Distribution :.-•-'--= TBJBfefaim a* 7 CBL, 71 fcatfcnd stamen w fender. ' I8.S25 *" '•'-•''* \ HIjb k the Sti, low untight 71. Wtfeetday variable dondlnett. See Weather, page 2. Dial SH l-OQIfr :-r :fr

RED BANK — Councilman Mr. Warren said he heartily John Warren, Jr., last night agreed with the provoked men placed the responsibility for reg- and commented, "I wouldn't go ulating boat traffic on the Na- on that river Saturdays or Sun- Thalidomide vesink River squarely with state days." By JACK BELL Thalidomide, a sedative, has been blamed legislators. He said the borough has no con- WASHINGTON (AP) — A Food and Drug for the malformation of thousands of infants "This is a problem for the leg- trol over the poor seamanship of Administration spokesman said today that in Europe. It was not sold in the United islature," Mr. Warren said, re- the speeding motorboat skippers surveys Indicate more than 15,000 American States, but was distributed to doctors for pos- sponding to complaints from two "An 8-year-old can go on the riv- patients received thalidomide pills from U. S. sible experimental use before its effects in boatmen who said motor boats er with a 100 horsepowered craft doctors. About 3,200 of them were women . Europe were publicized. are speeding in the river west of and drive- 100 m.p.h.," he de- of child bearing age. Cooper's Bridge. clared, "and there is nothing we There have been a few birth deformities "W« have no information as to how many can do." in the blamed on thalidomide, of these women were pregnant," said Wallace but the cases reported so far involved sup- The problem centers on the fail Janssen, FDA information director, "And we plies of the drug obtained abroad rather than ure of the state to provide ade- don't have any information at this point on quate licensing controls of boat pills distributed by American doctors, Marilyn the total quantity of pills given to doctors." SURVEY REPORT users, he said. Small sailing craft Senators were told in a closed session Food and Drug Administrator George P. and fishing boats are, put in jeop- yesterday that so far there have been no re- Larrick appeared yesterday before the Senate ardy by motorcraft and water ports of malformed babies attributable to Judiciary Committee to report on results of Received skiers, he added. thalidomide pills dispensed in the United an FDA survey of thalidomide in the United Mr. Warren advised James Get- States. tls, chairman of the River Front States. STILL UNCERTAIN Committee, and Daniel J. Jian- Earlier the FDA had reported that thali- But Sen. Estes Kefauver, D-Tenn., told Late Call nine, 12 Tilton Ave., the worried domide was distributed to 1,231 U. S. physi- MATAWAN: SAFETY FIRST—IN REVERSE — Unleti this bridge it torn down or re- the Senate yesterday that no one can be cer- complainants, to write their leg- cians but that all but 158 doctors had been tain until about Jan. 1 that no deformities islators. placed, students going to the new Matawan Regional High School in September will develop. (See PILLS, Page 2) Simple Funeral At the same time, council will be taking their live* in their hands, according to ths tchool board. The 40-year- agreed to write Assemblymen Al- old wooden structure, a Jersey Central Atlantic Ave. spur overpass, which leads to Set Tomorrow fred N. Beadleston, Clifton T. They Keep Coming Barkalow and Irving E. Keith the school, has no pedestrian walkway and is barely wide enough for school buies For Film Queen and State Senator Richard R. to pats each other. School board wants Public Utilities Commission to order rail- Stout of the complaints, and re- road to take action. Matter of petitioning PUC has been left in handt of town- HOLLYWOOD (AP) - A mys- quest they seek legislation for the control of the operation of boats ship attorney. Harold J. Dolan, board president, said yesterday attorney "hat done Propose New Swim;Club; terious phone call in the night sbortlv before Marilyn Monroe on the river. nothing about it." Dolan it mad — says residents should "bombard" township and was found dead added still fur- Mr. Gettis told council that old borough officials with phone calls and letters. MIDDLETOWN - Plans for a Mr. Rich had originally sub- Gree_....n. Orchards Swim Club In ther conjecture today to the wrecked cars are being dumped 10-acre swim club, the third such roitted a map for a 13-lot sub- Brigadoon South, a housing' de- tragedy that befell the blonde at the end of Bergen Pi., near project to be proposed for the division on the property but velopnen' lent off Rt 35, and the movie queen. the river., He also said there are township this year, were intro- withdrew his plans early this Shor,.^e Aquatic Club, which Wai There already remained the no streets in the borough where Back on Jobduced to the Planning Board last year when the board informed have been on West Front St. the river may be reached by a All Areas Won't Get the area of James St. Plans question of whether she had died night. him to the then pending plan to Intentionally or accidentally. passable right of way for the pur- Presented by Jerry R. Rich, change zoning in the area to the latter club wett recently "I don't remember what time pose of launching boats. Leonardo, the Sea Star Swim B-4 for light industry. dropped when the proposal ran the call came in," said the New Sewer Service Ciub would be built on Harmony Need Variance ' ' strong neighborhood oppoel- actress' housekeeper, Mrs. Eu- Rd. near Rt. 35. The map Board members told. Mr. Rich at a Board of Adjustment nice Murray yesterday. "And ' School Bus RED BANK — Mayor Peter W. the area $300 in order to be shows a T-shaped swimming and last' night that' the new zoning session June IS. • don't know who it was from. Falvo last night told a River St. served by a sewer system. diving pool, a children's pool, makes no provision for private Chain Store * "But knowing Marilyn as resident that eight homes in that The costs, labelled prohibitive- two tennis courts, two handball recreational clubs although , it Among .other new proposals do, I think that If this call waked Costs Up neighborhood would not he ly .high by Councilman Harry courts, two badminton courts, a does allow for public playgrounds was an auto supply and sporting her up, she might have taken served by borough sanitary sewer Malchow last month when the putting green, a baseball field and other non-profit municipal good-iss store to be built by the •ome more sleeping pills." systems in spite or the recently funds for the sewer expansion and a wooded picnic area. uses. They advised the develop- R & S chain adjoining the Es- announced expansion of the fa- were voted, are blamed on grade Coroner Theodore J. Curphey By $3,000 The architect, Jerome Morley er to file an application for a i Service Station on Rt. 35 at cilities. level in the area. . laid the death Saturday of the EATONTOWN — School bus Larson, Spring Lake Heights, variance with the Zoning Board te intersection of Tindall Rd. actress was caused by a massive transportation here will cosl Mr. Falvo told Mrs. James A. Mr. Falvo said it would cost has designed six ultra-modern of Adjustment. Public hearings on dUrldge, a overdose of barbiturates. $33,864 next year, an increase of Watson, 216 River St., that it about $10,000 to install a 30- structures to house 3iQ bath- Other swim clubs proposed in 10-acre development off Swartzel Phone In Hand $5,000 over last year's but. would cost each homeowner in foot lift, and another $16,000 for houses and 48 cabanas. the township this year were the "Dr •.,, and Newman Springs Man- Mrs. Murray added that th Increased double sessions are additional piping. ... a 17-lot subdivision In Lin- mridentffied call might account _„the, cause for' the larger bus bill, In addition, the property own- croft, were continued to Sept. 4. Hearing* on the Deepdale Farm tor the phone's being found DrDr,. William W. Ramsay, super- Core $ite ers would have to spend-upward clutched • In. the hand of the intendent, explained. of $100 each to tie their pipes protect was also set for that Agent Loses night. tomMtaes bright and gay. some- The Board of Education last into the system, -the mayor said. The board will meet Monday times depressed st»r. night renewed existing bus con- Ordinances At the July 3 •meeting "The bor t a special conference session MetnwMIe. arrangements wen tracts, giving Increases up to ough appropriated $250,000 for with Henry Labrecque, township being completed for quiet fu WOO on each of five routes. It the construction of new sanitary Introduced MMVStdtiMFuiids engineer, and representatives of eeral "aeryiees' and entombmen was explained that school law sewers at four different loca Ralph S. Cryder " EATONTOWN — Mrs. Mary V. The Eatontown motor-vehicle Herbert H. Smith Associates, tomorrow. Friends were hoping permits increases up to this sum ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP — Thetions. the »lnjple rites would not at- DUIU Committee last night Costa, agent in charge of the mo-station "has been very well run," Weft Trenton, the township's in existing contract prices with- Township RED BANK - Ralph S.; Cryder tract throng! of the curious. out requiring re-bidding. R. Hel- introduced two ordinances appro- All sections of the borough will tor vehicle station here, lost $2,- Mr. Parsekian stated. ' ' planning' consultants, to discuss be served by the facility except resumed his duties as Red Bank's Details were not set, but mor- frich and Son, Inc., Keansbui bating a total of {240,000 and director of parks and recreation 500 in station funds between her Mrs, Costa, who, has .been suggested changes in the land areas near Haddon Park, Locust subdivision ordinance. The sug- tuary spokesmen said only 15 is the contractor for all rout Aithorizlng the issuance of last week following the deactiva office and the New Jersey Trust charge of the station for three Ave., and River St. where grade gestions .were received in a let- persons were Invitedto the serv- Dr. Ramsay said that the year $228,000 in bonds or notes to fi- tion of the Pennsylvania Air Na-Company's West Long Branch of- years and nine months, is not a* levels would make the installa- ter from Richard W. Seuffert, ice for the 36-year-old Miss Mon- the new school, now still in the nance the construction of a new tional Guard unit with which he fice July 23, the Register learned state employee, he pointed out. tion of the service expensive, Mn township business administrator. planning stage, opens the routes municipal center, previously de- yesterday. She is an "agent'• who, runs.the Malchow said. served in Germany for nearly Sign Code "There will be Just person; will probably be rewritten and scribed as a Core Site. one year. Mrs. Costa was reluctant to station, collects registration,and dote to Marilyn, no movie stars During the public hearing on other fees, and is paid.a com- bids called for. The site, if the ordinances are discuss the manner in which she The board also voted to re- , tr anything like that," said a the ordinance to appropriate the The unit, 112th Aircraft Con- The vote to renew the contracts adopted, will have A public pic- was carrying the money, for rea- mission by the state based on quest the planning consultants spokesman. funds, Mrs. Watson requested trol and Warning Flight, Penn- was carried with all members nic area, recreational park, state sons of security. She said the the number of transactions car- to draw up a."workable, en- homes In her vicinity be inciu State College, was 1 The actress will be laid to res present voting for it, and i, post office build- loss is covered by insurance, so ried on. forceable and equitable" ordi- in the sewer extension. called to aotive duty last'Octo- In a mausoleum crypt near the ory Guarino abstaining. ing, and a municipal building. the state will not lose any money, Runs for Council nance regulating signs and spell- grave of a woman believed to ber. A bill to pay for installation of She said she prepared two Mrs. Costa is a Democratic ing out specific standards for ev- have befriended her early in life. The first ordinance, unanimous- Mr. Cryder was appointed rec- yellow blinkers, as required by weekly deposits for the state ac- candidate for the West Long

Zn that connection. « question StetttrJy wit]) federal aid to arises— education Ribicoff, before he rt- A Qotstloe (tgaed «s secretary of Health, Kennedy at Mid-Term Education and Welfare, aaM Is there a great demand, a compelling call, throughout the Americans Uke to think that they United State* for some ot the believe whole-heartedly In schools A Profile of an Administration legislation the President has re- and the whole educational proc- EDITOR'S NOTE-The nation Another hallmark is that this Is coaxing votes out of the Con- quested? ess. "We don't have the commit- Congress and its executive havi a "shirtsleeve* adminiitratlon." gress is, if anything, tougher The proposed Department ot ment to education, though, that been waging war on and "Fe~w wear coats i'n" th""e office' . "an persuading the ordinary vot- Urban Affairs, for example. GOP we like to think." he said. through most of U. S. history In the White House today, Rep. Lindsay says he voted So it may be that the country You're money ahead when you save It's too early to tell which wil along with Salinger, are some of Kennedy recently said, refer- "yes" on this, "because thefe is as a whole isn't ready for, and systematically et Shadow Lawn. Make ' become dominant during Presi the other professionals who play- chaos in the conditions of many doesn't want, some of the things ring to his troubles with Con- it a habit to save by the I Oth dent John F. Kennedy's term ed major parts in fashioning the gress, "We should realize that cities." But he concedes that it the President wants. the White House. But after tw campaign that elected Kennedy- some Democrats have voted with s too complicated (or sophisti- Tomorrow: Business, labor and of the month so that you . years, notes- AP reporter R Lawrence F. O'Brien, Kenneth P. the Republicans for S5 years . cated) an issue (or the man on government. may earn from the 1st. man Morin in this second of fiv< O'Donnell and Meyer "Mike" and that makes it very difficult Feldmaa. articles on Kennedy at Mid-Term to secure the enactment of any anticipated per annum one fact is dear: The Pre They have discovered that controversial legislation." (Dur- with Insured safety dent's personality is firml; ing the I960 campaign, he said: . on accounts of stamped on his administration. "If we are really to move ahead $23 or more. Special Events in this country . . . then a Demo- By REUUN MORIN cratic House and Democratic Sen- WASHINGTON (AP) - Elihi ate are necessary, but not enough Root, secretary of war in twi For Playgrounds . Without presidential lead- cabinets, often characterized NEW SHREWSBURY - Last ership and presidential initiative enormous power of the preside* week's playground activities and presidential co-operati»n, in- cy as a "battle-ax," and he went were highlighted by special stead of vetoes, the Congress on to say: events at the Sycamore play cannot do (he job alone.) WHITEST. SH7-2800 REDIANK "No man should swing a battle ground. (00 Broadway, Long Branch ax as though it were a ridini Senate Minority Leader Eve- On Thursday, a crazy hat con- rett Dirksen, R-Ill., commenting Middletown Shopping Center crop." on Congress' legislative record, Our rug cleaning specialists take particular ear* test, a bubble gum blowing con Keyport • Oskhurst • Holmdel Today, critics of President Ken- says "Maybe some of the blame nedy identify as one factor caus- test, and a girls' archery tourna- to see thet your rugs are ei fresh end bright ment were held. belongs there (in Congress.) But ing his difficulties with Congress we think most of the blame be- All kinds of hats were made es possible. the allegedly injudicious use longs on the Kennedy administra- the "battle-ax." His handling for the crazy hat contest. The tion .The cause for the failure the steel price-rise case las winners of etch age group were of the Kennedy legislative pro- spring, when the administratioi six-year-old, Mary Ann Portan- gram is a simple on«—It is not Free Call and Delivery moved like an awesome fugger tlno; 7-year-old, Albert Dorsey; popular with the American people It Pays to Advertise in The Register naut, is the example most fre 8-year-old, Meghan Kelly; 9-year- quently cited. It is not the onlj old, Victoria Harris; 10-year-old, one, however. Christine Harris, and 12-year-old, "A strong feeling has been Barbara Ebert. Over-all first, growing in Congress," says Rep. second, and third places were w m John Lindsay, R-N.Y., "that awarded to Mary Ann, Barbara Kennedys ere trying to shut and Albert. 'it' debate. They have made bash grabs for power that are often Just before he got a face full elve to conservatives and liber of bubble gum, Chris Thomas .W. blew' a bubble eight inches long, MONTGOMERYMONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER, MENLO PARK WARDLI 2-21 SO els alike." (Note that he mad ft plural.) making him the 1962 bubble gum Demand for Fewer champ. Thii is the second year Chris holds this honor. Marcia A Republican senatorial docu- ment tabulated, as of June 1, David came in second with a tl«t of 77 requests by Kennedy bubble measuring 6'A inches. Ty- which they describe as calla foi ing for third place, Janice Can- "sweeping new powers." non and Marcia Henry each blew bubbles of six inches. Riverside safety SHU Barry Goldwater, R-Arii., lays. "He (Kennedy) inherited Dinah Spendiff won the girls' enough powers to make his off! archery contest. Dinah and Mar- a dictatorship, but one of the can.cia David tied for first place and (latent pattens In this admini* is the playoff Marcia came in (ration Is the demand for mor second. Carol Napier was third. power." During the week, competitions NO MONEY The struggle between the were held In softball and bas- eeutive and legislative branches ketball in addition to the activ- H government is an ancient one. ities at the Sycamore and Swim- And one theory among stu- ming River playground! dents of the amazing American Flying high over the high jump ft • system holds that the nation bar, Walter Jackson jumped four moves only when the President feet, 4 Inches, breaking Jim WN! strong enough to dominate Con< Teeters' record of four feet, three gress. It is too early to tell wheth- inches. David Valentine jumped er Kennedy will emerge as four feet, three inches, Lester Riverside Nylon "strong President." At the mom Stevens did four feet, two inches, ent, he is not dominating Con. aad Chris Thomas, four feet, one GUARANTEED NATIONWIDE FOR 18 MONTHS gress. In the words ot Sen. Ja< inch. Janet Clooney was the cob Javits, R-N.Y., he is In highest jumping girl. She jumped "state or disarray." three feet, three inches. Betty • Dependable quality at economy prices In the White House, however, Sandburg jumped two feet, 10 Kennedy is his own chief of staff. inches, and Chris Harris two • Nylon cord body plus 7-row tread There is no "assistant president" bet, 9 inches. who filters the enormous' mass Pitching horseshoes. Long 6.70-15,7.50-14 tubeleu blackw all 11.69 of business and gives priority to Branch defeated New Shrews- the problems. bury, 7 to 1 Playing for N. S. 6.70-15,7.50.14 tube lest white wall KL69* 4.70-U tabevtyp* black JFK Keeps Tabs were Jeff Rodgers, Steve Yellen, With delegates authority widely Ray Flannlgan and Fred Rodg- But he keeps a string on much ers. of the major business and tends At the Swimmuig River play- to follow through himself. Ralph Riverside Safety Nylon ground, Robert Stanton and Da- A. Dungtn, special assistant at vid Valentine were the champ the White House, recalls that "he GUARANTEED NATIONWIDE FOR 21 MONTHS horseshoers. phoned me at home one night- • Strong 4-ply Nylon cord construction it was about 10:45—to ask about First to go 'round the clack e small detail of something In clock golf was Randy Roonan. • Traction tread with over 2400 edges had in the works." Members Following closely were Kenneth Tub.l.» the cabinet gite similar reports. and Kevin Field. Tubs-fyp* New Shrewsbury played bas Sin bladnrcO Sli. blodcwal Kennedy's day begins around ketball at Rumson and bowed, 6.40-15 12.M* 6.40-U . u.se* 7:30, with breakfast and a stack 670-15 6.70-1S, 7.50-M 54-31. It was an evenly matched 1S.ee* is.ee* of newspapers in bed. He soaks 7.10-15 7.10-15, 8.00-H game for the first half with the is.ee* i*.es* up an Incredible amount of news, 7.60-15 is.ee* 7.60-15 score being tied 18-18. Marc Finu- io.se* editorial comment and columns 8.00-15 n.ee* 8.00-15 at.ee* before coming to his office. Some- :ane led the scoring for N. S. •AH priai plin extin lax and your old tin Whltnrali $3 nor*. times, he goes beyond merel. 'Ith It points. Hopwood and leading a story. Mention a given lumpsy Valentine were stand- news report and he Is apt to say, outs on defense. Others playing "Yea, I read that and I know were Don Radcliffe, Charles Can- Riverside Nylon ST-107 where he (the writer) got it.' non and Badula. ' His office day seldom ends be- In a basketball relay, the win- GUARANTEED NATIONWIDE FOR 27 MONTHS fore early evening. A recent vis- ning team consisted ol John Flan- itor, leaving shortly after 7 nigan, Fred Rodgers, Dwight Wil- o'clock, found three others with laman, Shawn Kelly, Jeffrey • Nylon cord body thaf fights dangerous blowouts appointments waiting to see Ken-Brown, David Rodgers, John nedy. Evidently, judging from re- Warwick and Dan Cohen. • Wide, 7% deeper tread for surer, safer stops ports of his aides, he sometimes Sycamore Girls beat Long works at night. Iranch Girls, 8-7, playing soft- Tubs-typ* Tub«l«a The Press Secretaries all. The winning pitcher was Sin Nackwoll Hn BJGCKWOH 6.00-13 A marked difference between 'am Kiyler. Sycamore collected 16.tS* Riverside 4-SQUARE GUARANTEE &4O-15 ij.es* 4.50-13 this administration and Preaideni hits. Big hitters were Chris- 17.SI* 670-15 16.S8" 670-15,7.50-U 16 Against road hazards for the Nationwide service at all Swlght D. Eisenhower's appears ne Henry, Dinah Spendiff, Wen- 19.11* 7.10-15 7.10-15,8.00-14 ll.lt* 4.70-1S f*fce»tnr« specified time. Adjustments pro- branches. In the office of the White House Welsh and Florence Bern- 1 7.60-1 S ii.it* 7-60.15,8.50-14 34.11* •lickwall rated on months used. press secretary. James C. Hager- hard. In another girls' softball S.00-15 8.00-15,9.00-U *Ph/t axeif* fax ooaf tnth-lu tin 14.lt* 36.11* Against defects in materials, Satisfaction guaranteed nation- ty, secretary to Eisenhower, game, Little Silver beat Syca- *AI print plot Kdu tat and your old tin. WNt.waH> $3 moral would say, "The lid's on, boyi nore, 16-4. Pam Kiyler was the 2 workmanship for life of tread. 4 wide. Adjustments based on tale That told correspondents there >sing pitcher. Sycamore got 10 FAST, FREE MOUNTING I Adjustments prorated on treadwear. pr^ce when returned. would be no more White House its, four of which were col- announcements for the day. Ken- icted by Wendy Welsh. Other nedy's secretary, Pierre Salia itters were Lynn Moreau, Carol ger, can't always do that. apier and Marcia Henry. The A veteran White House corre- iris' record stands at two wins spondent says, "Pierre may put nd two losses. . the lid on but It won't necessar- ily stay on." Salinger wriiy ob- In boys' softball. Little Silver serves, "You aren't always able eat Swimming River, 9-8. In to predict accurately what the lother game, Sycamore beat President Is going to do." Re- ong Branch, 4-3. Mel Taylor porters covering the White House 'as the winning pitcher, Dwight have teamed to ask Salinger filaman was outstanding In de- whether it is safe to go to lunch ;nie. Big guns for Sycamore on some days. ere Jeff Rodgers, Mel Taylor To a considerable degree, Ken- id Bobby McComber. On nedy's own personality stamps Wednesday, Rumson beat New his administration. He is tough- irewsbury, 13-1. Sycamore beat minded, quick, incisive, high- itontown, 7-4. Scott Bechtle was ly articulate, a machinegun talk- "••! winning pitcher. Sycamore er who uses S5 words, (for ex- got 22 hits, big hitters being Lane ample, today's problems are noi Poitrinalf Dwight Wilaman and SPECIAL! LUXURIA "complicated;" they are "sophis- Mousy Rodgers. \ SEAT CUSHION ticated.") This Thursday there Is to be CAR SEAT THROW FOR COOL DRIVING You find the same character- a talent contest, a boys' archery istics in some of those around contest and a peanut hunt. Plas- .88 Kennedy—especially his brother ter of paris molds and most pre- special purchase! 144 Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy, Sec- vious crafts are available this King retary of Defense Robert S. Me- week. WARDS NY-CO-RA SEAT COVIRS 6 be on the safe side! Namara, Secretary of Labor Ar- 2Sis* SEAT BELTS-THEY'RE LIFE-SAVERS! On Saturday, a trip will be Made of 100% Nylon thur Goldberg, Special Counsel Made of the same quality fab* made to the Yankee Stadium, surface yarn for beauty Extra-large.spring filled , Protect yourself and your fam- Theodore C. Sorensen, and Salin- and on the 17th, a second trip ric as used in America's newest, 99 cushion lets air circu- ilyl For all cars including those ger. will be made to Freedomland. finest cars. Available in blue, and durability. Coven t 49 Astringent Manner late freely. Durable fi- 1 with factory-installed floor green or charcoal. Hurry!... 17 entire back of seati MCH Some others, Secretary of State NEW RESIDENTS N0M0HITMWM •asy to install. 5 colors. ber cover in 3 colors. ! brackets. Cam-type buckle. 4 Dean Rusk, Secretary of Agricul- only a limited quantity available. HOMIHAl CHUM NttDDLETOWN - Newcomers Mtm Standard size... 1.27 i Wide choice of colors. ture Orvllle Freeman, and Abra- to Nottingham Way are Mr. anr1 TO MITMl ham Ribicoff, who recently re- Mrs. D. L. Marshall and family signed from the cabinet, may formerly of Syracuse. N. Y. Tlv •peak deliberately. But Msrahalls were hosts last wec\ they have the same dry, astrln- to Mr. Marshall's parents, Mr tmt manner In discussing an is- and Mn- Leo Marshall of Wesl SATISFACTION GUARANTEED pr your money back! Q NO MONEY DOWN when you "Charge it" at Wardi sue. ' ' Chester, N. Y. EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? ty Blake Kern, elected general chairman Tuesday, August 7, 1962—5 Manhattan at the first aeettaj, agreed to RED BANK A Day Remembered draw up a complete tutt of Moo- Chapter For mouth graduates working in New"chapter" in4K(e Kern sad tow York City. He's tioce contacted mts working for the Aaerican Parents of 17-Year-OId Tell of Bombing a ouatbtr in the last four gradu- Telegraph and Telephone Com- MC Alumni pany: BUI Offeahtuter of Jack, (EDITOR'S NOTE - In aU like pad). around us both, tnd ating classes. a boy friend, though, whom I son, class of '«; Lacy Bndatew h*f 17,. yew* a youag Japa- crawled out of the broken bouse. have met only ty correspond- WEST LONG BRANCH - It HEBC'SA SHOfi HE Kern also, at the insistence of of Red Bank, '«; Ed Young of aew fdraol girl never has en-There were fires all around, so ence." was bound to happen sooner or the charter membership hung a joyed a gay birthday. For herI ran for the Ota River." GOT AT THE Point Pleasant, '59, and Bob Do the Tomitas feel any bit- later. large hawk banner in the restau- Locher of Asbury Park, 'O. faintly, Joy is compressed by At this point, the father, a 41 terness over the bomb? Mrs. To- ******** rant where luncheon-meetings the terrifying memories which long to various "Ban the Bomb" Stu Kern of West End, class of mita replied: MI at Monmouth College, began are held. The restaurant is known came welling up out of the movements. "No, we understand it was a for catering to young college put. The girl was born on seeing more and more familiar The two older Tomita daugh- necessary part of war. It could graduates from prominent East- Aug. S, 1945 - just belbre a ters completed their schooling faces each year on' the Jersey not be helped. But we do not Central Ferry shuttling to and ern institutions. mushroom cloud rose from the and Sakaye, now 25, is married want war again. We must find ashes of Hiroshima.) and lives near here. Yaeko, 22, from lower Manhattan. So many The first meeting Kern reports ways to live without this awful in fact that two weeks ago he BIG By OSCAR UDEN works for a rubber company and was reminiscent of a gathering thing!" decided to invite all of them to Managing Editor, San Jose, lives with the family. at the campus Student Activities Sixes a; How will the Tomitas celebrate lunch at a popular bistro just off Calif., Mercury Hiroko, "The Atom Bomb building because of a "faculty ad- Hiroko's birthday? Broadway. HIROSHIMA, Japan (AP) - Child," 'is studying for her ex- viser." The adviser was Dr. EarF They will not join in any mass Nicks, former business adminis- Hiroko Tomita celebrated her imi at Hiroshima Business demonstrations against nuclear And that's how Monmouth Col- TA11 tration chairman now working 17m birthday yesterday. School. She has two years to weapons, such as, occur annually lege with a seven-year-old alum- for private industry In New York That, in itself, is a miracle. here on Aug. 6 when throngs ni association, developed a Man- B° City. By all odds this winsome school A member of the school tennis chant, "no more a-bombs" and hattan alumni "chapter" — its •girl should never have survived team, she is in training for theagitators seek to whip up disarm- first away from West Long Charter members of the Mon- to 6!i nef natal d>y. national competition with other ament sentiment in the World Branch. mouth College Manhattan alumni RMMR9R9R^*aaaaaaaaaa«t>>^>*«l*Jt)T*aiBPaT A few minutes after Hiroko preparatory and higher schools Peace Memorial Park. ... *"**»»! was born, history's first combat in Japan. AlUton of Roehnhr 'Rest In Peace' t» <- a. atomic bomb exploded-a mile No Bitterness ' • Pnis away. Hiroshima was leveled. Does she have a boy friend? Rather, the family will join jn Cat, sum More than 78,000 people perished. Solemnly she explains: silent prayers offered by resi- YOU HAVE TIL • Swaattn The injured numbered 37,475. "My school has only girls, so dents all over the city—prayers • Man*. The story of Hiroko's birth was I do not meet boys. I do have for peace and understanding. AUGUST 10th • Spait Ikl told, simply but eloquently, year-old foundryman, speaking in Their sentiments, perhaps echo- through an interpreter as she a low voice, took up the story. ing Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, to go to First Merchants National and open a savings • Walk knelt with her parents In the ilv Mixed Up, Stunned Nagasaki and all the other hor- account that will start earning interest from August 1st, t Slacks CtaTMt Ing-room ol their modest home M was mixed up, stunned by rors of the war, may be ex- 4%\l A/ Interest en Passbook Savings FKANK'S before her visitors. my hurting head, but I remem-|pressei] 0B the cenotapn under 3/2 /O Accounts Hwt bered the children outside. I , . The mother, Yoshiko, 45, re- an arch in Memoria Park 4% lattnat •• u.maittlii «lm* cirtlllcaUa avallakla » any data BIG & TAIL * membered the day well. bund Yaeko crying, but she ran The cenotaph contains the "I was lying, face down, right away from me. I was covered HUFFMAN JO BOYLE linn Pi (I MO* H.rt names of all known Hiroshima there." She pointed to a cor with blood, and she didn't know Rid Ban* bomb victims. The inscription, in Mirth JUbury Park ner of the little room. "My hus-me. Finally, I caught her. Manaan.Mii • aVIallt aau Japanese, is translated by the 1 VUOI bind was beside me, watching "1 could not find Hiromi, so to FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM Fair Hanii • Halmdil inn an interpreter: Uamhtr Fldaral 1*11 *OW the new baby. The midwife had get away from the fires all Tan "Rest in peace. We shall not Rtatrva Syitim/Fedaril Jest stepped outside. Two of ourround, we ran to the river." Rl. 35 Circle, Eatontotm—Liberty 2-1010 Dtpoilt tnaqranea Corp. children, Yaeko. who was 7, and Three days later, they found make the same mistake again." Hiroml, who was 5, had been Hiromi's body buried uniier de- sent outside to play. Another bris, still clasping a doll. OPEN DAILY TUES.WED. daughter, Sakaye, who was 8, The hours and days that fol 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. was with friends in the country. lowed were filled with scenes of THURS.ONLY 'An Awful Noise' indescribable horror for the To- Sat. 711 6 "There was an awful noise and mitas and the other survivors. heavy shaking, and our house Recalling the devastation of came down. The root was here." Aug. 6, 1945, a question arose: MONTGOMERY WARD MAUUAIIV1J *>•• 4*BaB She indicated, by gestures, a "What do you do after such slanted space about three feet an inferno?" high at its apex. Tomita smiled. "We just pick The newborn baby was hurled up the pieces. One tries to live." about 10 feet away. The father, Bustling Metropolis Torao, was struck on the head Hiroshitnans have built welt. by a timber. The city that rose Phoenix-like Whit Yoihiko did next she canfrom its ashes has grown to a explain only as a triumph of bustling metropolis of 462,000. A mind over a weakened body. factory here builds 15,000 com- "My only thought was to save pact cars and three-wheeled trucks a month. The area raises a blanket around my middle as 60 per cent of the oysters ex- I was still bleeding, and crawled ported from Japan. In spring and around to find the child. Then tall, there Is a heavy influx of I wrapped a futon (a mattress- tourists, including many who be- The World Today: The Congo

By JAMES MARLOW tions and its troops-It has (.500 Associated Picas News Analyst there now—order was restored. WASHINGTON (AP) - Telstar, In this way the central govern- thaUdomlde, testing, taxes and ment of Premier Cyrille Adoula senatorial talkfests have pushed got on its wobbly feet. But it's in the Congo contest down in the sad shape. newa7lt ma/be explosive news ~Th*e "Unite' * d States and other 1 before year's «nd. Western powers fear new anarchy The Congo was born in shock- if Adoula fall*-his grip is report- mgnaaarchy two yean ago when ed weakening — with a take-over It pat Hi Independence from Bel- by extremists and eventually per- gium. Thanks to the United Na- haps by communism, The key problem is still what it was two years ago. Katanga Province, which seceded from the central republic, still won't unify with It. Dickering between Adoula and Katanga President Moise Tshom- be ended in June with no solution (Send your problems to Qeorgi after six months of talking. In .care of this newspaper) The Congo in general is poor Katanga is rich in mineral re- I started going with this younf sources controlled by rich British writer because I thought he waiand Belgian interests that pay dedicated to'his art, but now taxes to Tshombe's government, Hod he 1* interested in getting not Adoula's. money for his writings. Do you Adoula's government Is pretty think • man should write foi much In hock from big expenses money or simply for the love ol it doesn't have the income to pay writing? for. Katanga, as part of the cen- Disillusioned tral government, would make Dear Disillusioned: rich difference. The Meal combination it a For instance, while the central beautifully composed gorcery list government's economy is in tat- plus a nice sonnet to enclose with ters it has to support a big army, the rent check. big for the Congo. Adoula's gov- ernment is still in a mess just Dear George: trying to run itself. When my husband was a boy The United States and other he delivered newspapers and hegovernments have been thinking has never been able to get it ou of ways to force Tshombe, with- of his blood. He says all news' out war. to join up with the cen- boys turn, out to be successful tral government. men and lie has been collecting The thinking has been along the biographies of all the successfu lines of economic pressure, like getting the British-Belgian mining 510-coil men who were once newsboys. Interests in Katanga to pay their However, no matter how hard revenue to Adoula's government, he tries he, himself, doesn't seem or boycotting the Katanga miner- to be able to get very far ahead. al products. Do you suppose he should sell Meanwhile, U.N. efforts in the Ms bike and get out of the news- Congo cost big money. To raise paper business? It the United Nations is trying to Concerned sell $200 million in bonds to mem- Dear Concerned: ber nations. President Kennedy mattresses There are many opportunities wants Congress to approve $100 In the newspaper business and a million as this country's share. man-needs the faith and inspir- But this proposal has run into ation of his wife. trouble in Congress where not all For instance, without the con members favor It and some are THE SAME FINE INNERSPRING UNITS fidence of my wife I doubt If I sympathetic to Katanga. Last Fri- would ever have gotten anywhere lay Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- In the newspaper business. As it

1410 A.M.—.105.5 F.M. Manmoiirii County Ntw* Summaries SAVE NOW ON THESE BLUE RIBBON SPECIALS. ..YOU NEED NO MONEY DOWN 7 A.M. .12 NMD -8 P.M. Ked ^ank Register These Bnymi rnMLl. SOUSfrto Wfrnj U, MtOttmn Ml I* **• H. CM* There's Too Much Waste THOMAS IRVING MOWN. PabUshtr By GEORGE E. SOKOISKY JAMES J. HOGAN. EdKar H. HAROLD KEUY. Geaeral Manner W. HARRY PENMNCTON, Production Manager It takes too much time, too'much effort and too much money to become President of the United States. Member of th» Associated Preat ._ fnu l> «amu4 uxiuinriij <• u» DM tor rapubueauai m is tbi local m *rutt>4 It is an undertaking to be made only by millionaires U will U 411 AP B»w» lUtD or the favorites of labor unions which have large treas- Member ol American Newspaper Publlshen Association uries. The corporations who could, in Mark Hanna's Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation day, influence a nomination are today Tta* tUi Bull Btrx" urcmM no noanmu rtipomlbllltlti tor tjpoKwlilcu trrora In adie tat «u raprltt without cluri*, Uut lit ol u ilnruimnt In whicn U» typowphlcil

Question — Who played the If confusing, competitive claims are delaying young man who played the tuba n "Stars and Stripes Forever" your choice of a new water heater, then come to our which was shown on "Saturday local sales office. We'll be glad to give you facts 4ight at the Movies"?-G. D., and figures to help you reach a wise decision lannibal, New York Answer — The actor was Rob- 'before another bath runs cold. ert Wagner and the instru- ment was not just a tuba but a We have helped hundreds of families decide upon special kind of tuba called a j just the right water heater for them - the right size, 'sousaphone." the right style, where to put it In. the home and (For an answer to your ques- POWERFUL 20" how to get the most out of initial investment and ion about any TV program or actor, write to Steven H. Scheuer, ; low operating cost. We have an important stake in TV Key Mailbag, c/o this paper.) 3 SPEED the satisfaction of every customer in the appliances they buy. St. Mary's P.T.A. Schedules Dance PORTABLE FAN NEW MONMOUTH — The first jcial function of the year—Danc- ig Under the Stars, sponsored DELUXE GARDEN UMBRELLA JCP&L the Parent-Teacher Associa- Jersey Central Power A Ufht oh of St. Mary'i Catholic School, 42" TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS 13.77 ill be held Aug. 24 on thre school ounds. Regularly 44.95 Complete Reg. 19.95 Ivy with auuranc* from your local Rtddy The dance will run from 9 p.m. Kilowatt Dualtr who displays this •mbftm. I a.m. with music supplied Exhausts hot air, draws in coot air. Rubber the "Commodores." NOW mounted propeUers, ? quiet speeds; 1,000, 800, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Badal- COMPLETE aty are chairmen of the event. 3488 600 RPM. Chrome plated safety guard. Refreshments will b.e served. , Auptt 7, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER To flon, conducted during the put Jhi Harwood Mks Firemen Pick Truck several month* into the type fire Brotherly Love Fades SILVER _ The Fin *«* •uaf4 •» "» "•*• ™J At r™»~-« ^^_.i.__•..„ (department wUi ask Borough umpany recently pined « «»o-|coimoii for a M»ck 1000-gallon Philadelphia Politics Get Explosive For Zone Variamk tatton termJMttng an fnvetfga-lpuinper Of Fire EATONTOWN - An applica- pending further consider«tkm by By FRANK J. AVOTO FREEHOLD - A building per- tion from Or. Harry L. Harwood the board. mit was granted to owners of assistant county physician, for Meivin Johnson of Old Deal PH1UDELPH1A (AP) - Mix property adjacent to the Hall of variances to permit altering his Rd. was granted permission to one special grand jury investi- Records for the construction of home at 354 Broad St. to include add twb rooms and extend the gation of alleged scandals in city a three-story office building and professional offices was recom- bathroom of his home. The var- hall with a fall election for store. mended for approval by the Zon- iance brings the non-conforming governor and you get a highly The owners, Arthur Goldberg ing Board of Adjustment last structure closer to what it re- explosive compound of political and Morris Oglensky, plan to night. quired by the zoning code. fireworks, erect a building on the 60 by The matter must be considered Frank Lastella of 135 Rt. 35, That's the mixture brewed 87-foot property where a building by Mayor and Council for final who applied for permission to when Common Pleas Judge Eu- was destroyed by fire April 7 on action. add a bedroom and enlarge the gene Alessandoni, a Republican, the East Main St. site. Dr. Harwood said he would kitchen of his home, was given ordered a grand jury investiga- The new building will be con' comply with any requests from favorable consideration subject tion of GOP charges of corrup- nected to the recently purchased neighbors to erect fence or to approval by Mayor and Coun- tion in the Democratic adminis- Walter Reade Strand Theater hedging to shield automobile cil. Mr. Lastella had claimed tration ot former Mayor Rich- building, which would adjoin the lights. his family outgrew his home. ardson Dilworth. rear of the new building, The Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Blum, Dilworth resigned as mayor new building will house five proprietors of Mays Motel, Rt. last March to become the Demo- FISHING DERBY PRIZES ONE DAY ONLY! stores on the main floor. One of 35, have applied for permission cratic- candidate for governor. HIGHLANDS - The Fishing the stores will connect to the to erect seven new units, an of- His opponent is Republican Con- Derby here has awarded the sec- theater building to make one fice and an addition to their gressman William W. Scranton ond bi-weekly prizes for the peri- TOMORROW, WED., AUG. 8th large store. home. of Scranton, Pa. Fred Fatzler, Maplewood, for- A variance from the 25-foot od July 15-28. The rod and reel Dilworth says Alessandroni's mer owner of Freehold Raceway, for the heaviest bluefish went t-> ruling has political undertone sldeyard requirement is opposed has announced plans to construct Joe Magin or Atlantic St. for his 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M.—While they last! since the grand jury probe — by Robert Drazin, owner of the a four-story building on the adja- six-pound 15-ounce fish ciught scheduled to begin Sept. 4 — adjacent Surrey Motel, on the cent property, where fire also aboard the. Flying Saucer with will plow headlong into the heart basis of having been "abused", leveled the building. Mr. Fateler's Captain Jack Early July 19. Buss the gubernatorial campaign "Hera's Mom. Visiting hours are over!" by the Blums when he applied plans call for stores on the Hill of Lakewood Ave., Keins- 150 PAIRS Dilworth wanted the inquiry t for the same variance for the ground floor of the 95 by 240-foot burg, weighed in the heaviest begin sooner. same purpose several months second. A similar one was re- BACK FROM SOUTH property, with office space on ago. fluke, which tipped the scalei at WOMEN'S ARCH SUPPORT Repeated Attacks jected last year by Common MIDDLETOWN — Mr. and the remaining floors with eleva- Mr. Drazin erected his addi- four-pounds, tauncei, caught Scranton repeatedly has at- Pleas Judge Raymond Pace Mrs. Jack Lindauer, Village La., tor service. tions in ccnformance with the aboard the Tambo II with Cap- tacked Oilworth's administration, Alexander, a Democrat. have returned after a two-week; The April 7 fire destroyed the sideyard requirement after hav- tain Wee Willie July 18. The and made the alleged scandals The Judge Rules vacation in Miami Beach and At- two buildings that housed 15 bus! ing been refused a variance. same boats had the winner* two SNEAKERS $400 In acting on the second peti- lanta, Ga, a part of his campaign, promis nesses and seven families. The matter was deferred weeks ago. ing to "clean up the city" ii tion, Judge Alessandroni said: AND • W elected governor. "If corruption exists it is not Dilworth replies that any larg> cured merely by a few arrests city is likely to have some cor- and prosecution. There is MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER, MENLO PARK ruption, and that an investiga ample, reliable evidence to es SLIPONS tion made during his final days tabllsh at least prima facie the All Mode In U.5.A. — Limit 1 Pair as mayor went far toward curb- sale of legislation. TUES.-WED. Ing it. Judge Alessandroni, in his The special investigation wil order, said the alliance petition THURS. ONLY be prosecuted by W. Wilson charged three instances of im- (#5 MWIQOMERY WARD Misses' Official Women's Leather White, a Republican, who was proper activity within the ad- •. » EATONTOWN CIRCLE PH: LI 2-2150 U.S. attorney for Eastern Penn ministration — "evidence of the Brownie Scout sylvsnia from 1953 to 1957. Hi; sale of legislation and the ex first assistant, in the current stence of an illicit alliance be- probe is F. Hastings Griffin, Jr. tween the Democratic city com- WEDGIES also a Republican. mittee and the city council." AND J Democrats said Griffin He described them this way: ONE EYELET smeared a campaign picture of 'Illicit Alliance' Stew 12^-5 Dilworth with cake and lipstick "1. An ordinance was pending PLAY SHOES N&M Widths during a,private dinner in 1952, in council providing'for regula- Limit 1 pair prompting the former mayor's tion of coin-operated laundries successor, James H.J. Tate, to The operator of the laundries op- OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Sat 'til 6 label Griffin "a playboy." posed more stringent provisions Women's & Children's 'Dressed Up' Picture of the ordinance. As the result Griffin admitted "dressing up" of a contribution of $4,000 to the Dilworth's picture, but said, "it Democratic Finance Committee U.S. KEDETTES * was a silly incident and should .. made with hope, not just out 00 hsve been treated as such." )f good will, the provisions of & One Eyelet ' Both White and Griffin have he ordinance were softened and pair promised an impartial, objective as so amended, the ordinance TIES investigation. "It will be a non- was later enacted. 1 political, no-holds barred" in- "2. (A rea] estate operator) ONLY 100 PAIRS vestigation, White said. stated that he made a $1,000 po- litical contribution to a political Limit 1 Pair But a Democratic councilman took a different view. 'ward) leader... in exchange "this is going to be an im- for a guarantee that a zoning or- partial probe — by partisans," dinance would be enacted. He he said. further stated that a member of Beys' High Basketball council demanded a considera- The request for a grand jury tion of J500 for introducing the probe was made by the Repub- ordinance, lican Alliance, an independent SNEAKERS $000 GOP group in the city. It "3. The third Instance in the setition involves the purported Goodyear Arch Support. ^L charged a "widespread network m ot extortion" linked the Demo- ;ale of a zoning ordinance for Sixes: Little Boys' II, to ^ $2,500 which was not consum- Big Beys' ie. Blue only, pair crats controlled city council and Limit 1 pair. the party's city committee. mated by enactment because the interested party did not come The alliance's petition was its forth with the balance of the money. The go-between in this CHILDREN'S 150 Pairs Women's transaction, one (John) Fitzpat- ALL LEATHER rick (former council sergeant-at- arms) stated that he was paid $125 a week to remain silent BALLET SLIPPERS HEEL$ AM about the matter after disclosure White & Black fr si A A of this transaction was made In Sizes 8J/j-3 the public press." SHOES X FiUpatrick was aquitted by a Limit 1 Pair 1pair Reg. to $16.95 0 pair 9x12 Domestic (ury of a conspiracy charge in the case. The filing of the first petition by the alliance and the tegular ALL SALES FINAL! 72 GOP organization followed short ONLY 9 ly after disclosure by contractor Eli G. Travis that he gave gifts to city employees while his firms Footcraft Shoes held contracts for city work. Sewing Lessons Phone . ,. SH 7-2873 ^. Travis pleaded guilty to con- spiracy at his trial last spring ) 86 BROAD STREET RED BANK fa%£j\ and awaits sentence. One city Open Wednesday ord frida* Nights "til 9 P. M. >t3>-^ official was convicted of accept- RUG CLEANERS ing gifts and two other await SPECIALISTS IN ORTHOPEDIC FOOTWEAR call now CA 2-5042 trial on similar charges.

No problem finding tenants when you advertise The Register way—Advertisement. JUST LOOK J:* at that Ward Signature STURDY PORTABLE CASE PRICED AT A LOW *9 8-cam automatic CRACKED Solid wood construction wfith- J stands rugged use. Easy to *s clean cover in 2-tone beige. Hj zig-zag portable it's a REG. 116.95...BUY NOW AND SAVE 17! DOGGONE SHAME! $ NO MONEY AUTO 99 DOWN Even beginners get excellent results with this automatic portable. REPLACEMENT SERVICE Zig-zag stitches "give" with the fabric—hems, seams, repair job* last longer. And for decorative sewing, there are 8 magic-jewel • Free Insurance Estimates Cheerfully Given REG. 34.95 CONSOLE cams that create hundreds of stitches. Makes buttonholes, • Ample Free Parking SALE-PRICED FOR sews on buttons.,With round bobbin, pushbutton reverse, hinged Save $61 Genuine hardwood pressure foot and built-in sewing light. It's the sswingestl There's still time .... Save, cabinet. Lifetime finish in wal- ATLANTIC GLASS CO. by the 10th—earn from Aug. lit ... Hurry! nut, mahogany or blonde "AUTHORIZED INSURANCE REPLACEMENTS" veneer. "GLASS AND MIRRORS IN EVERY SIZE YOU CAN BREAK" 21 MAPLE AVENUE 1813 H STREET RED BANK SAVINGS Cor. White St. & Maple Ave. So. of 18th Ave. Hwy. 71 (4N) and LOAN ASSOCIATION RED BANK BELMAR "Where You Save Tel. SHadyside 7-2020 Tel. MUtual 1-1200 Doet Make a Difference!" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money back! Wards policy since 1872 p/ears Mother*s BridatQown Mary Frances Pearson Bride oi Law Student t Miss Margaret Hughes Wed Wed to Walter Jones Virginia Van Duzer. Married MATAWAN - Mis* Mary Fran- | EATONTOWN - St. James flower headpieces of matching RUMSON - Miss Virginia 'Episcopal Church was the setting ces Pearson, daughter of Mr. and satin and carried cascade bou- Uice Van Dtuw. daughter ofj here Saturday for the marriage Mrs. Howard B. Pearson, Sr., 242quets of blue-tipped white gladio- r, and Mrs. Frank H. Van of Miss Margaret Florence Brookslde Ave., Laurence Har uxer, 618 Ocean Ave., Sea Hughes to Robert John Torick, Three-year-old Bonnie Mae ight, became the bride of Lar- Mr, became the bride Saturday, Pearson, Hazlet, niece of the, The bride is tte daughter of it Walter Howard Jones- Robert Cassett Saturday in bride, was flower girl. She was . GeorgS's-by-the-Rlver Epiico- Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. dressed in blue nylon and taffeta. Hughes, Sr., 29 College Ave. Mr. 1 Church. The bridegroom is Walter H. Jones, 28 Middlesex She wore a blue single flower ie son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Torick'* parents are Mrs. Frank St., Matawan, and the late Mr. headpiece and carried a princess! Kirchner, 22 Beach St.. Sea Cassett, Corry, La. 'ones. basket of white shasta chrysan- Rev. Canon George A. Robert- Bright, and John Torick, Jersey Rev. Robert W. Addiss, pastor, themums, tipped in blue. City. law officiated at the ceremony, performed the double ring cere- Bruce DeiBtase, Morganville, arshall Bush was organist. A Rev. Philip Broburg officiated. mony in the Matawan Baptist was best man. Ushers were Ken- reception followed In the Molly Derek Morris was organist. The Church and also served as soloist. neth Risemiller and George Ham- Itcher Hotel, Red Bank. ceremony was followed by a re- He was accompanied by Mrs. A. Iton, cousin of the bridegroom, The bride, who was given in ception in Old Orchard Country Adam Banke. Matawan, and Howard Pearson, marriage by her father, wore a Club, Eatontown, The bride was given in mar- Jr., brother of the bride, Hariet ill-length gown of peau de jolle Mother** Gown riage by her father. Church Reception fashioned with a scoop neckline, A reception followed in the Fel- 1 The bride, who was given in Gowns of the bride and her at- mg pointed sleeves and trimmed tendants were designed and cre-lowship Hall of the church. with Alencon lace. Full-length marriage by her father, wore On their return from a wedding her mother1* wedding gown of ated by Mrs. Marguerite drt ended in a chapel train. A Ruthazer, Wantagh, L.I., thetrip to Virginia, they will reside three-tier fingertip-length veil of candlelight white peau de sole, bride's aunt. it 401 Atlantic Ave., Matawan. reach Illusion was fastened to cat princess-style with leg of The bride was graduated crown of Alencon lace trimmed mutton sleeves and' a chapel The bride wore a full-length gown of peau de soie, trimmec 'rom Sayreville High School, class Ith seed pearls. She carried a train. A coronet of seed pearls with silk organza flowers, and if 1953, and the Baptist Institute ascade bouquet of roses and held her fingertip-length butter' ending in a chapel train. Her Bryn Mawr, Pa., where she re- lephanotis. • fly veil. She carried a prayer ceived an associate in arts de- classic headdress of Alencon lace Sister U Attendant book with white roses and ivy. and pearls was fastened with gree. She received her bachelor Mrs. M Thomas Hughes, Jr., of arts degree from Alderson Miss Doris Van Duier was illusion veiling and she car- aid of. honor for her sister. Eatontown, sister-in-law of the ried a cascade bouquet of white Broaddus College, Philrppi, West bride, was. matron of honor. Va. She will be employed by the:)ther attendants were Mrs. Ron- gladioli. Id Cummings, Saegertown, Pa., Bridesmaids were Misses Phyllis Attendants in Blue Matawan Baptist Church in the| Christian education department. "ister of the bridegroom, and Ann Hughes, PfaUnf ield, cousin Miss Barbara Paxton, Belmar, Irs. Douglas Johnson, Fair Ha- of the bride; Linda Jean Scott, was maid of honor for her cousin, The bridegroom was graduated en. Eatontown, and April Torick, Sea and Miss Jacqueline Ruthazer, from Matawan High School and All wore pale pink street- Bright, sister of the bridegroom. Wantagh, L.I., cousin of the bride, served four years in the U. S 1 Patricia Lynn Hughes, sister of was bridesmaid. Their street- |Navy. He is emplyed by thlengte h gowns of silk organza with the bride, was flower girl. length gowns of blue satin were Carborundum Co., Keasbey, am' olero jackets, scalloped at the designed with scoop necklines and Is attending Rutgers Extension leeves and hemline. They car- The attendants ware full-length led bouquets of pink carnations princess-line gowns of peau de full skirts appliqued with silk or School In the traffic management ganza flowers. They wore single department in Newark. nd white and red rosebuds. sole and picture hats and car- Mrs. Robert J. Torick Alexander Langa, Oceanport, ried baskets of daisies. The ma- 'as best man. Usbsrj were Rich- tron of honor and flower girl town, brothers of the 'bride, and oratories, Holmdel, also attends ird Kelly, Lincroft, and Richard were in Nile green and the Edward Woods, Sea Bright Monmouth College where he is a carborough, Neptune. Mrs, Larry Robert Cassett bridesmaids'in orchid. , Both Mr. and Mrs. Torick are member of Phi Chi Pi fraternity, Triplet Sisters Attend JfeftMaii,-- / ' graduates of Long Branch High The couple will reside in the Graduate of Syracuse Jeffrey Perl, Moamouth Beach, School. The bride is a secretary Jane Court Apartments, Long The bride Is a graduate ol Bank High School ii employed was best man and ushers were for Atkinson and Smith, Inc., Branch, on their return from a Miss Dorothy Van Pelt ;umsnn-Fair Haven Regional at Superama, New, Shrewsbury. Charles S. Hughes and M. Thorn- Eatontown. The bridegroom, a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, [Igh School, Endlcott Junior Col- lege, Beverly, Mass., and Syra- To Marry as Hughes, Jr.. both .of Eaton' draftsman at Bell Telephone Lab- N. Y., and Quebec City, Canada. cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. where she was a member of Del- ta Gamma Sorority. She was em- RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. ployed by Eastern Air Lines. Charles H. Layton, 24 West St., Name Officers in Center Campaign A graduate of , Corry High announce the engagement of School, Corry, Pa.,' and Carnegie their daughter. Miss Jane The- EATONTOWN f- Three new tage firm of Delafleld and Dela- Institute of Technology, Pitts- campaign fund officers have been field. burgh, Pa., the bridegroom Is a resa Layton, to Alexander Vin- named to serve in the $371,000 As a member of Hie original student at the Georgetown Uni- cent Renzo, son of Mr. and Mrs fund drive for the Children's steering committee which guided versity School of Law, Washing- Psychiatric Center of Monmouth Alexander Renzo, Carmen PI. the formation of the center, Mrs, ton, D. C He Is a former electri- The engagement was solem- County. Appointed by Marcus Lane is a long term worker for] cal engineer with Electronic As- Daly, Lincroft, campaign chair- nized by Rev. William Anderson ,, ithe child guidance clinic. Forj sociates, Inc., Long Branch. In St. James Catholic Church. nan, they are Alfred L. Fergu- the past year, she has also func- son, Jr., campaign treasurer; tioned as chairman of the boari Following a wedding trip to Miss Layton is a 1962 gradu- Joseph Q MoagUnfl, Jr., cam- of trustees public relations com- Bermuda, the couple will reside ate of Red Bank Catholic High paign vide chairman, and Mrs. mittee. She also Is a native ol in Washington. School and is employed by Bell I. William Lane, publicity and Monmouth County and is thi Finance Co., Red Bank. promotion chairman. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ed- 18TH BIRTHDAY Her fiance, a graduate of Red ward Glazer, Etberon. She is, a MIDDLETOWN — Cheryl Wil Mr. Ferguson has been a mem son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Pres- ber of the center's board of graduate of Douglass College, and did graduate work at tin Douglas Wilson, Elm Ct., was ent were Misses Miriam War- trustees for the past year. He hostess to a group of friends who man, Trudie Klein, Diane Jack Is associated with the Wall St., New York School of Social Work, Columbia University. Dr. and gathered to celebrate her 18th son. Lisa Roberts and Janice, firm of Domlnick and Dominick. birthday at a dinner party in Wilson. MUs Jan* Theresa Layton He lives on Cooper Rd-, Middle- Mrs. Lane are the parents o three children: Amy, 9; Jeff, 6; town. and Andy, 5. They live at 1' Mr. Hoagland, of Ridge Rd., Lauretwood Dr., Little Silver. Dr. Rumson, was general chairman Lana it with J. Howard Smith, i - - of the center's first fund drive Inc., Port Monmouth. which raised the funds for the out-patient psychiatric clinic in FISHERMEN DINE last week of I960. The new vice-chairman Is Mrs. I. William Lane • lifetime resident of Monmouth HIGHLANDS — The Eastern County a» is his father and his Hoagland served overseas In Division of Americas Can Com- grandfather. He attended Dart-; World War II with the Psycho- pany climaxed its first annual' mouth College, and St. Paul's logical Warfare Section of thefishing trip with a seafood din- School. M«, and; his wife, the Eighth Air Force and later was ner at the Captain's Quarters, former Btobett. Mallard, are a first lieutenant in the Office Bahrs' Restaurant, hire recent- (he parenffif three children. Mr. of Strategic Services. He is aly. Fishing awards and trophies member of the Racquet and Ten-were given to Bill Ehrlng foi nis and the Leash Clubs: in Newthe ' first catch and to Raj Outdoor Party York City and Is with the broker- Schmidt for the biggest catch. YANKO'S Marks Birthday MATAWAN., •-•— Mrs. James BROAD STREET RED BANK Thomai, ..Matawan Rd., ~ was guest of honor recently at a birth- Adam and Eve day cookout at'tte home of Mr. and Mrs. Zahe- Anwn, Washing- ton Ave.'~\ " ••' " Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Watchful Waiting 99th Arthur Waltz «od son, Thomas; James Thomas and children, DEAR ADAM AND EVE: Dear Watching: Why wait Mm. Harry V. MondeU James, Jr., Linda, Russell, Keith I have some hard-headed ad-l for an explosions? Try to re- •nd Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. Philip vice for that woman whose hus- move the fuse before there's LONG BRANCH - Tha mar- bridesmaids. Misses Patridi Farmer and children, Florence band spends so much time at his a fusion. Better tell your riage of Miss Dorothy Van Pelt, Woods, Diane Peters and Kath and Philip, Jr.; MIchaele and office, night and day. She husband how you feel and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- leen. Downes, all of Long Branch •Jane Anson, Jr.i all of Matawan; should get down to that oftice why, to dampen things before thur G. Van Pert, 183 Branch- Bridesmaids and maid of hon- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carbone, to keep him company. If she they go too far. port Ave., to Harry W. Mundell • wore bell-shaped cocktail- Sr., and daughter, Susan, Cheese- doesn't, someone else sure as Adam and Eve took place here July 21 in Holy] length gowns of satin organs Anniversary event quake; Mr. and Mrs. George heck will. There are too many Trinity Catholic Church. Mr. and matching coronets of roses Duncan, Jr., Haztet, and Mr and women looking for lonesome, VMundell is the son of Mr. and and pearls. Miss Van Pelt was You printed a letter from Mrs. Harry A. Mundell, 67 Cy- In turquoise and the bridesmaids Mrs. Andrew Gallagher, Keans- hardworking men, husbands orbride whose betrothed insisted oi otherwise. press St, n peach. Frocks of the flower burg. having his boxer, "Cuddles," ai jirls were of turquoise nylon over great savings on 4 floors I know. Mine used to have the wedding. I am going to be Rev. G. T. Celentano of theaffeta. All the bride's attendants to work late, too, at the business a bride this month and I cai Sacred Heart Catholic Church carried carnations. he owns. In spite of the late honestly understand why her bo; Mount Holly, officiated- hours he had been working, our friend felt the way he did. Other Attendants income dropped considerably, am going to have a weddin; The bride was given in mar- Joseph Hippie, Eatontown, was Finally my suspicions were party and I would not think olriage by her father. Her gown ol jest man. Ushers were George a few of the many tovings! aroused, and with a little quiet; leaving my collie-shepherd ai imported silk organza was omin, Long Branch; Alfred investigation on my part the home. He will be at the cere- trimmed with appliques of Alen- Ce&paluni, Portaupeck, and Wi truth came out. He doesn't mony, at the reception and I;con lace on the bateau neckline iam Mundell, Oceanport, cousi know I know, but I have dropped also going on our honeymooi and long tapered sleeves. Thi if the bridegroom. Terry Wood: Draperies a few strong hints about my with us. bouffant full-length skirt was Long Branch, was page. Up to 5.00 WOMEN'S SHIRTS ...... 1.99 opinion of Playboy Husbands. [ caught up in back by French The couple left for a weddin; Slipcoven have no intention of ever giving That bride will have to lean pleats. Her two-tier fingertip to love "Cuddles" or she wil rip to Florida following a recep him a divorce. length veil of English illusion wa: tioa in The Paddock, Lon, Upholstering miss out on a lot of cuddles her- held in place by a coronet o! We've had a good marriage Branch. 7.98 WOMEN'S SHETLAND SWEATERS ~ 5.99 Bedspreads self! lace, sequins and pearls. She car- for 17 years. I've worked too August Bridi The bride was graduated from to buy our home and to help ried a bouquet of carnations on Long Branch High School an Curtains her prayer book. Shop*tHomeService my husband get established in DEAR ADAM AND EVE: was employed as a catalogs Phone SH 1-JM» his own business: So I'm not I was so surprised tc l The bride's triplet sisters, Don sales clerk at Montgomery Wart I8.95..WAMSUTTA ELECTRIC BLANKET ...15.99 going to step aside for some about Can't Sit Down, the teen na, Dana and Deborah V>n Pelt, Eatontown. Sherman's j other woman now, not by a long ager whose older two sister: were flower girls. Another sister, Also a graduate of Lon Decorators shot. I'm going to keep my eyes spanked her In full view of th Miss Rosemarie Van Felt, servec Branch High School, the bride- MS Broad St., Shrewsbury open, but I'm also going to trust as maid of honor, groom is a machinist for Not •FREE PARKING public. Their mother needs t< 7.95 LEATHER HANDBAGS, 6 styles ., ...5.49* him to de the right and honor- learn some common sense. A: Other attendants were th wood Distributors, Long Branch able thing as far as our marri- Adam pointed out, the older sis age is concerned. ters were trying to humiliate thi The woman, involved is a di- [younger one, not merely punis! 2.00 GIRLS' SCHOOL SLIPS, iJiei 6 to 14 /.... 1.49 vorcee with an apartment three her. I think the incident should NEW blocks from his business. If Ibe looked into. WALTERS ever catch; her near my hus- One W!io Knows OUR band's office, heaven help her. SUMMER —for— ONLY Watching DEAR ADAM AND EVE: 7.98 SCHOOL DRESSES, sizes 7 to 14 5.49 STORE P.S. Will you two bail me out? Regarding Can't Sit Down, I HOURS... • CURTAINS -I NOW UPfcN think the Children's Aid Society or the family minister should • DRAPERIES talk to that mother. That kind of THURS. * FRI. 3.98 BOYS' LINED SLACKS, sizes 4 to 7 2.99 COAST DRIVING SCHOOL treatment could affect the girl's • BEDSPREADS IN EATONTOWN . . . Dersonality. Certainly she needs 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. MHVINQ ALL NORTHIRN MONMOUTH COUNTY. help. • FANCY LINENS R. H. HUNTINGTON. Proprietor Distressed 'plus tax II Y«»M •XramiNCE IN DRIVER EDUCATION • Draptry Hardware rOBHBB OWNEB Ot 8I10BB AUXO DRIVING SCHOOL BEAUTY IN Send your personal questions * NlW CAM ritH tTUDINT PICK-UP WHITE SALE »T YOUR HONK AT ALL and problems to Adam or Eve DUAL CONTROLS TIMIf Lowell or both, u you prefer. 586 River Rd. WALTERS * FULLY INSUMB- WI PROVIDI r MI* * LICINSID BY * traiupartatlm ta th. LI. For a personal, unpublished SHEETS • TOWELS • HOME FURNISHINGS tTATC OF N. J. Matt •«»•• ftr Ptmlt, reply, enclose • stamped, ad- Fair Haven 47 Broad St., Rtd Bank •Limlttd tlnu mlr dressed envelope. Mall' < to Shop Wednesdays & Fridays Until 9 P. M. Appointment at Your Convenience Day and Night, LI Milt Adam ft Eve, In care of The SH 1-3111 179 Br'dway.Loiia. Branch Register. - . Acgiut 7, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER avoid!/ getting down to here for extension coonei after school boars again next year. Marilyn Monroe On fee patrol faun, Ran! bid 20 Teachers Hired Andrew Meyer opposed this Report aomewbtt betjer lack. move on the (rounds that be Castro Mked for 10 or more tees BO reason "to help educate to qwabjtt Intensifying Insurgent outof-towners tt the expense ot Articulate, Witty By Eatontown BoardEatontown taxpayers.' Rtwl (astro's Visit a Failure operations. In the past several play house end it was like you Robert A. Quinn and other Editor's We: AP HoUyweed month!, there has been a steady: could make your own bounda- EATONTOWN — The Board of Thomas, eighth grade mathemat- board members explained that Bob Thomas By ROBERT S. ALLEN and PAUL SCOTT Increase la the flow of arms ries." Education last night appolntediicj and science, $5,200; Mrs. the only expense to the school Is Marital Menwe Cram (be te- six new teachers for the Kineavy, grade 4, ll her Hollywood ca- Her shyness—"A struggle with WASHINGTON,—-Dictator Fidel Castro's Younger underground. Castro sought * ing year. the cost of lighting the rooms, and Dorian Parreott, instrument and that this Is more than ia the teeood of three- shyness Is in every actor, more sltable flotilla of Soviet rol brother Raul, commander of the armed forces, Is back This completep s the appointpp - tal music, three days s week, covered by the $450 a year paid put series of articles, he writes than anyone could Imagine. boats to counter this growing ment of 20 new teacherh s In $3,200. by the college. an Intimate view ot the lnVof There is a censor inside us that from bis toudly-fanfared visit to Moscow, but the threat. says to what degree do' we let EEatontow n schoolshl . SiSix vacan- At the same meeting, the Dr. Ramsay aaid a number of the , world'* most famous Cuban people have yet to learn that The Kremlin agreed to supply go, like a child playing. I guess cies remain, according to Dr. resignations of Miss Janet Ruth the students in these extension Monde. people think we just go out there, Astonishingly, there has been a complete six boats, but did not specify William W. Ramsay, siiperinten- Mercer, as second grade teacher classes are teachers in Eaton- and you know, that's all we do- when they will be forthcoming, dent. at- Steelman School, and Miss town, By BOB THOMAS I blackout on Raul's return. just do it. But it's a real strug- Raul was told "it will be soon," He said this is a larger turn- Justine Kuchas, as fourth grade Hungry Children AP Mwle-TelevUlon Writer Despite the strident hoopla that but not how soon. over of teaching personnel than teacher at the Post School, were gle. rm one of the world's most Another discussion was touched HOLLYWOOD - For a [ surrounded his Moscow trip, including Making Castro Pa; usually takes place in thij bor- accepted with regret. Both re-oH' JS_ self-conscious people." ough's schools. signed because they,are leaving by a request by Mr, Ramsay with «cant education. Marilyn being met . the airport by Defense Moscow was even more tn- that- the board pay for Men—"I like a manly man, one lefmite on other arms Castro The new teachers named last the borough. •*" Monroe surprised many by being with lob of character and Minister Malinovsky, several much night are 'Miss Virginia Thomp- worth of free lunches given to articulate and witty. wants. The board voted to request an indigent children last year, strength of purpose. Perhaps he son, vocal music teacher, at an emergency certificate for Sam- She left Van Nuys, Calif., High photographed meetings with Khrush- To Raul's Temiest for more rather than requiring s will be headstrong and Impul- Migs, particularly late - model annual salary of $3,600; Miss uel Luce, fifth grade teacher. '™ School in her second year, but sive. But surely he will be filled chev and wiieljf^publicized sessions amount to be paid from the her education didn't end there. Mig-19s, the Russians were dis- Marianne Zimmerman, grade 2, Mr. Ramsay said Mr. Luce is with verve and a passion for liv- with other Soviet leaders, Raul's arrival cafeteria's operating expenses. During one of our first interviews tinctly cool. There are strong in S4.80O; Mrs. Evelyn Yarosh, working toward his degree, and ing. And be will know just how to Dr. Ramsay explained that iiss her starlet days, (he proudly home has been shrouded in drum-tight dications they feel the (100 mil- grade 5, 35,600; Mrs. Sylvia will be eligible for full certifica- go about getting it" five children had been given reported that' she had only one lion in weapons they have poured tion when ho receives it. ,Mr. AQeo secrecy. Luce is currently the only Eaton- lunches because they brought charge account: Sex—"Sex is a part of nature. Nothing has been said about it In the controlled into Cuba In the past several equipment and "training person- none to school, and Investigation At a Beverly Hills book store.1>d rather 8» along with nature." vears are more than ample— nel" — who in actual practice town teacher with an emergency certificate, according to Mr. showed their families were un- She liked to hobnob with liter- Her latenes»-"K'i not really press or on the air. for the time being. will probably take over running Ramsay. . •, . • • • able to provide for them. ary greats like Dame Edith Sit me who's late. It's the others Raul was flown to Havana in a TU-114 Soviet jet Also that the Kremlin is be- these key services. . . Five 'Tralnable' Class Board member Lawrence well and Carl Sandburg. Once who are in such a hurry." ginning to have misgivings about Soviet fishing vessels have ar transport directly from Moscow, with one operating Mr. Ramsay requested and re- Schaefer suggested that this bill she happily told me Oat Sand- Dress—"I'll confess that a very the stability of the Castro re- rived In Havana avowedly to ceived authorization to form a be sent to Borough Council. burg pointed a finger at her dur- small percentage^ of my apparel stop in Ghana. The pilot was the same one who gime. "teach, modern fishing tech- m new class for "trainable" chil- "They are in favor of cuittlnl g B * Hollywood party and pro- is selected solely as a protection niques" to 'Cubans. Significantly, brought Khrushchev to New York sev- So while the Communists are dren, that, is, those who are school budgets to the bone," he claimed: "You are not what is against the elements. When I buy eral years ago. warbling comradeship and de- the commander of these Russian more severely mentally retarded said, 'so let us cut this item wrong with America." a dress, I want it to do some- votion, they are not being as fishing ships Is a naval officer, than the children in the present and have them pay it." She wrote her own poetry, thing for me. I want to make me One purpose of this flight to Ha- 'roe-handed to Castro as they arid the crews are Soviet naval though she showed it to few. When more attractive and that meaas vana was to check on the route of a "educable" class. Board attorney John Arnone used to be. They are still dish- seamen. If they know anything There are now four trainable explained that if the borough is she entered the New York'phase more attractive to men." proposed regular air service between Ing out to him, but on a much about "modern fishing tech- children enrolled here and the providing relief payments to the of her life, she was' fascinated p critics —. "Name-calHng the Cuban Capital and Moscow. charier scale — and principally niques" they've given no indi- board has found no district that families already, it may well be with the literary crowd, Signifi- won't alter the facts, nor is it in food, machinery and goods cation, of that so far. will take them on a tuition basis. that the suras given are not suf- cantly, her last husband was one apt to change me. But it is like- Intelligence authorities attribute that they are making him pay Dr. Ramsay said that with in- ficient for subsistence. of America's leading ken of ly to expose the fears and frus- for on a barter basis, creased enrollment, there may letters, Arthur Miller. "• , the extraordinary silence regarding LATIN AMERICAN FLASHES Officer For School trations of the name-caller." FTOELISMOISM - Cuba once —Mexico's President Lopez Ma- be more children in this cate- Whether she could articulate Raul's return to the fact that his trip All the board members w re Wealth-"I don't care about exported oranges, but under teos is going to the Far East gory to be educated next fall. * her own personal stresses was a dismal flop; that he failed to get Scott in favor of feeding hungry chil- through psychiatry is not known. money. I just want to be won- Dictator Castro they have be- lster this year. His itinerary Furthermore, he stated, it is dren. It was finally decided to But she did speak ably for print derful." what he was dispatched for. come so scarce that they have will Include Japan, the Philip- probable that neighboring Fame—"I now live In my schools will- send additional pu pay the bill, and make such ex concerning her life and views. Fidel sent his brother to the Soviet for two things been put in a medical category pines, Indonesia and India. This oenditures a budget item in the Sometimes she was serious, work and in a few relationships and a doctor's prescription isiwill be his first visit. to this plls to the class here on a tui with the few people I can really —a mutual defense pact, and more arms, particularly tion basis: '• ' future. sometimes flippant. She was nev- required to obtain them. Only strategic section of the world. count on. Fame will go by and, The transportation committee er dull. a number of speedy patrol boats. Dr. Ramsay was authorized, by so long, I've had you, fame. If eight oranges can be prescribed Argentina is In the process of was instructed to investigate the Among her reflections: the board to Investigate the pos- it goes by, I've always know it RED RUN AROUND—The failure to get a mutual at one time, and 45 stores have "•ducing its armed forces by possibility of having borough Her foster parents — "I bad sibility ot i renting a classroom Was fickle. So at least it's some- been officially designated to han- 15 per cent as an economv move. police perform the duties of a 11, or 31 'sets of them, I don't defense pact was a bitter disappointment to Fidel. in the church school building of thing I've experienced, but that's dle this fruit. . . In a new effort This has the backing of the mil- school' attendance officer. In want to count them'again—it de- He had ambitiously planned to loudly proclaim this the Eatontown. Methodist, Church not where I live." to obtain urgently-needed sugar itary chiefs. . . Intelligence au- Cor use by the. new class. The case the police refuse t*> do so, presses me, Some families kept new bond with Russia at th^ recent anniversary of mill parts, the Manzanlllo sugar thorlties -have warned certain alternative, he said, would be Dr. Ramsay was authorized to me longer; others got tired of me workers union ha* agreed to un- South American oountriej that to put . the ^present educable reappoint the . present officer, in a short time. I must have (Tomorrow: A last visit with the start of his so-called "people's revolution." This Marilyn Monroe) announcement was to be the big feature of the cel- dertake to make some. How Communist agents have been class on a halt-day session and Mrs. Eleanor Winning, at an an- made them nervous or some- well this experiment will succeed sent there to create violent dis- use its classroom for the traln- nual salary of $600. thing." GUESTS FROM MIAMI ebration. remains to be seen. turbances. The identity of some ables during the other half of A special meeting of the board Her acting beginnings—"When But while the Reds ingly, they carefully shied Russia has forged another link of these Red provocateurs Is the day. , .; • with the school architect Frank was 5—1 think that's when I MIDDLETOWN — Visiting at gave Raul super-VIP treat- away from any commit- In Us Iron grip on Cuba. Castro known. They are Latin Americans Extension. Classes Johnson, to decide on method of started wanting to be an actress the home of Mr. and Mrs- Rob- has signed an agreement with who were trained behind the After a long debate the board heating for the new school on —I loved to play. I didn't like ert Lefker, Crestview Dr., was ment, wining and dining merits. They oozed friend- the Soviet to provide Cuba with Iron Curtain, and have been using voted to permit Newark State Broad St. and Wycoff Rd. was the world around me because it Mrs. Harry Klein of Miami, Fla. hlm and talking promis- ship and goodwill, but persist- postal, telephone and telegraph Cuba as their base. College to use three classrooms set for Monday night. was Wnd of grim-but I loved to Mrs. Klein is Mrs. Letter's aunt.





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CALL KEIIotf 1-M00, OSkrni 1-M00 OR'WRIT!: ft- *«».ry wHfcln «r Mlv.ry artt. (he* C.O.D.t, Ui 10c). BuJgttCt.lt tO.pt. 1S8), Mall Uv.l, ••nik.Vf"'" M«im»u!h. And «t JamMi, Mania hifc, Newark, MorrbHwil, tkkfUU, STARTING THIS WEEK BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH WILL BE OPEN 5 NIGHTS A WEEK TIL 9:30 P.M. SHOP TONIGHT AND EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT TIL 9:30 P.M. NOW AS TAttfWSS^TBS E£"" U$e Our Want Ads WMIC For Quick Results REDBANK SH 1-0010 DAY 1 Independent Daily f Hbm« Delivery Dial SH MHO NIGHT ^ ntnaiwammur-mm J SECTION TWO TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1962 7c PER New Jersey >News Briefs Proposes Tax Cut ASSOCIATED PRESS JERSEY CITY - Burt Richard Javits Asks Congress Action Now Ray, 33, a trainer for basketball spur the economy. He has Indi- pared for delivery before the and track teams at New York WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. cated he might announce a deci- Senate. University, was fatally stabbed Jacob K. Javits. R-N.Y., proposed sion later this month. by his wife during an argument today that Congress enact a $5.5 "Instead of telling the nation Sunday, police said. Mrs. Evallne billion incentive tax cut benefitting The domestic economy "is mov- what is needed, the President Ray, 20, told police she and her individuals and corporations be- ing sideways In such a way as to seems more interested in telUng husband had a quarrel over a fore it goes home. present a clear and present dan- the nation what committee chair- telephone call from a woman. And Javits, often a supporter ger of another recession," said men, of his own party, will ap- According to police, Mrs. Ray of administration proposals, criti- Javils. prove," said the New York sen- Indecision ator. said she jokingly picked up a 17- cized President Kennedy for what RARITAN-HOLMDEL MSEBAU FIELDHOUSE, as shown here in architect's drawing, is planned for construction on "The extraordinary way the Javits said his tax proposals inch knife during the argument he called "agonizing Indecisive- five-acre tract off Hazlet Ave., in Raritan. There will be two bell fields at the site, with dugouts and bleachers, President is seemingly transfer- would eliminate income taxes for and her husband became ex- Kennedy said several weeks ago cited and rushed into the blade, and area will bo fenced. More than 400 boys have participated in the 8-15 League program this seaion. ring his leadership to committee persons earning less than $2,000 that he would study economic in- The Ray home is at 238 Pine chairmen on this tax cut Issue a year, would reduce maximum dicators, then decide whether to only dramatizes bis indecision," personal taxes from 91 to 63 per st. •••• ask for an Immediate tax cut to Javits declared In a speech pre- cent; would drop corporation tax rates from SZ to 50 per cent and ORANGE ~ David C. Austin, Better Baseball For Bayshore would include reductions for all of Union, who was 100 years other taxpayers with emphasis on oU when be retired from,a Job RARITAN TOWNSHIP—When area is reasonably flat but' Tentative plans include at and will include a main meet- the $2,000 to $5,000 bracket as clerk-eashler in • market the cry of "play ball" rings out wooded. Bids are being accepted least two ball fields, complete ing room, first aid room, two ex- CommumtyCenter Hearings - with dugouts, bleachers and ecutive offices, storage room, last August, died yesterday. He next season, members pf the on the clearing and leveling of Congress headed Into a new wooden outfield fences which will two rest rooms, a refreshment died In Orange Orthopedic HoV P.aritan-Holmdel 8 to IS League the land and interested bidders round of hearings with a joint be used for advertising pur stand and a patio. pital of eoapHcaUmi resulting will be playing on new ball dia- can contact George Malgady, Senate-House committee opening bom • fractured leg Incurred monds. poses. Plans also include a prac- An annual dance has been the field committee chairman, 23 a public inquiry today Into the Joly »In a fan in Ms home. He Plans are In the making for,at tice field. only fund raising project con- To Be Purchased economy's health. would have been 101 Aug. 18. Chestnut Dr., or Mr. Wolfers- The proposed, field house will ducted by the league for its sup- : least two ball fields and a field Before the hearings got under He had worked for department house on a tract of approximate- berger, Bedle Rd., Hazlet. be approximately 65. feet square port, but league officials are dis- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The A major problem that faced stores la New York until the cussing the possibility of an addi- Community Center Committee the committee was that the par- "jy. « committee member, Sen, ly five acres being leased from William Proxmire, D-Wis., blasted age ef (S. He then worked at tional fund raising affair. has made a complete about-face eel was landlocked and it was the township for 99 years at a policies of the Federal Reserve Tarlout grocery stores in Cran- Mr. Wolfersberger reported in its drive for a community cen- necessary to secure an ease- fee of SI. The tract Is in Sea Board as "economy slow-down" that 420 boys participated in the ter building for the township. ment to allow entrance to the fviu. brook Manor, off Haziet Ave. Borough to Acquire policies. between Rt. 35 and Bethany Rd. 8 to 15 League this year, includ All .previous plans to construct "For the Federal Reserve Board ing four Babe Ruth teams. Plans a building have been scrapped 111 Utilities TRENTON — On his third try, League officials are doing their to deliberately force up Interest for next year Include four more and final arrangements are be- police said, Jesse James Elliott utmost to have the ball fields Performance Bond With the purchase of the en- rates as high as it has been do- Babe Ruth teams and additional •truck out. Elliott, 45* was ar- ready for next year. No target ing made to'purchase an eight- tire property the easement prob- ing, is to throw sand into the rested yesterday near Winan's date has been set for the field major league and farm teams. room dwelling on Middle Rd. lem has been erased. The proper- LITTLE SILVER — Borough h* uid In a statement house, but an important factor Mr. Minogue said Agnes Riccar- It was also announced that res- Located near the new high ty has approximately 190 feet Reliance Corp. at 457 Mulberry Attorney James. Mittogue was di- today. I? the availability of funds. di would be the defendant in the ervations are being accepted school building, the house is on frontage on Middle Rd. and all St. Police said he robbed the rected by Borough Council last HaarPlumley Harry ' Wolfersberger, league case. from advertisers that wish to approximately four «cres of land utilities are reported to be In the company twice during the week- night to initiate a lawsuit for the The. businessman's view was end and was allegedly carrying chairman, has reported a land The resolution, offered by Coun- take advantage of the spaa and owned by Mn. Eda Nichol- area. ' acquisition of a performance available on the wooden outfield given today by Ladd Plumley, toot to his automobile a third ^rveyisnow in progress and cilman Charles Bruno, followed on. The purchase price has been bond for the completion of a the opinion of the attorney that fences, president of the U.S. Chamber of time. A detective fired eighl should be finished next week. The The committee held an option reported at $19,500, and a mort- road in Paag Village near Seven a suit is the only recourse of the Commerce. warning shots before Elliott came to purchase the rear portion of gage will be secured to cover the Bridge Rd. borough in the case of the long- Plumley said the chamber's call to a halt. A search of Elliott's the tract and planned to erect a major portion of the total cost. Today In pending, but yet unbuilt road. for a quick, deep and permanent car uncovered a sawed-off shot- Demolition new building. Architect estimates Shade Tree Question Mrs. Oztie Donat, committee tax slash doesn't mean It has gun, shells and burglary tools, Washington ran as high as $190,000. chairman, reported the entire abandoned Its goal of a balanced police said. Light Votes Mayor' Charles W. Stephens By The Associated Press said that the developer of Paag Of House committee feels this Is a good budget. Village has requested a realign- concrete start and added, "It In an address prepared for de- . TRENTON - A 2U-pound President Kennedy has break- Expected In ment of the proposed road in or- would have been a long and dif- livery before the Advertising Club meatal patient at the State Hos- fast with Democratic Congres- der to save several shade trees. Is Ordered Provide ficult road to follow to have to of Washington, Plumley said the pital here struck an attendant sional leaders (7:45), presents LITTLE SILVER - A condem- build a complete new structure to chamber would expect • tax cut oa the head yesterday with a government's Jop civilian medal Council was of the opinion, to Dr. Frances Kelsey and five 3 Primaries nation hearing, held last night provide the needs of the town- "to be coupled with a spending baseball bat, a spokesman for however, that the original agree- policy ... which will product a others. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ment between the borough and to determine the fate of a housi FundFor ship." tile state Institutions Beard re- balanced budget" SENATE the developer should be enforced at Branch Ave. and Spring St. The eight-room house has ported. The' attendant, John Light voter turnouts reflecting Meets in routine session. through legal action to prevent resulted in a Borough Council di- semi-finished second floor and Roach, M, ef Trenton, was re- lackluster campaigns were expect- ported by Mercer Hospital of- Foreign Relations Committee the passage of another year be- rective to the effect that the immediate plans call for remodel- ficials to be In serious condi- continues hearings on Communi- ed today as voters in Michigan, fore the road is constructed. building must be destroyed be- 2 Utilities ing and a new front. The rooms $50 a Plate tion. The Institutions' spokes- cations Satellite Bill. Kansas and Missouri pick their The mayor pointed, out that If fore Oct. 1. will be used for meetings and man said Roach, who has Finance Committee continues candidates for November's gener- the change of plans were ap- The building -is owned by the HIGHLANDS — An emergency limited recreational activity. Dinner Set worked at the hospital for eight hearings on trade bill. al election. proved, it would require Planning estate of the late John O'Brien appropriation of $92,000 was ap- Future plans will Include a years, was one of five attend- HOUSE Major interest was focused on Board and council action, which who died in 1918. According to proved by Borough Council last wing which can be used as an ants, bringing some 7S-1M pa- would preclude construction be- Robert T. Maver, building inspec- night for the Installation of an auditorium and gymnasium. By Demos Meets in routine session. Michigan where George Romney, Heats back from a ball game former president of American Mo- fore the winter. tor, the heirs have already con- insert pump and sewer and water Fund Plan* NEPTUNE — Monmouth Coun- when he was struck on the head Ways and Means Committee Council's action followed a re- tracted for the demolition. Hnes to the Henry Hudson Rer tors, is bidding for the Republican Mn. Edward Barth, fund rais- ty Democratic chairman John W. with the bat "for no apparent continues closed sessions on state port by Borough Engineer August Wy JMa,ver said Thomas Far- gional Junior-Senior High School. gubernatorial nomination. Romney ing coordinator, has announced Applegate last sight announced of the economy. Postel. He said the change asked rell, ; * Shrewsbury contractor, The n«d for the pump, which Joint CoBgressionalCcommitteie Jj* J» °H"*f "". but an extensive campaign is being completion of the committee as- by the developer actually would has agreed to do the Job. will guarantee enough water pres- on Economics begins public hear "th"e llsizme rfof'M w"s "**vot' e will be ex- planned to allow residents to take sisting in arrangement! for the be beneficial to the borough in Council heard reports fom the sure for the school area, was PARAMUS - A 54-year old fogs on state of the economyr by political observers in an active part in fund raising by party's $50 per plate dinner Aug. that it would save the trees and building inspector and Fire.Chief stressed by the borough engineer Patersoo woman, Mrs. Alice A. Secretary of Welfare t of his possible candidacy for attending various activities. 3D at Jumping Brook Country Buchner, was killaiI yesterday rene"ho"lds news co'nTer" !) Republican presidential nomi- decrease the paved area, thus de- Fred Bruno, who both called the in a recent survey. Club. b It is also planned to seek the whet she was struck by a car tion hi 1964. creasing the borough's main- building unsafe and a fire ha* Officials noted that the entire Mr. Applegate, mayor Mata- hill area running down to Port- assistance of local merchants and while crossing Rt. 4. Mrs. Buch- tenance-obligation. ard. wan, said Assistant County Pros- Gov, John Swainson, seeking his land Rd. would benefit by it. businessmen. At present; local ner, of 251 Illinois Ave., was pro- second two-yeaf1 term, has no op- ecutor John A. Petillo, Red Bank A contract for the water and residents will not be asked to nounced dead on arrival at Ber- 2 Youths position in the Democratic pri- Is ticket committee chairman. sewer. line project has been contribute on an individual basis. gen Pines Hospital. mary. The Rwnney-Swainson race awarded to Ace Manzo, Inc., Mat- Gov. Richard J. Hughes will for governor this fall is expected Permits $3 Million The first activity planned by be among speakers honoring the Arrested In awan, at a total project cost of MONTGOMERY, Ala. - The to be a bell-ringer. the committee is a splash party Democratic ticket headed this $14,913. The Regional Board of to be held at the Clear-water Pool, Montgomery Citizens Cornell Only about 25 per cent of Michi- Education Is paying $3,347 of the year by Peter Gannon, Congres- Gas Theft First Phase of Levitt Development Rt. 38, Middletown, Aug. 19. Oth- •aid It sent a Negro woman .to gan's voters were expected to cost. sional nominee; former Mayor Newark, N. J., hut night as a er activities include a hayrlde RUMSON — Two 18-year-old turn out, despite a new race on MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — An way, and one playfield site in According to borough officials, Paul Kleman of Long Branch, for "reverse freedom rider." J. C. for children. Coney Island night, boys and.a 19-year-old tried to the ballot—congressman-at-large all-time record was set here last the Ivy Hill section of the de- Ace Manzo has agreed to start sheriff, and David T. Buck, Free- Kendrick, said Mrs. Oralee dances, fashion shows and card holT businessman", andProfessor The state gained «n extra House month, when the building inspec- velopment work today and complete the in- Strand; IS, left at 7 p.m. with leave this borough yesterday parties. seat through increased population tor issued permits to Levitt and A special meeting will be held stallation by Aug. 15. Victor Gerdes, of the New York • one-way bus ticket paid for without paying for a tankful of but it was not redistricted. Demo- Contributions have totaled ap- University faculty and a Middle- by the council. Kendrick said Sons, Inc., for construction of Monday. At that time, the com- Joint Meeting gas, but they were foiled by a cratic State Chairman Neil Staeb- proximately $2,000, according to town resident, for freeholders. (be group gave her tS spend- $3,093,000 worth of houses. mittee' will introduce an ordi- Representatives of council, at policeman and another police- ler and Republican former Rep, Eric Rosengren, committee treas- All candidates for county and ing money. Keadrlck aald Mrs. By the time it is over—Levitt nance authorizing a drainage and the request of the regional board, mas'* father. Alvln Bentley are unopposed for is expected to build a total of road repair program estimated to will meet with the school body urer. The largest contribution has local office as well as municipal Slroud planned to fob her their party nominations. nearly 1,800 units—the figure will cost $135,000. tomorrow night to iron out "oth- come from the Raritan Bay area presidents are serving on the daughter who has aald she The trio drove Irito. Kennedy's Jaycees, a sum of $1,055, which A lighter than usual vote also total many millions more. It was announced that voter er school problems," among them committee in exofflcio capacities, could help her mother find Shell Station at West St. and has been earmarked for use was predicted in Kansas despite Project valuation . (not Levitt registration will be held Sept. 20, the access road to the new school. Mr. Applegate said. work. The name of the daugh- River Rd. yesterday at 3:05 p.m toward the land purchase. ter was not avaOablo. the presence of two major candi- cost) has been estimated at 135 25, and 27 at town hall. The borough has agreed to pro- "The dinner wUl officially kick and had their car's tank filled dates in one of the Republican million. Committeeman Sigmund V. Ko- vide a paved street 30 to 33 feet Other groups that have contrib- off our campaign," said the chair- up by the owner, William Gay- senatorial races. Sen. James B. In other business at last night's walskl reported that a speed- in width, extending in. a northerly uted include the Hidden Hills man, "and the hard facts are that BAYONNE - The Navy begins nor, Sr., father of Patrolman Pearson, appointed earlier this Township Committee session, the timer has been purchasd and pul direction 1,100 feet from the In- East Civic League, Boy Scout youl can't kick off anything with- towing the battleship New Jersey year to fill the vacancy created governing body accepted from into operation. He said police tersection of Traveled Way and Troop 134 of Hazlet, Raritan Ath- out funds. This dinner, which last to Philadelphia today. Three tug- John Gaynor by the death of Sen. Andrew Levitt three drainage rights of handed out more than 200 sum- Grand Tour, to the point where letic Association, Coral-Rarltan year realized the principal con- boats will take the ship on its When they drove away without Schoeppel, meets former Gov. Ed- monses., with use of the timer, the paved roadway now exists on Civic Association, Marc Hills Civ- tribution to the county campaign, two-day Journey from the New paying Mr. Gaynor leaped into ward Am in a battle of conserva- during the past seven days. South Peak St. ic Association, Hidden Hills West will benefit the efforts of every York Naval Shipyard Annex here, his son's car" and gave chase. tives seeking nomination for the Several residents complained The school is scheduled to open Civic Association, Jewish War candidate and Democratic organ- where it has been stationed since The boys drove at speeds up to remaining four years of the term. Council Sets Sept. 10. The administrative staff Veterans and Auxiliary, Bnai ization." 1857. 95 miles an hour. On Rumson about their current tax bilfe in Sen. Frank Carlson was expect- will move into the school build- Brith Women, Raritan Valley Others on the committee in- Rd., near Sailer's Way, Patrol- relation to revaluation figures. ed to win renomination to a six- Salary Scale The .committee noted that their ing as soon as water and sewer Homeowners, Fleetwood Park clude the 18 Democratic mayors LANCASTER, Pa. - Mrs. man John Shea joined the chase. facilities are ready. The staff Is year term in the other GOP race. only recourse, at this point, is to Homeowners Association, the or Monmouth municipalities, pres- Constance Parka, 73, Hidden The two halted the fleeing car now using Borough Hall. township Woman's Club, Chestnut Heights, N. J., was killed last near Oakes Rd. Gov. John Anderson, a Republi- file appeals with the County Tax idents of the various county-wide For 3 Posts The' governing body instructed Hill Civic Association, Raritan clubs, Democratic office holders night and three other persons Joseph Esposito, 18, of Hillside can, seeks nomination to a second Board. Borough Attorney John M. Pills- Bay Area Jaycee-ettes, Woodland at state and county levels, and were injured when their auto Ave., Long Branch, the driver, two-year term and is the likely LITTLE SILVER — Borough bury to meet with building con- Park Garden Club and several officers of the County Democra- collided with another car on and a passenger, Frank Romano, winner over school teacher Har- Council last night voted favorably tractor Jack Preston, Mlddletown, youth groups. tic Executive Committee. • U.S. It east of Lancaster. Ad- 18, Duane St., Long Branch, were vey F. Crouch. Battling for the on the first reading of an ordi- Democratic nod are former state nance establishing salaries for Mrs. Cheney and architect Frank Amodio, Red mitted to Lancaster General charged with obtaining goods Bank, to rectify a faulty blower treasurer George Hart and State three borough employees. Hospital were the driver, Mrs. with an Intent to defraud, ar- system and leaks in the chimney Rep. Dale Satfels. The measure would authorize a Elisabeth Johnson, 57, Mrs. raigned before Magistrate Wil- Is Chairman area of the new municipal build- salary of $3,000 per year for Parka's sbter; Mrs. Johnson's liam I. Riker last night, and Less than one-fourth of Mis- ing. Freehold to Request husband, Stanley, 73, and Frank freed on $23 bail each for a souri's registered voters were ex- Charles M. Sullivan, the tax as- Jablonskl, 71. All are of Haddon pected to take part in today's pri- sessor. Of UN Day Withhold Fee hearing Aug. 13, The borough is holding back Heights. Police said the group mary. Sen. Edward Long, seeking Early this year, Mr. Sullivan LITTLE SILVER - Borough The other passenger, a 15-year- $3,000 in fees until the problems RetrainingProgram wu approaching a motel after a full six-year term after winning replaced the late Louis S. Van Council last night confirmed May- old from West Long Branch, was are corrected, Councilman Rob- • day'i tour of the Pennsylvan- a two-year unexplred term in 1960, Brunt, Who was paid $3,400 in or Charles W. Stephens' appoint-, found to have a switchblade ert G. Dlebold noted. ia Dutch country when the ac- is the probable choice of Demo- the post last year. i ment of Mrs. Donald B. Cheney, FREEHOLD — Councilman Trenton would only refer the mat- knife. He was taken to the chil- If the contractors refuse to cident occurred. cratic voters. 17 Lippincott Rd., as United Na- Thomas M, Crowley again at last ter back to the local agency. The dren's shelter, Freehold. ' Also affected by the introduced make necessary repairs, the mat- R. Crosby Kemper, young Kan tions chairman for the borough. night's council meeting pressed mayor added this would also be ordinance would be the newly ter will be turned over to the sas City banker, is favr/ed over for his program for retraining un- going over the heads of the local created position of police radio Mrs. Cheney is chairman of the borough's bonding company, it Duane S. Cox, Springfield attor- employed and under-employed agency without giving them the dispatcher. That full time job legislature committee of the was reported. ney, and three other candidates persons in the Freehold area. courtesy of requesting that they Name Galcher Chief would pay $1.25 per hour. Woman's Club here. She will be Alexander F. Bahrs, local ma for the Republican nomination to A rate of $1.50 per hour was in charge of the borough's annual The councilman has been pro make the survey. oppose Long. rlne contractor, was awarded a moting this program the past proposed for temporary road de- UN Day. contract to build a bulkhead at Mr. Crowley explained that thu Most of the incumbent House two months. partment employees. Council also approved the des- the foot of Cornwall St. at an survey would be made by profes- Of Freehold Police members in all three states had Council adopted a resolution Public hearing on the ordinance ignation of Calvin Rowe, 52 estimated cost of $B71. slonal workers of industrial em- little or no opposition. will be Sept. 4. - Lovett Ave., as acting borough calling for the local N. J. Em- ployment needs—present and fu- FREEHOLD — Mayor and The bulkhead, installation is the ployment Service to conduct a cording to Police Commissioner cleric in the absence of Fred L. first stage of a long range flood ture. . Council here last night appointed survey of those who would fit loseph R. Collins. Ayers, who is on vacation. control project including construc- Federal Funds Capt. Leo Galcher as chief of County Traffic Safely in these categories. The resolu- Chief Galcher has been a mem- Beach. Closed Mayor Stephens told council tion of bulkheads and metal police, replacing Cornelius De- tion was adopted with only Coun- Federal funds are available for jer of the force 25 years. He pre- Committee to Meet hat action for the creation of gates. Vrles whose resignation became cilman Anthony B. Smith oppos- such a training program, Mr. viously served as a state trooper. a shade tree committee would be Another bulkhead will be built effective Aug. 1. By Jellyfish SHREWSBURY - The Mon- ing. Crowley said, from either the Chief Galcher resides with his mouth County Traffic Safety Com- forthcoming soon. Its members, at the end of Jackson St. Both Federal Manpower Training or Council formally accepted Chief Mr. Smith said there Is no need wife on Klawah Ave.. NEWPORT, R. I. (AP) - Por- mittee will meet at noon Thurs- If the plan is approved, will be will be higher than the existing the Area Redevelopment Acts. DeVries' letter of resignation at of a survey because only 11 per- uguese men-of-war—stinging jel- day here at Shadowbrook. mayoral appointments. ones, the meeting and then elevated Capt. Dark has been a member sons had come forward to inquire When he originally instigated of the force 16 years and resides lyfish five Inches In diameter Elmer J, Noll, chairman, said The gates, to be manually oper- the program, Mr. Crowley said Capt. Galcher. ated, will be placed at the ends about the program following ap- with his wife on Stlllwell PI. with tentacles about three feet the number of traffic fatalities on such a program was necessary Patrolman Harry Dark, the sen- long—forced temporary closing of Saker Contract of North St., Valley St., and At- peals for Interested persons to Chief DeVries, although retiring county streets and roads was 100 because of the many employees; ior member of the police force, Second Beach for an hour yester- per cent greater this year over TRENTON (AP) - Charles F. lantic St. register with the state agency. from the force, will remain ac- of A. & M. Karagheuslan now was named captain pending Civil day.. 1961. Sullivan, state director of pur- The project cost has been esti- Resolution Falls tive, serving a* chief security H unemployed due to the closing of Service promotional procedures. Ten persons, nine of them chil- As of midnight Sunday, July 29, chase and property, announced mated at $8,000 to $10,000. The resolution wu adopted af- officer at the Freehold Raceway. the rug plant here last June. Chief DeVries, who is 64, re- dren, were stung, They were there had been 42 traffic deaths the awarding of $131,784 In con- Aug. 21 was set for Alcoholic ter a previous resolution by Mr. ' sides with his wife on Broad St. Although the resignation has treated at Newport Hospital and in the county as compared to 21 tracts for the construction of a Beveraga Control hearings on Crowley failed. The tint resolu- The Karagheuslan plant on He has been a member of the been expected for the past month, released. Gilbert D. Thompson, during the corresponding period state police barracks at Highta three local taverns —Mulligan's tion called for action from state Jackson St. that manufactured force here since 1923 and chief no remarks or comments were beach manager, ordered every- a year ago. The total number of town. Tavern1, and Doris and Ed's Tav- officials at Trenton. Gullatan rugs and carpets once the past 36 years. Although not made by Mayor or Council fol- one out of the water until life- fatalities in the state has in- Low bidder on general con- both In the Water Witch Mayor Frank E. Gibson said employed more than 2,000, List 63, the chief has been eligible for lowing the reading of the brief guards removed the jellyfish and creased 20 per cent over 1961, he struction was Peter J. Saker section, and Andy's Tavern, Mil- he felt this was the wrong pro- year It moved its operation South retirement at full benefits, ac- letter of resignation. ' burled them. said. Corp., Freehold $99,800. er St cedure and slid the officials In end soM Its facilities hen. (2) I Love Lacy 11:8- 0) Hem (4) Play Y#r Hnadh tk!»-(2) Brighter Dsy (T) Gale Storm <4) CooceatraSoe. TELEVISION; . , W Love of tile ttM- (I) jNtwi tod Weather 1:11- (2) Preview, (1) Your First Impression (I) Sandy's Hour 1:21- a) Give Us This Day (7)JaneWyman (7) News I:H- (2) New* (11) Merry Mailmaa (11) Three Stooges (4) Sermonette , il:M— (I) Search For Tomorrow Isll- (7) Local Newa 1:18— (2) Summer Semester (4) Troth Or l:2t- (7) Weather (4) Radiation Story T:*- <2) New. Consequences 1:21- (7) Sports (I) Cartoons «) Today «:»- (4) Local News (7) Camouflage 7:8S- (!) Call To Prayer U:W- (I) Guiding Light (7) China Smith 7:15- (5) News (II) Rocky & His Friends (11) Quick Draw McGraw 7:28— (7) Morning Prayer UlSf- <»» Newa And Weather I: U- (4) Weather 7:10- (5) Columbia Lectures 11:11- <4)'News •:O- (4) News (7) Early Bird Cartoons (7) News 7:M- (2) News 8:08- (2) Captain Kangaroo (!) Almanac Newsreel (4) Phil Silvers (I) Sandy Becker 1:00- (Z) Burns & Allen (5) Beachcomber (7) Tommy Seven (4) Trouble With Father (7) Ivanhoe kit- (7) Little Rascals (I) Cartoons (9) Merrytoon. Circus f-.OO- (2) Amos 'n' Andy (7) Dr. Hudson's Journal (II) News (!) Slimnastics («) Nuclear Age 7:10- (2) Weather (7) Memory Laa* kit- (4) Family (11) Lifelines, U.S.A. (11) Local News 1:21- (I) News I:2S- (I) New* (11) Sportsman's Club 7: It- (2) News fctf- (2) My Little Margie lilt- (1) Aa The World Tarai 7:2S-(11) Weather ($) Topper (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers 7:lt- (2) Marshall nillon (7) Beulah (I) Movie (4) Laramie ' 8:55- (4) News (7) December Bride (5) Lock Up lfcet- (2) Calendar (I) Wild Bill Hlckok (7) Bugs Bunny (4) Say When 4 Red Barber And that's the new ammunition (7) News, Weather, Lou Monte Tomorrow 2:00 PM Only new shows, I ran Into a young man senator caught up in the 4:11- (2) Edge of Night ABC will cariy into the rating Sports ABC programming executive who intrigue of Washington. (4) Here's Hollywood wars as they attempt to regain UtlS— (2) Movie was returning East after a simi- "Our Man Hlggins," the male (5) Mr. District Attorney Stars At 'THE LITTLEST HOBO" some of the ground lost last year. (11)- Bora The Clown (4) Tonight. lar mission for his company. He answer to "Hazel," quits the (7) Movie Plui Color Cartoon. asked me what I thought o! the screen on Oct. 3. It stars Eng- 4:S«- (7) American Newsstand I 12:JM") New* ABC schedule and I told him I lish actor Stanley Holloway as 4:55- (4) News Adventurer believed "Ben Casey" and Vince butler who Is inherited by « Stan Bonds (II) Mr. Peabody 12:8- (J) News LONG BRANCH - Lou Monte. Edwards would sweep the na- American family. The pilot of l:lt- (2) Lite of Rlley 1:80- (4) News Italian-American recording star tion and I also liked "Bus Stop' this one, which co-stars Frank To Perform (4) Movie (5) Theater Five who soared to fame several years STARTS TOMORROW 7 PM (look, nobody's always right). Maxwell and Audrey Totter, was (J) Felix and Diver Dan (7) Movie ago with his scatlike treatment (7) I Married Joan I added that I considered "The actually quite funny when Mr. (») Almanac Newsreel of "Darktown Strutters Ball" and (I) Looney Tunes twrn Rathaways" the biggest insult to Holloway finally arrived on the Tomorrow 1:05- (2) Movie "Lazy Mary," has been engaged (11) Dick Tracy the intelligence of the American scene for the second half of thi KEANSBURG - Stan Bonds ol .,(4) Headline by host Pat Simonetti to perform • c*op 9:25—(11> Rocky * Hit Friend* at the Adventurer Club, starting public I bad ever seen. "You may episode. lymouth, England, the only 1:H- (S) New* liM- (2) Movie tonight through Sunday. not like it," replied the young A comedy series, which once man in the world to execute a 1:15- (4) Sermonette (7) Highway Patrol exec, "but the public will eat it head first dive from a height oi Monte, who accompanies him- carried the unlikely title of "The («) Movie 2:55- (2) News op." The season that followed 65 feet, completely ablaze and self on the guitar, has recently Builders," and now holds the (11) Popeye 1:00— (2) Give Us This Day taw ABC run into trouble on the equally nonsensical Identification Into a flaming tank less than six released a new recording, 'Please Mr. Columbus," which air and in Washington. "I'm Dickens, He's Fenster," ar- feet in depth, will be brought has already gained high popu- As they begin 1962-63 they have rives on Sept. 28. It co-stars back to repeat his performance Hollywood: larity on the nation's record a new president, "Hie Hatha- John Astin and Marty Ingels as that left 7,000 breathless people aghast last Friday at Keansbarl polls. ways" an dmany other gems are two carpenters who are always Beach. beaded for the scrap heap, and becoming involved in the custom- Shows at the Adventurer will the young man who thought the ary "hilarious" situations. Friday night's plunge was Success Formula be given twice nightly at II p.m. public would be enamored by photographed by Esquire Maga- and 1 a.m. with special added Movie tough gay Ernest Borg- Peggy Cass as the mother of line for a subsequent article. "I could have done other dinner shows Friday and Satur- nine sets sail on > the TV channel By BOB THOMAS chimps has been promoted to a The Human Torch will again movies, but we steered away fcom day at 9 p-m. Oct. 11 when "McHale's Navy" AP Movle-Televlslon Writer Now Showing top programming post. In spite plummet from his tiny perch in anything with the juvenile delin- Jerry Greco, former sideman debuts. Thig is a spin-off from HOLLYWOOD (AP) - The of these developments, optimism his earthward plunge st 1 p.m. quency and rock 'n' roll label on with Louis Prima, and his trio, 2 LAUGH RIOTS Fred Astaire theater episode ol formula for success as a pop Children Always FREE! is running high at ABC and they at the foot of the Keansburg it This part in 'Bye Bye Birdie' continue to play nightly for danc- last season and concerns the ad- singer nowadays seems to face the rating wars with the Steamboat Pier on Beachway, is just what we were waiting for. ing. Tony Ritz can be heard in ventures of a PT boat crew. tomorrow. Have a large mop of hair am following new shows set to join I've got songs with Ann-Margret the cocktail lounge. Ernie plays the skipper of the Fresh from a tour of the West a hustling manager, stay un- their roster. and I dance and everything." boat and he and his men hope Indies and South Africa, this married, be of Italian extraction, Five new comedy shows head to,get their "audience winning five-foot, seven-inch Briton who but most of all come from South THE the list and the first one, "The laughs" via their ingenious describes his fantastic plunge as, Philadelphia. MOVIE TIMETABLE Jetsons," premieres on Sept. 23, Ilfws means of avoiding tedious labors "all In a day's work," is one of Bobby Rydell has all these RED BANK DBJH Taking its cue from the net- TV Key generally expected of Navy men. just four high divers in the world qualifications, so it's no wonder CARLTON- work's other successful animated engaged in this dangerous pro- Hie one new western on the he is one of the major heartbeats On Stage—Chamber Of Horrors 3:00; series, "The FUntstones," this fession. Bonds Is the only one of the teen world. He is now 0:00; On Screen—Home On Haunted one reverses the clock and tells schedule (other than "Wagon Previews Hill 4:00; 7:00; 10:10; Hold That o£ the four who enters the water making a major assault on the HTPnotlit 1:00; 8:10. Next Attraction the story of the typical suburban Train" which moves over from head first and the only man In more aged audience; starring in Tonight's top television shows EATONTOWN family 100 years in the future. NBC after ABC paid a very ex- the world who has ever ignited 'MR. HOBBS TAKES A VACATION' his first movie, "Bye Bye Birdie." DRIVE-IN- The source is the same as "The pensive toll) is "Stoney Burke" limself before the plunge. as previewed and selected by TV which stars Jack Lord as a man Don't let the Rydell fool you BaA Sack 8:23; UK»; Delicate De- Flintstones" so it hopes to find A baek injury, the result of His real name is Ridarelll. It goi Key's staff of experts who attend linquent 10:15. a ready-made audience. dedicated to being the world's L what Bonds called a "bad dive' shortened when Bobby was a rehearsals, watch screenings, and LONG BRANCH champion s a d d 1 e-broncbustei Fess Parker, who helped make a< Brockton, Mass., last week success formula — - amuse analyze scripts in New York and BARONET- Dave Crockett a toystore phenom- Oddly enough this hour-long se- AIR CONDITION E D JOHN WAYNE almost forced a cancelatlon of pearing on Paul Whiteman's old Hollywood. Bowl to Horn Konf 3:30; 1:30; »:J0. enon, pops up as the star of ries Is ABC's answer to NBC's the dive last Friday. Not want- television show at age 9, am ASBURY PARK MAYFAIR "HATARI" "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" Wide Country" which is alsc ing to disappoint the Keansburg Whiteman twisted Ms tongue oi LYRIC- oo Sept. 29. The series is based about rodeos. Why odd? Well Resort Operators Association, Ridarelll. DICK POWELL. "Obituary for "Wide Country" was originally Bkr Above ttii Mud Below 5:55; 7:40; which sponsored his event, Stan Bobby Is from the same pre- Mr. X." (Repeat). This is a story 10:00. seen as a one-shot last season on strapped a piece of three quar- cincts that have produced for a of small town infidelity coupled MAYFAIR- Exciting! Authentic! AIR CONDiriONFD ABC's Fred Astaire series. ter Inch six-ply wood across the waiting world such talents as with a disastrous hit-and-run ac- HiUxl 1:40; 7:0O; 10:00. "THE SKY ABOVE, LYRIC World War H is making a come- injury. Another dive similar to Frankie Avalon, Fabian, Jimmy cident, that should hold your in- PARAMOUNT- THE MUD BELOW back via two one-hour shows on the Brockton dive split the ply- Darrln and Buddy Greco. terest. It's well acted by Gary That Touch or Mink 2:30; 7:30; »:«. J ABC. "Combat" which premieres wood own the middle. Despite The same neighborhood alsi Merrill, Steve Cochran, John Ire- ST. JAMES- Oct. 2, follows an Infantry pla- this, he will dive again tomor- gave show biz Mario Lanza, Eddli land, Nancy Davis, Dina Merrill, We« Bide llorj 3:30; 3:3a toon from the D-Day landing un row. Fisher, Joey Blshoo, • Chubb; and particularly by Edouard BELMAR "Boccaccio 70" in surf and pool, relax on til V-E day. It was Bonds who dove from Checker. Michael Calien am Franz in the title role. 8 p.m. FLY-IN DRIVE-IN- BARONET SOPHIA LOREN oceanfroot decks. Private Not content to win the war on an 80-foot ladder into a stx-foot more. NBC. Carry On Nurse 8:39; 11:30; Cart; batch entrance, pooliids On Serieant 10:19. one front ABC is sending in "The blazing tank in the film "En- I asked Bobbf why the arei cafe, no chute tor ocean or NEPTUNE CITY Gallant Men" on Oct, s. ni. »-n core." Bonds, looking a lot proved so fertile for sinking types. pool Evening entertainment. TALENT SCOUTS. There's a NEPTUNE CITY- AIR CONDITIONED the story of the 36th Infantry Di- more glamorous in a sequin "The fact that the Dick Clark CARY GRANT Air-conditioned Ocean Winf 16-year-old singer, Dee Dee Ben Hur 2:00; 8:30. vision . . . from tne Salerno ianu itudded bathing suit and wearing show is done from .Philadelphia "TOUCH OF MINK" PARAMOUNT' with TV and private terraces. Sharp, who might intrigue you ings to the triumphal entry inti a woman's wig than in his usual helps," he explained. "Also, al arm-chair-critics, and a tiny North of Red Bank Twin beds with bath from gasoline saturated flaming at- J Rome. our high school a kid is handed Korean opera singer, Joy Kim, $14 Mod. Am., $1.50 Ear., tire, did a stand-in dive for ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS The big new one as far as ABC a musical instrument and en who may surprise you with the •ten penon. Inclusive Plan. iynls Johns, star of the film ATLANTIC- ^ AIR CONDITION L is concerned is "Going My Way," couraged to play it. We have th( strength of her voice. Dick Clark "WEST SIDE STORY" Phone 609-345-1211; in based on Somerset Maughan's Boy>' Nlfht Out 7:00: D:10. starring Gene Kelly, and based annual Mummers parade In whld and Roberta Peters are their re- SL JAMES " NX, MU 2-4849. novel "Glgilo and Glgilette/ HAZLET Reserved Seats on the 1944 Academy Award win- Wds of all ages play Instruments spective scouts. For the rest of The show is one of a series of ning film which starred Binj When Bobby was ready, he wai the hour, Kathryn and Arthur LOEWS DRIVE-IN- events that have been held in Cartooni 8:35: Lollla 8:45; 11:50; Crosby and Barry Fitzerald as . sprung on the waiting public. Hi Murray bring on a slew of dem Springtime In Scandinavia 11:39. pair of likable priests whose per- Keansburg this summer. This clicked first with a record of "All Bing Crosby—Bob Hope Friday night, Keansburg beach onstrating dancers, host Jim Bac- KEANSBURG sonalities constantly clashed. Mr. I "/ant Is You," then smashec "ROAD TO $lenbetm patrons will once again be kus touts the virtues of comic CASINO- Kelly will play the part of a Cath- with "Klssln' Time."' The rest HONG KONG" BARONET eeatral lurdwalk • Atlantic City treated to a display of fireworks. Mart Rickey, and Mamie Van tollta 3:00: (:3O; *:00. olic priest In New York City and history. j. Doren and Forrest Tucker spot PERTH AMBOY the drama will revolve around PANEL MODERATOR It might have been a short hi: some singers for you too. 10 p.m. his relationship with his parish- NEW YORK — Magistrate tory, but for the planning of hi AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- CBS. Cartoon 8:<5; Lollta 8:51; 1:39; doll SOPHIA • LOREN loners and with his closest friend, Irving B. Zeichner of Atlantic manager. Bobby was drilled Ii Naked In the World 11:53. SHORE Highlands will moderate a radio the niceties of entertaining lest he Protestant minister. CAIN'S HUNDRED. "The Plush MAJESnC- "EL CID" panel on the training of police suffer the fate of most teen-age On the variety side ABC hai Jungle." (Repeat) A gang of TV's El Cll 1:10; 9:29: 8:(0. added Sid Caesar who will star over station WBA1, Thursday flashes. The nation's honky-tonks EDISON are littered wUh their remains best supporting players makes I in nine comedy specials this sea- from. 9:15 to 10 p.m. Guests in- MENU) PARK CINEMA- Furt+.er Theatre Information Call.SH 1-9600 iludelCapt. Joseph Prelss, dlrec- "We knew that I would have this show worthwhile. The story concerns the "organization's" at- XI Cld 2:00: 5:M: a: 15. or oi television for the New limited run with the young audl WOODBRIDGE tempt to muscle into the trans- York Police Department, and ence," Bobby said realistically. DRIVE-IN- Troubadour Productions Presents portation business, and gives such Exclusive 1st Run Capt. John M. Buffln, comman- Right now I figure I'm good foi Lollta S:<9; 1:10; NHht of Love 11:34. as Robert Culp, Vaughn Taylor, dent of the New Jersey State about one more year, then th« MONTCLAIR Larry Gates, and John Larch fat Police Academy. kids will go onto somebody new. CLAIR1DGE- STARTS WED. parts to sink their teeth Into and Wlndjaunmcr 1:00. RTS. 33-34 COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY they will do well. 10 p.m. NBC. Italian • American Recording Star STEVE ALLEN. Louis Nye is WAIT DISNEY On again tonight, Joining Steve LOU MONTE! for a comedy routine. Lionel Hampton plays "Avalon" and PLUS The Exciting JERRY GRICO TRIO Hamp's Boogie Woogie" with SATES OPIN 7t00 r\M.-MOVIIS AT DUSK QUARTET Two Shows Nltely — Extra Dinner Show Frl. and Sat. Steve; Zamba, the lion, makes an • Delicious Home Cooking appearance: and singers Molly • Never a Cover Charge Rewvatlonii Bee and Mark Murphy perform. Convention halUAsbury park 1 p.m. WPIX. CA 9-1000 Cugat and Abbe Lane, and Dr. At 8:40 & 10.30 P.M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th at 8:30 P.M. TONIGHT. Comic Charlie Man- EXTRA WALT DISNEY SPECIAL Tickets $2.25, $3.00, $3.75 na, singer Martha Wright, Xavier Oa sale at: Anderson's Music, Red Bank; Harmony House, Joyce Brothers make up Merv Eatontown; Nelsen's Music, Asbury Park. ON OCtAM ROUT, LONG KAttCH, ftl Griffin'i troupe for tonight. (Col- or) 11:15 p.m. NBC. Children Always Fm • Big FTM Playground f Ocean City is Busy ' BED BA.VK REGISTER Taeaday, August 7, 1962^13 HOMES FOR AMERICANS Sir Bustamante Strongest Drink There Is Coffee KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — iboro in Jamaica of * Dublin ffllh- Tbe prime minister who led (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thousands Point and Ocean City. Theyiother bars operate 23 hourj a man and a woman who was at Jamaica into independence from of collegians spend their sum-1 checked 559 cars and arrested day, leven days a week. Nobody least 90 per cent Arawak Indian Britain yesterday is a big, strong' mera at a New Jersey resort onfy one person for drunken seems exactly sure which hour and the rest Negro. minded man of startling frank- where coffee is the strongest diiving or drunkenness — a mid- they are closed. He is a widower with no ness. diink they can buy. Dorman dle-aged woman. ' " '• Sleep ID the Sun children. He is Sir William Alexander Cordell, correspondent for the On weekends, the students get About 5 or t a.m., there is a "I'm a globetrotter," he says, Associated Press in Atlantic little sleep. The girls work as Bustamante, a knight by grace telling how he served as an movement back to Ocean City of Queen Elizabeth II and the City, talked to many of the stu- waitresses until 9 or 10 p.m. Some of the girls work during army captain in Cuba and In government's leader through an dents. His report on their work- Then they don the usual shorts, breakfast, and everybody else Spanish Morocco and how,, from ing vacations follows.) sweatshirt and sneakers and be- goes to sleep for a couple ol upset victory over his cousin, 1923 to 1932, he was a dietitian at By DORMAN CORDELL gin the social part of the even- hours. (Most of the "shoobies" Norman Manley, in a spring elec- The Hospital for Joint Diseases tion. OCEAN CITY lumi (11) In their two-out-of-three scrap. lib r h ib r Bay Yacht Racing Association Playoffs Slated Lalll.cl. r 2 2/ olMoltlnt.llMoltln f 1 1 (I RED BANK — Dave Craver thirds, while Gale has three sec- Sclilasler.rlt t 3 2 l;Davlsl;Davls, s 3 2 men's champion, had two tints, and Dick Devlin widened Sailfishlor.ds and a third, Delss.Dl c 3 2 2I2IMartens,rM f 4 1 a second and a third for 13-!4 The playoffs open tomorrow Fltzg'ald.cl 3 0 HWinrow.p.lb 1 1 night at Shrewsbury where Rum- series leads in Monmouth Boat! M.B.C. .iivinn KERIKX nriscoll.lb 4 0 O'Riilllvant.lb 3 5 points. His crew was Rodney Ooyle.n 3 0 ft:J.Burns..1l? Junior Sailors Outstanding son-Fair Haven, which finished Club's junior sailing program on) 1. BUI Mahotuy. J. Pete Kocenp 0 0 0 Oltlno,2b 3 2 Edwards and Dave Hurley. fourth in the standings, will play the Navesink River last week. rial*. 3. r»ug i Welr.Jb 2 0 (1 Orepn.c 3 0 U R»ce: I. l.ar atlrnwe'a.ss 2 X 0 P.Burns,If 3 1 The Hudson River Y. R. A. Shrewsbury in t h e playoffs' Each skipper won two races. Gale. 4. Raynor. Simpson,3b 2 1 0; Super - - entry, skippered by Dick Arm- semi-final round The following Craver took both Sailfish races, n»ie: 1. Dick Devlin, 2. Nancy • 4 as II In SS& YC 's/r. Racing Program strong, Chelsea, N. Y., was sec- night the Rams will host Nep- while Devlin won twice in Super I * PIT. 3. Les Hathaway, 4. Morton. Shrewsbury 320 3(KV— 9 ond with ll-'/i points. Armstrong ------aW,y ,AU 132 321—1 tune in the other semi-final tilt. Sailfish. others did not flnlshi . . Martens. Schlasler. Hits OCEANPORT Talbott In- onds, a fourth and a fifth in six Billy Beck paces the Novice had two firsts, a second and a The winners will meet next KalHIih ofr—Cojle. 7 In 5: Kocen 1 In Si; Win- John Lartaud and Bill Mahon- 1st Kara: 1. Pave Craver, 2. Jeanl row 1 In Vi: Bullivant 3 In 4'V SO— gram, Doug Stives, Hughie How- races. Ingram has a first, two Wood-Pussy division with four second and a disqualification. week in a two-out-of-three series Supplee, 3. Tom Stender. 4. Doug Raj- Coyle 5: Kocen 0: Winrow 2; Bulllvanl ard and John MacEvoy have seconds and two thirds. Mari- ey split Wood-Pussy races. -}r. 7. Walkas CoylCoyle 1; Kocen O: Winrow first in five races. Guy Hem- The Chesapeake Bay Y. R. A. for the playoff title. All play- The junior races are held id R*4-f: I. Craver, 2 Carol Jordan, i; Rulllvant 2. compiled outstanding records to nell has a 2-4-1-5-1 record. 3. Stender, 4. Barbara Bryson. Umpires—Mayea and Wilcox. bling is runnerup with three sec- crew, skippered by Gordon Jen- off games start at 6:15 p.m. every Friday under the direc- date in the Shrewsbury Sailing Howard has swept all seven Last night's game went only and Yacht Club's junior racing Junior Sailfish races. Runner- onds, a third and a fourth. Jeff nings, Elk River, Md., was third tion of Monmouth's sailing in- with eight points. Jennings hid six innings because of darkness, structor, Mark C. Bendon. Bob program. up in Sailfish are the Drew Corley is third with a 34-3-3-1 but both clubs had runners cir- two seconds, a third and a dis- Marko and Lois Magee assist in Shore Aquatic Club Swimmers The series, for seven sailing twins, Ginny and Jessie, with record. cling the base paths in almost qualification. running the races, while Doug classes, is being held Tuesday four seconds and two thirds. Lois Glenn Rogers has won all four every inning. Cox's victory sends him Into Raynor is chairman of the pro- and Thursday under the direc- Magee is third with two seconds, Novice Turnabout races to lead Shrewsbury had only one hit Better State 200-Yd. Relay Mark the Mallory Cup finals to be test committee. ion of club sailing instructor two thirds and two fourths. The that series. Runnerup is Randy In the first two innings as five ENGLEWOOD - The Shore Clancy Boynton and assistant in- sailed at Newport Harbor, Calif., Craver has won Jour of six the 25-yard freestyle. Curt Colby, -Bourne-with four second place unearned runs came across the structor Linda Kachel. Sailfish races to date. Closely Aquatic Club 200-yard freestyle 13, New Shrewsbury, and Debby MacEvoy Paces Blue Jays finishes. in Shock 25's, starting Sept. 10. platter, three in the opening relay quartet for girls 11-12, of Learn, 11, Middletown, also Ingram, defending champion in MacEvoy is leading the Junior trailing Craver in the standings An average of SO boats are frame and a pair in the second. Maureen Martin. Joan Mary placed second in their events. Junior Comets and Wood-Pussies, Blue Jays with four firsts and is Tom Stender with a first, two competing in the series each The Rams got one back in the Lewis, Nancy Osborne and Jane Colby was second in the boys' .' in the running for a repeat three seconds in seven races. seconds and three thirds. Jean week. All seven series will have Killebrew Nagle, snapped the existing state 50-yard backstroke while Miss performance. Talbott paces the Liz Ann Xiques is right on Mac- Supplee has a first and two sec- a total of 10 races, eight to record for the event with s 2.03.2 Wood-Pussy class with five Evoy's heels with three firsts and onds. Learn was runner-up in the girls' count. Prizes will be awarded Carleton Devlin has three firsts, a sec- clocking at the Englewood Field 50-yard backstroke event. firsts, a second and a third in four seconds. On The Loose seven races. Louis-Potter is third and New- at the club's anual Trophy Din- ond and a third in the Super Club here Saturday. • j ner Sept. 2. Sailfish class. Les Hathaway* Is Don Pagdin is runnerup with a ton, fourth, in the five-boat fleet. League The Shore Aquatic Club scored) Shrewsbury's juniors will en- hot on his heels with a first, two first, two seconds, two thirds The eight-boat Junior Turn- With AX. Bat heavily in the swim meet, rack- a e in home-and-home team Hut Night's Result seconds and three thirds. Nancy Jersey Shore and a fifth. Lance Massey is about standings are close. Annie 8 8 NEW YORK (AP) — Harmon ing up three first place winners, third, and John Fox, fourth, in with other local clubs •Urns H, Shrewsbury 8 Liddell has three seconds, Meltzoff and Jeff Bourne are the races (Killer) Killebrew of the Minne- three* second place finishers and he unofficial standings. There shortly. Friday they will host FINAL STANDINGS third and a fourth. Renee eaders, trailed closely by Jim sota Twins is on the loose with a one fourth, to go along with the Baseball Loop is a total of 12 entries in this the Rumson Country Club juniors WLTPU Marko has won two races. Adamson and Alice Robinson. slugging spree that has moved four gold medals picked up by class. in Turnabouts. Rams U 4 2 24 The Wood-Pussy series is ex- SATURDAY'S RESULT Miss Meltzoff has a 1-4-2-6-5 him into contention for the Amer- the relay team. Friday, Aug. 17, they will Shrewsbury U « 22 remely close. Lartaud has two Belmar 3, Freehold I The Comet leaders are In- record, while Jeff Bourne has can League home run and runs Neptune 10 5 21 firsts, a second and a third, Bob Nagle, 10, of Rumson, won SUNDAY'S RESULTS gram and Stives, with Jim Mari- three seconds, a third, fourth and travel to Rumson for triangular batted in championships. 18 nell and John Fox close behind. sixth in six races. Adamson and team races with Rumson Coun Rum»on-F.H 8 8 while the Mahoneys, Bill and the 25-yard freestyle event in 14 Union House 12, S; Belmar 1, 4 Killebreiv, a powerful right- 16 seconds flat. Skip Snable, 10, Stives is slightly ahead in the Bill Beck each have two firsts try. Club and the Mantoloking West Long Branch .... 8 8 Jane, have two firsts, a second (doubleheader) handed hitter, -walloped four home 16 Leonardo, placed fourth to Nagle series with two firsts, two sec- in the series. Yacht Club, also in Turnabouts. runs and drove in eight runs in Ocean Twp. 8 8 0 and a fourth. Freehold 10, Martin Rubber 9 L.B. Fire Dept...... 6 8 2 14 Two other strong contender: in the event. last week's games, putting him Matawan 2, Lakewood 0 Asbury Park - 4 9 3 11 are Doug Raynor and Pete Gale. only one behind the leader in Maureen Martin, 12, Middle- STANDINGS L.B. IAMA 2 H 0 Raynor has a first and three town, was the Shore Aquatic each category. He has 29 homers Playoff Schedule W Pet. NornieandB.J. Hesseltine Win and 77 RBI. Norm Cash of De- Club's second individual winner Union House 18 .947 troit leads in home runs with 30 Seml-Finil Round with a 37.2 clocking for the 50- Tomorrow Night Pines Lake YC Freehold Townsmen 12 .631 while Kansas City's Norm Sie- Rumson-F.H. at Shrewsbury yard backstroke before s h e Belmar Knights 10 10 .500 R.B. Open Women's Doubles bern has the most runs batted in, Thursday Night swam a leg on the record setting Matawan A.C 8 11 .450 78. Neptune it Rams relay team. Lakcw'd Level-Liners 8 11 .421 Skipper Is RED BANK - Nornie and B. M.wby «.i. w. We'slon. M. «-l; Lyn Abbot d. Sterllns Since July 8, Killebrew ha» hit Cathy Corcione, 9, of West Martin Rubber Co I IS .051 Quarter-Fnals — Jerry Elaenslidt A Thompson, «-l, 6-3. Long Branch, captured second In J. Hesseltine, Middletown, re- Sy Qrubel d. Jack Fo«jltr A Jsks I'm- Boy'a Doubles 12 home runs and batted ia 29 Bond and Dell Win berter 9-7, J-3. Seml-Flnall — Bruce Edlngton runs. He is batting .247, Jet 14 Champion tained their women's doubles Boy's Single* Barry Nelson 4. Woirisng Goubau championship in the Red 'dvelaca 6-o. j.i. Pistol Pete Runnels of Boston Eastern Crass Doubles NEPTUNE - Bob Wright o Second Round — Chrli Dorment A. Hope to Form Open Tennis Tournament over Women's Doobfos broke a deadlock for tlie Junior SOUTH ORANGE (AP) - Bill he Pine Lake Yacht Club is the Stan Musial Ups Mffl'a Sinalea Final — B. 3. A Nornle Hesaelllne. the weekend downing Roddy Lis- Second Raund — Barry Nelson fl. d. RRoddr Llitntr 4 Tilda Krlefer, 8-3, circuit batting lead by gaining New Jersey State Jet 14 class Chuck Kaase 8-2, 6-2. Bond of La Jolla, Calif,, and sner and Tilda Krieger 6-3, 6-4, one point to .333 while rookie sailing champion. Third Round — Jake l.'rnberger d. Woman's Hinlleis Don Dell of Bethesda, Md., won Pop Warner 11 in the final round. Barrirry :Nelson, H>. «-2; Al Peskoe d. Seml-Flnala — B. J. Hcaieltlnt o. Manny Jimenez of Kansas City the men's doubles title at the The North Jersey lake sailor Batting Lead EdI totorrean , »•«. J.1; Bill Lorn d. Bob Barbara Woolson 8-0,' 1-0. B. J. Hesseltine also moved remained at .332. Runnels col- Eastern Grass Court Tennis won the title in a three-race se- lected nine hits in 25 times »t Championship yesterday defeat- ries sailed on Shark River over In Raritan Twp. into the finals of the women's In NL by .005 singles with a 6-0, 6-0 blanking bat while Jimenez had eight safe- Ing nationally top-ranked Whit- he weekend. HAZLteT — An urgent call has Hellenic Hero, Atlantic City ties in 25 tries. ney Reed of Alameda, Calif-, Wright had a 1-4-1 series to NEW YORK (AP) - Stan of Barbara Woolson yesterday. Musial of St. Louis, driving to- gone out for men to help In B. J. is second seeded in the and Gene Scott of St. James, win with 18'/S points. formin and Floyd Robinson of the Chicago ward his eighth National Leaguei 8 operating a Pop women's singles. Winner^ 4 Jockeys Injured White Sox remained in third N. Y., 4-6, 6-1, 6-4. 3-6, 7-5. Runnerup in the regatta, spon. Warner batting title, gained five pointsj Football team in the Bruce Edington and Barry place despite a seven-point drop Bond and Dell completed their sored by the Shark River Yachi ASSOCIATED PRESS strained right shoulder and in last week's games and in- Raritan Township area, Nelson reached the finals in the to .313. Rich Rollins of Minne- femifinal match over Al Dris Club, was Gayle Hunt of the host ATLANTIC O1TY - Hellenic bruised chest, Giliigan, bruises creased his lead over runner-up The move to form the team is boys' doubles with a 60, 6-1 sota held the No. 4 spot although cole of Hollywood, Calif., and club. Miss Hunt had a 1-4-3 series Hero won the Jwingport Handicap to the knees and neck, aria Peake Tommy Davis of Los Angeles to being led by Harry Nydick, Calt victory over Wolfgang Goubau he dropped five points to .311 Rod Susman of San Antonio for W/t points. yesterday orKan opening day at nine points. and Lovelace. a broken right wrist. yesterday, wining 7-5, 8-6. The Denis Farley of the Lake Ho- Dr., here. Those interested in Robinson had three hits in IS Musial lifted his average to Atlantic City race track that wa» Peake will be sidelined at least match was postponed by dark- patcong Yacht Club was third forming a team to play in the Fourth seeded Jake Umberger rips and Rollins turned in a 9- .357 by collecting seven hits in marred^by three spills that in- ness Sunday after the first set. over-all with 15 points on finishes Jersey Shore Pop Warner Foot- moved into the quarter finals a month, as will veteran Walter for-35 performance. 16 times at bat. Davis had seven jurMfiour Jockeys and shook up of 3-2-4. Bill Johnson of Shark ball League may contact Nydick. of men's singles play with a 6-0, Blum, who was thrown heavily in hits in 26 tries and dropped to two others. River was fourth with 12 points The proposed team would not 6-2 verdict over Barry Nelson. the third race when Titam Mark Notre Dame's football team .348. Ridden by Karl Korte, Hellenic will'play four Big Ten rivals this Wright received the DeWitt enter the league this year, but Jerry Eisenstadt and Sy Gruhel Frank Robinson of Cincinnati Hero raced to a four-length vie- broke down. Blum suffered three McCutcheon season. They meet Purdue, Manley perpetual trophy won last would be eligible to begin play- surprised Jack Fowler amL-tJm- remained in third place at .338, lory over Towson with Shirley fractured ^5, and contusions of car, but not defended, by Pete berger 9-7, 6-3, in a quajtquarte( r final Michigan State, Northwestern followed by Hank Aaron of Mil- ing next season. Jones third. The winner ran the and Iowa. Jones, Bay Head Yacht Club. ""/Tnenjs doubjes_jrfly. 7 furlongs in 1:22-4/5 and paid the left leg and was hospitalized. Tops Scouts waukee, .333, and Roberto Cle- The Jersey Shore Pop Warner — HESIII.TS — $8.60. Bee Admiral, with Bobby Steven- niente, Pittsburgh, .332. Aaron League has 18 teams this sea- Mlxrd Doablrn FAIR HAVEN - Bob Mc- Sn-mid Round — Sy firubpl A Mary The most serious of the spillsi son aboard, ran into Titans Mark Cutcheon wort both Indian Scout and Clemente each gained one son, its second year of operation. Barum oat fleet Vnvlre. Rare - 1. Bpb McCuteh.on. Runnerup in the 2 2 nave Ooodwln. X CHeryl Waln- crs and drove in eight runs put-|was Bi|| Watson of lhe p|ne Lakf wrlght. (. Herh Johnson. 5,-ftill Car- ling, 8. Ellen navlitnon, 7. Bob Jirnl- Imp. him only one behind lhe;Yacht c, b aon, «. Linda Kachel. pace-setter in each category.; Open Rarr - l. McCulchem. J. Ellen Dave Be Davidson. 3. Johnwin. |. cnsrvl Wsln. Kilebrew has 2!) homers and 77! *e of the Sayville wrljht. 5. Linda Kichel. «. Oooa»ln, RBI. Norm Cash of Detroit !LonR Island, Yacht Club was 7, Jamison. «. Boh Howat. leads in homers with 30 and Kan-|tHrd. Daye Radcliffe, Laval as City's Norm Siebern has the Ictte Yacht Club, placed fourth $175,000 Bonus Baby nio.st runs batted in, 78. end Richard llbersax, of the Player of the Month host Raritan club, was fifth. NEW YORK (AP) - Bob Packer* Ask Waivrrn Bailey of the Columbus Jets, the On Two Konkipft San Josr Slate - Hawaii $175,000-bonus beauty owned by To Play Bnvl Game the Pittsburgh Pirates, was STILL SLASHING AWAY—What's that bit about being GREEN BAY, Win. (AP) - voted the player of the month too old for the gamo? It cfoosn't bother Stan "The The Green Boy Packers of thp SAN JOSF. Calif. (AP) -San for July In the International National Football League asked Jose Slate College has accepted Man" Musial the slightest. Stan continues to hit. Ho is Baseball League yesterday by Waivers yesterday on two rook- an invitation to meet the Um a tribunal 0/ newspaper men. ies, guard Jack Novak of Miami versity of Hawaii football team shown rapping a double against Houston Sunday. Musial Bailey, primarily a third base- (Fla.) and back Peter Schenck on Nov. 30 in the 32nd annual became only the third player in history to pass the man, was named on six ballots. of Washington State, cutting the Aloha Bowl Game at Honolulu, 3,500 mark — he now has 3,501 including his two hits HYDROPLANE DRIVER THROWN OUT—Dallas Sartz, circle/is ihqwn at h« wa. He was No. 1 on three ^of the squad to 35 veterans and 10 San Jose athletic director Bob votes. On a basis of 5-3-1, he ef Sunday. He pushed his National League-loading bat- rookies. Bronzan announced yesterday, i thrown into the air when his hydroplane, Mist Seattle Too, disintegrated during the received 20 points. ting average to .357. Sunday. Not bad for. an old fellow. The Packers said rookie back The game will be San Jose Gold Cup race on Lake Washington ai Seattle. Also shown is hydroplane, Miss Benny Mateosky, Richmond Paul Dudley of Arkansas will be State's llth of the 1962 season outfielder, was second with 14 shifted to defense and work and comes two weeks after its Madison, which was near Miss Seattle Too at the tim» of the accident. Sartz suf- I*—Tuesday, August 7, 1962 RED HANK JltGJS'1'l-H •Mints and Pele Ward, Rochester both ways. mainland finale at Stanford. fered a broken leg. , . (AP Wirephora) infielder, third with 9. / If,' Tuesday, Augmt 7, 1962-15 Series Leaders Record Wins RED BANK REGISTER Dickgie Wins . In Monmouth Boat Club Sailing EasternRegional RED BANK — Monmotith Boat Runnerup in Sunday1! Light-ibaj five wins in seven races Lartaud, third, and Bill Hills, Ski Crown Club's (our summer chtmplon- oing race was Bob Marko. Mar-!total 62 points. fourth. ihip series leaden posted vic-jvin Broder was third and Bill Runnerup in Sunday's race Hance has five firsts and four WEBSTER, Mast.—Dickie Asa torles In Navesink River tailing Keron, fourth. was Tom Gibson. John Perrotta seconds in nine races for 92 Hoyt, of Fair Haven, N, J., rated Sunday afternoon. Trailing in the series stand- Was third. points in the standings, Cook is as the best girl water skier 1B Winners were June Methot, In ings is defending champion Irv Bob Ludeman trails Olsen In second with 92, Hills is third the country, swept aside all op- Lightnings, B o r d e n "Brub" Lewis with 69 points, Roy Knapp the standings with 52 points. with 71 and Lartaud, fourth, with position in winning the girl*' Hance, in Wood-Pussies, Bill 01- with 68, Herman Vestal with 67 Perrotta has 49 and Mickey 01. trick, jumping and slalom events Friday in the first day of the sen, in Jets, and John Kull, in and Reid Dickerson with 60. sen, 48. Several non-club member! three-day American Water Siding *. The Pen- Olsen Widens Lead Hance Wins have been participating in the Association at Ben's Cove, Web- guins did not sail. Bill Olsen picked up his third "Brub" Hance wowonn his third Wood-Pussy series through the Wood-Pussy race in a row, de- ster Lake. The final race in the Junior Jet victory in a row to move courtesy of the Monmouth Boat comfortably ahead in defense of renting a 15-boat fleet. Runner- Jet trophy icries wai taken by Club. These sailors are not Dicksie, 16, successfully de- Mickey Olsen. The win, Olsen's his class championship. Olsen up was Ruff Cook with "Rip" scored in the races. One of these fended her regional trick title second in the three-race trophy contestants, a Fair Haven resi- amassing 1,336.9 points in that series, clinched the title for the dent, came in first in Sunday's event alone. She received 207 Middle'.own youth. race, the second time this sum- points in the jumping event and Mets, A Losing Ball Club, was credited with perfect form on Runnerup in the Junior Jet mer that he has accomplished THE OPENER — Anthony Abbatiello, most famoui of three hameu driving brothers, that feat. two 76-foot jumps. race was John Perrotta, with is shown poking Rex Pick into the lead reaching for hams in yesterday's opening Kull continued to roll in the Bill Pratt, third. But A Real Crowd-Puller Including the 30 points she re- Dutchman series taking his race at Freehold Raceway. NEW YORK (AP) - The Neware among the eight clubs show. ceived in the slalom event, Miss Miss Methot, fresh from an seventh race in eight starts. York Mets, playing their first ing attendances increases at home Hoyt amassed a total of 1.5S2.9'/4 outstanding triumph in the Kull has 19 points in the series and probably their last season in this year. The dodgers are up points, which made her a con- Adams Cup semi-final series at for a wide lead over Manning the Polo Grounds, have already 479,901 and the Giants 65,584. tender for overall crown at the Nyack, N.Y,, Saturday, came on Willner who is second with 11 pulled more customers through Other teams ahead of their 1961 HoukSees Tough MonthAhead;end of the meet on th» bull of strongly to defeat a 10-bott points. was the turnstiles of the ancient ball paces are the Los Angeles Angels her points. : Lightning class fleet. It Charles Long paces the Pen nine park than did the Giants in lheir|315,O09; St, Louis 124,121; Cleve- Before the week-end meet con- June's fifth victory in gum series with 10 points. Lee races and gives her the series final season in New York five land 104,211; Philadelphia 99,547; cluded, Dicksie won the overall Parks is second with six mark- Yanks Lose, 5-4; Mays Hits leadership with 98 points, years ago. Washington 66,914 and Minnesota Eastern Regional championship 12,985. The figures include Sun- ers. for the third straight year. The However, the Giants, now rep- M.B.C. RCMMMUSS ' "It's going to be a tough then stopped the Yanks in the milling two costly throwing er 's games. ljjhtnlnl< region takes in the territory north resenting San Francisco, and thejday month," said Ralph Houk, thelninth to preserve the victory. 1. June Methot, 5. Bob Marko. I. ors. of and east of Los Angeles Dodgers have been The Milwaukee Braves show Marvin Broder, 4. Bill Heron, 5. Her-manager of the New York Yan- Stigman singled in the deciding New Betting man Vestal. 6. Debbie Scott. 7. Roy Early Wynn struggled V/i in- Ohio. responsible for almost 50 per cent|the largest decrease, 292,505 fol- Kninji. 8. Irv LewU, 9. Harold Beck, kees, as August opened. And run in a two-run Minnesota sixth. nings (or his 298th major league of the turnout. lowed by Detroit 170,524; Chicago 10. Jim Hlcier. Jftt everybody laughed. Dean Chance pitched a six-hit- victory, but the Orioles knocked In 42 home dates, the, Mets|Cubs 169,030; Pitsburgh 151,850; Jftt Mark Set 1. Bill Oljen, J. TTom Glbion. S. Join Especially when the Yanks ter for the Angels, and Leon him out in the ninth and went on have drawn 667,191. In the 10 Baltimore 117,330; Cincinnati 113,- FerroUn, 4. Bob Ludeman, 5. lllcltey Olaen, 6. Bob Maxwell, 7. Fred Simon, opened August with a double- Wagner drove home two runs to tie the score on Charlie Lau'« Carry Back dates the Giants or the Dodgers|783 Boston 103,880; Kansas City 8. Lynn Thompson, 9. Tom Nela, Judy y p header victory at Washington and against the Red Sox. Chance; pinch single through a drawn-in At Freehold furnished the opposition, the Mets 80,666 and the Chicago White Sox Hk DNFt Harkena iDNFtoodal*e beat the Chicago White Sox (9-6) is now 3-0 over the Sox. infield. FREEHOLD — The story at totaled 329,817 for an average of 72,784. 1. Borden "Brub" HanCf, 2. R»l ame Cook, 3. Harold "Rip" Lartaud,, 4. gain a S'/i € lead. Boston helped the Angels by com- Wallopin' Willie Mays, the SanTo Have Freehold Raceway's opener yes- almost 33,000. In the other 32 The Mets, who are expected to Bill Hllla, ». DOUI Raroor, 6. BiBin Km Al- But suddenly Houk is starting Francisco slugger who four days terday afternoon was the crowd, dates, New York's new National play in a new park In Flushing Mahoney. T. Dick Gale, !. trpntertt . 9. FFre d Slenderd . 110. Les Hath- to look like a proplrst. ago was on the verge of dipping betting and Anthony Abbatiello. League club has averaged about Meadows next season, have an aw«y, ll. Ed Schelfer. 12, Pete Tutem, His "Day" Curt Delano, Ray John»on (DNF> The Yanks dropped their third below .300, blasted two homers 10,500. overall 1962 home average of al- BASEBALL SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., A turnout of 8,437, which was Flying Dutchman* straight—each of them by one and added three singles in a most 16,000. The new Houston 1. John Kull. 2. Herman Maltliljasnn, (AP) — Trainer Jack Pric« re- J42 shy of an inaugural high, hid The Giants drew only 653,923 3. Manning Winner, 4. Wlm Verkooyeh. run—last night, to the Minnesota By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 5-for-5 performance that powered Colts, with 701,200 for home Junior lei ported yesterday that Carry their betting shoes en and be- in 1957, their final season in New Twins, 5-4 and the lead was American League the Giants to a 9-2 victory over dates, are averaging almost 14, 3. MU-kp\' Olien, 2. John Ferrous, Back came out of hii Whitney fore the eighth race was history, York. J. Bill Pratt. trimmed to four games. They W. L. Pet. G.B.Philadelphia yesterday. a new mark for betting on the The Dodgers and the Giants 000. have eight more games between New York 65 .607 Stakes victory tn good shape The homers were Nos. 33 and first Freehold day was estab- now and Sunday, against Minne- Minnesota 63 .568 and will make Its next start in 34 for Mays, the major league lished. At this paint the wagering sota (1), Baltimore (3) and De- .555 the $100,000 Aqueduct Handicap Los Angeles 61 leader in that department, and reached $451,3)2, erasing the troit (4). .514 at Aqueduct on Labor Day. Baltimore along with the singles accounted erasing the previous high of $415, Mays Has And their menu for Aug. 13-29Cleveland .4% "Other than rubbing the bide (or five runs batted in. That no set for last year's premiere. .495 off the point of the ankle of his SURF, FIELD AND STREAM reads like this: Minnesota (4), Chicago brought Mays' total to an even .481 left foreleg, he's fine," laid When the day's action was Kansas City (5), Los Angeles (3) Detroit „ 100 for the season, second only to Timely Notes on the Great Outdoor* .450 Price. He's been doing (hat in completed the wagering amounted Baltimore (3) and Cleveland (4), Boston Tommy Davis of the Los Angeles By NELSON BENEDICT Fine Day without a single day off. Kansas City .446 y all of his races lately and I to $532,907. giving the track its Dodgers. tried to correct It by building first better than half million dol- The Chicago White Sox beat Washington 66 .389 who started his hot up the back of his ahoe but he Baltimore 5-4 in 11 innings, Cleve Monday's Results Mays, lar weekday betting tpree. streak against Pittsburgh with just manages to nick himself. BY NELSON BENEDICT land edg'ed the Detroit Tigers 6-5, Minnesota 5, New York 4 1 For Abbatiello it was a grand At Bat five hits in 11 at-bats, now has 11It's Just a superficial cut and and Kansas City topped the Los Angeles 5, Boston 2 hits in his last 16 trips to the and glorious start. He won the Establishment of Sandy Hook State Park has Washington Senators 1-0. doesn't seem to brother him and opening dash by a brilliant drive SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Cleveland 6, Detroit 5 plate and has raised his average it heals quickly." opened up an entire new vista of surf fishing sport for Gangling Frank Sullivan was behind Rex Pick and returned Willie^ Mays walloped two Kansas City 1, Washington 0 up to .311 while keeping the the Minnesota hero, as he came Price laid that h« wu (hip- with back-to-back victories with area anglers. The privilege of around-the-clock fish- homers and three singles in a Chicago 5, Baltimore 4 (11 in- Giants in the National League perfect afternoon at bat yester- on in relief of starter Dick Stig- nings) pennant race. ping the 4-year old eott to Towner Hanover and Dale Knight ing alone has already paid handsome dividends. Day- Thistledown Thursday for day, , pacing a 17-hit San Fran-! man In the eighth inning with two Today's Games in the fourth and fifth heats. The victory left the second- "Carry Back Day" it that light and dusk are the witching hours on the jetties for Cisco and driving in five runs runs in and the tying run on Minnesota at New York Tony won the Freehold driving place Giants 4'/j games behind the track on Saturday. Governor surfmen anxious to do business with school stripers. as the Giants shelled Philadel second base. The 6-foot-7 hurter Detroit at Cleveland title In 1957 and certainly was off National League leading Dodgers, Mike Disatle of Ohio has pro- phia, 9-2. sot Hector Lopez and pinch hitter Los Angeles at Boston to an excellent start for this John Parmley of Rumson is but one of many an- who rode Johnny Podres' pitch- claimed the day in the hone's Mays opened with homer No. Yogi Berra on two pitches ,and Baltimore at Chicago year. His brother, Carmine, Free- glers who predict great doings in the park during the ing and a pair of Infield hits by honor and he will be paraded in in the first inning off starter Kansas City at Washington (N) Maury Wills and Willie Davis to hold's defending champion, won't full racing silks all of Carry autumn months when peak of the south-bound bass and loser Dallas Green, now 4- a 2-1 triumph over the last-place drive here this year. Wednesday's Games Back's trophies will be an dis- migration occurs. Meanwhile, regular visitors to the 5, and the major leagues round Trackman's Cleveland at Boston (N) New York Mets. play. trip leader followed with No.34 Third-place Cincinnati needed peninsula are catching bass and blues on Hopkins lures Minnesota at Kansas City (N) Mr. and Mrs. Price ef Miami, in the second off southpaw Billy 13 innings to subdue Houston 1-0 Freehold Los Angeles at Chicago (2—twi- In whose name Carry Back races, and small plugs. Smith, both times with a mate on a home run by relief pitcher Players Advance night) formerly resided In Cleveland. on base. Johnny Kllppstein and Milwaukee Long Branch jetty jocks have also been giving the Detroit at Washington 2—twi- Carry Back return* to Saratoga Willie singled in the fourth. Selections defeated Chicago's Cubs 4-1 be. In Santelle aight) on Sunday. stripers some good licks. They're making sense while fifth and eight, the second one Baltimore at New York 2) hind Bob Shaw's four-hit pitching. knocking his 100th run of the Top Market St. Louis and Pittsburgh were fishing nights with rigged eels. One of the really "hot" Uncle Arling Tennis Tourney spots has been the U.S.O. jetty in North Long Branch. year. Poplar Eden National League not scheduled. Daily Double That his came at the expense Mays hammered his homers In LITTLE SILVER - Play con- Beauty Way W. L. Pet. G.B. of John Boozer, the third of four consecutive at-bats in the first tinued in (our divisions of the Offshore bluefishing has been holding up rea- Jelly Bean Cincinnati 65 46 .586 10 Pays $3,505.40 Phillie hurlers. Pittsburgh 63 47 .573 11%two innings, each time with a annual Santelle Tennis Tourna- sonably well, but bulk of the larger blues still are Bally Wick DEL MAR, Calif. (AP) - The Veteran Billy Pierce, the little St. Louis 62 50 .554 13% man aboard, and helped the ment currently under way here. being caught In the Acid Water. Highlands southpaw acquired from the Olive Branch Giants build a 6-0 bulge against daily double paid off in a big Scotch Way Milwaukee 59 53 .529 16% way, $3,505.40 for (2, to IS ticket Men's singles play was fea- Bridge and Shrewsbury Rocks chumming grounds Chicago White Sox last winter, the Phillies~ . Backe- - d- -by, Willie tured by Tex Avchen's torrid Candy Boot Philadelphia ..„ 51 62 .451 25 holders at the Del Mar race hurled his 10th victory for the Houston „ 40 69 .367 34 and a supporting cast that col- duel with Booker Ellis. Avchen are yielding smaller fish. Mighty Surprise track yesterday. Giants against only three de- Chicago .., .41 71 .366 34%lected 17 hits, veteran left-hander won- out 6-2, 1-6, Mi, after a Lower Raritan Bay has been full of blues feats. He didn't give up a run Boy Tempered The combination winners were Jet Maid New York 29 81 .264 45% Billy Pierce (10-3) went the dis- long struggle. weighing between a pound and three pounds. until the seventh when the Phils tance with a six-hitter. 50-1 outsider, Janies Queen, in Monday's Results the first race, and 23-1 longshot, Veteran tennis player, Bill; tallied twice on a single by Tons Lizzy Lind Chumming is prone to be somewhat a nigged Jen Retiner San Francisco 9. Philadelphia 2 Luck O'Lea, In the second. Hagerman, Rumsan, advanced bv Gonzalez and doubles by Ted Los Angeles 2, New York 1 proposition there because of the strong currents True Jessie Runison Cubs Lose Jeanies Queen, ridden by Si- downing Joe Weber, of Little] Savage and Roy Sievers before Milwaukee 4, Chicago 1 Seaward cardo Peniche, paid $114.20 which sweep down from the lower harbor. Never- a man was retired. Cincinnati 1, Houston 0 (13 in- To West Long Branch Silver, 8-2, 6-1, in first round Forrest Hanover iStralght. i Every Giant except Pierce and nings) play. theless, the bay has been an ace in the hole for Adele Byrd WEST LONG BRANCH — The Dell Jessop guided Luck O'Lea Dick Long and Jules Plangere catcher Ed Baitey contributed Only games scheduled Rumson A-l team. Northern Divi- some of the Highlands charter skiff operators. to the club's season-high hit ban Ulli Ann to a $49.40 victory in the second reached the third round in men's Jo Anne O. Today's Gimcs sion champions of the Monmouth race. rage before a paid crowd of ft,- County, "A" Cub Scout League doubles with an 8-6, 6-3 decision Party out from Highlands Basin Landing with Capt. Buckeye Champ Philadelphia at San Francisco 222 plus 7,673 youngsters In St. Louis at Pittsburgh (N) went down to a 2-1 defeat at KTCAMOaK IWV UARDB over Ray Tierney and Billj Otto Reut on the First Timer caught 137 blues betweenCandlestick Park. Miss New Ron the hands of West Long Branch, Virginia Kay Chicago at Milwaukee (N) R«iff B«nk Tir« 29 uu Kemp, Little Silver. Flynn's Knoll and Romer Shoals the other morning. Mays, who went into this game 8 Cincinnati at Houston (N) Southern Division champions, in Ancheltino'lti' s 1»» 114 Scotch Tape Weitnte EIEIII O 11 1IM 14H Two teams advanced to the the playoff battle here last eve- Amoco 17 18 According to Reut, best fishing comes during the first hitting .303, had collected five, New York at Los Angeles (N) 1 ' A third round in women's doubles. hits in 11 times at bat in the just- Red Rain ning. Kline ! Clllt• s Benrl" M .If « several hours after sun-up. Duffy's Scotch Wednesday'* Games _.1J II Carol Kennedy and Midge Sand concluded three-game series with Rrctmor* Lent* 14H 1IH Sardi Hanover St. Louis at Pittsburgh (N) Rumson's Billy Deyereaux and Phll'« Turf Cm* 11 " lasj eliminated Selma Singer and Early-risers are catching blues weighing up to Pittsburgh, but hadn't homered. Chicago at Milwaukee (N) Paul Sully have been selected to S0O Club — Frei Brunn J03, Art Bar- Louise Rosenfeld, M, 8-4, while Acres of Diamonds •»V 302. Kit Allan W2. 303: 3tck Vo- seven pounds and stripers at Romer Shoals on doodle- With one strike on him in the True Wilma Cincinnati at Houston (N) play in the League All-Star tilt ichenras 234. H*rle Bruno 311. Ron Kay Bagwell and Sani Porter de- first inning, he walloped the ball 10 Philadelphia at Los Angeles (N) under the lights at Fort Mon! Aiehettlnn 211. Emil <3>ll> 301, Jo* bugs and sdrgical tube lures. That is strictly a dawn Lucky Dean Scott nlfr 21», BODWaitl 3N, CKItk fatted Helen Herman and Dot 370 feet and over the left field New York at San Francisco (N) mouth Aug. 23. Bruno 304. IK. Jones, 7-9, 6-1. situation. The action drops off to nothing an hour fence. He propelled his second — KKSCI.TS — after sunrise. homer further, about 400 feet Jfe»'« Sl»llf» Freehold Pint Round — Bill Hagerman. and into the seats in left-center. •On d. Jot Weber, Little Silver «-I. «-l. Blue fishing in the Navesink River is holding up Sill BMunnulfr. Mlddletofn d. Fred Freehold Entries •ehttlir. uttla Silver 8-0, «-0. remarkably well. Chummers putting out from Pete PHrrsen Results flwond Hound — Tex Avchen. Deal, Poinia A Booker Dills. AsUury Park. «-J. l-«,Pauels' dock in Rumson are taking blues all along the jHauser'n Insurance „....-.._...... — 409.33 1—Far*. Cnnd.J 1 m.; off »:0J. FIRST RACE: J:« p.m. PURSE: $7M S. Uncle Med King M: Dlek Zeldou New Shrewsbury, d. I A. H. R. C. ... ,Rei Pick nbbatlellol 4.00 4 W> J-JO SIXTH RACE: 4: OS p.m. PURSE: Urry Bella, Long Branch. 4-2, S-O. Middletown shore of the river. They're using The KlrWAti Co -.403.05 Chtpman'i King iMeyersi — 11.20 J.Jo Pace Con'd.; 1 Mile; n/tv of fl.OM Mea'i DooMra Herb's Place 401.39 Eva'« D«le iOltum — — K.M3. Popular Eden Camden $-1 C-2; 1 Milt Writ Round — Ray Tterney tnrl Bill ground mossbunker and baiting with butterfish and McConnell's Team 307.OR; T.-2:08.1 Also — Hsvu's A_ya. Scotch t. Adele Byrd Abbatiello $-1 Xeran, Little Silver d. Oenrre. irrovnuk Honeit Paul'j Tav«rn""~.!™~™_~ilSfc3i|M«dV' Freight PMh, Silely T«|ermin, 2. Miss Girdletree Thomas 7-2 and Boekar Illli, Alburj Park. 2-4, 8-3,spearing. A 4 8 Electric Supply 3W.43 Homestretch Beth. 7. Taffy Song Flretti *-2 S. Good T. Dennli, Sr. 4-1 •4: Herb Gandtl and Joe Wfbpr, d. Cnrlaly's confectionery 392.4* I—P*cr, C-3; 1 m.! off t)om Santelle and Ed Hunichman 6-4. .Consolidated Fuels 192.3._,Pegg2 y A. iBorlngi «. Top Market Caroselll «•! 4. Seaward Scott S-1 13; Julet Qonilth and Len Pasclak. Rowboaters are also clobbering sand porgies in ! It 4 O Sportahop ....391.15 Tardy iStaflord Jr.i — ».JO 4.SO 1. Forrest Hanover Farrlngton a-l ' Tori Monmouth d. Jolm Savaie and Conner's Hotel . .390.OS American Eagle iBrlttlnjgham) — 6.«0 4. Uncle Arling Norrls f-I 'patrol, 7. Charcoal Joe Dawklns 1-1 Bruce Xdlngton. Red Bunk, (default*. the Navesink at Oceanic Bridge. The porgies areJB^elASuranc'Bll I J .-30.1.41 1 T.-2:11.3. AUo Moto! 8. Kyra Hal Hlteman 8-1 Seccnd Rotinil — THck &mi|r. Oafc-] 20O Club — Bob Nelson 234*"Tom Erls Paty Todd, Shadydale Sundl 8. Ella Direct Brlttlngham S-1 tiurat, and lulei Plangere. lnterl«kt,n< small, but there seem to be virtually endless numbers 234, Jack Flynn 225. Tony Emll Jay. 1. Keeplt Stafford 10-1 d. Rajr Tltrner and Bill Kemp, Llttla Bellezza 2.:i, Dau Mnuhd'.l 220, Tony nall) DniiMn (871 Paid IHO.M 5. Margie Haye* Stafford 19-1 I. Hamilton's King Berry S-1 Sll«r *•», «3 of them. The breakwater at Atlantic Highlands Har- Kll 229 J Halllgan 317. 3—Trot. C-3: 1 m.i nlf 1:M. . I. Foot Doctor Robinson S-1 MUld Doable* k Pll 212 Hallle C. iKatrlngtonl ...... «O >.» «.»SECOND RACE: 2:1$ p.m. PURSE: $7M Writ Round — George Sullivan and bor is another place where porgy fishing is current and Leezola iKobashi — u.m «,40 SEVENTH RACE: 4: IS p.m. PURSE: $1,1(0 Worthy ADbot Pace Con'd.; 1 Mile v Ann Fltteil d. Burke Mawby «ni Au- — 4,20 C-l Pace; 1 Mile drey Nadeau. <-!. t-V, Jules aonieth choice. T.-J:11.3.. . Also_ - Maryland Pavt S. Bally Wick Abbatiello S.2 ttld Joan Cometh d. Tom and Carol Rlon csallon, l.ynette'B Charm, Roy* 7. Buckeye Champ Abbatiello 1-2 Kennedy S-I. 44. 6-3: Harry Dowdy, Boot. Wally Song. 1. Jelly Bean Cowger T-Z •nd Mary Barton. Pair Haven, yal Karvel iCamdent.. — — 2.B0 1. Jo Anne O. Guglielmlnl S-1 nacerman and Barbara Woolion ' to be down. Best crabbing in the state right now is T.fmX AU» — Belay Scon, BlcvU'i C. Sandy Jo McHal Dennis, Sr. S-1 Ronny. Mariner Hal, fiucceaa Play. 8. Sunset Gill Hlteman Trad and Ann Schaffer «-2, 6-2. Dawklns Wnfnea*i Doubles in upper Barnegat Bay. None of the tidal rivers are Bullet Hayrs. 2. Doc's Joan S-1 2. Rose Dillon Cowger (-1 First Round — Alice Lenlhe and Ann D—rare, nail 3: 1 mil«: off U:45*. 3. Meadow Yankee Ellerman S-1 Piltell, Rumsc-n, d. Lit Tucker and Pa;at s yet providing interesting crabbing opportunities. Dale Knight iAbbatlHloi2O,O0 6.20 3.40 5. Lever Widower Robinson 1M Blair. Little silver « 3, 8-1 Hazelriean'i Baby iWIUlamni— 4.no 3 fiO Dill Beatrix Crpprt I KArrlnjstorn-— — 3.R05. Golden Frost • 1M (. Nemma's King Abbatiello 10-1 Seeonrl Round — Carol Kennedy i One of the best tuna seasons in post-war 1 Mldte (andlaaa. Mlddletrmn, d. Selma T.-2:O 1.4. Also Roya"loyal CCommander, THIRD RACE: 2: SO p.m. PURSE: $7W EIGHTH RACEf 4:55 p.m. PURSE: $1,7M Sltiser and Louise Hoaenfeld, Deal, M, iMIe !>.. (irntla Expresi Marlin, • <: Kay Bltwell, Mlddletonn and Ban' years continues to roll along in high gear, but com- Drpnm up. Trot Con'd.; 1 Mile; n/w of IBM / or maiden Bl-BI Pace; 1 Mile; P.P. Handicap Porter. Fort Monmouth. d. Helen Her- rarp. (!><• I: I inllr; n(l 4:11. 8. Scotch Way Murphy man, Colta Neck and Dot Jonei, Ai- paratively few local anglers are taking advantage Diane O. 'Salvatom 6 0O 4.20 3.20 1. Miss New Ross Schmlegel S-1 burr Park. 7-5, 6-1. K Express {(lonon.. -- 7.60 4.40 5. Special Melody To be ann'cd 4. Virginia Kay Farrlngton M of the situation. Common complaint is the tuna Irish All iltnlilnsoni — -- 3.60 T284 Also -- K'alllBsladt. Orar« 4. Olive Branch Evllslror 5. Keen's Jay Thomas s-1 D. Congress, Navy Jet, Shamrock Camden B. J. Builders are hook-shy. Richards, Jnite Hanover. I. Rapid's Boy 7. Knight Parade Camden S-1 Be that as It may, the fact still remains tuna 7—I'acr. Class !: I mllr: crfl 4:41. 1. Homestretch Lil Kelly 2. Scotch Tape Huebsch *-l Bu«li 1II11 iCarmtfm 4,60 3.2f Marchl S-l Win Eighth, 10-0 Heilrlle Dale Hinlei — 4,60 2. Nina Mia 1. Honey Fingo Scotl S-1 weighing up. to 105 pounds have been caught in Shy Clipper lAbbatlelloi . — —2.R0 3. Charming Doll Morris S-l «. Joe Dillon Caroselll S-1 HIGHLANDS - The league T.-2:0fl.!. Aho ,- Myrtle'a Drenm. the Mud Hole and even larger fish have been Snappy Tass. Wlae Ryrri, Countrymon, 7. Candy Boot Rath bone 10-1 NINTH RACE: 5:2ft p.m. PURSE: $780 leading B. J. Builders from Long nltfin Penre. FOURTH RACE: 3:15 p.m. PURSE: $700 C-3 Pace; 1 Mile; 5 y.o. and up Branch boosted their record to hooked and lost. Significantly enough, very few rare, (lain 1: 1 mile: off .Vim. Vaf Hndlry (Bvnn«> 5,40 120 2.R0 C-J Pace; 1 Mile; i y.o. and up 1. Stan 'n Stripes Hoffman S-1 8-1 In the Monmouth County Soft attempts have been made to chum the tuna. And Beacoam (Wlnhrowi •— 7.60 4 00 3. Jet Maid . Goodwyn 1-1 2. Red Rain Thomas 4-1 ball League by blanking the Em Inrihn Orattiin tFnrrlnKlon> -- - 3.00 yet true horse mackerel have been splashing in _ Wilmington Scott 1. Mighty Surprise Thomas 4-1 4. Miss Slover Chief , Rathbone S-2 pire Bar, Asbury Park, 10-0 at Ike•y,, HiHay. Creed\. .Man-lano \ ,. 'Un a :Darel. T».<- CU.. H; I mllr; oil S::tX 4. Southern Senator Kobaah 4-1 5. Dufly's Scotch Boring S-1 Kavookjian Field here last night. bluefishing slicks repeatedly. Bl Dora PliI'lMatloi) ...2D.0O 13.20 «.2O Cedar Crest Jim —1O.2O4 40 8. Boy Tempered Farrlngton (-1 3. Flora's Girl Scott S-1 The Empire Bar now has a 5-4 But tuna are not the only inshore visitors at Henry Bynl (Camdem .. — — n.205. Gay Frank Huebsch B-l 8. Red Dog Farrlngton 8-1 record. T.-2:ll,4. Aim — Nornav. Wee the present time. White marlin have been spotted Yankee. Rnw, Hlrto Jim, Mountain 6. Pegasus Dennis, Sr. 8-1 t. Sardl Hanover DUI S-1 George Woods went the dis- JII-IIP. Brook* Cltlef, on the surface six miles off the Long Branch gas 10— Pare, Class 3; 1 rnllp ofr ll;01. 2. Amerlconna Direct Robinson 8-1 7. Vernon Lou Dennis, Sr. 1S-1 tance (or the winners, finishing r,«y n«y (Williams Jr.) .9.00 (HO 3.20 7. Dreamy BUI Bosley IO-I TENTH RACE: 3:45 p.m. PURSE: $709 with a four-hitter. The winners tank. Several whites were hooked and lost on Lord TIlBn I Koba»h> —7.60 4.40 OVER? — Worthy Merldale (Roblnsoin — -.360 FIFTH RACE: 3:40 p.m. PURSE: $700 C-3 Pace; Mile; S y.o. and up banged out 11. hits, including two' T.-2:10.1. Also — Pulaikl Mac, Emma tuna feathers. ousted pollPl.. There L'Amour, Johnny Mac, C-3 Pace; 1 Mile; S y.oy.o.. and up 7. Scott Gallon - Ellerman S-1 doubles each by Bob Perry, Bob Little Chlmei. 8. Jen Retiner Farrb|ton M 2. True Wilma Cowger 4-1 An indication of the potential excellence of coa§t- head coach of the New YorkATT.—«,437 Bossohe and Binky Wright, IIANIH.B IS3!,M7 4. Judy's Joy Robinson 4-1 1. Norma B. Farrlngton M al billfishing was provided during initial phases of the Titan pro football team, hat Five members of the Detroit 2. Miss Spangler Murphy S-l 1. Acres of Diamonds Brlttlngham S-l Illinois won the Big Ten base- Atlantic City Marlin Tournament when ,,101 whites agreed to coach the Okla- Tigers, Billy Bruton, Chico Fer- 1. True Jessl*' Adamo S-l 8. Semation Hubbard.Jr. 8-1 ball title with a 13-2 record. It were landed and three times that many.marlin^werejhoma State University fresh- nandez, Terry Fox, Sam Jones, I. Lizzy Llnd Ellerman 1-1 S. Lucky Dtan Scott Botich 8-1 was the-fifth title (or Coach Lee and Ronnie Kline, are former Na- I. Lassie J. Berry 1-1 «. Expediter Flinn S-l Ellbrachfs mini. lost. Not a bad score, that, for two days of trolling.[man squad. tional League players. 7. Klara Hanover Scott 10-1 4. Royal Tom Janes 18-1 Atigurt 7, 1962 RED BANK ItEGiSTEH tUHNfSS HOTICB HELP WAWrefr-FEMALE (HZL? HOUSES FO* won HOUSES FOB UH rtii *o«iL em u» ,U AVON SXLU ITBIU-Fu•fulUl «r put FKOPLJC ~ nWBBS SiM, MTJUtm -nxatunt - i AM i - Too «iaua«i g, tcljswiiisj, CJ Lime. StveraJ UrrttortM op« tut . wttfa MUMUM mul EW«!T ra«6 loot ttl KtM Xuk AMftOUNttllfMTS AUTOS AND TXUCK8 for tra* tstlmt momta tauresttd in i.ivio| t *ood f«sitar, P, 0. BOA K*. ta MMaiwa an, tiM. ri v loot ttl KtM X lUAdy income. Experit&c* muteces/- ifTj. ImtirHsxlat , room(f. /a, lantOlfl y *x,ltOM*M.bedroom!) UOSFT AM POUHb IMC POSTING COHVIBTWIJt —">ml i*ry 6H I-*i<3 or wite; Itfnr. U#r*;t mmr, ta 'buunttA. t Koptfelrayn ttjman. btroatnll oft"' l»«»r Mull ta ae« lo u ajiprtclaua' CMAJtLXS HOWJER — Ifwm COD. ret Ottlgtta.f. O. &oi IW, Red Banit- 111 auU<* am u utM. Da*flft«2taa aa4 BuMt bound. Answers r Krwly valotM. lus» fttt, (1)1 Co., Wt* aj«>r»l»«« *• IM» PLYMOOTH - Low rallMfs. pulh . DICAL LAB fECHWICUN~~M^st st Nut to tMaUr SH 14U& Call •'• to Bam* of "Qbadlah." Reward. CO 4- SH mm have knowledge of routine lab proce For reliable people, both men and rr.oiitii. JjUMt. OKI mWJ button, radio and htaler. LIGHT TRUCKDJO — dures, specialists office In Long Branch women. Previous experience not SALE JU8T RIDUCKD! ' LOFT -" Puutwok R93N Finder p!eu« CO t-IKM Call after 6 p.ra. Knowledge of office procedure helpful necessary, better than average Iiiit nducid to J2I.900. A iwrfict gem return to it on mouth County National 19M MERCURY - New condition. KM. 3911091 pleasant surroundings. Apply "A.R.," LUCITE WALL PAINT WANTED TO RENT of a nncti. Thin larf* bedrooms, two "-•1 Box 511. Red Bank, statins; full particu- wages and good working condi- Bank, Red jiank. ^ . JOE MONTANO - SIa«on Contractor By Oupont FURNISHED APARTMENTS — Many bathl, 2S' Uvlnc room, breakfaft area, 2M-9765 Stuccoing plastering, concrete work, lars. Al advertlled on television. Regular kitchen, full Dasemmt. Two-car jaraif LOST — Passbook WKifc Finder tions. Phone CO 4-8000 for inter- apartments wasted. Must be nicely fur- WALKBB ft WALKER, Realtors, Hwy pleaJe retura to Monmouth County Na- 1957 FORD — NlnC'pasienser station 114 SprlngdaU Ave., Red Bank. SH T-HOUSEWIVES - Terrlfio party plan 17.15. salt pries »6.m Fr«. diiivary nished. For rosJa adults only. WIU dis- 5447. view. 35, Shrewsbury. BH 1-5^2. 24-Hour Serv- tional Bank, Red Bank- ,, wagon. Fordomalic, radio, heater. Call work. Three evenings a week. No de PROWN'S cuss renting on a daily, weekly or ice. itter 5 p.; OS 1JS5*. JONES BROS. — Painting, contractor!. HverJnjr. no collecting, no Investment monthly bills. Writs "A.P.," Box OH, Interior and exterior. Call U> 6-5131 SH 74319. 33 Brud St Red Bank SH 1-7SO0 Red Bank. RUM8OK RTVJCRFRONT RANCH — Convertible, lifce new, OLD 8HUTTKRS — Odd alses. Can't last, ten years young and In 51995. For appolntr call O8 1-1800 ar 787-0769. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED, Male WANTED — Two-bedroom apartment, AUTOS AND TRUCKS alter 4 p.m OS 1-0975. Ten high school girls. To make Ugh: Call lovely condition. »• acreened-ln I»rch, HIOH SCHOOL BOY - Reliable, u- 8H 18119 unfurnished. Eed Bank-Fair Haven living room overlooking water, Three 1»8 RENAULT DAUPH1NE — New1953 PONTIAC — Four-door ledan. deliveries. SH l-25O«. area. Interracial. Writs "A.N." Bo* bedrooms, very secluded grounds', dock tires, new battery, motor recently over- perlenced. deslief work ftfter actiool KITCHEN CHAIRS RECOVERED — 911, Red Bank. Hydnmalic. KK5. Call EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY — Red Bank, part-time and wtelc-enda. Call •vaalaia. SH 7- Dinette leu at lowest prices. and bulkhead. Safe for children. Price hauled, radio, heater, and sun roof, BH 7-1538 1 lo 6, Monday through Friday. Ac 1869. THREE OR FOUR-BEDROOM fur- alalhed to 123,400. See it this weekend. acts 39 milei per gallon- Excellent BH 1-8833 condition. Call 767-3950 after 6 p.m. 1960 THUNDERBIRD convertible, bur HELP WANTED~FEMALE curate typing, some steno preferred. nished home for period from August HAU. BROS., RKaUors. M'mber Mul- Call SH 7-3500. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE — WUhe: 17 to September 30. Please call 8H 7- tiple Lilting. 113 Elver Road, Fair niiy with white top. power steering, STATISTICAL, TYP1ST^BECRETASV~^ typing In her own home. Haven. BJj 1-7696. 19KJ PLYMOUTH SAVOY - Good rub- power windows, radio, heater, (2,499. 1 BOOKKEEPER AND CLERK - Ma- 291-2697 3500. ROLiSTON WATERBURT ber, transportation, automatic. Can be For CPA: some sleno. Handwritt re- KEYS MADE AGENCY, 19 West Front St., Red BanH • SH 7-1H8. ture, for distributor, good working con WHAT WOULD you do ir »ou lost FIVE-ROOM — Co-operative a,i>«rtment *een anytime &l 51 NavetlnU Av ~ sume to P. O. Box 947, Red Bank. dtlonjt. p. o. Box 408, Red Bank, tor sale, utllltlel Included. Call LI "•• Keansburg. 1953 CHEVROLET — Four-door sedan, WAITRESSES --- Experienced. fuTPor your k»y«? 8« Mfe, gel «itra K«ys A-l running condition. J135. now. Complet. LOCKSMITH service. 1897 for appointment. ISM FORD 8TAfl6N~WAGON'~— Auto part-time. Apply In person Shore Point FINANCIAL SH 7-3561 Inn, Highway 35. HHzlel. SALES FURNISHED ROOMS SEVEN ROOMS — kitchen, dining, liv- matie transmission. Excellent condition. PROWN'S ing room, four bedrooms, two baths, ga- W25. Call BH 7-SOM. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNISHED ROOMS — Nswly decor- ILEEVE-SETTER8 and sMchlrs^orfTii-. FULL OR PART TIME 32 Broad SL Red Bank 8H 1-7&OU ated. Private entrance, sitting room. In- rage. All Improvement. BH IMS". 1959 PODGE CORONET — Complet kji voals. I'nlon shop, 35-hour week.! NEW SHELL iervlc« itation for lease. MOBILE HOMES the Mfitawsn-Hazlet arss. Hor quire 43 Peters PL, Red Bank between 'OWNER — Wlihts to sell imall ivm- equipment including a now tires, |gy; Vacation with pay and all paid tioll- Leonardviile Rd., Btltcrd, Excellerit 6 and T:30 p.m. Can be seen at Commuter's Eeso, 4 days. Apply Adams Bros., 25 8. pltalization plan, wonderful advance builnejj opportunity. For Information mer homt, 74 Tenth fitreet. Shrewsbury Avc, Red Bank. tlUUIU) HOMES Bridge Ave.. lied Bank. merit opportunity, car necessary, year call EXport 6-5537, 8:30 to 6 p.m. MERCHANDISE WANTED FURNISHED ROOM — Privatt bath, Belford Used • 10% down round position. Apply 9:30 to 10:30. FIVE H.P. AIR COMPRESSOR modern furniture, plenty of closet HAZLET — Try thla for slie. Here 1952 CAPILLAC — Hardtop, low milt? BOOKKEEPER — For moving and TAVERN FOR SALE - Two-ltory space, air-conditioned, reasonable. CA sge. $376. 29 Eaal Bergen PI., Re< Hew - 7.year financing ilorage business, double entry system., LULLABY DIAPER SERVICE building, eeven-room apartment, 179 gallon tank, three-phase, call is a roomy, modem aptit. Bright, reneral ledger. Burroughs posting ms-J711 Main St. SK 7-2O6O 2-1555. sunny kitchen, full dining room, apa- Ban*. ROBBUlSVtLLE First Avenue. Call 291-SH3. Reasonable. clouf living room, three giant llzt :hln* lor payroll; stale and federa WANTED ROOM — Nlcict hhomee , all modern, ca 19M BU1CK SUPER - HHrdtop. . TRAILER BALES. INC. layroll returns. Handwrlla resume t< BALLKT AND TAP TEACHER — Wei;BEAUTY SHOP—Small Owner plus A-l accommodation. Reasonable. 57 Shrew 1 bedrooms, full baaement, fltuaned rec- cellenl tires, best nrfer. White, condition qualified, wantert for September. USEU ORIENTA1. BUOS reation room. Nicely landlciped lot. Rout* 130 Robblosvll!*. tl. \ O. Box 9(7. Rtd Bank. stylist. Red Bank Center. Retiring CHLNESE AND PERSIAN bury Ave.. Bed Bank. SH 1-M14. very good. :oM9O5. JU J-1320 GA 9-0989. Three-day operation grosses $12,000 • No down, vets. *4K> down, non-veti. RfcGlSTEREn NURSE — 9 to 2 or year. Reasonably pricfd for quick iale FRIEDMAN GALLERIES NICELY FURNlBHliD ROOM and Full price only IH.O00. FlnSSrDIl 1959 OPEL STATION WAGON — Cora lo 1. Apply 19 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rlv* WANTED -r Women, experienced Excellent clientele. For details write PR <-3143 Kvenlnts CA J H82 bath, near all transportation and shop- RBALTY. OS 15S3I. and white. Beat oiler (rrest Nursing Home, Chapln Ave, R« work In delicatessen store'. Apply 91 •A.Q.." Hoi 511, Hed Bank. pint;. Call aRer 9 p.m. 8H 7-0045- J87-329I (Bank. Broadway, Keyport. PIANOS WANTEI>-HIGHE8T PRICES SIX BEDROOMS — Urine room, din- BOATS & ACCESSORIES DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT — On motel PAID. CALL H, TENZER, 30« MAIN FURNISHED ROOM — Very cool, con- ing room, kitchen. TV room,i«rMe, CORVAIft — 1M1 Rampslde Ptck-up. SALESLADY — Children* wear. Apply grounds for lease or , sale. Excellent ST., LAKEWOOD. FO 3.21S0. venient location. 1S7 Maple Avenue full basement. COS down, FHA for Rtdlo, heater. Stanford transmission. INSURANCE - Marine, oult>oard-aii in peroon only. Youth Center, 20 Broad money maker. LI 2-1700. Red Bank. Call SH 7-2809. qualified buyers. 112,000. GASSY'* Excellent eonditlon. HO 2-5331 evenings. forms Roliton Water bury. Realtor, St. lied Bank AGENCY. Walker Building, Hwy 39, 1958 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE~P"S>> since ia:& JB W From St. flH 7-3500 WAITRESS — For part-time day worK ESTABLISHED vending business: other Hazlet. 2«-M42. Nlatt phone SW-1KS4. button, jood tires, radio, heater, ex- MATHEMATICS In coffee shop. Call Interest, lor sale, J75O complete. Call PETS AND LIVESTOCK Open evening! and Sundays. cellent running condition. J3U0. OS " BARGAIN - Any boat you want to CO 4-1B93 after 6, 8H 1-0878. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ima U« bank rates. Financing ar HERMAN SHEPHERD AT STUD — To S9S PER MONTH — Assume tVt per raneementa completed in one call at WOMEN -- Full-time, days and-or part- spproved females, only. Champion aired HOUSES FOR SALE cent mortgage on thli three-bedroom any at our orilcei. THE MONUOU'ril ASSISTANT time evenings 6 to 10. Selling experi- MORTGAGES Red (Sale Farm's Blitz. Preuasenblut ranch with rscreaiion room la base- 1M9 STATION WAGON — Ford Coun COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. SH 1 ence preferred. Inquire In person, SUN and Oanabmclcerland blood lloei. Call NEW SHREWSBURY — Four-bedroom ment. Oversized property. Or buy FHA try Squire. Excellen^ t condlllon. 1000. . RAY DRUGS. Mlddletown Shopping SH 1-0095 after 4:30 p.m. ranch, two bathi, garage, fireplace, or VA. . .your choice. See It today and 5 To asaiat engineer! in matiif!- Center, Mlddletown. HQMEO1VNBRS NEED M0NEV7 biBement, urge fenced lot. Many make offer. (15.(00. WALKER * WALK- 1957 FOR1> — Pickup truck, good con- RELAX—HAVE FUN! Sailing, out- matical calculations. Requ.rei Your credit Is good. First and second OERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, AKC traa. Owner, LI 2-1501. ER, Realtors. East aide of Kl. 39. dition, 1850. 1955 CADIU.AC lour-dom board!nK and akline. See our complrlf good underatanrilnE of advanced BOOKKEEPER —"Billing, typlnRT mortgages. SH 1-43U or FO 3-2601. regibtered, inoculated, beautirully Mfddletown (approximately 1000 feet •edan, good condition, J70O. CBII 787- lines. BOAT, SKI & SCOOTER CEN- mathematics for computer pro- eral office work. Call marked, good temperament, reasonable. TINTON FALLS AREA — large three north of Mlddletown Shopping Center). MIS TER;Jf*_WhIte at., Rfd Bank. 3H 1 ~\m gram ml ng or work involving LO 6-3900 SH 1064*. bedroom ranch, two baths, California Open seven dayl. Phone OS 1-2126. OB probabtlily and itatiatics. B3 or •tyle kitchen with dinette, extra large 1957 PQNTtAC — Blght-cyllnder, radii UMaTiT LAPSTRAKETTENN YAN-- SLEEP JN — Reliable woman seeking MERCHANDISE TOY POODLE — Cream male, fou 1-3311. CO 45212. heater, standard transmission, pink am RA degree in math the mini- permanent position caring for child and months. Klbbon winner, champion paneled den with bar, wall-to-wall car- 40 h p. 1962 Evinrude electric atait. mum requirement. Some train- house. SH 7-9285, call 9 to 5. bloodline. MU 1-3438. peting full dry cellar, Excellent neigh- RED BANK AREA — Three bedroomi. trey. J76O. 03 1-311)9. 1200 lb. trailer. AaklnR SHOO. 787-1274. ing in physics or economics rte- FOR SALE borhood. MuRt nee to Hppreclntr. call two baths, playroom, bullt-im, air con- 1859 RAMBLER AMERICAN — Twc lSli1 RUNABOUT — 40 h p. Mercury. oirablt. Good scholastic achieve- STRONG, responsible, kind woman to REASONABLE — Showcases, aluminum GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - AKC owner LI 2-0753 or BH 1-4819 for ap- ditioned. (21,900. LI 3-1279 after 4 p.m. door, loaded, automatic, mechanical Ho!sc[»w trailer, excellent condition ment preferred. care for invalid, ten hours a day, five storm windows, wooden storm doors, registered, bred for beauty and tem-pointment. perfTt. sccepl trttrte of station wagoi BH 1-5292, days a week. Near Atlantic Highlands. glass shelves, mirrors, wooden screens, perament, very reasonable. OS 1-1530. «r J7O0. Call SH 1-iSM. - 29I-0M6. small gaB'itove, aluminum ega crate, NEW SHREWSBURY — Owner trani CANOE — Useable condition. POMERANIANS — AKC registered, ferred. Immediate occupancy. Split LARQ£ WELL maintained four-bed- 1859 FORD STATION WAO0N - Ex COME IN TO SEE I'S MOTHER'S HELPER WANTED — Live formica counter top, awning frames, reasonable. Call room Colonial on tree-shaded lot near Call Ice cream refrigerator. Iron mangier. level four bedroom, 2'i baths, recrea- client condition. Extra* plus automat- 9H MONDAY-FRIDAY. 9 AM. 3 P.M. in. care of children, light housekeeping; tion loom, extra room, laundry base- Red Bank shopping area. Hollow tile ic. J1085. SH T-5M7. duties, no cooking. SH 7-1917. construction, two-car garage, modern 1957~EVINRUDE~5oTOR — 18 h.p. OR PHONE ment, patio, beautifully landscaped. Rn — 19M Falrlans Victoria hard WAITRESS — ExperlencedTfor' restau WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINE Near ichools, transportation. Must be kitchen, fireplace. Carpeting and ap- little. Best OTfer. Call eve- rani dining room Daily from 11:30 to pliances included. Complete apartment top. Excellent buy at S300. nlngs. SH I-4299. — Excellent condition. Reasonable. SH seen lo be appreciated. *H perr cecent __JSH 7-3563 • 2:30 p.m. and Fridays and Saturday 7-1726. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT mortgagt * can bbe assumed. SH 1*689716897. on third Door. 139,001). 19- REVEL CRAFT Hardtop boat, iim. rrom 5 to 11 p,m. Call CA 2-9778 be* i957~FoKDT"AilU<*Ni:~500, two-doo (NEAR RED BANK) POOL — 3'xl8', complete- with niter, APARTMENTS Dial 141-1200 60 h.p Scolt-McCu.lough motor with •ween 6" and 10 p.m. A«k for Mrs Nich- vacuum, ladder. Cost $325 will sell for sedan. Good condition. (525. baJlamatlc, completely equipped with ON ROBERTS RD. Lern OCEAN GROVE — Furnished or un PHILIP 1. BOWERS * CO. 291-2697 electric starter and jenerator, $109. Call OS 1-2139. SIX-ROOM, two-atory dwelling, used as Real Estate Since 1894 919-1307 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — Must furnished, 2-3-4.room apartments. Besl rooming house, Income about 1160 per WALTER S. OVBRTON 1948 PLYMOUTH — Very rood en- chometer, compass, side ladder, RCA — 21" console TV, beautiful cabl location. Details Pit M7B0. cover and extra large tank. Ua«l apply in person and be over 21. Howard month grojs, good condition, ceotrally Affiliate gine, good mnnlns condition. $30. CaJ Johnson Restaurant, Hwy 35, Middle- net. Call alter 5 p.m. located, easy to rent 112,800. Red Bank 60 White St. Red Bank SH 7-4061 after 5 p m. little, coat (2.400, bargain at | SH 7-577J FOUR ROOMS — Bath, unfurnished, Call after 5:30 p.m., 787-5T49. town. two people only. 1S5, 1,18 Hwy 3S. Area. Opposite Municipal Parking Lot l»60 RENAULT DAUPHINE - A-' DINING ROOM SET — Seven pieces, Mlddletown. BH 7-4365. Dial 7*1-7200 BELL SHREWSBURY — Teacher needs worn- mahogany. Good condition. t25. condition, new tlrel, sun roof, person an to care for four-year-old and light SEA BRIGHT — New three-room apart- PHILIP J. BOWERS * CO. slcli. *7M>. 7«7-3893. TRAILER SALE housekeeping. Call 3H 7-1321 after 5 p. '787-5572 ments, beautifully furnished, yearly Real Esttte Since 1894 SEA BRIQHT — Well-built home, plus 1556 PLYMOUTH TOPOR 8AV0Y — ROCK MAPLE SECRETARY — Glaas lease. 3125 per month from Sept. 1. 812- WALTER S. OVXRTON Income. Private beach. Will take back ALL TYPES—ALL SIZES TELEPHONE doora, three large drawers. 555. Rock 3355. After 5 p.m. 842-1869. Affiliate mortgate. 8(M1J6». Ca" BH 7-M4S maple four-drawer cheat. »15. three- 60 White St. Red Bank NEW—USED HELP WANTED-MALE drawer pine washstand. reflnishrd. S35- UNFURNISHED APARTMENT-Thre< Opposite Municipal Parking Lot LITTLE SILVER — Reduced to sell, LABORATORIES rooms and bath. Near bus line and rail leaving area. Small ColonlaJ, dormer 1958 DODGE — Beautiful two-tone se ROOFING SALESMAN' — Married man Set four maple chairs, refinlshed, 160. d&D ftX'Cyilnrler, push-button, automat Special lightning dais Old walnut drop-lenT dining table 30x road station. SH 7-4898. across back, four bedrooma nluat one An Equal Opportunity Employer over 30 years nt age with experience In unfinished, two baths, separate dining, ie orlclnal 31.000 miles, radio, heater, SAILBOAT TRAILERS roofing and siding business. .Must have 48" opened, oval. Easy chair modern RUMSON' -— Furnished, adults only, tinted glass. Condition will pass any style, $10. 8H 7-37S0. three rooms, private entrance, 170 HOLMDEL ~ Three-bedroom split lev- fireplace, screened porch, riry base- test. Must be seen. J375. - 7R7-1634. 18 car. lie bonriahlc and qualified to hire el, 110x150 lot. Large paneled recrea- mrnt. attached garage. 117,8*3. BH 1- HAROLD KOFOED INT^RESriNG^^EniON~E^61lK^ and train new men in the field. Salary, momh, utilities supplied. 842-33M. tion room, l],i baths, garage. Conven- 2306. Marsand Er., Hsdet 158 West Front St. Keyport, N. , ,t home calling In your own local bonun and tar expenses. Call PR 5- rea, Steady positions open NEWLYWEDS! KEANSBURO — Four rooms, hath, ient location. Owner moving, priced 1958 VAUXHALL fPontlach Leaving CO 4-0130 fl7ftfi for Bppointmpnt. ,tio. low $20's. Principals only. Call CO 4 LITTLE SILVER — Cape Cod. Bright MJddJetown, and Long Branch 7S7-2743 or 7S7MHH ""'. aJter « p.m. living room, attractive dinette. Effici- town, must tell, JJ95. See at Al's Mobil iF~INBOiU!D — Plberglaised, txiti For details call between 30 PAINTER WANTED THREE ROOMS OF ency kitchen. Two bedrooms down, Station, Maple Ave. and Broad, Red cellent condition. $125. Call •nd 4:30 at PR 5-059T and aii Call SH 7-3842 APARTMENT — Attractively furnished, SACRIFICE—Owner transferred, three- second floor dormitory bedroom. Base- Bank. S42-22S9 Mrs. Turner. after fl p.m. BRAND NEW FURNITURE living room, kitchenette, bedroom, bath bedroom Cape Cod on quiet dead-end ment, paneled recreation room, work GUV3PAR 03 SKI boat, 1060, -VOMAN — 35-15 years of age, to work ROOFERS AND SIDING MECHANICS with shower. Private entrance. All uttll street. In (Inert neighborhood. Just area. Secluded rear yard with barbe- AUTOS AND TRUCKS Johnson windshield, steering apparatus -- Apply 9 a.m., INSULATION* & 8ID- ties. EH 1.1346. minutes to Red Bank station. Deal cue. PHA finanel"e for ounliflwi buv- 'ull time In cardnhop. Call In person, AT INCREDIBLE PRICES!' direct and aave. 115,400. Call BH 7-U36. gear shift. White wllh red trim. Pnnn, it Broad St., Hpri Bank^ ISG CORP., 905 Main St., Asbury Park. THREE-ROOM garage apartment, fur- er. Vacant. 117.000. LAWRBNCI 1. Mike Kirk, 812-2260, or lei at Irwln' PAINTERS WANTED Stunning living room features nished or unfurnished, Holmdel area. RIVER PLAZA — Cape Cod. four SCHILLING. REALTOR. 16 Spring St.. Yacht Works, Red Bank. IOOKKEEPER—Capable of being In :00ms, dining porch (ait basement, Red BanH. EH 7-4121. MEMBER MUL- ull chargp, excellent salary and. op -.JII between 6 and 7 pro. Phone 9(6-8421. TIPLE LISTING. HO 2-0681. sofa or sofa bed, matching •x pans Ion attic. 6H 7-9Olf. IS' BOAT — Flterglaseii, In water jortumty for advancement! Our em1 HIGHLANDS — Three rooms furnished (129. 16' Cape Cod, as Is, 135 rirm iloyecs know of this ad. Write "B.A., WANTED — Manager of commercial yearly, al] utilities supplied, ISO month tSOO CASH! — To qualified buyer. OS M&67 after 5. 3ox Ml, Red Bank. sales. Young-, growing electronic Instru- arm chair, two step tables, Call 872-0912. RUMSON Spacious ranch home located at 57 Pop- ment company desires aggressive man lar Ave.. W. Long Branch. Two Mocks .. RUNABOUT — 25 h.p. Evinnid EAST KEANSBURO — Three roomi Etcellent home near school, church, with some technical and sale* back- ocktail table, and two Jamps.and bath, hot water supplied. S59 Phone and shopping. Three large bedrooms, from shopping center, fine fchoolj. and engine, contrail and trailer, $350. Phont WAITRESS ground to handle all phusea of promo- 767-4S49. ?5' Uvtng room with fireplace, dlntna; lovely community center, fliz large 842-2981. tlon. advertising, contacts and sales of rooms (three bedrooms) fireplace. Tile Experienced Only Large double dresser bed- room. Nna kitchen, two baths, full bath PLUS tiled lavatory, attached ga- _960 — IS1 Pann Yan, 1960 75 h.p, Busy House-Good Hours newly developed proprietory Hems. Ex- basement, porch. Home In excellent cellent opportunities for advancement condition in a food area. fTT.SOO. rage. Owner will paint the outside. SPECIAL SAVINGS Johnson outboard motor. and growth, depending only upon ability oom, mirror, bed, mattress FHA appraMfd at gn.soo. monthly SH 1-9598 MAHER'S to produce. Send confidential resume to LIVE MODERN CROWELL AGENCY, Realtor payment of (147.10 pays all ibetter than '60 Chavy Monia Coupe 1 AeroloRlcal Research. Inc., 420 Divi- and spring, two pillows, two II E. Front Bt. Red Bank •entl. Call owner at BH 7-4531. '60 StudebakBr Convertlbla 23 I960 LUHKS — Nest, trim, all ioardwalk, Long Branch. New Jersey sion St.. Long Branch, or call CA 9. SH 14030 around boat, 135 h.p. Gray, twf, bunkj •IOU> COSMETIC PARTIES—Earn $25 '60 Dodge Station Wagon 1 3700 for appointment. throw rugs and a five-piece RENT FREE VAIL HOMES — Four-room unit. New UTTLE SILVER — Lovely seven-room '59 Chrysler 2-dr. Hardtop head, 17' tournament outriggers, othe] or three hour* work. Everythlns Jur- colonial on larae tree-shaded lot. Living extras. Owrer relocating. CA 3^1114 U«hed. Beautiful girt line. STUDIO blinds. Asking 1300. Morn In «s M2-3902 'B» Fort 3-dr. Hardtop dinette set in nubian finish or SH 1-8827 erenlngf, room with fireplace, full dinint room, '59 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan •IRL COSMETICS. For full details kitchen, sun porch and larfce screeneri- SPEED BKIFF — IV. 85 h.p. Inboard. all 787-5388. Tivoli Garden Apartments, one of '58 Chevy station Wagoa 730. SALESMAN plus a renewed guaranteed NEW HOUSE — Portaupedc. Nice !oca In side porch. Three bedrooms And '57 Ford 4-dr. Sedan M2-2137 COUNTER GIRL — 18 or over, eve This company requires an experienced the states newest and most mod tlon. near water. Low taxes, Four beat bath upstairs. Full basement and one- '57 Chery 2-dr. Bedan ung Hours. Holly Hill Drlve-ln, Rt. 36,«ale.iman with real estate license tn rooms, split level. 122,900. Call CA 2- car detached garage. Aluminum storms 'W Chevy 4-dr. Sedan WANTED — Small outboard yest Keanaburg- work at MatAwan,' N. J. Suhmlt resume efrigerator thrown in at no ern colonial communities offers 8452. and acreens throughout. Located In fin- •58 Bulck 2-dr. Hardtop KOOd condition only. Call In detail including earnings to. extra cost. $288 buys all or you (hree months of rent free FAIR HAVEN — New eifht-room split, est little Silver residential area two '58 Plymouth Converttblt 2911585 'ART-TIME OR FL'LL-TIME — Ex- DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYEE LOCU8T — Six-room ranch. blocks from school. 121,M0. Call SH 1- '55 Ford 3-dr. Hardtop ellent opporturlty for refined, educated RELATIONS living. 301-0003 8«59. '55 Plymouth <-dr. Sedan 12' ItlOTABOUT — IS ».p. nd mature ladles in the age brackets pay only 2.50 weekly. '55 Cbevy Station Wagon 1959. Equipped. Inquire •f 20 to 35 and 35 H> 60 years. LEVITT & SONS, INC. Many others to choose from. 8T2-122D ipplica-nls mint have initiative, per- Move in now! Pay your first rent MIDDLETOWN tonaltty to get along with people. Op- Leviftown, New Jersey LOTS AND ACREAGE SAILBOAT — Sneakboi. Marconi rig »ortunity for advancement wllh train- in November. lt> and mainsail, 18' sails. Used tw; rg at ou FIELD FURNITURE Immediate Possession RIVERFRONT — \\i acrea on Nave- B r «pen5e Call M2^940 be-; MARINE MECHANIC - sink River, Hartshorne wood arei. Hifrh 5S 1st Avi-., All. llijjlil,ind.i- eeks. Flberglai bottom. Excellent con- ween 8 a.m. and ~2 mp.m *"** . f.>««j-.Tuesday..i« ••n gasolin.. e and... diese.l marine engines, •11 E. Front St., Keyport, N. J. Transferred owner' offers Immaculate jnd dry with beautiful view. Bulk, ••>••- I'-'...,. V,.,,h ,,f „, .;,, ition. »3<5. Call HU T-8699 srter gst 7. Replies helk.ud I,„n ...i....strides.! elM.,rlcI, marlni, equipment, year- Rent at Tivoli is quite reasonable four-year-old colonial on one-acre. IT headed slip, suitable for targe boats. p.ra. or 741-5806. :onfii1ence. rounri employment, catering to yachting ITORE HOURS: I .„ .,, , ,,„ .. . woodland silting with brook. Lawn a Call after 7:30 HI. 872-lMti. '"" ""' " Op™ 'lil 9 p.n, {trade exclusively. Only qualified ap- [00. It S Only (135 per month [Of showpiece. Four oversized bedrooms. AUTOS AND TRUCKS WANTED-AUTOMOTIVE Iplicants "conslderrfl. EAU GAL1.IE 9-6 Monday thru Saturday 2M baths, living room, early American MIDDLETOWN - Cleared. 100x200 lot. I YACHT BASI«, INC., Bo» 134B. Eau three rooms. This includes style dining room-kitchen combination Established neighborhood, excellent lo- Gallle, Florida, i 9-9 Thursday and Friday with brick wall and fireplace, laundry cation. C.990. 08 1-2BI2. yes includes gas, electric, heat, room, playroom with outside door, MEN, PART-TIME, WO patio, two-car attached garage, many CHOICE BUILDING LOT tor sale In Branch office of national organization BETTER DRE88E3 - gulls and~cock hot water, etc., plus a swimming extras. School bus stop one-block away Mlddletown Township. Frtncfpali only. taljs. hardly worn, size 10 only. Phom SH 1.79T5. seeks three men to handle work of aftenoons. Li 2-2083. pool. Other apts., 4% and five to public and St. Leo's parfsn. Ststlon A QUIET WORD TO overactive department. Age IS to 33, and free parking three minutes away. LINCROFT — Finest residential build- Call tonight S to 7 p.m., SH 7-5249. CRIB - Mattress, chlffHobe. J60 lake; rooms. Before you buy, see this home. Direct ing lot remaining In Uncroft Corner ACCOUNTANT — Senior, perman Eicellrnt eonditlon. S38M0. Newman Springs Road and Jumping We Need SH 1-2411 OS 1-3717. Brook Road. Slightly more than V> acre, position with CPA firm, excellent sal. Come at once! See for yourself! j BARGAIN HUNTERS.. iry. exceptional opportunity for FOLKY SAW FILER _- Automatic several npple trees, prestlie area. vancement. Our employees know of this saw retoolher, teeth aetter, circular ST. JAU£S PARISH S7.2OO firm. CBII SH 7-M44. ad. Send resume to "A.S.," Bo« 511 saw -setter, bandaaw setter. 787-5036. Lltile Eilver. High area ofr Pinckney Red Bank. TIVOLI Rd. Ideal for children, three bedrooms. OET READY FOR FALL two baths, fireplace In living room, full NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BUY NOW AND SAVE GARDEN APARTMENTS •lining room, TV den, cellar, garage, BUSINESS PROPERTY USED $425 PER MONTH BUMMER SALE brick and shingle Caps Cod. Reduced I Red Bank 81.000 Pianos, organs, (uttars, amnllflors Westwood & Bath Ave. to El.000, SH 1-MI6. CHOICE BU INESS COnKBRTNC FULL TIME JOBS ' drums, banjos, ukuleles, bongos, and a" PROPERTY. Store 1300 «qq.. ftt pl 105 NEW acceasortes. Long Branch CApital 2-2030 OAK HILL RANCH — Five bedrooms, moderd n four-room apartmenttt . IImrntdt- Now available in our recently opened MUSIC TOWN three baths, central air conditioning ate occupancy. Call 312 X*A T-llOL In- factory branch. Want alert and »m 600 Hwy S5 Mlddletow stereo built-in, all appliances. Wall-to- d 160 Monmouth St. bilious rripn, agt 1\ tn 3JS, who an ni-nro LONG BRANCH—Cozy furnished apart wall carpet, many extras. Custom-built, CARS rcarfy and willing to work. We have BLACK FUR COAT wltn tour mln! meet, four rooms, knotty pine kitchen, tiro-years-old. Asking KZSOO. Call OS tile bath, first floor, conveniently lo 14168. mornings or after 7 p.m. openings in three department!!, and tails on collar, perfect condition. Slz cfLtd. CA 2-5336 or CA 01443. REAL ESTATE WANTED these are permanent Jobs with ttie 60. Price J35. 787-6S20. APPLEBROOK — Brick and clapboard opportunity lor rapid promotion. No RUMB0N — Unfurnished, five roomi NOT A MEMBER OF ANY experience neceisary. THREE-PIECE llvtaf room set. over ranch, three bedrooms. living room stuffed foam rubber. Including swivel second floor, near bus, utilities sup- with fireplace, combination kltchen-dln- MtTI/TTpT.E MBTTOG SYSTEW rocker, reasonable. ?8?-233<. plied. 1100 month. 842-3394. Ing room, lsrxa screened porch. On SELL YOUR HOME THROUGH CailSH 1-4326 for Interview APARTMENT—Furnished, two rooms, tree shaded half acre. House freshly Ths McGowan Ari»ney OARAGE TOOLS — And parts. Moving bath, electric, heat, hot water, prlvat nalnted. OS 1-0027. e:4t>-4U4 to €.22 Fiilt-tlmp, uteady, yfinr-round Janilorfal Inclusive of the Revised Statutes of CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY r>rk. ElRht liourn a night, five night* WASHER — Hotpolnt, top-loading, ex cellent condition. BEA BRIGHT — Excellent three-bed- No other coats. $138 a month coven Jersey (Chapter 350 P, L wcrh. Muflt be rtfpendablr, havp hirth OS 1-1M7 room furnished house on the river ill carrying costs for thli, eight- >?" A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! prtlfloate nni own transportation t Living room, dining room, icreened nontha-young, outrt&ndlng thrte-tte.1- nrt from work. Pair! holidays and va WOOD GUTTER SALE — 4"x8"l ran iorch, large plot of ground, complete oom, IV* bath, bi-lev«l In tip-top con- MRS. PAUL B. FABRY. Htton. Apply In per»on Thurmlay evr dom length. Regular)/ 50 cents pei irlvacy. Available now to September 7. dition, Call owner for appointment, OS Borougii Clerk. friR. fi to fl:,1fl p.m. No other time. runmnff (ao(, now 27 cents per running 'HE DOWSTRA AGEKCY^Jl E. Front Harmony Bowl. Rt, 35, Mlddlelown. fool. Caah nnd carry (slightly weaih Aug. 7, II. 21, 28 132,M Adding Machines —Typewriters Building Contractor Painting and Decorating ered). Will deliver 100' or more. RED 'VIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - BUTCHER. -- Friday and Saturday BANK LUMBER. 6H 1-5500. Furnished »nd unfurniibBd. Iramed ADDING MACHiNE8~^~TypewrTters RED BANK ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CARL B. JONES — Painting arid^T- Call it» occupancy. Samuel Telcher Agencj Stor.. windows, siding, awnings nratlnc. fifnoral contracting. Fully CII1-0C62 Oceanport Ave.. Ocean port Call or dta s->!d, rented, repaired. Serplco's 101 1 HAMMOND Monmouth St.. Red Bank. SH 7-0483. SH 7-2S53 <-,, Sf^^ -^S2& Insured. Free Efllimjitp*, 4.1 Monm'c MECHANIC Ll 2-3500 or LI 2-3501. RED BANK REGISTER CLASSIFIED RATES Ave., Shrewsbury. N. 1. 7(7-30(1. EXPERIENCED IN OIL BURNER TOM BLATE -- PalntTnB~XntO>ecn7 ORGAN STUDIO 'ICTURESQUE COTTArjE—31i rooms, I Day 42c Un« Cesspool Cleaning SALARY OPEN. fireplace, patio. Bet on \'t acre wooded Antiques Wanted atlnf. General Contracting, fjlly In SALESMAN OF ASBURY PARK lot in Uncrofi, 18.1 per month. Avail S Days Consecutive ...32c Lin6 BEITIC TANKS, dry wells serviced. sured. Twenty years esperlencp. Free EXPERIENCED IN FURNITITHK Electrovlce Organ ._„ J22I» ble August 15. SH 7-4825. Old Dolls, guns. Jewelry, nut glass, LeochlnR field added. Backnoe work. pstimates, 311 1-941)1 after fj p.m, LINK SALARY OPEN*. ACE EMPLOY EBtey Chord Organ 3^5 5 Days Consecutive ~ 18c Une furniture, ClvJI W»r ijooki. Appraisals UNFURNISHED — Custom-built, three made. Oilman. 811 7-1141. C. H. Wilson, fill 1.1B4S.' .WENT AGENCY, 12 Brand Btrtet. Her) Hammond Eitravolce 545 * Days Consecutive ... 15c Lin« SH 7-3IIH Ilttmrnnnd Chord Organ 3-6 ,, 50,1 bedroom. U-i-bath split level. Recren Plumbing and Heating Wurlltsier Spinet Organ 625 ion roum and garage. Two-year least! 30 Days ConsecutivConsecutive 14c Lint A lla ce Fuel Oil —Heating MAN Pnrt-llmp. Red Bank arpa vallabie. 8hown by appointment only. PP " hoTjNIE KKEnTN~^~Ph]mbinB anci •i T2 noon utit'i ft n.m CilBtr>'ll»' Conn Spinet Organ 605 Blind aria mini Tn* Rexlfirer'i P. O. Box 25o extra, FUEL OIL * HEATING—Call BH !• 1 Convrnlent Little Silver location, THE APPLIANCE REPAIR anil Tnstafia, heating Oil burner service. 24-houl for large, npw office build In j;. Mus Hammond it-3 Spinet (blond) 705 MEIBTRICH AGENCY. SH 1-M88. Mlalmnm InaerMon Three Lines 0610. Oil Uellvery, Inc.. Service * service. SH 7-1827. : Rood work recorrl hn nf»t ani1 SALES AND SERVICE tlsn. Residential arid commercial tvlr Sales. 3 Herhert Sc, Ked Bank. tSb to JJM Per MDJilh Ing. Allen Electric. SH 7-0612. pninhlp. Also hnvp hirth cfrtiffente1 RENTAL AIVD INSTRUCTION Yearly Contract Rates on Request Radio and TV Repair We offer Rood pay, palrt holldnyn urn TirS BBRO AOKNCY pu7NErEpAtJi7T« Home Improvements Lcnllon. Apply in pernnn, Thurmiay Oppn Dally Till fi — Saturday Till 5:30 Ulddlttowr. Right to classify, edit or rejact any advertisement U raiervtd atlon and nlr conditioning service A-Z Radio.TelovlBion Repair Serv- pillnn, 6 U> h:'.iO p.m. No other tini COOKMAN AVE; AND MAIN ST, OH I-1000 by The Register. Prompt, guaranteed. 747-9153. W0RK3.NO MAN'S contractor—Altsr, ice. Prompt. Reasonable .10 Mon Harmony Bnwl. Rt. ^fi. Mhldlclown. PR 5-8300 lED BANK — Beven-room unfurnished W» will not b* rnsponslble (or errors, tintes* they ar* detected atlons, additions, painting, masonry, mouth St., Red Bank. SH 1-78,13. biforn tha ••tcnn-i lnn«nton. anif all those Iftda lobs. Cvanlnss LO ft CU, FT. CRO8LEY REFRIGERATOR louae. fcarnge, corner lot. Available Auctloiieer__ —Excellent condition. Freerer compart- feptembRr t. yearly lease. Cut! flH 7- No ca&csllatjons will b» acceDiod 01 changes made In advsrtls** e-1714. Rooting, Siding and Insulation HELP WANTED-Male - Female I0O3 for Information. mants ont hour after receipt at office. B oTcOATS ~nin~ei7e~niTarAuc ment. J45. BH 1-2641. appraisal Service "anywhern." Insurance Insulation A Siding Corp. Certified EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY TWO CAMPING TRAILERS — Oni) ANCH-TYPE HOMR on the Bhrews- DEADLINE 5:00 P.M. Day Befor* Publication Norwood Avs., DsaL Phona Kttll Johns-Uanville contractor PR 6-8407 Knecutlve-Sales-OIflce-Domfstlc K»od, $275; on« used, $00. Re.Maerator ury River. Largft living room, fire- 1-3461. ABILITY • SERVICE . Dependability or Adam Llnzmayer 291-0J0-. flincrjrtty and ability with tiigh ctnici trice, two good-size bedrooms, oil heat. when you insure your HOAfE, AIJTO. $50. OS 1-0720. <]|,ASS1KIK1> DISH LAV Ol^ON CO INC.-Rooring, Sldlns » IN PLACEMENTS I22-303J. yacht, oulboortl. lmuranre throiiRh 80 Broad St. DESKS — 91S up, files $15 up. chain, 11:00 A.M. Day Bttoe PuDIfcation witii proof two day* befor* Auto and Truck Rental AHlfBTHONU AUISNCV. SH I-480O. Iniulatlon. Installed and guarantsed Red Bank adding machlnflt, typewriters manual IEPTUNE—Three-bedroom ranth, "lH publication, foi tu years. PR 5-rjlOS— 'Jul.05(0. flHADYfllDE 70577 and elfctrlc, office trjulpment etr. laths, cellar, carport, 1135 unfurnished- AVIS— Itent a hew car or truck. Low DIS11ATIBF1EI) tvlth present insur- BA1TB EMPLOYMENT AOBMCY bargain prices. New or lined. AAC Desk .UgiiBl 15. U 2-1626, KB 1-4B43. rates Maple Ave., Red Bank. SH 7 ance? Want a tietter dealT ('all Dunn Co. Rt, 35, Oakhurat ICE 1-3000 1 Call ClaBsified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-052S 0308. PR 4-5214. Dally 7 a.m.—10 p.m. Insurance Agency 811 1-3533. Tel. Answering Service i all (led Pcraonnei For Quality Ovilera IALP DOUBLE HOUSE - Red Bnnk. LET US SB your secretary No need [> Droad Long Branch CA 2-4747 MASSAGE JCQl/IPMiflNT - For rent infurnlshfd six rooms, oil heat, walking to miss calls. 24 hour answering ACE BMPl^OVMENT AQCNCY or "ale. Frei delivery SOUTH JERSEY latance to school, available Beptern- NIGHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Building Contractor Painting service SH 14700. *Uvery order h Applicant our «POCIH!IY ftUnnTCAI* BH 7-2614. n 1, Rent UOO. Call HH 1-7220 after A. J PICONS — Baths, kitchens ra. ODD JOBS — PalnUni st Us finest. 12 nronrl, Si Kurt finnh SH 7-S4I» :30 |),m. Dial SH MHO modeled. Cer&mlo tile. Sales. Inital< Residential and commercial. Lowest Calls on private telephone* are toll-free to OS 1-0S2& from tha rales. Evans. SH 1-E5I7 Vacuum Cleaner Repair OPERATORB on SHOP BY PHONE ;UM80N - - Lovely thrfte-hedroflm wa- latlon. Vt Leonardvllla Rd., Leonardo. dresien, good snlary for rlghl (turtles. erfront home, furnished. Beplember to fallowing stations: LOwen 9 COlFai 4. 787 (Keansbtirt;), 048 fHomdil), i»l-2«77 or 28I212O. OX s quick dally delivery tn Red Bank r Bales Service Supplies Will lakp two learners Phone 7fi7- am. Oullylnl districts IVsdnisdays uly. M2-3«ff. 612 fMJffiJand«>, Oflborn* l. »»3 iflumionSea Brlghl) and BHadyilde 1 Painting and Decorating (L',]tj . and 1 BUILDER - Ne» homes roam »3- BOS Prospect Ave. Ltttla Silver For and Saturdays. Discount prices fANCH - Three bedrcifna. l'i baths, dltlons, basement and attic rooms, LOUIS CASSAN - Palmer, decorator, prompt home service or frea checkup :,U\L OR WOMAN - Wanted si candy PROWN'B. 32 Broad Bt. BH 1-T6U0. Calls on private telephones art toll-fres to BH 1-0010 lrem th* kitchens, farace, rspalrs and ait«r. paperbanger, 2a years experience. 49 on your Electroluz, call PR 8-0041 or Ivlng rom, dining room, kitchen.' •tlona. Herbert Elfenrauch. SH 1 8JO1 ttendant. BOY OR MAN wanted an COUCH — Modern lamp tahip~chalr. icrecnptf porrli. full hasemimt. J22R following it at loos: Mi Utlantlo Hlthianda), CAplUl 3 and 9. UtMtty 1 Chapln Ave, SH 1-1101 after I p.m BH 1307a wher. Must b« over IB, Apply Carlton Hkfl n«w. Riding lawn mower. For quick 'th.-0LA2EBR00K AGENCY, 843- hpatsr, 00 Monmoulh St. . salt. 08 1-10SS. , I70& | STEVE ROPER By SAUtiDERS and OVERGARD RED BANK BXGISTER Toeaday, August 7, 1962^47 Column "ASTRO-GUIDE" ByCeean "Who cares ehout appear aesie. East held up, hoping to aacts?" you ask when you're get a sfgaiJ from hi* partner on —For You andf % later club trick. h oat of school. "Reality is ,.'.TWsisw«»partka. -jt-W.tj.UMt.K5iO, „ Tttnbio what matters," Daq't be w wire. cularlyawitlft|d«y,botasp«to South continued with the nine If you're a bridge player you of dubs, and West ran Into ar. not sufficienUy oetatiT* to must witch out for appearance. trouble with appearances. If be caox concern. Th. bat policy b West opened the six of apadei tried to play an encouraging to messur. everytbinc by th. to the ace, won the spade return heart, his three would look like sundard of practicality. You with the king, and continued with a discouraging signal; and may suddenly *ohv * puzzling the nine of spades to drive West tried to play a dlscourai lituatioo that hu worried you out the queen. West chose the ing diamond, his eight would lool nine to show that his side entry like a come-on. recently. The solatioa aay come was In a high suit; he would have For lack or anything bette bom uatxpected informatbn. MICKEY MOUSE led the deuce of spades at the West did discard the three ol By WALT DISNEY third trick if hij entry had been hearts on the second club. East Part... The phrase "Eat hum- Futur* ...Solar storm predi MICKEY,THIS IS ...I'MTHAVINS in diamonds. won with the king of clubs and We pie" cam* from an old cus- liomu accurate ai earthly fort- promptly returned a diamond, tom that the "urables" (inferior A LITTLE Unfortunately East, no expert, casts wiU allow spsc* trattkn COME O/BRANP -TB3USUE »; relying on the discouraging ap- parts of deer) wer« served to HBi-P /V\E OUT? WITH A\Y know that the nine of spades the huntsman who fdl out of to undtrlata Journeyt during a WALLPAPER spades meant anything special. pearance of the low heart. favor with his lord!. Tb* JiunU- period life from turbuknc and HANSINSJ East therefore needed further South managed to run nlw man was sent to th. towwr UW« guidance to defeat the contract. tricks, making his contract. He and obliged to din. on "umbl. avoid th. d*n|troujfy focreaied South naturally went after the could have been held to six tricks pie." radiation. clubs, leading the ten tor a fi but for the misleading appear- ance of West', cards. Th» Day Under Your Sign School Enrollment Incidentally, West was respon Jlble for the trouble his partnei ARItS (IM* Mink XI to April ••> iiirr. lit* ot schools. lecond trick, East could have tak lota rm ti smip M* «kn>li THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK en the king of clubs promptly anc CAfltlCOIIN (0*c « t« Jlfc J«) Total school enrollment from led his remainfgg spade. Then Dont k ja&ffanrt » wtal «Wi tikk. kindergarten through the 12th Thi. U • MKM tUih WHEN I WAS IN THE -ITS UKEASLEDGEHAMMER- PHANTOM , ,„ would be no further problem. RN&.X MO THRU ML THAT FISHT-NOT COKING HEBE- jiff grade was 40.8 million in April, AG00NR0U6HED OFTOUSHB0yS.NONE A SOUND FROM HIM- I'M 60ING.' ""' 1960 the Bureau has reported. Jim Want is a « >CU UP. SHOULD HIT LIKE HIM! THATRMJALVZE AND THIS MARK- It said the I960 census showed /NJ6G5UKE IT'S /U1WBRP-.' 35.3 million, or 06.4 per cent, THE HANDS you? were attending public schools. The other 5.5 million were in North dealer private schools. Both sides vufawrabl* NORTH The bureau had no breakdown • 7 on parochial school enrollment a K J 10 < People in the News compared with that of othei 0 Q 64 private schools. . *AQ J54 By Th. Associated Press next year. Th. couple*., first WEST EAST Rhode Island had the highest Sir John Hunt, leader of the child, Richard, was christened 10 «A4) day. ago. proportion of private school en- tf A3 2 V » S 4 British expedition which dimed rollment, 2S.S per cent, the CIO 9$ 0 7 S 3 Mt Everest, say. mountain Gustavo Cardinal Testa, 75- the bureau .aid. Wisconsin 17 ** climbing is a young man', activ- year-old member of th* Vatican By ED DODD wat second in that category with orn, MARK TRAIL 28 per cent. ity. Curia, ha* been appointed secre- AQ I 10 The 52-year-old Sir John re- tary of th. congregation for th. In North Carolina, 98 per ceni TO THE YAWN turned to London after leading Oriental Church by Pop* John of the school children were in BROTHERS LUMBBS O AKJZ the British-Russian attempt to XXIII. H. fill, the vacancy left CAMP/ public schools. Utah's ratio was North Ea* fort Wist climb Mt. Garmo In Central Asia ^ aw «Je«h of Gabriel* Acacto 97.4 per cent and 's 1* Pass 2 NT Pass During the attempt, two British Cardinal Coiasa. 97.3 3 V Pass 3 NT All Pas. Opentaf lead — * t member, of his team were killed. Stressing that this did not affect President Charles de Gaulle of Ann May School hi. decision, lie Mid: Franca presented quits a prob- Gets New Honor DAILY QUESTION "That wa. probably the last lem to protocol men In Munich, You have opened the bidding major climb I shall lead. I'm Germany, where he is expected NEPTUNE — A new honor was with one club, and partner bids getting too old for thl* sort of on a visit next month. The given to the Ann May School o one heart. It is once mow you thing." French president to ff feet, 4 Nursing at Fitkin Hospital, II turn, sines the opponents pass inch*, to height, and then didn't was announced by Miss Elaine seem to be a bed big enough in throughout. You hold; Spade—7 Joan Plowrlght, actress wife ol McClellan, acting director of the Munich to accomodat* him. Hearts-K J 10 6 Dlamonds-Q Sir Laurence Olivier, i. expect- school. A plaque for the most ac- 5 4. Clubs-A Q J 5 4. What do ing their second child early The German officials finally, . By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRANDALL tive school In District E was you say? found a baroqu. bed, almoct 12 NUBBIN awarded to the Nursing School Answer: Bid two hearts. Thl, feet long, In me chamber, of District E of the New Jersey Is an underbid, but no other bid Police Arrest 4 the Munich residence of ft. form- State Student Nurses' Association is available. You would make th er Bavarian king.. is composed of four schools. They same bid if one of your low clubs In Middletown are the Charles E. Gregory happened to be a low spade. Mt* John Werce, who felt the School of Nursing, Perth Amboy MIDDLETOWN - Four youths Smlflisonlamithsonlan Institution last year GOOP-LOOKIN'/ If partner shows a sign of life, were arrested Saturday night and General Hospital; Monmouth Me- you will go to four hearts. (to become the White House's morial Hospital School of Nurs- charged with falling to give ' first curator at the request of For Sheinwold's 36-page book' good account of themselves. ing, Long Branch; St. Peter*. MM. Jacqueline Kennedy, is re- let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," Police said they were arrested Hospital School of Nursing, New send 50c to Bridge Book, Red signing Sept 1. She cites person- near the American Lumber Co., al reasons. Mrs. Kennedy has Brunswick, and the Ann May Bank Register, Box 3318, Grand Rt. 35 by Patrolman Arthur C. asked her to continue to serve School of Nursing. Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. Scott, who reported that they the White House u a member*' The plague was awarded on the were acting suspiciously. basis of excellence in student of the advisory committee to the government, and for particlpa^ Stephen Cary, 19, of 921 White- Fine Arts Committee, tion in district and state student Honors for 15 ridge Rd., Myersville, and John nurse association activities. TRENTON - Fifteen Mon- Kriger, 20, of 248 Dayton St, Interior Secretary Stewart H. mouth County students at the Newark, have been released in UdaJl wiU head the V. S. Dele- Newark College of Engineering $50 bail pending a hearing in gation to the inauguration of have qualified for academic hon- municipal court on Thursday. rated July 27 with members of DAILY CROSSWORD ils family. AOBOSS 3. Love 34. Em- Lynn Dolan, daughter of Mr. 1. Manila 4. Vehicle blem and Mrs. Martin Dolan, Harmony Jump 5. Confess of • Ave., celebrated her nth birth- 6. Monetary 6. American Turkey day Saturday at an open houie unit: Indian 26. party. Ecuador T. Eskimo •King" RIVETS By GEORGE SIXTA tool Cole Hglag|g Dona Spafford, daughter of for one (.Fortresses SSZ13 BB raSDSHS BCtlH Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spafford, 12. Assumed o.MarshMrd cal DHCSSI ITiHECSH AW.AAOMJ name 10. Early White St., celebrated her fifth a IS. Rage domesUs 29. Ameri- ongi EBEisa birthday July 25. Present at a I O-O-M-T 14. Interrupt IT. Instead of can ?arty in the afternoon were W-A-N-T S-OU-P THEN THE ONLY (J wds.) 19. Stun cari- >Jancy and Jane Ellcovics, Diane UJNCHTD- OTHER THIWtS A 15. Swiss river 20. Confeder- caturist 40. A field Jturges, Jeffrey Solomon, Ellen TONGUE NSKJDMCH. 16. Whether ate soldier 82. Pigpen 4L Golfers' rfobray, Gary Beyer, David and 21. Fencers' 35. Anxious peg's Richard Anzlvino and Mr. and ' berengo foils 38. Cute, aa 43. Obtain tirs. Harold Snyder and family, 19. Cached 44. Fuss 2*. Reputation: grass rfr, and Mrs. Arthur Manuel, M. Wealthy abbr. 37. Friend: Fr. 48. Siamese 25. To feel 23. Son of Bel* SP.Susten measure M. and Mrs. Charles Evans, Sr., Ar. and Mrs. Earl Janls, Mr. regret ft • 38. Mistake 1 3 4- 5 9 7 ind Mrs. Albert Sturges, Mr. md Mrs. Walter Sturges. Ronald 50. Stop!: IZ colloq. " Now you see it, now you don't Snyder, Misses Nina Stola, Doro- 51. Fragments —square neckline does a disap- hy Sturges and Sandra Snyder. SS.Thls: Sp. 1+ earing act under fitted jacket. S4. Roller or 30-everywhere outfit, easy-sew IS • *> n •A 10th BIRTHDAY lc« —— V md scaled to fit. S«.Man'a % % //< BELFORD — Harry Subrlze, THE RYAnS By CAL ALLEY 19 21 nickname V Printed Pattern 9071: Half Sires on of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sub- S8.Ye»: dial. A Y/< & 1«H, 18W, 2<%, 22%, 24%. ire, celebrated his 10th birthday aa. IS V as •a tfT, MOM- '...ANDIMNOT ...THAT MIGHT Sa.Aahippeft re 16% dress and jacket take 'uly 29. Present were Mrs. Mae PAD'S RATWMED WASTING* WHOLE 42. Greek A 19 to Y, yds. 35-in. ubrize. Jack Knewasser and Mr. MV PHONE CALLS ON SOMMON0 glSg/ btUr Fifty cents In coins tor this md Mrs. William Staul, Newark; TO ONE HOUR/ 48. To adorn 3Z S» lattern—add 10 cents for each s Maxlnp Handsohiih, Irvln?- 47. and SI % lattern for first-class mall. Send on: Mr. and Mrs. William Skill- dined V 95 Marian Martin, The Red Bank man and son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. A % ^A :egister, Pattern Dept., 232 West aul Gumbrecht, Mr. and Mrs. 49. Bout 1* 39 40 V V Bth St., New York 11, N. Y. 3eorge Evans and family. Mr. eaBaoomes //t VA //< puffier, a* 4S 44 4*- Tint plainly name, address with rs. Robert Lockhart, Walter yea«t dough >ne, size arid'style number. Thompson, Wayne Bennett, Paul DOWN « FIRST TIME EVER! Glamor- orris, Robert Carotenuto, LHandta us movie sWs wardrobe plus William Helwig, Raymond Steete, 1 Liquid 4* m SO 10 exciting styles to sew in our William Gerwer, Debbie and mtawrtt % 'all-Winter Pattern Catalog. Send oseph Froehrer and Michael and cents. )anlel Governaje. SANK SS&Sfflt Gefe a Big* Welcome Home ; FORT MONMOUTH - Tile » immben of flu 8MA Sigml Con- ttraetta OODpuy. Army Re- 'mm, composed at residents from the Moomoutli County area, were released from active duty and returned to reserve statin in an official "welcoming home" ceremonies here Friday. The 824th was called to active duty last October, as part of President Kennedy's call up of National Guard and Reserve units during the Berlin crisis. The unit spent its active duty tour •t Fort D&. Tne company is commanded by Captain Daryl L. Mayberry of In- Four Sensational Savings for Men terlaken. Participating in the ceremonies were Maj. Gen. James D. Alger, commanding general of the II U. S. Arftiy Corps (Reserve), 42545 Long & Short 2,98"3.98 ShortSleeve with headquarters at Camp Kil- mer, and Brig. Gen. John C. Monahan, commanding general Sleeve Dress Shirts Sport Shirts aid commandant of the V. S. Ar- my Signal Center and School, her*. Gen. Alger, In Ms welcoming t0 address, praised the unit for the "outstanding job" it had done at Vz Vz oii Dix. "I assure you that our nation's • all wash'n wear cottons civilian and military leaders are deeply conscious ol the job you • Light Weight! • spread or button down collars. SOLDIER BROTHERS WELCOMED HOME _ Specialists fourth class Ronald C. and Slve "^dT-'yoTlfveT C • solids, stripes, plaids or novelties reers educations and professions Bruct E. Johannemann, I & North River Edge Dr., Little Silver, are given a welcome * Top Fashion makers! have been interrupted for a sec f,ome by their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrj. James H. Mechrhnd of 261 Oxford • S.M, L, XL "1 ••th"the'e " e^alstfe^al'stfdd ' * "'^ Ava>1 Fair Haven- Both mtn> member» of *• 824th Signal Company, Army Reserve, H*' added that the increased Fort Monmouth, were among thosa welcomed homo after 10 months of duty at Fort strength of the regular Army In Dix. no way affects the need for r hurst, Sfc Donald C. Law. S-Sgt. •erve components. Ellentine Lazarus, Sgt. Robert H. 3.50 Short Sleeve $4-8*95 FamousMaiker "Tfce Army Reserve and N Clayton, Sgt. Donald A, Durrua, tional Guard will continue to pla Sgt Richard J. Keilt, Sgt. James * vital role In our nation's si V. Jerbasl, Sgt. Charles W. Ma- curity program," he said. gahtn, Sgt. Frank P. Penta, S- Dress Shirts Sport Shirts The 82fth will continue to tral Sgt. Louis N. Schneider, Sgt. Jer- at Fort Monmouth in Its resen emiah L. Scott, Sgt. Sigmund L. status on a once-a-ireek basis. Welnstein, Sgt. Robert L. Weav- Gen. Monahan praised the u er, Sp5 Robert F. Dethlefs, Sp5 fcr helping to prove to the woi Henry R. Jageman, Sp4 Ronald 2*59-5 99 that "we not only have stroni 2.29 # convictions concerning individua F. Juliano, Sp4 William R. Ken- freedoms, but we also have t* nedy, Sp4 Carl W. Letche. Sp4 Walter Lippincott, Sp4 Hewy Lor- • cool.air weaves, spread collar! , personal courage and the will • from a fop maker! preserve them." kiewicz, Sp4 Joseph P. McCar- thy, Sol Louis J. Molinari, Sp4 • imported batiste button-down! Gen. Monahan also pointed on • solids, stripes, plaids or novelties i "Fort MOnmouth'B pride" in Charlie Moore, Sp4 Allen J. Mor- • voile oxford tab collars) s reserve unit. rison. Spi Richard Napolitani, • S, M.L.XL . . "As a Signal Corps unit of tb Sp4 Armondo Negron, Sp4 United States Army, we at For James J. O'Leary, Sp4 Nello Pag Monmouth ... are all aware noni Jr., Sp4 John M. Pinto, Sp4 your' excellent contributions Joseph A. RaJmondi, Sp4 Thomas Improving the comraunicatio! D. RavascMer*, Sp4 Richard W. Additional Clearance Items Include..* belittles at Fort Wx; Fort Dev Rose, Sp4 Roderick E. Rott, So4 Oil, Camp Drum, *nd in suppori Thomas B. Runner, Spt Alfred • Short Sleava Knit Shirts of Project Advent," he said. Schuck, Spt Joseph J. Simpson, the unit remained at Fort Dix Sp4 Jay B. Setter Jr., Sp4 Jo- • Swim Wear Airing its period of active duty seph R. Slocum, Sp4 Edward • Walk Shorts • but many members of the tt~ Steptiensjon, Spt Walter L .Weav- • Jackets peiy served temporary duty er, Sp4 Wilhelm G. Weimann, Fort Devens, Mass. Camp SpS James E. Pierce, SpS Mat- Drum, N. Y., and Fort Gordon, thew Riding, Sp5 Leonard San- G». The unit's task included wir tarslero, SpS Philip R. Speigel- STElNBACirS MEN'S SHOPS, Street Floor and Aibury Park tag work at the Advent satel and, Sp4 William B. Ardis, Sp4 lite tracking station near For John H. Aumock, Sp4 Frank A. AND DADDY MAKES THREE — Sgt. Frank P. Penta. 466 Dix. Baroae, Sp4 Daniel X. Bluack, Among the special commend* Sp4 Ernst G. Braun, Sp4 Fran- Hampton Ave., Long Branch, greets his wife and son, tints the unit has received is cis Caputo, Sp4 Roy Craig Jr., Frank, Jr., 3'/; months, at a welcoming reception for Certificate of Adiievemenl Sp4 Robert F. Cramer, Sp4 Otto the members of the 824 Signal Company. . elgned by Gen. Herbert B J. Cuss, Jr., Spt Anthony DeAn- Powell, commanding general gelis, Sp4 John Della-Zanna, Sp4 the United States Continental Ar Every Sheet and Pillow Case in John J. Demsky, Sp4 Roger H. my Command, "for outstandinj Furlong, Sp4 John M. Fyfe, Sp4 service to the national defer* effort 1961-1962." The company Frederick Hamnett, Sp4 James also received a letter of com' H. Hendley, Sp4 John N. Hewitt, mediation bom officials ot Mo Sp4 Robert E. Hewitt, Spt Don- Our Stock Reduced for This Sale! Guire Air Force Base in appreel aid J. Holstein, Spt William O. atlon of work dona there.. Hurley, Sp4 Bruce Johannemann, Sp4 Ronald Johannemann, Pfc Also participating in the cere- Alexius Cicconi, Pfc Salvatore Di- mony, which saw several happy Silky Smooth 180-Thread 200-Thread Luxurious reunions of families and friends, Ueto, Pfc George S. Eberhardt, was Fort Monmouth'« 389th Ar Pfc Leonard Feingold, Pfc Joseph White Percale Sheets Beautiful Percales my Band, Chaplain (Lt. Col.) D, Fornicola, Pfc George Pittenger, O. Wilson, also of Fort Mon< and Pfc George E. Wood. 72x108" and 72x108" and mouth who delivered the invoca- tion and benedition, and Victoj Twin Hlttd, Rtg. 3.19 Twin HttwJ. Reg. 4.49 Q. Kelly of Atlantic Highlands More Bees, county commander, Monmoutt County Executive Committee, Less Honey Slit: R«9. Shct: *•«• American Legion. TRENTON (AP) - We 81 x 108" 3.49 2.9» 72x108" Twin Fitted 4.49 2.99 Women from the 309th Regi haven't learned about the birds 42x38Vi" Cases 89 .79 81x108" Long Full and meat, Reserve Officers Associa- yet, but lt was a good winter 45x38Vt" Cases 99 .89 tion Ladles, were on hand wit] for the bees. Double Fitted 4.98 3.7» refreshments for the returnln. New Jersey has about 51 mil- Twin Fitted Shaats - 3.19 2.59 42x38'/*" Cases 1.19 .94 reservists snd their families. lion more honeybees this year Double Fitted Sheets 3.49 2.98 45x38'/i" Cases .- 1.29 .99 Members of the 824th Sign: than last, the N.J. Crop Re- % Fitted Sheets :. .3-49 2.98 Company are: porting Service announced to- Capt. Mayberry, 1st U. Horsl day. Long Double Sheets — .3.79 3,59 Remarkable Savings K. Biester, 1st Lt. James Mild winter weather was King Bottom Sheets - 5.98 549 Coulopoulos, 1st Lt. Jack M. Dor largely responsible for the bee 108x122VJ" '-98 4.98 Why, 1st Lt. Anthony M. Tarn- population explosion, the serv- on Muslin Sheets maro, 1st Sgt. Elmo L. Picconl ice said. 100x120" 5.95 4.98 M-Sgt. Arthur H. McGurn, Sfc There were M.00O bee colo- Foam Mattress Sfcettt Sizes: Edward L. Rutan, S-Sgt. Alexai nies In the state as of July 1, der G. Alessi, S-Sgt. William P Twin Fitted - -3-I9 2.69 Sheets—63"x99" to 9O"xlO8" compared with tt.OOO last year. 1 Amend, S-Sgt. Roger L. Babsoi Each colony has about 5»,M0 Double Fitted 3.49 3.19 Cases—42"x36", 45"x36 ! S-Sgt. Curtis L. Dalton, Sfc Di bees, the service said. Also Twin and Double Fitted. vid Emmons, S-Sgt. Parry Despite the Increase, Harris, S-Sgt. Stephen B. Haw* chances for a bumper crop of honey this year are not opti- mistic, the service said. In SQUEEZE northern counties dry weather Save on Famous Martex Towels has taken Its toll of nectar- HOME AGAIN WITH HIS GIRLS — Sergeant first class prodnclng plants and the flow Donald C. Law, 85 Orchard St., Keansburg, gets a big of nectar, from which (he bees welcome from his wife and daughters, Susan, 5, and make honey, is below normal, Velvet-Soft * Westminster" a spokesman said. Linda, 3. Sgt. Law is a member "of the 824th Signal Top Quality "Luxor" Company. - ADVERTI8EUENT - Martex's Finest Towel Towels by Martex eighth grade pupils of the public Hew To Held She: Reg. Salt! Essays Read school, were winners of the She: . R«9- FALSE TEETH Americanism Essay contest spon- Bath Towel 3.98 2.9£ Bath Towel sored by the auxiliary. 1.98 1.69 More Firmly in PlaceTo Auxiliary Guest Towel | .98 1.69 Guest Towel Do your Itlae teeth umoy and em. Both students were presented 1.19 89c barrau by slipping, dropping or wob- HIGHLANDS - At the recen an American flag at the com- Face Cloth 75C 59c Face Cloth bling when you »t, laugh or talk? 49c 39c Jult iprlnkle > little FAfirEETII on meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary mencement exercise in June for Fringed Fingertip 75c 59c Fringed Fingertip your pla tea. This alkaline (noa-tcld) of the Veterans of Foreign Wars having submitted the best essays 49c powder holla fklae teeth more firmly Terry Bath Mat 2.98 2.29 39c Mrs. Katherine Johnson, Ameri- which were read by Mrs. John Tarry Bath Mat' and more comfortably. Mo gummy, Bath Mat 42"x70" 5,98 3.98 The Most Out of gooey,putrt*ite or feeling.Doe7 s not son at the meeting. 5.29 3.59 sour. Cheeks "plite odor' (denture canism chairman and patriotic Your Auto Insurance bretth). Get FA8TEETH today at instructor, announced that John Frank Carbonari and Mary drug counters everywhere. Dollar! Duncan and Sharon Guncz Delia Wood, who submitted the A truly luxurious towel . .. extra thick, soft and True Martex quality at an exceptionally low best essays in Our Lady of Per Preferred Rates absorbent! Bermuda Blue, Pink, Clover, Old price! Deep packed loops, velvet-soft and long- • Semi-Annual Payments petual Help School, received Lavender, Antique Gold, Platinum, Shadow • Quality Insurance flags >at class night exercises, lasting. Available in a wide range of new dec- An additional saving can be Green, Melon, Butterscotch, Fawn, Blue Mist, A bulletin was read concerning made If you bave a record Amethyst and other exciting shades. orator colors. as a skillful, law abiding and the natipnal convention at Mln courteous driver. neapolis from Aug. 10 through 17 Mrs. Mae Bartusch is president CHAS. H. STEINBACH'S LINENS, Second Floor and Asbury Park CIVIC GROUP TO MEET TINDALL EAST KEANSBURG - A spe- cial meeting of the Bayshore Civ- AGENCY ic Association will be held Aug. T9 E. HtOMT ST. 20 at 8 p.m. in St. Catherine's k Smart money guys are laying away $135 S RED IANK Hall. Representatives of local cashmere coats for $99 at J. Kridel. 1 SHOP Both Stores Wednesday & Friday 'til 9 SH 1-5613 clubs, lodges and church groups are invited to attend.