Earth-Moon Relationships - 8/10 November 2000 - Padova (Italy) Conference Programme
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Earth-Moon Relationships - 8/10 November 2000 - Padova (Italy) Conference Programme 8 NOVEMBER - AULA MAGNA OF THE UNIVERSITY 8.30-16.30 Registration 9.30-10.00 Welcome Addresses Magnifico Rettore, President of the Galilean Academy, Civil Authorities, Cesare Barbieri Chairman A. Lepschy (President Elect, Accademia Galileiana) 10.00-10.30 William Carroll (Boston University) Goodly Frame, Spotty Globe: Earth and Moon in Renaissance Literature 10.30-11.00 Commander David R. Scott (Apollo 15) A Perspective on the Earth from the Moon 11.00-11.30 Carle M. Pieters (Brown University) Mysteries of the Farside of the Moon: What Galileo Couldn't See 11.30-12.00 James Head III (Brown University) Lunar and Planetary Geological Perspectives on the History of the Earth 12.00-12.30 Roberta J.M. Olson (Wheaton College, Mass.), Moonstruck: Depictions of the Moon in Western Art Jay M. Pasachoff (Williams College, Mass.) 12.30–14.30 Short visit of the University Palace and Buffet Lunch offered by the University 8 November First afternoon session Aula Magna 14.30-16.00 Chairman B. Zanettin (President, Istituto Veneto di Scienze , Lettere ed Arti) 14.30-15.00 Heinrich Waenke (Max-Planck-Inst. Mainz) Geochemical evidence for a close genetic relationship of Earth and Moon 15.00-15.30 Michael Mendillo (Boston University) The Atmosphere of the Moon 15.30-16.00 Toby Owen (Hawaii University) Nitrogen in the Earth-Moon system 16.00-16.30 Coffee Break 16.30-18.30 Second Afternoon session Aula Magna Chairman M. Rizzotti (Dept. Of Biology, University of Padova) 16.30-17.00 Mark DeAntonio (UCLA) 'Lunacy' in Mentally Disturbed Children 17.00-17.30 Giorgio Zanchin (Padova University) Macro and microcosmus: Moon influence on human body 17.30-18.00 Ernest Naylor (University of Wales-Bangor) Marine animal behaviour in relation to lunar phase 18.00-18.30 Abhijit Basu (Indiana University, USA) Sediments of the Moon and Earth for Comparative Emanuela Molinaroli (University of Venezia) Planetology 21.00-22.00 Concert Sala dei Giganti 1 9 NOVEMBER - ACCADEMIA GALILEIANA 9.00-10.40 First Morning Session Chairman H. Waenke (MPI fuer Chemie, Mainz, Germany) 9.00-9.25 Guy J. Consolmagno (Specola Vaticana) Apollo Samples and the Geochemical Determination of Basaltic Achondrite Parent Bodies 9.25-9.50 Addi Bischoff (Muenster University, Germany) Fantastic new chondrites, achondrites, and Lunar meteorites as the result of recent meteorite search expeditions in hot and cold deserts 9.50-10.15 Michael A. Rappenglück (University of Munich, Paleolithic Timekeepers Looking at the Golden Gate Germany) of the Ecliptic: The Lunar Cycle and the Pleiades in the Cave of La-Tête-du-Lion (Ardéche, France) - 21,000 BP 10.15-10.40 Chris Benn (Isaac Newton Group) Influence of the Moon on the Origin of Life 10.40-11.10 Coffee Break 9 November Second Morning Session Accademia Galileiana 11.10-13.00 Chairman E. Morgan (School of Biological Sciences,The University of Birmingham, UK) 11.10-11.35 Dario Camuffo (CNR Padova) Lunar Influences on Climate 11.35-12.00 Joan S. Davis (Swiss Federal Inst. For Environ. Water: Communicator in Moon-Earth Relationships Science and Technology, Zurich) 12.00-12.25 Wolfgang Schad (University Witten/Herdecke) Lunar influence on plants 12.25-12.50 Ernst Zuercher (Swiss Federal Institute of Lunar Rhythms in Forestry Traditions - Lunar- Technology) correlated Phenomena in Tree Biology and Wood Properties 13.00-14.30 Lunch Break 14.30-16.40 First Afternoon session Accademia Galileiana Chairman F. Angrilli (Director of CISAS – University of Padova) 14.30-14.55 Marcello Coradini, Bernard Foing, Giuseppe SMART1, the First Time of Europe on the Moon Racca (ESA) 14.55-15.20 Giovanni Bignami (ASI) Claire de Lune on the Italian Space Science Programme 15.20-15.45 Bernard Foing (ESA) Future Exploration and Utilization of the Moon 15.45-16.10 Manuel Grande (Rutherford Appleton The D-Cixs X-Ray Spectrometer on ESA’s Smart-1 Laboratory, Chilton, UK) Mission to the Moon 16.10-16.40 Coffee Break 2 16.40-18.45 Second Afternoon session Accademia Galileiana Chairman G. Consolmagno S.J. (Specola Vaticana) 16.40-17.05 Stewart McCallum (University of Washington, Composition and structure of the lunar crust in light Seattle) of the Clementine and Prospector missions 17.05-17.30 Roberto Gallino (Torino University), Gerald J. Radioactivities in the Early Solar System Wasserburg (CalTech, USA), Maurizio Busso (Torino University) 17.30-17.55 Alex N. Halliday, Don Porcelli The chemical effects of giant impacts: the difference (Zurich University) between Theia and Selene 17.55-18.20 Francesca Matteucci (University of Trieste) The formation of chemical elements and their abundance in the Solar System 18.20-18.35 Franco Giacosa (Zonin) Winemaking Traditions and Moon Influence (and illustration of the Wines for the Dinner ) 20.30 Conference Dinner Restaurant: La Bulesca, Rubano (transportation will be provided). Afterdinner Event: Prof. G. Bignami (ASI) will present his latest book on Galileo Galilei: Against the Donning of the Gown 3 10 NOVEMBER - ACCADEMIA GALILEIANA 9.00-10.40 First Morning Session Accademia Galileiana Chairman U. Keller (MPI fuer Aeronomie, Lindau, Germany) 9.00- 9.25 Sigfrido Leschiutta (Politecnico Torino) Reckoning Time and Earth Using the Moon 9.25- 9.50 Pasquale Tucci, Guido Tagliaferri, (Milano Carlini and Plana on the Theory of the Moon and University) their Dispute with Laplace 9.50-10.15 Giovanni Valsecchi, (IAS, CNR Roma) On the orbit of the Moon 10.15-10.40 Andrew Glikson (Australian National University, Lunar spherules and the 3.2 Ga impact cataclysm in Camberra) the Earth-Moon system 10.40-11.10 Coffee Break 11.10-13.00 Second Morning Session Accademia Galileiana Chairman F. Bertola (Dept. Of Astronomy, University of Padova) 11.10-11.35 M.G. Bentley, P.J.W. Olive, K. Last Sexual satellites, moonlight and the nuptial dances of (University of Newcastle) worms: the influence of the moon on the reproduction of marine animals 11.35-12.00 Elfed Morgan (The University of Birmingham) The Times of the Moon 12,00-12.25 Marie Jourdain de Muizon (Vilspa, Spain, and The Moon and Extra-Solar Planets Paris Observatory, France) 12.25-12.50 Luigi Peruzzo, Denis Bastieri The Search for Antimatter in Cosmic Rays with the (Padova University) Moon 13.00-14.30 Lunch Break 14.30-16.40 First Afternoon session Accademia Galileiana Chairman P. Tucci (Dept. of Physics, University of Milano) 14.30-14.55 Mons. Claudio Bellinati (Curia Vescovile, The Significance of the Moon in XIV Century Padova) Paintings in Padua 14.55-15.20 Luisa Pigatto, Valeria Zanini Lunar Maps of the 18th and 19th Century: Tobias (Astronomical Observatory, Padova) Mayer’s Map and its Little Known Italian Edition 15.20-15.45 Leopoldo Benacchio (Astronomical Observatory, The importance of the Moon in teaching Astronomy Padova) in the Primary School 15.45-16.10 Oddone Longo (Padova University) Ancient Moons 16.10-16.40 Coffee Break 4 16.40-18.30 Second Afternoon session Accademia Galileiana Chairman R. Olson (Wheaton College, Mass. USA) 16.40-17.05 Christian Koeberl (University of Vienna) Impact Craters on the Moon: from Galileo to Hooke, Hevelius, Riccioli and Wegener 17.05-17.30 Dona A. Jalufka, Christian Koeberl (University Moonstruck: How realistic is the moon depicted in of Vienna) classic science fiction movies? 17.30-17.50 Projection of film by Georges Melies (1902): “Le voyage dans la Lune” with comments by D. Jalufka and Christian Koeberl 17.50-18.15 Jean-Pierre Swings (University of Liege, Highlights of the Conference and Concluding Belgium) Remarks Note: underlined authors are the ones actually delivering the talk. 5 Posters Paola Antolini (Centro Int. d'Intervento per la Cooperazione (CRIC)): The Moon between Traditional Knowledge and Science Cosmogonies, poetry and present implications as collective memory of human kind Cesare Barbieri, Stefano Verani (Padova University), Chris Benn (ING), Gabriele Cremonese (Padova Astronomical Observatory) : Meteor Shower on the moon Atmosphere Cesare Barbieri, Gabriele Cremonese, Sonia Fornasier, Monica Lazzarin, Simone Marchi, Roberto Ragazzoni, Francesca Rampazzi, Stefano Verani (Padova University, Padova Astronomical Observatory), Chris Benn (Isaac Newton Group, Canary Islands), Michael Mendillo, Jeff Baumgartner, Jody Wilson, Supriya Chakrabarti (University of Boston), Mauro Dolci (Teramo Astronomical Observatory): LUNAM - LUNar Atmospheric Mission Chris Benn (ING): Rainbows, Haloes and Earthshine Francesca Romana Berno (Padova University): The Moon of Seneca Francesco Bertola (Padova University): The Moon, the Stars and the Milk Fabrizio Bonoli (Bologna University): Discovering the Face of the Moon Massimo Capaccioli, Emilia Olostro Cirella (Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, Italy), Enrica Stendardo, Nicla Virgilio (Second University of Naples): Science Fiction in Naples in the Middle of the 19-th Century B.H. Foing, M.Duke, H. Mizutani, E. Galimov and ILEWG (ESA): Report from the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) Foing B.H., Racca G. , Marini A. and SMART-1 Science and Technology Working Team (ESA): The ESA SMART-1 Mission to the Moon: Goals and Science B.H. Foing and ICEUM4 organising committee (ESA): Recommendations from the 4th International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon (ICEUM4) B.H. Foing, P. van Susante , M. Almeida, D. Heather, S. Dunkin, M. Duke and Lunar Explorers (ESA): The Lunar Explorers Society Marcella Folin, Mauro De Biaggi, Martino Rizzotti (Padova University): Lunation and Primate Menses Horst Uwe Keller (MPAe, Lindau Germany): Mapping the moon with SIR, an infrared spectrometer for SMART1 Mauro Leonardi*, Sigfrido Leschiutta° (*Alenia Spazio, Roma, °Politecnico di Torino): Radioastronomy and Radiointerferometry on the "Hidden" Lunar Surface Giuliano Romano (Padova University): Lunar Calendars Jaroslav Strestik (Geophysical Inst., Acad. Sci. of the Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic) The response of the August 11, 1999, total solar eclipse in the geomagnetic field J.