Persp Spring 06.Indd

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Persp Spring 06.Indd How to Correct Errors • OLYMPIC Profile • Why Respect Opponents? • Hydration Strategy the offi cial publication of the CABC • Issue 9 • Spring 2006 the information source for every coach A HEADS UP for Coaches & Parents COACH CAREER PATHWAYS LAYING THE FRAMEWORK FOR OPTIMAL COACH CAREER PATHWAYS HOW YOU PRACTICE MAY BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU PRACTICE! COACH: WHAT IS YOUR PROVINCIAL SPORT ORGANIZATION DOING FOR YOU? PROVINCIAL SPORT CONTACTS • NCCP COURSE SCHEDULE • COACHING TIPS • CLIPBOARD COACHING NOTES With Olympic (cont. from previous page) fever still in the We received great feedback and we look air, it is hard not forward to our next webcast at the end to be excited of March. about being involved in sport Asking Questions? Physical Talent vs. On April 8th, the CABC will be hosting in BC these days. the “Reflections on Torino” event at Not only have In a study of 22 expert sport instructors, Attitude in Sports SFU Harbour Centre. We will be bringing we seen some Spring2006 a consistent interaction pattern together 4 of Canada’s national coaches great results from emerged. They asked questions—a lot In a study presented by Shari Young who attended the Torino Games, and they athletes who live of questions. The questions the experts Kuchenbecker, Loyola Marymount will be sharing their insights that other and train here in the province, we are in this issue: asked supplied them with knowledge Univeristy, Los Angeles, reported that coaches attending multi-sport games can also proud to see that these athletes 10 they used to personalize the instruction a young athlete’s success depends learn from. are being guided by our very own BC much more on a good attitude than on according to the athletes’ background, On a sad note, my side kick of many coaches. on the cover physical talent. She surveyed over 600 ability, knowledge and motivations. years is moving on. Marni Abbott, who coaches of girls and boys under 22 years To prepare our athletes for the Olympic Questions were also asked to check has been an important staff member showcase here in Vancouver in 2010, Coaches Career Pathways for understanding. If something was of age, asking them to “describe a young of the CABC, and who has been governments are now committing 10 Laying the Framework for Optimal misunderstood, it was clarifi ed. Once athlete who is a real winner” by picking affectionately known as my other half of more funding to coach development Coach Career Pathways the coaches got athletes talking by asking five attributes from a checklist that the “Bickerson” family, has accepted a and coaching services. Support for questions, the athletes kept right on included 64 physical and 64 psychological position that will allow her to coach full coaches will come from new funding a closer look talking. When athletes started talking, characteristics. Overwhelmingly, the time. Marni has a passion for coaching, support from the federal and provincial the coaches listened. They accepted the coaches selected psychological qualities. and although she will be missed here governments, and from 2010 Legacies Hydration Strategy athletes’ ideas and built upon them to The most frequently mentioned attributes in the office, I also know that she will Now. With these new funds now in accelerate the lesson far beyond what were “loves to play” (43%), “positive be pursuing her dream job. I would like place, the provincial sport system CATA Calls on Coaches, Therapists, Parenst and Active 5 any novice might achieve. Athletes attitude” (33%), “self-motivated” (27%) to personally acknowledge all that she is ready to embark on a serious Canadians to Adopt Recommended Hydration Strategy felt encouraged to freely express their and “team player” (26%). Physical has done for the organization and to hiring campaign of full time coaches Concussion insights. With questions, these coaches skills rated very low. The fi rst physical supporting you, the coach. throughout the sport system. This A Heads Up for Coaches and Parents 6 understood their athletes and developed characteristics mentioned – “natural support will provide our athletes, 6 physical athlete” – came in 19th and was throughout the sport system, with COACH: a relationship based on respect with the mutual goal of the athletes’ success. selected by just 11 percent of coaches. many more experts that they can draw What is your Provincial Sport 14 Understanding what a team member This information has been provided upon to develop their athletic skills. Organization is doing for you? 15 or individual athlete is thinking can go to us compliments of the American In early February the provincial How You Practice May Be a long way in achieving mutual goals. Psychological Association. government also announced a new 15 More Important Than What And asking questions is one sign of an BAD PARROT lottery program called “SportsFunder” You Practice expert—how do you think they came to EPO Jimmy received a parrot for his birthday. that will directly support the provincial Why Respect Opponents? know so much? The parrot was fully grown, with a very bad sport system. Revenues from this attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other program will support the KidSport 16 Coaches may fi nd the following website word was an expletive; those that weren’t What is it? expletives were, to say the least, rude. program, Team BC, Team Travel, and useful. The company is Performance Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone Jimmy tried to change the bird’s attitude by Coaching. The funds for the coaching Matters Inc. which specializes in research naturally produced by the kidneys. constantly saying polite words, playing soft component will certainly assist coach and programs to develop expertise in music... anything he could think of. Nothing your perspective However, this hormone can be artifi cially development in our smaller centres. sport. The site contains free articles, worked. produced to improve the performance Olympic Profi le newsletter and presentations on expert He yelled at the bird, and the bird got At the federal level, the Prime Minister, of, for example, athletes or cyclists by worse. He shook the bird, and the bird got Rob Kober, Freestlye Skiing (Moguls) sport performance and expert coaching: during his campaign, pledged a 18 injection. madder and even ruder. Finally, in a moment minimum of 1% of the federal health By Judy Joseph of desperation, Jimmy put the parrot in budget per year to physical activity and the freezer. For a few moments he heard sport. NCCP Courses/Provincial Sport Contacts Why would athletes the bird swearing, squawking, kicking and 19 18 Three Steps to screaming and then, suddenly, there was With all these new funding do this? absolute quiet. commitments, our sport system is Effective Practice: Its overall effect is to increase endurance Jimmy was frightened that he might have actually hurt the bird, and quickly opened beginning to look very healthy indeed. A Quarterly Publication of the: • Begin with a clear practice goal and, in athletics, it is used mainly by long the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped Contributing Writers: The Coaches Association distance-runners. It is injected under Our first ever “webcast” that we Heather Kent, Richard Way and Declan of BC is supported by in mind. out onto Jimmy’s extended arm and said, O'Leary, Jack Blatherwick, Judy Joseph. 2010 Legacies Now the skin and stimulates red blood cell “I’m sorry that I offended you with my presented at the end of January was Publication Agreement # 40972566 • Select practice activities that are as language and my actions, and I ask your Editor Marni Abbott-Peter production. The more red cells there are Return undeliverable Canadian a great success. Although there were Publisher CABC CABC Zone Representatives close to actual performance conditions forgiveness. I will endeavor to correct my Zone 1 Rep. Brian Taylor addresses to: in your body, the more oxygen that can a couple of glitches for some trying Design Sharkbite Art & Design behavior”. Zone 2 Rep. Wendy Wheeler as possible (to promote transfer from CABC Board of Directors Zone 3 Rep. Chris Johnson Coaches Association of BC be delivered to the muscles. This delays Jimmy was astounded at the changes in the to access the web site, it worked practice to performance) President Judy Latoski Zone 4 Rep. Mike Renney #345 - 1367 West Broadway St. the onset of fatigue, meaning an athlete bird’s attitude and was about to ask what extremely well for the vast majority. VP Marketing Tim Frick Zone 5 Rep. Gail Donohue Vancouver, BC V6H 4A9 VP Finance Frank Reynolds Zone 6 Rep. Elaine Dagg-Jackson tel: 604-298-3137 • When your practice goal is reached, can run harder and for longer. had changed him, when the parrot continued, VP Human Resources Kathy Newman Zone 7 Rep. Vacant fax: 604-738-7175 “May I ask what the Chicken did?” (cont. on opposite page) Past President Deb Nowell Zone 8 Rep. Vacant toll free: 1-800-335-3120 your practice is fi nished. Executive Director Gordon May e-mail: [email protected] home page: Perspective Spring 2006 3 (cont. from previous page) How effective is this drug? Tests in Australia have shown that improvements in an athlete’s performance Are You a Good Teacher? over four weeks would match those Hydration Strategy expected over several years. One day, after you have taught your athletes a new skill, rate yourself with this questionnaire. Ask another coach to rate you also, as the practice proceeds. Compare Is its use detectable? notes and decide if there is anything you would like to try and improve. It cannot be traced by conventional CATA Calls On Coaches, Therapists, Parents and Active Canadians to Adopt drug testing.
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