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'Wil Jy Soos Jou Man Lyk?' HARDWORKING AND AFFORDABLE Nissan NP200 1.6 8V Base WAS VAT R164 900 Included NOW R152 900OR CRAZY DEAL BERTIE BOUCHER R2 199pm 083 953 9933 • T&C’s apply • Nissan Finance only. • Limited stock available • Compulsory on the road fees apply 16 Union Street, Vereeniging www.starnissan.co.za • www.starmotor.mobi R5,40 8 November - 10 November 2017 Tel. (016) 950-7000 http://www.vaalweekblad.com ‘Wil jy soos jou man lyk?’ Bikers slaan man (57), dreig vrou Dolf Boucher (57) van Falconridge in Vereeni- ging, het Saterdag onder die vuiste van lede van die Mac’s-motorfietsklub van Krugersdorp deur- geloop toe hy ‘n vriend by die Vaal Skouterrein in Vereeniging wou help. Sy vrou Chantell is ook dreigend gevra ‘of sy soos haar man wil lyk’ toe sy hom wou help. Foto: Jannie du Plessis Raw sewage in Vaal River - P 2 Beskuldigde getuig oor doodskote 0 4 5 1 7 Bl. 3 - Bl. 3 9 771024 158008 UNLEASH THE BEAST NISSAN NAVARA 2.3D 4X4 SE M/T Deal not applicable with trade-in. Offer ONLY available CRAZY DEAL through Nissan Finance and WAS subject to approval on Finance terms of prime rate and Balloon p.m. R518 900 R6 599 payment. Pricing subject to Purchase price R518 900, Customer deposit R0, change without prior notice Dealer deposit assistance R70 000, 72 months, Prime from manufacturer. Limited NOW R448 900 OR interest rate, Final payment R181 615, T&C’s apply stock available. Monthly Instalment and Total Payment exclude monthly fees of R68 and mandatory insurances but include initiation and administration fees. Interest rates are linked to prime. Offers are subject to approval and are only available through Nissan Finance, a division of Wesbank, a division of FirstRand Bank Ltd, an authorised financial services and credit provider, NCRCP20. A PRODUCT OF WESBANK CONTACT TEL 078 511 8672 16 Union Street, Vereeniging • www.starnissan.co.za • www.starmotor.mobi 2 Vaalweekblad, 8 November - 10 November 2017 News www.vaalweekblad.com Raw sewage in Vaal River poses acute health risk Retha Fitchat sewage spill. “We believe that the Emfuleni direct contact with the polluted water,” says amount of faecal matter could be seen float- VANDERBIJLPARK. - The environmental Health Department needs to be involved as the Ms Stewart. ing on or near the water surface. This appar- pressure group SAVE as well as Vaalweek- extremely high E-coli counts could cause ill- With Vaalweekblad’s visit the past weekend ently didn’t put off water enthusiasts, as blad were over the past weekend inundated nesses such as skin irritations, infections and to the Vaal River near Baddrift Bridge and many were seen enjoying the warm weath- with enquiries from concerned residents gastric disturbances to people who come into Abrahamrust Holiday Resort, an enormous er in motor boats and on jet skis. who reported that the state and smell of the * E.coli counts (which indicate sewage) Vaal River were intolerable. in the Rietspruit where it enters at Loch This was after a huge volume of raw Vaal are currently measured at 73 000 sewage ended up in the Vaal River and counts per 100 ml of water. The previous Loch Vaal. Emfuleni Local Municipality on week the count was 57 000 at the same sam- Friday (November 3) issued a warning on pling point, reports Ms Stewart. E-coli its website to residents of Vaaloewer that counts at the mouth of the Klip River in their water source may be polluted with hu- Vereeniging are recorded at 6 570 counts man or animal waste. per 100 ml. The Water Demand Management Team These counts are far in excess of any ac- was at that stage working on resolving the ceptable level, says Ms Stewart. The web- problem and undertook to let residents site www.reservoir.co.za also reports that know when it would again be safe to use the E.coli, Cryptosporidium and Giardia tap water. counts in Emfuleni’s water were extremely “The pollution problem extends from the high in September and posed acute health Klip River where it enters the Vaal River risks. That was before the latest raw sewage in Vereeniging, through Vanderbijl, includ- spill which has indisputably affected the ing Loch Vaal and the Rietspruit,” says Ms water quality even more. Maureen Stewart, a concerned spokesper- son for SAVE. The Vaal River that runs through Van- “As far as we are aware, the sources of derbijlpark and Vaalpark is one of Emfu- the pollution have not been pinpointed. leni's most favoured tourism destina- This, despite considerable efforts by the tions. Many people were seen on the wa- Emfuleni sanitation team who are doing ter in motor boats and jet skis the past their best to establish the sources,” she says. weekend, amid news of a massive raw Emfuleni Local Council has not issued sewage spill that ended up in this beau- a formal statement about the most recent tiful river area. DA-hoofsweep wen steun in Sasolburg Schalk le Roux busse opdaag en sodoende die eerste munisi- gestem word. SASOLBURG. – Met die langverwagte tus- paliteit in die Vrystaat word onder DA be- Van die punte waaraan hy geraak het is senverkiesing in Metsimaholo net om die heer. Van daar sal ander munisipaliteite se korrupsie wat beëindig moet word, beter draai, het die DA verlede week die spreek- inwoners kan sien hoe goed dit onder die DA dienslewering, beter infrastruktuur, om die woordelike “big guns” uitgeruk in hul hoop se beheer gaan en dan teen die volgende ver- area aantrekliker te maak vir beleggers en om Metsimaholo die eerste munisipaliteit in kiesing hul kruisie agter die DA trek. dan, ‘n groot hoofpyn in Metsimaholo tans, die Vrystaat op hul kerfstok te maak. Tipies Steenhuisen, het hy ook ‘n paar die munisipale rekeninge wat tans chaoties John Steenhuisen, DA hoofsweep, Patri- kwinkslae gehad soos toe hy in die parlement is, sal hul regmaak. Hy het die aand afgesluit cia Kopane (provinsiale leier in die Vrystaat vir Ace Magashule sê: “You are from the Free deur vrae van die gehoor te beantwoord en en skaduminister van gesondheid), Annelie State, where you get everything for free and het weer benadruk dat inwoners van Metsi- Lotriet (provinsiale voorsitter DA, Vrystaat the province is in a state”. Hy het egter ook maholo moet saamstaan en hul stem dik skaduminister van wetenskap en tegnologie) die fokus geplaas op wat presies die DA in maak by die stempunte vir ‘n beter toekoms en Roy Jankielsohn (DA-leier in die provin- Metsimaholo kan vermag indien hul wel in- vir almal. siale wetgewer), het inwoners van Metsima- holo in verskeie gebiede toegespreek en die DA se burgemeesterskandidaat en wykskan- didate aan die inwoners bekend gemaak. Ar- Koalisie sal almal se noldi du Toit, vorige speaker van die Metsi- maholo Munisipaliteit, is die DA kandidaat vir burgemeester. John Steenhuisen het die belange dien - Groenewald aand by inwoners gepleit om op 29 Novem- John Steenhuisen spreek inwoners van ber in hul hordes by die stembusse op te daag. SASOLBURG. - “Ons het ekonomiese Metsimaholo bied aan die kieser die ge- Metsimaholo in Vaalpark toe. Foto: Schalk Volgens hom voel die DA dat hul Metsima- groei nodig om die finansiële krisis waarin leentheid om sy of haar stem te laat geld, le Roux holo kan wen indien die mense by die stem- Suid-Afrika en hierdie munisipaliteit om op te staan vir sy of haar regte, om homself bevind, te beredder. Die VF Plus die ANC uit bewind te hou en die VF Plus staan die beleid teë wat ekonomiese groei die geleentheid te gee om sy of haar belan- strem en bied daadwerklike oplossings om ge in ‘n koalisieregering te verteenwoor- die toestand van hierdie munisipaliteit te dig,” het Groenewald gesê. verbeter.” Dit was dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus, se belofte toe hy inwoners en sakelui van die Metsimaholo Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, wat Sasolburg, Deneysville en Oranjeville insluit, on- langs in Sasolburg toegespreek het. Groenewald het aan gaste in die stamp- vol lokaal gesê dat die munisipaliteit ‘n nuwe begin nodig het en die VF Plus se agtpuntplan om dienslewering in die mu- nisipaliteit te verbeter, as die oplossing voorgehou. Hy het ook ‘n oorsig oor die huidige politieke landskap in Suid-Afrika gegee en veral klem gelê op die belangrik- heid van koalisiepolitiek. “Die VF Plus dien as die waghond in die raadsale op plaaslike, provinsiale en nasionale vlak. ‘n Eenpartyregering, soos Botulinum Toksien & Fillers wat ons tans in Suid-Afrika het, is ‘n euwel omdat sodanige party, ongeag wie dit is, met die meerderheid setels kan doen wat hy wil. Deur ‘n koalisieregering sal die be- Dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF lange van alle gemeenskappe gedien Plus, tydens sy onlangse praatjie in Sa- Tel. 016 422 2323 - Fax. 016 422 2323 - Tel. 016 422 1071 - Media Village, Cnr Joubert and Grey ave, Vereeniging - www.vivente.co.za word. “Die komende tussenverkiesing in solburg. www.vaalweekblad.com Nuus Vaalweekblad, 8 November - 10 November 2017 3 Klopper stel sy kant oor skietdood Carla du Plessis geskiet na een van sy vriende, Etienne Schrei- hulle kan ry. vuis geslaan, waarna Klopper sy hand op sy VEREENIGING. - Die beskuldigde in die Ga- ber, Klopper en sy vriend vroeër die aand in Klopper het besluit dat Etienne nêrens heen vuurwapen gesit het. Die tweede hou het geval, vin Victor-moordverhoor, Stephanus Klopper, ‘n onderonsie betrokke was in die kroeg. gaan voordat die polisie nie daar is nie. en Klopper het op sy rug geval en sy bril ver- het verlede week die geleentheid gehad om sy Gideon Louw, ‘n gekwalifiseerde oogkundi- Klopper sê hy het rustig na hulle gestap en loor.
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