Public Document Pack Mark Saccoccio Town Clerk 01525 631920 [email protected]

Friday, 8 November 2019

To: Members of the Policy & Finance Committee (Councillors S Jones, A Dodwell, D Bowater, C Palmer, R Berry, T Morris, G Perham, D Scott, M Freeman, R Goodchild and S Owen) (Copies to all Town Councillors for information)


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Policy & Finance Committee to be held on Monday, 18 November 2019 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, The White House, Hockcliffe Street, , LU7 1HD.. THIS MEETING MAY BE RECORDED *

M Saccoccio Town Clerk AGENDA


Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record be kept of the Members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Town Clerk.


i) Under the Localism Act 2011 (sections 26-37 and Schedule 4) and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any interests which are not currently entered in the Member’s Register of Interests or if he/she has not notified the Monitoring Officer of it.

(ii) Should any Member have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in an item on the agenda, the Member may not participate in consideration of that item unless a Dispensation has first been requested (in writing) and granted by the Council (see Dispensation Procedure).


To receive questions and statements from members of the public in respect of any item of business included in the agenda, as provided for in Standing Order No.s 3(f) and 3(g).

Council Chamber, The White House, Hockcliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1HD. POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, 18 November 2019


To receive and approve as a correct record the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 16 September 2019.


By invitation, Brian Dunleavy of Central Council will attend the meeting in respect of boundary reviews.

6. POLLING DISTRICTS (Pages 9 - 106)

To consider a response to the Council consultation regarding polling districts.

7. SUB-COMMITTEE MINUTES (Pages 107 - 120)

To receive the following draft minutes and to consider any recommendation/s contained therein:

(a) Personnel Sub-Committee 14 October 2019 (b) Community Safety Sub-Committee 21 October 2019 (c) Grants and Awards Sub-Committee 4 November 2019


To receive and consider the committee work plan for 2019-2020 (attached).


To receive a budget monitoring report for the period April – October 2019 (attached).


To receive and note the schedule of payments made in October 2019 (attached) and November 2019 (to follow) (approved for payment by the Town Clerk and two bank signatories).


(a) To receive a breakdown of 2019 election costs (attached) and to approve (retrospectively) the payment of costs from earmarked reserves.

(b) To receive a report regarding election costs and to consider the

POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, 18 November 2019

recommendation/s contained therein (attached)

12. VOLUNTEER POLICY UPDATE (Pages 137 - 140)

To receive a report regarding Volunteer Strategy (attached) and to consider the recommendations contained therein.


To receive and consider recommending to Council a proposed Reserves Policy.

14. WHITE HOUSE LIGHTING (Pages 141 - 142)

To receive a report regarding White House Lighting and to consider the recommendation contained therein.


To receive and consider the Motion proposed by Councillor S Owen and seconded by Councillor A Gray in respect of health services (attached)

16. FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN (Pages 147 - 150)

To receive and consider the latest five year financial plan document (to follow).

17. FIRST DRAFT BUDGET 2020-2021 (Pages 151 - 188)

(a) To consider the recommendation made by the Cultural and Economic Services Committee on 7 October 2019; an increase in the annual event budgets, to commence in financial year 2020/21, by a total of £6,175 to reflect the additional costs experienced within the sector (original background report attached).

(b) To receive a report and first draft of the budget for the financial year 2019-2020.

* Phones and other equipment may be used to film, audio record, tweet or blog from this meeting by an individual Council member, officer or member of the public. No part of the meeting room is exempt from public filming unless the meeting resolves to go into exempt session. The use of images or recordings arising from this is not within the Council’s control.

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Present Councillors: S Jones (Chair) C Palmer G Perham A Dodwell R Berry J M Freeman S Hemmings (substituting for D Bowater) D Scott R Goodchild P Snelling (substituting for S Owen) T Morris

Also in attendance: M Saccoccio (Town Clerk) S Sandiford (Head of Democratic and Central Services) Cllr V Harvey

Members of the public: 3


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Bowater (substituted by Councillor S Hemmings) and S Owen (substituted by Councillor P Snelling)


Members were asked to declare any interests, including the nature of those interests, which they had in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Councillor A Dodwell declared an interest in the agenda item on Policing as a member of the Police and Crime Panel.


There were no questions from the public.


The Committee received the minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee meeting held on 17 June 2019 for consideration.

Minute reference 34/PF (Hardware and Software): the Committee was advised that as advised by email following the meeting, an extended warranty had been secured for the new computers. Final costs including the

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five year warranty and configuration costs totalled just under £18,000, just over half of which would be met by earmarked reserves and just under half from general reserves. It was hoped that installation would take place within the next couple of weeks.

Minute reference 36/PF (Bandstand signage): the Committee was advised that the new signage had been successfully installed within a few days of the previous meeting.

Minute reference 41/PF (Boundary review): the Committee was advised of a letter received from Central Bedfordshire Council advising that no parish boundary review would be undertaken before the completion of the current ward boundary review in 2020. Town and parish councils would have an opportunity to feed into the consultation process of the ward boundary review.

The Committee expressed disappointment with this response and it was agreed that the Committee keep this under regular review.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee meeting held on 17 June 2019 be approved as a correct record and were signed accordingly.


The Committee received and considered the Work Plan and Objectives for 2019-2020. For operational reasons it was agreed to defer a customer service strategy until a more appropriate time, hopefully later in the municipal year.

The Volunteer Strategy item required further work to be undertaken and the suggestion of consultation was raised. It was anticipated that broad brush principles and timescales would be introduced at the next meeting but that further detail would come forward at a future date.

RESOLVED to note the Committee Work Plan and Objectives for 2019-2020.


By invitation, Sally Chapman of Chapman Planning presented to the Committee a report regarding the potential creation of a Town Council led policy document. This included an overview of the consultant’s experience and credentials, an overview of the statutory process, the potential advantages, the potential risks, the likely timescales and costs, resourcing, funding options and examples of plans in other areas.

In conclusion, it was suggested that a neighbourhood plan document was likely to take at least two years to complete and although, if successfully

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completed and adopted, would have equal weight to the Local Plan, was no guarantee of desired outcomes being delivered.

It was suggested that alternative options for achieving the desired outcomes for land south of the High Street could include revision of the development brief for the land, collaboration with Central Bedfordshire Council and consideration of options presented by the Government Future High Street Fund.

Committee members expressed a range of views. Frustration was expressed at the lack of progress since the creation of the development brief in 2012. The committee expressed support for inward investment and appropriate development of the site in order to enhance the vitality of the town centre. The potential drawbacks in terms of process and cost associated with a Neighbourhood Plan were recognised and it was noted that no weight would be afforded to a Plan until the very end of the process, during which time planning applications for the site could well have been brought forward.

Despite the inherent risks, it was felt that limited options were available and therefore the potential to develop a Plan should not be entirely dismissed as yet.

It was proposed and seconded that the Town Council contact Central Bedfordshire Council to request that a meeting take place to discuss other potential options to work collaboratively to progress appropriate development of land south of the High Street, including potential revision of the development brief and consideration of the Future High Street Fund, and that the question of developing a Neighbourhood Plan be reviewed again in a year’s time. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried (9 in favour, 2 abstentions).

RESOLVED that the Town Council contact Central Bedfordshire Council to request that a workshop take place to discuss other potential options to work collaboratively to progress appropriate development of land south of the High Street, including potential revision of the development brief and consideration of the Future High Street Fund, and that the question of developing a Neighbourhood Plan be reviewed again in a year’s time.

Ms Chapman was thanked for her presentation and left the meeting at 2041 hours.


The Committee received a schedule of payments which had previously been approved for payment by the Town Clerk and countersigned by two account signatories. There were no anomalies or matters of concern to draw to the attention of the Committee.

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The schedule for August 2019 dated 10 July 2019, included BACS payments amounting to £211,644.82 (page numbers 2593, 2595, 2596 and 2599-2614) and cheque payments amounting to £2063.50 (cheque numbers 17421- 17431), including White House petty cash amounting to £29.98, Astral Park £64.23 and TACTIC £63.54.

The monthly salaries listing for August 2019 amounting to £97,813.12 gross was received. A cash book report for August 2019, including details of all direct debit payments, was also received.

The schedule for September 2019 dated 15 August 2019 included BACS payments amounting to £194,648.96 (page numbers 2615, 2616, 2617, 2618,2621-2633)) and cheque payments amounting to £862.78 (cheque numbers 17433-17440), including White House petty cash amounting to £34.66 Astral Park £66.27 and TACTIC £10.60.

The monthly salaries listing for September 2019 amounting to £98,103.12 gross was received. A cash book report for September 2019, including details of all direct debit payments, was also received.

RESOLVED to note the schedule of accounts for August and September 2019.


The Committee received and considered a mid-year update on the Risk Register action plan for 2019-2020.

RESOLVED to note the report.


The Committee received a report in respect of communications, including the Town Council website, social media channels and overall communications strategy. The new website had been launched in July after months of in- house preparation work re-working content and preparing graphics. The site now includes three integrated sites for LLTC, Astral Park and TACTIC. The next stage would be to upgrade the content management system currently in place for the Leighton Buzzard Market Website.

The Committee noted the success of the electronic signs in publishing messages to the public and it was suggested that consideration be given to expanding this type of communication. It was noted that footfall in Parson’s Close Recreation Ground was very high over the summer months and suggested that opportunities be sought for greater communication with park visitors.

Discussion took place regarding the About Town newsletter and whether targeted delivery of paper copies would be appropriate, to ensure reach to

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all elements of the community. It was suggested that further consideration be given to this and the budgetary implications thereof.

RESOLVED to note the report.


The Committee considered recommendations made by the Market Sub- Committee on 29 August 2019 in respect of the Market Adverse Weather Policy.

RECOMMENDED to Council to approve the Adverse Weather Policy and Disclaimer.


Further to the previous meeting of the Committee, informal discussions had taken place regarding policing matters. A draft letter to the Chief Constable was circulated for consideration, emphasising the need for appropriate accommodation in the town for police.

RESOLVED to approve the draft letter to the Chief Constable.


RESOLVED that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded on the grounds of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information. The public and press to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of detailed discussion regarding the following items.

Members of the public left the meeting at 2113 hours.


The Committee received and considered a report regarding a change in legislation and to consider future options in respect of Honours and Awards.


(a) To note the report (b) To recommend to Council to note the change in legislation regarding civic awards and the potential to confer the title of Honorary Freeman or Freewoman in future, should it be appropriate to do so. (c) To continue to invite nominations by 31 October 2019 for the 2020 award of the existing Honorary Burgess scheme, but to note this will be the final year of the aware, due to legislative changes.

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(d) To form a Task and Finish Group to discuss in detail options for a future award scheme, with recommendations to come forward to the Grants and Awards Sub-Committee on 4 November 2019 and thence to Policy and Finance Committee on 18 November 2019. (e) To consider the merits of the same Task and Finish Group also reviewing existing Guaranteed Grant and General Grant eligibility and procedures, with recommendations to come forward to the Grants and Awards Sub-Committee on 4 November 2019.


The Committee considered a draft list of objectives and projects to be included within the Five Year Plan for the period 2019-2024. It was noted that the Five Year Plan was an iterative document and would continue to be added to and revised throughout its lifespan. Furthermore, that projects not directly deliverable by the Town Council would continue to be the subject of a “partnership project list”, to be raised in the appropriate forums and the subject of ongoing lobbying.

Whilst further work needed to be done to determine financial and resourcing requirements, a draft list of priorities was discussed for recommendation to Council. Once endorsed in principle, specific scoping work would be undertaken and projects progressed through the budget setting process and the appropriate Committee work plans.

RECOMMENDED to Council to endorse the proposed list below of projects and objectives for inclusion within the Council’s work plan for 2019-2024:

2019-2020 1 Town Ranger service (from 1 April 2020) 2 Drinking water fountains 3 Changing pod facility in Parson’s Close Recreation Ground 4 Additional memorialisation options (already underway) 5 Initial scoping work on services for older people (survey/consultation) – to be progressed thereafter 2020-2021 4 Adventure playground 5 Consideration of overflow car parking at Mentmore Park 6 Projects for young people (arising from current survey/consultation) – possibly including BMX track improvement/development 2021-2022 7 Second Mausoleum (subject to interest) Partnership/longer term project list 8 Skate park improvement 9 Cultural and community facility 10 Soft play facility Page 20

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11 Vandyke Road youth club 12 Leighton-Linslade Green Wheel 13 Additional cemetery land 14 Additional allotment land 15 Improved accommodation for TACTIC 16 Restoration of Henry Finch memorial fountain 17 Recycling of cups and glasses at events

The meeting closed at 2138 hours.


Chair 18 NOVEMBER 2019.

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Central Bedfordshire Press Release

For Immediate Release

PR 8656 30 October 2019

Have your say on polling districts in Central Bedfordshire

Central Bedfordshire Council is conducting a review of its polling places and polling districts.

The review is an ideal opportunity for electors, community groups and other interested people to share their opinions on the existing polling district boundaries, polling places, and polling stations and, where possible, suggest alternative solutions. Although a review is carried out every five years, it does not prevent changes being made at any time between reviews.

To have your say, fill out a questionnaire online at The consultation is open until 11 December 2019.

Residents can also get a paper copy of the questionnaire by post or e-mail at: Electoral Services, Priory House, Monks Walk, SG17 5TQ or [email protected]


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Page 10 Page 11 Page Polling Places, Polling Districts and Polling Stations Review 2019 Review of polling places and polling districts in Central Bedfordshire Central Bedfordshire Council is conducting a review of its polling districts and polling places as required by the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006. Although the review is primarily of polling places and polling, districts, it is recognised that polling stations will also be relevant to the review. The review is an ideal opportunity for electors, community groups and any interested persons within Central Bedfordshire to express their opinions on the existing polling places, districts and stations, and to suggest alternative options for consideration. Definitions A polling place is the area in which the Returning Officer will allocate a polling station. The polling place should be designated so that the polling station is within easy reach of all electors from across the polling district.

A polling district is a geographical area created by the sub-division of a parliamentary constituency for the purposes of a UK Parliamentary Page 12 Page election.

A polling station is the room or area within the polling place where voting takes place.

As part of the review process, the authority is required to:  seek to ensure that all electors in the constituency have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances;  seek to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable the polling places and stations are accessible to people with disabilities;  when considering or reviewing the designation of a polling place and station, have regard to the accessibility needs of disabled persons. If you wish to comment on the existing provisions or suggest any alternative solutions, please take part in this consultation by completing this questionnaire or visit our website at The consultation is open from 29 October 2019 until 11 December 2019. Please return completed questionnaire to: Electoral Services, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands SG17 5TQ. Alternatively, you can return the scanned questionnaire by email to: [email protected]

- 2 - Click where you live to see your polling station

Ampthill (Northfields Ward) Dunstable (Watling Ward) Hyde Dunton Sandy (Beeston Ward) Toddington Langford Sandy (Fallowfield Ward) Leighton - Linslade (Barnabas Ward) Sandy (Ivel Ward) Barton-Le-Clay Leighton - Linslade (Brooklands Ward) Sandy (Pinnacle Ward) Everton Leighton - Linslade (Grovebury Ward) Shefford Woburn (Holme Ward) Leighton - Linslade (Leston Ward) Shillington & Biggleswade (Ivel Ward) Fairfield Leighton - Linslade (Planets Ward) Biggleswade (Stratton Ward) & Greenfield Leighton - Linslade (Plantation Ward) (East Ward) Billington 13 Page Leighton - Linslade (Southcott Ward) Southill (Broom Ward) Flitwick (West Ward) Leighton - Linslade (St George’s Ward) Southill (Southill Ward) Gravenhurst Southill (Stanford Ward) Harlington Stanbridge Campton & Chicksands Haynes Heath & Reach Chalton Millbrook Clifton Streatley (Houghton Hall) Sundon Dunstable (Central Ward) Houghton Regis (Parkside) Sutton Dunstable (Icknield Ward) Houghton Regis (Tithe Farm) Dunstable (Manshead Ward) Hulcote & Salford

- 3 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Parish: Ampthill

Polling Polling Place District Polling Station Electors Streets

Abbey Close, Abbey lane, Adams Close, Aragon Road, Birch Grove, Cedar Close, Page 14 Page Cedars Courtyard, Cedars Walk, Cleavers Edge, Dunstable Street (part), Elder Ampthill Library, Ampthill Way, Elms Close, Fallowfield, Flitwick Road (part), Glebe Road, Lammas Way, AMP1 1 Dunstable Road, 1426 Parish Lavender Court, Linden Row, Oliver Street (part), Peppermint End, Poppy Drive, Ampthill Primrose Crescent, Rosebay Close, Russell Drive, Sage Close, The Avenue, The Cedars, Thyme Gardens, Violet Croft, Yarrow Place Ailesbury Road, Bedford Street (part), Brinsmade Road, Chestnut Close, Church The Chapter House Avenue, Church Street, Church View, Colston Rise, Duck Riddy, Exton Close, Gas (Rear of St Andrews AMP2 1072 House Lane, Hazelwood Lane, Houghton Park Cottages, Lea Road, Limbersey Ampthill Church) Rectory Lane, Lane, Manton Close, Maulden Road, Rectory Lane, Rushbrook Close, St Andrews Parish Ampthill Close, The Cloisters, Verne Drive, Wingate Drive Arthur Street, Baker Street, Cherry Tree Way, Chiltern Close, Cornwall Road, Russell Lower School, Dukes Road, Dunstable Street (part), Hawthorn Close, Leafield Court, Neotsbury Ampthill Queens Road (access AMP3 1291 Court, Neotsbury Road, Oak Tree Road, Oliver Street (part), Osier Link, Ossory Parish via Saunders Piece Place, Preston Close, Queens Road, Saunders Piece, Spring Close, The Coppins, entrance), Ampthill The Poplars, Warren Road, Willow Way, Wingfield Court, Yew Walk Ampthill Methodist Ampthill Alameda Road, Alameda Walk, Aragon Court, Bedford Street (part), Brewery AMP4 Church Room, Chandos 977 Parish Lane, Briar Close, Chandos Road, Chapel Lane, Claridges Lane, Crayton Road, Road, Ampthill Dunstable Street (part), Hazelwood Lane, Katherines Court, Katherines Garden, - 4 - Lyme Road, Manyweathers Court, Moor Pond Piece, Park Hill, Park Street, Russett Close, St George’s Place, Swaffield Close, The Park, The Pines, Woburn Street Albert Place, Ashburnham Road, Barkers Close, Copperwheat Close, Falldor Way, Farm Close, Flitwick Road (part), Gloucester Court, Grange Road, Holland Ampthill The Firs Lower School, Road, John Crosse Close, Little Park Farm, Meadow Way, Morris Gardens, Nicolls AMP5 1667 Parish Station Road, Ampthill Close, Nottingham Close, Old Orchard, Paddocks Close, Parmiter Way, Rye Field, Sidney Road, Station Road, Steppingley Road, Tavistock Avenue, The Crescent, Upper Lawn, Wagstaff Way Page 15 Page

- 5 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Ampthill Parish: Clophill

Polling Polling Place District Polling Station Electors Streets

Clophill Methodist Clophill AMP6 Church, High Street, 1,423 All streets within the parish Parish Page 16 Page Clophill

- 6 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Ampthill Parish: Maulden

Polling Polling Place District Polling Station Electors Streets

Ampthill Road, Becketts Close, Brightman’s Drive, Cherry Mews, Chestnut Crescent, Duck End lane, Fisher’s Field, Flitwick Road, John Bunyan Close, Kings Page 17 Page Maulden Maulden Village Hall, AMP7 985 Parish Flitwick Road, Maulden Road, Limbersey Lane, Moor Lane, Sandyacres, Snow Hill, Taylors End, The Brache, The Magpies, Wingfield Avenue, Wingfield Close Ampthill Road, Andrews Close, Badger Hill Close, Bedford Road, Brownshill, Church Road, Clophill Road, Cobbitts Road, Gardeners Close, George Street, Maulden St Mary’s Church Hall, Green End, Hall End Close, Harrow Piece, Hedley Way, Maulden Woods, Moores AMP8 1520 Parish Church Road, Maulden Close, New Road, Nursery Close, Pennyfathers Close, Pine View Park, Redhills Close, Russell Crescent, Sharp Close, Silsoe Road, The Knoll, Trilley Fields, Water End, Wheatlands Close, Whiteman Court.

- 7 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Arlesey Parish: Arlesey

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Bury Mead, Carters Close, Carters Walk, Carters Way, Chancellors, Chase Close,

Page 18 Page Church End, Church Lane, Glebe Avenue, Glossop Way, Grove Court, High Street, Arlesey Arlesey Village Hall, ARL1 1560 Hinwick Close, House Lane, Little Field Close, Old Oak Close, Pix Court, Saffron Parish High Street, Arlesey Close, St Peters Avenue, Stotfold Road, The Hermitage, The Poplars, The Rally, Vicarage Close Barnes Place, Chase Hill Road, Cluny Way, Coxs Way, Everest Close, Goodwin Drive, Arlesey Arlesey Village Hall, ARL2 1112 Gothic Way, High Street, Hillary Rise, Lewis Lane, Little Close, Lymans Road, Lynton Parish High Street, Arlesey Avenue, The Granary, Topham Gardens, Walker Close. Albert Road, Albone Avenue, Ashwell Close, Chapel Drive, Cherry Tree Close, Cricketers Road, Davis Row, Georgina Court, High Street, Hitchin Road, Hospital Road, Howberry Green, Jubilee Crescent, Lamb Meadow, Lanthony Court, London Arlesey Arlesey Football Club, ARL3 1756 Row, Mill Lane, Nightingale Terrace, Old School Walk, Primary Way, Primrose Close, Parish Hitchin Road, Arlesey Primrose Lane, Prince of Wales Close, Ramerick Gardens, St. Johns Road, Station Road, Straw Plait Way, Three Tuns Close, Weavers Orchard, Wesley Close, West Drive

- 8 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Arlesey Parish: Clifton

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Alexander Close, Birch Close, Bunyan Close, Burrows Close, Chapel Close, Clifton The Community and Fields, Clifton Park, Fairfax Close, Godfrey’s Lane, Grange Street, Hitchin Road, Clifton ARL4 Sports Centre, Whiston 1259 Knolls Way, Lime Tree Road, Lychmead, Manor Close, Maple Close, New Road, Parish Page 19 Page Crescent, Clifton Pedley Farm Close, Pedley Lane, Rectory Close, Shefford Road, Spring Road, Stanford Lane Ashington Court, Bath Place, Bilberry Road, Bilberry Terrace, Brickle Place, Broad The Community and Street, Broad Walk, Church Street, Clifton House Close, Clifton House Gardens, Elm Clifton ARL5 Sports Centre, Whiston 1321 Farm Close, Fairground Way, Hitchin Lane, Jubilee Close, Linkway, Miles Drive, Parish Crescent, Clifton Newis Crescent, Old School Court, Oliver Way, Rookery Walk, Sears Close, Stockbridge Close, Stockbridge Road, The Joint, Whiston Crescent, Yew Tree Walk

- 9 - Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire* CBC Ward: Arlesey Parish: Henlow

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Addington Close, Arlesey Road, Bridge End Road, Brook Close, Burgess Way, Chapel Way, Chestnut Farm, Chiltern Place, Church Road, Clifton Road, Coach Road,

Page 20 Page Crossways Close, Dove House Drive, Elizabeth Court, Elm Close, Gardeners Lane, Groveside, Harrier Mill, Henlow Park, High Street, Henlow Henlow Park Pavilion, ARL6 1813 Hitchin Road, John Howland Close, Jordan Close, Langford Road, Lime Walk, Manor Parish Groveside, Henlow Road, Meadow Walk, Middlefield Close, Middlefield Lane, Mill Close, Newton, Northfield Close, Oak Drive, Oak Barn Close, Old Orchard View, Old Vicarage Gardens, Park Farm Close, Park Lane, Park Lane Crescent, Poppy Hill, Saxon Close, Sparksfield, The Diary, The Gardens, The Hawthorns, Tilley Place, Town Farm Court, Westfield Road, Wren Gardens Astral Close, Avon Chase, Avon Road, Bedford Road, Borton Avenue, Boundary Close, Burnett Avenue, Central Avenue, Dawson Close, Derwent Road, Eastern Station Theatre, Royal Avenue, Flight Path, Franks Close, Hitchin Road, Jubilee Close, Midland Way, Morris Henlow ARL7* Air Force Henlow, 968 Close, Nene Road, Northern Avenue, Oldfield Farm Road, Olympus Road, Owen Parish Hitchin Road, Henlow Jones Close, RAF Henlow, Ryley Close, Signal Close, Southern Avenue, Spreckley Close, Station Close, Tedder Avenue, The Crescent, The Oval, The Railway, The Sidings, Weedon Close, Western Avenue, Whittle Close, Whitworth Jones Avenue

- 10 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Arlesey Parish: Stondon

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Stondon Village Hall, Stondon ARL8 Hillside Road, Lower 2091 All streets within the parish Parish Stondon SG16 6LQ Page 21 Page

- 11 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Aspley Guise

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Aspley Lane, Bedford Road, Berry lane, Browns Way, Church Hill, Church Street, Aspley Guise Village Crabtree Lane, Duke Street, Green Lane, Larkswood Close, Meadow View, Mentone Aspley Page 22 Page A&W1 Hall, 9 Woburn Lane, 1329 Avenue, Mill Lane, Mount Pleasant, Peers Drive, Salford Road, San Remo Road, Guise Parish Aspley Guise Spinney Lane, The Avenue, The Mount, The Square, Trunk Furlong, West Hill, Woburn Lane, Woodside Aspley Hill, Burrows Close, Concra Park, Dene Close, Hutton Court, Hutton Way, Aspley St Mary's RC Church A&W2 468 Mill Lane, Sadleirs Green, St Vincents, Station Road, Weathercock Close, Guise Parish Hall, Aspley Hill Weathercock Lane,

- 12 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Aspley Heath

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Aspley St Mary's RC Church Heath A&W3 Hall, Aspley Hill MK17 527 All streets within the parish Parish 8NN Page 23 Page

- 13 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Battlesden

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Milton Milton Bryan Village Bryan A&W4 Hall, South End, Milton 29 All streets within the parish

Page 24 Page Parish Bryan

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Eversholt

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Eversholt Eversholt Village Hall, A&W5 336 All streets within the parish Parish South End, Eversholt

- 14 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Husborne Crawley

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Husborne Reading Room, Crawley A&W6 184 All streets within the parish Husborne Crawley Parish Page 25 Page

- 15 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Milton Bryan

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Milton Milton Bryan Village Bryan A&W7 Hall, South End, Milton 127 All streets within the parish

Page 26 Page Parish Bryan

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Potsgrove

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Milton Milton Bryan Village Bryan A&W8 Hall, South End, Milton 24 All streets within the parish Parish Bryan

- 16 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Aspley & Woburn Parish: Woburn

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Woburn Woburn Village Hall, A&W9 746 All streets within the parish Parish Crawley Road, Woburn Page 27 Page

- 17 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Barton-Le-Clay Parish: Barton-Le-Clay

New Polling Polling Place District Polling Station Electors Streets

Page 28 Page Ashby Drive, Bedford Road, Bradshaws Close, Brazier Close, Brookend Drive, Burr Close, Faldo Road, Fisher Close, Franklin Avenue, Grange Farm Close, Grange Road, Harris Court, Horsier Close, Jeremiah Close, Barton Le- Barton Village Hall, Hexon BLC1 1558 Longcroft Drive, Meadhook Drive, Mill Lane, Nicholls Close, Old School Clay Parish Road, Barton-Le-ClayBar Gardens, Park Meadow Close, Peck Court, Portobello Close, Ravensburgh Close, Road, Shortcroft Court, Simpkins Drive, Smithcombe Close, Stanbridge View, Taylor Close, Wiffen Close Churchill Road, Cromwell Road, Dane Road, Hanover Place, Harold Road, Hastings Road, Road, King William Close, Lancaster Barton-Le- Barton Village Hall, Hexton BLC2 1079 Close, Lime Close, Norman Road, Roman Road, Saxon Crescent, Stuart Clay Parish Road, Barton-Le-Clay Road, Tudor Close, Viking Close, Windsor Parade, Windsor Road, York Close Apple Glebe, Arnold Close, Barton Hill Road, Blakelands, Chiltern Road, Church Road, Dunstall Road, Grays Close, Hexton Road, Ivel Close, Luton Barton-Le- Barton Village Hall, Hexton BLC3 1348 Road, Manor Farm Close, Manor Road, Old Road, Orchard Close, Osborn Clay Parish Road, Barton-Le-Clay Road, Private Road, Ramsey Road, Stanbridge View, Washbrook Close, Whitehill Road,

- 18 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Biggleswade North Parish: Biggleswade (Ivel Ward)

Polling Polling Place Polling Station Electors Streets District

Acorn House, Ash Grove, Barnett Close, Beech Avenue, Birch Road, Boothey Close, Brunswick Close, Brunts Lane, Cedar Avenue, Chapel Fields, Church Street, Elphick Court, Fairfield Road, Fairlands, Gladstone Close, Hawthorn Close, Hazel Walk, High St Andrews Church Biggleswade Street, Holly Close, Ivel Bury, Ivel Gardens, Little Beeches, Maple Close, Mulberry BIGN-IV1 Hall, Shortmead Street, 2213 Parish Close, Pine Close, Poplar Close, Redman Gardens, Rising Sun Court, Rose Lane,

Page 29 Page Biggleswade Royal Oak Close, Shortmead Lane, Shortmead Street, Trinity Close, St John’s Court, St John’s Street, Sun Street, Sycamore Close, Vickers Close, Walnut Close, Warren Close, Watkin Walk, Wharf Mews, Wilsheres Road, Woodall Close Anne Street, Auckland Road, Banks Road, Bellingham Place, Brigham Gardens, Chestnut Avenue, Copelands, Drove Road, East Walk, Edward Road, Glebe Road, Biggleswade Town Biggleswade Grosvenor Gardens, Havelock Road, High Street, Hitchmead Road, Laburnham BIGN-IV2 Bowls Club, Drove 1925 Parish Road, Lawnside, Lawrence Road, Lime Tree Walk, Lindsell Crescent, Potton Road, Road, Biggleswade Reynolds Close, Rowan Crescent, South Walk, Spring Close, Sutton Avenue, The Avenue, The Baulk, West Walk Ashley Gardens, Binder Place, Brookbanks, Bryants Edge, Carter Meadow, Chew Meadow, Collings Crescent, Denny Rise, Dodmead Way, Fisher Mead, Furzenhall Northfields Communal Biggleswade Road, Gale Drive, Jemmett Grove, Jubilee Gardens, Larkinson Avenue, BIGN-IV3 Room, Northfield Road, 1514 Parish Mountbatten Drive, Northfields, Nursery Close, Potton Road, Presland Drive, Rouse Biggleswade Place, Rowletts View, Sandy View, Soundy Paddock, Stoneland Avenue, Urban Way, Wakes Row, Winston Crescent.

- 19 - Arnold Rise, Bantock Way, Barnstaple Walk, Blackburn Way, Boddington Gardens, Britten Place, Campion Grove, Chamberlain Park, Coates Road, Compton Mead, Crick Road, Dartmoor Way, Davies Croft, Delius Road, Dering Corner, Devon Drive, Ellicott Grove, Evans Grove, Exmoor Avenue, Finzi Grove, Frankel Way, Gibbens Biggleswade Town Biggleswade Croft, Handel Way, Holbrook Grove, Hunt Road, Ludford Lane, Lynton Edge, BIGN-IV4 Bowls Club, Drove 1692 Parish Macmillan Grove, Maskin Drive, Maunder Avenue, Novello Drive, Parry Rise, Road, Biggleswade Potton Road, Purcell Place, Salcombe Close, Sale Mews, Sherrington Grove, Simpson Lane, Stratton Way, Sunderland Hall Farm Cottage, Symth View, Tate Drive, Tavener Drive, Tavistock Green, Tallis Lane, Torquay Close, Walker Mead, West Sunderland Farm Cottage, Wilson Close, Wiseman Road.

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire

Page 30 Page CBC Ward: Biggleswade South Parish: Biggleswade (Holme Ward)

Polling Polling Place Polling Station Electors Streets District

Avocet Close, Back Street, Berkeley Close, Bitten Drive, Blunham Road, Bonds Lane, Brunel Drive, Empire Close, Foundry Lane, Franklin Road, Harrier Close, Heron St Peters Catholic Close, High Street, Hitchin Street, Holme Crescent, Kayser Court, Kingfisher Close, Biggleswade BIGS-HO1 Church Hall, Station 1782 Kittiwake Close, Langford Road, Mallard Walk, Market Square, Mill Close, Mill Lane, Parish Road, Biggleswade Osprey Road, Palace Street, Saffron Court, Saffron Road, Sandpiper Close, South View, St Andrews Close, St Andrews Street, Station Road, Teal Road, Victoria Place, Windmill View.

- 20 - Apple Tree Close, Back Street, Barn Field Close, Broadmead, Bunyan Road, Byron Biggleswade Youth Biggleswade Close, Chaucer Drive, Cooks Way, Coppice Mead, Dells Lane, Dickens Court, Dilley BIGS-HO2 Centre, Mead End, 1786 Parish Croft, Drove Road, Elm Road, High Street, Kidman Court, London Road, Mead End, Biggleswade Oak Crescent, Playfield Close, Tennyson Avenue, The Baulk, The Dells, The Grove. Buttermere Path, Coopers Close, Courtlands Drive, Derwent Avenue, Durham Close, Ely Croft, Exeter Close, Grasmere Road, Hawesmere Close, Hereford Grove, Biggleswade Youth Biggleswade Holme, Holme Court Avenue, Kitelands Road, Lichfield, Lincoln Crescent, London BIGS-HO3 Centre, Mead End, 1706 Parish Road, Ripon Court, Rydal Crescent, Sabel Close, St Margaret’s Gardens, Biggleswade Swanbourne Close, The Rowlands, Thirlmere Close, Ullswater Close, Windermere Close, York Close

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Biggleswade South Page 31 Page Parish: Biggleswade (Stratton Ward)

Polling Polling Place Polling Station Electors Streets District

Anderson Road, Apollo Gardens, Appleton Mead, Aston Croft, Babbage Lane, Bohr Croft, Bose Avenue, Darwin Drive, Drove Road, Elgar Place, Eris Avenue, Erlensee Orchard Centre, Way, Gemini Lane, Gilbert Avenue, Hawking Drive, Herschel Green, Hitchmead Biggleswade BIGS-ST1 Sullivan Court, Erlensee 1461 Road, Jupiter Way, Mars Drive, Maunder Avenue, Mercury Lane, Mitchell Green, Parish Way, Biggleswade Neptune Road, Orchard Close, Planets Way, Pluto Drive, Pople Road, Rutherford Way, Sanger Avenue, Saturn Way, Somerville Croft, Turing Road, Venus Avenue, Walton Grove, Whittle Drive

- 21 - Avon Rise, Bluebell Close, Buttercup Mead, Chambers Way, Chervil Close, Clover Close, Coltsfoot, Dunton Lane, Eagle Farm Road, Fennel Drive, Foxglove Drive, Heather Drive, Honeysuckle Close, Jasmine Close, Kennet Drive, Kingsfield Road, The Weatherley Centre, Biggleswade Lavender Way, Lilac Grove, London Road, Mersey Road, Magnolia Place, Ouse Way, BIGS-ST2 Eagle Farm Road, 1981 Parish Poppy Field, Primrose Close, Ribble Mead, Rosemary Close, Sage Close, Saxon Biggleswade Drive, Skinner Close, Snowdrop Walk, Sorrell Way, Stratton Park, Stratton Park Drive, Tansey End, Thames Bank, Tulip Close, Venus Avenue, Violet Close, Wensum Grove. Page 32 Page

- 22 - Parliamentary Constituencies: South West Bedfordshire & Luton South* CBC Ward: Caddington Parish: Caddington

Polling Polling Place Polling Station Electors Streets District

Aley Green, Cadia Close, Chaul End Road, Chaul End Village, Collings Wells Close, Crosslands, Dove Close, Dunstable Road, Finch Green, Folly Lane, Hawthorn Heathfield Site, The Crescent, Heron View, Holly Farm Close, Kestrel Grove, Little Green Lane, Magpie Caddington Page 33 Page CADD1* Green, Off Hyde Road, 1765 Meadows, Mallard Crescent, Mancroft Road, Mardle Close, Millfield Lane, Mooring Parish Caddington Rise, Mossman Drive, Orchard Close, Red Kite Mews, Robin Close, Rushmere Close, Skimpot Lane, Sutton Gardens, Swallow Mead, The Glen, Watling Street, Winchfield, Woodlands, Woodpecker Edge, Wren Close Adstone Road, Culworth Close, Delfield Gardens, Edgecote Close, Elm Avenue, Heathfield Site, The Caddington Enslow Close, Fairgreen Road, Five Oaks, Hyde Road, Heathfield Close, Ledwell CADD2* Green, Off Hyde Road, 1439 Parish Road, Luton Road, Manor Road, Meadow Croft, Meadow Way, The Crescent, The Caddington Dell, The Green

- 23 - Parliamentary Constituencies: South West Bedfordshire & Luton South* CBC Ward: Caddington Parish: Hyde

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

East Hyde Village Hall, Hyde Parish CADD3* Lower Harpenden 297 All streets within the parish

Page 34 Page Road, Luton

Parliamentary Constituencies: South West Bedfordshire & Luton South CBC Ward: Caddington Parish: Kensworth

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Kensworth Village Hall, Kensworth CADD4 Common Road, 1158 All streets within the parish Parish Kensworth

- 24 - Parliamentary Constituencies: South West Bedfordshire & Luton South* CBC Ward: Caddington Parish: Slip End

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Slip End Village Hall, Slip End CADD5* Markyate Road, Slip 1494 All streets within the parish Parish End Page 35 Page

Parliamentary Constituencies: South West Bedfordshire & Luton South CBC Ward: Caddington Parish: Studham

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Studham Village Hall, Studham CADD6 Dunstable Road, 980 All streets within the parish Parish Studham

- 25 - Parliamentary Constituencies: South West Bedfordshire & Luton South CBC Ward: Caddington Parish: Whipsnade

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Whipsnade Whipsnade Village Hall, CADD7 393 All streets within the parish Parish Whipsnade Page 36 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Brogborough

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Brogborough Village Brogborough Parish C&MM1 Hall, Ridgeway Road, 264 All streets within the parish Brogborough

- 26 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Cranfield

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Chilver Hall, Feddon House, Lanchester Hall, Mitchell Hall, Stringfellow Hall, College Cranfield Cranfield Village Hall, Road, Crawley Road, East Road, Handley Page Close, Henson Close, Mitchell Road, C&MM2 54 Parish Court Road, Cranfield Prince Philip Avenue, Reynolds Close, Royce Road, The Crescent, The Drive, The

Page 37 Page Green, West Road, Wharley End.

- 27 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Cranfield

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Astwood Road, Badgers Close, Bakery Close, Bedford Road, Birch Close, Bliss Avenue, Bourne End, Bourne End Road, Bowling Green Road, Braeburn Way, Broad

Page 38 Page Green, Brocklehanger Edge, Broughton, Coopers Hill, Coronation Road, Crane Way, Crawley Road, Eight Acres, Flitt Leys Close, Gadsden Close, Graces Close, Harcourt, Cranfield Cranfield Village Hall, High Street, Hillcrest, Holywell Road, Hookes Meadow, Hotch Croft, Kings Grove, C&MM3 2289 Parish Court Road, Cranfield Linehams Pightle, Little Spinney, Longborns, Lordsmead, Lower Breaches Gardens, Mill Road, Millards Close, Millards Place, Millfield Close, Partridge Piece, Pincords Lane, Portnall Place, Pound Close, Redlands Bank, Red Lion Close, Smallbrook, Springfield Way, The Hawthorns, The Old Furlong, The Roes, Thrift View, Washingleys, Wills Allen Walk, Windmill Way Berry Yard, Ailwyns Acre, Arpins Pightle, Church Walk, Court Road, Cranfield Road, Crow Lane, East Hills, Fallows Crescent, Folly Farm, George’s Close, Goodman Court, Hare Lane, Harter Avenue, Hatfield Avenue, High Street, Home Close, Lime Cranfield Cranfield Village Hall, Tree Corner, Lincroft, Lodge Road, Maltings Close, Maple Way, Merchant Lane, C&MM4 1822 Parish Court Road, Cranfield Moulsoe Road, Lower Coxs Close, Oak Barn Close, Oaken Pin Close, Orchard Close, Orchard Way, Plough Close, Ramsey Abbey Close, Rectory Lane, Rowan Way, Simdims, Swabey Lane, The Lawns, Thillans, Townsend Close, Walk House Close, Willow Springs, Wood End Road

- 28 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Hulcote & Salford

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Hulcote & C&MM5 Salford Parish Hall, Salford Wavendon Road, 169 All streets within the parish Parish Salford Page 39 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Lidlington

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Lidlington Lidlington Village Hall, C&MM6 1118 All streets within the parish Parish High Street, Lidlington

- 29 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Marston Moreteyne

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

The Exhibition Public Marston House, Chequers Close, Franklin Close, Hoo Lane, Road, Stratford Way, The Moreteyne C&MM7 530 Page 40 Page Road, Marston Rickyard, Upper Shelton Road, Wootton Green Parish Moreteyne Abbott Corner, Arundel Road, Ashcraft Close, Barkers Piece, Beancroft Road, Bedford Road, Blacksmiths Court, Burridge Close, Campin Court, Caves Gardens, Chandlers Close, Churchill Road, Cook Close, Copperwheat Bank, Deacon Mews, Denbigh Close, Denton Drive, Drapers End, Dudley Close, Ellis Green, Evans Marston Sports Pavilion, Bedford Orchard, Faulkner Gardens, Fells Paddock, Gee View, Goodman Croft, Harper Moreteyne C&MM8 Road, Marston 2206 Grove, Harrison Meadow, Hillson Close, Hockley Court, Horseshoe Close, Howes Parish Moreteyne Drive, Ingram Close, Johnson Close, Lower Shelton Road, Marston Hill, Moat Farm Barns, Moat Farm Close, Moreteyne Road, Nicholls Close, Owen Close, Parrish Close, Parrott Grove, Pembroke Close, Primrose Close, Roberts Drive, Roxhill Road, Snagge Court,Torry Orchard, Tylecote Close, Whittington Crescent, Woburn Road, Wood End Allen Court, Banks Close, Bedford Road, Brook Road, Brooke Piece, Browns Close, Marston Sports Pavilion, Bedford Church Walk, Clifton Way, Corn Close, Foggy Close, Ford Piece, Gold Furlong, Great Moreteyne C&MM9 Road, Marston 2104 Beanhills, Great Blakelands, Great Holmes, Great Linns, Great Meadow, Holme Parish Moreteyne Close, Horse Croft, Lake View, Little Beanhills, Little Blakelands, Little Field, Little LInns, Little Meadow, Longcroft Lane, Lower Hazeldines, Manor Court, Manor Road, Newland, Oat Piece, Plough View, Reynes Close, St Marys Close, Scotchbrook - 30 - Road, South Meadow, Squires Road, Station Lane, Station Road, Stratton, The Green, The Jumps, Watson Way, Woburn Road, Wootton

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Cranfield & Marston Moreteyne Parish: Millbrook

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District Page 41 Page

Millbrook Village Hall, Millbrook C&MM10 Sandhill Close, 116 All streets within the parish Parish Millbrook

- 31 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Dunstable Central Parish: Dunstable (Central Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Appleby Gardens, Ashton Square, Bennetts Close, Bull Pond Lane, Burr Street, Buttercup Close, Canesworde Road, Catchacre, Dolmans Place, Ennerdale Avenue, The Square Methodist Page 42 Page Dunstable First Avenue, Friars Walk, Friary Field, Grasmere Close, High Street South, Icknield DUN-CEN1 Church Hall, The 1513 Parish Street, Keswick Close, Kirby Road, Langdale Road, Long Meadow, Meadway, Square, Dunstable Osborne Road, Penrith Avenue, St Marys Court, The Paddocks, West Street, Windermere Close. Albion Court, Albion Mews, Albion Street, Brook Close, Chadwick Close, Chiltern The Square Methodist Dunstable Road, Crown Mews, Edward Street, High Street North, Leighton Court, Manchester DUN-CEN2 Church Hall, The 1677 Parish Place, Matthew Street, Nursey Close, Princes Street, Radburn Court, Regent Street, Square, Dunstable Union Street, Victoria Street, West Parade, West Street, Winfield Street. St Peters Priory Church Dunstable Alfred Street, Bigthan Road, Britain Street, Church Street, Englands Lane, High DUN-CEN3 Hall, Church Street, 499 Parish Street South, Priory Road, St Peters Road, Station Road, Wood Street. Dunstable

- 32 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Dunstable Icknield Parish: Dunstable (Icknield Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

St Christopher’s Buckwood Avenue, Calcutt Close, Cresta Close, Evelyn Road, Gorham Way, Dunstable DUN-ICK1 Academy, Gorham 1213 Highfields Close, Laurelside Walk, Linden Close, Linden Road, Luton Road, Old Diary Parish Way, Dunstable Court, Poynters Road, St Christophers Close, Thornbury, Walgrave Road. Bramley Court, Brandreth Avenue, Carterweys, Chalk Acres, Duncombe Drive, Page 43 Page Hadrian Academy, Fairfield Close, Fairfield Road, Florence Close, Hadrian Avenue, Katherine Drive, Dunstable DUN-ICK2 Hadrian Avenue, 1596 Lockington Crescent, Luton Road, Millers Ley, Monks Close, Pynders Lane, Parish Dunstable. Ridgeway Avenue, Ridgeway Drive, Russett Way, The Crest, Western Way, Wingate Road, Woodford Road The Vale Academy, Dunstable Goldstone Crescent, Hadrian Avenue, Hollick Road, Markham Crescent, Poynters DUN-ICK3 Wilbury Drive, 982 Parish Road, Ridgeway Avenue, Wilbury Drive Dunstable Aubrey Close, Allenby Avenue, Dale Close, Dale Road, Jens Way, Kiln Way, Potters Dunstable Methodist Church, DUN-ICK4 1460 Mead, Kingsbury Avenue, Kingsbury Gardens, Lambs Close, Liscombe Road, Ludun Parish Luton Road, Dunstable Close, Luton Road, Parrott Close, The Retreat, Bagshawe Way, Bernard Close, Broadwalk, Church Street, College Drive, Court Dunstable Grove House, High Drive, Dorchester Close, Dukeminster Road, Fauna Field, Hazel Mead, High Street DUN-ICK5 1151 Parish Street North, Dunstable North, Holly Acre, Kingscroft Avenue, Kingsway, Maple Square, Priory View, Queensway Parade, The Mall, Tilling Green

- 33 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Dunstable Manshead Parish: Dunstable (Manshead Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Allen Close, Ash Grove, Barton Avenue, Bloes Road, Borough Road, Britain Street, St Peters Priory Church Downs Road, Englands Lane, Great Northern Road, Grove Road, Half Moon Lane, Dunstable Page 44 Page DUN-M1 Hall, Church Street, 1574 Hight Street South, Holland Court, Howard Place, King Street, Lime Walk, Long Parish Dunstable Hedge, Lovers Walk, Oak Close, Park Road, Richard Street, Stokers Close, Station Road, Walnut Grove Brive Road, Brockwell Place, Fossett Grove, Goodhart Crescent, Lincoln Close, Downside Community Dunstable London Road, Mayfield Road, Montgomery Grove, Morcom Road, Mountview DUN-M2 Centre, Suffolk Road, 1598 Parish Avenue, New Woodfield Green, Norfolk Road, Oakwood Avenue, Renner Croft, Dunstable Southwood Road, Suffolk Road, Woodfield Gate St Augustine’s Church, Apollo Close, Chichester Close, Graham Road, Half Moon Lane, Hillside Road, Dunstable DUN-M3 Oakwood Avenue, 1006 Jardine Way, London Road, Mayfield Road, Norcott Close, Oakwood Avenue, Parish Dunstable Sundown Avenue, Tollgate Court

- 34 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Dunstable Northfields Parish: Dunstable (Northfields Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Bank Avenue, Barley Brow, Barrie Avenue, Cash Close, Cheyne Close, Currency Dunstable 1A Suncote Avenue, Close, Design Avenue, Englands Avenue, Frenchs Avenue, Money Mead, Palma DUN-N1 1285 Parish Dunstable Close, Ravenscourt, Salters Way, Sunbower Avenue, Suncote Avenue, Suncote

Page 45 Page Close, Stamp Acre, Visa View Austin Road, Daimler Drive, Delco Way, Frenchs Avenue, Frenchs Gate, Healey Dunstable Watling House, High DUN-N2 851 Road, Leyland Road, Lotus Mews, Morris Road, Peppercorn Way, Riley Grove, Parish Street North, Dunstable Sphinx Place, Vauxhall Way, Wolseley Drive Dunstable The Incuba, Brewers Capron Road, High Street North, Houghton Road, Mandrell Close, Northfields, DUN-N3 678 Parish Hill Road, Dunstable Olma Road Ashton Road, Chiltern Road, Clifton Road, Crabtree Way, Falcon Close, Frances Dunstable Grove House, High Drive, George Street, High Street North, Park Street, Printers Way, Readers Close, DUN-N4 1247 Parish Street North, Dunstable Sandland Close, Sheriden Close, Sidings Way, Stuart Street, Tavistock Street, Union Street, Victoria Street, Waterlow Road St Fremund’s Church, Ashcroft, Aynscombe Close, Beale Street, Beech Green, Beecroft Way, Brewers Hill Dunstable DUN-N5 Westfield Road, 1183 Road, Chiltern Road, Cross Street North, Drovers Way, High Street North, Loring Parish Dunstable Road, Maidenbower Avenue, Pascomb Road, Westfield Road St Fremund’s Church, Beech Green, Beecroft Way, Benning Avenue, Chiltern Road, Croft Green, Drovers Dunstable DUN-N6 Westfield Road, 829 Way, Franklin Road, Hambling Place, Loring Road, Shepherds Croft, West Street, Parish Dunstable Worthington Road

- 35 - Weatherfield Academy, Beechwood Court, Brewers Hill Road, Bunhill Close, Cookfield Close, Drovers Way, Dunstable DUN-N7 Brewers Hill Road, 805 Norman Way, Redfield Close, Saxon Close, Spinney Crescent, Weatherby, West Parish Dunstable Street Creasey Park Aidens Close, Aldbanks, Brewers Hill Road, Bryony Way, Campian Close, Creasey Dunstable Community Football DUN-N8 726 park Drive, Cusworth Walk, Cusworth Way, Greenfield Close, Hillcroft, Ivy Close, Parish Club, Creasey Drive, Orchid Close, Rotherwood Close, Scawsby Close Dunstable Page 46 Page

- 36 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Dunstable Watling Parish: Dunstable (Watling Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Ardley Close, Borrowdale Avenue, Brierley Close, Buttermere Avenue, Candale Ardley Hill Academy, Dunstable Close, Carlisle Close, Derwent Drive, Fox Dells, Furzen Close, Gilded Acre, Knotts DUN-WAT1 Lowther Road, 1161 Parish Close, Lowther Road, Mardale Avenue, Maundsey Close, Mentmore Crescent, Dunstable Page 47 Page Wayside, West Hill Bowmans Close, Bowmans Way, Bull Pond Lane, Friars Walk, Furness Avenue, Watling Lower School, Dunstable Garden Road, Hawthorn Close, High Street South, Periwinkle lane, Regency Court, DUN-WAT2 Bull Pond lane, 1189 Parish Royale Walk, Staines Square, The Cedars, The Paddocks, Viceroy Court, Willoughby Dunstable Close, Woolpack Close Queensbury Academy, Brampton Rise, Cartmel Drive, Crosby Close, Easedale Close, Hillyfields, Hilton Dunstable DUN-WAT3 Langdale Road, 945 Avenue, Kirkstone Drive, Langdale Close, Langdale Road, Patterdale Close, Staveley Parish Dunstable Road, Tarnside Close, Ullswater Road Beech Road, Birchside, Bowles Way, Burges Close, Churchill Road, Garrett Close, Dunstable Chiltern School, Beech DUN-WAT4 1126 Lockhart Close, London Road, Lowther Road, Seamons Close, Southfields Road, Parish Road, Dunstable Stipers Close, Watling Gardens Ardley Hill Academy, Abbey Mews, Bibshall Crescent, Graphic Close, Grovebury Close, Index Court, Index Dunstable DUN-WAT5 Lowther Road, 877 Drive, Leston Close, London Road, Lowther Road, Miletree Crescent, Oldhill, The Parish Dunstable Cheveralls, Tibbett Close, Turnpike Close, Valence End

- 37 - Queensbury Academy, Bowland Crescent, Canesworde Road, Hurlock Close, Meadway, Morland Close, Dunstable DUN-WAT6 Langdale Road, 1029 Pipers Croft, Quarry Walk, Spoondell, Ulverston Road, Westdown Gardens, West Parish Dunstable Street, Whipsnade Road Badgers Gate, Beacon Avenue, Coombe Drive, Dunstable Road, Gardners Close, Dunstable Lancot Lower School, DUN-WAT7 1200 Harvey Road, Lancot Avenue, Lancot Drive, Lancot Place, Marina Drive, Oakwell Parish Lancot Drive, Dunstable Close, Royce Close, The Avenue, Totternhoe Road, Tring Road Page 48 Page

- 38 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Eaton Bray Parish: Billington

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Great Billington Village Billington EB1 Hall, Gaddesden Turn, 277 All streets within the parish Parish Great Billington Page 49 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Eaton Bray Parish: Eaton Bray

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Eaton Bray Village Hall, Eaton Bray EB2 Church Lane, 2112 All streets within the parish Parish Eaton Bray

- 39 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Eaton Bray Parish: Totternhoe

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Totternhoe St Giles Church Hall, EB3 983 All streets within the parish Parish The Ride, Totternhoe Page 50 Page

- 40 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Flitwick Parish: Flitwick (East Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Admiral Row, Airedale Close, Ampthill Road, Ashton Gate, Baker Terrace, Canterbury Road, Chauntry Close, Chauntry Way, Denel Close, Durham Close, Ely Flitwick Football Flitwick Close, Falkland Close, Froghall Road, Goose Green, High Street, Jutland Court, FLIT1 Centre, Ampthill Road, 1509 Page 51 Page Parish Lincoln Close, Minden Close, Naseby Place, Salisbury Road, St Albans Close, St Flitwick Andrews Close, The Birches, The Meadows, The Paddocks, The Thinnings, Trafalgar Drive, Truro Gardens, Waterloo Close, Williams Way, Windmill Road, York Close Althorp Close, Ash Close, Avenue Mews, Beech Road, Brookes Road, Brunswick Gardens, Catherine Road, Century Close, Easton Close, Easton Road, Ellenshaw Court, Elmwood Crescent, Gardeners Close, Glen Court, Gravel Pit Road, Greenfield Road, Greenways, Hatfield Close, Hatfield Crescent, Hatfield Road, High Street, Kingsmoor Lower Highlands, Hinksley Road, Hollybush Road, Ivel Way, Juniper Gardens, Kings Road, Flitwick FLIT2 School, Kingsmoor 3013 Kingsmoor Close, Lime Close, Lime mews, Maulden Road, Millfield Close, Moor Parish Close, Flitwick Lane, Oak Road, Orchard Way, Pilgrims Close, Princess Close, Queens Close, Roman Way, Saxon Close, Sheepfold Hill, St Marks Close, St Nicholas Close, St Pauls Close, St Peters Close, Station Road, Station Square, Sycamore Close, The Avenue, The Croft, The Hawthorns, The Ridgeway, The Rowans, Tythe Close, Villa Gardens, Water Lane, White Horse Mews, Willow Way,

- 41 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Flitwick Parish: Flitwick (West Ward)

Austen Avenue, Astwood Drive, Badgers Close, Beaumont Court, Beaumont Road, Beaumont Mews, Billington Close, Blackbird Close, Bluebell Close, Brunel Place, Buttermere Close, Byron Crescent, Campion Way, Cavell Mews, Chapel Road, Chaucer Road, Churchill Drive, Darwin Croft, Fry Grove, Clover Road, Common Farm Lane, Coniston Road, Derwent Rise, Dickens Road, Dunstable Close, Flitwick Village Hall, Flitwick Dunstable Road, Eagle Drive, Ennerdale Path, Grasmere Close, Grebe Close, Hawes FLIT3 Dunstable Road, 3192 Parish Close, Hawk Close, Hildene Close, Hubbard Close, James Place, Johnson Edge, Keats Flitwick Road, Kendal Drive, Malham Close, Millards Close, Millwright Way, Milton Road, Page 52 Page Newton View, Nightingale Lane, Osprey Road, Pankhurst Row, Primrose Close, Rosebay Close, Ryder Way, Shackleton Gardens, Steppingley Court, Steppingley Road, Tennyson Road, The Thinnings, The Willows, Thirlmere Gardens, Ullswater Close, Victoria Grove, Wellington Close, Windermere Close, Windmill Road Arundel Close, Avon Rise, Balmoral Close, Blenheim Link, Buckingham Mews, Burghley Close, Cheviot Close, Chiltern Close, Church Road, Compton Close, Conway Drive, Cotswold Place, Dewpond Road, Dove Walk, Dunstable Road, Eagle Drive, Falcon Crescent, Finch Walk, Fir Tree Close, Glebe Avenue, Hampden Close, Hampden Road, Heron Road, Holley Hill, Homes End Road, Howard Court, Kestrel Flitwick Village Hall, Flitwick Road, Kingfisher Road, Larkway, Lipscomb Drive, Longleat Close, Lovet Road, Lyall FLIT4 Dunstable Road, 2726 Parish Close, Malvern Close, Martin Road, Medway Close, Mendip Close, Mersey Close, Flitwick Nene Road, Pennine Rise, Petley Close, Pevensey Grove, Pheasant Walk, Pipit Close, Pope Close, Powis Mews, Raven Walk, Robin Close, Sandringham Road, Severn Close, Swallow Close, Swift Close, Syon path, Thames Close, The Quantocks, Town field Road, Trent Avenue, Tyne Close, Vicarage Hill, Warwick Close, Windrush Close, Windsor Close, Woburn Close, Woodcock Walk, Wren Close

- 42 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Flitwick Parish: Steppingley

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Steppingley Village Hall, Steppingley FLIT5 Rectory Road, 173 All streets within the parish Parish Steppingley Page 53 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Heath & Reach Parish: Chalgrave

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Chalgrave Memorial Chalgrave H&R1 Hall, Wingfield Road, 385 All streets within the parish Parish

- 43 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Heath & Reach Parish: Eggington

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Eggington Eggington Village Hall, H&R2 248 All streets within the parish Parish High Street, Eggington Page 54 Page

- 44 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Heath & Reach Parish: Heath & Reach

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Heath & St Leonards Church Reach H&R3 Hall, Leighton Road, 1161 All streets within the parish Parish Heath & Reach Page 55 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Heath & Reach Parish: Hockliffe

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Hockliffe Hockliffe Lower School, H&R4 747 All streets within the parish Parish Woburn Road, Hockliffe

- 45 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Heath & Reach Parish: Stanbridge

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Stanbridge & Tilsworth Stanbridge Community Hall, H&R5 596 All streets within the parish Page 56 Page Parish Stanbridge Road, Tilsworth

Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Heath & Reach Parish: Tilsworth

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Stanbridge & Tilsworth Tilsworth Community H&R4 321 All streets within the parish Parish Hall, Stanbridge Road, Tilsworth

- 46 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Houghton Conquest & Haynes Parish: Haynes

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Haynes Village Hall, Haynes HC&H1 Northwood End Road, 983 All streets within the parish Page 57 Page Parish Haynes

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Houghton Conquest & Haynes Parish: Houghton Conquest

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Houghton Conquest Houghton Village Hall, High Conquest HC&H2 1452 All streets within the parish Street, Houghton Parish Conquest

- 47 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Houghton Hall Parish: Houghton Regis (Houghton Hall)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Arnald Way, Bankside Close, Barleyfield Way, Bedford Road, Bidwell, Bidwell Close, Houghton Regis Bidwell Hill, Church End, Coopers Way, Farriers Way, Freemans Close, Harrington Houghton Primary School, St Page 58 Page HH1 1658 Heights, High Street, Mill Road, Millers Way, Piggots Mead, Plaiters Way, Roman Regis Parish Michaels Avenue, Court, Roman Gardens, Roslyn Way, St Michaels Avenue, The Baulk, Thorn Road, Houghton Regis Townsend Terrace, Watling Court, Watling Place Balmoral Road, Bridgeman Drive, Brookfield Avenue, Brookfield Park, Brookfield Walk, Clarence Place, Constable Close, Copperfields Close, Evans Close, Frogmore St Thomas Meeting Road, Gainsborough Drive, Gilpin Close, Halleys Way, Hampton Place, Holyrood Houghton HH2 House, Lowry Drive, 2104 Drive, Keaton Close, Kensington Close, Kingsland Close, Longbrooke, Lowry Drive, Regis Parish Houghton Regis Milton Way, Nash Close, Park Road, Parkside Close, Richmond Drive, Sandringham Drive, St James Close, Stubbs Close, Tennyson Avenue, Tudor Drive, Turner Close, Vanburgh Drive, Windsor Place Cemetery Road, Clarkes Way, Cumberland Street, Dunstable Road, East End, King Houghton Regis Houghton Street, Linden Court, Manor Close, Manor park, Moore Crescent, Orchard Close, HH3 Memorial Hall, The 1102 Regis Parish Queen Street, The Green, The Lindens, Walkley Road, Whitehouse Close, Green, Houghton Regis Woodlands Avenue. All Saints Academy, Alabaster Avenue, Chalk Hill, Douglas Crescent, Douglas Place, Fieldstone, Houghton HH4 Houghton Road, 760 Houghton Road, Lake View, Limestone Grove, Mayer Way, Northview Road, Regis Parish Dunstable Portland Ride, Sewell, Travertine Close, Whiting Square

- 48 - Bedford Square Abacot Grove, All Saints Road, Angels Lane, Aylesbury Drive, Bedford Court, Houghton Community Centre, Bedford Road, Bedford Square, Bidwell, Churchfield Road, Dell Road, Dellmont HH5 867 Regis Parish Tithe Farm Road, Road, Gressingham Meadow, Hillside, Orpington Rise, Pintail Croft, Shelduck Field, Houghton Regis Tithe Farm Road, Thorn View Road, Vicarage Road, Watervale Page 59 Page

- 49 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard Linslade Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Barnabas Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Grand Union Canal, Bossington Lane, Bridge Meadow, Canal Mews, Church Road, Durrell Close, Faulkners Way, Golden Riddy, Harcourt Close, Leighton Road, Lime

Page 60 Page Leighton- Linslade Community Grove, New Road, Old Linslade, Old Linslade Road, Old Road, Primrose Gardens, Linslade LBL-BARN1 Hall, Waterloo Road, 2510 Rosebery Avenue, Rothschild Road, Ship Road, Soulbury Road, Station Road, Parish Linslade Stephenson Close, Stoke Road, The Gables, The Martins Drive, The paddocks, The Wharf, Vicarage Gardens, Vicarage Road, Vimy Road, Waterloo Road, Wing Road, Victoria Road Leighton- Linslade Academy Ashburnham Crescent, Camberton Road, Cedars Way, Finch Crescent, Mardle Linslade LBL-BARN2 Trust, Mentmore Road, 1097 Road, Mentmore Gardens, Mentmore Road, Wing Road, Wyngates Parish Linslade Leighton- Beech Grove, Broad Rush Green, Cherry Tree Walk, Corbet Ride, Corbet Square, Linslade Lower School, Linslade LBL-BARN3 527 Hawthorn Close, Knaves Hill, Lincombe Slade, Soulbury Road, St Marys Way, Upper Leopold Road, Linslade Parish Coombe

- 50 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard Linslade Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Southcott Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Apple Tree Close, Bewdley Drive, Blakedown Road, Calder Gardens, Carron Close, Leighton- Southcott Community Coniston Road, Delamere Gardens, Derwent Road, Eriboll Close, Grasmere Way, Linslade LBL-SO1 Centre, Grasmere Way, 1716 Himley Green, Kendal Gardens, Leven Close, Lomond Drive, Maree Close, Melfort

Page 61 Page Parish Linslade Drive, Morar Close, Nevis Close, Rannoch Gardens, Ullswater Drive, Windermere Gardens Leighton- Southcott Lower Bideford Court, Bideford Green, Cheviot Close, Cleveland Drive, Creran Walk, Linslade LBL-SO2 School, Bideford Green, 1446 Derwent Road, Dulverton Court, Fyne Drive, Lochy Drive, Loyne Close, Malvern Parish Linslade Drive Ascot Drive, Barnabas Road, Bunkers Lane, Chelsea Green, Epsom Close, Grange Leighton- Linslade Lower School, Close, Leopold Road, Mowbray Drive, Orchard Drive, Rock Close, Rock Lane, Linslade LBL-SO3 1303 Leopold Road, Linslade Rockleigh Court, Soulbury Road, Southcott Village, Southcourt Avenue, Southcourt Parish Road, Springfield Court, Springfield Road, Woodside Way. Leighton- Linslade Lower School, Alwins Field, Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Rise, Knaves Hill, Milebush, Rowley Furrows, Linslade LBL-SO4 632 Leopold Road, Linslade Soulbury Road Parish

- 51 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard North Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Planets Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Appenine Way, Aquila Road, Aries Court, Carina Drive, Centauri Close, Cetus Leighton- Beaudesert Lower Crescent, Columbia Drive, Cygnus Drive, Gemini Close, Hercules Close, Hockliffe

Page 62 Page Linslade LBN-PLS1 School, Appenine Way, 1553 Road, Hydrus Drive, Jupiter Drive, Lyra Gardens, Mercury Way, Nebular Court, Parish Leighton Buzzard Neptune Gardens, North Star Drive, Omega Court, Orion Way, Pegasus Road, Phoenix Close, Saturn Close. Leighton- Leighton Buzzard Youth Almond Road, Atterbury Avenue, Brook Street, Brookside Walk, Dove Tree Road, Linslade LBN-PLS2 Centre, Vandyke Road, 1151 Greenlands, Hockliffe Road, Hornbeam Close, Kiteleys Green, Meadway, Middle Parish Leighton Buzzard Green, Miles Avenue, Vandyke Road, Willowbank Walk. Leighton- Beaudesert Lower Barleycorn Close, Hockliffe Road, Meadow Way, Millers Close, Oatfield Gardens, Linslade LBN-PLS3 School, Appenine Way, 707 Rye Close, Wheatfield Close Parish Leighton Buzzard

- 52 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard North Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Plantation Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Avon Walk, Blenheim Road, Bolton Lane, Carlton Grove, Chamberlains Gardens, Chiltern Gardens, Copper Beech Way, Cotefield Drive, Craddocks Drive, Drakes Avenue, Foxon Corner, Heath Park Drive, Heath Park Road, Heath Road, Humbles Leighton- Heathwood Lower Page 63 Page Croft, Isis Walk, Jakeman Edge, Kemsley Drive, Lawson Road, Mason Rise, Oak Bank Linslade LBN-PLTN1 School, Heath Road, 1394 Drive, Payne Close, Pine Close, Purwell Walk, Ruffhead Road, Sandy Lane, Severn Parish Leighton Buzzard Walk, Shackleton Grove, Shenley Close, Shenley Hill Road, St Leonards Close, Steadman View, Tamar Walk, Tilbrook Mead, Underwood Croft, Wellington Way, Wernham Mead. Adams Bottom, Badgers Brook, Carnation Close, Dingle Dell, Dukes Ride, Firs Path, Leighton- Dovery Down School, Greenhill, Heath Court, Heath Road, Hillside Road, Old Linslade, Oxendon Court, Linslade LBN-PLTN2 Heath Road, Leighton 1478 Plantation Road, Poplar Close, Redwood Glade, Riverside, Robinswood Close, Parish Buzzard Shepherds Mead, Taylor’s Ride, The Heath, Wentworth Drive, Woodland Avenue. Ashwell Street, Baker Street, Barrow Path, Bassett Road, Bossard Court, Chapel Path, Church Street, Coronation Mews, Commill Mews, Digby Road, Doggett Street, Leighton- Mary Bassett Lower Edward Street, Kilgour Court, King Street, Lamsey Court, Mill Road, Millbank, Linslade LBN-PLTN3 School, Bassett Road, 1547 Millstream Way, Monarch Way, North Street, Princes Court, Queen Street, Parish Leighton Buzzard Sovereign Close, The Wood, Tudor Court, Water Lane, West Court, Westside, Windsor Avenue, Yew Tree Court

- 53 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard North Parish: Leighton - Linslade (St George’s Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Ash Grove, Broomhills Road, Church Street, Churchill Road, Clarence Road, Garden Leighton- The Rushmere Park Hedge, Heath Road, Laurel Mews, Miletree Court, Montgomery Close,

Page 64 Page Linslade LBN-STG1 Academy, East Street, 1770 Mountbatten Gardens, Nelson Road, Northcourt, Oakley Green, Pear Tree Lane, Parish Leighton Buzzard Pennivale Close, Plummer Haven, Roosevelt Avenue, Sandhills, Spencer Court, Talbot Court, Tindall Avenue, Vandyke Road, Winston Close, Woburn Place Adaern Close, Beaudesert, Bedford Street, Colton Mews, East Street, George Leighton- The Rushmere Park Street, Gilbert Mews, Hamilton Court, Hockliffe Road, Hockliffe Street, Lammas Linslade LBN-STG2 Academy, East Street, 1523 Walk, Merlins Court, Newman Way, North Street, Orca Mews, Plum Tree Lane, Parish Leighton Buzzard Regent Street, St Andrews Close, St Andrews Street, St Georges Close, St Georges Court, Summer Street, Vandyke Road, Wells Court

- 54 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard South Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Brooklands Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Leighton- Leedon Lower School, LBS- Bramble Close, Brownslea, Clipstone Crescent, Crossway, Danes Way, Highfield Linslade Highfield Road, 867 BROOK1 Road, Hinton Close, Hockliffe Road, Russell Way, Saxons Close, Victoria Terrace Parish Leighton Buzzard Page 65 Page Leighton- Brooklands Residents Ashlong Close, Brooklands Avenue, Brooklands Drive, Capshill Avenue, Fallowfield, LBS- Linslade Association, Garden 1816 Garden Leys, Highcroft, Hockliffe Road, Leedon Furlong, Lywood Road, Marley BROOK2 Parish Leys, Leighton Buzzard Fields, Richmond Road, Stanbridge Road, The Chilterns, Waterdell, Weston Avenue.

- 55 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard South Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Grovebury Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Adastral Avenue, Barton Grove, Bishop Close, Byford Path, Byford Way, Cheshire Rise, Concord Way, Cruickshank Mead, Esmonde Way, Garland Way, Gibson Drive, Leighton- Page 66 Page Astral Park, Johnson Harmony Row, Hawker Close, Insall Close, Jerrard Close, Learoyd Way; Liddell Way, Linslade LBL-GROV1 1482 Drive, Leighton Buzzard Mannock Way, Middleton Way, Moorhouse Path, Moorhouse Way, Nettleton Parish Close, Newton Way, Nicolson Drive, Palmer Crescent, Roundel Drive, Swales Drive, The Vyne, Trent Way, Warneford Way Bittern Mead, Billington Road, Bunting Drive, Comorant Way, Condor Drive, Curlew Croft, Dimmock Close, Dunnock Drive, Fieldfare, Goldfinch Road, Goshawk Green, Leighton- Grebe Drive, Hawfinch Grove, Heron Road, Johnson Drive, Kestrel Way, King Eider Astral Park, Johnson Linslade LBL-GROV2 1980 Gardens, Kingfisher Drive, Linnet Way, Osprey Drive, Partridge Road, Peregrine Drive, Leighton Buzzard Parish Mead, Plover Road, Puffin Place, Raven Way, Sandpiper Way, Serin Mead, Siskin Grove, Sparrow Path, Tern Drive, Turnham Drive, Warbler Road, Whinchat Gardens, Wryneck Apollo Croft, Aurora Rise, Avery Close, Bacchus Gardens, Bellona Drive, Billington Road, Bushell Close, Claridge Close, Clay Furlong, Cooper Drive, Copia Crescent, Leighton- Leighton Buzzard Deverall Way, Draper Way, Elliott Way, Enterprise Way, Feronia Mead, Flint Way, Linslade LBL-GROV3 Railway, Billington 1929 Fortuna Mead, Goodman Drive, Grovebury Road, Johnson Drive, Lathwell Way, Parish Road, Leighton Buzzard Lactans Edge, Messor Gardens, Moneta Rise, Oakridge Park, Park Mews, Porus Piece, Reeve Close, Ridgely Drive, Saritor Croft, Theedway, Theedway- (Greenfields) The Maltings, Trivia Close, Vesta Grove, Veritas Grove, Warren Close.

- 56 - Leighton- Brooklands Residents Brooklands Drive, Cutlers Way, Eagle Close, Falcon Mews, Harrow Road, Linwood Linslade LBL-GROV4 Association, Garden 1057 Grove, South Street, Southview Gardens, Stanbridge Road, Stanbridge Road Parish Leys, Leighton Buzzard Terrace, Steppingstone Place, Stratton Mews. Page 67 Page

- 57 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Leighton Buzzard South Parish: Leighton - Linslade (Leston Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Albany Road, Aveline Court, Bell Alley, Bridge Street, Church Avenue, Church Hockliffe Baptist Square, Dudley Mews, Dudley Street, Duncombe Drive, Friday Street, Grove Place, Leighton- Page 68 Page Church, Hockliffe Grove Road, Hartwell Crescent, Hartwell Grove, High Street, Hockliffe Road, Linslade LBS-LES 1385 Street, Leighton Hockliffe Street, Hoddesdon Villas, Lake Street, Langtry Court, Leston Road, Lindler Parish Buzzard Court, Lovent Drive, Magnon Court, Market Mews, Market Square, North Street, Pulford Road, South Street, West Street, Woodman Close, Woodman Mews

- 58 - Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire* CBC Ward: Northill Parish: Moggerhanger

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Moggerhanger Village Moggerhanger Parish NOR1 Hall, Blunham Road, 528 All streets within the parish Moggerhanger Page 69 Page

- 59 - Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Northill Parish: Northill

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Ashby Drive, Biggleswade Road, Brook Close, Byron Close, Caldecote Green, Dene The Church Hall, Way, Grange Lane, Great North Road, Harvey Close, Hitchin Road, Hill Lane, Northill Page 70 Page NOR2 Biggleswade Road, 1165 Road, Ivel Bridge, Littles Close, , Manor Court, Manor Place, Oak Parish Crescent, Pound Close, Riverside Court, Shakespeare Drive, Swallowfield, Taddy Close, The Grange, The Pastures, Vinegar Hill, Wordsworth Close Bedford Road, Biggleswade, Brook End, , Caldecote Road, Chantry Piece, Northill Northill Village Hall, NOR3 693 Garner Close, Hatch, Ickwell Bury, Ickwell Road, Lark Rise, Northill Road, Queens Parish Ickwell Road, Northill Close, Sand lane, The Green, Thorncote Road, Tompions End, Warden Road.

- 60 - Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire* CBC Ward: Northill Parish: Old Warden

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Old Warden Old Warden Village NOR4* 226 All streets within the parish Parish Hall, Old Warden Page 71 Page

- 61 - Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire* CBC Ward: Northill Parish: Southill (Broom Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Southill Broom Village Hall, Bancroft Avenue, Birch Close, High Road, High Street, Kings Road, Southill Road, NOR5* 486 Parish High Street, Broom The Maynards, The Woodlands Page 72 Page

Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire* CBC Ward: Northill Parish: Southill (Southill Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Broom Cross Roads, Chapel Lane, High Street, Howards Close, Ireland, New Southill Southill Parish Hall, NOR6* 237 Rowney, Old Rowney, Old Warden Park, School Lane, Southill, Southill Park, Parish Stanford Road, Southill Stanford Road

- 62 - Parliamentary Constituencies: North East Bedfordshire & Mid Bedfordshire* CBC Ward: Northill Parish: Southill (Stanford Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Southill The Green Man, Broom Road, Clifton Road, Gilpin Close, Mill Road, Old School Lane, Shefford Road, NOR7* 218 Parish Southill Road, Stanford Southill Road, Stanford Bury, Stanford Lane, Stanford Road, The Crescent Page 73 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Parkside Parish: Houghton Regis (Parkside)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Bloomsbury Gardens, Brentwood Close, Bromley Gardens, Chelsea Gardens, Dylan Hawthorn Park School, Houghton Court, Elm Park Close, Enfield Close, Hammersmith Close, Hammersmith Gardens, PARK1 Parkside Drive, 1995 Regis Parish Johnson Court, Manning Court, Neptune Close, Neptune Square, Parkside Drive, Houghton Regis Sundon Road, Trident Drive, Westminster Gardens

- 63 - Abbey Walk, Ash Well Walk, Burford Walk, Conway Close, Cumbria Close, Dolphin Hawthorn Park School, Drive, Fareham Way, Fensome Drive, Fenwick Road, Gillan Way, Grangeway, Houghton PARK2 Parkside Drive, 1530 Henley Close, Hinton Walk, Kirton Way, Leaside, Linmere Walk Long Meadow, Regis Parish Houghton Regis Melton Walk, Newbury Road, Parkside Drive, Parkway, Rosedale, Rose Walk, Sundon Road, Therfield Walk

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Dunton

Page 74 Page Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Dunton Memorial Hall, Dunton POT1 Biggleswade Road, 545 All streets within the parish Parish Dunton

- 64 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish:

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Dunton Memorial Hall, Dunton POT2 Biggleswade Road, 56 All streets within the parish Parish Dunton Page 75 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Everton

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Everton Everton Village Hall, POT3 397 All streets within the parish Parish Church Road, Everton

- 65 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Eyeworth

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Dunton Memorial Hall, Dunton POT4 Biggleswade Road, 61 All streets within the parish Parish Page 76 Page Dunton

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Potton

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Astwood Close, Baker Avenue, Beech Court, Bellvue Close, Berridge Fields, Potton Potton & District Club, Biggleswade Road, Boxall Close, Burmo Way, Byards Green, Catherines Close, POT5 2104 Parish Station Road, Potton Caves Court, Chapel Street, Chapel Yard, Chapman Close, Common Road, Deepdale, Drew Croft, Everton Road, The Heath, Festival Road, Gamlingay, Garden Fields, Horslow Street, Jacobs Close, Ibbett Lane, Jennings Close, Larkins Close,

- 66 - Langley Gardens, Lawson Grove, Lewis Corner, Mayston Close, Mill Lane, Munkman Close, Myers Road, Newtown, Nursery Close, Oak Crescent, Old Bedford Road, Paddocks Chase, Potton Road, Sandy Road, Station Court, Sutton Mill Road, Sycamore Close, The Paddocks, The Ridgeway, Torrington Close, Willow Court, Willow Road Aldgate Close, Barnwell Rise, Biggleswade Road, Blackbird Street, Braybrooks Drive, Brook End, Brookfield, Bull Street, Burdetts Court, Bury Hill, Carters Lane, Chapel Street, Church Causeway, Diamond Court, Downside Gardens, Everton Road, Gamlingay Road, Hatley Road, Hawthorn Close, Home Lane, Horslow Street, Potton Community Potton Hutchinson Rise, Judith Gardens, King Street, Kitchener Grove, Manor Gardens, POT6 Centre, Brook End, 1898 Parish Manor Way, Market Square, Meeting Lane, Myers Road, Royston Court, Royston Potton Street, Sheepwalk Close, Sheffield Close, Simms Place, Spencer Close, Stewart Croft, Sun street, Sutton Road, Tear Crescent, The Baulk, The Manor, West End Lane, Wingfield Drive, Woodland Close, Wrestlingworth Road, Yates Meadow, Yew

Page 77 Page Tree Close

- 67 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Sutton

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Sutton Sutton Village Hall,

Page 78 Page POT7 232 All streets within the parish Parish High Street, Sutton

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Tempsford

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Ebenezer Chapel, Tempsford POT8 Station Road, 473 All streets within the parish Parish Tempsford

- 68 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Potton Parish: Wrestlingworth & Cockayne Hatley

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Wrestlingworth & Wrestlingworth Cockayne Hatley POT9 & 10 Memorial Hall, Church 630 All streets within the parish Parish Lane, Wrestlingworth Page 79 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Sandy Parish: Blunham

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Blunham Blunham Playing Field SAN1 Pavilion, Barford Road, 856 All streets within the parish Parish Blunham

- 69 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Sandy Parish: Sandy (Beeston Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Brook End, East Side, Grange Gardens, High Road, High Road , Hillview, Sandy 21 Orchard Road, Orchard Road, The Cloches, The Crescent, The Green, The Knolls, West View, SAN2 465 Page 80 Page Parish Beeston Whitestones, Great North, Road, London Road, Nursery Drive, Sandy, Tempsford Road Beeston Methodist Sandy Ash Close, Elder Close, High Road, High Road Seddington, Lime Avenue, Meadow SAN3 Church, The Baulk, 194 Parish Close, New Road, The Baulk Beeston Sandy 21 Orchard Road, Great North Road, London Road, Nursery Drive, Girtford Bridge House, The Holiday SAN4 Parish Beeston Inn, Tempsford Road

- 70 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Sandy Parish: Sandy (Fallowfield Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Avocet Close, Brambling Close, Crow Hill, Cuckoo Close, Dove Close, Falcon Close, Fieldfare, Goldfinch Drive, Hawk Drive, Kestrel Way, Kingfisher Close, Larks Rise, Maple Tree Primary Linnet Close, Merlin Drive, Osprey Close, Owlswood, Partridge Piece, Pipit Grove, Sandy Page 81 Page SAN5 School, Hawk Drive, 1512 Plovers Field, Robin Close, Rothbury Close, Starling Close, Swallow Crescent, Swift Parish Fallowfield, Sandy Close, Great North Road, Tempsford Road, The Buntings, The Finches, The Harriers, The Jays, The Rookery, Weavers Green, Woodcock Close, Woodpecker Way, Wren Close

- 71 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Sandy Parish: Sandy (Ivel Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Brandreth Place, Centurion Walk, Deepdale, Edgecumbe Court, Greyhound View, Sandy Sandy Library, Market High Street, Ivel Road, Ivel View, Market Square, Monoux Place, Ongley Court, Park SAN6 558 Page 82 Page Parish Square, Sandy Road, Potton Road, Roman’s View, Sandpiper Court, Stratford Road, Willow Rise, Woolfield Albion Court, All Hallows, All Saints Way, Bedford Road, Bickerdikes Gardens, Birch Grove, Braybrook, Carter Street, Cedar Gardens, Church Path, Coopers Close, Elm Tree Road, Filland Court, Foster Grove, Girtford Crescent, Harvey Court, Heron Sandy Youth Centre, Sandy Close, Kings Road, Laburnum Road, London Road, Manor Road, Mayfield Court, Mill SAN6 Swansholme Gardens, 2295 Parish Lane, Park Court, Park Mews, Poplar Close, Queens Road, Rivermead gardens, Sandy Robert Hunt Gardens, Sandford Rise, South Road, Spencer Road, Spring Grove, Station Road, Swan Lane, Swansholme Garden Court, Swansholme Gardens, The Avenue, West Road, Western Way, Westfield Gardens

- 72 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Sandy Parish: Sandy (Pinnacle Ward)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Abbey Grove, Alfred Cope Road, Alnwick Close, Arran Close, Banks Drive, Berwick Way, Bidlake Croft, Brickhill Close, Brickhill Road, Cambridge Road, Carlisle Close, Cherrycroft, Churchill Way, Dapifer Drive, Deepdale, Downing Court, East Road,

Page 83 Page Edward Close, Everton Park, Everton Road, Faynes Court, Friars Walk, Glebe Close, Glebe Road, Greens Close, Jubillee Close, Leeds Smith Drive, Lindisfarne Close, Sandy Sandy Town Council, SAN7 2419 Longfield Road, Magnolia House, Malaunay Place, Market Square, Middleham Parish Cambridge Road, Sandy Close, Mills Walk, Moores Court, Newton Way, Northcroft, Peels place, Pickering Close, Pleasant Place, Potton Road, Prince Georges Drive, Rectory Court, Rutland Gardens, Sand Lane, Sandon Close, Skipton Close, St Neots Road, St Swithuns Way, Stonecroft, Sunderland Road, Swaden, Warkworth Close, Windsor Way, Wynnefield Walk Balmoral Close, Belam Way, Brindley Close, Bunyan Road, Cauldwell Court, College Road, Cottage Road, Delamare Close, Engayne Avenue, Handley Court, Havelock Sandy Sandy Village Hall, Close, Kingsley Court, Maple Road, Medussa Way, Midland Road, Oak Close, SAN8 1609 Parish Medusa Way, Sandy Pentland Close, Powers Close, Pyms Way, Quince Court, Rowan Court, Shannon Close, St Neots Road, Stirling Close, Talisman Close, Waverley Avenue, Wesley Road, Winchester Road

- 73 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Shefford Parish: Campton & Chicksands

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Campton & Campton Village Hall, Chicksands SHEFF1 Gravenhurst Road, 1059 All streets within the parish

Page 84 Page Parish Campton

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Shefford Parish: Meppershall

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Meppershall Village Meppershall SHEFF2 Hall, Walnut Tree Way, 1446 All streets within the parish Parish Meppershall

- 74 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Shefford Parish: Shefford

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Ampthill Road, Axon Paddock, Back Lane, Bentley Mews, Bloomfield Drive, Bramley Close, Campton Road, Davy Drive, Faraday Corner, George Street, Hazel Close, Shefford Community Heron Close, Kingfisher Road, Lambs Close, Lovelace Meadow, Mallard Close, Shefford Page 85 Page SHEFF3 Hall, High Street, 1308 Midland Close, Midland Gardens, Newton Grove, New Street, Nightingale Mews, Parish Shefford Old Bridge Way, Osborn Crescent, Penfold Close, Priory Gate, River View, School Lane, Scotgrange Meadow, Shepherds Place, Swallow Close, The Hollies, The Pyghtle, Turing Gardens, Wynchwood Lane Angle Green, Bedford Road, Byrnes Mews, Celtic Mead, Coach House Mews, Cornish Close, Great Hill, Gresham Way, Hardwick Close, High Street, Jubilee Place, Shefford Community Shefford Jute Gardens, Kingsmede, Lucas Way, Norman Croft, North Bridge Street, Old SHEFF4 Hall, High Street, 1151 Parish Station Way, Palmer Close, Powells Road, Riverside, Roman Mews, Saxon Field, Shefford South Bridge Street, Stanford Road, Town Meadow Drive, Viking Meadow, Walkers Close

- 75 - Alamein Close, Arnhem Place, Beechwood Rise, Bridge View, Churchill Way, Coopers Court, Digswell Close, Eisenhower Road, Elm Road, Harrow Way, Harvest Shefford Shefford Memorial Hall, Rise, Hitchin Road, Ivel Close, Ivel Road, Lancaster Place, Montgomery Avenue, SHEFF5 1266 Parish Hitchin Road, Shefford Oakwood Road, Overlord Close, Plough Lane, Queen Elizabeth Close, Roosevelt Avenue, Smiths Court, Spitfire Road, Squires Close, Squires Park, Thresher Close, Victoria Road, Willow Way Ashdown Road, Barber End, Bliss Avenue, Britten Road, Bury Road, Cedar Close, Shefford Shefford Memorial Hall, Clifton Road, Elgar Drive, Grieg Close, Heronslee, Hyde Close, Iveldale Drive, Maple SHEFF6 1403 Parish Hitchin Road, Shefford Drive, Mayfields, Millstream Court, Olivers Court, Peartree Close, Pinemead, Purcell Way, Southfields, Sullivan Close, Tippett Drive, Walton Close, Webber Close

Page 86 Page Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Silsoe & Shillington Parish: Gravenhurst

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Gravenhurst Village Gravenhurst S&S1 Hall, High Street, 460 All streets within the parish Parish Gravenhurst

- 76 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Silsoe & Shillington Parish: Shillington

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Shillington Shillington Village Hall, S&S2 1597 All streets within the parish Parish High Road, Shillington Page 87 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Silsoe & Shillington Parish: Silsoe

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Silsoe Silsoe Village Hall, High S&S3 2259 All streets within the parish Parish Street, Silsoe

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire - 77 - CBC Ward: Stotfold & Langford Parish: Astwick

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Stotfold Salvation Army Hall, S&L1 24 All streets within the parish Parish Church Road, Stotfold Page 88 Page

- 78 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Stotfold & Langford Parish: Langford

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Bentley Close, Cambridge Close, Cambridge Gardens, Cambridge Road, Cambridge Way, Chapel Court, Chessum Road, Church Crescent, Church Street, Common Road, Crown Lane, Edworth Road, Ewbank Corner, Flexmore Way, High Street, St Andrews Church Page 89 Page Langford Honeybee Close, Ivel Close, Lakes Close, Langford Road, Langford Nurseries, Mager S&L2 Hall, Church Street, 1694 Parish Way, Merryweather Grove, Mill Lane, Mill Meadow, Old Mill Close, Pound Close, Langford Rivermead Court, Rowley Meadows, Seward Place, Southland Rise, Station Road, Steamer Croft, The Fields, The Leys, Tithe Farm Close, Vicarge Close, Victoria Close, West View, Whiteman Close, Whiteman Gardens, Wilmon Court, Wrestlers Grove. Ashby Court, Bramble Corner, Campion Edge, Church Farm Close, Church Street, St Andrews Church Denny Crescent, East Road, Edworth Road, Elderberry Close, Garfield, Gurneys Langford S&L3 Hall, Church Street, 1114 Lane, Jubillee Lane, King George Close, Manor Close, Mayflower Lane, Prospect Parish Langford Road, Queens Way, St Andrews Way, Station Road, The Avenue, The Butts, Windsor Way

- 79 - Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Stotfold & Langford Parish: Stotfold

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Alexander Road, Barndell Close, Church Road, Francis Close, High Street, Jasmine Court, Kingsway, Kingsway Gardens, Marschefield, Meadow Way, Mowbray Stotfold Salvation Army Hall, Page 90 Page S&L4 1917 Crescent, Princes Street, Regent Gardens, Regent Street, St Marys Avenue, Sorrel Parish Church Road, Stotfold Mews, The Avenue, The Crofts, The Mowbrays, Trinity Road, Upperstone Close, Vaughan Road, Walnut Close, Whitecrofts Alder Green, Aspen Gardens, Astwick Road, Blacksmith Close, Blackthorn Place, Brayes Manor, Castles Close, Cedar Corner, Chequers Close, Common Road, Dane Close, Drovers Lane, Elder Avenue, Great North Road, Hawthorn Croft, Home Close, Ivel Way, Juniper Mead, Maple Gardens, Mill Close, Mill Lane, Netherstones, Old Stotfold Salvation Army Hall, S&L5 1757 Brewery Close, Olivers Lane, Poplar Drive, Prince Andrew Drive, Prince Charles Parish Church Road, Stotfold Avenue, Prince Edward Way, Prince Harry Close, Prince William Close, Pryor Gardens, Queen Street, Regent Court, Rook Tree Close, Rook Tree Lane, Rowan Way, Saxon Avenue, Silver Avenue, Taylors Road, The Green, Victoria Drive, Wrayfields Arlesey Road, Brook Street, Coppice Mead, Fordham Courtyard, Hallworth Close, Stotfold Memorial Hall, Stotfold Hallworth Drive, Hazel Grove, Heron Way, Highbush Road, Hitchin Road, Howard S&L6 Hallworth Drive, 1521 Parish Close, Hunters Close, Hyde Avenue, Melbourne Close, Pix Road, Roe Close, St Stotfold Olives, The Gardens, The Mixies, The Vines, Waters End, Wyckland Close. Stotfold Greenacre Centre, S&L7 1580 Angelica Avenue, Baldock Road, Betony Gardens, Bryony Road, Buttercup Road, Parish Valerian Way, Stotfold Campion Avenue, Chamomile Way, Chapel Place, Chervil Road, Coltsfoot Road,

- 80 - Columbine Lane, Comfrey Road, Cornflower, Cowslip Drive, Daisy Lane, Fennel Avenue, Gentian Gardens, Grange Drive, Groveland Way, Harebell Avenue, Hollyhock Walk, Littlebury Close, Mallow Drive, Marigold Way, Marjoram Road, Meadowsweet Way, Mulberry Close, Murrell Lane, Norton Road, Peggles Lane, Poppy Walk, Queen Annes Close, Sorrel Drive, Speedwell Way, Tansy Avenue, Teasel Lane, The Coppins, Tormentil Grove, Valerian Way, Willowherb Way

Parliamentary Constituency: North East Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Stotfold & Langford Parish: Fairfield Page 91 Page

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Fairfield Community Fairfield S&L8 Hall, Kipling Crescent, 2032 All streets within the parish Parish Fairfield

- 81 - Parliamentary Constituency: South West Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Tithe Farm Parish: Houghton Regis (Tithe Farm)

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Thornhill Primary Eddiwick Avenue, Grove Road, Hillborough Crescent, Kent Road, Kentwick Square, Houghton TF1 School, Grove Road, 1091 School Walk, St Davids Way, Sundon Road, The Cloisters, Thornbury Court, Regis Parish Page 92 Page Houghton Regis Thornhill Close, Tithe Farm Road, Willow Way, Yew Street Houghton Regis Alsop Close, Ash Tree Road, Blackthorn Road, Borders Way, Cherry Tree Walk, Houghton Children’s Centre, Tithe TF2 978 Gable Way, Grasmere Walk, Leaf Road, Long Mead, Recreation Road, Short Path, Regis Parish Farm Road, Houghton Sundon Road, Sycamore Road, Tithe Farm Road Regis Bedford Square Beech Tree Way, Brambles Edge, Camp Drive, Crossways, Dalling Drive, Drury Houghton Community Centre, Close, Drury Lane, East End, Easthill Road, Farm Close, Hayley Court, High Street, TF3 1150 Regis Parish Tithe Farm Road, Leafields, Meadow Lane, Meads Close, Park Avenue, Peel Street, St Andrews Lane, Houghton Regis Sundon Road, The Green, The Quadrant, The Link, Tithe Farm Road

- 82 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Toddington Parish: Chalton

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Chalton Village Hall, Chalton TOD1 Water End Lane, 444 All streets within the parish Parish Chalton Page 93 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Toddington Parish: Harlington

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Harlington Parish Hall, Harlington TOD2 Church Road, 1801 All streets within the parish Parish Harlington

- 83 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Toddington Parish: Streatley

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Bushmead Community Chalkdown, Cromer Way, Dovedale, Farmbrook, Furze Close, Ingram Gardens,

Page 94 Page Streatley TOD3 Hub, Hancock Drive, 885 Lavender Close, Waterhall Farm, Saffron Close, The Belfry, Thyme Close, Troon Parish Luton Gardens, Wiseman Close, Yately Close Streatley Village Hall, Streatley Barton Road, Bury Lane, Church Road, Churchill Close, Luton, Sharpenhoe, TOD4 Sharpenhoe Road, 470 Parish Sharpenhoe Road, St Margarets Close, Stanley Road, Sundon Road Streatley

- 84 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Toddington Parish: Sundon

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Sundon Sundon Village Hall, TOD5 364 All streets within the parish Parish Streatley Road, Sundon Page 95 Page Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Toddington Parish: Toddington

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Toddington Village Hall, Toddington TOD6 Leighton Road, 3575 All streets within the parish Parish Toddington

- 85 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield Parish: Flitton & Greenfield

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Ampthill Road, Berberry Drive, Brook Lane, Church Lane, Cobbett Lane, Eves Field, Flitton & Flitton Church Hall, Flitton Hill, Greenfield Road, High Street, Highfield Road, Hollington Basin, Greenfield WF&G1 529 Page 96 Page Brook Lane, Flitton. Moorland Close, Sand Road, Silsoe Road, The Brambles, Wardhedges, Wardhedges Parish Road Beech Close, Bramley Gardens, Eaton Mews, Flitton Road, Greys Mews, High Flitton & Flitton & Greenfield Street, Holmewood Road, Homes End Road, Joes Close, Mill Lane, Moat Farm Greenfield WF&G2 Village Hall, Greenfield 568 Close, Moors View Close, Pulloxhill Road, School Lane, The Paddocks, Westoning Parish Road, Flitton Road

- 86 - Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield Parish: Pulloxhill

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Pulloxhill The Shelter, Orchard WF&G3 824 All streets within the parish Parish Road, Pulloxhill Page 97 Page

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire CBC Ward: Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield Parish: Tingrith

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Tingrith WF&G4 Manor Farm, Tingrith 126 All streets within the parish Parish

Parliamentary Constituency: Mid Bedfordshire - 87 - CBC Ward: Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield Parish: Westoning

Polling Polling Polling Station Electors Streets Place District

Westoning Village Hall, Westoning WF&G5 Church Road, 1642 All streets within the parish Parish Westoning Page 98 Page

- 88 - Page 99 Page

Find us online: Call: 0300 300 8008 Email: [email protected] Write to: Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ This page is intentionally left blank

Page 100 Central Bedfordshire Council is asking local residents and stakeholders to comment on existing polling places, districts and stations. We would like to hear where you think changes are required to polling places and districts, and suggestions for alternative locations for polling stations.

A polling place is the area in which the Returning Officer will allocate a polling station. The polling place should be designated so that the polling station is within easy reach of all electors from across the polling district.

A polling district is a geographical area created by the sub-division of a parliamentary constituency for the purposes of a UK Parliamentary election.

A polling station is the room or area within the polling place where voting takes place. Documents setting out existing arrangements can be found on the Council's website. Please read the documents before completing this questionnaire:

Please submit your response by Wednesday 11th December 2019. Which wards would you like to comment about? (please select all that apply) Ampthill (Ampthill, Clophill & Maulden parishes) Houghton Conquest & Haynes Arlesey (Arlesey, Clifton, Henlow & Stondon Houghton Hall parishes) Leighton Buzzard Linslade Aspley & Woburn (Aspley Guise, Aspley Heath, Battlesden, Eversholt, Husborne Crawley, Milton Leighton Buzzard North Bryan, Potsgrove & Woburn parishes) Leighton Buzzard South Barton-Le-Clay Northill Biggleswade North (Ivel) Parkside Biggleswade South (Holme & Stratton parishes) Potton Caddington (Caddington, Hyde, Kensworth, Slip End, Studham & Whipsnade parishes) Sandy Cranfield & Marston Moretayne Shefford Dunstable Central Silsoe & Shillington Dunstable Icknield Stotfold & Langford Dunstable Manshead Tithe Farm Dunstable Northfields Toddington (Chalton, Harlington, Streatley, Sundon and Toddington parishes) Dunstable Watling Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield (Flitton & Eaton Bray Greenfield, Pulloxhill, Tingrith and Westoning parishes) Flitwick Heath & Reach

Page 101 Which polling place/district/station would you like to respond about? Please respond about one polling place/district/station at a time. This questionnaire will allow you to respond about 3 individual polling places. If you would like to respond about more than 3, please use additional copies of this page.

Please refer to pages 4-88 in the consultation document and provide the details below for which place/district/station you would like to comment about.

Polling place:

Polling district:

Polling station: Please make your comment below:

Do you have any alternatives to suggest?

Would you like to respond about any other polling place/district/station? (please select one) Yes No - if no, please go to the 'About You' section

Page 102 Which polling place/district/station would you like to respond about?

Please refer to pages 4-88 in the consultation document and provide the details below for which place/district/station you would like to comment about

Polling place:

Polling district:

Polling station: Please make your comment below:

Do you have any alternatives to suggest?

Would you like to respond about any other polling place/district/station? (please select one) Yes No - if no, please go to the 'About You' section

Page 103 Which polling place/district/station would you like to respond about?

Please refer to pages 4-88 in the consultation document and provide the details below for which place/district/station you would like to comment about

Polling place:

Polling district:

Polling station: Please make your comment below:

Do you have any alternatives to suggest?

About You This section is about you. The following information will help us when considering your opinions and to make sure that we're getting views of a cross-section of the community. The answers will not be used to identify any individual. You can read more about why we ask these questions on our website. All of these questions are optional, and you can give as much or as little information as you wish. Are you responding as: (please select one one) Resident Local Business MP or MEP Voluntary or Community organisation Political party Other Town or Parish Council If Town or Parish Council, please specify:

If Voluntary or Community organisation, please specify:

If other, please specify:

Page 104 Are you: (please select one) Male Female What is your age? (please select one) Under 16 yrs 45-59 yrs 16-19 yrs 60- 64 yrs 20-29 yrs 65-74 yrs 30-44 yrs 75+ yrs Do you consider yourself disabled? (please select one) Under the Equality Act 2010 a person is considered to have a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a sustained and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Yes No To which of these groups do you consider you belong? (please select one) White British Mixed ethnicity Black or Black British Other ethnic group Asian or Asian British If other, please specify:

What is your home or organisation's postcode? This will only be used for analysis purposes and will not be used to identify you in any way.

If you would like to receive alerts for any new consultations, please provide your email address below to be added our database, this will not be used or shared in any other capacity:

Thank you.

Please return your completed form by Wednesday 11th December 2019 to: Freepost RSJS GBBZ SRZT (you do not need a stamp) Polling Places consultation Central Bedfordshire Council Priory House, Monks Walk Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ Data Protection Act 2018 Please note that your personal details supplied on this form will be held and/or computerised by Central Bedfordshire Council for the purpose of this survey. The information collected may be disclosed to officers and members of the Council and its partners involved in this survey. Summarised information from the forms may be published, but no individual details will be disclosed under these circumstances. Your personal details will be safeguarded and will not be divulged to any other individuals or organisations for any other purposes. If you do not wish to have your personal details retained for the purposes given, please contact [email protected] who will arrange for their removal and deletion. We will only be able to locate your data for removal if you have provided us with a personal identifier, such as your email address.

Page 105 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 106 Agenda Item 7




Present: Councillors: K Cursons A Dodwell (Chair) S Jones D Scott R Goodchild D Bowater

Other: M Saccoccio (Town Clerk) S Sandiford (Head of Democratic & Central Services)

Members of the public: 0


No apologies for absence had been received.


Members were asked to declare any interests, including the nature of those interests, which they had in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. No declarations were made.


No members of the public were present.


The minutes of the Personnel Sub-Committee meeting held on 1 July 2019 were received. It was noted that a date had now been agreed for the Town Clerk’s appraisal.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Personnel Sub-Committee meeting held on 1 July 2019 be approved as a correct record and were signed accordingly.


RESOLVED that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded on the grounds of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information. The public and press to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of detailed discussion regarding staffing matters.

Page 107 Page 3 Personnel Sub-Committee 14 OCTOBER 2019


The Sub-Committee received a six-monthly update report from Luton Borough Council in respect of the Service Level Agreement for Human Resources and Occupational Health support. Advice has been sought on a range of matters during the period April – September 2019.

RESOLVED to note the report.


The Sub-Committee received a report regarding staff sickness absence for the period 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019. The number of days lost was significantly lower than the previous year, reflecting a minimal amount of long-term absence. Over half of employees had had no sickness absence whatsoever during the year. Support mechanisms in place for staff included bi-annual health checks, the employee assistance programme and the Compassionate and Special Leave procedure, which included disability leave.

It was felt that the positive working relationship between elected Members and employees was of vital importance in terms of supporting both groups and reducing potential for stress related issues.

RESOLVED to note the report.


The Sub-Committee received a verbal update in terms of the annual appraisal process and maternity cover arrangements in the Central Services team.

The Sub-Committee acknowledged the fine balance between available resources and workload resulting from the Council’s proposed projects and objectives. This would be kept under review.


The Sub-Committee received a report regarding the work undertaken over a period of several months by the Astral Park Task and Finish Group and gave consideration to the recommendations which had been put forward by the Group. A number of questions were asked and answered.

RESOLVED: (i) To note the report. (ii) To make changes to the existing Astral Park staffing structure. (iii) To create proposed Job Descriptions to be more reflective of future Town Council needs.

Page 108 Page 4 Personnel Sub-Committee 14 OCTOBER 2019

(iv) To implement the Town Council’s organisational change process for those affected.

The meeting closed at 1951 hours.



Page 109 Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank




Present : Councillors A Dodwell S Hemmings (substituting for F Kharawala) R Goodchild S Owen C Palmer (substituting for R Berry) T Morris (Chair) V Harvey

Also in attendance: M Saccocio, Town Clerk S Sandiford (Head of Democratic & Central Services) M Jahn, Committee Officer Sergeant L Mitchell () C Gurney, Central Bedfordshire Council P Latimer and R George, Leighton-Linslade Homeless Service

Members of the Public: 0


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor R Berry (substituted by Councillor C Palmer) and Councillor F Kharawala (substituted by Councillor S Hemmings) and Councillor J Silverstone.


Members were asked to declare any interests, including the nature of those interests, which they had in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Councillor Dodwell declared an interest as a member of the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel.


There were no questions from the public.


The Sub-Committee received the draft minutes of the Community Safety Sub- Committee meeting held on 15 July 2019.

Minute reference 08/CS (CCTV & Re-Deployable Cameras): the Sub-Committee was informed that a CCTV report was not available due to a fault with equipment and that a new location had now been identified for a control room, with further details to be provided at a future meeting.

Minute reference 10/CS (Community Emergency Plan): a question was asked

Page 111 Page 4 Community Safety Sub-Committee 21 OCTOBER 2019

regarding what progress had been made with this plan. The Sub-Committee was informed that a Working Party reviewed the draft plan and it was anticipated that this would come back to the Sub-Committee in January 2020, before being presented to Policy and Finance and Council.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Safety Sub-Committee meeting held on 15 July 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed accordingly.


The Sub-Committee received an update from Charlotte Gurney of Central Bedfordshire Council and Paul Latimer and Rosie George of the Leighton- Linslade Homeless Service regarding services and pathways available to those in need in Leighton-Linslade. The services provided included the Night Shelter at the Black Horse, a food bank, drop-in sessions and access to a doctor from a local surgery.

A short video was shown where a guest at the Black Horse gave his views on the work carried out and how it had enabled him to turn his life around and begin to look to a positive future.

It was recognised that there was great concern about rough sleeping and that many residents wanted to be able to help. It was felt that the most important factor was to raise awareness of all the support and services which were already available to help rough sleepers and to perhaps encourage residents to give their support to those services. The needs of those in this situation were often complex and related to many other factors including addiction or relationship breakdown. The pathways in place aimed to help individuals address these issues and empower them to move forward with their lives in a positive manner.

Charlotte Gurney from Central Bedfordshire Council also spoke to reaffirm that the stigma surrounding rough sleepers needed to be addressed and that a key message to the public was to let them know that many services were in place to provide help and support. A range of communications would be developed to help spread these messages across the community. The Sub Committee was advised of the Street Link service whereby the public could report concerns about rough sleepers, all of which would then be followed by the relevant authority.

A meeting would be taking place on 22 October to discuss what strategies could be used to share information and inform the public of services available and how these could be accessed.

Thanks were given to all those involved with the Black Horse for all their hard work for the Leighton-Linslade Homeless Service.

RESOLVED to note the information.


Page 112 Page 5 Community Safety Sub-Committee 21 OCTOBER 2019

(a) The Sub-Committee had received a written report regarding crime and antisocial behaviour in advance of the meeting and a verbal summary was given by Sgt L Mitchell of Bedfordshire Police regarding activity undertaken in respect of Operation Dodford and incidents of note for July, August and September 2019. It was noted that the rise in street robberies, especially with young people and bicycles, had now stabilised after extra patrols in the parks and a significant arrest made, giving a downturn in these crimes. Dedicated patrols would be available for Halloween and Firework night to combat anti-social behaviour.

A question was raised as to whether Stop and Search powers were used and if knife crime was a problem in the town. It was confirmed Stop and Search powers were used in the appropriate cases and that although knife crime was reviewed at force level, any problems occurring locally would be addressed.

The Sub-Committee thanked PS Liam Mitchell for providing an update and for the continuing hard work in the town.

(b) The Sub-Committee received and considered a report in respect of the use of Operation Dodford underspend for the purpose of providing a community- based initiative to help address the fear of crime. Whilst further discussions needed to take place to determine if this would be an appropriate scheme locally, the Sub-Committee expressed support for the principle and agreed that further scoping work should take place.


(i) to support the principle of using Operation Dodford underspend to provide a community-based initiative to help combat the fear of crime within the Parish.

(ii) that further scoping work be carried out into the merits or otherwise of Street Wise project, that would be subject to future approval.


No CCTV report was available for the summer months, due to a malfunction of equipment at the Control centre. This had now been resolved so it was anticipated that the usual monthly reports would be available at the next meeting.


Street Watch

The Sub-Committee was informed that the next Street Watch meeting would be held on the 4 November 2019. Earpieces were now available for use by the volunteers.

Speed Watch

Page 113 Page 6 Community Safety Sub-Committee 21 OCTOBER 2019

Speed Watch happened once a month but more volunteers were needed. A call for volunteers was scheduled to be included in the next edition of the About Town community newsletter produced by the Council.

Shop Watch

The shops were now beginning to put up Shop Watch signs similar to the Pub Watch scheme, whereby people could be banned for persistent repeat offences.

RESOLVED to purchase of Speed Watch signs for the ten main entry roads to the parish at a cost of £549.60 plus VAT (includes installation).

RESOLVED to note the information.


RESOLVED that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded on the grounds of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information. The public and press to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of detailed discussion regarding: Operational Policing.

21/CS OPERATIONAL POLICING The Sub-Committee was informed that a team of 10 officers and one Sergeant worked out of Leighton Buzzard Hub, of which one was a new PC replacing a Police Community Support Officer. They all worked out of the hub at the fire station and a question was raised regarding whether a front office would be a positive addition to the service. Sergeant Mitchell confirmed that members of the public could come to the hub but that most of the time, the community policing team was out on the streets. This was possible as officers could now work from their car or any public area to complete their paperwork and by doing this, it also provided a visible police presence to members of the public. It was agreed that publicity around what was available at the hub was needed, as not all residents were aware of its existence.

The meeting closed at 2124 hours.


Chair 13 January 2020

Page 114 Page 7




Present: Councillors C Palmer (Chair) S Hemmings S Jones M Freeman R Goodchild A Gray

Also in attendance: M Saccoccio (Town Clerk) S Sandiford (Head of Democratic and Central Services) M Jahn (Committee Officer)

Members of the Public: 8


It was proposed by Councillor S Jones and seconded by Councillor S Hemmings that Councillor C Palmer be appointed Chair of the Grants and Awards Sub- Committee for the municipal year 2019-2020. There were no further nominations. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

RESOLVED to appoint Councillor C Palmer Chair of the Grants and Awards Sub-Committee for the municipal year 2019-2020.


It was proposed by Councillor S Jones and seconded by Councillor A Gray that Councillor S Hemmings be appointed Vice Chair of the Grants and Awards Sub- Committee for the municipal year 2019-2020. There were no further nominations. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

RESOLVED to appoint Councillor S Hemmings Vice Chair of the Grants and Awards Sub-Committee for the municipal year 2019-2020.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K Cursons, J D’Este- Hoare and B Spurr.


Members were asked to declare any interests, including the nature of those interests, which they had in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Page 115 Page 1 Grants & Awards Sub-Committee 4 November 2019

Councillor A Gray declared an interest in the General Grant application made by Trinity Scout Group, due to being a Trustee at Trinity Methodist Church.


A member of the public and representative from The Friends of Tiddenfoot Waterside Park spoke in support of their application to purchase wicker hurdles and stakes to continue their work within the park.

A member of the public and representative of Rushmere Parkrun spoke briefly to inform the Sub-Committee of the role of Parkrun within the community and to support their application for General Grant funding to purchase replacement signage and equipment for their weekly free Parkrun.

Two members of the public and representatives of LB Better Speakers spoke briefly of the work carried out by their organisation and their request for General Grant funding to provide 12 monthly workshops at Leighton Buzzard library on communication skills within the workplace and socially.

A member of the public and representative of Trinity Scout Group spoke in support of their application for funding which would benefit the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts with the purchase of equipment to aid work on their newly acquired allotment.

A member of the public and representative from Greenfields Residents Forum spoke briefly in support of their application for funding towards the cost of a coach trip to see the London Christmas lights for residents and carers.

A member of the public and representative of Freddie and Friends Sunshine Stop informed the Sub-Committee of the continued work carried out by the organisation and in support of their application for General Grant Funding to enable them to hold more activity days, purchase equipment and potentially hold a weekend group to give families respite and support over the weekend.


The Sub-Committee received the draft minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2019.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2019 be approved as a correct record and were signed accordingly.


The Sub-Committee received a thorough verbal update from Kash Karimzandi, Chief Officer of Citizens Advice Leighton-Linslade (CALL), in respect of the grant funding received from the Town Council and services provided to the public. It was noted that members of the public were seeking advice for increasingly complex issues, particularly in respect of debts, assistance with Universal Credit applications and all other benefits.

Page 116 Page 2 Grants & Awards Sub-Committee 4 November 2019

CALL provided independent advice within Leighton-Linslade, opening five days a week with one evening session on a Monday, an outreach session at a local General Practice for their patients on a fortnightly basis and telephone and email advice throughout the week. Ad-hoc outreach sessions were also run from the TACTIC centre. At present CALL had 8 members of staff and up to 50 volunteers working out of Bossard House, providing assistance for a variety of problems and needs. Specialist advisers offered advice on Universal Credit, EU settlement applications, Employment and Support Allowance and disability benefits. Appointments were generally booked months in advance and more advisers were being trained to meet this need.

CALL used an external Treasury model to estimate the value to their clients through income gained in benefits, debts written off and consumer problems resolved. It was calculated that residents derived a benefit of more than £40 for every £1 invested in CALL, making a positive difference to the local community of Leighton-Linslade.

Current funding came from Leighton-Linslade Town Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, Welfare Reform Grant, Money Advice and Pensions Service, Help to Claim project and Trust. CALL also ran its own in- house fundraising events. However, looking ahead to 2020-21 it was anticipated that nearly £20,000 could be lost from the core funding, which was likely to have an impact on the delivery of core services in the town.

Kash Karimzandi thanked Leighton-Linslade Town Council for its support, which enabled its vital work to continue for local residents.

The Sub-Committee thanked Ms Karimzandi for her comprehensive and positive report and also expressed thanks to all those involved at CALL for their hard work within the Leighton-Linslade community.

RESOLVED to note the report.

08/GA GENERAL GRANT APPLICATIONS (2nd round for 2019-2020)

The Sub-Committee was advised that the budget allocated for General Grants in 2019-2020 totalled £10,000. A total of £2,700 remained available following the approval of grants totalling £7,300 earlier in the year.

RESOLVED to note the information.

The Sub-Committee received a summary of the seven applications received for a General Grant in 2019-2020, along with a summary of the documents submitted with the applications.

It was noted that the application submitted by Freddie & Friends Sunshine Stop was a second application within the same financial year. However, the Sub- Committee recognised that the majority of the first grant had been for the wider community benefit through the hire of a Mobiloo facility for the Carnival, rather than benefitting the group itself. In order to fund additional equipment and sessions offering respite to local families, it was agreed that on this occasion, a

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second grant could be awarded.

RESOLVED to approve General Grant funding amounting to £2,720 as follows, subject to all applicants having met the required criteria by providing the required documentation:

Organisation Purpose of General Grant Amount Friends of Tiddenfoot To buy wicker hurdles and stakes to £500 Waterside Park surround areas of acid grassland in TWP Sacred Heart To provide hot meals and shelter on £500 Homeless Lunch Club Friday to the homeless at the Sacred Heart Church Hall Rushmore Parkrun To replace signage and equipment £228 for the weekly free Parkrun LB Better Speakers To provide 12 monthly workshops at £492 LB Library on communication skills (workplace and social) Trinity Scout Group For the Beavers, Cubs and scouts to £250 work on an allotment to grow fruit trees and vegetables Greenfields Residents Towards the cost of a coach trip to £250 Forum see the London Christmas lights for residents and carers Freddie and Friends To hold more activity days, purchase £500 Sunshine Stop equipment and look at holding a weekend group to give families respite and support over the weekend


(a) The Sub-Committee received the minutes of the Grants and Awards Task and Finish Group meeting held on 14 October 2019 and considered recommendations contained therein.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2019 be approved as a correct record and were signed accordingly.

(b) The Sub-Committee received and considered the recommendations made by the Grants & Awards Task and Finish Group in respect of the Guaranteed Grants and General Grants Schemes from 2020-21 onwards.

RECOMMENDED to the Policy & Finance Committee that:

(i) No changes be made to grant criteria and guidelines for 2020 onwards, beyond minor amendments to ensure consistency and to bring up to date. (ii) No changes be made to the four year term of Guaranteed Grants. (iii) No changes be made to the £500 maximum for General Grants.

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(iv) No change be made to the annual budget of £10,000 for General Grants at this time (demand to be monitored). (v) The budget for Guaranteed Grants for 2020-21 be increased to a maxiumum of £35,000 (to be reduced thereafter if not fully allocated to approved applicants).

RECOMMENDED to Policy & Finance Committee:

(i) To launch the Leighton-Linslade Community Volunteer Awards in 2021. (ii) That nominees for the award should have given at least 5 years of voluntary service to the benefit of the town. (iii) To remove the current prohibition on nominations for those who had served on the last Town council administration (iv) That awards be presented each year at the Civic Service. (v) To continue the tradition that normally a maximum of three awards would be given each year (giving scope to increase this in extraordinary circumstances). (vi) To maintain the existing budget provision of £300 per year. (vii) To delegate to the Town Clerk authority to determine the nature of the actual award to be presented. (viii) To invite the TACTIC Youth Forum to put forward suggestions for a suitable award scheme for young people.


The Committee may consider it appropriatte to consider the following resolution should they consier that any discussion would be prejudicial to the public interests: that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded on the grounds of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information. The public and press to withdraw from the meeting during consideration of detailed discussion regarding: nominations for the 2020 Honorary Burgess Award.


The Sub-Committee received and discussed five Honorary Burgess nominations. After discussion the Sub-Committee agreed to put forward three nominations, with a request for more information to be obtained for two, before proceeding for approval by Policy and Finance Committee. Prior to consideration by committee in January 2020, consent would now be sought from nominees to proceed with the award procedure.

RECOMMENDED to the Policy and Finance Committee to consider recommending to Council approval of three nominations for the 2020 Honorary Burgess award, subject to further detail being received and consent obtained from nominees.

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The meeting closed at 2044 hours.


Chair 11 MAY 2020

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Meeting Date Regular Updates Work Plan 2019-2020 17 June 2019 Town Mayor’s Accounts 2018-2019 Annual accounts and governance statement Insurance renewal Data protection update Websites refresh update 29 July 2019 3-month budget Approval of budget timeline for 2020-21 budget monitoring Insurance claims 2018-19 review of first year Asset register Community safety review (objective #9 & #15) I.T. review and budget recommendations 16 September 2019 Communications Review priority projects for inclusion in 2020-21 budget update External auditor’s report for 2018-19

Page 121 Page 6-month budget Business Risk action plan update monitoring 18 November 2019 5 year financial plan Review priority projects for inclusion in 2020-2021 budget Receive first whole Council draft budget for 2020-21 Volunteer policy update (objective #6)

20 January 2020 9-month budget Recommend to Council the budget and precept for 2020-2021 monitoring Consider Honorary Burgess 2020 nomination/s as recommended by Sub-Committee Consider updated Business Risk Register & proposed Action Plan for 2020-2021 Consider draft Community Emergency Plan Agenda Item 8

24 February 2020 Communications Draft Calendar of Meetings 2020-2021 update Review Town Council/employee memberships Annual review of Financial regulations, Standing Orders and System of internal control Review draft revised Volunteer Policy (objective #6) Review draft Customer Service Strategy (objective #4)

20 April 2020 12-month budget Draft Annual Report 2019-2020 monitoring report Review of Committee Objectives 2019-20; Setting provisional Committee Objectives 2020-2021 Annual review of arrangements with local authorities.

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Page 123 Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Agenda Item 12

Policy and Finance Committee

Date: 18 November 2019

Title: Volunteer Policy

Purpose of the Report: To provide the Committee with information in respect of Volunteering.

Contact Officer: Sarah Sandiford, Head of Democratic and Central Services

Corporate Objective/s LLTC Three Year Plan – Aim 1:

Implications: Financial X Human Resources X Operational/Service  To ensure the Council can delivery continue to work productively and positively with volunteers. Procedural/Legal  To ensure Council policy remains up to date and fit for purpose. Risk/Health and Safety X


Should members be minded, the proposals are:

1.1 To note the report and the proposed timeline of activity in respect of revisions to the Council’s Volunteering Policy.


2.1 Leighton-Linslade is fortunate in having a significant number of residents who are willing to volunteer their time and energy for the benefit of the local community. In most cases, volunteers belong to a specific group, charity or organisation which is active in an area of specific interest or relevance to the individual.

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2.2 The Town Council has, over time, developed a number of relationships with volunteer groups which support its vision and aspirations for the community, for example in respect of greening or community safety. Arrangements for support of these groups may be formal (e.g. by service level agreement) or entirely informal.

2.3 The Town Council may also on occasion work directly with individuals who wish to volunteer for a specific activity, project or purpose (e.g. work experience students).

2.4 Some years ago, the Town Council signed up to the Bedfordshire and Luton Compact – a common set of principles to help the public sector and the voluntary & community sector to work together effectively in partnership. These principles are referred to in the Council’s Community Engagement Strategy.

2.5 In April 2013, the Council adopted a Volunteer Policy and Agreement.

2.6 In developing its objectives for the next five years, the Council identified a wish to revisit its arrangements for supporting volunteers to ensure that this vital contribution continued to be recognised, valued and supported.


3.1 Officers have reviewed existing policy alongside guidance provided by Community Action Bedfordshire. Work is underway to create an amended document which will set out overarching principles for supporting volunteers, but without being unnecessarily unwieldy, prescriptive or formal.

3.2 It is proposed that a series of informal meetings take place with representatives of the volunteer groups with which the Council currently works, or which it currently supports. The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss the support arrangements currently in place and identify any changes which might be desired by either party.

3.3 The policy document may then be further amended as result of the meetings held with local groups.

3.4 If there are any significant changes to existing arrangements requested, these may then be the subject of detailed consideration by the relevant committee.


4.1 The table below sets out the proposed timescales for next steps:

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1 Review of existing policy and best practice Completed guidance from voluntary sector 2 Draft revised policy document, developed Currently underway to set out overarching principles 3 Arrange individual meetings with November 2019 – representatives of the voluntary groups February 2020 which with LLTC regularly works, or which it supports 4 Report findings and present draft policy to Policy & Finance Committee Committee 24 February 2020 5 Policy endorsement by Council 27 April 2020


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Policy and Finance Committee

Date: 18 November 2019

Title: White House lighting

Purpose of the Report: To seek committee approval on replacement of lighting in the Town Council offices.

Contact Officer: Sarah Sandiford, Head of Democratic and Central Services

Corporate Objective/s LLTC Three Year Plan – Aim 1:

Implications: Financial  Cost of up to £4,000 to be met from White House earmarked reserve 9041/920 (current balance £25,686) Human Resources X Operational/Service X delivery Procedural/Legal X Risk/Health and Safety 


Should members be minded, the proposals are:

1.1 To approve expenditure of up to £4,000 from the White House earmarked reserve (9041/920) to replace existing internal lighting to LED lighting.


2.1 The Council’s lease agreement for the White House building includes an expectation that the Council will meet costs for repairs, refurbishment, maintenance and decoration for its offices. The Council is responsible for organising any such work directly, whilst keeping the landlord advised.

2.2 Any such works to communal areas are organised by the landlord and the

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Council is charged a pro-rata cost for its proportion of the building.

2.3 To allow for such scheduled works as well as to allow for contingencies, the Council maintains an earmarked reserve for White House costs (balance currently stands at £25,686).

2.4 Lighting has become an increasing issue over the last couple of years, with lighting tubes requiring replacement on a fairly regular basis. Due to the height of the ceilings in the White House, this work is outsourced to specialist electrical contractors.

2.5 In early 2019, we were advised by our contractor that the lighting in situ in the White House was at risk of becoming obsolete.

2.6 Further to the above and the environmental ambitions approved by Council in June 2019, it is proposed that all lighting in Town Council offices in the White House be replaced by LED lighting.

2.7 The advantages of LED lighting include long life, energy efficiency, high brightness and intensity, low radiated heat, reliability and instantaneous illumination.


3.1 Three quotes have been sought from electrical contractors for undertaking this work.

3.2 The preferred quotation is not only the most competitive price but also a local supplier.

3.3 The contractor offers a 12-month warranty on labour and materials and the lighting manufacturer offers a 5 year warranty on the light fittings.

3.4 The landlord has been approached and approval to proceed obtained.


4.1 The Committee is asked to consider approving expenditure of up to a maximum of £4,000 from the White House earmarked reserve for the purpose of replacing existing lighting with LED lighting.


Page 142 Agenda Item 15

Motion To be moved at Leighton-Linslade Town Council meeting 30 September 2019 That this Council resolves to set up a Health Services Sub-Committee, or Task and Finish Group, reporting to Policy & Finance Committee, with the following Terms of Reference: AIMS 1. To press Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (“BCCG”) and Central Bedfordshire Council’s (“CBC”) Health and Well-Being Board (“HWB”) to bring forward proposals urgently for a Leighton Buzzard Hub as part of a planned approach to improved localisation of hospital services for local residents and to secure the town’s fair share of Government investment in the localisation agenda. 2. To press for the development of that Plan to include local GPs and professions ancillary, patient groups and this Town Council, to promote, encourage and support early and regular consultation with residents of Leighton Buzzard and Linslade in terms of the services to be provided and the location of the Hub 3. To pursue, in consultation with the three groups mentioned above, that this comprehensive Plan shall include a) a Leighton Buzzard Hub providing a range of services that are currently provided either by local hospitals or not at all b) the accommodation and investment requirements of existing GP surgeries in the town c) planned GP surgeries serving the new developments on the eastern side of the town, and also Linslade residents, who used to have two Linslade surgeries and now have none 4. To press NHS for greater transparency on the quality standards for health services being delivered locally and to act as a sounding-board for local residents. SUGGESTED MEMBERSHIP Town Councillors, Leighton Buzzard GP surgery professional representatives (by invitation) and Leighton Buzzard patient group representatives (numbers to be discussed). Moved : Cllr Steve Owen, Seconded Cllr Anne Gray [Note: the Mover is content for the Motion to stand referred to the Policy & Finance Committee in accordance with Standing Order 10b.]

BACKGROUND 1. For the past twenty years successive Government Health policy has been to secure a move of services, currently delivered in hospitals, to local communities. Until 2012 this policy was articulated in terms of Community Hospitals. The Town Council did a great deal of work between 2005 and 2010 on a proposed Leighton Buzzard Community Hospital, with the input of local GPs and patient groups acting in a Town Council Health Services Working Group, including developing a blueprint of the health services it would provide. The then-Bedfordshire Health CEO promised support to turn that plan into reality but he was promoted onwards Page 143 and the initiative foundered on the withdrawal of promised resources by Bedfordshire Health and mixed support for the initiative from the town’s GP surgeries who had their own priorities.

2. In 2015 the Government’s Spending Review required local areas to develop a Sustainability and Transformation Plan by 2017 that shifted care from hospitals to a local community-based delivery. On 30 June 2016 BCCG, the successor to Bedfordshire Health, submitted an application to deliver two “Hubs” in Central Bedfordshire, then later it proposed Hubs in Ivel Valley (Biggleswade, Sandy and Shefford), West Mid Beds (Ampthill and Flitwick), Chiltern Vale (Dunstable and Houghton Regis) and Leighton Buzzard. The same CBC report listed 12 candidate services to be “localised”.

3. The HWB decided on the Dunstable and Biggleswade Hubs as priorities. No rationale for this can be found in the HWB minutes. One surmises that a Dunstable Hub could be seen as solving the long-standing problem of accommodation needs for Dunstable GP surgeries. The HWB minutes suggest that CBC sees its role as a passive presence on the HWB, with BCCG taking the lead and deciding the priorities. The implementation of the Dunstable Hub is proceeding apace.

4. The HWB minutes record almost no discussion of the need for Leighton Buzzard to be accorded priority, despite the rapid population growth of the past ten years and also accommodation problems with GPs’ surgeries similar to Dunstable’s. A Leighton Buzzard Hub gets fleeting mentions in the HWB minutes – a “Scoping Paper” was intended to lead to a “Strategic Outline” paper. Both have been repeatedly delayed. A BCCG report to the HWB at its 11 July 2018 meeting states “Due to changes in practices and staffing levels recently it has been agreed that instead of prioritising and fast-tracking Leighton Buzzard, all clusters will receive intensive support from National Association of Primary Care and other organisations to suit their needs and develop at pace”. The report does not explain what this sentence means nor do the meeting minutes help.

5. BCCG officers have reportedly announced that the Leighton Buzzard “solution” is to have a “Virtual Hub” without defining what that is or giving a rationale. The HWB is static in planning the development of localised health services in Leighton Buzzard as the Government required. An individual BCCG manager has unilaterally announced that there is to be no new GP surgery serving the new housing developments on the eastern edge of town, again with no rationale put forward and no explicit strategy for developing the existing surgeries to cater for the increased demand for services.

6. Neither GPs nor Patient Participation Groups (“PPGs”) at the current Leighton Buzzard surgeries have received consultation on the planning of a Leighton Buzzard Hub or on the localisation agenda. The Bassett Road surgery GPs and PPG have been active in pressing BCCG for local consultation, but to no avail.

Page 144 7. Leighton Buzzard residents have been kept in the dark by BCCG and CBC over the Hub. BCCG’s consultants Arcadis held a restricted access meeting about the Hub in the town in January 2018, but there has there been no proper public consultation.

8. The Town Council/CBC Partnership Committee has received a series of short verbal reports from the link CBC manager over the past two years that add up to “no progress to report”. The minutes of the Partnership Committee do not record any concerns being expressed by Town or CBC councillors to CBC or BCCG about the neglect of the town’s health services planning. BCCG and CBC’s HWB are not being held to account.

9. There is considerable public concern over the inadequate service being provided by Leighton Road Surgery, one of the three GP surgeries in the town. The Care Quality Commission has issued successive reports in 2019 describing the practice as “ Requires Improvement” (early 2019) and now “Inadequate” (Autumn 2019), but there is no public accountability involving local patients (a surgery Patient Participation Group has not prevented the deterioration in services).

10. The Town Council had a Health Services Working Group between 2004 and 2016 which served to bring councillors, local residents/patients and GPs into a conversation with the aim of securing improved health services in the town. The Group became de-energised in 2010 when Bedfordshire Health discarded the Community Hospital project and became moribund in its later years.

11. An initiative is therefore needed to  Exert pressure on BCCG/CBC HWB to share their plans with local GPs, Patient Groups and Leighton Buzzard residents  Inject some accountability and urgency into NHS investment plans for Leighton Buzzard as the largest centre of population in Central Bedfordshire and the second largest town in Bedfordshire. NHS money is currently going elsewhere.  Create an influential conversation on which services are to be localised and their accommodation needs  Create a Town Council pressure group with the opportunity for non-councillor interests to have a voice. This is particularly important since a successful outcome will require common cause between councillors, GPs and local residents and so avoid a repeat of the 2012 situation on which the Community Hospital foundered.  Press for some means whereby any adverse performance of local Health services can be scrutinised and held to account on behalf of Leighton Buzzard and Linslade residents.

12. This Motion provides for a creation of a Town Council sub-committee, or Task and Finish Group, that will serve both to press BCCG and CBC/HWB to act, and also provide a means of enabling local discussion on the Town’s input to the health localisation Plan. The desired end-objective will be the commencement of those locally-delivered services. Page 145 This page is intentionally left blank

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Cultural and Economic Services Committee

Date: 7th October 2019

Title: Community Events Costs Report

Purpose of the Report: To provide a financial update on community event costs

Contact Officer: Ben Bodsworth, Town & Community Promotions Manager Corporate LLTC Three Year Plan – Aim: 2 - To continue to support a vibrant Objective/s town through partnership working and initiatives including management of the street market, support for local businesses, town and community promotions and town centre enhancements. Implications Financial √ An increased cost of goods, services and entertainment has led to a reduction in the output at community events where the budget has remained constant. Human Resources Operational/Service √ Safe and entertaining delivery is essential to maintain the established delivery quality of the events. Procedural/Legal Risk/Health &Safety


Should members be minded, the proposal is:

1.1 To recommend to Policy and Finance Committee an increase in the annual event budgets, to commence in financial year 2020/21, by a total of £6,175 to reflect the additional costs experienced within the sector.

2. Background

2.1 Event budgets have remained static since 2016 with costs associated with each event increasing year on year – cost of transport, staffing, storage & maintenance etc. which are in turn passed onto the customer (Leighton- Linslade Town Council).

2.2 A desire to reduce the environmental impact of each of the events Leighton- Linslade Town Council hosts will also have an increased cost. Previously, all waste has been disposed of via landfill rather than through recycling where possible.

2.3 Recent years have seen the introduction of a professional photographer to the events programme. Used to capture the social interaction and entertainment at the events, the photographs also provide quality content for the Council’s web Page 151

and social media platforms and publications and help promote the event to prospective stall holders and visitors in future years. The quality of the photographs helps reflect the quality of the event.

2.4 An ongoing review of Health & Safety at the community events will come to an end in December and it is likely that a recommendation to continue with a dedicated safety advisor at some events will be a conclusion of the overall report.

2.4 Since 2016, the rate of inflation has averaged 3.5% per year, meaning £10,000 in 2016 is equivalent to £10,700 in 2018 (2019’s rate of inflation will be published in January 2020).

2.5 Earmarked reserves have been committed for the 2019–2021 events programme to enhance the Music in the Park programme and the Canal Festival, as well as expand the events to offer a live screening of a national event. However, from 2022 onwards additional finance will be required should the desire to continue these enhancements continue.

3. Event Budget Analysis

3.1 The event budgets can broadly be broken down into three main areas;

Activities & Entertainment, Infrastructure and Marketing.

Analysis (figures 1-4) shows that the percentage spend on infrastructure has shown an increasing trend since 2016 and the entertainment percentage spend has decreased. An exception can be seen within the Christmas Festival budget which can be attributed to the reduction in cost of an external production manager role for the weekend.

3.2 Figure 1 – Big Lunch Spend 2016 – 2019 It is a concern that over time, the infrastructure costs for Big Lunch will continue to rise to ensure the safety of visitors and members of staff which will lead to a decrease in the budget available for entertainment expenditure.

60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Big Lunch Big Lunch Big Lunch Big Lunch 2016 2017 2018 2019 Entertainment 35.40% 54.98% 44.54% 44.09% Infrastructure 50.75% 37.34% 43.70% 46.46% Advertising 13.85% 7.69% 11.76% 9.45%

Entertainment Infrastructure Advertising Page 152

3.3. Figure 2 – Canal Festival Spend 2016 – 2019 Site factors within Tiddenfoot Waterside Park prevent additional stalls being added to the footprint to increase additional revenue generated at the event. Events across the UK are also seeking to be more environmentally friendly with the encouraged use of public transport, walking and cycling. A major income stream for Canal Festival is the car park which over time, it is anticipated will see less use, therefore generating less revenue for the event.

80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Canal Festival 2016 Canal Festival 2017 Canal Festival 2018 Canal Festival 2019 Entertainment 29.30% 27.71% 28.51% 26.19% Infrastructure 63.64% 66.81% 63.48% 68.00% Advertising 7.05% 5.48% 8.00% 5.82%

Entertainment Infrastructure Advertising

3.4. Figure 3 – Living History Spend 2016 – 2019 Living History has seen the greatest percentage increase in infrastructure costs since the event coincided with the charter market. Whilst the majority of the budget is spent on entertainment, the costs of infrastructure will continue to rise along with the cost of entertainment. This double increase in costs will lead to a reduction in the number of exhibits and demonstrations over time.

100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Living History Day Living History Day Living History Day Living History Day 2016 2017 2018 2019 Entertainment 88.05% 71.46% 73.53% 68.75% Infrastructure 0.00% 23.04% 19.33% 25.89% Advertising 11.95% 5.51% 7.13% 5.36%

Entertainment Infrastructure Advertising

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3.5 Figure 4 – Christmas Festival Spend 2016 – 2019 Christmas Festival retains a high level of entertainment investment; however, a plateau has been reached in 2018 / 2019 with the reduction in infrastructure costs slowing significantly. It is expected over time, these will rise in line with other events.







0.00% Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Festival 2016 Festival 2017 Festival 2018 Festival 2019 Entertainment 37.13% 35.39% 43.75% 44.71% Infrastructure 55.33% 54.79% 45.99% 44.71% Advertising 7.54% 9.82% 10.26% 10.59%

3.6 It is anticipated that the cost of waste management for environmental reasons and as part of the wider waste management contract throughout the events programme could double over the next 12 months, increasing from an average of £325 per event to £600 per event.

3.7 The cost increase is partly due to the cost of relevant road permits which will need to be obtained if the contractor is unable to deliver at specified times once road closures have been installed and collect prior to them being lifted. Additional costs will also be incurred to ensure the traceability of the waste products, rather than just utilising landfill as per the Council’s Environmental Ambitions.

4. Event Budget Increases

4.1 An increase in pitch fees has been explored across all events with some reviews showing that a reduction in pitch fee created a higher level of interest from stall holders. Pitch fees continue to be reviewed on an event by event basis to maximise the revenue generated from this income stream.

4.2 To enable multi-event savings, a quoting process to supply across multiple events is undertaken annually in January. This enables suppliers to offer multi- events and multi-year discounts to the council.

4.3 To ensure the continued high level of quality entertainment and infrastructure at community events within the town, it is suggested that each of the events receives an approximate 7% increase in budget; Page 154

Event Current Revised Increased Percentage Budget Budget Amount Increase Big Lunch £10,000 £10,700 £700 7% Canal Festival £18,000 £19,200 £1,200 6.6% Band Concerts £6,600 £7,100 £500 7.5% Living History £10,000 £10,700 £700 7% Christmas Festival £13,000 £13,900 £900 6.9%

4.4 For those events which require ongoing external Health & Safety Services, it is suggested a further £725 per event is included within the event budgets annually.

Event Proposed H&S Total Proposed Revised Budget Contribution Revised Budget Big Lunch £10,700 £725 £11,425 Canal Festival £19,200 £725 £19,925 Band Concerts £7,100 £7,100 Living History £10,700 £10,700 Christmas Festival £13,900 £725 £14,625


5.1 The continued development and resourcing of the events programme is necessary to ensure events are well funded, have a high level of entertainment value and continue to attract local residents to the free community events hosted by Leighton-Linslade Town Council.

5.2 A total cost increase of £6,175 across the event budgets will help to ensure a continued high level of entertainment at the community events for the coming years.

5.3 The above costs are in addition to the funds already committed from earmarked reserves for the 2019/20/21 events programme development. To continue the new format of the Canal Festival, Last Night of the Proms and Live TV Screenings from 2022 onwards, an additional investment of at least £5,535 (plus rate of inflation) will be required annually in addition to the above, i.e. £11,710 +inflation.


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Policy and Finance Committee

Date: 18 November 2019

Title: Budget Setting Process

Purpose of the Report: To help inform Members of the work to date in respects of the budget setting process

Contact Officers: Mark Saccoccio - Town Clerk Clare Cummins – Finance Officer

Corporate . Aim 1: To consolidate processes and procedures, Objective/s ensuring operational efficiency and a structure which will underpin future service delivery by the Town Council. Implications: Financial √ Human Resources √ Operational/Service √ delivery Procedural/Legal √ Risk/Health & Safety


Should the Policy and Finance Committee be minded:-

1.1 To note the report

1.2 That each standing committee with budgetary responsibility be presented with its own draft budget for consideration and thereafter, for the draft budget to be returned to this committee on 20th January 2020 for its further consideration.


2.1 In accordance with established practice, the Town Council will be expected to have set a precept and notified the billing authority (Central Bedfordshire Council) of that amount by mid-January (albeit the principal authority will be made aware that this information will not be forthcoming until 29th January 2020 at the very earliest). Page 157

2.2 The following provides a timeline for those committees with budgetary responsibility:-

 Partnership Committee to be presented with its draft budget on Thursday 28th November 2019.  Grounds and Environmental Services Committee to be presented with its draft budget on Monday 2nd December 2019.  Cultural and Economic Services Committee to be presented with its draft budget on Monday 9th December 2019.  Planning and Transport Committee to be presented with its draft budget on Wednesday 11th December 2019.  Community Safety Sub-Committee to be presented with its draft budget on Monday 13th January 2020.

2.3 Thereafter, the draft budget will be returned to this committee for its consideration (Monday 20th January 2020). Subject to committee approval, the budget will then be taken to Full Council for its ratification. Throughout this process, Members are actively encouraged to approach Officers should they seek clarification on any budgetary matters.


2.4 On 30th October 2019, the Town Council received details of the tax base for the forthcoming financial year. The tax base has increased by 0.8% from 14,456 dwellings to 14,572 (a net increase of 116 dwellings).

Year 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Tax 13,438 13,826 14,141 14,270 14,456 14,572 Base (+2.8% = (+2.3% = (+0.9% = (+1.29% (+0.8% and year 388) 315) 129) =186) = 116) on year % increase in dwellings

2.5 It is disappointing to note that the council tax base has seen the smallest increase in housing numbers when compared to the previous 4 years even though meaningful growth is taking place within the parish boundary. When challenged, the principal authority who provide the council tax base data is satisfied that the housing numbers are correct and representative of current circumstance; namely, single person occupancy, completions and anticipated non-collection rates.

The Draft Budget

2.6 The draft budget comprises the operational costs of running the Town Council’s services and includes within it an annual contribution of £200,000 toward its capital projects programme. The detail of the projects together with their spend Page 158

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profile can be found within the dedicated 5 Year Plan which is presented to committee as a separate agenda item.

2.7 The draft budget has increased by £96,427 (£2,258,755 - £2,162,328 = £96,427) when compared to last year. As the budget headlines show, there are 3 primary reasons for this. Firstly, the income targets as set out therein are representative of current circumstance, secondly, the draft budget is responding to inflationary pressures and statutory obligations and thirdly, greater town council responsibilities as more assets are transferred to the town council because of the growth agenda which in itself represents a financial burden.

Council Tax Calculation

2.8 The following model assumes a 0% increase in council tax.

Council Council Precepting £2,573,680 £2,258,755 (net Tax Tax Amount £ (expenditure) - expenditure) - Base 149.58 x 14,572 £314,925 (income) £2,179,679 (precepting amount based on a 0% increase in council tax) £149.58 14,572 £2,179,679 £2,258,755 £79,076

2.9 The draft budget finds itself in a deficit scenario with spending exceeding revenue by £79,076.

2.10 Draft Budget Headlines

 IT Support increased from £17,000 to £19,500 as agreed at Policy and Finance Meeting on 29th July 2019  Based on current usage, photocopying increased from £5,000 to £5,500  £4,500 saving per annum on new agreed 3-year insurance contract  Election costs increased from £7,500 to £11,000 per annum in order to build up an ear marked reserve for this purpose. This does not however allow for any contingency should a by-election be needed  Citizens Advice Leighton-Linslade increased from £21,627 to £21,995 to reflect 1.7% retail price increase  A recommendation to Policy and Finance Committee (18/11/19) that Guaranteed Grants be raised from £26,300 to £35,000  All cctv equipment amalgamated into 1 single budget line  Community Safety Budget maintained at £40,000 (£8,510 spend up to end of August including March 2019 invoice)  Astral Park no longer a stand-alone asset with budget lines amalgamated within the Pavilions budget

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 Astral Park rent receivable amalgamated within a single rent receivable budget line for pavilions  Astral Park costs amalgamated within the general ground’s maintenance budget  Parson’s Close refreshments income increased from £10,000 to £21,000 to include café and ice cream concession  Highway Scheme reduced to zero given that £64,000 is within an earmarked reserve for this purpose


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