
Social Graph SRI, NLS ARPA Internet of Cedric Price Douglas Engelbart Ted Nelson Tim Berners-Lee and how it connects computing, counterculture, and design

MIT Univ. of Utah PARC Apple Vannevar Bush R.D. Laing Ivan Sutherland Alan Kay Bob Taylor Bill Atkinson Julian Bigelow J.C.R. Licklider John Warnock (founded Adobe) Larry Tesler Warren McCulloch, Chair Jim Blinn Ed Catmull (founded Pixar) James Clark (founded Netscape) BCL Whole Earth Catalog Media Lab WiReD Arturo Rosenblueth Ross Ashby Stewart Brand Nicholas Negroponte Kevin Kelly Barbara Kuhr John Plunkett

Merry Pranksters Brunel University Bertrand Russell Charles Eames Ken Kesey Usman Haque Hugh Dubberly Paul Pangaro

Design Methods IIT Institute of Design Design Thinking J. Willard Gibbs Grey Walter Timothy Leary London Conference Chuck Owen

UC Berkeley Soft Design Rationale James Clerk Maxwell Marshall McLuhan Gene Youngblood Christopher Alexander Jim Bagnall Don Koberg

Key HfG Ulm Design Patterns Scientists Serge Chermayeff Bruce Archer Lou Danziger Designers and Architects Gui Bonsiepe Terry Winograd Design Theorists and Critics Computer Pioneers Horst Rittel Counterculture Leaders

Personal Connections Google (usually collaborations) William Burroughs Brian Eno John Rheinfrank Sergey Brin Larry Page Influences (usually publications)

Interactive version at http://cybergraph.dubberly.com/