North Yorkshire Disability Forum

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North Yorkshire Disability Forum North Yorkshire Disability Forum North Yorkshire Disability Forum York CVS, Priory Street, YO1 6ET 11 March 2016 11am – 3.30pm Confirmed minutes Present Andrew Newton (Chair) RipPSI and H/C Disability Forum Shanna Carrell (notes) NYCC Health and Adult Services Nick Jewkes Harrogate Disability Forum Brenda Haw Harrogate Disability Forum Nick Moxon Harrogate Disability Forum Maggie Donnelly RipPSI Bill Chatt Yorkshire Coast Disability Forum Bill Busfield Yorkshire Coast Disability Forum Tracey Pickering Yorkshire Coast Disability Forum Pablo Rees Yorkshire Coast Disability Forum Phil Dodson Selby District Disability Forum Judith Riley Selby District Disability Forum Vanessa Langford Selby District Disability Forum John Atkins Hambleton & Richmondshire DF Sally Anderson NYCC Health and Adult Services Kellie Woodley Inclusion North Julie Fletcher BSL interpreter David Wycherley BSL interpreter Apologies Joe Lennon Selby District Disability Forum Deirdre Edgar Hambleton & Richmondshire DF Nichola Brown Hambleton & Richmondshire DF Roy Emmerson Hambleton & Richmondshire DF Julie Knight NYCIL Page 1 of 10 North Yorkshire Disability Forum 1. Introductions and Welcome Welcome to Nick Moxon, Judith Riley and Vanessa Langford, all of whom are attending the NYDF for the first time. Welcome also to our guests, Sally Anderson and Kellie Woodley. 2. Apologies: as listed on page 1 Declarations of interest: none. 3. Notes of last meeting, 11 December 2015 The minutes were approved as accurate. Matters arising from last meeting: a) Dropped kerbs group: SC to arrange a date for the meeting with Business and Environmental Services. b) SC to circulate contact details for the commissioning team, as suggested by Sue Carty at the meeting in December. c) LGA focus group on 9th March: attended by Maggie, Andrew and Vanessa. Positive feedback given on their experience. Andrew stated that he thought it was very positive that the council is seeking review and feedback on improvement. Members agreed that they would like to hear the outcome of the review. 4. Local Disability Forum reports – highlights Hambleton and Richmondshire Disability Forum John reported that the adapted housing checks for Richmondshire District Council would start soon; Data Protection had become an issue but this has now been resolved. Aiming for completion by end April. John said that he was also helping Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby CCG to put together a focus group on 7-day GP opening. This led to a discussion about access to GP surgeries and concern that the practice of requiring patients to ring the surgery on the morning in order Page 2 of 10 North Yorkshire Disability Forum to get an appointment was an access barrier for some disabled people, particularly if they had to book transport to get to the surgery. Consideration to be given to inviting health representatives to NYDF or to local forums. He had made contact with a disabled person living in Northallerton who was an access consultant and who was interested in hosting a disability awareness/access workshop for local businesses. The forum website had been closed as there was very little traffic; the Facebook page was still live. Harrogate and Craven Disability Forum The first meeting of the potential new Craven forum was held in February; it was very well attended and there was lots of enthusiasm. The next meeting is in April and will look at terms of reference. There is a disability access group in Harrogate supported by Harrogate District council. Nick, Andrew and Shanna went to their meeting in February to talk about working more closely together and this seemed to go well. At the last meeting of the Harrogate and Craven Forum, the Operations Manager of Connexions bus company came to talk to the group about accessible transport. The discussion was really good and very positive. Karen Murray from Keyring also came to talk about working with the learning disability self-advocates on access issues. One of our members, Lianne, and her support group the Yorkshire Spinners is working on a balance awareness event in the Autumn. RipPSI The group has continued to meet monthly; we have had feedback from our meeting with Highways, and one issue, that of a missing drop kerb on the opposite side of the road to an existing one is being addressed. Page 3 of 10 North Yorkshire Disability Forum The other matters we had raised were deemed non-essential. However the group felt the meeting with Highways had been very useful. Discussions are at an advanced stage with the Disability Awareness trainer Martin Austin of CredAbility as we finalise the offer. RipPSI are working in partnership with the City Development Manager who has the retail and business contacts. There is also the possibility of working with the Museums and the City Development Team on Disability Awareness Day which happens to be on the same day as “Sights and Sounds of Ripon”. RipPSI also shared some very sad news: Claire Hobbes, a previous Chair of the North Yorkshire Physical and Sensory Impairment Partnership Board, died recently. She was a great champion for disability rights and will be sadly missed. Selby District Disability Forum The main focus for SDDF recently has been the development of a strategic enabler post to support the forum to develop its activities and grow membership. The post was successfully recruited to in February 2016. The initial projects for the enabler will be to draft a constitution, and work with the forum to collate the street mapping presentation. Yorkshire Coast Disability Forum The Forum is working on its constitution and had a meeting with Karen Atkinson from Stronger communities in January. The group also continues to give access advice to Scarborough Borough Council, most recently Pablo has been working with the council on disabled facilities grants. Gill and Steve attended two Autism events at the end of last year; Gill has written detailed report on both events. Page 4 of 10 North Yorkshire Disability Forum Scarborough & Ryedale Community Cycling attended our last meeting to discuss adapted bicycles. This is a fairly new venture and they are trying to raise their profile with many other local groups. The scheme is aimed at any age group and they currently have around 80 bicycles. Two representatives from the Guide Dogs also attended to discuss the work of the guide dog service. This service does not receive any government funding. There is an issue with people who don’t put their dogs on leads, as there is a risk of attack on the guide dogs. Street Clutter is a big problem. The forum is inviting Area 3 Highways to the next meeting. They are asked to feed back to NYDF; NYDF to consider inviting Highways to the county Forum to discuss the issue of street clutter and street maintenance. SBC is revamping Scarborough Market and the forum are hoping for a Changing Place. This is an issue that Scarborough Local Area Group might also be interested in. Shanna to help the forums to link up. The forum also shared the news that Pablo Rees, Vice-chair, will be moving away from North Yorkshire. Thank you to Pablo for all his hard work, expertise and strong commitment to disability rights. 5. Living Well Service Sally Anderson, NYCC Health and Adult Services, joined the forum for this item. Sally is part of the new Living Well team and her role is to support the implementation of the service. The Living Well service is funded by Public Health (and the Better Care Fund for Scarborough and Ryedale CCG). There are 24 Living Well Coordinators, based in four localities, and 4 managers. Living Well coordinators will spend time with individuals on a one-to-one basis to: Identify what is important to them, potential networks of support and their priorities. Work with them to achieve outcomes that are important to them. Page 5 of 10 North Yorkshire Disability Forum Help them make simple changes to their lifestyle and their home environment. Identify barriers and challenges to maintaining or improving their wellbeing and independence, and help to remove those barriers. The core principles of the service are: Promote independence and self-help and improve health and well- being. Help a person to do self-assessments and help them to make referrals where appropriate Provide practical advice, information and support Support is free and for a maximum of 12 weeks. Targeted support, not a default for everyone Complement existing services, not replicate them Presentation slides attached. Members of the forum asked a number of questions. The questions are listed below, with answers added by Sally after the meeting where follow-up was needed. Q: Can someone receive support from Living Well more than once? A: Yes; this is possible. However, the aim of Living Well is to encourage and support sustainable independence. If a person appears to need repeated episodes of Living Well, consideration will be given as to whether the person needs more long term or different support. Living Well is a form of targeted support and will not work for everyone. Q: Does the 12 week maximum apply to each separate Living Well episode or is it per person, however many times they are supported? A: Yes, the 12 week maximum is for each episode if they relate to different circumstances or needs. If a person appears to need repeated episodes of Living Well support, consideration will be given as to whether the person needs more long term or different support. Living Well is a form of targeted support and will not work for everyone. Page 6 of 10 North Yorkshire Disability Forum Q: The triggers for Living Well includes ‘2 or more long term conditions’ – why is this? A: When the Living Well service was being developed we found that some life circumstances acted as triggers that might lead a person to need care and support.
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