Mountain Promise Vol. 19, No. 2 A Publication of the Brushy Fork Institute Winter-Spring 2009 2008 Brushy Fork Annual Institute Proceedings September 10-12, 2008 Mountain Promise is published quarterly for friends and associates of Brushy Fork Institute of Transforming Berea College by: Lives Brushy Fork Institute CPO 164, Berea College Berea, KY 40404 Transforming 859-985-3858 859-985-3903 (FAX) Communities Opening address by Peter Hille Peter Hille at the 2008 Brushy Fork Annual Institute Director compiled by Rodney Wolfenbarger, Brushy Fork Institute AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer
[email protected] Donna Morgan I’m going to share with you a story this morning that starts 45 years Associate Director ago at the dawn of the War on Poverty. I heard this story firsthand in Brushy Fork Institute 1994 when I had the good fortune to serve as facilitator for the Ken- Editor, Mountain Promise tucky Appalachian Task Force, a group of leaders charged by Governor
[email protected] Brereton Jones to set priorities for development in East Kentucky. The group included former and future governors, college and uni- Jane Higgins Program Associate versity presidents, Appalachian experts and recognized community lead- Brushy Fork Institute ers. We heard from people like John Whisman, who was considered to
[email protected] be the “Architect of the ARC”, and Al Smith, former Federal Co-Chair of the ARC. One of the task force members was former Governor Ned Beth Curlin Weber Breathitt, who passed away in 003. Administrative Assistant Brushy Fork Institute I sat with Governor Breathitt at lunch during one of the Task Force Editorial Assistant, Mountain Promise meetings, and I took the opportunity to ask if the issues of the 1990s
[email protected] had the same intensity as those of the early sixties when he became gov- ernor.