Liikenne- Ja Viestintäministeriö Mahti-Asiakirjamalli
1(2) Programme Motorways of the Sea -visit, programme Visit of the European Coordinator for the Motorways of the Sea to Finland 11.-13.12.2017 11.12.2017 Day 1 The Baltic Sea best practices 07:30-12:00 Flight Brussels-Helsinki / Flight Manchester-Helsinki 12:00-12:30 Lunch, IB Sisu, Arctia, Laivastokatu 9 12:30-13:30 The Baltic Sea best maritime practices, Arctia, Laivastokatu 9 o Opening of the MoS visit and the Baltic Sea best practices seminar, Lassi Hilska, ministry of transport and communication o Welcome to Arctia, Tero Vauraste, Arctia o Arctia icebreaking services, Tom Ekegren, Arctia o Winter navigation, Tuomas Taivi, Finnish Transport Agency o Vessel Traffic Services VTS and STM -project, Thomas Erlund, Finnish Transport Agency o Hydrographic surveying progress in the Baltic Sea, FAMOS Odin -project, Seppo Mäkinen, Finnish Transport Agency / Hydrographic Office and An- dreas Andersson, Swedish Maritime Administration 13:30-14:30 Visiting IB Polaris and IB Voima, WINMOS II -project 15:15-15:45 Meeting with the ministry of transport Anne Berner, Parliament of Finland, Mannerheimintie 30, Helsinki 12.12.2017 Day 2 Upgrade of the maritime links 9:00-10:00 Gathering and introduction of the terminal, Port of Helsinki, West Terminal 2, Tyynenmerenkatu 14, Helsinki 10:30-12:30 M/S Megastar Helsinki-Tallinna, Comfort Lounge, deck 8 MoS seminar: o Detailed Implementation plan of MoS, Brian Simpson o Short presentations and status of the ongoing MoS projects: . DOOR2LNG, Antti Laukkanen, Containerships . Bothnia Bulk, Mikki Koskinen, ESL Shipping . NextGen Link, Markku Alahäme, Port of Turku . Upgrade and development of the intermodal Baltic MoS link Rostock-Hanko, Lotta Gottberg, Port of Hanko .
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