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This dissertation has been 61—5070 microfilmed exactly as received BELL, Richard Henry, 1921- A STUDY OF THE IMAGE OF THE AMERICAN CHARACTER AS PRESENTED IN SELECTED NETWORK TELEVISION DRAMAS. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1961 Education, general University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan A STUD! 0* THE IMAGE OF THE AMERICAN CHARACTER AS PRESENTED IN SELECTED NETWORK TELEVISION DRAMAS DISSERTATION Presented in Partial fulfillm ent of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University Richard Henry Bell, A.B., A.M. The Ohio State University 1961 Approved by Department of Education ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In planning the approach to this study, invaluable suggestions were received from Ik*. E. G. Barnett, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon; Geoffrey Gorer, author and anthropologist, Sussex, England; Dr. Margaret Mead, Associate Curator of Ethnology, the American Museum of Natural History; and David Riesman, Department of Social Relations, Harvard University* Hie author is indebted to three colleagues on the Arizona State University faculty for their willingness to undertake the thankless task of vising selected television dramas. Giving of their time and professional insight to check the validity of the instrument for this study were Ik*. Lester S. Perril, Professor of Sociology; Dr. Carolyn K. Staats, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Psychology; and Ik*. John P. Vergis, Professor of Education and Head of the Department of AndLo-7i8ual Instruction. For his invaluable advice on things statistical, the author thanks Dr. Robert L. Baker, Associate Professor of Education at Arizona State University. Without the help of these individuals and the generous contribution of typing time by Mrs.
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