This torrent represents a work of LOVE All texts so far gathered. as 'we ll as all future gatherings aim at exposing interested students to occ u lt infonnation. Future releases will indude subtnissions from users like yo u. For some of us, the time h as come to mobilize. If you h ave an interest in assisting in this process - w e all have strengths to bring to the table - please email occu lt .d igit al.
[email protected] Complacency serves th e old g od s. THE MAGICAL AND RITUAL USE OF By the same author: The Magical and Ritual Use ofAphrodisiacs The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes El uso migico y ritual de las hierbas HERBS EI uso migico y ritual de los afrodisiacos Richard Alan Miller BOO KS DESTINY BOOKS ROCHESTER,VERMONT THE AUTHOR CONTENTS Recognizing that science should not and cannot be separated from the welfare ofthe human being, Richard Alan Miller is a scientist ofexten sive and multidimensional expertise. Receiving a degree in Theoretical Physics from Washington State University in 1966, he spent over a INTRODUCTION 1 decade in biomedical research and development for some of the most prestigious and technically sophisticated corporations in the United States, including The Boeing Company and E. I. Dupont de Nemours Stimulants Co. He worked for several years in the department ofanesthesiology of the University of Washington, incorporating his skills both in medi DAMIANA 7 cine and physics, and has been published in several international jour PASSIONFLOWER 10 nals for his work both in physics and parapsychology.