Author: HRVOJE ZUJIĆ [email protected]

The existence of a colossal complex of pyramids in Central justly caused turmoil in the public all over the world, because there is a possibility that the history of mankind will have to be rewritten. Bosnian pyramids are located near the town of , 30 km north of , in the Visoko basin, at the mouth of the river Fojnica into the river Bosnia. The valley in the river basin, plentiful forests, mountain meadows and the advantages of moderate climate with plenty of rainfall are all a good foundation for the development of land farming and cattle breeding. Official historiography mentions that there was a special cultural group formed there, called the Butmir culture, as early as the Neolithic period (5500 BC – 4800 BC; Most of the sights of this culture can be found in the very center – around Visoko (Donje Moštre, Radovlja, Kralupi, Zbilje). The town of Visoko was the most famous center of the medieval Bosnian state, a place where parliament sessions took place and a coronation sight for Bosnian rulers. Bosnian rulers used to live in a castle on the top of the Visočica hill (+767 m), currently the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.

Picture 1a. Former royal castle Visoki, on the top of Visočica.

Picture 1b. 20-ton megaliths on the Northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. In the summer of 2006, the world public was astonished by the discovery of twenty- ton megalithic stone blocks on the Northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. Just for the sake of comparison, the Cheops's pyramid in Egypt is 147 m high, with the volume of 2.5 million m³. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, according to rough assessments, has the volume of approximately 10 million m³. Northern side of the Pyramid of the Sun, until now only partly explored, has a slope of 27° and is over 200 m high, which makes it the highest structure of the Old ages.

GEOMETRICAL ANOMALIES OF VISOKO VALLEY Central core of today's town of Visoko is located at coordinates E44ºN18º, westward from the mouth of the river Fojnica into the river Bosnia, which is a central spot of the Visoko valley. In the vicinity of the mouth, there is an entrance into the KTK tunnel, which has so far been cleaned up in the length of some 50 meters. According to the knowledge of some the oldest residents of Visoko, this tunnel was used as a shelter from German bombing during the World War Two. After the World War Two, the tunnel was used in the 1960s by a Leather – Textile Company for storing their raw chemical material (acid) until they were forbidden to do so. During the last forty years the tunnel was not used and it became shabby.

Picture 2 shows the satellite image of the Bosnian valley of pyramids ( with locations marked as follows: 1. The entrance into the KTK tunnel 2. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun 3. The Bosnian Pyramid of Love 4. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon 5. The Temple of the Earth 6. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon 7. Četnica hill 8. Smreka hill 9. Krtnica hill Picture 2. Geometrical anomalies in the Bosnian valley of pyramids

Locations A, B and C are not hill tops, but they are virtual geometrical points, located mid distance between the tops of the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Dragon, the tops of the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon and the tops of the Pyramid of the Dragon and the Pyramid of the Moon. Location D is also not a hill, but the barycentre of the triangle Δ246.

Četnica peak (7) is among the highest hills in the valley, H=833 m. If you climb on top of Četnica and look towards The Pyramid of the Sun (2), you will see the entrance into the KTK tunnel (1) behind it, because all 3 spots (7, 2 and 1) are on the same line. If you look towards The Pyramid of the Moon (4), you will see the Smreka hill (8) behind it, because all three spots (7, 4 and 8) are on the same line. It is interesting to notice that Četnica is also part of the construction of three more lines (7, 3, B), (7, A, 5) and (9, 7, D).

The tops of the Pyramid of the Dragon (6), the Temple of the Earth and the Pyramid of the Moon (4) are on the same line. The Temple of the Earth (5) splits the distance │56│in the proportion of 3:4. If you stand on top of the Temple of the Earth (5) and look towards the Pyramid of Love (3), you will see the top of the Pyramid of the Sun (2) behind it, because all three tops are on the same line (2, 3, 5).

The top of the Pyramid of Love (3) is at 1/3 of the distance between the tops of the Pyramid of the Sun (2) and the Temple of the Earth (5). If you stand on top of the Pyramid of Love (3) and you look directly eastward, you will see the top of the Pyramid of the Moon (4).

If you put one end of calipers into the point (1), draw the other end of calipers from point (8) to point (5). Distance │15│ and │18│are identical, so we can say that points 1, 8 and 5 make an isosceles triangle. Points 1, 4 and 7 also create an isosceles triangle. You can also notice the line of points 1, B, C.

Points 2, 4, 6 and 7 are all on the same circle!

In spite of tectonic disorders, erosion and human activity, which probably led to minimum deformities of the original coordinates, even today these locations present, with minor discrepancies, impressive geometrical forms: lines, isosceles triangles and a circle.


Statistical probability that these geometrical anomalies were caused by natural processes practically equals zero. Geometrical anomalies in the Bosnian valley of pyramids are the result of a long-lasting construction process by a civilization unknown to us, which has not yet been discovered by archaeology and history.

What do these geometrical anomalies in the Bosnian valley ofpyramids tell us? What do the positions and locations of certain points tell us? Is it a copy of the stars in the sky? What is the purpose of this construction process?

Let these questions be used as an encouragement for intelligent minds to find the answers to them.

THE ENTRANCE INTO THE BOSNIAN PYRAMID OF THE SUN The whole Bosnian valley of pyramids is covered with a net of underground tunnels. Picture 3. Locations of potential underground tunnels in Visoko valley.

Tunnels KTK (1) and Ravne (9) are being cleared up. A sample of wood was found in Ravne, which was dated back to 34800±1500 years by radio carbon analysis!!! It is logical to assume that the tunnels are even older than the wood, because the wood could not have grown in the tunnel, but it must have been brought into the tunnel. You can learn more about the results of the radio carbon analysis on:

The foot of the North-Eastern part of the Pyramid of the Sun is colloquially called "the Gate" (4), because, according to one legend, two Turkish soldiers went into the land opening and never came back. Turkish army closed that opening. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) recordings in the region around "the Gate" have recorded 44 underground anomalies for which we cannot at present establish whether they are cracks, tunnels, stairs, megalith …

In the probe 12 (5), at the depth of 4 meters, some cans and dead light bulbs produced about 30 years ago were found. On the top of Visočica (6), before the war, there was a red five-top star with lights inside it. The repairmen who were in charge of the lights were throwing the dead bulbs into a pit several meters away from the pole. The same pit was also filled with cans and litter thrown in by boy scouts who used to camp on the top of Visočica. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the light bulbs and the cans found in probe 12, some 400 m lower, actually rolled down from the top of Visočica through an underground tunnel or a crack. During the breaking of the stone structures in probe 12, an echo was heard in the basement of the house on location (3), so we can assume that the tunnel from probe 12 (5) goes under that house or very near it. In the 1960s the foundations for the building of Leather Factory were being dug in the location (2) and the workers literally entered the tunnel which was going under the river Fojnica towards Visočica. The tunnel was caved in and the constructors decided to fill it with concrete in order to lay the foundations for current building.

Archeological Park "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" Foundation is clearing the KTK tunnel (1), and they have found several extensions of the tunnel, one of which stretches southward. We could play a little bit and assume the line of the tunnel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. On several spots around the location (E) the land caved in. Does one of the extensions of the KTK tunnel go towards the Pyramid of the Moon?

In location (7) some thirty years ago the road caved in and an excavator found a stone ball in that spot. Is there a tunnel under the road which goes towards the Pyramid of the Sun?

In location (D), a carriage with horses fell into the ground over 1 meter deep. Did the land cave in because of a tunnel below?

Ravne tunnel (9) has been cleared in the distance of 130 m. Legends indicate that it was going all the way to the top of Visočica, currently the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.

In his book "Visoko and the surrounding area through history 1", 1984, the author, dr. Pavle Anđelić, wrote about the location Topuzovo polje (A): "It is said for the cave in Topuzovo polje, which was until recently passable for some 20 m, that it used to go to an old town on the top of Visočica." A highway was built above the cave.

One citizen of Visoko, who took part in planting trees on the North side of Visoko in 1930, when he was 13 years old, claims that he fell into a hole in the "Gate" location and then went through the tunnels all the way to Topuzovo polje (A), which is three kilometers away.

In the location (B) the land caved in, in several places. Is there an underground tunnel?

In the area of a brick factory (C), an underground excavation was found while digging. A tunnel? According to one legend, the last Bosnian queen Katarina Kotromanić (1425-1478) liked to spend her days in the location (8), which was called Carica (queen), after her. Allegedly, there is a tunnel which goes from Carica all the way to the Pyramid of the Sun. The entrance into the tunnel is, according to the locals, buried with stones.

According to one legend, there is a wide underground tunnel that stretches from the Pyramid of the Sun all the way to the Franciscan monastery in Kraljeva Sutjeska, 18 km to the North. Allegedly, it was possible to go through that tunnel by horses and carriage. Some locals say that their ancestors used to tell them how this tunnel started from the KTK tunnel (1), at the mouth of Fojnica into Bosnia, the central place of the whole valley.

The daughter of one owner of a piece of land on the South side of the Pyramid of the Sun told me: "Our ancestors were obliged by their ancestors never to sell this land, for Visočica keeps the secret. Once I inherit this land, I will not sell it and I will ask my children to do the same. There lies the entrance into the Pyramid of the Sun and it is guarded by many snakes which will not let the unwanted visitors harm the sanctity of that place". There really are many snakes there, but the entrance has not been located yet.

Turks conquered Bosnia in 1463 and the queen Katarina Kotromanić escaped to Vatican. Why did not Turks use the castle on the top of Visočica later (picture 1a)? An old legend from Visoko says that "after the conquest, the Turks were told by an old lady, who used to live at the foot of Visočica, that nobody was to live on the top of Visočica anymore, unless their life was in the function of preserving 'that' what lies beneath the town. She also said that ‘that something’ under the town is mysterious and 'covered in two films'. One is brought and washed away by the rain; (it represents the land, which is put over 'something'), and the other one is an 'eggshell', thin and fragile. If anyone dares to damage the eggshell, even only in one spot, the eggshell will be destroyed, and its contents taken away by the waters, which will destroy the valley and cause death." The legend says that the Turks were terrified with this foretelling and they went to the towns of and , where Bosnia was finally conquered, never settling in the town of Visoki on the top of Visočica. Since then, Visoko city has not been the capitol of Bosnia anymore.

The Bosnian valley of pyramids is rich with underground waters, wells and aquifers. Where is that large underground river that can destroy the valley and cause death? Just before the Turks arrived, the Queen lived on the top of Visočica, but many civilian facilities were located on the location of today’s town of Visoko, North of Visočica. Visočica is 767 m high, and Visoko is at the altitude of about 420 m. The old woman from the legend did not mean that flood would harm the castle on the top of Visočica, but it would harm the civilians North of Visočica. If the legend is true and the underground river really exists, it is logical to assume that it would have to be on the North side of the Pyramid of the Sun, because there was no settlement to be flooded in the South, West and East of the Pyramid.

Besides legends, which specific facts indicate the existence of an underground river? Are there any facts which we can see for ourselves when we visit Visoko? On the Northern slope of Visočica, there are two aquifers which confirm the existence of underground waters in that region, but we do not know the dimensions of those watercourses. So, how can we find that underground river, if it exists at all? Instead of electromagnetic anomalies, let us visually analyze the relief anomalies. Pine trees were used for foresting Visočica. In some places the trees lived and grew excellently, in some places they grew into bushes, and in some places the trees died very soon and did not even grow into bushes. These relief anomalies can easily be spotted on picture 4.


■ pine trees has died ■ bushes grew ■ pine trees grew ■ potential tunnel x potential entrance

Picture 4. Areas of different vegetation on Visočica and a potential tunnel.

Why is that so? The explanation is simple: due to diversity of the soil and underground structures of the pyramid. Bio-energy experts registered the signal of a huge, 50 m wide underground river in the region where the trees had died. It is a well known fact that running underground water is a vampire of life energy (orgone) and that life in such areas leads to many illnesses. Underground water creates geopathic radiation which literally killed the pine trees. This underground river which flows on the North side of the pyramid from East to West, literally shaped the surface relief of the pine forest. The forest starts exactly above the bank of the river and goes towards the top of Visočica.

Impossibility of planting the pine forest, the old legend, locals’ stories and the measurements of bio-energy experts all send us the same message: there is an underground river on the Northern side of Visočica.

While performing the measurement, famous Serbian bio-energy expert Zoran Kocić "felt" a cavity, marked with a red line on picture 4. According to Kocić, the tunnel starts exactly under the road, the spot marked "x" is the shallowest place to dig (entrance) and from the height mark 601 m he cannot track it any more because, as he says, "From 601 m towards the top, the pyramid is as hollow as a boiler." Let us compare Kocić's "tunnel and a great cavity from 601 m to the top" with the areas of different growth of pine trees. The first obvious detail is the fact that the potential tunnel lies almost ideally in the centre of the area of bushes. Coincidence? Another striking detail is the fact that Kocić's tunnel turns into a "great cavity" at the height of 601 m, where we can see an almost straight line of average tree growth on the Eastern part of the North side. On the West part of the North side, at the height of 601 m, there is an almost straight border line between the pines and bushes. Coincidence? Height mark 601 m represents a relief marker and deserves to be analyzed further. Picture 5. Cheops's Pyramid – entrance in the North side

Entrance into the Cheops 's Pyramid is at about 15 % of height, almost in the middle of the North side of the pyramid. If we assume that the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun starts from the underground river, i.e. the beginning of the pine forest, it turns out that Kocić's potential entrance ("x") is at about 15 % of the height of the pyramid, almost in the middle of the North side. Coincidence?

Everybody is entitled to have their own opinion about the visual analysis of relief anomalies combined with bio-energy experts, but there are just too many coincidences in one place to simply ignore this estimate of the entrance. Future excavacations will confirm or deny this location estimate of the entrance into the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – the greatest construction of Old Ages.