A River of Sailors Mi
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tlona, and good at'.igera wlll be eapeclalljr mrflcine, no asklng weleome in theae dhlsiona. Each appl.cajit he would spring alertly ahead maatei very I.I sir" and should hrlng a song. deaUnatlon. and _ men on salllr.g veeeell and on tramp ahlpi and set me down at n." "bring me more ciui- lt ls BOW th- i^areat munlclpal m'S'no." I aald. tarried for many daya in port. .alaamln*. retire to m Th- Mancheeter Quaraian. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. a dayB The to reet and nine."_-P." i uaually a matter of only few MI .1 ksha stand or ahady apot _i_ SAILORS hut himaelf up on his A RIVER OF be greater, Bource of temptation may chew betelnut eurUng the Amerlcan light opera A recltal of more than uaual lntfreat time limit is leas. Thui whlle the Ing pedegtrlnn called "Rohln Hood," the ahafta unUI aome paa GOLF BALLS.$6,000,000. B. Smith and Reginald de Koven, among muslc lovcra was given by Valentlne watt around for for Mra again. .«. = ."*=« by Harry tramp ahlp does aometimea hlm or I might bl.ly a numliei of goll 111 usalsted by Marie A'lele no such for a There are Wlll he revtvad at the New Amstenlam 1'eavy, pianlst, days for any ktnd of job, there is He Slaves and Sacrifices one rvening. aeveral daya ifter I had and there are thou- nnd Hugh Allan. bar? ln and Out of New York It Flows from and near Philadelphla Theatre to-mormw nlght hy the I>e Koven Caac, contralto, tone, as old. mornlnga . protracted atay of freed him for two Bucceaalva of enthualaata ln thi clty. i mi under the direction of last Hunday evenlng at Cgrnegll LyoOOgh' Even however, many capUlnl Kind Rider. of taking ma to bualneaa ¦anda goM lh« Opera COmpany, from Year's End to Year's End. to-day, his obUgatlon n-IH be Intereated to mm* Danlel V. Arthur. '*Re)hta Hood" was tlrat llr. Peavy alayed tbrea a<>io growpa la aa avolrl paving thelr crews until after leavinz anythlng from hla probably that he la a without deductlng g,,lf all over the country Bpend June r», at the Chlcago aitlstic rnaaner, ahowlng p|. port. This la so of :he iklpperi of the ao thai ir- eould Journey to playera produced on IW, He 9?aa warmly week'a aalary, !«,(.,.i on t ii" balla each year. ihe Boetonlana, who aeitg at.ist of much skill. ap. merchantmen which make the long Jour- 1,1,1 and make his annual aa* out* Opera Houee, by with A SINHALEE'S GENEROSITY ihrlne u ith the Increaae la Intert I ln ell than four thousand tlmea plauded. Miss caaa, contralto, aang OF ALL CLIMES AND COLORS n*vS and during whkh time the aallora he aaked for a fur¬ more the pieee more to laama to the Buddha, has ateadlly grown fervr.r, dlapUylng a rolee of quallty, wntcrt have an accumulatloa of eoln comlng a Mahometan featl- of.door aporta golf ln and piayed etghl proaperoua engagemenU Allan ther hoiiday to attend to-day few communltlea at the Kew was greatly nppreclated. Ilugh waa them which. if received when landlng. a Buddhlat, I aald pnpular untll a on Broadway. The revtval His Ambition Is to Own Three val. "But you are States an- without at leaat Com¬ also well received. in Which Aid Is would make them burn up the town. also very btg Sinha- the L'nlted Amaterdam by the t>.- Koven opera Some Ways sir pleaat Mahomet Five yeara ago H "*¦ the Metro¬ The visits of aallora are not without the;r Cocoanut Trees and Marry -Bul you no give hlm nine-hole courae, pany has the co-operatlon of Tuesday evenlng, Aprll 3f», at the Ela. Given to This of are ,,,. f, ||,.. sir." ¦ of ¦ milllon goit* On Colony at.le, of those who r man I aald there were quarter politan, Chlcago and Boeton grand opera Wait.-n HodUneon and hutnoroui eipeclally Girl. ., No. sir. "th. five, an- y more. Mloa Bnuna the naval One era ln America. To-day there certain Tha Metropolitan opera Com- of N'ew 350,000 Waifs a Year. on the wanhlpa When preal hlm so can give. He one very Mg eatl* companlea, th. !'hilharmrmi<- fhoral ClWb, Vork. these wateri taking a lt la a blt dlfBcull to "Rnbin Hood'' east rlemonstration was made ln r' wide hla arma to half milllon. i ,.nv has loaned for the a of short Rttmbera and ¦ .¦ « «' doctor, sir." John opened gave programme All Yorkers know what a great city »^ teemlng He uaed to appear at the ...,. the number ol balla uaed. for P'*-ye" its atara Heila Alten. aoprano; Neai aoroe monthi ago the clty man of Immenee proportlona three of ti,f cantata "fTabor Matdona" Memb* af to The oviock each hla cocoanut-olled Indlcate a over couraa, loea and ln and Hasii they llve ln. but few ..f them appreciate wlth aallora. They were everywhere. morning, if taking, he break* vaiv ln tlmea tha Florence Wlckham, contralto, aolo in the cantata ln- or- skin llke umlahed metal, eyea -Other coollea afrald. to tho percbn the club Kinging parla the full what a wonderful seaport they however. found them unusually ahlnlng COOlla very tir-d. ,,,. damaga tMy do gutta Ruyadael, beaeo. Carl Oantvoort, bnry* Mrs. Alfr.-l Hermann. Mra gari I'oi- pollce, ri halr done up behlnd Ing riiksha. also maklng have old baO« were fcablt. Of cnurac. they know the Olympic, bul there wai evldence galore that agloa alth adlneaa, l ipher. Then. too, aome tone, la from the Boeton opera Company. Mrs. Blale Wbeeler aad the dorly, "a- a roolle, He aaklng: 'John. 1 come your rlckahar il W tei Clarke, thr Kaiser wtlhclm der Oroaaa and other were being Inveit. Hki a woman'a. He young remade »nd aolled balla repainted. Walter the tennr. la of the Anderaon. >e'ma the gavlnga of monthi r "l';- 'lf g:ve one preeent medldne- and Hyde, IIImco Dlen and Bather home lithe "Maatei A: " at leaat iwo hie; ocean fellows that make this thclr in entertalnmenl and even "booae." Thui and atrong. ItelUng: ,,,, .;¦ certain, however, that Covent Garden Opera Company. of London. Kockw.li, Dora k no John. i arhen i sir K |n a burry.' Hi aay. "ea.' the Auitern, Harriet Kiuchir, ln the New World and handle through this was a at Broadway aml «d Jat "Sir, balla a Beaaon are pur.-lia.sni by various opera org.inir.a- there sight " " (loMn From the graii'l Ai.toinette I'herhullez, Klixahoth Strucknun even .Vakk.,' "Tea, .1"'." 'Bl thank I Beld, and he of invaders the (Imp) rtght. you may go." 12..1.000 and - city the incoming nrmy foreign atreet one nlght whlch caueed "All onilruiry golfer. That maana tions Mr. Arthur has MlOCted I alnglitK arV. Kenney. Othar n:emh. vv.-re Amerlcan army of sight- men who you. Maater verj good maater." away. cenl on< - ott- artists and Dorotby and the outgoing oldtlmera ot that thoroughfare, trotted balla, a- 8 eenta each (tM 71 danclng chorua of ona hundred M,sS .lean PlMfle. Mis. H.-rl-s. CarolyR s<erF. aa the 1ns and coin Oul we g" on lo the long whlte road be¬ an Inveatmenl on who uiii But so far knowlng had seen In their day the glltterlng When, two daya later. he ariived as the r. madea) and an oreheatra of forty muatclane, NTIla Brao-ford. «Hlver Dlngwaa, thf <n tho world, they al horie racei tween rea and Jungle, the llexlble splne ol era of Adama ef gr.atest porl ,-:,;: thi Ftiff hills pass handa a my t yea awam, of theg !.¦' t«...000. i.. under the direction of Prauk Toura Jane Kaulkr.cr. Mrs. J. Kcn. c «itli each uaual, i had headache, LafNllae FOnn, are at a loea sit and take notli A my human ateed bendlng giani I wlll be done and other placee, up of my Uml - felt as If on the rack told rti Ipl la R.I. The old Engllah folh dancea Mrs. J. m. Moo.h-. Oeorgtni Monre, to consider that our ocean- a hv the curt! strid.-, and -i myrlad ailverlng apecka wcrthy, Who etops big tot.rlng car came to atop Jim. boy. to trii hlm 1 had a by Bpecteliate, and the medlaival pageantry Marv Parkin. Miss Marv RoM that tio up at our West Blttlng In it in .lamp atartlng oul on hla duaky skin The my bungalow from Mra going nelghbors Pf a weii known hootlery. fever and be could take still another hoii¬ has been ataged by eaperta brought Bfjabol Hoberts. blabel Btogfrled, CectlU \. street and our Kast Rlver plers brinc a a with a Jag. atatelj palma are atlll aa hothouae DRINKING FOR HEALTH. ihe, ail hll naajeoty waa jarkie Jim came Into the room London, Wlll R. Barnea has dealgned Siarr. <lara P. Shaw. Marearct Micpherd, to this each the sea la a sheel "f glaaa, aun emblasoned, day. Preeently so much floating populatlon city >ear He was lost in the depths of upholltery, bed. 'Sir. thai -'"hn in the wlntar montha when and the acenery has been palnt* Ameiia Bchnetder, Mra, are counted as arm a menare to the . .¦ I open oul m: h g and atood by mj coatumea, joeephlne Bcott, that numbers more ln-ads than but he had a clgar as long your nv.re time la devoted to Indoor occupatlona Poreet, anl his ¦' one ad- i, ning verj aorry.