I Mina'trenta Na Liheslaturan Gudhan and FEDERAL, Foreign & MICRONESIAN Affairs THIRTIETH GUAM Legislature
SENATOR RORY J. RESPICIO MAJORITY LEADER CHAIRMAN I Mina'Trenta na Liheslaturan Guahan CoMMITTEE oN RuLES, NATURAL RESOURCES AND FEDERAL, FOREIGN &: MICRONESIAN AFFAIRS THIRTIETH GUAM LEGISLATURE May 26,2009 The Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Speaker I Mina'Trenta Na Liheslaturan Guahan \v 155 Hesler Place I.J Hagatfia, Guam 96910 (;}' RE: Committee Report- Bill No. 49 (COR) Dear Speaker Won Pat: The Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, to which was referred Bill No. 49 (COR), sponsored by Vice Speaker Benjamin J.F. Cruz- An act to repeal and re-enact Sections §1105 of Chapter 1, Title 2, and §5101 of Chapter 5, Title 3, and §6103 of Chapter 6, Title 3, of the Guam Code Annotated and to amend Sections §7105 of Chapter 7, Title 3, and §16301 (e) Article 3 of Chapter 16, Title 3, of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to amending the term of office from two years to four years and to provide for staggered terms for members of the Guam Legislature," hereby reports out said legislation with the recommendation [D fA{~ . Committee votes are as follows: J_ TO PASS I NOT TO PASS :2 TO REPORT OUT ONLY TO ABSTAIN TO PLACE IN INACTIVE FILE Very Truly Yours, Ro~ Chairperson 155 Hesler Place • Hagatiia, Guam 96910 • (671)472-7679 • Fax: (671)472-3547 • roryforguam@gmail.com SENATORRORYJ. RESPICIO MAJORITY LEADER CHAIRMAN I MinaTrenta na Liheslaturan Gudhan CoMMITTEE oN RuLEs, NATURAL RESouRcES AND FEDERAL, FoREIGN &: MicRONESIAN AFFAIRS THIRTIETH GUAM LEGISLATURE May 26,2009 MEMORANDUM To: All Members Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs From: Senator Rory J.
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