The Butterflies of Luxembourg

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The Butterflies of Luxembourg The butterflies of Luxembourg Abundance trends, species richness and distribution DATA PRODUCTION RECORDER, J. Cungs, M. Hellers, R. Proess + T. De Sousa, N. Elvinger, M. Hellers, N. Mayon, J.P. Rolin, G. SICONA, SIAS Schmidt 2 SPECIES RICHNESS B. daphne P. mannii C. argiades + 2 +1 100 85 82 -17 -4 A. niobe E. maturna H. lucina C. glycerion S. spini I. podalirius C. hero M. phoebe L. virgaurea E. aethiops M. didyma… B. euphrosyne 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1904 1999 1851 1854 1889 1893 1901 1913 1917 1923 1926 1930 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 3 1800 4 10000 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 1800 1851 1854 1889 SPECIES 1893 1901 1904 1913 1917 RICHNESS 1923 1926 1930 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 TRANSECT-BASED SURVEY 959 sections (50-200m): • Method = Pollard walk • 58 % randomly selected = Common Luxembourg landscape • 53% inside NATURA 2000 (mostly open habitats) M. Molitor 6 M. Molitor TRANSECT-BASED SURVEY mean 7 TRANSECT-BASED SURVEY =common landscape 8 TRANSECT-BASED SURVEY • Pollard walk in about 22 European countries/regions EU trend LU trend LU distribution Lasiommata megera Widepsread Strong decline Strong increase Countryside Ochlodes sylvanus Widepsread Moderate decline Strong decline Countryside Coenonympha pamphilus Widepsread Stable Strong decline Countryside Maniola jurtina Widepsread Stable Strong decline Countryside Lycaena phlaeas Widepsread Stable Uncertain Countryside Polyommatus icarus Widepsread Moderate increase Strong decline Countryside Anthocharis cardamines Widepsread Moderate increase Uncertain Countryside Phengaris arion N2000 Specialist Strong decline Natural areas Thymelicus acteon Specialist Moderate decline Natural areas Euphydryas aurinia N2000 Specialist Stable Natural areas Erynnis tages Specialist Stable Natural areas Polyommatus coridon Specialist Stable Natural areas Cupido minimus Specialist Stable Natural areas Spialia sertorius Specialist Moderate increase Natural areas Polyommatus bellargus Specialist Moderate increase Natural areas Cyaniris semiargus Specialist Stable Strong decline Countryside 9 Phengaris nausithous N2000 Specialist Moderate decline Absent from LU TRANSECT-BASED SURVEY • European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (eBMS) database • Data sharing agreement between 14 country/regions • Facilitate large-scale studies • European online encoding form: 10 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Species distribution • ≈ 102.000 unique records (including ≈1.500 non-detection records) • Distribution maps • Red-list 11 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Distribution Violet Copper Large Copper Large Blue Marsh Fritillary (Lycaena helle) (Lycaena dispar) (Phengaris arion) (Euphydryas aurinia) 1990 - 2009 AND 2010 - 2016 H. Baltus 2010 – 2016 only Before 1989 only 1990 – 2009 only 12 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Distribution Violet Copper Large Copper Large Blue Marsh Fritillary (Lycaena helle) (Lycaena dispar) (Phengaris arion) (Euphydryas aurinia) H. Baltus 13 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Distribution Violet Copper Large Copper Large Blue Marsh Fritillary (Lycaena helle) (Lycaena dispar) (Phengaris arion) (Euphydryas aurinia) N. Titeux 14 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Distribution Violet Copper Large Copper Large Blue Marsh Fritillary (Lycaena helle) (Lycaena dispar) (Phengaris arion) (Euphydryas aurinia) H. Baltus 15 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Distribution trend 1990-2009 2010-2016 ≥2 surveys ≥2 surveys ? ? 17 BUTTERFLY ATLAS Survey effort estimates • 1°Presence only data • 2°Distribution model 200m • 3°Binarization and up scaling =>1km • 4°Survey effort • 5°Species distribution 18 THANK YOU 19.
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