PRELIMINARY PROGRAM ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 2008 79 annual dinner in Anaheim. It is an opportunity respecting and utilizing the talent, skills, and As more and more library education programs to spend an evening visiting with colleagues abilities of everyone within your business. turn to distance learning environments, this and meet new people, over an enjoyable din- You will learn how to enhance teamwork by program offers three perspectives on dealing ner. We will honor the ASCLA/KLAS/NOD developing common goals, defining a clear with this kind of educational tool; those of a Award recipient. Tickets are $35 and are avail- vision, establishing defined roles, engaging program director, an educator, and a student. able on the Conference Registration form. in shared concerns, understanding the inter- By attending this program, participants will dependency of each team member, ensuring learn: How program coordinators, educators, continuous communications, and communi- and students experience a distance education Sunday, 6:30 pm-9:00 pm cation skills. If you work with other people or program; Considerations for developing dis- need the people in your organization to be tance education programs; Considerations for LSSIRT Night Out $ able to work together, this program will help developing online course; Considerations for ALA LSSIRT to foster a culture of understanding, respect, engaging and evaluating distance students. Track: Non-Track and mutual cooperation. Speakers: Allison G. Kaplan, Associate Fac- Come join LSSIRT for dinner and lively con- Speakers: Robert P. Kane, Senior Partner, ulty Associate, University of Wisconsin SLIS; versation with your colleagues. Tickets are Training Unlimited, LLC; Mark Kremen, Train- Daniel Fuller; Susan Evans; Jennifer Maede $37.50 and are available on the Conference ing Unlimited, LLC Registration form. Good Enough for Prime Research Fuels the Time 2008: How to Win Author’s Fire an AASL Award Sunday, 8:00 pm-10:00 pm AASL AASL Track: Authors, Literature & Cultural Pro- Track: Non-Track gramming; Literature Learn from winners how to get your program Feminists Night at the Movies Discover how traveling to Tibet, standing in recognized, get a scholarship, send a new ALA SRRT the shoes of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, fish- library media specialist to a conference, or Track: Non-Track ing in Trinidad, and exploring storm sewers honor a great administrator. Here’s the inside For some fun, relaxation and a bit of informa- lead to great books. Four authors/illustrators scoop on how to win an AASL award. Listen tion come enjoy Sunday night at the movies. of books for young readers will present a to previous winners, ask questions, and get Two movies will be shown. “I Was a Teenage brief summary of the research that fuels the ready to be honored next year. Feminist” by Therese Shechter is a funny, characters, plot, and events in their books — moving and very personal journey into the both fiction and non-fiction. Noted writers/ ARLIS/NA - Putting Our heart of feminism, this film begins as quest to illustrators will share information that will help Expertise to Work: find out whether feminism can still be a source to create and foster excitement for reading Contributions of Specialized of personal and political power, and ultimately and a curiosity about new topics. Sharron Library Associations and redefines the F-word for a new generation, McElmeel, a children’s and young adult lit- Their Members and “The Noble Struggle of Amina Wadud” by erature specialist will contribute connections AFL Elli Safari is a fascinating and powerful portrait and myriad of implications for classroom/li- Track: User Services of an African-American Muslim woman who brary collaboration, and will moderate a Q&A Members from ALA Affiliate organizations the first led a mixed-gender prayer congregation. session with the authors/illustrators. Medical Library Association, the American Both movies are being provided by Women Speakers: Jacqueline Briggs Martin, Author, Association of Law Libraries, Beta Phi Mu, Make Movies (www.wmm.com). Sponsored 1999 Caldecott Award-winning Snowflake and the Art Libraries Society of America [AR- by the Social Responisibilites Round Table’s Bentley; Carol Gorman, Instructor and Author, LIS/NA] speak on areas where the expertise Feminist Task Force. Coe College; Tanya Lee Stone, Author, Eliza- of association members is making a differ- beth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton ence. Online authentication of legal resourc- and the Right to Vote; Colin Bootman, Author es, and information aimed at patients are just Monday, 8:00 am-10:00 am and Illustrator, A Fish for a Grand Lady; Shar- two examples. ron McElmeel, M.A., YA Literature Specialist Speakers: Carla Funk, Medical Library Assn.; and Author, University of Wisconsin – Stout Mary A. Baish, American Assn. of Law Librar- Team Building for Success ies; Christie Koontz, Beta Phi Mu; Jeanne AASL On-Line and On-Target: Brown, ARLIS/NA Track: Administration & Leadership; Using Distance Education in Leadership & Management School Library Media Jean E. Coleman Library Learn how to develop powerful teams within Education Programs Outreach Lecture your organization. See how to build a work- AASL ALA OLOS place culture that celebrates teamwork by Track: Issues & Updates Track: Non-Track american library association 80 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 2008 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM periences in prison literacy programs includ- such as gaming and Web 2.0 with the whim- Mon., 8:00 am - 10:00 am Continued ing inmates, teachers, correctional librarians, sical viewpoint of those who are actually cre- and program creators. Expect to hear about ating and applying the “Next Media.” the successes and the problems with pro- Speakers: Chelsea Dinsmore, International The unique perspective of a career library grams designed to help the incarcerated im- Documents Librarian, University of Florida outreach professional shares impact of li- prove their lives through reading and writing. Libraries; Valrie Davis, Outreach Librarian for brary outreach on the community as large. Speakers invited include Jimmy Santiago Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida Baca and Carol Muske-Dukes. Other speak- ALSC Charlemae Rollins ers will include former inmates who have Feminist Publishing: President’s Program: experienced literacy programs first hand, as The Evolution of a Revolution Touchpoints: Strengthening well as, correctional librarians and teachers/ ACRL WSS; ALA SRRT Families, Building Communities creators of literacy programs. Track: Issues & Updates featuring keynote Speakers: Jimmy Santiago Baca; Carol Mus- From pamphlets and flyers to blogs and we- Dr. T. Berry Brazelton ke-Dukes bzines, feminist publishing has always existed ALSC at the margins of scholarly communication, Track: Children & Young Adults; even as it simultaneously enters and influences Early Literacy Reference Services to Teens the mainstream. In honor of the 25th anniver- Based on T.B. Brazelton’s pioneering infant YALSA sary of the Women’s Studies Section, we will research, and more than 60 years of listen- Track: Children & Young Adults explore the dynamic nature of feminist publish- ing to parents and children, Touchpoints is Librarians and teens will discuss the unique ing with panelists representing book, maga- a way of understanding and participating in issues and challenges of providing reference zine, blog, and web publishing. This program family development. Libraries are well posi- service to teens using the 2007 Guidelines is co-sponsored by ALA SRRT’s Feminist Task tioned to establish partnerships with com- for Reference Service to Teens as a frame- Force (FTF) and ALA’s Committee on the Sta- munity agencies serving young children and work. Discover what kind of reference ser- tus of Women in Librarianship (COSWL). families, bringing together child and family vice teens want and what they actually get. Speakers: Kristin Bender, Reporter/Writer, development expertise and resources, with (Beginners) Women’s eNews and The Oakland Tribune; space, program and resource materials so Kimberly Guinta, Acquisitions Editor, History, that families can be together in a safe and YALSA’s Technology Poster Routledge; Jennifer Nace, Assistant Librarian/ welcoming environment, where awareness Session Reference & Instruction Librarian, Penn State for the importance of early learning can be YALSA Worthington Scranton; Lisa Pierce, Editorial increased, access for families to services Track: Non-Track Database Manager, Greenwood Publishing and resources can be expanded, and par- Take this opportunity to learn about success- Group; Florence Howe, Emerita Publisher/ ent/caregiver abilities to meet the needs of ful and innovative library services and pro- Director, The Feminist Press at CUNY their very young children can be enhanced. grams for teens that integrate technology in Speakers: T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., Brazel- a way that is both effective and replicable at Bull’s Eye! Targeting the Right ton Touchpoints Center your library. Consumer with Market Research Monday Morning with ASCLA RUSA BRASS ASCLA Monday, 8:00 am-12:00 pm Track: User Services; Reference Track: Non-Track A four-person panel will discuss and answer Monday morning with ASCLA, and insider’s questions about niche marketing. The dis- look at a dynamic, diverse association of One Part Inspiration: cussion will include a background on niche members who work at cooperatives and Creative Trends that marketing; a snapshot of the US manga mar- consortiums,
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