ians, consultants, architects and others giv- Institutions as varied as banks, gas stations, laborative digitization programs, including ing an overview of what is new and exciting grocery stores, and government agencies the South Carolina Digital Library and the in library architecture and design, the new have all moved towards self-service models PALMM project of Florida, will demonstrate must-have things to keep your academic, of commerce. Even libraries have moved to- their results and share both their successes school, or public library up-to-date. ward a self-service model for circulation and and challenges. Speakers: Dr. James L. Mullins, Purdue computing. Should libraries still be in the University; William W. Sannwalf, San Diego service business? Is the traditional model of State University; Joan Frye Williams, Consul- reference service - where a librarian interacts Monday, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm tant; Carol Wdge, SBRA one-on-one with a user - still of value? And Using Data Analysis and Brand- what defines quality library service in today’s FOLUSA- ALTA Gala ing for Fundraising Success interconnected technological world? Rep- resentatives from the business, library, and Author Tea $ LAMA FRFDS education fields will present their opinions on AFL FOLUSA Track: Non-Track why service is important (or not) and what Track: Non-Track Program will emphasize the importance of factors lead to quality service. Join Jacqueline Winspear along with other data analysis and branding for use in donor Speakers: Donna Bachowski, Head of Refer- best-selling authors at this traditional Friends cultivation. Data collection and analysis can ence Central, Orange County Public Library, of Libraries U.S.A. event now co-hosted by serve as a critical component for fundrais- Orlando, Florida; Marie Radford, Associate the Association of Library Trustees and Ad- ing success. Attendees will learn how to take Professor & Library ConsultantSchool of vocates. High tea will be served and authors data and incorporate that information into re- Communication, Information & Library Stud- will sign their books following the program quest for support. Attendees will learn more ies; Rutgers University -- most of which will be given away free! about the importance of branding and its rel- Tickets are $35 in advance ($30 for FOLUSA evance to fundraising. YALSA President’s Program & and ALTA members) at or by Speakers: Bonnie Thomas-Sharksnas, Pres- Membership Meeting: phone - 800-936-5872, and will be $45 at ident, BTS Research Consulting, Inc.; Gary Between Home & School: the door. Kramer, Public Information OfficerPioneer Li- The Teen Third Space brary System YALSA Monday, 4:00 pm-5:30 pm Keeping Your Computers Up Track: Children & Young Adults and Running — We Can Help! For many teens the library is their “third space,” LITA - not home or school, but a place that plays just as big a role. This program will discuss The Healthy Librarian: Track: Administration & Leadership; how to use information about third space to Cultivating Wellness Leadership & Management create welcoming teen environments, both in the Workplace Libraries are being called on more and more physical and virtual. Speakers Kim Bolan AFL AILA to support public access computing, often Track: Issues & Updates (author, Teen Spaces) and Angela Sigg (Web with no or limited in house technical support. Speakers Lois Dye and Siobhan Champ- Development, Denver Public Library) will of- But there’s help out there. Speakers will ad- Blackwell will help you learn simple strate- fer examples of teen environments and how dress not only general help-seeking strate- gies to cultivate wellness in the workplace their creation has benefited not only the insti- gies but explore resources that staff can turn at your library. Participants will learn skills tutions but the teens as well. to. Representatives from WebJunction and to manage challenges of the job including the MaintainIT Project will discuss their own emotional patrons and a sedentary job. This resources, share stories, and talk about ef- Monday, 1:30 pm-5:30 pm interactive session will explore practical so- forts to help librarians learn from each other. lutions including stress management skills, Speakers: Barbara Gersh, MaintainIT Proj- ergonomics and incorporating more activity ect; Diane Neal, North Carolina Central Uni- Collaborative Digital Initiatives: into your day, with an emphasis on cultural versity; Michael Porter, WebJunction Show and Tell and components including, rural, tribal and ur- Lessons Learned ban. Examples from various Native American LITA; ALCTS PARS tribes will be included. Speakers: Lois Dye; Siobhan Champ-Black- Track: Digital Information & Technologies well As institutions develop more comprehensive


Take Two Aspirin: Helping for getting health information? How do your Track: Non-Track Public Librarians meet the patrons get their health information? This The American Indian Library Association Demand for Consumer session will answer those questions and ad- (AILA) will present four award medallions to Health Information dress the following: New technologies and the recipients of the AILA American Indian AFL BCALA methods of health information content deliv- Book Award for Children’s Picture Book, Track: Non-Track ery; Types of content available for different Middle Readers, and Young Adults. The pro- Under the auspices of the National Library user groups; Adapting evaluation criteria to gram will include an American Indian cultural of Medicine, the National Network of Librar- new content formats; Implications and op- performance, presentation of awards, and ies of Medicine provides a variety of free portunities for libraries guest speakers. Appetizer refreshments will services and tools to help public librarians Speakers: Kelli Ham, Consumer Health Co- be provided. Tickets are $25.00 each and reach members of their community. Through ordinator, NN/LM; Gail Koaume, Consumer can be ordered by sending check or money staff training and training materials; consum- Health CoordinatorNN/LM order made out to the American Indian Li- er health workshops addressing the health brary Association c/o Lisa Mitten, 32 Stewart information training needs of staff and cus- L. Ray Patterson Copyright St., New Britain, CT 06053. Please include tomers; regional and natinal health informa- Award In Support of name and return address. Tickets may be tion funding; proposal writing consultations User’s Rights picked up at the door of the event if ordered to build grant writing expertise; and network- ALA OITP after June 1, 2008. ing opportunities the NN/LM links you to the Track: Non-Track tools you need to meet the demand for con- The L. Ray Patterson Award is given annually sumer health information. to an individual who has demonstrated a long Monday, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm Speakers: Dana Abbey, Consumer Outreach commitment to the fundamental tenets of the Liaison, NN/LM Midcontinental Region copyright law—public domain, fair use, and the advancement of learning. ALSC Poetry Blast 5 Health Information Naturally: ALSC Complementary and Alternative Track: Non-Track Medicine and the Challenge Monday, 4:00 pm-7:00 pm Poetry should be heard and not just seen. for Librarians Poetry Blast celebrates the wonder and AFL BCALA excitement of this aural tradition, featuring Track: Non-Track ALA/IIDA Library Interior Design contemporary North American poetry for According to a recent study, more than 36% Awards Reception $ children by poets both new and established. of people in the United States are using LAMA BES The audience will find this enlightening and some form of complementary and alternative Track: Non-Track energizing event a perfect way to end a con- medicine, otherwise known as CAM. Librar- Co-sponsored by the International Interior ference day. Ten to twelve poets will read. ians are often asked questions relating to Design Association (IIDA)and the Library Hosted by Barbara A Genco (Brooklyn Public health and medical information. These ques- Administration and Management Associa- Library) and Poet/Writer Marilyn Singer. Infor- tions can be tricky enough, but when CAM is tion (LAMA), these awards are presented to mation about current and forthcoming books thrown into the equation it can be even more interior designers and architects for excel- of poetry will be available. Poets: Francisco challenging. This workshop is intended for lence in interior design of libaries. Tickets are Alarcon, Margarita Engle, Ruth Forman, Joan librarians who provide health information to $50 for LAMA members, $25 for Student/ Bransfield Graham, Nikki Grimes, Monica the public and who need the tools to provide Retired members, and $65 for all others, and Gunning, J. Patrick Lewis, Jane Medina, quality, evidence-based materials for their are available on the Conference Registration Linda Sue Park, Ann Whitford Paul, Marilyn patrons. form. Singer, Charles R. Smith, Jr. Program sub- Speakers: Kelli Ham, Consumer Health Co- Speakers: Cheryl Durst, Executive Direc- ject to change. ordinator, NN/LM, Pacific Southwest Region tor, International Interior Design Association (IIDA); Marshall Shore, ALA-IIDA Interior De- Health Bytes: Technology sign Awards Committee Monday, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Trends in Health Information Delivery (BCALA)

ALA Monday, 5:30 pm-7:00 pm International Librarians Track: Non-Track Reception $ The past few years have seen an explosion ALA IRRT of new content delivery mechanisms - RSS American Indian Youth Track: Non-Track feeds, blogs, and audio and video podcast- Book Awards Presentation $ Please join the International Relations Round ing. Are these just fads or the new reality AFL AILA Table (IRRT) in welcoming and celebrating


Dreamhunter Duet speak about their writing, Mon., 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Continued followed by a dessert reception. Tickets are $29 and are available on the Conference Registration form. with librarians from more than 80 countries

at the ALA Annual Conference. Open to all conference attendees, this reception offers a Tuesday, 7:00 am-9:00 am unique opportunity to network with hundreds of information professionals from around the world. Join us for a mixing of culture and Coretta Scott King Book ideas, regional cuisine, hors d’oeuvres and Awards Breakfast $ open bar (this event is free for international ALA EMIERT librarians). Tickets are $30 and are available Track: Non-Track on the Conference Registration form. Celebrate the 39th annual presentation of the Coretta Scott King Book Awards, where

culturally sensitive works of African American Monday, 7:00 pm-10:00 pm authors and illustrators are highlighted. This annual breakfast features some of the bright- est new and seasoned literacy and artistic Alternative Media Reception $ talent. Children from neighboring communi- ALA SRRT ties are guests at this event, receiving new Track: Non-Track award-winning titles. A moving climax to an Join your colleagues for the annual exhibit of always remarkable conference! Tickets are local independent publishers and alternative $50 and are available on the Conference media, formerly known as the Free Speech Registration form. Buffet, now in its 17th year. Browse or pur- chase selections focusing on local, regional and major alternative publishers that may not be found in the main exhibit hall. Sponsored by SRRT’s Alternative Media Task Force. En- joy desserts and a cash bar while you cel- ebrate media diversity. Tickets are $15 and are available on the Conference Registration form.

Monday, 8:00 pm-10:00 pm

Michael L. Printz Program and Reception $ YALSA Track: Non-Track The Michael L. Printz Award is an award for a book that exemplifies literary excellence in young adult literature. The annual award is administered by YALSA and sponsored by Booklist magazine. Come listen to the win- ner, Geraldine McCaughrean for her novel The White Darkness and honor book au- thors Judith Clarke for One Whole and Per- fect Day; Stephanie Hemphill for Your Own, Sylvia: A Verse Portrait of Sylvia Plath; A.M. Jenkins for Repossessed; and Elizabeth Knox for The Dreamquake: Book Two of the

american library association