The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine
THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL A ND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE PUBLISHED Q UARTERLY BY THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON. S. C. EDITED 1 SY A.. S SALLEY, JR., SECRETARY A ND TREASURER OF THE SOCIETY. VOLUME V I. Printed f or the Society by WALKER. EVANS & COOSWELL CO., Charleston, 5. C. IOO5. OFFICERS HEOF T South C arolina Historical Society, May 1 9, 1904-May 19, 1906 President, H on. Joseph W. Barnwell. ist. V ice-President, Henry A. M. Smith, Esq. 2d. V ice-President, Hon. Theodore D. Jervey. Vice-President, H on. F. H. Weston. 4th. V ice-President, Hon. John B. Cleveland. Secretary a nd Treasurer and Librarian, A. S. Salley, Jr. Curators: Langdon C heves, Esq., D. E. Huger Smith, Esq., Charles W. Kollock, M. D., Rev. John Johnson, D.., D LL. D. Yates S nowden, Esq., Capt. Thomas Pinckney, Prof.. C J. Colcock, Hon. C. A. Woods, Hon. J ames Aldricii. Boardf o Managers, All of the foregoing officers. Publication C ommittee, Joseph W. Barnwell, Henry A. M. Smith, A.. S Salley, Jr. THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL A ND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE F PUBLISHED Q UARTERLY BY THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON, S. C. VOL.I— V NO. 1 JANUARY, 1GOS. Entered a t the Post-office at Charleston, S. C, as Second-class Matter. Printed f or the Society by WALKER. EVANS & COOSWELIJCO., Charleston, S. C. IOO5. PUBLICATION C OMMITTEE. Joseph. W Barnwell, Henry A. M. Smith, A.. S Salley, Jr. EDITORF O THE MAGAZINE. A. S. Salley, Jr. CONTENTS. Correspondence b etween Hon.
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