State Government Kentucky Scholarships Federal Government Many Kentucky businesses and organizations have set up financial aid programs to help Kentuckians with their college Public Universities costs. Some are available statewide, while others are limited to several counties, one county or one school. KHEAA has gathered information on as many of these programs as we can. Statewide programs are listed first, then county-specific Private Colleges, programs. Universities, and Seminaries Two-Year Public Colleges Trade Schools Kentucky Scholarships Index 237 Affording Higher Education 2017–2018 238 KHEAA Kentucky Scholarships Statewide Number: 10 of the American Legion or a member of Statewide Contact: Counselor or https://scholars. a Legionnaire’s family and demonstrate financial need. Howard E. and Wilma J. Adkins scholarship-programs/state-scholarships/ Award: $750 Memorial Scholarship ____________________________________________ Number: Varies Eligibility: Must be a full-time college All ‘A’ Classic Scholarship Deadline: April 28 junior or senior; be pursuing at least a 4-year Eligibility: Must be a U.S. citizen or in the Contact: Counselor or American Legion bachelor’s degree in welding engineering process of obtaining citizenship; be a Ken- Auxiliary Unit 203, P.O. Box 15036, or welding engineering technology; have tucky resident; be a graduating senior at a Covington, KY 41015, 859.291.8834, maintained at least a 3.2 GPA in engineering, Kentucky high school that is a member of
[email protected] scientific and technical subjects; have at least the All ‘A’ Classic; plan to attend a college ____________________________________________ a 2.8 overall GPA, be a U.S. citizen; and or university in Kentucky in the upcoming American Society of Heating plan to attend an academic institution in the year; be a full-time student; be drug free Refrigerating and Air Conditioning United States.