Smarco Industries Summary and Conclusion


11.0 Introduction

The silica sand deposits are confined exclusively to the coastal zone between the Kandaleru and Swarnamukhi rivers in the Chillakur and Kota mandals in essentially between North Latitudes 14°02’ and 14°10’ and East Longitudes 79°51’ and 80°09’ in the Survey of topographic maps 57 N/16 and 66 C/1 on a scale of 1:50,000. Silica sand deposits are widely spread over a span of 110 km2 area east of town in Nellore district of .

M/s. Smarco Industries proposes mining in an area of 5.342 ha to extract Silica Sand of 42410 TPA. In principle approval by department of mines and geology, Government of Andhra Pradesh vide letter no. 1582/R3-1/2018, dt. 20.06.2018. The proposed mine lease area is revenue land. Terms of reference for preparing the EIA report as part of obtaining prior environmental clearance for a production capacity of 42410 TPA was obtained vide letter no. SEIAA/AP/NLR/MIN/11/2018/743-1523, dt.15.11.2019. The capital cost of the proposed activity of mining is Rs. 45 Lakhs. The Mining plan was approved by the Deputy Director of Mines and Geology (DDMG), Guntur, Government of Andhra Pradesh, vide Letter No. 3268/MP/SS/NLR/2018, dt. 13.08.2018.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India (GOI) issued notifications vide SO 1533, dt. 14.9.2006, its amendments based on the directions issued by National Green Tribunal (NGT), New Delhi vide O. A. No. 16 of 2016, dt.13.09.2018 and vide E.A.NO 55/2018 of O. A. No. 520/2016, dt. 11.12.2018 on Moefcc notification S.O.2269 (E), dt.01.07.2016 and S.O.3977 (E), dt.14.08.2018 and Office Memorandum dt.12.12.2018 issued in compliance with the hon’ble NGT orders, New Delhi, which mandate prior environmental clearance for all mining leases across the country. The notification and its amendments based on

NGT directions, classify mine lease areas of 5 - 25 ha as category B2 at par with B1, and stipulate a three-stage process of scoping, public consultation and appraisal by State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) to issue prior environmental clearance. Accordingly scoping for preparation of environmental

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impact assessment (EIA) was done by the state expert appraisal committee (SEAC), which issued terms of reference vide Letter No. SEIAA/AP/NLR/MIN/11/2018/743- 1523, dt.15.11.2019 for a production capacity of 42410 TPA in an area of 5.342 ha. The present study follows the prescribed TOR’s to prepare draft EIA/EMP report for public consultation, to facilitate informed view on the project by public/stakeholders for this mine lease area and other mine leases in this cluster namely Nishitha Mines and Minerals and A.V.S. Mining Company and the total cluster area of 31.578 ha. The report presents cumulative environmental impacts due to the mining cluster and the environmental management plan to address the same in addition to the impacts assessment and environmental management for this project.

M/s Team Labs and Consultants prepared Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the proposed activity. The report is been prepared using baseline data of environmental status within 10 km radius of the mine lease area for major environmental components; water, air, noise, soil, flora, fauna and socio-economic environment for one season, and the proposed measures to be adopted for mitigating and controlling pollution.

11.1 Mine Location

Details of the mine lease location

Description Remarks Name of the Project (s) M/s. Smarco Industries Survey No. 24/3B, 24/4A, 24/4B, 29/1 & 29/2, Addepalli Village, Location of the Project Chillakur Mandal, SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh. Project / Activity 1(a) Land Use Pattern Patta Land, Open area – 5.342 ha Latitudes (North) 14°8'53.0" to 14°8'57.3" Longitudes (East) 80°4'23.7" to 80°4'37.8" Survey of India sheet No D44I04 (66 B/04) Elevation above Mean Sea Level (AMSL), m 6 m Seismic zone Seismic Zone: II as per IS: 1893 North : Road East : Open Lands Site surroundings West : Open Lands South : Open Lands Nearest Village Komaravaripalem village – 0.5 km – East direction

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Description Remarks Accessibility to site Site connecting – North direction Road access Komaravaripalem to Chintavaram road – 60 m – North direction Nearest Town and District Head quarters Nellore – 34 km – NW direction Nearest Railway station Manubolu station – 23.2 km – NW direction Nearest airport Tirupathi Airport – 81 km – SW direction Nearest Port Port – 12 km – NE direction Kandleru or Upputeru River - 6.0 km - NW direction Water Bodies in buffer Buckingham Canal - 1.2 km - E direction area Challa Kaluva 7.5 km - SW direction Momidi RF - 0.9 km - W direction Udatavaripalem Protected RF - 8.0 km - SW direction Reserve Forest Kottapatnam RF - 2.5 km - SE direction Vallipedu RF - 9.5 km - SW direction Tammenapatnam RF - 7.5 km - NE direction Inter-state boundary and international boundary Nil within 10 km Protected Areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 Nil within 10 km Eco-sensitive areas as notified under section 3 of the E (P) Act, 1986 Nil within 10 km Critically polluted areas as identified by the Central Pollution Control Board from time to time, Nil within 10 km

11.2 Proposed Method of Mining

The process of silica sand mining will be opencast semi-mechanized mining without drilling and blasting. It involves digging, scooping and excavating with the help of simple tools like spade. Excavator will be used occasionally for scooping of sand.

Land use pattern of the Mine Lease Area

Type of Activity Area Utilized during plan period, ha Area to be excavated 4.13 Infrastructure (Workshop, office) 0.03 Roads 0.05 Mineral storage 0.1 Green Belt 0.25 Area remains untouched 0.782 Total 5.342

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11.2.1 Development and Production The Silica Sand is exposed to surface without over burden. No waste generation is anticipated.

11.3 Employment Potential

The manpower requirement for the above-mentioned production capacity is approximately 35 no’s and all the workers are supervised by Mines manager.

11.4 Site services

It is proposed to provide an office cum store room, first aid room cum rest shelters, toilets and stock yard with temporary structures in the mine lease area as part of site services. Temporary sheds with cement plastered brick walls and G.I. sheet or grass roofing are constructed for site services. The workers required shall be sourced from surrounding villages. Drinking water is obtained from Addepalli village through tractor mounted tankers for the mining staff and workers. A tractor mounted tanker is proposed for sprinkling of water mainly on village roads to suppress the dust generated due to vehicular movement. Fencing shall be provided around workings pit to avoid accidental slippage of men and animals, while worked out pit is used as reservoir for storage of rain water.

11.5 Water Requirement and Effluent Generation The total water requirement is 6.3 KLD. Water requirement for the project is mainly for sprinkling on the haul roads (2.2 KLD) to mitigate dust emissions, for maintaining green belt (2.5 KLD) and for domestic purposes (1.6 KLD). Rainwater stored in worked out pit is used for sprinkling, green belt development. The domestic water will be drawn from Addepalli / storm water storage. Total water required for the cluster is 18 KLD.

11.6 Baseline Environmental Status The baseline data for ambient air quality, surface and ground water quality, noise, and soil quality was collected and analyzed for various parameters to determine the existing quality and flora and fauna study of the impact area was conducted during period of January – March 2019. The ambient air quality monitoring results show

11 - 4 Team Labs and Consultants Smarco Industries Summary and Conclusion that the values are within the prescribed limits of National Ambient Air Quality standards. Ground water sample analysis results show that the values are saline or hard water in the bore wells most of the locations compared to Indian Standard Drinking Water Specification of IS: 10500-2012. Noise quality parameters in the study area are within prescribed limits of Ambient Noise Standards. There are no Schedule I flora or fauna within the impact area.

11.7 Identification and Quantification of Impacts The project activities that are likely to cause potential impacts on environment are mining operations and associated infrastructure. Mining operations involve development of haul roads, excavation, handling and transportation of silica sand. The likely effects of these activities are land degradation, Fugitive dust generation, noise and vibration levels, increased run-off during monsoon and Human health risks.

ISCST3 model was used for air quality impact predictions. The predicted maximum

24 hourly GLC’s of PM, PM10 and PM2.5 are 0.85, 0.34 and 0.15 g/m3 respectively falling within the mine lease area. The cumulative values (baseline and predicted) are found to be within the prescribed standards of national ambient air quality.

11.8 Environment Management Plan The management plan is drawn in consultation with the project proponent, mining engineer and geologist after evaluating various methods for mitigation and control of pollution. The environment management plan is drawn to address the impacts identified, predicted and assessed to be significant. The environment management plan addresses the impacts identified.

11.8.1 Dust Emissions Dust will be generated during mining and also during handling and transportation of the material. Haulage of Silica Sand within lease area will lead to emissions of fugitive dust in the mining area. It is proposed to provide water sprinkling in haul roads to reduce the fugitive dust emissions. Tractor mounted sprinkler will be deployed.

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11.8.2 Noise Pollution Control Major noise sources during operation are mine machineries, equipment, occasional drilling and blasting and vehicular movement. The following measures will be adopted to reduce noise levels; improved silencers, mufflers and closed noise generating parts, regular and periodic maintenance of noise generating machinery including transport vehicles, location of site office and other infrastructures away from the noise sources. Personal protective equipment like earmuffs, earplugs will be provided to workers involved in work closer to noise generating sources. The exposure to noise levels is also mitigated by adopting employee rotation.

11.8.3 Water Resources and waste water generation

The total water requirement is 6.3 KLD. Drinking water in the order of 1.6 KLD is drawn from nearby Addepalli. Water stored in worked out pit after first year is used for other purposes. Domestic waste water is sent septic tank followed by soak pit.

11.8.4 Land Management

Land degradation is one of the major adverse impacts of opencast mining in the form of excavated voids. During plan period about 4.13 ha area will be occupied by pit, and plantation will cover 0.25 ha and approach road covers an area of 0.05 ha. Other temporary constructions are dismantled after completion of mine workings.

11.8.5 Waste Management

There is no waste anticipated from mining activity. Municipal solid waste about 10 kg/day shall be deposed in low lying areas, while wet waste is composted and recyclables are sold to recyclers.

11.8.6 Socio-Economic Environment

There are no settlements in the ML area. Hence no rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) is required. The mining activity will improve the economic status of the people surrounding the mine lease area. The proposed project generates employment to 35 people, and all the semiskilled and unskilled jobs will be provided to the local villagers. Apart from employment, the state government and village panchayath will get royalty due to mining.

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11.8.7 Green Belt

Greenbelt is proposed as an additional mitigation measure for dust control in addition to water sprinkling. It is proposed to have dense green belt in and around the mine site, loading and unloading facilities, and in abandoned mine area during reclamation process. About 0.25 ha (350 trees) area will be planted during next five years. Precautionary measures like regular watering, providing manure and fencing will be taken up to achieve 90% of survival rate of plantation.

11.8.8 Occupational Health and Safety Measures

Protective equipment will be provided to the employees such as safety shoes, helmets and dust masks. Dust masks would be provided for the safety of workers at site, engaged at dust generation points like loading and unloading points etc. Dust masks would prevent inhalation of particulate matter thereby reducing the risk of lung diseases and other respiratory disorders. Regular health monitoring of workers will be carried out. The health impact due to dust shall be addressed by rotation of employees from dust generating jobs after periodic health monitoring.

11.8.9 Environmental Monitoring Program

The monitoring program consists of collection and analysis of air, soil, noise and water samples. Environmental monitoring shall be conducted on quarterly basis to assess the pollution level in the ML area and in the surrounding areas as well. An Environment Management Cell shall be established to look after all the environment related activities. This cell will be headed by the Mines Manger. The Cell is responsible for all the environmental management activities including environmental monitoring, greenbelt development and to ensure statutory compliance with the regulatory authorities. The total capital expenditure envisaged for environmental management is Rs.4.76 lakhs with annual recurring expenditure of 2.48 lakhs. The total capital expenditure envisaged for cluster environmental management is Rs.10.87 lakhs with annual recurring expenditure of 9.69 lakhs.

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11.8.9 Corporate Social Responsibility

By individual lease

It is proposed to spend Rs. 1.5 Lakhs in five years for CER activities like provision of solar street lamps, trees plantation. The management will provide training and awareness on job facilities to unemployed graduates and post graduates, embroidery and tailoring training to backward and weaker section women and finance to local sports persons.

By cluster leases as follows

The following measures shall be adopted to mitigate the cumulative impacts; Strengthening of common haulage roads, mining activity during day time to reduce noise, mineral dispatch on mutual consultation to avoid traffic congestion, pooling of CER fund to avoid duplication of CER activity, adoption of water conservation measures and water harvesting measures in common properties of the surrounding villages after mutual consultation to compensate the water usage from common properties, plantation along connecting roads, drainage management and planning to avoid the sediment load and to avoid over flow of storm water into the connecting drains, mutual support in case of any emergency.

11.9 Mine Closure Plan

The disturbed land including area disturbed due to excavation, dumping, construction of haul roads, ramps, structures would be reclaimed before finally abandoning the mine. The closure involves the following; fencing around the pit and greenery development.

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