Published by Associated Students

Tuesday, January 10, 1933 STATE TEACHERS ■EGE. FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA Volume XX— No. 13

■Schedule of NOTED WRITER SAYS Marine Motif College Team i lots of fun' /Vevv Orleans PINE DOPE DENOTES New Football FIRST RATE COLLEGE Marks Drama Gets Decision Meet Labled “ I f the P IN E is a true reflec­ Season Made tion o f the spirit and intelli­ Club Revels Local Debate Worthy Event gence o f the student body, and if it shows the interests and Border Conference Convenes policies of the college, the A r i­ Playmakers Observe Twelfth 1 Affirmative on Question of President Sanders Represents at Flagstaff to Form zona State Teachers college at Night by Dance Among Interallied Debts Upheld College at National Year’s Policy F la gstaff is a first-rate institu­ the Fishes j by Flood and Irwin Convention tion." Not bad. Debating the question. Resolved, In factf the P IN E and its Royalty Reigns Thati the 11. S. should agree, to the New Frosh Rule staff are all puffed up about cancellatlun of th inter-allied war 200 Delegates the compliment. debts, Clarence Flood and Harvey First Year Men May Compete It comes from Rupert Hughes, Queen Mary and King Rudy Irwin won a decision over Mr. H. Student Government and one o f the most popular and of Oceana Lend Regal C. McQuatters and Mr. James Bab­ in Major Spring Sports bitt, local business men. The Publications Problems gifted of American novelists, Aid to Fun This Year and was relayed to the P IN E lege men unpheld the affirm ative ’ Discussed s ta ff by Bob Eunson, sports side o f the question. A t a meeting o f the Border In­ Gorgeous decorations carrying Frank Sanders, president o f the w riter on the P IN E and ward Great interest was manifested in tercollegiate conference in Flag­ out a fantastic marine scheme Students, who repre­ o f Hughes. the debate and the Ashurst audi­ draped the Ashurst auditorium at s ta ff January 7 football schedule Rupert Hughes is the author torium was creditably tilled. Miss sented A. S. T. C. at the national the Arizona State Teachers college and conference rules were adopted o f the much-discussed “ L ife of Mary G. Boyer presided as chbir- for the. year. _____ at Flagstaff when the Arizona ane university, Washington” and many novels, Playmakers, dramatic club, cele­ reported that approximately 200 Membership will remain the among them “ No One Man," the purpose of givin g "the debaters at brated its fourth annual Twelfth delegates from colleges all over name as last year with six colleges, motion picturc version o f which the college more practice in up­ the United States gathered in New Arizona university, A, S. T. C. of was shown here recently.—------Night Revela. Friday evening. holding the affirm ative side o f th e 1 Flagstaff. A. S. T. C. o f Tempe, Twelfth Night Revels is the tra­ question-which will also be the side ! Orleans December 28-31 to discuss university, New Mex­ ditional English custom which ends which a team will debate ^vith j campus problems and their-wt*^- ico A ggies and Tech. the Christmas season o f festivities. against W hittier college orwJanu- tions. A move by officials of Texas Reading Tests On this day, the tw elfth night a f­ ary 30. I V'ery intelligent student thought Tech to have a new member admit­ ter Christmas, the traditional yule Now (hat the winter.sports sea­ was expressed in the numerous dis­ The entirerdebate squad will hold1 son is in full swin^ at the Anzona ted by a two-third instead o f a log was burned. tryouts for the- privilege of debat- J cussions concerning campus trou­ unanimous vote was over-ridden. Will Be Given A complete under-seas idea was State Teachers College at Flag­ bles, President-Sanders SaTdT "When ing the California team which is staff. eds and co-eds are taking to However, questions relative to carried out, with fishes floating reputed to be an excellcut team. a problem was presented to fe dis- changes in the conference consti­ to New Pupilsoverhead, kelp suspended in the the frozen lakes and snowy hill­ cuK#ion grou jTby a student, other tution may be settled by a two- water, and Waves above all adding . . _ _ sides in droves. Especially enthu­ student* wtftfse colleges had ex­ siastic are the many desert-reared thirds poll. to the originality of the theme. Al'lZOna (.xYadliate perienced the same d ifficu lty gaVe Dwindling of the number of var­ Intelligence and Achievement students who are enjoying their their information as to how thay sity athletes attending college dur­ first, enow. The photo shows Lu- had best m eet the -issue, in this Tests to Atff in Placing, cretia Butler, Phoenix; Kay Ken­ ing the spring quarter caused con­ Promoting Students blare o f trumpets. The royal blood. OT P/iySlCal bCietlCe manner ideas concerning the ac­ ference officials to rule that fresh­ consisting of Coach Rudy Lavik ! * ______a dall. Santa Ana, Calif., and Hilda tivities of different colleges were men may participate in upper di­ and Dr. M ary A. Hill, were elected Timmons, Bisbee, enjoying a to- brought to light. O f interest to student teachers Louis W. Tow le of the Univer­ lK»itgan ride* Miss Butler is rid­ vision baseball -and-track cop U hU imlon Yaajawristhe mid­ by the student body before Christ­ sity o f Arizona is the now head o f Shi il l Groups Met First------~ this season. The ruling is effec­ mas holidays. They were enthron- ing in front. winter testing program which is the physical 'science department at During the convention students tive for one year only. >n an enormous sea shell. Bob being organized at the training the Arizona State. Teacher,-* college first met in small groups for open The question o f officials caused Gay acted out the role of Captain school. AU new pupils are to be Flagstaff,' replacing Dr. W. It. discussion o f the various problems considerable discussion and result­ Kidd, court jester. tested, as well as those to be pro­ Skidmore, who died recently from Tryouts For and then came together at the ed in the maximum fee for foot­ Refreshments were served to the moted. cerebral hemorrH&ge. plenary sessions to vote on resolu­ ball officials being s«t at $15 each. revelers from a sunken, moss-cov­ *A reading teat for grades four Mr. Towle is originally from tions passed by the discussion A suggestion to have the con­ ered pirate ship. to nine written by Dr. Greene of Piedmont, Alabama. He receivc3 Local Contest groups. This enabled a more thor­ ference commissioner appoint of­ Members of the Arizona Play­ the University o f Iowa and Dr. both his B.S. (1930) and M.A. ough discussion of the d ifferent ficials was looked upon favorably, makers were dressed in pirate cds- Kelley, director of the training (1931) degrees from Arizona. He topics brought before the cong­ tumes, and various types o f cos­ To Be Held but a system remains to be work­ school, is to be given, as well as has spent the last year in doing ress. ed out. tumes were used by the student the Otis Group Intelligence scale research work and teaching. Mr. Some o f the situations consider­ Spring football training is to be body and faculty members. and the Gates test. Towle has. done agricultural re­ Winners to Represent College ed were “ Student government in limited to -aix. weeks and transfers The Stanford Achievement test search study, mainly in' cotton, for at (iila During Spring large, small and women’s colleges," are barrtd from competing on it to be repeated in certain select­ the government during ^ e past “ College publications' in large and freshmen or varsity teams in fur­ Extensive List of Tournament ed grades, and the Gates test seven summers. small schobls," “ International rela­ ther tightening of gridiron rules. grades one and two. Magazines Fulfill Mr. Tow le is married and has a tions," “Honor systems" and “ Com­ Yearling athletes are defined as The local contest of the Arizona The reading test devised by Drs. baby two months old. His mother Junior Speech A rts league will be mercialism in college athletics.” players not having more than 24 Reference Needs K elley and G reeners a companion is in F la gstaff with him, but' the held in the college auditorium dur­ semester or 36 quarter hours. A Pass Resolutions test to a reading'test for high rest o f his fam ily has not arrived ing lift latter part of February. transfer from colleges other than A recent survey of magazines in One o f the resolutions passed schools and colleges, published last as yet. This contest is open to freshmen in the junior'class is banned from the library revealed that 136 mag­ was— Resolved, that the state leg­ year. It is divided into six sections This is his first regular teaching and sophomores and representa­ play until he has attended school azines are being subscribed for, islature allow the administration, covering paragraph meaning, word position, although he has had tives will ibe chosen at that time one year. with an additional 15 or 20 on the faculty and student bodies o f state meaning, sentence meaning, cen­ charge of various chemistry class­ for the state contest which will be racks as a result o f g ift subscrip­ supported institutions to determine tral idea,* location o f information, es at the university. * held at Gila college, Safford, in tions. These g ift subscriptions their policies and to enjoy full ex­ and reading rate. Music is a hobby for the new the spring. Scorns Femmes are given through the courtesy of ercise of freedom o f speech, press The test in its revised form has faculty member. He pjrfy4 a num­ The tournament w ill include con­ faculty members, friends o f tl and action.” been accepted by the World Book ber of instruments. Mr. Towle al­ tests in extemporaneous speaking, Sister Institution Would Be college and anonymous donors.. President Sanders stated that company, and will be standardized so enjoys fishing and huntiftg. Bas­ dramatic reading and peace ora­ The text matter of the different one o f ' the unusually interesting Thought of as He-Man Collich in the near future. ketball i^hu favorite college sport. tions. The peace oration is a na- periodicals deal with every con­ talks was an address1 by Rabbi — —— -o------| tional contest and offers a first ceivable subject, with the m ajority Lewis Biristock, comparing the National pretty girl publicity, George Hanley of the magazines dealing with sub­ Coaches,Officers Meet j JJJ5®of $60 and a sccond pri2t*of American student with the Euro­ such as the Arizona State Teachers jects essential to classroom refer­ pean student. The speaker brought Moves to Tuba . ,. ,, ~ ,, . .Miss Klonda Lynn, head o f the' college at Flagstaff gets through ence reading, such as philosophy, out the apparent apathy of the Athletic Conference Enjoys j d em en t 0f dramatic^who is. the news and ; stated :hnt no previous training or This move was taken at the advice eign language, child welfare and national problems. The reason for A. P. representative when he at­ of Mr. Hanley’s physician, who has Coaches and officials of ..the, experience is neccssary in order this situation, President Sanders teaching problems. Border Intercollegiate Athletic to entt.e the i ^ i contest. tended the Border conferenc meet prescribed complete quiet and rest said, is that people do not consider Miss Ida G. Wilson, head librar­ •onferenco attended a banquet in here last woek-end. for his patient. We want enthusiasm and abil­ the American student as serious­ ian, reports that the reference the college cafeteria Saturday eve­ “ We can’t afford it," he declared, Mr. Hanley, son o f Mrs. M ar­ ity to work. The success of the ly as the European, and as yet he reading room is constantly filled ning, Jnnuary 7. “ whereas Flag is thought o f as a garet Hanley, matron o f the din­ local contest will determine i>ur ha# not been confronted with the with students seeking the latest The purpose of this meeting was ‘masculine school to a large extent, ing hall, has been ill for several success in the state contest,” Miss problems that face his neighbor. developments in their particular to make out the conference foot­ Tempe has the deputation of being j months. He recently returned from Lynn said. ... field. » ball schedule fpr 1933. Prof. F. C. O fficers Elected a hen college. We want fp whoop Denver, where .he had gone for In the past five years A. S. T. Osborn o f A. S. T. C. presided. N. F. S. A. officers elected for' for the ods rather than the co-eds." I medical attention. C. has hfid the follow ing winners; thi* year are: John Lang, Univer­ Miss Fannie Park Am ong those present were Coach Peace oration— Yale Me Fate, first Riley, ; pCJrpy En(rle> ,« o m l; Kenneth sity of South Carolina, president; ETSabetH Read; Vassar college, Dies at Her Home Tom PopejOy, graduate manager Hurlbert, first. Dramatic reading vice president, and Gerard David­ Students Flunk in Technocracy of athletics nt University of New - Kenneth Hurlbert, first; Howard in La Mesaf Calif. son, Tulane university, secretary. Mexico; J. F. McKale, director of Rourke, second. Extemporaneous “The entire program for the athletics. University of Arjzona; speaking— Ted Hansen, second; Foremost Discussed Topic Is BlanRf in Minds of Students NewB o f the death of Miss Fan­ convention and social - arrange­ Le'wis Slonaker, graduate manager Bryant Junea, third. As They Are Asked to Give Tlfeir Definition nie Park, popular student o f A r i­ of athletics, ^ ments w ere made by a committee zona State Teachers college, was Emil I^»rson, conference commis­ o f Tulane university students. The By Dora Erickson nical and what not;" telegraphed to friends on the cam­ sioner, University of Arizona; C. Towners to Entertain visiting delegates were shown ev­ Technocracy may be the latest 5. “Are you asking me?" pus Monday from La Mesa, Calif. Zaner Lesher, secretary of the con­ ery courtesy and enjoyed a treat of and most widely discussed topic in 6. “ It involves government by Death, it is thought, resulted ference, University of Arizona; Town Club Plans Novel Dance rcal southern hospitality,” Presi- the newspapers, but its basic prin­ Machinery and technicians.” from complications follow ing a cold Jerry Hines, athletic coach, New For Student Body dent Sander, said. ciples are enveloped in shrouds o f 7. “ It ’s supposed to end the de­ contracted while she- was at her Mexico Agricultural college. La,' BA CK TO darkness and mystery, judging pression. Can you im agine?” home in La Mesa fo r the holidays. Cruces. N. M.; Pete Cawthon. foot­ The recently organized Town SEE US from-the statement* of A. S. T. 8. “ Sure. I t ’s a new kind of Miss Park had enrolled here for ball coach. Texas Institute of Tech­ club will soon-be ready to exhibit C. students. The causes fo r lack machinery fo } typewriters.’ the first time at the beginning of nology. Lubbock, Tex.; R. H. Lavik, some o f its skill and tal#nt under Lloyd Willhite__and M ax Living- o f knowledge o f this subject may There are arguments for and winter quarter. But, although F. C. Osborn and E. A. Ardrey. A. the direction o f President Dickson, i ?U,n wet* ™ »tons on the campus be due to indifference on the part against Technocracy, which is be­ new student, her congeniality and S. T. C., Fla gstaff; William D. Plans are under way for a novel ,a* t W£‘ek' end- o f the student to diligently keep ing supported by foremost U. sociability had won her many Taylor and Ted Shipkey o f A. S. dance to be sponsored fo r the en-1 himself Informed on current topics. engineers and economists concern­ friends among members o f the T. C. at Tempe. tire student body and faculty. A n ­ “ W hat is your definition o f tech­ ing our past prosperity, present student body. other feature to be undertaken by ! W eek’s nocracy?” was put to various stu­ depression, and future freedom. ENJOY HOLIDAY the club is an assembly program j Social Calendar dents and here are the answers. The plan received its first national NO CLASSES DINNER to be d ir e «ld by Leighton Cress. | Take your choice of any of them. publicity in the New Outlook pub­ BECAUSE OF ILLNESS Naomi Dinsmore and her fath­ A t a reccnt meeting a social j 1. “Technocracy? Seems to me lished by A lfred E. Smith. It con­ Prof. A. E. Lunceford of the de­ er N. T. Dinsmore, had as their committee was appointed with January 11, Wednesday—Fac­ I ’ve heard o f it somewhere.” templates the reorganization of partment o f education was unable guests for dinner Friday evening Katherim Cress as chairman and' ulty Party to Townspeople. 2. “ T hat’s something that isn’t America to function with a curren­ to meet his classes Friday, Janu­ during the holiday season Dr. and | N ola~C affey and Bill Switzer January 13, Friday— Basket­ t it’s put up to be." cy based on production rather than a ry 8, because o f illness. Mr. Mrs. Austin C. Repp, their daugh- sisting her. Switzer will also have ball— U. of New Mexico. on precious -metal and it alma to Luncaford, who had an attack of -ter Shirley and son Ward/and Dr. charge of the athletics ran A and — gulp.” Insure consumption o f goods in­ influenza during the Christmas va- and Mrs. Victor II. K elley and son B squad were organized for intra- kotball—U. of New-Mexico. 4. “ Oh, yes, it’s aw fu lly tech­ stead o f p rofit tation, suffered a slight relapse. Bruce. mural competition.