Port Numbers

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Port Numbers PORTNUMBERS (lastupdated20110610) Theportnumbersaredividedintothreeranges:theWellKnownPorts, theRegisteredPorts,andtheDynamicand/orPrivatePorts. TheWellKnownPortsarethosefrom0through1023. DCCPWellKnownportsSHOULDNOTbeusedwithoutIANAregistration. Theregistrationprocedureisdefinedin[RFC4340],Section19.9. TheRegisteredPortsarethosefrom1024through49151 DCCPRegisteredportsSHOULDNOTbeusedwithoutIANAregistration. Theregistrationprocedureisdefinedin[RFC4340],Section19.9. TheDynamicand/orPrivatePortsarethosefrom49152through65535 Avalueof0intheportnumbersregistrybelowindicatesthatnoport hasbeenallocated. ************************************************************************ *PLEASENOTETHEFOLLOWING:* ** *IESGSTATEMENTTOTHEIANA* *THEIESGBELIEVESTHATIANAMAYALLOCATEANADDITIONALPORTIN* *THE'USERPORT'RANGETOPROTOCOLSWHOSECURRENTPORTALLOCATION* *REQUIRESACCESSTOAPRIVILEGEDPORT.THISALLOCATIONSHOULDNOT* *BEAUTOMATIC,BUTMAYOCCURUPONAPPLICATIONBYANINTERESTED* *PARTYWHOSEAPPLICATIONWOULDOTHERWISEFITIANA'SPOLICIES.* ** *1.UNASSIGNEDPORTNUMBERSSHOULDNOTBEUSED.THEIANAWILLASSIGN* *THENUMBERFORTHEPORTAFTERYOURAPPLICATIONHASBEENAPPROVED.* ** *2.ASSIGNMENTOFAPORTNUMBERDOESNOTINANYWAYIMPLYAN* *ENDORSEMENTOFANAPPLICATIONORPRODUCT,ANDTHEFACTTHATNETWORK* *TRAFFICISFLOWINGTOORFROMAREGISTEREDPORTDOESNOTMEANTHAT* *ITIS"GOOD"TRAFFIC.FIREWALLANDSYSTEMADMINISTRATORSSHOULD* *CHOOSEHOWTOCONFIGURETHEIRSYSTEMSBASEDONTHEIRKNOWLEDGEOF* *THETRAFFICINQUESTION,NOTWHETHERTHEREISAPORTNUMBER* *REGISTEREDORNOT.* ************************************************************************ WELLKNOWNPORTNUMBERS TheWellKnownPortsareassignedbytheIANAandonmostsystemscan onlybeusedbysystem(orroot)processesorbyprogramsexecutedby privilegedusers. PortsareusedintheTCP[RFC793]tonametheendsoflogical connectionswhichcarrylongtermconversations.Forthepurposeof providingservicestounknowncallers,aservicecontactportis defined.Thislistspecifiestheportusedbytheserverprocessas itscontactport.Thecontactportissometimescalledthe "wellknownport". Totheextentpossible,thesesameportassignmentsareusedwiththe UDP[RFC768]. TherangeforwellknownportsmanagedbytheIANAis01023. PortAssignments: KeywordDecimalDescriptionReferences ------- ------- ----------- ---------- 0/tcpReserved 0/udpReserved #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> spritunes0/tcpShirtPocketnetTunes splitunes0/tcpShirtPocketlaunchTunes #DavidNanian<dnanian&shirtpocket.com>28September 2007 tcpmux1/tcpTCPPortServiceMultiplexer tcpmux1/udpTCPPortServiceMultiplexer #MarkLottor<MKL&nisc.sri.com> compressnet2/tcpManagementUtility compressnet2/udpManagementUtility compressnet3/tcpCompressionProcess compressnet3/udpCompressionProcess #BernieVolz<volz&cisco.com> #4/tcpUnassigned #4/udpUnassigned rje5/tcpRemoteJobEntry rje5/udpRemoteJobEntry #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #6/tcpUnassigned #6/udpUnassigned echo7/tcpEcho echo7/udpEcho #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #8/tcpUnassigned #8/udpUnassigned discard9/tcpDiscard discard9/udpDiscard #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> discard9/sctpDiscard #IETFTSVWG #RandallStewart<rrs&lakerest.net> #[RFC4960] discard9/dccpDiscardSC:DISC #IETFdccpWG,EddieKohler<kohler&cs.ucla.edu>,[RFC 4340] #10/tcpUnassigned #10/udpUnassigned systat11/tcpActiveUsers systat11/udpActiveUsers #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #12/tcpUnassigned #12/udpUnassigned daytime13/tcpDaytime(RFC867) daytime13/udpDaytime(RFC867) #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #14/tcpUnassigned #14/udpUnassigned #15/tcpUnassigned[wasnetstat] #15/udpUnassigned #16/tcpUnassigned #16/udpUnassigned qotd17/tcpQuoteoftheDay qotd17/udpQuoteoftheDay #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> msp(historic)18/tcpMessageSendProtocol msp(historic)18/udpMessageSendProtocol #RinaNethaniel<none> chargen19/tcpCharacterGenerator chargen19/udpCharacterGenerator ftpdata20/tcpFileTransfer[DefaultData] ftpdata20/udpFileTransfer[DefaultData] #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> ftpdata20/sctpFTP #IETFTSVWG #RandallStewart<rrs&lakerest.net> #[RFC4960] ftp21/tcpFileTransfer[Control] ftp21/udpFileTransfer[Control] #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> ftp21/sctpFTP #IETFTSVWG #RandallStewart<rrs&lakerest.net> #[RFC4960] ssh22/tcpTheSecureShell(SSH)Protocol ssh22/udpTheSecureShell(SSH)Protocol #[RFC4251] ssh22/sctpSSH #IETFTSVWG #RandallStewart<rrs&lakerest.net> #[RFC4960] telnet23/tcpTelnet telnet23/udpTelnet #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> 24/tcpanyprivatemailsystem 24/udpanyprivatemailsystem #RickAdams<rick&UUNET.UU.NET> smtp25/tcpSimpleMailTransfer smtp25/udpSimpleMailTransfer #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #26/tcpUnassigned #26/udpUnassigned nswfe27/tcpNSWUserSystemFE nswfe27/udpNSWUserSystemFE #RobertThomas<BThomas&F.BBN.COM> #28/tcpUnassigned #28/udpUnassigned msgicp29/tcpMSGICP msgicp29/udpMSGICP #RobertThomas<BThomas&F.BBN.COM> #30/tcpUnassigned #30/udpUnassigned msgauth31/tcpMSGAuthentication msgauth31/udpMSGAuthentication #RobertThomas<BThomas&F.BBN.COM> #32/tcpUnassigned #32/udpUnassigned dsp33/tcpDisplaySupportProtocol dsp33/udpDisplaySupportProtocol #EdCain<cain&ednunix.dca.mil> #34/tcpUnassigned #34/udpUnassigned 35/tcpanyprivateprinterserver 35/udpanyprivateprinterserver #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #36/tcpUnassigned #36/udpUnassigned time37/tcpTime time37/udpTime #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> rap38/tcpRouteAccessProtocol rap38/udpRouteAccessProtocol #RobertUllmann<ariel&world.std.com> rlp39/tcpResourceLocationProtocol rlp39/udpResourceLocationProtocol #MikeAccetta<MIKE.ACCETTA&CMUCSA.EDU> #40/tcpUnassigned #40/udpUnassigned graphics41/tcpGraphics graphics41/udpGraphics name42/tcpHostNameServer name42/udpHostNameServer nameserver42/tcpHostNameServer nameserver42/udpHostNameServer nicname43/tcpWhoIs nicname43/udpWhoIs mpmflags44/tcpMPMFLAGSProtocol mpmflags44/udpMPMFLAGSProtocol mpm45/tcpMessageProcessingModule[recv] mpm45/udpMessageProcessingModule[recv] mpmsnd46/tcpMPM[defaultsend] mpmsnd46/udpMPM[defaultsend] #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> niftp47/tcpNIFTP niftp47/udpNIFTP #SteveKille<S.Kille&isode.com> auditd48/tcpDigitalAuditDaemon auditd48/udpDigitalAuditDaemon #LarryScott<scott&zk3.dec.com> tacacs49/tcpLoginHostProtocol(TACACS) tacacs49/udpLoginHostProtocol(TACACS) #PieterDitmars<pditmars&BBN.COM> remailck50/tcpRemoteMailCheckingProtocol remailck50/udpRemoteMailCheckingProtocol #SteveDorner<sdorner&UIUC.EDU> lamaint51/tcpIMPLogicalAddressMaintenance lamaint51/udpIMPLogicalAddressMaintenance #AndyMalis<malis_a&timeplex.com> xnstime52/tcpXNSTimeProtocol xnstime52/udpXNSTimeProtocol #SusieArmstrong<Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX> domain53/tcpDomainNameServer domain53/udpDomainNameServer #PaulMockapetris<PVM&ISI.EDU> xnsch54/tcpXNSClearinghouse xnsch54/udpXNSClearinghouse #SusieArmstrong<Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX> isigl55/tcpISIGraphicsLanguage isigl55/udpISIGraphicsLanguage xnsauth56/tcpXNSAuthentication xnsauth56/udpXNSAuthentication #SusieArmstrong<Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX> 57/tcpanyprivateterminalaccess 57/udpanyprivateterminalaccess #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> xnsmail58/tcpXNSMail xnsmail58/udpXNSMail #SusieArmstrong<Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX> 59/tcpanyprivatefileservice 59/udpanyprivatefileservice #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> #60/tcpUnassigned #60/udpUnassigned nimail61/tcpNIMAIL nimail61/udpNIMAIL #SteveKille<S.Kille&isode.com> acas62/tcpACAServices acas62/udpACAServices #E.Wald<ewald&via.enet.dec.com> whois++63/tcpwhois++ whois++63/udpwhois++ #RickardSchoultz<schoultz&sunet.se> covia64/tcpCommunicationsIntegrator(CI) covia64/udpCommunicationsIntegrator(CI) #DanSmith<dan.smith&den.galileo.com> tacacsds65/tcpTACACSDatabaseService tacacsds65/udpTACACSDatabaseService #KathyHuber<khuber&bbn.com> sql*net66/tcpOracleSQL*NET sql*net66/udpOracleSQL*NET #JackHaverty<jhaverty&ORACLE.COM> bootps67/tcpBootstrapProtocolServer bootps67/udpBootstrapProtocolServer bootpc68/tcpBootstrapProtocolClient bootpc68/udpBootstrapProtocolClient #BillCroft<Croft&SUMEXAIM.STANFORD.EDU> tftp69/tcpTrivialFileTransfer tftp69/udpTrivialFileTransfer #DavidClark<ddc&LCS.MIT.EDU> gopher70/tcpGopher gopher70/udpGopher #MarkMcCahill<mpm&boombox.micro.umn.edu> netrjs171/tcpRemoteJobService netrjs171/udpRemoteJobService netrjs272/tcpRemoteJobService netrjs272/udpRemoteJobService netrjs373/tcpRemoteJobService netrjs373/udpRemoteJobService netrjs474/tcpRemoteJobService netrjs474/udpRemoteJobService #BobBraden<Braden&ISI.EDU> 75/tcpanyprivatedialoutservice 75/udpanyprivatedialoutservice #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> deos76/tcpDistributedExternalObjectStore deos76/udpDistributedExternalObjectStore #RobertUllmann<ariel&world.std.com> 77/tcpanyprivateRJEservice 77/udpanyprivateRJEservice #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> vettcp78/tcpvettcp vettcp78/udpvettcp #ChristopherLeong<leong&kolmod.mlo.dec.com> finger79/tcpFinger finger79/udpFinger #DavidZimmerman<dpz&RUTGERS.EDU> #Unauthorizedusebysomemailusers(see[RFC4146]fo rdetails) http80/tcpWorldWideWebHTTP http80/udpWorldWideWebHTTP www80/tcpWorldWideWebHTTP www80/udpWorldWideWebHTTP wwwhttp80/tcpWorldWideWebHTTP wwwhttp80/udpWorldWideWebHTTP #TimBernersLee<timbl&W3.org> http80/sctpHTTP #IETFTSVWG #RandallStewart<rrs&lakerest.net> #[RFC4960] #81Unassigned(Removedon20070906) xfer82/tcpXFERUtility xfer82/udpXFERUtility #ThomasM.Smith<Thomas.M.Smith&lmco.com> mitmldev83/tcpMITMLDevice mitmldev83/udpMITMLDevice #DavidReed<none> ctf84/tcpCommonTraceFacility ctf84/udpCommonTraceFacility #HughThomas<thomas&oils.enet.dec.com> mitmldev85/tcpMITMLDevice mitmldev85/udpMITMLDevice #DavidReed<none> mfcobol86/tcpMicroFocusCobol mfcobol86/udpMicroFocusCobol #SimonEdwards<none> 87/tcpanyprivateterminallink 87/udpanyprivateterminallink #JonPostel<postel&isi.edu> kerberos88/tcpKerberos kerberos88/udpKerberos #B.CliffordNeuman<bcn&isi.edu> sumittg89/tcpSU/MITTelnetGateway sumittg89/udpSU/MITTelnetGateway
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