The Toreador
THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Wednesday, March 8, 1950 Number 41 Retired Navy Admiral Will Runoff Election Set Tomorrow Lecture In Rec Hall Thursday - Schier, Huckabay By CHARLOTTE BLACKBURN * * * * Tickets Go On Sale Toreador Staff Writer Brigham Awarded Have 50-50 Chance Rear Adm. Ellis M. Zacharias. 1 , - For Council Post tired naval intelligence officer and Friday, Saturday author, will speak at 7:15 p.m. to- Research Project Second runoff between Keith morrow in the Recreation hall, 0 , of cording to James G. Allen, dean For Dance School Schier, junior from Houston, and men. John Huckabay, senior from Second speaker on the spring se- At Iowa State Tickets for the square dance mester Rec hall program, Zacharias school to be held Mar. 25-25 will be Lubbock, will be held from 8 a. is author of the best-seller, "Secret Raymond D. Brigham, senior on sale for students and faculty en. to 12 noon and I p.m. to 5 Missions", and the recently released members at $2 each Friday and book, "Behind Closed Doors." Re- agricultural education student, p.m. tomorrow, Margaret Clark, Saturday in Tech gym, announced tired from the United States navy has been awarded a graduate Student Council secretary, an- in 1946. he has served or operated Mrs. Margaret Richards, assistant with all types of ships. research assistantship to Iowa professor of women's physical edu- nounced. Born in Jacksonville, Fla. in 1890 State college in Ames, Ia. The cation. Mrs. Richards stressed that Schier and Huckabay, nomi- Admiral Zacharias completed over assistantship will provide for these persons buy tickets on these nated for the business admin- 38 years in the United States Naval Service since entering the , Naval advanced study in forage crops, days since they will be sold to the istration vacancy on the coun- public Monday through Wednesday.
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