California State Polytechnic University, Pomona COURSE SYLLABUS MU 270 - Performance Seminar/VOICE –Spring 2014 Time and Location: T 1-1:50 Bldg. 24-191 Instructor/ office: Lynne Nagle; Bldg. 24 – 155 and 133 Office Hours: M 9:30-10:30; T11:00-12:00; T 4:00-5:00; others TBA Phone: (909) 869-3558 e-mail:
[email protected] Textbook and Supplies: No textbook is needed; notebook required. Course Objectives: To provide a laboratory recital situation wherein students may perform for each other, as well as for the instructor, for critical review. They will share song literature, musical ideas, production techniques, stylistic approaches, etc., in order to learn from each other as well as from the instructor. Assignments and Examinations:!In-class performances: You will be expected to perform a minimum of 3 times (5 for upper division) during each quarter, each performance taking place on a different day. Songs may be repeated for performance credit, but lower division students must perform at least 3 different songs and upper division at least 4 different songs. Please provide a spoken translation when performing in a foreign language. A brief synopsis of an opera, musical or scene is also appropriate if time allows. ALL PERFORMANCES IN SEMINAR ARE TO BE MEMORIZED except for traditional use of the score for oratorio literature. You are also expected to contribute to the subsequent discussion. Concert Reports: TWO (2) typed reports on choral/vocal concerts, recitals or shows must be submitted by week 10 seminar or sooner. You may use any concert you have attended since the end of the previous quarter.