International Associated Laboratory (LIA)

“IDEATE: Instrumentation Developments for Experiments at Accelerator facilities and accelerating TEchniques”

Collaboration between CNRS, CEA and from French side and NASU Institutes and Universities from Ukrainian side

Several examples related to the CERN program

Sergey Barsuk Maxim Titov LAL (IN2P3/CNRS and -Sud ) CEA-DSM-IRFU, Saclay Oleg Bezshyyko Sergii Fomin T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ITP (NSC KIPT), Kharkiv

Web site : important links, contacts, ongoing projects, presentations, publications

CERN, 09.12.2015 1 LIA partners

 Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (IN2P3/CNRS and Paris-Sud University)  V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University  Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (IN2P3/CNRS  O. I. Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical and Paris-Sud University) Physics, NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics  Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay and Technology” (IN2P3/CNRS and Paris-Sud University)  Institute of High-energy Physics and Nuclear  Centre de Nucléaires et de Sciences de Physics, NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics la Matière (IN2P3/CNRS and Paris-Sud University) and Technology”  Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et  Institute of Applied Physics National Academy Cancérologie (CNRS, Paris Diderot University and of Sciences of Ukraine Paris-Sud University)  Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research National  Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IN2P3/CNRS and Blaise Pascal University)  M. M. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical  Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Physics National Academy of Sciences of Energies (CNRS, Paris Diderot and Pierre et Marie Ukraine Curie University)  Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (IN2P3/CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique)  Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (CNRS  Long-standing collaboration between French and Strasbourg University) and Ukrainian partners since 2007  Service de Physique des Particules (IRFU,  LIA project inherits from the International DSM/CEA) Project of Scientific Cooperation (PICS,  Service de Physique Nucléaire (IRFU, DSM/CEA) CNRS - State Agency on , Innovation and Informatisation of Ukraine)  Service d'Électronique des Détecteurs et CERN,d'Informatique 09.12.2015 (IRFU, DSM/CEA) 2 LIA preparation : Orsay 11/2014 and Kiev 01/2015

CERN, 09.12.2015 3 LIA signature

 Meeting in NASU on June 22, 2015.  Signature in the Ministry.  Signed in Kiev on June 23, 2015, by CNRS, CEA, Paris-Sud University () and NASU, T. Shevchenko National University, Karazin National University, SFFR (Ukraine).

CERN, 09.12.2015 4 Main axes of the LIA “IDEATE”

1. R&D on detector techniques, experimental platforms : TSNUK, KNU, KINR, KIPT, IAP, LAL, IRFU/SPP, IRFU/SEDI, IRFU/SPhN, IPNO, LPNHE, IMNC, LLR, IPHC Micromegas/InGrid (RD51, LCTPC); SiPM characterization (SIPMED); TOF-Cherenkov detectors; Diamond detectors (beam monitoring, ATF2, KEKB); instrumentation-related projects for HL LHC detectors upgrade (LHCb data transmission, FCC; ATLAS inner silicon detector). Joint (construction and) exploitation of experimental platforms (CORTO, LEETECH); test irradiation facilities. 2. R&D on accelerator techniques : TSNUK, KINR, IAP, KIPT, KNU, LAL, IPNO, LLR, IPHC Bending crystals (extracting beam particles for physics measurements); exploiting Smith- Purcell radiation; development of beams for medical applications; laser applications; facilities to produce accelerator-related instrumentation. 3. Developments for Flavour Physics : TSNUK, KIPT, KNU, KINR, BITP, LAL, LPT, LPNHE, LPC-Clermont, IPHC Theory developments - experiment data analysis on LHCb physics, future flavour factories. 4. Developments for nuclear physics : KINR, IAP, TSNUK, IRFU/SPhN, CSNSM, IPNO Future joint experiments at SPIRAL and ALTO platforms, technical developments and physics studies.

CERN, 09.12.2015 5 Main axes of the LIA “IDEATE”

5. Developments for hadron physics : KIPT, IRFU/SPhN Reactions at intermediate energies at upgraded JLab and COMPASS. 6. Instrumentation for medical imaging: TSNUK, KINR, KNU, KIPT, IAP, IRFU/SPP 7. Pedagogical activities : KINR, KNU, TSNUK, KIPT, IAP, LAL, IRFU/SPP, IRFU/SPhN, LLR, LPNHE, LPC-Clermont Pedagogical platforms, schools, students exchange.

New strong axes:  Joint development and exploitation of Experimental platforms  Joint participation in Large scale projects

CERN, 09.12.2015 6 LIA IDEATE on the map

 Joint contributions to the experiments/projects in France and Ukraine, at CERN, SLAC (USA), KEK (Japan)

France Ukraine


 Strong bias towards CERN projects CERN, 09.12.2015 7 LIA IDEATE : operation

Management : Review/report : Advisory : Co-directors Steering committee Scientific committee and vice-directors

Member laboratories

LIA IDEATE : resources  16 participating institutes/laboratories/universities, other interested partners > 100 researchers/engineers/PhD students, i.e. > 20 FTE  Explicit LIA dedicated budget by each partner, mainly manpower and travel, reviewed annually : CNRS, CEA, UPSUD, NASU, dedicated competition by SFFR  Internal support for LIA research activities by each partner  Joint (construction and) exploitation of experimental platforms

CERN, Other 09.12.2015 financial support, e.g. strong support by STCU 8 LIA IDEATE : basic principles

 Virtual laboratory comprising 16 laboratories/centers/institutes/universities, unique combination of expertise

 Intimate link between research and educational programs

 Symbiosis of expertise of senior scientists and real research work by the (Bachelor, Master and PhD) students within LIA program :  3 acting co-chaired PhD theses  46 student x months internships in France in 2015

# of student x months 40




0 CERN, 09.12.2015 2012 2013 2014 9 Platforms : Low energy electrons, LEETECH facility at PHIL LAL – Kiev U – IRFU – CERN

 Versatile platform to deliver quasi-monochromatic samples of low- energy electrons of adjustable energy and intensity using photoinjector PHIL at LAL, first electrons seen in October 2014

Vaccum chamber and Dipole to select collimator systems (Kyiv U) momentum (CERN)

Access to all energy range using attenuators of different thickness simulation

beam data

CERN, 09.12.2015Momentum, MeV/c Dipole current, A 10 R&D on detector techniques : Silicon sensors for HL-LHC ATLAS LAL – LPNHE – Kiev U

Silicon (edgeless) sensors, 3D Front-End Electronics, track reconstruction at the trigger level.

Activity integrated in projects, involving large community

Participation of Kiev U via internships (in Paris/Orsay and Kiev)  Sensor design and test  Design and implementation of test benches and cards in the framework of 65 nm electronics development  FastTrack applications for track trigger

CERN, 09.12.2015 11 Theory-experimental applications : crystals for accelerator applications KIPT – Kharkiv U – LAL – Kiev U

 Beam-beam coherent radiation  Tests of CpFM detector at H8 (applications for beam monitoring) (CERN)  Beam deflection by bent crystals (UA9)

Close q+ collision in bent crystal Yu. Chesnokov, I. Kirillin, W. Scandale, N. Shul’ga, V. Truten’ (Kharkov-Orsay-CERN-Protvino) PLB 2014  High-energy positron source CERN, 09.12.2015 12 Heavy flavour data analysis : QCD tests with LHCb data LAL – Kiev U First or most precise measurements Andrii Usachov’s Master thesis (2015), LHCb-ANA-2015-038 (with referees)  Access to pure ,  final states using 2D and 3D fits Charmonia from b-hadron decays

reconstructed via decays to  Production of ηc(2S) in b-hadron decays

Also search for X(3872),

hc, 흌풄ퟎ,2(ퟐ푷)

 Measured b 흌풄X transitions support neither dominant Colour Singlet nor dominant Colour Octet contribution

 Fit of O1 and O8 matrix elements to the measurements, using calculations from PRD 59 (1999) 054003

 As a by-product access to Bs  , first evidence B   CERN,of s 09.12.2015 13 Pedagogical links LIA : Pedagogical collaboration

Framework agreement signed between Paris-Sud University and Kyiv T. Shevchenko University Paris-Sud University and Kharkiv V. N. Karazine University proposed between LPNHE (Paris 6) and Kyiv University

TESHEP (next slides) annually since 2007

Professors and pedagogical /organising team

Ukraine, France, UK, , , , Romania, Serbia, Hungary, US, CERN, …


Ukraine, France, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., China, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, , Spain, , Taiwan, Turkey, UK, CERN, DESY, …

Winter School every year in Kyiv or Kharkiv or Lviv

CERN, 09.12.2015 14 TESHEP is a platform, aiming at reinforcing East-West Europe scientific and pedagogical links.

Annual summer school, one of the main pillars of TESHEP, delivers lectures on high energy physics, mainly focusing on experimental particle physics, and brings together European students from different universities.

CERN, 09.12.2015 15 Students’ projects for TESHEP 2007-2014 (in %)

CERN, 09.12.2015 16 TESHEP-associated conference in Lviv Polytechnic University “90 Years Anniversary of Georges Charpak Birth, Bringing Nations Together Through Science”

Organized by French Embassy in Ukraine, European Union/Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), LAL, IRFU, CERN, RD51 collab., Ukrainian State Agency on Science, Innovation and Informatization and Lviv Polytechnic University CERN, 09.12.2015 17 Future projects : 2016

 LIA, year 2 : year of matutiry, more projects, more publications  Workshop on new experiments to measure baryon angular momenta Orsay on February 2.  Winter school in Kharkiv/Dnipropetrovsk on February 29 – March 2.  Workshop on Medical imaging in Kiev on March 3-4.  10th School-Conference TESHEP, in Ukraine ; dedicated conference on 40 years of heavy flavours discovery (TBC)  4th annual French-Ukrainian workshop on Instrumentation in October  Preparing proposal of large-scale project : Two complementary centers in Ukraine (in Kiev and Kharkiv) dedicated to R&D and training platforms on instrumentation for medical imaging

CERN, 09.12.2015 18 CERN contribution : present and future

 CERN contribution to TESHEP, and associated conference, both contribution to budget and participation of CERN officials, professors, experts TESHEP 2007 TESHEP 2010


 Explicit CERN participation in other LIA axes : contribution to internships and/or fellow within the LIA topics ?  Explicit CERN participation in the R&D instrumentation for medical imaging ?

CERN, Favour 09.12.2015joint French-Ukrainian contribution to CERN projects ? 19 Backup

CERN, 09.12.2015 20 Structure of the LIA “IDEATE”

 LIA management, scientific program implementation, resources: Co-directors: S. Barsuk (France) and O. Bezshyyko (Ukraine) Vice-directors: M. Titov (France) and S. Fomin (Ukraine)  Review by Steering Committee (scientific and financial reports from LIA management): Prof. Jacques Martino, Director of IN2P3* Prof. Achille Stocchi, Director of the LAL Dr Philippe Chomaz, Director of the IRFU Dr Anne-Isabelle Etienvre, Director of SPP/IRFU Prof. Jacques Bittoun, President of UPSud Acad. Leonid V. Huberskyi, of TSNUK Acad. Vil S. Bakirov, Rector of KNU Acad. Mykola F. Shul’ga, Academician Secretary of the Dpt. of Nuclear Physics and Power Engineering of NASU Acad. Anatoly G. Zagorodny, Vice President of NASU Acad. Volodymyr Yu. Storizhko, Director of the IAP** Acad. Boris V. Grynyov, Director of SFFRU  LIA management may take advice from Scientific Committee: LIA management Thematic group leaders Renowned experts CERN, 09.12.2015 21  LIA project inherits from the International Project of Scientific Cooperation (PICS, CNRS - State Agency on Science, Innovation and Informatisation of Ukraine)

“Development of the instrumentation for accelerator experiments, beam monitoring and other applications”, from 01/2014

PICS partners

 Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (IN2P3/CNRS and Paris-Sud University)  V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University  Institut de recherche sur les lois  Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, fondamentales de l'Univers (DSM/CEA) NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” Institutes of National Academy of Science  V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University  Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  Kharkiv Institute of Scintillating Materials National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

CERN, 09.12.2015 22 LIA “IDEATE” on the map

In 2015 : o Two annual schools : winter and summer o Joint worskhops and publications o 46 students x months in interships o ~ 6 master students o ~ 3 joint Ph.D. theses




Kharkiv: KNU, KIPT


CERN, 09.12.2015 23 Pedagogical links LIA : Pedagogical collaboration

NPAC Master in Paris-Sud, (now also) Large Instruments Master 24 students since 2007  PhD thesis defended or in progress. Students keep strong links with mother-institutes in Ukraine by seminars and following bachelor and Master students Strong Support from the French Embassy with Master and PhD fellowships. Internships in France for Bachelor and Master Students About 15 student x months in 2012, 17 in 2013, 35 in 2014, 46 in 2015. Internships on: LHCb physics analysis, data transmission for HL upgrade ATLAS HL upgrade, silicon detectors simulation and tests UA9 prototypes and tests Laser plasma accelerators ATF2 simulation and diamond detector tests Experimental platforms: PHIL, LEETECH and CORTO Instrumentation techniques: SiPM, scintillator and quartz materials THOMX beam for medical applications Heavy flavours (theory) Smith-Purcell radiation JANNUS (young scientists) CW laser studies Heavy ions (data analysis) … at LAL, LPNHE, CSNSM, IPNO, LPC, LPT, being planned at IRFU, IMNC

CERN, 09.12.2015 24 Long-standing cooperation between French and Ukrainian partners

Examples of scientific project, started before LIA Large to small project scale, with large (***) to small (*) involvement

 Participation in large scale projects:  ATLAS HL-upgrade, inner silicon detector (**)  LHCb and upgrade, radiation resistant materials (*), search for NP with B- decays to light hadron and lepton pair (*), data analysis of charmonium states production and rare Bs-decays (**), tests of data transmission (*)  Participation in middle scale projects:  UA9 experiment, concept of bending crystals, simulation (***)  RD51 experiment, LCTPC collaboration, Micromegas/InGrid development, simulation and tests (***)  ATF2, HL beam studies (**)  Small scale projects – platforms (fully driven):  LEETECH (LAL-Kiev U-IRFU-CERN) (***)  CORTO (LAL-IPNO-Seoul U-Kiev U) (*)  Theory linked to heavy flavours (**) CERN, 09.12.2015 25