Lisa Kleypas | 368 pages | 08 Jul 2011 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780380781454 | English | New York, United States Stranger in My Arms PDF Book

Had the news come from a less reliable source, Lara would have dismissed it immediately. All rights reserved. But, if so, to what end? Plot Summary. She was written to be a pathetic, weak, grating character, and that's what she was. She now lives simply with her good works and an orphanage that she supports, what more could a woman need. She had it waaaay worse than Lara and deserves a HEA. Not a great picture by any means, but a thoughtful, tolerable one, with attractive photography and a pretty if derivative score supervised by Joseph Gershenson. User Ratings. Available now wherever books are sold. Release date. I can't believe I'm seriously rating an LK book this low but seriously, I just can't give more. Which is kind of jerkish, but okay, her husband wasn't a nice man, so that's understandable. Lisa Kleypas is clearly know how to write this unique story very well and I never expected the twist in the end when it was revealed who the real Hunter was. Adventurous Josephine Hale is determined to live up to her scandalous heritage. The plot is kind of ridiculous, delightfully so, but the one true bright spot was Johnny. It's about a noble widow named Lara whose life is upended when her late husband, Hunter, the Earl of Hawksworth, presumed dead on a journey to India, returns alive and well and ready to resume his position. Lara stared at James Young without blinking. The more she fought her connection with Hunter tooth and nail the more I bucked as well. The fact that he can show so much empathy for someone who's clearly his enemy raises my respect for him. She was a complete sanctimonious shrew to be blunt. And for this reader? She's disappointed when she finds out her husband isn't dead. Brooklyn Ann Damn. Explain yourself at once. Aug 31, Christy W rated it really liked it. She enjoyed sex with New Hunter and fell in love with her husband. They treat Lara like total shit. always performed most capably in a lower key, but here he gets to be a bit more animated particularly in his scenes with flirtatious teen and it suits him. Mary Astor. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Allyson was attached as star, but the director was Helmut Kautner, who had just made The Restless Years for Universal. The sensation of his warm breath sinking down to her scalp me her quiver. During the ocean flight, his navigational mistake led to the crash. Perhaps it was the way she used cheerfulness like a weapon, if such a thing were possible, keeping everyone at a distance. And a peevish and snarling Mary Astor turns up in the role. Pike begins to develop feelings for Christina. He slept with his mistress openly. Jazz Latin New Age. Smooth Talking Stranger. Facebook Twitter E-mail. After the Korean War, an Air Force pilot meets the family of his KIA navigator and recalls, in flashbacks, the circumstances of their ordeal, after being shot down. A stained legal career spent defending mob enforcers, two-bit hoods, and other dregs of humanity Before they were famous, these stars brought their movies to the Sundance Film Festival. Explore Now. Drinking Hanging Out In Love. But is he an impostor and is everything they're building based on a lie? That is really disappointing. But she also taunts him about it, ordering her gowns cut an extra two inches lower with the intent of torturing him, enters into sexual bargains with him for the orphans, again and then speculates on how to welsh on the deal this is the term that the book uses, so please excuse the potentially pejorative phrasing. Stranger in My Arms Writer

Like for example, I cannot imagine any other writer of cliched romances, pondering questions like 'what makes a bully, a bully? Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. In one passage, you have a character deride the heroine for being a "wax doll" of a woman, with no depth or passion to her. View 2 comments. Check out what we'll be watching in Although they had two sons, the boys had been packed off to Eton and were seldom seen or even mentioned. It did not take long for the latest news of Captain Tyler and his wife to reach the residents of Hawksworth Hall. I was waiting and waiting and Jeff Chandler always performed most capably in a lower key, but here he gets to be a bit more animated particularly in his scenes with flirtatious teen Sandra Dee and it suits him. I adored Hunter and Lara, both were great with one hiding from the past and another hiding in plain sight. Bert Wayne Howard Wendell He will not change, Rachel! Arthur and Janet don't want to lose the Earl title and Lara doesn't want her hateful husband back. We get to stand in their shoes, fuss and rummage around in their heads and completely connect with them. You are going to send email to. Pike Yarnell : You, uh, you aren't under age, are you? is an odd choice for his romantic interest; initially it appears as though Allyson is phoning her performance in, yet she approaches the role in an unusual way which garners not only interest but sympathy. Lara blushed as Hunter stared intently at her nakedness. Hunter was interesting and definitely what kept me reading. While Lara couldn't deny that this man with the smoldering dark eyes resembled Hunter, he was attentive and loving in ways he never was before. Add to Wishlist. Enlarge cover. Nearly inaudible behind her self-absorbed prattle, the Beatles perform a lengthy slow version of Lennon's tune. At first I was prepared to be really sympathetic: Kleypas bangs us over the head with the fact that every time this woman slept with her husband, it was painful, and she was very aware of how he was in love with another woman. It pains me to give only 3 stars to a book with such a wonderful hero. Lara was a gentle soul looking to help other before herself, getting herself into a few little messes along the way with Hunter there to help her out. A very entertaining story- quite romantic for the most part. Hunter while he's not my favorite Kleypas hero, he was interesting. Added to Watchlist. The heroine was also somewhat too good. He is charming, thoughtful, considerate, helpful, thrifty, brave, and cheerful — all the things the old Hunter never was. Stranger in My Arms Reviews

Bitch, please. Kleypas Because You're Mine doesn't give a lot of description so the prose sometimes clunks when she shoehorns facts e. I'm definitely more forgiving of this book because of that orphan The most colorful role is held for Mary Astor as the Queen Bee, and she's an intimating force you can believe that one word from her sends everyone scuttling about doing her bidding. Critic Reviews. Across the Universe. He showed her over and over again how much he changed, showed her complete patience and willing to do anything to make her happy and apologizing more than once to no avail. Ever since then Lara had kept her distance from the Tylers, sensing that to approach them would cause problems between her and Hunter. And his confession to Lara was so bittersweet and beautiful. Bert Wayne Howard Wendell The plot does manage to gather some steam at the halfway mark and, though the character-driven action is a bit stagy, the people on-screen are surprisingly complicated. Plot Summary. The chemistry between the couple is swoon-worthy and the sparks fly once Hunter makes an appearance for the first time since his return. Romantic Evening Sex All Themes. The story had my attention early on and throughout much of it. Energetic Happy Hypnotic. It really depresses me to give anything written by Lisa Kleypas below a 4 stars rating but this just wasn't a winner for me. It was decently well done, I suppose, although I felt that Lara didn't really think , and that made her feel vastly inept. A classic tale of a noble lady whose life is upended when her despised husband—believed lost at sea—returns, a remarkably altered, more passionate and loving man…if he is, indeed, who he claims to be. And for this reader?

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Arthur and Janet don't want to lose the Earl title and Lara doesn't want her hateful husband back. Universal Pictures. But oh God I forgot this is a romance novel. He looks like her husband, except for the lost weight and the new air of dangerousness. -produced collection of secrets and soap suds, adapted from Robert Wilder's book "And Ride a Tiger", is well-acted but gets off to a rather stiff and confusing start. Marianne Stillings. Okay so the plot goes something like this The film's cast also included Mary Astor and Sandra Dee , the latter having signed a long-term contract with Universal. Not her earliest work, but she had not yet perfected her heroine in this story and uses her in a way that I didn't like to further the plot. I loved the plot. He did hide many things from Lara but, you knew he loved her very deeply. Running time. Pat Beasley : If I am Let me list them one by one:- i Kleypas does not stick to mere stereotypes. And I can't say I don't necessarily agree. What's the Name o Lara is cold and unreasonable, and it gets incredibly annoying. Also, her little relationship with her adopted son was just Andrew is a first year cadet at South Point Academy on Exeter, a rocky moon circling a distant colony planet. Obviously she changes her mind last minute and decides he doesn't deserve to die ya think? Soon she desperately wanted to believe, with every beat of her heart, that this stranger was truly her husband. He didn't take his wife to bed by force he romanced her. Perhaps it was the way she used cheerfulness like a weapon, if such a thing were possible, keeping everyone at a distance. The first would be the gift by Danielle Steel. I liked the premise of this story, as well as the execution, though I still found it predictable after the initial meeting of the separated spouses. Lara was happy in her widowhood, having attained a level of freedom she had never known between parents and husband. I liked his button pushing and absolute adoration. Hunter deserved so much better. And I say this with complete understanding and realization of what this character was put through before her husband was believed to be 'dead'. Instead, it just makes her seem like a cold monster. In Beasley's home town, Pike is repelled at Donald's wealthy mother's enshrinement of her dead son; bemused at his frankly amorous pursuit by Donald's younger sister Pat; and increasingly charmed by his attractive widow Christina. I was ranting so hard last night while reading this book tha 3 All for Hunter Stars All kinds of Spoilers and some ranting I love me some Lisa Kleypas. She turned in the man she loved, whom she is pregnant with his child, knowing he will be hanged, to bad people who treat her and everyone else like shit just because it's the right thing to do. Do you agree with her? So at this point I am enjoying the book! External Sites. Thank you. Come on, seriously, so many things were wrong with this story. The fragrance of lavender filled the air with drugging sweetness.