Environmental Impact Assessment of Krishnapatnam Industrial North Node
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Andhra Pradesh Industrial National Industrial Corridor Development Infrastructure Corporation Corporation (NICDC) Limited. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF KRISHNAPATNAM INDUSTRIAL NORTH NODE Executive Summary August 2020 SUBMITTED BY L&T Infra Engineering C11811311 RP005, Rev. 0 L&T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd. Client: National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited NICDC Project: Project No.: EIA Krishnapatnam North Node C1181311 Title: Document No.: Rev.: Executive Summary RP005 0 This document is the property of L&T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd. and File path: must not be passed on to any person or body not authorised by us to receive it l:\ports\2018\c1181311 - eia krishnapatnam node\working\reports\executive nor be copied or otherwise made use of either in full or in part by such person or summary\executive summmary english.docx body without our prior permission in writing. Notes: 1. Revision Details: IRR 0 31.08.2020 First Submission VHR SAP TKSS SNV Sign Init. Sign. Init. Init. Sign. Rev. Date Details . Prepared Checked Approved Table of Contents EIA Krishnapatnam North Node C1181311 Executive Summary RP005 rev. 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1 2 Project Site ......................................................................................................................................1 3 Justification of the Project ............................................................................................................3 4 Project Description .........................................................................................................................3 4.1 Proposed Project ......................................................................................................................3 4.1.1 Site Master Plan .............................................................................................................4 4.2 Economic Impact of the Industrial park .....................................................................................4 5 EIA/EMP Study ................................................................................................................................5 6 Description of Environment ..........................................................................................................5 6.1 Study Area ................................................................................................................................5 6.2 Study Period..............................................................................................................................5 6.3 Terrestrial Environment .............................................................................................................5 6.4 Marine Environment ..................................................................................................................6 6.5 Socio Economic Conditions ......................................................................................................7 7 Anticipated Environmental Impacts with Mitigation Measures .................................................7 8 Environmental Monitoring Programme ........................................................................................8 9 Additional Studies ..........................................................................................................................8 9.1 Risk Analysis .............................................................................................................................8 9.2 Disaster Management plan .......................................................................................................8 9.3 Traffic and Transportation Management Plan ..........................................................................9 9.4 Social Impact Assessment ........................................................................................................9 10 Project Benefits ..............................................................................................................................9 10.1 Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) ....................................................................... 10 11 Environment Management Plan ................................................................................................. 11 11.1 Budgetary Estimate for Environmental Management ............................................................ 11 12 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 11 LIST OF FIGURES FD0101: Location Map FD0201: Master Plan FD0301: Study Area Map LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Salient Features of Node ...........................................................................................................3 Table 2: Proposed land use for Master Plan ............................................................................................4 Table 10-1: Identified CER activities ..................................................................................................... 10 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 2-1: Scrub vegetation in the proposed project site .......................................................................2 Exhibit 2-2: Sandy area with scrub vegetation in the proposed project site ............................................2 Exhibit 2-3: Cashew plantation in the proposed project site ....................................................................2 Exhibit 2-4: Casuarina plantation in the proposed project site .................................................................2 Exhibit 2-5: Aquaculture Practice in Project Site ......................................................................................2 Exhibit 2-6: Groundnut cultivation in the project site ................................................................................2 Table of Contents Page i EIA Krishnapatnam North Node C1181311 Executive Summary RP005 rev. 0 1 Introduction Government of India (GoI) has recently come up with a national programme, “Make-In-India” to promote manufacturing sector in a comprehensive manner. The program aims to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property, and build best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure. The Government of India is developing Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) between Chennai, Bengaluru and Chitradurga across an overall length of about 560 km to achieve accelerated development and regional industry agglomeration in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Three industrial nodes are proposed along this corridor, namely Krishnapatnam Industrial Node in Andhra Pradesh, Ponneri Industrial Node in Tamil Nadu, and Tumakuru Industrial Node in Karnataka. The Government of India formed National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) formerly known as Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (DMICDC), a special purpose company entrusted for the project development activities for the CBIC Project. A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) “NICDIT Krishnapatnam Industrial City Development Limited” has been formed to jointly develop the project. The SPV partnership is between the National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT) represented by NICDC, and the State Government of Andhra Pradesh represented by Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited (APIIC). The Krishnapatnam Node will spread across two sites located about 60 km apart. North Node: Area of about 11095.9 acres in SPSR Nellore District, located 3.5 km from Krishnapatnam Port. South Node: Area of about 1,567 acres in Chittoor District located about 60 km south- west of Krishnapatnam Port. Present EIA study is for Krishnapatnam North Industrial Node. APIIC shall develop the infrastructure required for the Krishnapatnam north industrial node project, whereas NICDC will be acting like a knowledge partner to prepare the technical reports for project implementation. 2 Project Site The Krishnapatnam North Node will spread in an area of about 11095.9 acres in SPSR Nellore District, located 3 km south of Krishnapatnam Port. The site is falling in eight villages from two mandals of SPSR Nellore District: Thammipatnam, Ballavolu, Vellapalem, and Momidi from Chillakur Mandal, and Karlapudi, East Kanupur, Kotapatnam, and Siddavaram from Kota Mandal. This Project site falls between Latitude 14°4'15.59" N to 14°13'16.07" N and Longitude 80°1'6.86" E to 80°8'5.16" E and existing ground elevation is ranging from 0m to 16 m. The existing terrain of the project site is relatively flat and gentle sloping towards the Bay of Bengal. Majority of the land is of uncultivable scrub lands, sandy area, plantations, coastal open land, water bodies, built-up areas and bordered by River Swarnamukhi towards south-east boundary. Buckingham Canal passes through the site from north to south. Three reserve Forests blocks are adjoining the site towards west and east of project site and few settlements are located within the site. 1 Introduction Page 1 C1181311 EIA Krishnapatnam North Node RP005 rev. 0 Executive Summary The study area is covered in the Survey of India Toposheet no. 66B/04. Location map of the project site is given as FD0101 and project site photographs are shown in Exhibit 2-1 to Exhibit 2-6. Exhibit