Public Document Pack Mark Saccoccio Town Clerk 01525 631920 [email protected] www.leightonlinslade-tc.gov.uk Friday, 8 November 2019 To: Members of the Policy & Finance Committee (Councillors S Jones, A Dodwell, D Bowater, C Palmer, R Berry, T Morris, G Perham, D Scott, M Freeman, R Goodchild and S Owen) (Copies to all Town Councillors for information) NOTICE OF MEETING You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Policy & Finance Committee to be held on Monday, 18 November 2019 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, The White House, Hockcliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1HD.. THIS MEETING MAY BE RECORDED * M Saccoccio Town Clerk AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record be kept of the Members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Town Clerk. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST i) Under the Localism Act 2011 (sections 26-37 and Schedule 4) and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any interests which are not currently entered in the Member’s Register of Interests or if he/she has not notified the Monitoring Officer of it. (ii) Should any Member have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in an item on the agenda, the Member may not participate in consideration of that item unless a Dispensation has first been requested (in writing) and granted by the Council (see Dispensation Procedure). 3. QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (3 MINUTES PER PERSON; MAXIMUM 15 MINUTES) To receive questions and statements from members of the public in respect of any item of business included in the agenda, as provided for in Standing Order No.s 3(f) and 3(g). Council Chamber, The White House, Hockcliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1HD. POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, 18 November 2019 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (Pages 1 - 8) To receive and approve as a correct record the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 16 September 2019. 5. COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW By invitation, Brian Dunleavy of Central Bedfordshire Council will attend the meeting in respect of boundary reviews. 6. POLLING DISTRICTS (Pages 9 - 106) To consider a response to the Central Bedfordshire Council consultation regarding polling districts. 7. SUB-COMMITTEE MINUTES (Pages 107 - 120) To receive the following draft minutes and to consider any recommendation/s contained therein: (a) Personnel Sub-Committee 14 October 2019 (b) Community Safety Sub-Committee 21 October 2019 (c) Grants and Awards Sub-Committee 4 November 2019 8. COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES AND WORK PLAN (Pages 121 - 122) To receive and consider the committee work plan for 2019-2020 (attached). 9. SIX MONTH BUDGET MONITORING REPORT (Pages 123 - 136) To receive a budget monitoring report for the period April – October 2019 (attached). 10. OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER PAYMENTS 2019 To receive and note the schedule of payments made in October 2019 (attached) and November 2019 (to follow) (approved for payment by the Town Clerk and two bank signatories). 11. ELECTION COSTS (a) To receive a breakdown of 2019 election costs (attached) and to approve (retrospectively) the payment of costs from earmarked reserves. (b) To receive a report regarding election costs and to consider the POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, 18 November 2019 recommendation/s contained therein (attached) 12. VOLUNTEER POLICY UPDATE (Pages 137 - 140) To receive a report regarding Volunteer Strategy (attached) and to consider the recommendations contained therein. 13. RESERVES POLICY To receive and consider recommending to Council a proposed Reserves Policy. 14. WHITE HOUSE LIGHTING (Pages 141 - 142) To receive a report regarding White House Lighting and to consider the recommendation contained therein. 15. MOTION REGARDING HEALTH SERVICES (Pages 143 - 146) To receive and consider the Motion proposed by Councillor S Owen and seconded by Councillor A Gray in respect of health services (attached) 16. FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN (Pages 147 - 150) To receive and consider the latest five year financial plan document (to follow). 17. FIRST DRAFT BUDGET 2020-2021 (Pages 151 - 188) (a) To consider the recommendation made by the Cultural and Economic Services Committee on 7 October 2019; an increase in the annual event budgets, to commence in financial year 2020/21, by a total of £6,175 to reflect the additional costs experienced within the sector (original background report attached). (b) To receive a report and first draft of the budget for the financial year 2019-2020. * Phones and other equipment may be used to film, audio record, tweet or blog from this meeting by an individual Council member, officer or member of the public. No part of the meeting room is exempt from public filming unless the meeting resolves to go into exempt session. The use of images or recordings arising from this is not within the Council’s control. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 LEIGHTON-LINSLADE TOWN COUNCIL POLICY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 AT 1930 HOURS Present Councillors: S Jones (Chair) C Palmer G Perham A Dodwell R Berry J M Freeman S Hemmings (substituting for D Bowater) D Scott R Goodchild P Snelling (substituting for S Owen) T Morris Also in attendance: M Saccoccio (Town Clerk) S Sandiford (Head of Democratic and Central Services) Cllr V Harvey Members of the public: 3 43/PF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Bowater (substituted by Councillor S Hemmings) and S Owen (substituted by Councillor P Snelling) 44/PF DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were asked to declare any interests, including the nature of those interests, which they had in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Councillor A Dodwell declared an interest in the agenda item on Policing as a member of the Police and Crime Panel. 45/PF QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no questions from the public. 46/PF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee received the minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee meeting held on 17 June 2019 for consideration. Minute reference 34/PF (Hardware and Software): the Committee was advised that as advised by email following the meeting, an extended warranty had been secured for the new computers. Final costs including the Page 1 Page 15 Policy & Finance 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 __________________________________________________________________ five year warranty and configuration costs totalled just under £18,000, just over half of which would be met by earmarked reserves and just under half from general reserves. It was hoped that installation would take place within the next couple of weeks. Minute reference 36/PF (Bandstand signage): the Committee was advised that the new signage had been successfully installed within a few days of the previous meeting. Minute reference 41/PF (Boundary review): the Committee was advised of a letter received from Central Bedfordshire Council advising that no parish boundary review would be undertaken before the completion of the current ward boundary review in 2020. Town and parish councils would have an opportunity to feed into the consultation process of the ward boundary review. The Committee expressed disappointment with this response and it was agreed that the Committee keep this under regular review. RESOLVED that the minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee meeting held on 17 June 2019 be approved as a correct record and were signed accordingly. 47/PF COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES AND WORK PLAN The Committee received and considered the Work Plan and Objectives for 2019-2020. For operational reasons it was agreed to defer a customer service strategy until a more appropriate time, hopefully later in the municipal year. The Volunteer Strategy item required further work to be undertaken and the suggestion of consultation was raised. It was anticipated that broad brush principles and timescales would be introduced at the next meeting but that further detail would come forward at a future date. RESOLVED to note the Committee Work Plan and Objectives for 2019-2020. 48/PF PLANNING POLICY By invitation, Sally Chapman of Chapman Planning presented to the Committee a report regarding the potential creation of a Town Council led policy document. This included an overview of the consultant’s experience and credentials, an overview of the statutory process, the potential advantages, the potential risks, the likely timescales and costs, resourcing, funding options and examples of plans in other areas. In conclusion, it was suggested that a neighbourhood plan document was likely to take at least two years to complete and although, if successfully Page 16 Page 2 Policy & Finance 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 __________________________________________________________________ completed and adopted, would have equal weight to the Local Plan, was no guarantee of desired outcomes being delivered. It was suggested that alternative options for achieving the desired outcomes for land south of the High Street could include revision of the development brief for the land, collaboration with Central Bedfordshire Council and consideration of options presented by the Government Future High Street Fund. Committee members expressed a range of views. Frustration was expressed at the lack of progress since the creation of the development brief in 2012. The committee expressed support for inward investment and appropriate development of the site in order to enhance the vitality of the town centre. The potential drawbacks in terms of process and cost associated with a Neighbourhood Plan were recognised and it was noted that no weight would be afforded to a Plan until the very end of the process, during which time planning applications for the site could well have been brought forward. Despite the inherent risks, it was felt that limited options were available and therefore the potential to develop a Plan should not be entirely dismissed as yet.
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