Queen Christina of Sweden's Construction of A
DISPLAY AS IDENTITY: QUEEN CHRISTINA OF SWEDEN’S CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC IMAGE THROUGH HER STANZA DEI QUADRI By KATHERINE AUNE Bachelor of Arts, 2012 Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida Submitted to the Faculty Graduate Division of the College of FIne Arts Texas Christian University In partIal fulfIllment of the requIrements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS May, 2015 DISPLAY AS IDENTITY: QUEEN CHRISTINA OF SWEDEN’S CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC IMAGE THROUGH HER STANZA DEI QUADRI ThesIs Approved: ___________________________________________________ Dr. Babette Bohn, Major Professor ____________________________________________________ Dr. Lindsay Dunn _____________________________________________________ Dr. C. D. Dickerson, Curator of European Art, KImbell Art Museum, Fort Worth _____________________________________________________ Dr. Joseph Butler, AssocIate Dean for the College of FIne Arts II Copyright © 2015 by KatherIne Aune All RIghts Reserved III ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my thesIs advIsor and committee chaIr, Dr. Babette Bohn, for her tIme and guIdance. Her support and advIce have pushed me beyond my comfort zone to become a better wrIter and art hIstorIan. I also wIsh to thank Dr. Lindsay Dunn and Dr. C. D. DIckerson for agreeIng to be on my thesIs committee and for theIr tIme and suggestions. ThIs thesIs has benefItted greatly from theIr comments and encouragement. I would lIke to acknowledge Dr. Amy Freund, Dr. Mark ThIstlethwaIte, Dr. Lori Diel, and Dr. Fran Colpitt for expandIng my knowledge of art hIstory and makIng my graduate experIence excItIng and challenging. To my fellow MA candIdates, Alejo, Taylor, AurIel, Dawn, and Meg, thanks for your support, laughter, and friendship. Thanks to Sharon Gouwens and Edith Riley- PeInado for always beIng avaIlable to lIsten and commiserate.
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