HULCOTE & SALFORD PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Lyn Lyman Lodge Cottage School Lane Husborne Crawley Bedfordshire MK43 0UY Tel: 01908 584159
[email protected] Central Bedfordshire Council Priory House Monks Walk Chicksands Shefford SG17 TQ 18th August 2017 Dear Sirs, Draft Local Plan Consultation (July 2017) Further to the draft local plan for Central Bedfordshire published for consultation in July 2017 we set out below our comments:- Infrastructure There is no suitable east west route for traffic on the western edge of Bedfordshire adjoining Milton Keynes. While it is to be hoped that the EW Rail development when completed will replace some car journeys, the country lanes through Hulcote and Salford, Brogborough, Ridgmont, Husborne Crawley, Aspley Guise are simply incapable of handling the increased traffic that would result from concentrating new housing development along the county boarder. Examples of why the road network is already incapable are:- 1. Currently Local Residents are unable to exit driveways and local lanes due to the volume of traffic using the local roads as better alternatives do not exist. 2. Pedestrians cannot safely walk between Hulcote and Salford on the Salford road. 3. The access to Sustrans Route for cyclists and equestrian users is not used to potential as the network directs users onto roads that are unsafe for walkers, cyclists and riders. 4. Village residents and visitors will have their day to day lives damaged significantly if the proposals went ahead without a comprehensive, transport strategy that is independently tested and verified. No development should be considered until a comprehensive and deliverable traffic strategy that addresses all road user issues for the area is produced and the necessary funding for it secured.