Mhub,'About Tll4 John Hutchinson
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\ \ AveiBKC Daily Net Prea»’ Run . F R I D A Y , F E R R A R Y ’ 12, 1960 For the Week Ended Feb. e. I960 PAGE EIGHTEEN J®anrbp0tpr Snpning ISpralb 13,075 bered 1,723,' a drop of 7.6 per cent Miss Judith G, Barnes, daughter Member of the Audit The BucTcley School Pt X -will from the preceding week. 'Bnreeu of Orcntetlon. sponsor a whist party for members of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Barnes, Kaminsky Suit Libraries Plan New claims as of Feb. 6 num- NiLAM SHELL Manehenter— A City of Village Chartti About Town and guests Monday from 8 to 10 54 Alton St„ has been named to bered 190 and continued claithi Comer Spruce and Birch Sta. p.m. at the s^ool. Those attending the dean’s list for the second quar 1,104. ------ - (Claaalfled AdTerttebig an Pagd 8> ‘ Members of the Improved Order arc siskcd to bring playing caids ter at Becker Junior College in In Civil Court Fine Free Day The State picture showed i^ rop MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1960 Worcester, Mass. Miss Barnes la FRIED CLAMS VOL. LXXIX, NO. 114 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) of Red Men are requested to meet and unwrapped white elephant / — ■ from 43,534 to 42,611. / at the clubroorts this evening at a senior Executive secretarial ma FRIED SCALLOPS prizes. Mrs. perley Trombly will J o s c^ W. Kaminsky Jr’s, suit Manchester libraries will have a' Benefits paid out armlnd the 7^30 and will proceed to the be the callet. There will be no jor. Fine FYee” day In observance of State totaled $l,245,9y/faat week. FISH and CHIPS Holmes Funeral Home to pay their charge for‘ this social event. Re against the State for return of a Washington’s Birthday, for all The money covered^*4,850 weeks respects to the .late Robert Walk GRINDERS freshments will be seiwcd. The ladies' auxiliary pf Man tape recoi’deb confiscated one year book borrowers who are reluctant of unemployment. Jiveekly checks M ay Be Heavy Here State News er, a member of the lodge. chester Chapter, No. 17, DAV, pre ago by State Police has ruq into to emulate old George and say, "I averaged $35.75y^uring the com sented an American flag to Brown Call Ml 3-6051 The Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, heavy legal sledding., ___ cannot tell a lie. I did it." parable week xfi. 1959. benefit Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. SmiUi^ ie Troop 15 of Vernon at the Tal- . Mary Cheney Library will have payments IqJAled $1,951,817, com Open Dally TIU 10 P.M. pastor of North Methodist Church, Assistant Atty.'.'-^n. Michael Sunday 'nil 0 P.M. will be host and hostess a^>tHc Will he in charge of the broad cottville School Wednesday, after a box In the lobby near the door for pensating ySK.iSl weeks of unem Roundup noon. The flag was presented by Closed 'Tues. and Wed. ..butz Junior Museum SuncUry fron)- casts. sponsored by the Manches Scanlon, representing the State, books to be returned with no ques ployment *^2 to 5 p m. Tomorrow, hoatessea^h ter Ministerial Assn., over radio Mrs has claimed Kaminsky’s kuit' nit is not tions asked Saturday, Feb. 20. So Tbe/Bridgeport area led the Dixie Snowfall .effeifairman, to Miss Linda Copping Bridgeport, Feb. 13 <^P)— A the loan exhibit department /will station WINF Sunday at 6:35 p.m. maintainable against the, ^ ateq te be will Whlton'Library., StaUr fq claims' again- following a be Miss Ruth Hadden. Miss Ora and daily next week at 7:15 of the Brownie troop, who is a At the West Side Library which 1-WMk period, in second place be- baffling odor— it smelled like niece of the auxiliary commander. cause the State has not authbrized Hadden and Miss Joyce Bridgeo: it. is closed on Saturdays, the box will ,..nd Hartford, Bridgeport has led NOW! low tti pric* tYtrl gas but it wasn’t gas^aused ■ and on Sunday. Miss Patricia Miss Louise Copping. The troop Phil Burges^ director for the Scanlon recently filed a plea in be near the door Friday. Feb. 19 the field since late September. evacuation of a large variety Trymbulak and Miss Madeline leader is Mrs. Richard Copping, The money savqd on the Gnulm, pnebhihbu/l Center Thespians' production of and the co-leader is Mrs. Warren abatement w'ith tfi4 Manchester stbre here late yesterday af ' Hickey. ■ "Harvey," has calleil a full cast Civil Court stating the action .can accumulated for, let’s say, Prov»«t’s Ellis. A flag etiquette booklet was "Remembrance of Things ternoon. Atom Nation rehearsal tonight at 7:30 at Center not be brought' against State offi also presented. can be used tq buy a ne^w aste After four hours of testing the An orientation meeting for all Congregational Church, The play cials acting within the realm of Fredericks Photo Victor air in the Woolworth Building at new committee members, neigh will be presqnited Feb. 19 and 20 at office. - ' basket—or desk calendaf—in the By THE AMOCIATBD PBESfl f dusted the northern Rookie* eaat- The Knights of Columbus will electric adding machine -njri.a-na ■nian.fiefa vu a*r a Ward to........ New.. England-XahtlEnglandiXand rain 1085 Main St... ln*peclors of the borhood chairmen and neighbor Bowers ^chool. State Police confiscated the tape Washington Day. sales^elng held PINE Missile scientists w e'r e sponsor a Valentine dance tomor Engaged tn nearly all Manchemer stpre.4. TOTAU pelted the Northwest Okie's gbqer- Bridgeport Gas Co, said there was hood finance chairmen wiU be held ecorder during investigatipn of no gas in the air. row from 9 p.m'. to 1 a.m. at the The engagement of Mi'ss Louise snowbound in Alabama and ally W'ere clear in the Southwest. at the office of Manchester Girl Mps. Rita L. Forbu:^ will dis- K of C Home. Music will be pro the flare bombing of fqrmer Jtldge PHARMACY wow 00 City sewer experts also stated Scouts on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Pouliot of East Hartford to Pascal omr fishing vessels battled 4iigh The Connecticut forecast: Sahara Shot Builds intcriol' decorating at a meet- vided by Florence Schaeffer and Wesley C. Gryk’s home at 423 E. 6«4 CP]NTER STREET piui tax there was no sewer gat present,- Mrs. Herman Peterson will be in Center St. Jan. H-„ 1959. Prignano, sbn of Dr. and Mrs. John ; SeasonaKDecline wax $I4«.eO winds and huge swells in the Increasing and thickening cloud- of the Holy Rosary Society of her band. Tickets may be obtained COR. OF ADAMS iness and cold with' snow develoK " ’h" P*'’‘ t^e charge. Prignano, 67 Wyilys St., is an- j a Alt MW -WctllMX—-clal-al MIlMt Gulf of Mexico today as a mesa , ----- ' Investigatldh, Including a group of r SL Bridget’s Church Monday atat the door -or from Anthony The State’s stand in the case nounced by her parents, Mr. and I TEL. MI 9-9814 ing late this afternoon or evening. 7:30 p.m. in the church hall...The Gates, general chairman. has faced Kaminsky with the need In .legless Claims a tOAov « hillJwYMwa severe winter storm headed firemen and police, agreed the , Gibbons Assembly, Catholic La Mrs, Louis Poulibt, 65 William St„ ; / • OImt l-MraxH— High 25-30. Snow tonight- and De Gaulle’s Position speaker has studied at Salve to retain counsel, and Kaminsky / • Vktw a«-IHr iMtMUaa hr 40 for the Florida west coast. smell was there dies of Columbus, will meet Tues East Hartford. yaon aaawlaiKa. Sunday, poasibly heavy at times. Regina College, Newport, R.I., and A talk and slides on missionary notified the court this week that he Miss Pouliot is a graduate of Claiihs for unemployment bene 8now struck deep into Dixie, fall X o t as cold tonight,' low in the A ^okesman for the Bridgeport day at 7:30 p.m. at the HarUord Monterey College, Monterey, having difllcuty doing this. Prescription Gas explained that natural gas church work among migrant work East Hartford High School and 'dropped in Manchester last PLUS... ing in north^nd central Mlsaiaalp- 20s. Little change in temperature Electric Light Co.. 146 Hartford Calif. Mrs. Wentworth Johnson ers will be presented at a meeting The town court has continued the to the lowest figure since pl. North Alabama, north Lqu- is odorless and gets its smell when j By HARVEY HUDSON Rd. Mrs. Patricia Newton will-pre the Hanbve;- Schoof of Modeling. othn naw Sunday. The high hear 30. i will be chairman of the program. of Grace Group of Center Congre case at Kaminsky's request. She is &m ployed a.s a'^ secretary for 'he final week of 1959. As of Feb. Specialist Victor Uiana. north Georgia and east nitility flrfns add s liquid odorant i Paris, Feb. 1ST (fP)— France' exploded a plutoniurii bomb sent a food demonstration. Mrs. Addlog Northwest winds 15-2.5 m.p.h. be Mrs, Ann Falkowski will be in gational Church Monday at 8 p.m. Kaminsky. originally brought a the Connecticut State Police de 6, claims here numbered 1,294. Tenneeaee. Heavy rain laa'hed other coming north to northeast this to make it recognizable for safety ! Phyllis Ostberg will be chairman Machioaa purposes. - deep in the Sahara desert today and became the world s charge ot refreshments. at the church by Miss Joyce Mey small claim suit against the State tective division’.